rf.; V.; Rev. John Hood Appointed Presbyterian Moderator Independence, Ore., June 29 Rev. John W. Hood, 61, pastor of the Independence Presbyterian church who was named moder ator of the Presbyterian synod of Oregon at the 59th synod in Central Presbyterian church, in Portland, has been preaching In Oregon for 19 years. He succeeds Elder Philip S. Hitchcock, .mamatn fans. v- He was born in Sparta, 111., November 30, 1888. Rev. Hood graduated from Washington State college at Pullman in 1913 and later from the San Francisco Theological Seminary ,at San Anselmo in 1919 when he was ordained into the ministry. He was married to Mary M McClure, January 1, 1915. They have three children Robert M Hood, Portland; Donald M. Hood Gervais and Mrs. James S Smart, Salem. There are three grandchildren. He served charges at Gervais, Keedsport and Wald port before coming here and also In California and Washington prior to locating in Oregon. Rev. Hood was twice elected delegate from the Oregon synod to the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in Philadel phia in 1938 and Grand Rapids, Mich, in 1945. He is the son of a Presbyterian minister and has two brothers and a brother-in-law who are ordained ministers in the Presbyterian church. Other officers named by the synod were Rev. Oscar W. Payne, Coos Bay, vice moderator; Dr. William L. Killian, Portland, stated clerk and Rev. Hugh L. Bronson, Tulelake, permanent clerk. At a separate meeting of the Oregon Synodical, the women's organization of the church, Mrs. L. M. Parsons, Portland, was named president. Mrs. E. A. Col lier, Salem, was named third vice president. New Snow Blankets Timberline Lodge Portland, June 29 OT Six inches of new snow blanketed Timberline lodge on Mount Hood today as chill weather en veloped Oregon. A few flakes were reported at Meacham in northeastern Ore gon's Blue Mountains, but the Cascade peak got a heavy fall during the night and it was con tinuing today. Lodge officials said skiing was good. Govern ment Camp had three inches of wet snow. At the 4:30 a.m. reading, Lakeview reported 29 degrees, Redmond 31 and Klamath Falls 32. Southeast Portland had a lightning and thunder storm, with scattered hail, yesterday afternoon. $$ MONEY $$ t Real Estate Loani Farm or City Personal and Auto Loam State Finance Co. 153 8. High St. Lie. S2I 3-5222 Journal Want Ads Pay Moderator Rev. John W. Hood, of the Independence Presbyterian church, new moderator of the Presbyter ian synod of Oregon. Quincy, Mass., was settled in 1625 and ranks among the old est permanent settlements in New England. PM J3LBNDED WHISKEY Iff MiManxf isjrleasinff MaUff 4MM QT. clear clean taste! National DlitWert Products Corp.y New York. N. Y. - Blended WhlikCT. 86 broof. 5 Grain Neutral Splrlti. RUPTURED? . . . For Security and Comfort , Wear a DOBBS TRUSS BULBLESS - BELTLESS - STRAPLESS SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED NO OBLIGATIONS A DOBBS TRUSS hoMs like the band. SANITARY, can be worn while balhlnr. Dou not Atrut the rupture. It holds with a concave pad. Reason should teach rou not to place a bulb or ball In opening ol rupture, thus keeping the tissue spread, apart. Men, Women, Children No matter what truss you now wear, you owe it to yourself to come see the DOBBS TRUSS Mr. Richard Dobbs, Factory Representative Will Hold a - FREE DEMONSTRATION Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday and Friday June 28-29-30 and July 1st CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty Sts. Family of Nine . Find Jobs Few Jobs are on the wane. That is what the George Fields family, who a week ago arrived in Sa lem in search of work have learned. The family, father and mother and seven children, unable to find employment in Medford where they lived have traveled around the state in search of employment, with Salem their last stop. Permanent residents of Ore gon, the couple, and the seven children, youngest age one year, and the oldest 10 years of age, are living at the labor camp at tne airport now and picking ber ries. The two, together, average from four to five dollars a day' in the field and are finding it hard to stretch that amount far enough to feed nine people. The -father a bulldozer operat or by profession, was for seven years employed by a private concern that contracted for high way work for the state. He is in search of work in his line now but has also looked else where for employment, check ing sawmills or any other places that he feels would offer enough employment to feed nine per sons. Amity Roy LaFollette of Wheatland, was elected to suc ceed himself as director on the Amity Union high school board at the annual school meeting and election Monday at Amity and Wheatland and the school meeting followed. LaFollette I had no opposition on the ballot. IN MARRIAGE VOWS 'Minister Substitutes 'Love For 'Live' in Ceremony Words Worcester, Mass. W) A Worcester clergyman has changed a portion of the wedding vows which reads "so long as you both shall live" to "so long as you both shall love." Rev. Gordon B. McKeeman of i All Souls Universalist church said the original version was "antiquated." He said it does not conform to the "present cul tural pattern of society." "My belief is that marriage legally is a civil ceremony and the basis of marriage is love it has not always been so but on the basis of our present culture it is," the clergyman said. "If a minister says 'so long as you shall live' he is bind ing a couple to take a vow that is not true according to civil law." He said there Is no reason to ask couples to take a vow which "they may not keep." The Universalist church he ex plained, does not bind their min isters to any regulations, but the legal requirements. He said he has performed between 15 and '20 marriages using the word "love" instead of "live," Pinehurst, N.C., was founded as a winter resort in 1895 by a Boston man, James W. Tufts. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 29, 1949 19 Salmon Price Cut Proposed Astoria, Ore., June 29 VP) Columbia river fish packers are proposing an 18-cent-a-pound price for salmon caught in July. The price, substantially lower than last year, is being voted upon this week by Columbia riv er fishermen, whn rprimH 9n j cents for spring-caught salmon. ine pacKers also are propos ing a 15-cent rjrice for salmon caught after July. The spring season closed in mid-June. Commercial fishlne will resume July 6. Packers blamed a dull market for the proposed price cuts. LA. Police Chief Retires Under Fire Los Angeles, June 29 (U.R) Police Chief C. B. Horrall went into retirement today, climaxing a grand jury investigation 'mo alleged payoffs to vice squad of ficers by Hollywood call house Madam Brenda Allen. The chief sent a retirement application to the pension board last night. It was immediately and unanimously granted. Assistant Chief Joseph F, Reed was named acting chief. Aeschylus, greatest of the Greek tragic poets, won 13 con tests until he was defeated in 468 B.C. by Sophocles. jiyi w-f 9 ' urst of Penney's STYLED FOR COMFORT - MADE FOR WEAR! SPOU jQCi$& ;v 1 hu ", IL 4v SO YOU CAN SAVE! V-9 Ofjl NEW (2) I AND..., 9.90 T SLAG KS 'FAIRWAY" MODfcLS Gabardines, made with a specially balanced blend of 60 rayon (for smoothness and long wear) plus 40 new wool (for springiness and smart looks). Good "gobs" are a must in every well dressed man's wardrobe. And really good gabardines are yours at Penney's for a thrifty Cash-and-Carry price. MAIN FLOOR STYLED FOR SUMMER COMFORT! RAYON GARBAR ::. Vv h ' ;VrJ Penney Priced So You Can Save! The king of sport shirt fabrics Town craft, tailored for action, comfort, plus downright good looks! .Trust thrifty Penney's to push the price way idown so you can stock up for summer! Long roll collar, flap pockets, deep tone and new hjghtone pastel colors! Small, medium, large. MAIN FLOOR 9 s OUTSTANDING FOR DRESS OR CASUAL WEAR CORDUROY JA A THRIFTY WAY TO LOOK YOUR VERY BEST THIS SUMMER ! ! ! PENNEY PRICED SO YOU CAN SAVE! Corduroy sport coats are number one for style and Penney's has the sweetest assortment you ever saw at this low prjee! See what a new four patch-pocket will do for you. Notice the broad shoulders, the slightly tapered waist. Check the leather buttons, the plain (no vent) back. In the season's best colors maroon, gray green, brown. 36 44. MAIN FLOOR PENNY PRICED SO YOU CAN SAVE! ilSi VALUIlP n 14,75 VACCT Sturdy Streamlined METAL CASE Size 11 0 20"x13"x6Vi 3 M l'lus Tax MAIN FLOOR SMART NEW PLASTIC MATCHING LUGGAGE 21" Companion Case British Brown 24" Two Suiter British Brown MAIN FLOOR Plus -Tax 1475 1975 1 " JFJ V