2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 29, 1949 Horseburger Case in Court ! Portland, June 29 (Pi Two brothers, charged with turning horsemeat into hamburger, went ' on trial in a packed municipal courtroom today. Ernest and Ivan Crystal, own : ers of the Salem Meat company of Portland, entered pleas of Innocent to the charges of ille gal possession of horse meat and ale of horse meat not so labeled. A surprise witness was Fred Adam of the Adams Packing company, Hillsboro. He said he deals only in the sale of horse meat as food for animals. The Salem Meat company made weekly purchases from him, he said, adding that the Crystal brothers told him the meat was re-sold as pet food. Municipal Judge John B. Sea brook interrupted testimony to ask why he made deliveries at 6 a.m. Adams said the Crystal brothers set the hour. Adams reappeared instead of a third defendant, Stanley Rlckard, who was arrested as a material witness in the June 22 raid on the packing plant here. Rickard is Adams' foreman and made the deliveries. Thomas Bain, chief city health and sanitation inspector, testi fied to finding 1500 pounds of horse meat in the plant when he, other city officials and detec tives made the arrests. U. S. Bond Prices Stage Sharp Rise New York, June 29 P) -U.S. treasury bond prices staged their sharpest rise in years today as the government in effect moved to make them harder to get. Bid prices of long-term gov ernment issues made advances ranging up to an extreme of about 50 cents per $100 bond for the 2s of September, 1972-67, which were quoted at one time at $104.50 bid. Normal daily fluctuation for the long-term ob ligations over most of this year has been about three to six cents per bond. Government bond houses here said demand was substan tial, but could not be satisfied since offerings were few. Some dealers said many would-be in stitutional buyers, such as banks and insurance companies, bid for large blocks of bonds today in the belief the price rise would continue. The upward movement fol lowed directly last night's state ment by the federal open mar ket committee, which said in part: "The federal open market committee, after consulting with the treasury, announced today that with a view to increasing the supply of funds available in the market to meet the needs of commerce, business and agricul ture it will be the policy of the committee to direct purchases, sales and exchanges of govern ment securities by the federal reserve banks with primary re gard to the general business and credit situation." This guarded statement was Interpreted as meaning that in order to induce banks to lend money more freely to businesses, the federal reserve system would be less free in selling from its portfolio of govern ment securities, thereby forcing prices up and lowering the inter est yield. Stock Judgers Visit Ballston The Oregon Guern sey stock Judging team was at the George McCulloch farm in specting the fine herd of Guern sey cows owned by him and Roy Hobson. Among those present were Bob Stewart, assistant secretary of the American Cat I tic club and Elmer Meadows, of 1 the American Guernsey Cattle 1 club. The Ballston Sew and So cial club served a plate lunch to about 70 members. 5th Bit Day! Hurry Ends Soon! Kirk Douglas In "CHAMPION" and THE YOUNGER BROTHERS" Color by Technicolor Burt Lancaster Yvonne DeCarlo Dan Duryea In "CRISS CROSS" and Roy Rogen in "GRAND CANYON TRAIL" I: i o V9vftMT$'W t f?. hfi - "Via-,. . 4 t Julian 'Buck' Smith Smith to Coach At Willamette Julian "Buck" Smith, a grad uate of Willamette university, will return to his alma mater in the capacity of assistant to Charles R. Stackhou, head football coach at Willamette. Announcement to this effect was made Wednesday afternoon by President G. Herbert Smith after he had cleared with the new athleiic director Smith, a product of the Che mawa Indian school, served with distinction with the armed forces in Persia where he coached an all-service team to the area championship. After the war he returned to Willam ette to secure his degree. He is 39 years old and lives near Turner. He turned down an of fer of a commission with the army in order to retain his post of coach. Beaver Boys State Ballot for Governor Corvallis, June 29 M) Some 200 boys, attending the citizen ship training program of the Beaver Boys Slate, balloted to day for their chief governor aft er naming Ted De Merrill of Malin as state police chief. The police job Is generally re garded as second most import ant in the Boys' State. Officers of the three "coun ties" elected yesterday include: Taft county John Benedict, Eugene, and Bruce King, Sa lem, commissioners; Don Craw ford, Salem, sheriff; Mercer King, Salem, coroner. Hoover county Irvan Strit- skey, Roscburg, and Jim Ram sey, Madras, commissioners; Gene Henry, Roseburg, clerk; Tom Paulus, Salem, assessor; Zane Larson, Harrisburg, cor oner. Cooiiugc county Bob Glass, Eugene, district attorney; Bob Morgan, Eugene, clerk; Al Pearl, Salem, treasurer; Don Heron, Grants Pass, assessor; Gerald Ingrenson, Springfield, coroner; Ken Moriorty, Eugene, justice of the peace. Horseburgers Sold at Seaside Astoria, June 29 M) Horse meat from a Portland meal plant has turned up in a Seaside res taurant. Dr. Leonard Kahl. Clat sop county health officer, re ported. lie said the restaurant owner became suspicious after reading of numerous arrests in Portland last week when quantities of horsemeat, disguised as hambur ger, were seized. Kahl said the meat came from the Salem meat company of Portland, which was charged with sale of unlabeled horse meat in last week's raid in Port land. 14th ANNUAL ST. PAUL JULY 2-3-4 ST. PAUL, ORE. I Thrills! Spills! Dancing Nightly . $7,000 PRIZE MONEY ; Top Cowhandi i 4 Af t 1 : IS : - Klan Chief on Talmadge Staff Atlanta, June 29 (Pi Is the grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan a member of Gov. Herman Talmadge's personal staff? Talmadge said at his press conference yesterday, "I don't know." Grand Dragon Sam Green said, "Sure. I've been a member of the governor's staff since his inauguration." Secretaries in the executive office said they couldn't remem ber whether the head of the Klan, now on U.S. Attorney General Tom Clark's list of sub versives, was a member. The secretaries added that they didn't know where to find a copy of staff appointments. The matter of Dr. Green's staff membership was brought up by a reporter after another newspaperman, earlier in the week, spotted what appeared to be a framed commission in Dr. Green's office. This commission, dated Nov. 17, 1948, bore Talmadge's name and designated Dr. Green as a lieutenant colonel and aide-decamp. Throughout the 1948 guber natorial campaign at various Klan rallies, Dr. Green plumped for the "white supremacy" can didate. Talmadge's campaign was predicated on maintaining white supremacy at the polls. 5 Inches Snow Falls, Mf. Hood Mt. Hood, Ore., June 29 U. Six inches of powder snow fell on the slopes of Mt. Hood last night. It was snowing briskly early this morning, and Timberline Lodge officials said skiing should be good for the next few days. Generally, temperatures were lower throughout Oregon with frost reported In eastern Ore gon. The weather bureau said the cold air condition, which drift ed down from the Bering sea would continue for another day with some warming expected Thursday. Lakeview was the coldest spot in Oregon this morning with 29 degrees recorded. Redmond re corded 31 degrees; Burns, 35; Klamath Falls, 32; La Grande 38 and Baker 37. The weather bureau said the freezing temperatures were raised quickly and no serious crop damage was expected al though (here had been no esti mate of losses. Cloudy weather with occa sional showers was predicted by the weather bureau for today and Thursday. Corvallis Escapee Nabbed in N. M. Corvallis, June 29 P) Rich ard Howard Hall, who was "sprung" from the Benton county jail here on June 3, with the aid of at le.ist two outside OPENS 6:45 P. M. ENDS TODAY! John Woyne Claire Trevor "Stage Coach" Co-Hit! Thomas Mitchell Barry Fltigerald "LONG VOVAGE HOME" NOW! Opens 6:45 P. M. Maria Montel "TANGIER Franrhot Tone "RETURN OF VIGILANTES" I R Frr Shetland Pony I I I H Rldn lor Ihi Klddln I I I I RUrllni Dill, Rt S p. in I II Randolph Scott 1 II Ann Richards flf nl "Badman's Territory" In ill Ed. G. Robinson III III I.on McAllister If "The Red House" fjj accomplices, is In custody at Al buquerque, New Mexico, Ben ton County Sheriff C. N. Lilly said this morning. Lilly said he had been inform ed Hall was arrested at Estanci, New Mexico, for attempting to pass a bad check and sent to Al buquerque when it was found he was driving a car stolen from that city. The sheriff said Hall was alone when arrested and had with him one of the pistols stolen from the sheriff's office during the time of the break here. He said Hall would be brought to Corvallis to face burglary charges and three separate counts of forgery. Keizer Sand Firm Signs-up The Keizer Sand & Gravel company Wednesday morning signed an agreement with the Teamsters union of Salem meet ing the union demand for a wage increase, and the plant is oper ating. The union is still picketing the River Bend Sand &, Gravel plant, and the workers are out on strike at other local sand and gravel plants. About 60 members of local No. 324 are involved. The wage demand is an increase of 10 cents an hour retroactive to January 1 and extending to July 1, and 12V4 cents an hour July 1 to December 31. A counter offer made by the, employers was 10 cents from July 1 with no retroactive pay. Ward E. Graham, secretary of the Salem union, said the union had offered several times to ar bitrate the dispute, but that the employers had refused. There was some promise of settlement of the dispute that has kept woodworking plants idle for several months. H. D. Van Sweringen, executive secretary of the Salem Building Trades union, said local 1411 would meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock BASEBALL TONITE 8:00 P.M. , SALEM SENATORS SPOKANE WATER'S PARK 25th and Mission St, For the Time of Your Life! Ph. 3-3467 Mat. Daily from 1 P. M. Starts Tomorrow! r wv CO-FEATURE! SAVAGE THRILLS! YOUNG MONARCH r IT aM II I U V Ml f F -g J . OF THE JUNGLE . . . MASTER OF ALL IT'S SECRETS! Czechs Use Guns Upon Catholics Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 29 (U.R) Communist militiamen armed with tommy guns today subdued Catholic villagers in central Czechoslovakia after they had rioted for four days because police tried to arrest their priests, a witness to the disorders reported tonight. The witness said the uprising began Sunday when carloads of police swooped down on four villages in the region of Turcian sky Svaty Martin, some 200 miles east of Prague just across the Moravian border in Slovakia, The trouble subsided only after martial law was declared over a 100-square-mile area of the strongly Catholic region near Zilina. i The iour priests whom police were trying to arrest still were reported to be free, the witness said. His report indicated the events in that area were the most turbulent of the long struggle between the church and the state. at the Labor temple to vote on a new offer from the employers' association. "We hear that the offer was accepted by the Portland local Monday night," he said, and ad ded that the offer is not known in detail yet in Salem, but will be by Thursday night. The workers had asked for an increase of YlVi cents an hour. The association offered 114 cents plus six paid holidays dur ing the year in addition to two weeks vacation on pay. Details of the new offer are awaited with considerable interest. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming - Dancing - Hiking - Fishing - Horses Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET Open Until October 1st Road from Detroit to Bruckman's Open 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. to 7:45 a. m., DST Monday thru Saturdays and mil day Sunday and Holidays For Reservations and Price List Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH . SPRINGS Breitenbush, Oregon DAFFY I AUCTION" He Fought for the Right to Within thA Imui iiiv Man ' WILLIAM ELLIOTT ANDY DIVINE llfV UMf - UIBirrr nifur. Showers Worrying Cherry Growers Rainfall in a new series of showers for the Salem area measured .11 of an inch in the 24-hour period ending at 10:30 a. m. Wednesday. The amount brings the month's total to .96 of an inch, or .22 of an inch below normal but above the total fall for June of last year. Only .38 on an inch fell for the entire. month of June in 1948. Continued rain would bring worries to those winding up the cherry harvest and to those with hay down and the Cherryland Festival association is hoping there will be no more rain the remainder of the week with the festival opening Thursday. The month has been marked by rela tively cool daytime tempera tures, the record showing sever al days with below normal mean temperatures. Rain Ends Drought In Inland Empire Spokane, June 29 W) Rain over most of the Inland Empire today eased a prolonged drought. The rain, which turned to snow on some of the higher mountains, came too late in some areas to provide maximum help to crops. However, it cheered wheat farmers somewhat in the Palouse area and cut down the fire danger in the area's forests and ranges. Two inches of snow fell on Mount Spokane. The rain in Spo kane was light. The weather bur eau reported overnight falls of .19 inches at Couer d Alene, .23 inches at Grangeville and .18 inches at Lewiston in Idaho. Heavy rains were reported in western Lincoln county. On The Stage Tonite at 8:50 P.M. ENDS TODAY! (WED.) Marjorie Main Percy Kileride "MA & PA KETTLE" "THE PRAIRIE" Fight... i Hoover V. Plan Rejected by Gray Washington, June 29 (U.R) Veterans Administrator Carl R. Gray, Jr., has rejected in full Hoover commission proposals for reorganizing the veterans ad ministration, it was learned to day. In a sharply critical letter to Chairman John E. Rankin, (D Miss) of the house veterans com mittee, Gray dismissed the pro posals either as useless, costly or actually harmful to good serv ice. He centered his fire especially on the commission's plan to abolish veterans hospitals as such, lumping them under a sin gle government health agency along with hospitals of the army, navy and public health service. "The high standard of (medi cal) care which has been attain ed by the veterans administra tion would necessarily be lower ed by a merger of our program with other programs," Gray said. "I must strongly recom mend against the adoption of this recommendation." Gray turned thumbs down on proposed creation of an inde pendent "government insurance corporation" to handle GI insur ance. The present "inteerated system," he said, is cheaper. tie dismissed as an invasion of "proper and sound" state pre rogative a proposal to give the federal government more say so about what schools are ap proved for GI training. He said creation of a new veterans bene fit service would only breed con fusion. New PIX Theatre Oregon IWoodburn O-SO-EASY SEATS WED., JUNE 29 CASBAH TONEY MARTIN FOR VACATIONS OR WEEK-ENDS VISIT THE COAST MUt ?CiTlM y' - CUTLER CITY Notice Fishermen Under New MANAGEMENT! CUTLER CITY MOORAGE Boats Motors - Crab Nets Cutler City, Oregon Melvin C. Ellison iFollow Cutler City fish signs DEPOE "PACIFIC TROLLERS" DEPOE BAY, OREGON "Sea Hawk" - "Jimco" - "Falcon" - "Therese" Latest Type Sport Fishing Cruisers RADIO EQUIPPED Charters Deep Sea Fishing Trips Excursions HEADQUARTERS COAST MARINE BUILDING AND DOCK WAITING ROOMS REST ROOMS Phone 590 NEWPORT Newport Manor Motel BEAUTIFUL, NEW, MODERN On Hiway 1013 blocks north of Yaquina Bay Bridge. Phone 425-W Box 646 NEWPORT, OREGON Automatic Electric Heat Beautyresti -k Go Deep Sea Fishing Charter the CYGNET Diesel Powered - Fed. tnsp. and Licensed Two Hours Fishing $3.15 Four Hours Fishing 5.1S All Day Charter (up to 45 people) 200.00 OVER-NIGHT and LONG TRIPS by Special Arrangements Radio-Telephone Sleeps 12 for over-night trips Phone 545 If no answer Phone 90-J i. Elfving Box 903 Newport, Oregon ABBEY HOTEL HOTcL COFFEE SHOP TAVERN VACATION LAND Phone for Information - 18 HUNTING FISHING BOATING BUS CONNECTIONS TO ALL LINES YAOUINA BAY AREA - Newport; Oregon Post office Box A Newport, Ore. Czech Reds Accuse Tito of Plotting r Prague, Czechoslovakia, Jun 29 ) A high-ranking Czecho slovak communist spokesman today accused Marshall Tito's Yugoslav government of plot ting with "reactionary" Czech army officers to "organize putsches" here against the Prariue regime. The spokesman also charged "Anglo-American imperialists" were involved in such plots. ', The accusation was made by Bedrich Geminder, an official of the cominform who partici pated in the. expulsion of Tito from that organization just a year ago. STARTS TODAY" OPEN 6:45 Z B7" FF'""RFS! RANDOLPH SCOTT, GYPSY ROSE LEE DINAH SHORE BOB BURNS. and ROSALIND LEO CLAIRS SYDNEY ItGENN-TREVORGREENSTRECT AGATE BEACH 29 PINES LODGE Agate Beach, Ore. Home Cooked Food Italian Dishes ROOMS Fh. Newport 67-J-l-X for Reservations 3 MI. NORTH of NEWPORT BAY WE WELCOME YOU j -NEWPORT- Where you can enjoy fish ing in Yaquina Bay, go deep sea fishing, get a sun-tan or go surf bathing. For In formation Ph. Ill-J day or night. THE-WAVES COTTAGES At Nye Beach MTnmiTieui ( vfcCr M ncmn me. u w I 4r ! Tickets Now on Sale STEVENS & SON COLOR CARTOON FOX Nv