Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    es Clubs Senators to
Mathias Picked
To Win National
Decathlon Title
I - I
Mat ' -mMm
L.. , , A mw - - - '
PearfV for Cfimphark Catcher Mickey Owen (left),
cauy iui vuuicuauv gets ready or his flrst major
league game since his jump to the Mexican league with a
discussion with the other half of the Brooklyn Dodgers bat
tery, Pitcher Erv Falica, at Ebbets field, Brooklyn. The
Dodgers played the Cleveland Indians in an exhibition game
for the benefit of Brooklyn sandlotters. The Dodgers won
In the ninth, 4-3, with Mickey scoring the winning run.
(AP Wirephoto.)
Keizer, Realtor
'B' Squads Win
Debut Contests
The Keizer Merchants outscor
ed Salem Heights 12-10 and Sa
lem Board of Realtors white
washed Salem Laundry 8-0
when the "B" division clubs of
the city junior baseball league
opened competition Tuesday
evening. The Realtor-Laundry
tilt was called at the end of the
fifth because of a league rule
that calls for termination at that
point if one side is seven or
more runs ahead.
Lowell Pierce held the laun-
drymen to two blows in the
game that was fairly close until
the fifth .when the Realtors
shoved over five tallies.
Salem Height 040 101 410 4 4
Keizer 040 305 012 9 3
Merchant and Butler; Garren, Thlesen
Tingle. -7) -nd Tingle.
Realtora 015 05 I t 2
Laundry 000 000 2 3
Fierce and Page; Walker and Wlneaap.
Dusette Pins Win
In Return to Mat
George Dusette celebrated his
return to the Salem wrestling
arena Tuesday night following
an absence of several months
with a win over Lefty Pacer via
the two falls to one route. Pacer
came up with the first round
but dropped the second and
The curtain raiser went to the
Yaqui Kid over Tony Faletti in
the only fall of the 30 minute
engagement. Al Szasz lost to Al
Williams in the other prelimi
nary. Minor Leaguer
Tosses No-No'
St. Joseph, Mo., June 29 ()
Jim Morris, a 24-year-old right
hander, hurled a no-hit, no-run
game for the St. Joseph Cardi
nals in the Western association
last night.
The Cardinals beat Hutchin
son, Kas., 9 to 0.
Only two Hutchinson 'batters
reached base, one on a walk and
one on a wide throw to first.
Morris was with Houston in
the Texas league last year.
First Catch
showi her limit
opening day of the season at
With Double Defeat
Oaks Cut Stars' Margin;
Beavers Lose Marathon
(By the Associated Pre&s)
Hollywood's clutch on the top spot in the Pacific Coast league
baseball race has slipped a notch.
The Oakland Acorns invaded the Stars' stomping grounds
for a series and opened things up last night with a 4 to 3 victory.
The Hollywood loss cut the Stars' lead margin from seven to
six games over second-place
The third-place Oaks got to
pitcher Jack Salveson for 12
hits. Oakland's important blows
were in the eight when Gordon
Goldsberry homered for one run
and Jack Jensen drove in Mel
Duezabou for another. Twirler
Milo Candini spaced six Holly
wood blows.
The Seattle Rainiers were out
hit 10-6 but coasted to a 3 to 1
win over San Diego in a series
opener. The Padres left 12 men
stranded on the bases.
At Portland Sacramento's
Bob Gillespie blanked the Bea
vers in all but one inning to give
the Solons a 9 to 1 victory. Rain
interrupted the game twice and
there was'a 53-minute intermis
sion after the first inning. This
seemed to refresh the Solons
who came back in the second and
pounded four tallies off Vlnce
Di Biasi. Ralph Hodgin, Walter
Dropo and Bill Wilson racked
up homers for the winners.
San Francisco opened a series
with Los Angeles by winning 5
to 4. Cully Rikard hit a line
drive to the left field fence with
two out in the ninth to score
pitcher Con Dempsey from sec
ond and get the winning run.
The Angels went into an early
lead when Johnny Ostrowski hit
a home run over the left field
fence in the first inning and Ed
die Malone singled Clarence
Maddern home to make it 2 to
0. But the Seals did a qutek
comeback in their half, thanks
to the wildness of pitchers
Gordon Van Dyke and Alan
Ihde. San Francisco scored four
runs in this frame on fiva bases
on balls nd Frank Shofner's
two-run single. The third Los
Angeles pitcher, Bill Emmerich,
finally got the side out.
Virginia Sheppard, of Alexandria Bay, N. Y.,
catch of black bass on the
Thousand Islands, New Yor
Suiting their actions to the state of the weather the Spokane
Indians and the Salem Senators
kcoreg Tuesday night. And, sad to
touchdowns to one for the Senator in each contest. Coach Jim
Brillheart's vets converted in
frhey flubbed that one due to a
slippery ball. The scores were
14-7 and 13-7 with the night cap
going into extra innings before
the Indians shoved over their fi
nal six points in the llth.
It was a drab night from any
angle one cares to look at the
situation as the 286 individuals
who paid good money to see the
performance will testify. And,
strange to relate, a dozen or
more were still in the stands
when the party broke up along
jabout 12:30 Wednesday morning.
Business Manager George Emigh
can count that group as the
i Jfaithful of the faithful.
JT To make the program much
longer than usual, Umpire Bill
Husband appeared to have an
aversion to water, particularly
when it came down in drops on
his nice blue suit. For every
time a gentle shower rolled in
from the south he raised his
eyes to the heaven, stuck out a
hand, palm upward and waved
the athletes to the dugouts. But,
when the Senators had a chance
to grab off the second encounter,
the arbiters said "let it rain"
and they went on to the bitter
But to get down to cases. The
series now stands three games to
none for the Indians with the
fourth and final one coming up
at 8 o'clock Wednesday night.
Gene Peterson was charged
with the loss of the first encoun-
PCL Standings
(By the Associated Press)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywood 59 36 .621 San Dletto 46 47 .495
Seattle S3 42 .558 Portland 41 49 .456
Oakland 47 46 .505 SnFrncsco 42 51 .452
Sacramnto 45 45 .500 Los Ansel 38 56 .409
Rcsulti Tuesday
Seattle 3. San Dlexo 1.
Oakland 4, Hollywood 3.
San Francisco 5, Lot? Angeles 4.
Sacramento 9, Portland 1.
Official Box,
The box:
Sacramento Portland
Ratto.M 4 0 2 3 5 12 0
Ralmondi.e 5 16 1 Shupe.l 4 19 0 5 2 10 Tnomas.S 4 13 3
Hodgln.rf 5 3 4 1 Lazor.U 3 10 0
Tabor, 3 5 3 3 2 Brovla.rf 4 0 3 0
Dropo, 1 4 18 0 Baslnskt,2 3 12 4
WlUon.ct 4 13 0 Oladd, 0 4 3 6 0
Coxcorart.S 3 13 4 Auxtfn,aa 4 0 2 2
OlUMple.p 3 3 0 1 DiBlaGl.p 0 0 0 1
Llaka, p 3 0 0 1
Rucker 10 0 0
Totala 38 13 37 11 Totals 33 1 1.7 11
Fanned for Llaka In 9th.
Sacramento 043 100 010 9
Hit 033 200 22113
Portland 000 000 010 1
Hits 011 000 032 1
Pltchlnt: Ip Ab P. H ErSoBb
Gillespie 9 33 1 7 1 6 4
Dl Blast 2'i 14 7 6 4 3 1
Lieka 6 24 2 7 2 3 1
LosinK pitcher: Dl Blasl. Runs: White,
Hodsln, Tabor, Dropo, Wilson, Coscarart,
Gillespie, Marquez. Errors: Coscarart,
Thomas. Runs batted in: Coscarart, Hod
Kin 2, Dropo, Ratto, Wilson, Lazor. Two
base hits: Hodain. Gillespie, White. Home
runs: Hodgin, Wilson, Dropo. stolen base:
Ralmondl. Sacrifices: Ratto, Gillespie.
Double plays: Tabor to Coscarart to Dropo:
Thomas to Basinskl to Shupe. Left on
bases: Sacramento 6: Portland 9. Umpires:
Bentz, Barbour and Powell. Time 3:12. At
tendance 1,675,
San Diego 000 001 0001 0 1
Scattl 300 000 0003 S 2
Florea and Rltchey; Galehouae and
Los Angeles 200 000 2005 1 1
San Francisco 400 000 001 5 0 0
Vandyke, Ihde (1, Emmerich (it. An
thony (7 and Malone; Dempsey and Par
tee. .
Oakland 002 000 0204 12 a
Hollywood 000 000 2103 6 1
Candini and Padgett ; Salve-son. Malts-
berger (0) and Uiwr.
University Bowl
keglinv for Randall's Meats, pitched a 200
same and a 502 seriea to lead the indiv
idual score makers Tuesday nlsht. The
Plank Blank team recorded a high, 1515
Ace's Barber Shop (31 Mary Creasy
363, Joyce Rowland 364, cecel smith 304.
Ruth Welch 367. Randall'a Fine Meali
0 Bea Davey 602, Dorothy Macstrette
354. Gn Lonaen 271. Evelyn Evans 342.
Love's Jeweler (2) Edna McElhaney
id, Alice Locken 367, Hazel Marks 304.
Ardls Prederlckson 359. Vanity Box 'It-
Jean Ansore 340. Sub. 270. Mavis Jones
461, Carla Robertson 356.
With row Hardware (0) Elsie Furrer
265 Elsie Williamson 276, June Lemon
430, Olorla Houchman 292. Plank Blank
Const. (3) Ruby Garrison 333. Etta Kop-
pes 417, Mildred Plank 390. Betty Schroe-
der 411.
United Wheel Alimraent fO) Cathy
Cooper 379, Irene Louth 331, Kathy Has-
Kins 287, Ann Olbb 4B6. stale Street Mar
ket (3) Mary Poltz 323, Leota Vlbbert 310,
Dorothy Tlce 368, June Carper 431.
Now is the time to order thot new roof before the
busy summer seoson.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
255 No. Commercial Street
Salem Phone 38478
fashioned a couple of football
relate, the Indians scored two
each instance except the last.
WIL Standings
(By the Associated Press)
W L Pet.
Yakima 9 21 .700
Vancouver 40 28 .588
Spokane 38 32 .543
Wenatchee 34 37 .479
Salem 31 38 .449
Tacoma 32 40 .444
Bremerton 31 41 .431
Victoria 25 43 .368
Results Tuesday
Vancouver 7. Bremerton 1.
Spokane 14-13. Salem 7-7 (second
Rame 11 innings).
wenatchee 7, Yakima 5.
Victoria at Tacoma Dostrjoned.
ter. He was wild and was hit
hard during his four and a third
inning stint. Bus Sporer was
shoved into the breach but the
Spokes continued their stick
work at his expense. Ken Kim
ball, Manager Brillheart's start
ing chucker, had his troubles,
too, and the old reliable Gene
Babbitt took over in the sixth to
put out an incipient conflagra
Jim Foster, Manager Bill
Beard's nominee for the nine in
ning nightcap, had better luck
than his pitching mates of the
first encounter. And he might
have won, had not one of those
pesky showers interrupted pro
ceedings after five and a half
innings of play. The Solons were
ahead 6-4 at that stage but when
play was resumed Foster had
cooled off completely and could
n't locate the plate. The Spokes
went into the lead 7-6 in the
seventh and Jim Olsen, who had
played right field in the first
encounter, came on to pitch.
Big Jim proved no Walter
Johnson but he got by fairly
well until the llth when the In
dians cut loose to drive in six
Wayne Peterson, Salem's po
pular second sacker, gave the
fans a lift in the ninth when,
with two out, he lined one of
John Conant's best pitches over
the right field fence. That blow
tied up the contest. Wayne bat
ted an even .500 for the two
games, hitting safely four times
in eight appearances.
Official Box
spokans (14) (t) Bliem
BHOA B M n a
t-aimer.ii i 4 a B.Ptrsn.M 3
Vallne,2 3 1 0 3 W.Ptrsn,2 3
Zaby, rf 3 2 3 0 Wasley.lf 4
Barton, 1 ; 4 3 1 1 4
Parks, '5210 Krun, I 4
Rlchrdsn.S 4 13 1 Olson, rf 4 5 4 4 0 Hedlngtn.l 5
Calvey.c 2 0 0 3 Carlson, c 3
Kimball. p 3 10 1 G.Petrsn.D 1
Babbitt.p 0 0 10 Sporer, p 3
0 1
Total 33 16 31 9 Total 32 9 21 12
spotcana 023 060 314 16
Salem .....002 032 0 7 B I
winning- piicner: Kimball. Losing pitch
er: O. Peterson.
Pitcher: Ip Ab H R Br So Bb
K-imDau 5Mi 35 7 1 4 . I 3
Babbitt 1 7 2 0 0 1 0
G. Peterson 4Mi 20 9 11 10 3 6
Sporer 23d 13 6 5 1 0 3
Errors: Barton, Calvey, Richardson,
B. Peterson. Wasley. Sporer. Lett on bmiP.t:
Spokane 8, Salem 7. Three base hits:
Stalnback. Tfo base hits: Barton, G. Peter
son, Kruz. Runs batted in: Stalnback 3,
Barton 3, Parks, Cherry 4, Calvey, Palmer
vnnne aaoy. Olsen. Krun 2. Wasley.
Sacrifices: Valine, Kimball. Stolen bases:
Peterson. Parks 2. Stalnback. Doubl nlnvx:
Sporer to Peterson to Krun: W. Peter
son to Q. Peterson to Krun 2. Time 2:20.
umpires: Husband and Mathlu,
Spokane (13)
Palmer.df 3
VallnO 2
Zaby.rf 4
Barton, 1 5
Parks, e 8
Rlchrdsn.3 3 6 4
Conant, P 5
Rowland, 2 3
(7) Salem
3io B.Petrfin.s 5 1
0 0 0 W.Petrsn.a 5 3
2 5 0 Ortelg, rf 6
2 17 1 KniB. i 5
1 1 0 6
10 3 Wasley.U 6
14 0 HedlnBtn,3 4
12 5 Beard, c 5
1 5
1 4
1 2
1 1
113 Poster, p
0 0
0 1
12 5 McNulty.p 0
Total 41 13 33 16 Total 46 B 33 17
Lett on bases: Spokane 8, Salem 6. Home
runs: W, Peterson. Three base hits: Cher
ry. Two base hits: Zaby. Runs batted In:
Cherry 2. Stalnback, B. Peterson 2, Beard
i, zaoy 4, Barton 2, Parks 3, Richardson,
W Peterson. Sacrifice: Rowland. Stolen
bases: Wasley, Cherry. Time: 2:35. Urn
plres: Mathlu and Husband. Attendance
Bremerton 000 010 000 1 7
Vancouver 002 000 3 3x 7 12
Kahout and Ronnlng; Nncholis and
Frick and Pesut;
.000 100 0517 8 3
.130 000 000 5 7 3
Bradford and Tor-
CWCE Announces
Nine-Game Slate
Ellensburg, June 29 (P) Cen
tral Washington college football
ers will play a nine-game slate
next fall, Athletic Director Leo
Nicholson said today.
The season will open Sept. 17
against Portland university at
Portland and close Nov. 11
against St. Martin's at Olympia
In addition to Evergreen confer
ence opponents, Central will
tangle with Willamette and the
University of British Columbia
Tulare, Calif., June 29 W
Nineteen or less athletes
head into the final phases of
the national decathlon cham
pionship tonight, with the de
fending titleholder and home
town idol. Bob Mathias, still
favored to retain his world pres
tige and American laurels.
Three-time Champion Irving
(Moon) Monrischein led the
field into the last five events on
the decathlon program with a
total point score of 4025.
Eighteen-year-old Mathias,
the 1948 Olympic games winner,
was second with 3936 points aft
er last night's opening half. In
third place was Bill Albans,
outstanding all-around star from
the University of North Caro
lina with 3866 points and fourth
was Roger Terwllliger of the
Illinois Athletic club, the 1942
winner, with 3673.
Mathias drew backing off the
fact thnt his score was 103 more
than it was at the halfway mark
of the Nationals last year while
Mondschein was about 16 3
points down from his 1948 score.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, June 2, 1949
Manager Norbert Booted
From Victoria
Victoria, June 29 (CP) Ted Norbert, manager of Victoria
Athletics, in the Western International Baseball league, has
been relieved of that position.
Reff Patterson, business manager, announced early today
from Tacoma that Norbert will be succeeded by Earl Bolyard,
longtime outfielder in the New York Yankee farm system,
who has been managing the Norfolk, Va., club, in the Pied
mont league.
Patterson was advised yesterday by the Yankee manage
ment that Bolyard was being sent to the coast to take charge.
Norbert was appointed manager of the Athletics in the
mid-season of 1946 when Victoria finished last. They were
fifth in 1947 and in third place last year.
So far this year they have won 25 games and lost 43.
First Baseman Vic Buccola will handle the Athletics until
Bolyard arrives.
Golf Champ
Smith, of
the University of Kansas,
holds the trophy awarded her
for winning the women's in
tercollegiate golf champion
ship at Columbus, O.
Correct for Newport
June 30 3:20 a.m. 8.3 10:29 a.m. -0.9
5:02 p.m. 7.4 10:49 p.m. 2.6 1
July 1 4:25 a.m. 7.8 11:14 a.m. -0.4
5:46 p.m. 7.8 , 11:53 p.m. 2.3
July 2 5:28 a.m. 7.1
6:34 p.m. S.l 12:01 p.m. 0.3
July 3 0:39 a.m. 6.5 l'.na a.m. 1.7
7:24 p.m. ft.4 12:52 p.m. 0.0
July 4 7:f9 a.m. 6.0 2:11 A.m. 1.0
8:15 p.m. 8.6 1:49 p.m. 1.6
urui a
' ii, f -i
. v
"Never found better fishing
...or better beer.. .anywhere,
east or west!"
"Good thing I brought along
a whole easel"
for Finer Flavor
mmmmrmmmmmmmmmr. 9 m mmmmmmmmmnu m ' i n..m mt nwu.tmimMit-9Htowm.i&iiZij0X
i CVV;:' -,'. J
CliOOBr Back The bi
,rrwl team. .In
team. Joe
form and running the bases again for the first time since his
bad heel sidelined him April 11. Here the Yankee slugger
is forced out at second by Giants' George Hausman in a double
play action of the Yanks-Giants exhibition game In New
York. Joe declined to make any comment on how the foot
felt after the game, but stated that he would make a decision
later. (Acme Telephoto.)
DiMag's Return Heralds
Runaway for Yank Squad
Williams Most
Popular Player
In All-Star Vote
Chicago. June 29 OT For the
second successive year, the Bos
ton Red Sox' slugging outfielder,
Ted Williams, has become po
pular champion" of the All-Star
baseball poll.
The nation-wide balloting by
fans to select the starting Ame
rican and National lineups for
the 16th contest, scheduled for
Brooklyn's Ebbets field July 12,
ends at midnight tonight.
Final results will be announc
ed Saturday by the Chicago Tri
bune, clearing house for the vot
ing which began June 10.
Williams has collected 1,418,
327 votes out of the total 3,408,
772 cast in the latest tabulations,
He was the most popular choice
last year with 1,556,784 out of a
record-breaking 4,107,893.
Williams leads his nearest rl
val, Jackie Robinson of the
Brooklyn Dodgers, by 85,924.
The Elf strom club of the City
baseball league "C" division has
been called for practice at Les
lie field at 6 o'clock Wednesday
evening by Coach Emory Alder
Amity The locals nosed out
Sherwood in a game Sunday by
a score of 4 to 3 on an 11 hit
Amity 4 n a
SlinrwoOfl ..,.3 3 ft
Naumnn And Blum; and Tfoc
rime o
Tried the Mh, ' I
I rx
Question mark
on the Yankee
DiMazcio (left), is back In uni
(United Piesa
New York, June 29 (U.R) Joe
magnificent self today which eould mean that the Yankees may
be ready to make a runaway of the American league race.
At least such a conclusion Is
the Yankees were able to win
comfortable first place of 44
games. They had more consist-!
ency, more bench depth, and
most of the time better pitch
ing than any other club.
Now, with the tremendous
phychological lift they are
bound to get with baseball's most
illustrious player back in action,
they should be tougher than
Joltin' Joe provided the meas
ure of difference between vic
tory and defeat in his first big
league ball game of 1949 last
night in Boston when he hit a
two-run homer, a single, and
saved a 5 to 4 victory over the
Red Sox in the ninth with one
of his personally patented "run-
mile ' catches of a smash by
Ted Williams to end the game.
The second place Athletics
won an easy 6 to 1 decision from
the Senators in Washington as
Alex Kellner, their surprise
pitching star, hurled seven-hit
bail to win his llth game and
fifth in a row.
At Cleveland, the Indians won
a 4 to 2 decision from Detroit
in which Bob Lemon pitched
eight-hit ball to win his eighth
victory and Mickey Vernon hit
a two-run homer.
Jerry Priddy, back after
brief layoff due to a pulled leg
muscle, drove in the winning
run in the 12th with a single
and earlier hit a homer as the
Browns topped the White Sox,
7 to 6 at Chicago.
Duke Snider's three-run hom
er gave the Dodgers a 5 to 3
victory over the Phillies in
which Pitcher Preacher Roe
struck out nine batters in win
ning his seventh game.
Lefty Howie Pollet kept the
Cardinals just a game behind
Brooklyn when he pitched an
eight-hit, 5 to 0 shutout over the
A home run and three-hit
pitching by Clint Hartung gave
the Giants a 2 to 1 triumph over
the Braves at New York.
The Reds and Pirates were
rained out at Pittsburgh.
Speedy Halfback
To Play for UO
Eugene, June 29 (JP) A fleet
left halfback from Compton,
Calif., junior college is attend
ing summer school and will be
eligible for the University of
Oregon football team next fall.
Coach Jim Aiken said he is
Bill Fell, who has starred on the
track as well as the gridiron.
"Cool as a cloud." Dazzling
assortment ol colors and
Enro or WlnRs dress fthlrts.
Whites, pattern, pIr.
Spread or regular collars.
jvrencn cm is.
9 hZJss
1 I'jLMTjCSSZ. .
Wis, ' ,v' VJ- ' 3
Sporta Editor)
(The Pro) DiMaevIo was his old
logical. For without Joe the Pro,
41 of their first 65 games for a
a j P, oi
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Brooklyn 40 3S .615 New York 33 32 .600
Loul.i 39 26 .600 Cincinnati 27 38 .430
Phlladlphla 37 31 .544 Pittsburgh 35 39.391
Boston 36 31 .337 Chicago 25 41 .379
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 42 24 .936 Detroit 36 30 .545
Phlladlphla 38 39 .567 Waahlngtn 30 34 .469
Cleveland 34 36 .546 Chicago 37 41 .397
Boston 35 39 .547 fit. LouU 19 46 .392
Results Tuesday
B dst on 1, New York 3.
Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia I.
Chicago 0, Bt, Loula 5.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, postponed
Detroit 3, Cleveland 4.
New York 5, Boston 4.
Philadelphia t, Washington 1.
fit. Louis 7. Chicago t. (IS Innings).
Southerner Tops
College Golfers
Ames, Iowa, June 29 (P) The
college boys got down to grips
today in match play in their
struggle to determine a nation
al champion.
Arnold Palmer, the Southern
conference champion lrom Wake
Forest, was the top man emerg
ing irom 36 holes of qualifying
The 19-y ear-old sophomore
from Latrobe, Pa., earned the
honor with a 70-71 141 and
that was a new competitive rec
ord for the 6055-yard Iowa State
college course. The previous
mark for the 12-year-old course
was 143.
Dick Yost, Oregon State, wai
well up to the fore with 75-73
Knights Defeat
12th Street, 6-3
But one game was played in
Tuesday night's softball program
at Leslie field and that one went
to the Knights of Columbus over
12th Street by a count of 6-3.
The scheduled Mootry-Marine
tilt was rained out.
The Industrial league drew a
blank when neither Warner's
nor Interstate was able to put a
full team on the field.
Wednesday evening's Indus
trial league program consists of
Teamster's vs Naval Reserve at
7:30 and Paper Mill v Clear
Lake at 8:30.
12th Street ...JOfl onn 2t S 4
K. of C 300 400 JC 6 2
Hiltlker. Wlnkenwerder and Blijiche;
Pnrton and Alley.
o Look Right!
To Feel Right!
plpct from S & N's fine stock.
ASimiir 'hiillt-rnr-rnrnfort' jthirts
Jl'.'j.hat are Just right for holi-
1 lay piav! . . uiiu iui
3 tv merchandise at "easy-on-
he-pockelbook." prices . . .
it's vour S&N Clothiers every
line I
Famous B. V.D. sports shirt
that's 'tub washable! Top
jnuality gabardine or rayon.
Wide selection of colors and
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t- twtt II 4 DkUlD
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S&N Clothiers
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