? , J v. J T" 3 0? 1 1949 to be Remembered as HTL. Ml a V I ne warerpiuar i ear Countv Extension Agent D. L. Rassmussen is convinced that 1949 will be remembered as the "caterpillar" year. At any rate, there are more caterpillars bothering Marion county farmers this year than any other since the war. First it was tent caterpillars on fruit trees last spring. They were controlled by burning or a Jjg ; ffy lbVj "',-'72 Wins Fortune Helen Bent, a model, ihown with Attorney Moses S. Finesilver, was ruled by New York Judge William T. Collins as common-law widow of Arthur C. Mandel, wealthy machine company executive, and entitled to half of his estate of $230,000 plus $10,000. In upholding her claim Judge l Collins said she is "genteel, personable and so singularly at tractive it is not difficult to understand that the decedent would want her for a wife." (AP Wirephoto) Guilty Plea Is Made by Youth Silverton, June 30 George Francis Train, 20, who pleaded guilty to the theft of 23 grain sacks, will appear in justice court Friday for sentence by Alf O. Nelson, justice of the peace. He was arrested by Constable E. J. Jackson when he attempt ed to sell the sacks at a local feed store. The sacks, according to Constable Jackson, came from the Hans Lovlien farm in the Brush Creek district. Train was taken to the Mar lon county jail under $500 bail which was increased by Judge Nelson to $600 when state po lice found evidence that he had been arrested at Roseburg and had been driving while his li cense had been suspended. Local authorities have launch ed a drive to curb the wide spread theft of grain sacks throughout this district. Estimate Toll Over Fourth Will be 290 Chicago, June 30 VP) The na tional Safety council estimated today that 290 Americans will die in traffic accidents during the three-day Fourth of July celebration. This carnage, the council said, will be accomplished by 33 mil lion vehicles burning 340 mil lion gallons of gasoline to travel about 44 billion miles during the holiday. No estimate was made of the total that will be taken by drowning, fireworks accidents, heat exhaustion, food poisoning and other summer holiday hazards. Richmond, Va., makes more cigarettes than any city in the world about one-third of the U.S. output. RAYFL0WER Milk and Cream Homogenized Milk 10 Milk 3 Milk. Cottage Cheese Cheddar Cheese Butter Ice Cream 3RF AT YOUR STORE or AT YOUR DOOR Phone 39205 From where I sit ... &y Joe Marsh Now I'm Going Back To High School I When I saw lights burning In the High School auditorium last night, I looked In to see what went on. About twenty people were listen ing to Bun Ellis, the electrician, Calk about television. I slipped into a back seat and msked Hap Thomas what was tip. Bap told roe it was the new Self Improvement Club. I stayed to lis ten and learned a lot. Buzz really knows his stuff. Tarnfl out this club meets every Friday night. Each member gives a talk on the subject he knows most boat. I joined on the spot because learning new tMugi is one of my favorite hobbies. From where 1 sit, it's willingness to learn from the other person that makes Americans tolerant towards so many different viewpoints and tastes in things. Just because Buzz Ellis goes for chocolate malteds, while 1 prefer a mellow glass of beer, doesn't mean I'm right and he's wrong. Incidentally, next week fm going to talk on how to run a newspaper. Copyright, 1949, United States Brewtn Foundation MAKE KBlOtxk NEW IMPROVED BRAN HAKES YOUR '6005 M0RMN6 HABIT! Tesl Kellogg's Improved 40 Bran Flakes re crisper, tastlerl Supply whole-grain vitamins, minerals, and extra 6uJ. Many . diets need this to help prevent constipa tion. Delicious way to encourage "good morning" habits. Let the whole family enjoy KellogQ't Bran Flakes ... in the white, red and green package. w.fc Mod fhe gonuino KoJhgg way spraying. Next came caterpillars on mint. Jack Gilmore of the Jef ferson area reported a heavy infestation in one of his fields. Gilmore reported a DDT dust program controlled the cater pillars very nicely. Last week, it was one of the b i g g e st carterpillars usually seen in this area. The horn worm made at least a half dozen farmers contact the county agent's office for information about control. "I didn't blame them for be ing worried," said Rasmussen. A caterpillar three inches long with a horn like a rose thorn would scare anybody who hadn't seen a hornworm before." Fortunately, the hornworms reported were feeding on weeds rather than on the oats, vetch, or other crops in fields infested by the pests. In adjoining fields owned by S. W. Annen and Iver Twito of Woodburn, the hornworm population was enough to warrant control meas ures if the caterpillars started feeding on field crops. Since the caterpillars would eventually burrow into the soil, pupate, and emerge as sphinx moths, most growers were fol lowing a policy of "wait and see" before spraying or dusting with DDT or lead arsenate. By Saturday, Rasmussen had seen more hornworms in six days than he had seen in the past three years. He was won dering what other caterpillar was to be next on the list. Gloria Carr Honored Lyons Mrs. Albert Carr en tertained with a party at her For BIGGER and BETTER Maximum egg production., at lowtr coit. That's the story of Triangle X-tra egg pro ducer. A carefully balanced feed supplying the require ments for more extra grade ggs. Mash or pellets. TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER SEE YOUR LOCAL TRIANGLE DEALER Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 30, 1949 13 home honoring their oldest ILechleitner, Janet Huffman, daughter, Gloria, on her 11th Cheita Land KMh r birthday anniversary. Outdoor!.,,.,..,., T . , ' games and refreshments featur-,Marie Lechlettne-. Nadine Carr, ed. Present were Gloria, the ho- Mr and Mrs George Berry and nored guest, Ruby Naue, Iona'Mr' "nd Mrs- Albert Carr. It's here! the Kaiser Traveler Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. Phone 2-4173 l 1 1 n www T IogEc what has to help you plan a BIG PiCIM forth 4th! fmw anon snanxs mat means lots oi lenaer meat, rew people -j Tender C si A can tell these from regular leg hams. Many prefer them. FRYING CHICKENS - everybody tikes Fried Chicken! And it's so TAr easy to fi-usiit our PAN-RCADY fytS J 7C 3 BEEF RIB ROAST Quality beef trimmed waste-free LB. 69' LITTLE PIG SAUSAGES i.enPorki LB. 55c PURE PORK SAUSAGE Country Style LB. 49c PURE GROUND BEEF Ground fr. LB. 35c Wieners Skinless fresh - tender P.rLb.45e 5-LBS. ONLY 52.19 Heifer Whole HAM 4DS 59' FAMOUS BRANDS SUGAR CURED FANCY-SLICED BACON .55' Eastern pork LUNCHEON MEATS Tempting Variety LB. 45' BOLOGNA I Bacon lb. 39c I RABBITS 45 e . Sht lB$3 FRANKFURTERS Fresh, Tender 39c 25 29s Ritz Crackers . , r Fig Bars wm. wij. p?. 29 Flapjack Flour At6m, .. 29 kuiuwcs mv Jyi up 24-ox. bottle " Jell-Well Desserts ,.,. 425 4 Nob Hill Coffee lb. 45,b.ba,89 1 1 M.vorH. 1 1orpeo0 brand. 1 tfft 1 Re3.e 1 s8a.ehe 1 l. 1 y,B CamP Ivory Soap Kind to hands LaBra9; 229c Snowdrift Shortening 3-Lb. Can 83 C DELRICH Margarine Color pak Lb. eV I NOW... tt SAFEWAY ..t - L a run une or Franco-American SPAGHETTI MARSHMALLOYS Mr food Mtti 2 cans FLUFF-I-EST BRAND Mb. Pkq. of 4 Small Packs 25 25 By the makers of famous Welch'$ Grape Juice Sandwich Spread u... ,. fM. 33c Best Foods Mayonnaise 39c Ripe Olives sftb.;dy;rd.H..,..2,.r35e Sweet Pickles u.ky. w i.r 29e Dill Pickles e.i-M.. ,Hrt i-r.... 29c French's Mustard ..r 14c Zee Paper Napkins pk, 10e Paper Plates D.w.d..k,. n... 15c Pear Halves ....... 29' Sweet Peas M.. 303 ... 1 0' Chicken & Noodles Ly"d" 'SrSO1 Deviled Ham u.dw.i. m.. ... 19e Deviled Meat Llbby's, No. Vi tmn... 15c Large Shrimp SMy .lv.r. ... 49e Breeze Cheese Food j.lb. ....... 79c Potato Bread ;E?2! 15' C Orange Marmalade f.n,. ar 19c Grape Jelly ,.lb ,ar 25e Pineapple Preserves Ubi iar 35c Plum .Preserves ut)m ar 25c Strawberry Preserves n,, jar 43e Blackberry Preserves lb ar 35c Cherry Preserves .,b ar 33c Black Raspberry l-ib. jar 49c TOMATOES Hothouse QQ. ib. Z7C DON'T FORGET SOFT DRINKS FOR THE HOLIDAY Orange Soda GOLD-RUSH 27 Cr9mont Rot leer Scooter Lemon Lime Merry Mil Sparkling Water and many others at thit tamo low price. rlut bottlo doposih. FIVE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 2120 North Fairgrounds Rood 245 Court Street 935 South Commercial 1420 State Street 1230 North Broadway Sparkling Water White ftack Canada Dry, Ginger Ale . 20c Birefey's Orange Drink 71. Nesbitr's Orange ,..,... 6(.t30c Hires Rool Beer n.,.5c Pepsi-Cola, n.,,r5c Coca-Cola n,!,, .. bom. 6i.r2jc Watermelons Green Onions Young, f flayerful bu 15c Sweet meeted. Vine ripened In the summer tun. Try 'em ... You'll love 'em! Ib. Sweet Plums 2,b.25c CUCUMBERS Mild, eriPy Ib. ! Oranges I Valencia! a 39c 4c CANTALOUPES ,ip fc 7c CABBAGE c,i.p. send n. 5c GOLDEN CORN LETTUCE R, 5c NEW POTATOES ...c DRY ONIONS IVic RADISHES Large Bunch ft. af C SUNKIST LEMONS lb.23c For the convenience of otu-of-town and late (hoppers, SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Road and 1420 State St., are open until 8:00 P.M. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MOTHER KNOWS BEST! Q000009P