Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem,
Parties for
Miss Cooley
Several affairs are being ar
ranged to compliment Miss Mar
garet Jane Cooley, who is to be
wed August 6 to John Philip
Maulding of Tillamook.
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Sr.
and Mrs. C. B. McCullough are
to be hostesses Wednesday, July
6, for a luncheon and miscellan
eous shower for Miss Cooley,
the event to be at the Nicholson
On Thursday evening, July 7
Miss Carroll Gragg and her mo
ther, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, will
be hostesses for a party and
shower at their home to honor
Miss Cooley.
VFW Auxiliary's
Meeting Reported
i At a regular meeting of Mar
ion auxiliary, Veterans of For
eign Wars, Monday evening, the
charter was draped for Mrs.
Effie King, a past national presi
dent, and Mrs. Hans Hoffstetter,
vho was a member of Marion
Mrs. Arwin Strayer was given
the honors due her as the newly
elected department senior vice
president. Reports were given on
the state convention held at Coos
Bay last week by Mrs. Bob De
Lapp, Mrs. James Hartley, Mrs.
Joe Hornnefer, Mrs. Mel
:Clemens, and Mrs. James Beall
! Awaras were given Marion
auxiliary for the work done dur
ing Mrs. Ivell Haley's term as
president for the following: The
largest gain in membership, for
the best scrap book on publicity,
an outstanding report on reha
bilitation work, with Mrs. Leon
Hansen receiving first prize for
the individual obtaining the most
new members in the state, second
prize going to Mrs. Joe Horn
nefer. Mrs. Hornnefer was also
honored as having secured the
most new members for the post
in their golden jubilee campaign,
i Mrs. Mcl Clemens served as
department banner bearer dur
ing the convention and was pre
sented a gift from department by
Mrs. Arwin Strayer, Mrs. Mae
Wilder and Mrs. Clemens served
'on committees at convention,
i The department president,
;Mrs. Myrtle Gripp appointed
Mrs. Mae Wilder as legislative
Ichairman for the coming year.
Marion post and auxiliary will be
hosts for the convention In Sa
lem in 1950.
1 It was voted to assist the Chin
Up club in obtaining subscrip
tions for their paper at some
future meeting.
' Plans are being made to have
.the V.F.W. auxiliary colors at'
the fair grounds Saturday eve
ning for the opening of the
Cherryland Festival program.
i The committee will meet at
the V.F.W. hall Wednesday eve
ning to decorate the float for Fri
day parade.
Delegates elected to national
sonvention were Mrs. Joe Horn
nefer, Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs.
Arwin Strayer, Mrs. James Beall,
At -sArbuclile 6 Your Favorite Shoe Store
PLAY SHOES in standard brands and NEWEST SUMMER
f Dtri At
Now at . . .
Ore., Wednesday, June 29, 1949
OES Chapter
Is Entertained
Woodburn The final meet
ing of Evergreen chapter, No.
41, Order of the Eastern Star,
before the summer vacation was
held Monday evening at the Ma
sonic temple with Mrs. Ora
Morris, worthy matron and Ora
F. Morris, worthy patron, pre
siding. Mrs. William Merriott, grand
chaplain of the grand chapter
of Oregon, was introduced and
welcomed to the east where she
was presented with a corsage.
Degrees were conferred upon
one candidate and one petition
er was elected to membership
by affiliation. Under good of the
order the "dads" of the chapter
were introduced and honored
and each presented with a small
gift. There were talks by Mrs
Merriott: by Mrs. Alice Mac-
Lean, a visitor from Josephine
chapter of Grants Pass: Mrs.
Bertha Bergman, a visitor from
Chadwick chapter, and Miss Be
verly Hughes, a member who
recently returned from Sonora,
Calif., where she was instructor
in home economics in the high
Reports of grand chapter were
given by a number of delegates
and members who attended in
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Morris,
Mrs. R. E. Harper, Mrs. H. C
Dixon, Earl Houseweart and
Minnie Richards. Mrs. Arthur
Burt gave a report of a visit to
Daphne chapter.
No chapter meetings will be
held in July and August. For the
next meeting, September 12, the
worthy matron appointed Mrs.
A. F. deLespinasse, Dr. and Mrs.
Gerald Smith, Mrs. W. S. Scar
borough, Mrs. Blaine McCord
and Mrs. Harold Austin as the
refreshments committee.
Refreshments were served in
the dining room by Mr. and Mrs.
P. L. LaBarr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Shancr, Mrs. Thomas Engle and
Miss Hazel Engle. Patriotic de-
rorations were used on the ta
Members whose birthday an
niversaries were during the
months from January to June
were honored and each present
ed with a birthday card. A hu
morous reading by Mrs. Elpha
Mills closed the program for the
BEING welcomed home from
a motor trip into Montana and
Canada are Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Batdorf and Robert.
The Batdorfs visited relatives
Montana and at Charlo,
Mont., were met by the E. M.
Palmers, former Salem resi
dents, the group going to Gla
cier National park and into Can
ada as far as Red Deer, Alberta.
The Batdorfs were accompan
ied as far as Wallace, Idaho, by
Mrs. Richard Batdorf and chil
dren, who visited in Spokane
and at Wallace, Idaho.
and Mrs. Leon Hansen.
Following the meeting the post
joined tne auxiliary for refresh
ments served by Mrs. Leroy
Simpson, Mrs. Mammie Phipps,
Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. Willie
Boone and Mrs. James Beall.
JohansenD Life
$ruc2fe A
Court Ready for Festival
Attired in their official Cher
ryland Festival summer suits,
the five girls in the festival
royal court are shown here
on the steps of the stairway
in the home of Mayor and
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom,
where, on Sunday, they were
honored guests at an inform
al tea given by members of
the Salem Zonta club. Read
ing up the stairway the girls
are: Miss Patricia O'Connor,
queen of the festival; Miss
Katherine Specht, Miss Doro
thy Neufeld, Miss Jeannine
Bentlcy and Miss Grace Kirk,
the four princesses. Miss O'
Connor's suit is white with
white hat and the four prin
cesses are attired in pale pink
suits with matching hats, all
wearing real cherry corsages.
The big event starting the
week, coronation ceremonies,
will be Thursday evening and
from then on the court will
whirl through three very busy
club of Hal Hibbard auxiliary
No. 4 United Spanish War Vet-
481 State St.
erans, will meet for a no-host
lunch, Friday, at 12:30 at the
map .Efe aids. . ',. ,
TO 29.95!
Some rare bargains if you attend this sale early to
morrow morning at 9:30! 2nd floor. Take elevator.
Rayon crepes and gabardines . . . cottons of the
better class . . , dresses for every occasion wear at
ridiculously low price of $5.00.
Size range from 9 to 15 and 10 to 44. Some ma
ternity frocks in the lot.
At $12.95 ... a group of formals, afternoon and
dinner dresses regularly priced to $39.95! Also
some casuals in the group.
home of Mrs. John Bertelson,
110 East Lefelle street.
NOW . . .
Miss Holmes
Shower Feted
Miss Dessa Lee Holmes, who
is to be married July 10 to
Don Scheelar, is being honored
at a number of affairs preced
ing the wedding.
Last evening, eight friends
were hostesses at a miscellane
ous shower and party, 49 being
The hostesses were Mrs. J.
A. Sholseth, Mrs. A. J. Torger
son, Mrs. L. Ramus, Mrs. O.
Sederstrom, Mrs. Arnold Olson
Mrs. H. M. Boesch, Mrs. Oscar
Liudahl and Mrs. L. Thompson,
the party being at the Sholseth
residence. Late refreshments
were served.
Party Monday
Mrs. L. F. Traviss entertain
ed on Monday evening at a
miscellaneous shower and party
to fete Miss Holmes. Guests in
clude Miss Holmes and her
mother, Mrs. Everett Holmes,
Mrs. Norman Jones, Mrs. Clar
ence Greig, Mrs. Ronald Ros-
sner, Mrs. Orland Stallcope,
Mrs. Molly Morstad, Mrs. Os
car. Liudahl, Mrs, Robert Boat-
wright, Mrs. M. A. Frazer, Mrs.
Les Cour, Mrs. Sidney Loyd
Mrs. Al Haakensen, Mrs. Edgar
Loyd. Mrs. Stewart Walker, Mrs
George Aldrin, Mrs. Dale
Knight, Mrs. Jerry Kendall, Mrs
Nan Clare, Mrs. A. A. Carper,
Mrs. Darrell Guthrie of Port
land, Misses Joyce and Joan
Traviss and the hostess.
Reunion Held
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Emery Hendrickson, Sr., on East
State street was the scene of a
family reunion, sisters and bro
thers of Mr. Hendrickson arriv
ing from several sections. Henry
Hendrickson, merchant seaman
stationed in California, arrived
by plane. Mr. and Mrs.' Lincoln
Hendrickson and two daughters
drove from Kenora, Ontario,
Canada. With them was Mrs,
Gene (Bobbe) Meng of Milwau
kee, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. William
Savage (Helen Hendrickson)
and their two boys drove from
Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Also
in the family group were the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hen
drickson, Salem: Mr, and Mrs.
Emery Hendrickson, Rod, Mary
Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Hendrickson, Jr., all of Salem
stjsxii Sizes
' 9 to 15
" 10 to 44
Gives Shower
Mrs Gene Kuenzi was hostess
recently at a shower and party
to honor Mrs. Raymond Kaser.
Games were played and a late
dessert supper served.
In the group were Mrs. Kaser.
Mrs. Aldo Fontanini, Mrs. Law
rence Doerffler, Mrs. Craig Car
ver, Mrs. JacK r-eavey, mrs.
roli .Tnrv Mrs. Warren Pahl.
Mrs. Audnie Tokstad, Mrs. Wen
dell Scott, Mrs. Roger Bauer,
Mrs. Ilda Canoy ana tr.e nosiess.
Has Election
Silverton Mrs. C. E. Higin-
botham was unanimously elect
ed as president of unit No. 7,
American Legion auxiliary,
Monday evening. Mrs. Higin
botham made an all-time local
record in her past year's work
in the auxiliary as membership
chairman and first vice presi
dent, in securing a membership
of 188 with the unit quota of
130. She has been active in
other work of the planned pro
gram and will be among those
to attend the state convention
in Salem in August.
Assisting officers elected were
Mrs. W. Grogan, first vice presi
dent; Mrs. Mayo Robison, sec
ond vice president; Mrs. Frank
M. Porter, secretary; Mrs. Geor
ge Towet treasurer; Mrs. Roscoe
Reeves, historian; Mrs. Fred Ev
ans, sergeant-at-arms. Members
of the executive committee were
Mrs. Reta Maulding, Mrs. Victor
Howard and Mrs. Roy Brown.
Appearing on the program
was Miss Jeanell Gottenberg,
the unit's guest attending Girls
State in Salem, telling of her
experiences at Willamette uni
versity and the state house.
Members of the Stayton auxi
liary are to install the newly
elected officers at the Monday
evening July 11 session.
Miss Ina Harold was chair
man of the refreshment com
mittee for the social hour joint
with members of the post.
LOOK AT IT . . . it's gor
geous, this white background
jersey print by Puritan
with a flattering drape skirt
that gives a hurrah for your
, hips! A year-around
Classic grand for after
noons. At Johnson's in sizes
14 Vi to 22 and
just 8.95.
for a bra like "intrigue."
For not only is it the
answer to comfort and smart
looks (it's a Beautee-Fit
Creation of Hollywood) but
it's available in sizes 32
to 38 and only 2.98
at Johnson's.
summer suits that keep you
dressed-up but dreamily
comfortable; in green,
beige, black, wine, gray or
pink all-worsted gabardine
and a hostess of styles.
Sizes 10-20 at 35.00!
REAL LUCK! Yo.u'll find
our strutter-cloth slacks
are washable . . . and
they have really fine tailored
lines. Easy wearing in
green or brown or black . . .
a dead ringer for the finest
and just 5.95,
for Ladies
a mm
d lStor.