O r t: p c: 6' f tl b, c t( e Bi T rr tl 0 B tl a' ff 01 C( ri tl si ci ul 8 b; Bi f( W Is rr. S W n a vi Vl 5 ol b b e tl P t t Is o: 1c P' ti n u h w B t! F r: e c 2 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 29, 1949 Legion Auxiliary Holds Installation, Initiation ! Members of unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, installed ' new officers and initiated 12 new members at their meeting last evening. The initiates include: Mrs. Houlet. Sr.. Mrs. Jerome B. Hansen, Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr., Mrs. Carlton L. Roth, Mrs. Gerald Simpson, Mrs. George Spaur, Mrs. Jack N. Tidwell, Mrs. John Cattrall, Mrs. Calvin D. Moss, Mrs. Ethel Oliver, Mrs. AUrf J. Schmidt. ' Members of the Capital Unit 'No. 9's past presidents' degree team put on the installation. The new officers insi" led include: Mrs. Bertha A. Walker, pres ident; Mrs. Sam Harbison, first vice president; Mrs. Carroll Rob ' inson, second vice president; Mrs. E. Joe Simkins, recording ' secretary: Mrs. Ira L. Goff, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. Ed ' ward Klippert, treasurer; Mrs. ! Abraham Friesen, chaplain; Mrs. Joseph DiFilippi, histor- lan; Mrs. Wayne Perdue, ser i geant at arms. ' Mrs. Robert S. Kreason, dis ! trict president, was a visitor ' For the special music, Miss Jo- ! anne Wenger and Miss Mary Shrunk played piano numbers. ! Refreshments followed the , meeting with Mrs. Edward Klip- pert as chairman of the hospital 1 lty committee, i . f BALLSTON At a simple double ring ceremony held June ; IB in Lambert Gardens in Port ' land, Miss Gwendolyn Mae Mar shall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Marshall, Portland, and ' Donald C. Gregg, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Carl Gregg, were married, Dr. Richard Steiner of the First : Unitarian church officiating. The young couple will make : their home at the Gregg farm near Ballston this summer. Attending from Ballston were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scharf, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Groos Mrs. Mae Yocom, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Douve Mellema and Dee Mellema. WOODBURN A meeting of the Evergreen Social club was held Monday night following the regular chapter meeting and plans were made to hold the an nual social club picnic for Ma sons, Eastern Stars and families on July 31 at Settlemier park The no host picnic dinner will Fir, LIGHT and AIRY Jason W. Ewing, Mrs. Homer be served at 1 p.m. and those at tending are to bring their own taole service and food. WOODBURN Five mem bers of the Woodburn Rural club attended the annual picnic of the Federated Women's clubs at the Children's Farm home at Corvallis Friday. The picnic lunch was served in one of the cottages on account of the cool weather. A pleasant day was enjoyed including a tour of the grounds by bus and a visit to several of the cottages with Mrs. Schneb ley, the matron, as hostess. At tending from Woodburn were Mrs. Charles Dean, Mrs. C. H. Breuninger, Mrs. Minnie Bissell, Mrs. E. C. Peyton and Mrs. H. A. Lohse. EXPECTED to arrive Thurs day from Vancouver, B.C., are Mrs. Lyle Glover and three daughters, to be guests at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Kent. They are here also to attend the wedding of Mrs. Glover's Camp Fire The Camp Fire Girls day camp at Hager's Grove was can celled Tuesday, because of rain and an additional session will be held on Wednesday, July 6. The other dates remain . the same. They are Thursday, June 30, Tuesday, July 5 and Thursday, July 7. If the weather should be bad on any of those days the camp for that day will have to be cancelled. Day camp started last week and the attendance has been very good and all the girls have had a wonderful time, report Camp Fire officials. Some of their activities have been potato stencils, paper mache animals, bark scenes, spatter painting, building fires and hiking. The girls have made smores and done foil cookery. Plans for the next session in clude parchment cookery, mak gertlp Control for dLW ', No matter what lh walhr or lh time of day, you'll b glad you have Venetian Blind at your windows. ' VENETIAN BLINDS are so easy to install any housewife can do It. In a matter of minutes you can change the entire look of your window. Ask for a free estimate for your home windows, or -office windows today. Choice of wood, aluminum, or our Harmony House Best Quality Steel slat Venetian blinds. A phone call wffl bring a service mon fo measure for your btfnds. V, - .. - .i(rfmini Wed at Stayton A recent wedding at Stayton was that of Mrs. Richard Gorman, the former Angeline Lambrecht. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) niece, Miss Barbara Jean Kent, and Jacob Janzen, the ceremony to be July 2. Mr. Glover will join his fam ily later. Also coming for the Janzen Kent wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cochran of Ashland. Girls News ing hobo stoves, and paper raf fea work. The camp is divided into three units and counsellors helping are Adelaine Smithson and Elaine Megquier in Unit I. Betty Lou Beckman, Judy Bur- cieue, .Patricia Megquier and Beverly Bell in Unit II, and Ann Gallaspie, Carol Hardie and Carol Hewitt in Unit III. Camp Fire leaders and guardians who are assisting are Mrs. Sam Ran dall, Mrs. George Hewitt, Mrs. G. A. Sprong and Mrs. Frank Kolsky. Mrs. Milton Hartwell, field director, is in charge of the day camp. PRIVACY MORE LIGHT... You no longtr use uit half th window, now you can use tht full length value of light com Ing In, MORE AIR... Gone are the hot, sun-baking timet when tun and air come In together, now sun stays out, air comes In. MORE PRIVACY... When the windows are open, prying eyes can no longer dis turb your privacy . . . now the blind slats can be adjusted with ease. MORE BEAUTY... There's no denying Venetian blindsoddimarttailored beauty to ony room. They're cleaner looking and dlillngullhed. AS LOW AS 1 50 MAKING REDUCING PLEASANT Men Can Take Off Pounds Easier Than Women By ELIZABETH TOOMET New York U.R) Taking a few inches off a male waistline is easier than trimming down a woman's bulges, according to Betty Dean, reducing expert." It has nothing to do with anat-- omy. It s just thai me women are more inclined to snitcn a soda in the middle of a diet. "Men almost never cheat when I put them on a diet," Miss Dean said. "And if anybody asks for second helpings at the diet table, it's usually the wo men." Miss Dean added men to her clientele after 12 years of watch ing women grimly work off ex tra pounds in her reducing sa lons. She decided, she says, that there must be a happier way. Her solution was a fancy country club resort in Katonah, N.Y., with men as well as wo men on the guest list. She re moved any trace of the milk farm atmosphere. And the psy chology seems to be working. She's discovered a double ad vantage to having women do their reducing along with the men. The exercises take on a more social aspect in the first place. Both men and women show VISITORS here over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Kent, Jr. and son, Ker ry, of Santa Rosa, Calif. They were guests of Mr. Kent's grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Kent. Upon leaving here, the visi tors stopped at Albany to visit at the home of Mr. Kent's uncle, K. W. Kent and family, and at Ashland to visit his aunt, Mrs Jay Cochran. Salem's Retail Midget HOLIDAY HINTS Drop in our Market and see for yourself what you can save on your Holiday Meat needs. You will be pleased with the quality and variety. Beef Roast Boneless Roast Rib Steaks SMALL TENDER WIENERS Made the old fashioned way. They have that real ., natural smoked flavor. Swell for that holiday picnic. Sliced Bacon Bacon Squares Lunch Meats Pork Roasts PURE PORK SAUSAGE 40c ib. These are prepared from fresh cuts of Inspected Meat. USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS Pork Steak Veal Steak Loin Pork Chops up barefooted on the landscaped yard every morning to bend stretch to the instructor's count. And in the second place, says Miss Dean, having men around is a great boon to the conversa tions. "Women on a diet will sit around and talk about recipes and get hungry," she explained. "The men talk about their jobs or about world affairs and the women join their conversa tions." The guests usually Include about an equal number of men and women. Sometimes a hus band and wife arrive together to spend their two-week vacation getting back their slim waist lines. Or sometimes a husband just comes along to give moral suoport to his wife. Miss Dean has a separate din ing room for the dieters so they don't have to watch the trays of French pastry going by. There's a cocktail lounge and an orchestra for dancing in the evening. Only the reducing guests get nothing more intoxi cating or fattening than butter milk or fruit juice from the bar tender. The menu at meal time is far from a starvation salad and melba toast diet. But cutting out obviously fattening foods, Miss Dean believes most people &yEVER PAVM0BE?&y Packing Plant Shoulder Cuts Easy No From Young Beef Lean Jowls b. Makei Vegetables ll a Meal ID. Summer Treats Picnic Cuts Economical Small Lean Foncy Milk ilities May Reduce Rates Public Utilities Commissioner George H. Flagg has authority to allow a power company to re duce its rates to meet local com petition, Attorney General George Neuner ruled today. Flagg had asked whether the Pacific Power and Light compa ny could reduce its rates in The Dalles to meet competition of a peoples utility district. The power companies claim they can even go so far as to make a local rate reduction without getting Flagg's permis sion. But Flagg said he believes he has the power to approve or reject all rate reductions. He says his authority over rate re ductions is just the same as it is over proposed rate increases. can lose weight as fast as is physically safe. Everything goes nicely until one of the feminine guests sug gests taking a solitary walk to the village. "Then, Miss Dean sighs, "I know I'd better walk along. She usually is heading straight for a chocolate bar or an ice cream soda." 351 State St. 37c lb. 53c lo Slice it Waste 55c lb. 27 12 c 45 lb. 37c lb. 1 m I TypewHrCo. A Ij5 I Royal Typewriters Cl lOi IlltV 9 Victor Adding II JciJ Machines ' ACCEPT! II IF I lT U If II . Jl II II It II I 111 Market tT FRESH GROUND BEEF 38c lb. 45 Ib. 55 Fed It), ( - lfc 59c Neuner said the rate reduction I could be made by the company as long as the company took the loss of revenue itself. In other words, a company can't reduce rates in one city and then in crease rates in other cities to make up for the loss. The rates proposed by the com pany at The Dalles are about the same as those charged by the PUD. But they are considerably lower than those charged by the company in other cities. The company told Flagg, how ever, that its proposed rates for The Dalles would be high enough to make a profit in that area. The decision is of far-reaching importance to power companies over the entire state, because it will enable them to cut rates to meet competition of all public ly-owned power systems. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions. Are you worried? Why be in doubt? Special Readings. Wr Open 9 a.m. Wbiifc i to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial n Am WW i m i -a Yes, with the "Home-Utility Sander-Polisher" you can buff your car to perfection for a penny's worth of power! Use this amazing power , tool as a buffer, sander, grinder or as a drill! $29.95 complete with 3 sanding discs. With its many uses it will save you its cost in short order! SPECIAL: Soldering Iron You'll see them both at that CONVENIENT LOCATION when you SHOP v tl IH LUMBER Have You Tried Those Delicious alent-nt CkerrieJ? Big, ripe cherries in rich cream and coated with the finest chocolate. SPECIAL AT ONLY $1.25 , EDWARD WILLIAMS "WE FEATURE ' HALLMARK CARDS" 330 Court Journal Want Ads Pay i 4 8G5T.IE,ectr,c 2.25 Dtw WN Boiling Beef 25 Plate Rib Ib. 1 ' YARD PHONE S-9I6I SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONIV BACK at When You See It In Our Ad, It's So I - - " 111