Dl 1J ' 1 C 18 Capita Journal, Salam, Or., Wednesday, June 29, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (ChaDter 19) . Remembering that it was part r of his duties as outlined by Jeb : Kind to keep the squatters under observation, he spent the rest of . that week scouting the south edge Ol me vaiiey. He traced trails out and found l that neculiarlv or not. as one ..wished to regard it, they invariably lad to some other ravine or guuy v simVllcantly close to Chuck Gale's rancn. This time he found one of those " hidden parks and in it he found quite a number of cattle. Pains takingly he rode about, examln--lng brands; and finally he cut out " a tow which wore the Crown brand " of Jeb King. Just one, but that rwas enough. She was being used, he Judged, for breeding. He didn't risK searenmg mrtner. I Jeff was back in Sougar by noon ) on Saturday, and there at his desk 1 in the Town Hall he reviewed his 1 findings and reached certain con- elusions. He told his dcmitv. "It's Satur day and Chuck Gale ought to be ; omewhere about town. Go out t and see if you can find him. Tel 1 him I want to see him here, alone.' 1 Within fifteen minutes Jeff heard i the thnmn of boots on the stairs 1 and Chuck Gale halted in the 1 rtnnrWBV Jeff nodded to him. "Come in, J Chuck, and sit down. I want to I have a heart-to-heart talk with i yoa." i Chuck glanced about, looked be ' bind him into the hall, then came 1 in and closed the door. ' "What you want to talk about?" he asked, as ne seated nimseu. . "Cattle Crown cattle. I need i little advice, and I think you're I the man who can iurnisn m. i "Yeah?" Chuck was watching I him susoiclouslv. 1 "Yes. Here's my problem: The ' Crown has been losing stock right f alone, a little at a time." I Chuck's face was as stony as i tver. but his hard eyes were glint i inn. "Go on." he said. i "Sure. Now suppose I should get the idea that the nesters along the fringe ol the valley were sllp J ping Jeb's stock away one at a time. Suppose I nosed around and found trails leading up into the I mils LU Buiue 1JU11LS iiicLijr viumj w i the headquarters of a certain i rancher. Suppose that I even found ' lome Crown breeding stock mixed ' with the stock of that rancher. In ' that case. Chuck, what would you ! advise me to do?" Chuck grinned sardonically. , "That's easy. Get a Dig posse ana i go up there and call lor a show t down." Jelf nodded. "That was my first 'thought, but there are several ob jections to such a course. In the first place, it would mean that .somebody on both sides would get hurt, mayue Killed, in tne second place, the responsibility for that I attack would be with me. and if 'that certain rancher pointed out 'that he man t own these paries, ; that they were open to anybody I who wanted to graze cattle there, j that the brands on the cattle had mot been worked over, I'd be in , tough spot and the town of 'Cougar, as my employer, might be 'open to suit for damages." J Chuck's grin broadened. "You don't say I Never thought of that." Jeff was quite sure that he had ithought of it. "You didn't? Well, i there it is." i "Mister, you don't need any d 'vloe from me. You know that you 'ain't got a case against this ranch er. He ain't rustlin' or handlln' , rustled stock, for as long as the , brands ain't changed he can't sell ,that stock. And if he can't sell 'em. what'd be the use of havin' ittiem?" j "Well, he might use them to 'breed. Especially if they were (particularly good stock. Calves, 'you know, are born without brands :or eanmrks. As soon as they were rweaned he could slap his own 'brand on them and throw them in 'with his own stuff and nobody'd .know the difference." He eyed Chuck steadily. "Now If I had happened up there at calving time and found a calf with a Crown -oow, and later I found that cow without the calf, I might have something to go on. Or if one of those calves happened to find its 'way back to the mother and was running around with her bearing .this rancher's brand, there'd be a good excuse for starting some thing." '( : "Reckon you got somethin' there." "Uh-huh. That being the case what would you advise me to do?' Chuck sat there looking at him and Jeff thought there was a hint ol admiration in his eyes. He cleared his throat and got up. "Tyler, I sure don't know what to tell you; but It looks to me as utoueh you'd nail that feller mak ln' a mistake some time. That Is if he is usin' his neighbor's stock to oreea little cows lor nlmsell. Some day you're bound to catch him playln' off. or mebbe one of them calves might find its way back to its ma, like you said. Reckon if I was you I'd just pass a hint on to that rancher and tell mm to mink it over right serious. He might I say might figger uinh us saier to SUCK to ills own stock in the future, even If it is slower. That all you want with me lust my opinion?" That's all. Chuck. I'm much obliged to you." "Don't mention It." Chuck turned to the door, then stopped and turned back. "Pound out who poisoned yore Herefords yet?" "No. I thought I had a lead, but it petered out." Chuck nodded. "Keen a-nliis. gln'. You ain't so dumb as some folks think you are." mis time he did leave. (To Be Continued) Miss Gubser Home Unionvale Miss Anona Gub-, ser who was a delegate from Dayton Union high school to Santa Barbara, Calif., conven tion of Future Homemakers of America has returned to her home in this district. She was elected treasurer. Sun-Catching Style Here's the double duty ensemble on a smaller scale! The shoulder-strapped prin cess aress lor sun tun . . . pius a pert little bolero to don for the street. Fames included in pat tern. No. 3627 is cut In sizes 2, 4, 6, and Size 4 dress and bolero, 1 yds. 36-in.; panties, yd, 35-in. Send 35c for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number State Size desired. Cottons again strike a high fash ion note. They arc Inexpensive to make, easy to handle. Send now lor me hummer mshiom buuh which includes in its 150 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions for every ago and occasion. Price Just 20 cents. Address Capital Journal 552 Mission St.. San Francisco 6. Calif. If lit xca THIS IS THE NAME AND PHONE 1 PIUMBCK VI- UUK Ktb UtNT AGENT THERE MEMORIZE IT, BEFORE V3U ........ gv jT , " 1 ' J. BUT YOUR FIRST STOP WILL BE AT THE PRISON WHERE THE WARDEN HAS AGREED TO TURN STEVE ROPER. MAGAZINE EDITOR. inil aitvt KUDcKTd. R2832 PATTERN No. B2835 Handy Trio Designed to pep up your kitchen as well as protect nanus, mis nappy trio can be made from rag bag odds and ends. Make several sets lor they are wonder-1 ful shower presents and popular onauons lor cnurcn anairs. Pattern Envelope No. R2835 con tains hot-Iron transfer for 3 de signs color chart, material require ments, stitch illustrations and com plete sewing and finishing direc tions. To obtain the pattern send 20c in uoins giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggv Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3. cam. 3 jB$5BV IBTTTTTTTiTI-n'nrt kJ t-' "-W II I II I M l I MP I ISO LONG, CHARLlfcZTHANKS, PAL 1 G0CO MORNING, ) REACH. MR. 1 fTHIS IS THE NAMF ANrt DWDMP 1 I - I PONT TAKE AN iu.6ET OVER J WRBAUGHMAN ROPER?" NUMBER OF OUR RESIDENT S teEc0i ,-THERE'S YOUR AGETHER-MEKrzrrJ T I HEARTACHE J-rr SAYS HERE IN If f EXPENSE MONEY THEN DESTROY E-- -----VCJ 1 BTbTBFJ j I I nnu ipvhli ' J LAI WIV. TVU J Jfc fcJ (VI fj a ft VE KUbtKT5. T - MK5K5 mmmmr tar KTiu BiiwiiMi I I UU m n w Tinnr sssssl 1 IB ' 1 II J 0 Lw'"''''''" "sS-fr''ifi rTjaa; know the money"o"k"-uke iVfcSSL "i :ifw4- 1ltSt I D0NTt6 NEED SOME MORS OH, THEVT?E NOT IS THERE-NO USE 1PKSQ I NOT G0tV TOO AUs5U ' I"51 " 1 SZj- R I CASH? TH'Wfff- THAT TOWN WORRYING ABOUT CWVES OP SOME SNOOPER I OFTEM TO TH' tUJ 1 ', f 1 tl p I IS COIN UP AND TEN THEIR PAYi ) 01SCCWERING THE CAVE" J WEUU, EH' tWlWii ' 1 WJ I THOUSAND WORKMEN, DONT SW THAT MONEY LEAVE IT ALONE TIU. J WXrA ! t ' ( I L.. MAYBE YOU "V 1 L,e TO OWN LAND,) I I 5UT VOU CAN'T KEEP UP NEVER FEAR.WUEM I) ( SWPDMT HAVE PHOEBE.-IT MAKES VL THE PAYMEMTS-IF AMBY I SET THRU TALKING r T rrI?AIOL9EPEELSECUREyfa POTTS FORECLOSES WELLi To HIM WEVraNTylZ u PISMIKIS BOAT FORTH ATpfY -'L ' HAVE NOTHING FORECLOSE fT 'J ( CLAV.'." 1-1 DON'T p AMD ( WORPN, iNN W Cv, fZZZyAlMlSl TuSjIMsT I KNOW WVHAT 4 EXAMINE LAD.r-D. -. ' IfV W f TO TSI vr) E1FFECT IT MAY MX HIMA 60XKENBUSH ) T A!.f'7 if V C " HAVE OM A HUHAM ) ' $1 IS HERE. T V " uM AVTOT a 1 I ' 7XZfJL Xrir irr- i i r r uii J IT S KINDA SILLY FOR WELL, THIS IS THE 1 x VEH, BUT WHV IN THE WORLD HF(.K V A I C . , ,.,, M , L , M THE FARMER TO PLANT LAST OHE, MR. FARMER t DID VOL) PLANT EACH ONE va r i-vtta tHZ 7 ALL THESE BABV FRUIT I PLANTED CTZp ' SO DANCED FAR APART ? JTwc JT n. f BUf? rI '' U TREES WHEN VA CAN FIFTV PEACH Nii, CVH a l ME ) V"3 7 L0TS OF SQUIRREL J BUY ANV KIND OF FRUIT FIFTV PLUM,' KtfWeS 1' ntllr 1 1 f '.jTl ' 17 " "-ACe TO fefVT' ZZt FOOD ! IN CANS THESE PAYS' AND FIFTY NSHekl 3- VKS.v SPIT THE JjSSfeTT? ,?"V- 2-T,-r-V?iuA- I T CHERRY TREESI iEUM' P',TS, JTW c rccrH?v it i Acs' ; as S3rK a w .. tsst.-i r h... -"mwir ijy. up iws r t&MJMmuwaam. paacz m m i n itmti t - ii n VZe""!! SUBSI THATB my WELL, LOOK.' IF THE WArtOU K Y ncnnpecl I IBIHitiiE, HauymsoaW. 'TfS'POSEP INff.THEN THIS PASSAGE yAND THE HORSES WELL, MILES, I'M fiLAPXXJ AVdnTmStk . ' IJUST THOU6HT OF SOMETHIMfi JV BE A KSAL MUST LE AP TO TIWT TWIL MUST BE kEFT CDULP WAIT ANP TRAVEL ( M 6LA0 TO ELSE, RUSTV. DO VOU REMEMBER THAT ( SON A LAND- ACROSS THE C4NYON ! S OUT THERE OUT TO CACTUS KNOB 1 HAVE COM Wft a I play jife5 sp rss D ffl WHS'Z ILZJ-" ' f MSfc- JS. sTH 7 ' 1 ' ' 1 t2ai3JraiJ! 1 L. , J j ( OF EACH PINEAPPLE ) - f irAviJfiiiSES'.T flFA'Yfinu&ur UK WHITECAPPEDWAveSTHAT U K.,r';i ., XX . II mi g-il .n l00YED AT THE T IW 5Mf . 50ME TAM' 5M ART OLD FOOL ''DRIVE ON '6 J 1 a I . T - - i fTfr'n Ai sueii es whin THfv Tg)y- ? v 1 ' )it. xS. Wi rt 5U. g - j ) j RADIO PROGRAMS IKSLM 2S, WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW So KOCO IKOIN 5:00 Fnttoo Lewii. Jr. Womm'i Secret Rhylbm Ranch Curt Miikf :1A Frank Hemlnrwaj On Sunny Side Rhythm Ranefa Littl Show :U Panlnr Parade Ch'ck F'tler, Newe Bint Craiby Club IS. CBS :lfl Carmen Cavalbiir H. V Kaltenborn Sport Fate Edw. R. Marrow 6:00 WEDneji PM ., . Blond it Candle Lisht and Knox Manning tlB Ted Drake Blondle Silver Boulab :Xn Ted Drake Mutclal CocktalU Newt Chet Bon tier iM Advent, of Champ Elmer Petenon Troplcana Newi 7:00 Gabriel Heatter Duffy'e Tavern Curly Bradley County Fair lift Northwest Newi Duffy'a Tavern Pat O'Brien County Fair :80 Muiio Ronald Colman Bandstand Thii la Broadway lift Mmic Ronald Colman Bandit and Thii la Broadway 8:00 3oait Survey The Big Story Dug-out Dope Thii It Broadway :16 Coast Survey Tba BU Story Baseball This la Broadway :S0 Cisco Kid Curtain Time Baseball H'wood Mm. Ball ft Cisco Kid Curtain Tima Baseball H'wood Mqs. Ball 9:00 What's the Nam Supper Club Baseball Lowell Thomas :1ft of that Song News of World Baseball Jack Smith Shaw :S0 Variety Time Arehle Andrews Baseball Dr. Christian jg Variety Time Archie Andrews Baseball Dr. Christian a :00 News Ch'ck F'slerNewi Baseball Five Star. Final If I:1S Select Ucal News Sports Pago Final Baseball Night Editor 111130 New Mr. Dlst, Attorney News You and Seenrlty Muslo Mr. Dlst. Attorney Track 1490 Let'a Danoa n:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayes, Rep. Track 1490 Serenade :1A Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1400 You A tba World :30 Bob Pool Show Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra Music Wax Museum Track 1490 Orohestra U:00 Sign Oft Sign Off Sign Off siiTnt THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m :00 News Hodge Podga ' ' News MSM Dawn Patrol Ho die Podge KOIN Kloek 1:30 Northwest News Kneass, News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock iS March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7,00 Dawn PBtr0 Farm Time Tex Rltter KOIN Klock I !l" Dawn Patrol Farm Time News A Sports News '8 Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top O Morning News 146 News Kneass w. News News pet& neck 8f Newa Pre Waring Western Melodies Consumer Newa !" Breakfast Gang F Waring Western Melodies Art Baker :5 Breakfast Gang R'd'rs P'rp. Sage The Stars Sing Robert Q. Ltwla - !" Top Iradet Sam Hayes Chrcb In Wlldwd Hobcrt Q. La wig 1 9:.M Bargain Counter Th Second Cup Haven of Rest Feature Story ;, Victor Llndlahr The Second Cup Haven of Rest Newa :" Sons of Pioneer Jc B"h Mnil Without Grand Slam ill Music Kneass w. Newi Words Rosemary W- Northwest Newa Tommy Dorsey Coffee Cop Wendy Warren !" Kate Smith Tommy Dorsey Northwest Report Aont jenny !;J Pastor Call Tom D'rsey Show Rhapsody In Heeil Tren, Charlie Splvak Tom D'rsey Show Rfaytbm 0ur Ga, Bnnd7 1 m m News Pe Orch. Glass Wax Big Sister " ' T I !15 Bennl Walker Lopez Orch. G ass Wax Ma perklna h '22 Wiles Organalltles Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dff Malona m Walts Serenade The Brighter Day Glass Wax Guiding Light jaiDO Top Trades Double r Nothing Hollywood Music Newi I a :16 News Double r Nothing Hollywood Muslo Come A Get It I !30 Queen for a Day Kneass w. News News Norah Drake - Queeo for Day Light of World Ted Dam Presents Makes too Tlsk 1:00 Ladies First Life Cn Be Butlfl Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton" ;16 Ladies First Ma Perklna Mac's Melodies Perry Mason :30 Northwest Newt Pep. Young Fam. Mac'a Melodies pt O'Brien Shaw : Bob Ebcrly Show Right to Ha'p'ness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo Sk t9$ Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mao's Melodies Newspaper of Air m3 iIO Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mao's Melodies Newspaper of Air M :30 Organ Reveries Lorenzo Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All 0 Blng Sings Yng Wlddcr Brwn Mac's Melodies Tunefully Xonr 3:00 Against the Storm When Girl Mar'les Mao's Melodies News Jo Against the Storm Portia Faces Life Mac'a Melodies Meet the Mlssag ;30 Music Just Plain BUI Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus :ft Muslo Front Pg. Farrell Mac'a Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Say It With Music Road of Life Women's Page Arthur Godfrey .1ft Say It With Music Lora Lawton 'hllosopher Arthur Godfrey :30 Songs ol Times Aunt Mary Spotllte on Musle Arthur Godfrey :4ft Newa We Love A Learn Spotllte on Muslo Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: Wednesday P.M. 8:00, Squirrel REX, 1190; KOAC, 550 Malonei 11:15 Galen Drakei True Story. Keeping Up With Sports: 0:1B, Home Edf. tlom 6:30, Challenge of Yukon) 7:00, .Id win C. Hill I 7:1ft, Elmer Davlst 7:30, Music Timet 8:00, Lone Ranger) 8:30, Amateur Hour; 0:30, Lawrence Welki 10:00, Rich field Reportert 10:15, Intermexsot 10:30, Concert Hoort 11:30. Memo to Tomorrow: U:00, Xtra Honrt 1:00, Sign Off. V C Y Thursday A. M. 6:00. Early Bird; l t A 7:00, Newai 7:15, Bob Johnson: 7:30, Bob Hasen Showi 7:45, Time Tempos f 8:00, Myrt and Marget 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Man ners) 8:45, Easy Acest 0:00, Breakfast Club 10:00, News) 10:15, Stars of Today) 10:30, Kay Kyscr's Kolieget 11:00, Ted (Listed Pacltlo Standard Time) lAAf Wed, P.M. 5:110, On .the Cp lVn Beat: 5:50, 560 Sports Clabf 0:00, The Newsi 8:1ft, Melodleat :, Chemistry i 6:46. Guest Start 1i00, Farmers' Union; 7:16. Farm Bonn 8:00, Beaver Boys' Statet 8:30, Vets Newai 8:45, Newst 9:00, Muslo 0:45, Med it at Ions 10:00, Adventures in Research) 10:16, Ser enadei 10:45, Newsi 11:00, Sign Off. (Listed Paclfio Standard Time) VCLC Thur- A.M. 10, Newsi 10:16, ,v For Woment 11:00, Concert Halli 12:00, Newai 12:15, Noon Farm Hoart 1:00, Rlde'cm Cowboy i 1:15, Variety Timet 1:30, Melody Lane) 2:00, Cavalcade of Dramai 2:10, Memory Book of Maslei 3:00, News. Geiger Family Picnics Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Geiger, Wanda and Gerald, attended a family picnic held at Washington park, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bishop of Seymour, Wis., Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wisenskl of Milwaukee, Wis., who are enroute to their home after a trip to old Mexico, Texas and Cal., and are guesta of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mott at Gaston and the Geiger family here came farthest to attend.. ACROSS L, Seasoned S. Pagan god 9. Placa 12. Sheet of glasa 13. Rounded appendage 14. Fuss 15. A means of education Food fish Chess pieces Thong Brother of Cain Title of Mohammed 14. Twist out of shape 17. Outdoor gams 28. Feminine nam to. Salt Si. Edged tool 32. Appease 25. Four pecks: abbr. 38. Action at law 38. Encourage 39. Orderly 41. Device for holding shoes in shape 43. Metric measure 44. From the outside In 45. Details 47. Urge 48. Dish of bread and milk 60. Hosts 63. Native metal 64. Nibble 66. Wild ox 67. Tablet 68. Ancient slave 69. Ordered to go s h nciAipiAnpi mciei h u cISa v o nJIT r o m 0 l a sHa r xjfs i n d P A R I SHT Apt g gCj tmialASflH T A Ajg N Ahfjfu S A C E E X PfE C TQO B EYED A t. oJn EflU N AHA P E M eOa rIIs E pTt ' ' 1 Em B ET E 3 BjR A J D 1 k v Bfl6. L JJmE L k 1 n eI s u r aWt e n fitsMs1lapUsay Solution of Yesterday's Puzile DOWN L Suitable 1. Pikeltke fish I. Lacquer 4. Evolve a 3 (4 5 16 17 Id My to I M P? p5T PP n 5a 2f ps5 31 S323 ps Pp w w w ROOM AND BOARD -3f 5. Poorly 6. Perform 1. Stubborn 9. Shakespearean king I. Treeless plains In Argentina 10. Ancient ii Iranian oc H, Weight :S iP8 nieasur. IS. Ordinance 20. Cutting . machines 21. To piece. 22. Pugilist 23. Natives of a southern state 25. Clerical lines collar 26. Most distant .. Planet 29. Near 23. Old excla. - mation 24. Puzzles 7. Pished with ' .. , '"K nets 10. Locomotive 41. Greek latter 46. Brink 47. Comparattra ending 48. Small explosion 49. Kind of parrot 50. Impress with greatnesa 51. Eternity 52. Took a chaUr (5. Article Bv Gene Ahern ' HERE'S A WAY FOR. OU TO GET RID OT YOUR. 999 PINEAPPLE CORING GADGETS. AND IT5 AS SIMPLE AS ADDING UP A MOLE-IN-ONE J