Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 29, 1949
Irk. l?vlv -JV
- ft f
Puzzled Chimp Pandora, the Philadelphia zoos chimpan
zee, appears slightly puzzled as he looks over six baby
rheas, South American ostriches, which were born at the
zoo. The sextuplets were hatched from 16 eggs on which a
male ostrich had been sitting for a month. Two of the new
arrivals were albino ostriches, zoo officials pointed out.
(AP Wirephoto.)
Sourdough Praises 150-Proof
Rum for Use When Scalped
Seattle (u.R) A tough old Alaskan sourdough related from his
hospital bed how he poured 151-proof rum where his scalp had
been after he was mauled by an enraged 600-pound mother bear.
"That rum stung like hell,""
Hardy Trefzger, 66, said. "I
was fit to bite nails right then."
A sourdough for 40 years,
Trefzger was rushed by boat
and plane to Virginia Mason hos
pital here from his hunting
lodge 60 miles from Yakutat,
Alaska, after the attack.
"I was out shootin' a middlin'
brown sow and her two cubs
photographin' 'em, that is, with
my movie camera," Trefzger
"Been an awful hard winter
up there 22 feet of snow the
cubs was just tiny things. First
thing I know, that old sow is
chargin' right at me, she isn't
10 feet away.
"I dropped my camera and
fired one with my shotgun. Hit
her? Hell, man, she was 10
feet away and the birdshot blew
back in my face!"
Trefzger said then the bear
was upon him. "She lifted my
icalp, picked up my arm and
broke it. I passed out.
"When I came to, I couldn't
tee. Thought I was blind, but
It was only blood. Looked
around until I found my things
and then walked a mile and a
half back to camp and poured
on that rum."
The veteran woodsman then
walked four miles toward Dry
Bay before some native fisher
men found him and took him
to Yakutat by boat.
"Of course I'm going back,"
Trefzger snorted. "It's the only
place for me.
Scouts at Silverton
Given Advancement
Silverton Larry Brown was
advanced to Life Scout, and
David Finlay to Star Scout at
the Court of Honor at the First
Christian church for Troop 61
Made a Tenderfoot were
Keith Cooley, Sam Klein, Bud
dy Groah, Wayne Smith, Jim
my McBride, Jerry Kulmeyer
and Robert Robbins; merit
badges, second class to Kenneth
Hahn, Don Wilch, Larry Brown
and John Mulvihill; and first
class, Keith Bonner, Larry
Brown and Richard Brekke.
7 Tnr,y'-
mm - - MM.. M 4 ' ' 1
tmptoyes ot zuuu urcgon
Firms have Medical arid
Hospital Care... through
O.P.S. NeW Plans provide
Coverage for Others . .
For years some 70,000 Oregon workeri huve hid O.P.S.
giedical and hospital protection through group contracti.
Now O.P.S. coverage ii available to you and to your family
on an Individual basil, and at modest coit.
Wld Cholc of Doctors and Hospitals
II contract offered by Oregon Physicians' Service have the
approval and sponsorship of the Oregon State Medical Society.
A wide choice of service is
available as some 1,000
physicians and surgeons
belong to O.P.S. This Is in
excess of 90 of medical
society affiliated doctors In
AND HOSPITAL vro far lha am.
ploy' Individual $3.90 par manfh.
HOSPITAL covroe lor familial
ipeuit, $2,00 par manlhi (Mid,
$1.33 par month i 2nd child, 75 cents
par martini 3rd child, 50 canri par
month) additional ahlldran M
Plan 2.
far the mplarad IndMdwl (1 11
par month.
HOSPITAL covoropo ttf lamlUat
wni ai Plan I.
Plant evellabla In moil Orapa" tavn.
ties to omployod Individual wKeie
not taxable Income (tea not (mood
J6.000 pw yaei.
k not taxable Incoma rat atteet) J
$6,000 pt r. J
If you are employed, a
resident of Oregon, and
desire detailed informa
tion and application blank,
send coupon to your near
est O.P.8. office.
Nefei O.P.S. greejp tevre tl
till available. If yew af fallow
empleyes wish thp savings ttiof
arc pesslble under m greup pH
ty we will fvmlsh InHnwaltow
IH4I.W.ttlil.,Prttai4 4 4U htt TM),blMl tU iWtUnl
rUei mall tlltratur ana1 apaiiialran blank.
Woodburn Has
Class Reunion
Woodburn The annual reun
ion of the class of 1922 of Wood
burn high school was held at
Settlemier park, beginning with
a no host , picnic dinner at 1
Attending were Harlcy Hughes
of Portland, president of the
class; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cain
(Harriet Severance), and Mr.
and Mrs. Junior Eckley (Mil
dred Wehrum), all of Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson
(Hattie Sayre) of Halsey; Mrs.
George Grimps (Louis Bauman),
Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Miller and son (Hazel Tautfest),
Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Orr and daughter, Albany; Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Settlemier and
daughter, Hillsboro; Mr. and
Mrs. N. F. Tyler and sons (The
oda Gribble), both graduates,
Woodburn; Mrs. Lloyd Waymire
(Myrtle Kaufman) and daugh
ters, Woodburn.
Other graduates attending
were: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cow
an (Helen Wageman, 1918),
Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hanauska (Sadie Stoller, 1921),
Portland; Earl Barnes, Wood
burn; Mrs. Ken Bothum (LaVer
na Waymire, 1946), Woodburn;
Miss Jean Bothum, 1948, Wood
burn. Former teachers present were
Supt. and Mrs. F. E. Fagan of
McMinnville, their daughter and
son-in-law and two children;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham,
Gary and Roberta; Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Butterfield, Woodburn;
J. P. Brown (coach), West Linn;
and H. M. Sayre (janitor),
The class voted to make the
picnic an annual affair the last
Sunday in June each year at
Settlemier park and to interest
members of other graduating
classes in the '20s and earlier in
lulu II llV).KTnn,'i,T,.irm mmmmmmmmimUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm 11 llfl . arliniir,-.ntll V rl
North Marion County
Acreages Are Sold
inrnn The sale of an 880-
acre tract of land in the upper
Milk Creek area was revealed
by Ben W. Battleson of the Bat
tleson Land company in Canby,
to Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Park,
Citv. Calif., who
plan to use the property for a
livestock ranch.
The entire tract is enclosed by
a sheep-proof fence. The sale
price was reported to be ?16,-000.
nthoi rpnltv snips made bv
the Rattleson eomDanv include
a one-acre tract in East Canby
Gardens to Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward L. Thompson of $2400 by
J. C. Heinrich.
Also negotiated by the same
Horse Leads Auto Horsemen of Trans-Jordon's Arab le
gion escort King Abdullah, who rides in the car behind, during
Army day at Amman, celebrating the nation's independence.
Linn School District
Names Larry Gorman
Albany Larry Gorman has
been elected on the Linn coun
ty non-high school district board
from Zone 3, it is announced bv
County School Superintendent
J. M. Bennett after a morning
canvass of ballots cast last Mon
day. The county rural school board
met to check votes cast in Zones
1 and 4 although election re
ports indicate that William
Grenz has succeeded Floyd
Jenks in Zone 1 and the voters
re-elected V. F. Cannon in Zone
The report from the Browns
ville district shows that Glen
Isom was re-elected as a direc
tor and that voters approved the
outlay of $3,300 for improve
ments and furniture. E. H, Mc
intosh is chairman of the
Brownsville board this year.
Polk Clubbers
Attend School
Dallas Forty-four Polk coun
ty 4-H club members have re
turned from ten days at the an
nual 4-H summer school on the
Oregon State college campus in
Two Polk county club mem
bers, Sharon Rosenbalm, Amity,
and Walter Warkentin, Dallas,
took special training in, "Recre
ational Leadership." In this
class the club members were
taught to lead group singing, or
ganize games, and plan recrea
tional programs.
A group of prominent Oregon
people including Governor Dou
glas McKay appeared before
the club members at their regu
lar afternoon and assemblies
scheduled daily. One highlight
of the session was the motion
picture, "The Green Promise,'
"Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Wide Variety of
Designs and Colors for
Every Home Needl
Her U your opportunity to give
your homo a "now look" at unuiual
savingtl Our wide variety of wall
paper patterns features unusual
values in modern, traditional and
period styles. Attractive designs
and rich colon. Choose from United
Style Album and Salon selections
Dorothy Lelbes weaves exquisite
hand prints as well as beautiful,
long-lasting budget patterns.
39c to $4.50 per single roll
Aik our trained Watlpaptr Coniultant
for horn decorating advic.
3V ... :
Most Surfaces with one Coal!
Pittsburgh's WALLHIDE is not a water
paint, powder paint or substitute. It's a
real oil-base paint that covers almost any
type of inside wall with one coat. Can be
washed repeatedly painted over without
streaking. Your choice of 34 attractive
colors in flat, semi-gloss and gloss finishes.
Flat, per gallop 0,4,27
Com. In fr nil npy, "COtOR DYNAMICS fat Your Ham.'.
Mai la O.P.I, at Parttan, Mam .t Maa-f.tA
254 N. Commercial
Phon- 3-3636
showing for the first time in
Oregon, which the club members
had an opportunity to see. This
picture deals with 4-H club
work and featured an Indiana
4-H club girl.
Each afternoon organized re
creation was had by 'all the club
members. Each living group had
organized teams which partici
pated in volley-ball, Softball and
swimming, etc. In the girls
sport program the champion
volleyball team was led by Ruth
Henthorn, Grand Ronde, a Polk
county 4-H club member.
On the last days of summer
school judging contests were
held with all the boys and girls
participating. In home econom
ics judging Barbara Harland,
Rickreall, placed in the red rib
bon group, while Sharon Rosen-
balm, Amity, placed third in
the livestock contest. Vernon
Babcock, Rickreall, emerged
from the crops judging and
identification with a third place.
Soften Up Hard
Stinging Callouses
Don't wait sava yourself from another day
of btiming foot torture. Get Ice-Mint NOW!
Join the millions of happy people who walk
in cool fresh comfort thanks to this frosty
white medicated balm. Enjoy its amailrur
cooling; soothing action. Get Ice-Mint today
at all druggists.
Journal Want Ads Pay
Monthly $np $90 $260
15 Mos. 9.21 515.92 521.78
20 Mos. 7.39 12.77 17.48
4bov. paym.nli cov.r tviylhingl
leant al a'h.r emounlf, or for otfi.r
periodt, ar. in proportion, loom up
to $500 on outoi. f24J
Need money for
bills ... medical or dental
expenses . . . seasonal needs ... or
any good purpose? It's "YES" to 4 out of S at Ibuonal. No out
aiders involved. Phone or visit Thomabt YES MANager today.
Loans $25 to $300 or More on Signature, Furniture
Up to $500 on Auto
'mat iikm to sr rts-
518 State St.. Room 125 Phone 2-2464
Lie. 2-122 M-165. C. R. Allen, Mgr.
J"tm coruniirfli
tland company was the sale by
Mr. and Mrs. ooraou i .
COCK 01 one bwc in wmov. .
dition to Molalla to Mr. and Mrs.
uari BiacKmuu.
Dnhnrt Tnl said a 12-acre
tract near Mulino to the Bruce
Hein turkey hatchery for $1200.
Mrs. Fowler Elected
Grand Island Mrs. Dale L.
this district was elect
ed director for a five-year term
of the Dayton Union high school
district No. 4 at the annual
school election held at Dayton
Monday. There were 37 votes
Keep up appearances-by
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A Camp maternity support is
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Our expert fitting service includes periodical adjust
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State & Liberty "On the Corner"
Camp Surgical Support. FlftW to Yow Dettor'i Prmrlpllos
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Chsvrolot'i nw. imoethar and
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Your preference for Chevrolet Advance-Design
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WAY THRIFT lower operating costs, lower upkeep costs and
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510 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon