10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 30, 1949 Camp Adair Damage Action Brought to Final Approval ". Dallas, June 30 Judge C. F. (Jack) Hayes of Polk county states that the county -court had agreed to a settlement of damages done to Camp Adair area roads by the army at $104,060. This offer was made to the county sometime ago by the judge advocate general of the army, but the county court appealed the matter on the grounds that the sum ai- lowed did not cover two mar ket roads in the area and was insufficient to cover damage done. They asked for $150,000. However, a letter from Col. H. C. Chuck of the office of the assistant secretary of the army, informed the court this week that action of the chief of the claims and litigation divl sion of the army in setting the $104,060 figure had been up held. . A wire from Senator Guy Cordon which arrived shortly after the letter advised the court that it would be neces sary to make settlement at once In order that the sum be in cluded In this year's deficiency bill before the adjournment of congress on July 25. Consultation with a local at torney confirmed the fact that further pressing the claim would be useless at this time. The army spokesman pointed out that $469,000 had been spent by the federal government on substitute secondary high ways in the area. (Judge Hayes declared that the new roads do not serve all the territory as those for which no damages were allowed.) Col. Chuck stated further that the state had quit-claimed the two roads over which the issue arose to the federal gov ernment during the war. Since they were the property of the federal government at that time, the army had no obligation to maintain them, he said. The roads are now being maintain ed by the county. Judge Hayes stales that all the . money to be received wili be used on the Adair roads and SIItTUS CATARRft sufferer: FIND CURB FOX MISERY DUE TO NASAL CON&ISTION. UPPLT HU5H1B HEKM Relief sU lMt from tortur of linue catarrh, and bay fTr otie to nasal eotie tiow is Man today In report of iucmm with a formula which baa th power to rcduc a a I emanation, lien and women with aconUloc linia beadaohea, dossed noetriU. earache, hawking and enotainc mlnery tlt f bleaatd relief after wine It- KI-OKONOl aeeta 9S.O0, bnt eonelderlnf rttralta. this it not expensive, amounts to on It pontile per done. KLORONOL (caution, ttse only u jar -ted) told with money-back tmarantae by Bebaefer Drat, MA No. Commercial A Perrr Drat, 120 Be. Commercial. Mall Orders Filled. tfie Handsomest Cate-made with TresbEqcf Mixes No mistake about tt fresh eggs do make taller cakes 1 That's why Occident makes cake mixes that let you add your own fresh eggs. Here they are Occident "Fresh-Egg" Mixes I Quick, of course. But mora important, they give you extra tenderness, softer texture, fresher1 flavor. Far better than ordinary mixes; they even beat "pet" recipes I "7hm mhm Mata aft aftW atafnaav aaf fawVainf myt Virginia Robert, Dliarfar OCOMMT HOMI IAKWO INSTITUTI 1 Mok While, Gold or Spies Coke, o , Pozen Variations with thu OCCIDENT "Frssk-Ega" MIX 1 Mok Tall, Dark and OelUiaus Devils .Food, with this OCCIDENT "Fresh-fggMIX is .WW Spring Frosts Injure Plantings Spring frosts that weakened new canes in some Thornless Evergreen blackberry plantings may result in a short crop in 1950 if corrective measures are not taken soon, believes County Extension Agent D. L. Hasmus sen. He recommends cutting out severely frosted canes or cutting back to a strong side arm below the frosted area. First report of frost injury to that a separate fund will be set up apart from the county bud get for the administration of the proceeds. Thornless Evergreens was made to Rasmussen by A. B. Weisner of the North Howell district early in May. Some of Weis- ner's new canes had shrunken at the tips because of frost in jury. They were twisted and deformed. Cut surfaces shows blackened water-soaked tissue in the pithy part of the cane. Last week an examination of the Lawrence Paradis planting south of Woodburn was made by Dr. E. K. Vaughan, plant pathologist at Oregon State col lege, and Rasmussen. The Para dis planting showed winter in jury to part of the new canes in the lower part of the field. However, the injured canes also showed new growth beyond the frosted areas. Rasmussen warns growers that frosted canes are weak canes even though they may still have enough vigor to force growth past the frosted areas. "It is better to remove frosted canes now than have them break at the weakened areas when they're trained on the wires next year. Growers will find that frost injury varies from hill to hill. Removing weakened canes will allow greater sap flow through the healthy canes left in the hill and probably re sult in a normal crop in 1030," Rasmussen concludes. Money wai first coined In Rome in 578 B.C., by Servius Tullius, according to legend. wantA BRIGHTER COLORS? Rain dropt putt a "rainbow 'round your wash line"... actually rerealt the hidden brightness of wash-filmed colors. RAW CPS God Houiakf tping I t,...iti)iyjll.jii,.iUI ) jim aaai i m i i gafaCaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Oresadar Pattern AMERICA'S FINEST JELLY MAKER OUR HELP US CELEBRATE OUR FIRST YEAR OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS We have completed our first year in business with Salem folks, and we want to express our sincere thanks to all of you for your generous support In making Ladd's Market one of the outstanding food centers in Salem. The volume of business that we have enjoyed this first year has far exceeded our ex pectations and this anniversary celebration is to show our appreciation for all the pleasant visits you have made to our store. We Are Going to Have Many FREE GIFTS for both grownups and the children, including free ' cakes, free ice cream cones to children accompanied by their parents, and surprise gifts to the children. Don't miss this anniversary celebration. In addition to all the free goods, Ladd's will give you the best values on all your purchases. Remember, Friday and Saturday, July 1 and 2. We Have a Complete Stock of HUNT'S FINE FOODS FRUIT COCKTAIL 235c 6H.03 PORK & BEANS No. 2 can 235C 6$l OS WHOLE NEW POTATOES No. 1 tall cans .... 655c 12T5 SOLID PACK TOMATOES No. VA cans 239c 6$1.15 TOMATO SAUCE Many Uses Stock Up! 21 lc 629c TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. Family Size 245c 6$1.35 TOMATO CATSUP 14 a, Bottles.... 225C 61.49 r A kIT A I m I DC "it Qat.v Wll I jla-SWI a- J Jumbo Sweets lb. CXACCT rrTiW Always JTTbl.1 vwlM a i Treat! riin I URCDC for Slicing CELERY or Salads Crisp, Large Stalks. rADD ATC California VMIIV I J POTATOES Ne wShuesn" UATCDUCI rtkJC Klondikes Red, Ripe Ib. 8c 6,., 31c 3, 13c 15c 1 IK, Large bunches for fcV LETTUCE Beautiful Giant Heads 2 for 13c 10 ,b, 35c 5c CELEBRATION... FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 7 AND 2 ANNIVERSARY CAKE mm With Each $7.50 Purchase or Over! Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 1705 S. 12th St., Salem Jife Too CIGAR TIES On Sale Friday only July 1st. One Carton Limit CANE: SUGAR Popular Brands 100 Ib. Sack 1.39 8.74 Stock up now lor canning. PEAS Fresh Frozen - 2pkgs.&9c 1 Pound Pineapple FREE with this purchase. SUPER SUDS Ig. . .... 2pks39c BISQUICKIgpkg 39c WESSON OIL Qt 57c PANCAKE FLOUR 10lbs 99c HUNGRY JACK41b sacU 45c CANDY & GUM 6 for 25c RED KARO iH,b 19c COFFEE American Club lb. 39c CRACKERS Hi Ho lb. 27c BABY FOOD 12cnns 89c Gcrbers or Hclnz Doumacks MARSHMALLOWS il0I.pkf.17c PICNIC SUPPLIES Paper plates, pretty or plain; disposable tablecloths, straws, Dixie cups, "hot" cups we have what you'll need for that picnic 1 WOOD SPOONS OR FORKS Irta 12 in pkg IUC PLASTIC SPOONS OR FORKS C 12 in pkg UC DIXIE FOOD PACKS Throw-away IT packs for salads, etc lyC PAPER NAPKINS 17 f Special! Large cello pkgs I' C RITZ CRACKERS OQf Large pkg Jv LADD'S MARKET Will be open July 4th for the con venience of the people who remain iii Salem. ALBERS OATS 20 oz. pkg. 2,, 29c FLOUR Occident 25 lb. Cloth Bag 25 -1.79 SALAD DRESSING 25cst49C: COOKIES Fresh Fig Newtons 2 - 39c NUCOA Vitamin Fortified Spread 2 - 53c ARMOUR'S CHEESE O 7Qr Processed Economy Loaf A lbs. I DOG FOOD 9for05r Afor7QP B-Sure Brand Mm aV W WV (lllBllasalilaaMBHaaa1llaWBMIaaa BEEF ROASTS lb. OCr Blade, Chuck Large variety to choose from WaV v HAMBURGER , QQr Freshly ground Always Good! w l SLICED BACON Ib. 0Qr Lean, Sugar Cured W l PORK STEAKS lb ACkr A treat Anytime "f 7 1 PURE LARD pks O lbs OCc Cellophane Packaged m afctaf V RABBITS lb. ccr Nice oung Fryers taafW WISCONSIN CHEESE lb 00r Buy for future needs at this low price WWW FRYER CHICKENS2MaP. ... 1 70 Fixed Pan-Ready No Extra Charge s)W I