WHAT SHOULD HE TELL HER? Father of Girl Who Lost i Both Feet Faces Problem Reno, June 30 (U.B The father of a pretty, athletic 13-year-" girl who lost both feet when she was run over by a speedboat "at Lake Tahoe Monday today faced the "biggest problem" of his - life: How to tell Imogene Wittsche of Roseville, Calif., that both v foot unm missinff and not . K..,uH hnnlr nn" and lust COV-isPorts' red toy casts as she believes. - The girl was run over by a ' 115-horsepower cruiser while swimming at Lake Tahoe. Her . feet were caught in the propel ler and one was shorn off. The other was left hanging by a - muscle and doctors had to am putate It. Both were taken off below the knees. Her father, Fred Wittsche of Roseville, manager of a Sacra mento nursery, witnessed the ' accident from the beach. He has ' been at Imogene's bedside most of the time since she arrived at Reno hospital, where attend ants said her condition remains "just fair." "This is. the biggest problem of my life," said Wittsche. "I don't know what to do. I don't know how or what to tell her." "The doctors say she can't be told for some time. But when the time comes, what am I going mo say?" M "Imogene believes her feet ire going to be all right. She thinks her feet have been graft ed back on and that they're just In casts. She thinks she'll be able to swim and play and walk again in a few weeks. "Wittsche said his daughter had been extremely active in ports at the Roseville elemen tary school from which she was graduated two weeks ago. She was the star pitcher on the girls' Softball team, an excellent swimmer and excelled in all Hemorrhoids (Flies) Fistula. Fissure. Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitaliz ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center St.., Salem, Ore. Ph. 89460 FREE PARKING Wittsche said he was lying on the beach at the lake Monday afternoon when "I saw this speedboat coming directly at the girls." Imogene was playing in chest-high water about 300 feet offshore with a friend, Janet Lutz, 13, also of Roseville. It was impossible to shout a warning in time. The boat ran right over the girls. I could see something had happened when Janet began waving and calling for help. I ran out In the water. What made me maddest was that the boat swung around, came back and did the same thing again. "I picked Imogene up in my arms and carried her to shore. She was conscious all the time. She told me 'Daddy, they laughed at me'." Fathers and Sons Banquet at Lyons Lyons The annual father and son banquet was held at the community club house with Ray Fedie of Salem the speak er of the evening. James Lande was master of ceremonies. Bob Brassfield gave the address of welcome to the fathers, which was responded to by Willard Hartnell. Gifts were presented to William Fetherston the oldest father present and to Walter Hilton youngest father present, Leland Humphries and Floyd Lengacher furnished guitar mu sic and Mrs. Robert Fetherston a vocal solo. Truman 'Interested' I In Visit to Northwest Washington, June 30 (U.PJ ! Rep. Mike Mansfield (D., Mont.), said today after a White House visit that President Truman is "very much Interested" in mak ing a trip through the midwest and northwest sometime next spring. He said Mr. Truman told him he would like to make a major speech on the farm program in the midwest and one on recla mation, power and perhaps fed eral air to education in the northwest. , Mansfield invited Mr. Tru man, on behalf of Gov. John Bonner and University of Mon tana President James McCain, to accept an honorary degree from the university on June 5, 1950. He said the president replied he could not commit himself that far in advance but that he would like to go "because he had some things he would like to discuss with the people of that region." m BLENDED WHISKEY) MmM WHiVey, K Proof- Jcfj 5 Griia Neutral Spirits mU4 4200 NORTH RIVER ROAD -SALEM NEAR BEAUTIFUL MANBRIN GARDEN DISTRICT Doy in & Day Out Prices are Lower at ORCUTT'S MARKET Save With These Specials Friday & Saturday TUNA FISH i-s-A.sr.Nd hHca 31c SWEET PEAS """-" 2 Nci3."19c JELL-E PECTIN a tOc POTATOES 10 - 29c SWIFTNINO ia 3- 79c OCCIDENT FLOUR a 25 - 1.69 K00L-AID s- 6-19c RICE KRISPIES 2 25c ALASKA SALMON 39c BACON ENDS & PIECES - 23c SHORT SHANK PICNICS - 47c CHICKENS & RABBITTS s tttrt Large-Sizefackagel Rift A More of the popular cereal that goes snap, crackle, pop in milk! Yes, 45 more in the new 8 oz. size! AQg COMttiEHT Easy way to have the energy-food kids love on hand. Stock up on this economical size! New jiggle movie cut outs for the kids on every box. Sold alto In popular 5Vfc oz. size MOTHER KN0WSTBEST! Vets' Memorial To Be Torn Down Portland, June 30 (P) The last visible memorial to World War II in Portland is to be torn down soon. The city council voted yester day to destroy the war memor ial board in the uptown park blocks because it is "inade auate" and unaesthetic. the three service chiefs, and maybe "get a little cross-education myself." Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 30, 1949 1$ The board lists the names of the city's war dead. It was in tended only as a temporary me morial. Plans have not yet been made for a permanent one. Californians Are Visitors I Aumsville Fred B. Creecyl and wife of Stockton, Calif, and Mrs. Ulyssa Woodbury and Mrs. Edith Ramsey of Felton, Calif, are visiting for a time with their sister, Mrs. Otto Fuson of Aums ville, who has been sick. Mrs. Woodbury plans to remain for some time to assist in taking care of Mrs. Fuson. M.C.P. Jam Jelly PECTIN Quality Meats 170 N. Com'l. PEERLESS MARKET Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. At the New Bus Stop Courteous Service Phone 35704 Heavy Lean Side D f A CTC Short Shank Swift Premium BACON pk PICNICS tsr ,39c -59c gr-59c BACON I SPARE RIBS I BACON ENDS Jowl, Lite Lean Lean J 4 Lean f Good for lb. j Meaty lb. ZjJJ Sliced lb. PURE LARD GROUND BEEF SAUSAGE 4 "" 49c Ncerea ,b- 35c ,b" 39c FRESH DRESSED FRYERS, HENS and RABBITS it H ttYy'ILL NEVER BUY . C-VV) If. a WVEi2 REa tt It's been true over 40 years . . . it's true today ... it will rn be true in the future; YOU'LL NEVER BUY A gtj BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. We invite you to SA-"!! Lj JUf tf'A include Franz bread in your plans for pleasant eating iSst" fJStiM At"'' while you enjoy a glorious holiday weekend. And .. . IlIP M $ li let's cooperate to make it a weekend of joy and real fun I'Vf '''' for everyone by using caution while driving or at play. yj y IN EVERYWAY!