Committee Heads Named t By Mrs. Versteeg in BPW Installation of officers and appointment of new committee chairmen featured the dinner meeting for the Salem Business and Professional Women's club last evening at Nohlgren's res taurant. Mrs. Marion Wooden officiated at the installation. New offi cers taking over are: Mrs. John Versteeg, president; Miss Alber' Miss Gilbert Shower Feted A shower was given for Miss Helen Jean Gilbert, bride-elect of Donald Nyswaner, Monday, at the home of Mrs. Earl K. Mor gan. Miss Gilbert, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Gilbert, and Mr. Nyswaner, son of Mrs. Ollie F. Nyswaner, are to be married July 2. Attending were Miss Gilbert, Mrs. Margaret Gilbert, Mrs. Ol lie F. Nyswaner, Miss Audry Nyswaner, Mrs. L. W. Hereford Mrs. Orland Cox, Mrs. Wesley Wilson, Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mrs. Ethel Cunningham, Miss Idella McAdams, Mrs. Edward Saund ers, Miss Bulah Gilbert, and the hostess. Salem Alumae at Alpha Chi Event Several Salem alumnae of Al pha Chi Omega sorority were , in Portland last evening to at tend a meeting in honor of Miss Estella Leonard of Union City, Ind., one of the founders of the organization. The meeting was at the home of Mrs. William Jas per Kerr with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. McGinnis, assisting. Those attending from Salem were Mrs. Frank Guerin, Mrs. Paul Heath, Mrs. William. Cro ghan, Mrs, Silliam Carlson, Mrs. Gerald Robison, Mrs. Lew is D. Griffith, Miss 'Barbara Bates. Miss Leonard is en route home after attending the sorority's national convention in Pasa dena. She entered DePauw uni versity in 1885 where she be came a charter member of Al pha chapter of the sorority and was its first president. She has been head of the music depart ment at Moores Hill college and also was head of the piano de partment at Centenary collegs. At one time she served as su perintendent of music in the publis schools at Union City, Ind. LEBANON The engagement of Miss Charlotte Pease, Leb anon's 1949 strawberry fair queen, is being announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Pease of Corvallis, to John D. Sprick, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sprick, also of Cor vallis. No date is set for the wedding. ta Shoemake, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Sue Booch, second vice president; Mrs. Beryl Muelhapt, recording secretary; Miss Mildred, Yetter, correspon ding secretary; Miss Cecelia Woodruff, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Forrette, junior past president; Mrs. Marion Wooden, senior past president; Mrs. Ma bel Clock, Miss Vada Hill and Mrs. LuVerne Hardwicke, direc tors. Committee chairmen named by Mrs. Versteeg include the fol lowing: Mrs. Arthur Weddle, parliame n t a r i a n ; Miss Ethel Parr, art; Miss Betty Elofson, bulletin; Mrs. Jessie Davidson, cheer and contact; Mrs. E. E. Wootten, education and voca tions with Mrs. Carl V. Booth as co-chairman; Miss Blanche Hull, equal rights; Mrs. Sue Booch, finance and auditing; Mrs. Donald Jessop, music; Miss Alberta Shoemake, program co ordinator; Mrs. Robert M. Fisch er, Jr. and Miss Eleonor Roberts, co-chairmen for publicity; Mrs. Marion Wooden, public affairs; Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, Jr., health and safety; Mrs. A. Tueski, hos pitality; Mrs. Halhe Shard, in ternational relations; Miss Merle Dimick, legislature; Mrs. Vivian Hoenig, membership and em blem with Miss Lois Kirts as co chairman; Mrs. Effie King, rec reation; Mrs. Hazel Marshall, telephone and transportation; Miss Myrtle Weatherholt, Unit ed Nations; Mrs. Alma Werst- lein, radio and television; Mrs. Eugene Estes, convention proj ect. mm- fy j ti Honor Visitor Honoring Mrs.- Richard Jew- ett (Doris Doughton) of Med ford, formerly of Salem, who has been visiting here, Mrs. Aaron Dumbeck entertained Monday afternoon at a shower and tea at her residence. Guests included old friends of the honoree, Mrs. Robert Ad ams, Miss Velora Williams, Mrs. Gene Cooksey, Mrs David Doughton, Miss Coriale Dough- ton, Mrs. M. B. Doughton, Miss Peggy Gabriel and Miss Marg aret Forsythe and the hostess. WOMEN'S Missionary society of the Calvary Baptist church is to meet Friday at 11 a.m. at the church for a business session. The luncheon at 12:30 o'clock will be served by the Victory circle. The program will be at 1:30 June Bride The marriage of Mrs. Loyal A. WhJtney (Verne Fisch) was solem nized June 4 in St. Joseph's Catholic church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fisch of Marshall town, Iowa, Mr. Whitney the son of Mrs. Oliver A. Whit ney of Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) BUENA VISTA Buena Vis ta Woman's club members held their annual picnic at Helmick park Sunday. Those attending were Mrs. Opal Uraber, Kay- mond and Lois; Mr. and Mrs Jonas Graber; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells, Elaine and Da vid; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells, Jack and Gordon; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fickel; Rev. Melville Wire; Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Long; Mr. and Mrs. John Lovato; Mr. and Mrs. Osborn; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman. LEBANON Miss Margaret Howe was hostess at a bridal shower for Miss Mary Jean Gre gory, whose marriage to Charles VV. Sevey was an event of June 27 at the First Methodist church. Twenty friends of the honoree were bidden to the Howe home. including two out - of - town guests, Mrs. Jerry Larson of Al- jany and Miss Betty Burlin Same of Gresham. Miss Burlin- game was maid of honor at the wedding. p.m. with Mrs. Wesley Wire, re cently returned missionary from China as speaker. Members of the Florence Vail circle are in charge of the program. Miss Conger Wed Sunday Buena Vista The country home of Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Con ger of Suver was the scene of a wedding Sunday afternoon, June 26, at 4 o'clock when their daughter, Miss Florence Conger, was wed to Jack C. Bowne ol Portland. Rev. Willard Elkins of Salem performed the cere mony before a large crowd of relatives and friends. Large baskets of blue and white delphiniums and regal lil ies were used as decorations. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an oyster white gabardine suit with brown accessories and carried a white prayer book with brown orchids. Maid of honor, was the bride's sister, Mrs. Donald Eckman. She wore a pink gabardine suit with matching hat and carried a nosegay of pink roses and sweet peas. Robert E. Lowe of Portland was best man. Mrs Ilia Shunk sang. Mrs. Conger, mother of the bride, wore a blue print silk dress with a pink carnation corsage. The reception was held in the dining room which was dec orated in pink and white. The serving table was centered with decorated three-tiered wed ding cake behind which was a bouquet of pinks and white dai sies, and white tapers. Mrs. Steve Benedict of Day ton, sister of the bride, cut the cake after the couple cut the traditional first piece. Mrs. Howard of Vancouver, Wash., sister of the bridegroom, presid ed at the punch bowl. They were assisted by Mrs. William Fra- zer of Monmouth, Mrs. Duane Appleman of Corvallis and Mrs. Donald Henery of Salem, Miss Linda Benedict passed the guest book. The couple left for a short honeymoon at Oregon beaches and will be at home in Portland after the first of July. . MR. AND MRS. Paul E. Da vies of LaGrande were here Tuesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies, who ob served their golden wedding anniversary. t)jit: :lAw.. ,kv(Aim . A .-. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 29. 1949- jour f 1 ... behind at KZyS for FUN.... SWIM or PLAY.... Kay's have the clothes YOU WANT in the RIGHT STYLE and PRICE! Sanforized Denim DRir jar r MAKE THIS SLOGAN A "MUST" IN YOUR BUYING VOCABULARY "DRIVE TO oAND SAVE" 3 LITTLE WORDS QUALITY -LOW PRICE-SERVICE ARE THE BASIS OF OUR GROWTH mm s You Don't Need to Buy to Be Welcome at M.K.N. We Give S&H Green Stamps iLXji 9 M.K N. FURNITURE 1425 Edge water St. West Saleip, Oregon (On Salem-Dallas Highway) DRIVE TO July 8-9 O AND SAVE Phone 2-545 or 2-4413 1.98 1 kf ! J0 v 3 3 Fashion Right! Action Right! Clam Diggers : .4.95 Windjammer T'. 5.95 Coverrop 4.95 TflCrew Hats 1.95 Swordfish Cap 1 .95 Little Boy Shorts 3.95 Band Halters 2.95 Swim Suits on SALE! k Get Yours Today for Your Summer Vacation at These LOW PRICES! 5.95 6.95 7.95 Sport Blouses 1.98 2.98 T" Shirts 1.69 Revolutionary suit for real "THE ESTHER WILLIAMS" by Om CALIFORNIA like the glamorous swim star who helped perfect it, this suit hat everything! Made with beautiful ballet bodice, willow waist, free-motion straps, (it will do more for you on land or in the water than any suit you've ever worn. And th richly textured Matelasse Lattex molds and holds 'your figure like a dream. Red, white, seafoam green, sand beige. 32-40. 9S Play Suits SPECIAL! Regular 3.95 Regular 4.95 1.98 2.98 Sheer . . . Cool COTTON FROCKS 795 Square Dance Skirts . . 2.98 STILL CONTINUING OUR GREATEST COAT SALE Regular 59.00 to 65.00 Kay's 460 State St. 7 ! i S j t : 1