12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 3d, l4 East Salem Bible School Opened for Second Period East Salem, June 30 The second vacation Bible school for East Salem is in session this week at Middle Grove school house. Sessions are held each night from 7 to 9 o'clock. The WSC society of Middle Grove community held their June meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. William Scharf. It was an 11 day meeting with the busi ness session held in the morning. Delegates were elected to the summer conference at Jennings Lodge. Attending will be Mrs. Lena Bartruff and the president, Mrs Roy Scofield, with Mrs. John Ackerman the alternate. The yearly financial report was turn ed in to Rev. Wilbur Brown of the United Brethren Evangeli cal church of Salem. Devotions were led in the afternoon by Wilbur Wilson. In attendance were Mrs. Lena Bartruff, Mrs. Harry Phillips, Mrs. Anna Wir shing, Mrs. Roy Scofield, Mrs. Wilbur Willson, Mrs. John Ack erman, Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs. Emory G o o d e , Mrs. Lee Dow, Mrs. Lewis Patterson, the hostess and her daughter-in-law. Meetings in July and Aug ust will be held in the evening in July at the home of Mrs. Goode. Steve Patterson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patter ion, is recovering from an acci dent in the cherry orchard in which he had a bucket of cher ries fall on his head with a cut requiring several stitches the result. Their older daughter had a firecracker explode in her hand this week giving her a serious burn. The 4-H Pig club of Middle ! Grove district met for the June meeting at the Thomas Doty burn road this past week were out of state guests, her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs John Ward, Mr. and Mrs. John Culkins and her niece and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cul kins and children all of Deer Park, Wash. Out of state guests at the home of Mrs. Helen Enloe were Mrs. Hillary Hastings of Conrad, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hastings of Great Falls, Mont. Beats-off Hold-up Bui Later Robbed Portland, June 30 VP) A wo man who beat off an attempted hold-up yesterday was convinced today that you can't win. Vetha M. Howe whacked an armed man over the head with a club yesterday when he enter ed her tavern and growled, "this is a stick-up." In return she braved a bullet that tore a hole in her clothing, but did not harm her. She though he was bluffing with a blank cartridge at the time. When she learned the truth, they carted her off to a hospital. So the tavern stayed closed the rest of the day. Today Mrs. Howe learned a New Report on Savings Bonds Sid Stevens, Marion county chairman for the United States treasury savings bond division. reports that sales in this county for the week ending last Satur day amounted to $20,443, or 58 percent of the quota. The chairman said he hoped the people of the county would have conformed to the previous pattern by unusually large pur chases of E bonds during the final week of the drive, which ends June 30. In a statement issued by E. C. Sammons, state chairman, of the savings bonds division of the treasury, it was stated that Ore gon's sales of E bonds during the week ending June 25 were $690,552, bringing total sales since the opening of the drive to $7,713,680 or 78 percent of the state's assigned quota. Figures for the drive thus far show that Jefferson county has the highest percentage of its as-; signed quota with sales of $13,- 218 against a quota of $8000. making 155 percent of quota Next in order are Wheeler coun ty with 147 percent, Umatilla county with 120 percent and Malheur with 118 percent. Uma tilla county is the only one of the 13 largest counties of the state to have reached its quota to date. I prowler had broken in after the home Monday night. Two meet- closure and taken $150 in cur ings will be held in July. The inspection tour ' scheduled for this month was postponed. Visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herring on Au- 3 rency, food and cigarets. 1 Journal Want Ads Pay Taste 'em they're all meat! A Tt how good, plump and juicy Armour Frankfurters art I Thay'r made fresh avery day in Portland -seasoned just the way you like 'em here in Oregon. Armour Frankfurter! are atl-mamt, too nothing but fine beef and pork and seasoning! Portland-made to Oregon's taste U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED mmf Frankfurters a leader in America's finest line of sausage Get one package of new Super Suds with Pyray for LsSfyj ft f $7fl jf wbl PRICE MSbSS when you buy one package 55355. s nuJm ' at dealer's regular price! Jjtff jjj TT Colgate-Palmollve-Peet makes fw ySj) fff $fF this offer to introduc. you to fefl Q S ' th new Super Sudi with the C2Z2S amazing, new ingredient, Pyray! '""lil! New Super Suds with WMW Jfi:rmmmn Yu, that's a fact! New Super Suds with Pyray actually MAKES ALL YOUR CLOTHES LOOK NEWER! New Super Suds washes your while clothes WHITER THAN NKW! Makes colors hist BLOSSOM OUT bright as dayl Vou'll ba amazed I No woman could picture such wonderful whiteness, such unbelievable bright ness before scientists discovered this amazing, new type of ingredient! So hurry! Get your new Super Suds with Pyray NOW1 SUPPtYUMTT&i This special money-saving offer good only while your dealer's special supply of half-price Super Suds lasts! Miun-putwuvt-nn COMPANY fcrmCltl,mtrMi STOP SHOP dps60 8sm KEIZER COMMUNITY A Rapidly Growing Community Shopping Center, Offering You QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES Located Out Front Street Just 5 Minutes from Downtown Salem LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. 4990 N. River Road Phone 2.8230 keizer mmi market Save Every Day - Shop the Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday-Saturday Iff HJ I 3-PieceSet Silverware IHtfA OCCIDUfT trad. I mi from aof aire Mcfc OCCIDENT FAMILY FLOUR FAMILY rT96l KEIZER 585S MARKET DENCO PURE LARD 2 lb. pkg. SWIFT'S PREMIUM Shoulder Hams if. .lb. 33c 55c SWIFT'S ORIOLE J SLICED BACON 4VC GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES I ETTI mC Large L.L. I I UVL Heads 2 for 9c CUX Field grown 2 for 9c LEMONS Large size doz. 33c SEEDLESS GRAPES ,b 29c WATERMELONS , ....... 3 Vie LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN EVENINGS UNTiL 8 P. M. LOOK OVER YOUR WANT LIST THEN CHECK THESE ITEMS FOR THAT 4th OF JULY PICNIC KOOL ADE All Flavors 6 pkgs. 25c TUNA FISH Dark Meat Can 25c CANNED SALMON s?r Con 45c WISCONSIN LONG HORN m m CHEESE Lb 45C 2 for 25C HUNT'S CATSUP u os. bottles . . SCOT BATHROOM TISSUE Roll 10c FREESTONE DC A rUCC No. 1 tall tins 2 cans 23c YOU CANNOT MAKE A BAD CUP OF COFFEE 1 .b 49c 2,b 97c FRENCH'S g Mustard 6z VC GARDEN NO. Yi TIN mmm Pork and Beans lC SNACK 4 m Luncheon Meat can waarw CREME FILLED Cookies 5 li oz. pkg. 10c SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip Pint. 29c Dill Pickles Sr' 29c Grapefruit Juice 25c PICNIC SUPPLIES Paper Plates 2 25c Paper Napkins 2pfk0? 25c Paper Cups 2 pfkrs 25c Spoons or Forks wPken 10c Waxed Paper a.. 21c Plastic Spoons Pkff. ... 14c Sandwich Bags PkJ. 23c rj I. a ItHd LUWdlUi Ot Drakeley Sam Snow Sez EDWARDS & DRARKLEY have the cold spot at Keizer Frozen Food Lockers r lI-.si Meat cut, double wrapped, locker-ready, quick frozen, 3c per lb. Phone 2 2184 N. River Rd. McDERMOTT VARIETY ANNOUNCING REOPENING Entirely New Merchandise Old & New Customers Welcome FREE PARKING 4945 North River Road The Real Corner of Keizer KEIZER Korner Store W H. "HUGH'' SHATTUC, OWNER Phone 2-4373 Al's Radio Clinic GUARANTEED SERVICE tf It's Fixable, We Can Fix It Radios and Small Appliances Ladies' a I and Infants ? Wear A new store with new merchandise for a new community GOLDIE'S DRESS SHOP 4M N.rtk tlTtt B4. Pk. i sms om la i. 1 rm rarkias v m . a l i m IRIS FOUNTAIN Lunches Dinners Soft Drinks We specialize in S Homemade Pies C'd 'A' Restaurant S Keizer Korners KEIZER FEED & SEED CO. Presents Larro Farm-Tested Feeds And Albert Quality Controlled Feeds Ph. 13279 ' We Deliver Also Hay . Grain Concentrates Seed Fertilizers Sundries And Pittsburgh Paints INTERIOR EXTERIOR FLOOR PAINT tc VARNISH Come in and see these qual ity lines of merchandise Our prices are right. Keizer Cleaners 4954 No. River Rd. Telephone 2-7108 for Pickup and Delivery Service. HI CLEANING and PRESSING WATERPROOFING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS KEIZER Builder's Supply Inc. One-half Block West Keise School "The big little lumber Yard that has Everything" Phone 24208 REED'S BARBER SHOP Courteous and Efficient Service Our Motto Keiser Korners Shopping Center KEIZtR BEAUTY SALON PHONE 2-3276 For Your Spring Feather Cut Cold Wave $10 up. 4958 North River Rd. Keizer Hardware & Appliance Is Showing A Special Plastic Garden Hose 50 ft. lengths at .40 Also Stocking - Galvanized Water Pipe & Fittings From V in to 1 'l inch Check Our Prices on These Heavy Duty Wheel Borrows Light Wheelborrows , Lawn Carts & Mowers Electric Appliances KEIZER HDW. AND APPLIANCE CO. Phone 24350 4964 N River Rd. l