Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 28, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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That's Him Mrs. Vivian Huebler, 45-ycar-old widow and
authoress, identifies Sigmund Z. Engel, arrested in Chicago as
a bunco artist and swindler, as the man she married in Reno
under the name of Paul Bond. She is holding an NEA-Acme
telephoto print of Mrs. Reseda Corrigan pointing to Engel
(wearing hat) as the man who bilked her out of $8700. (Acme
Anti-Bomb Test
'Too Realistic'
London, June 28 (IP) The
first phase of air exercises to
test the defense of industrial
England against an atom bomb
blitz ended today with one ma
jor complaint. London resi
dents said they were "too real
istic." Referees and high air officials
of three countries were cagey
about preliminary results of
' operation foil" m which Brit
ish bombers and fighters, Amer
ican superforts and jet fighters,
and Dutch jet fighters partici
pated. There were indications from
other observers and from the
Bound of heavy bomber forma
tions over the metropolitan area
that England's capital had been
"heavily pounded" in two night
"Operations foil" win con
tinue for another week as fight
er and bomber squadrons, rein
force at weekend by reserve air
formations of British pilots, test
plans for protecting England in
war. An air ministry spokes
man said conclusions from the
exercises will probably not be
made public.
Thousands of aroused Brit
ishers, their sleep broken on
hot June weekend by low-flying
warplanes, telephoned the air
ministry to complain. Many
said their children, reminded of
wartime blitz raids, ran scream
ing from their homes.
To these complaints an air
ministry spokesman answered
"If we are to prepare an ade
quate defense our practices
must be as real as we can make
a. m
Typewriter Co.
Royal Typewriters
Victor Adding
i 223 North High St.
(Across from Sena-
(tor Hotel) Fh. 3-8095
Timber Fete
Program Ready
Albany. June 28 Official
program for the iia -runner
Carnival which will begin a
four day run here Friday arc
now being distributed list 45
separate activities for th three
days and nights.
The program opens Friday,
July 1, 10 p.m., Queen's coron
ation at Waverly lake; Queen's
coronation ball at the Albany
armory, old-time dance Moose
Saturday, July 2, 10:30 a.m.,
main parade; 1:30 p.m., street
show at First and Broadalbin
streets featuring Roy Jackson
and his Northwesterners from
station KEX; 3 p.m., baseball
game, Albany Alcos vs. Kansas
City Monarchs at Hudson field;
6 p.m.. Queen s banquet, invita
torn only, the Hub: 7:30 p.m,
horse show at Hudson field.
Sunday 1:30 p.m., logging
contests at Waverly lake, world
championship log chopping,
speed climbing and bucking
Northwest championship log
rolling, jousting; 4 p.m., Cum
mings Movers vs. Corvallis Le
gion, baseball games at Hudson
field; 7 p.m., speedboat regatta I
on Willamette river between
bridges; 8 p.m., talent show on
courthouse grounds.
Monday, July 4, 0 a.m. Jun
ior swim jamboree at Waverly
lake, swimming races for all
ages; 10 a.m., water pageant at
Waverly lake featuring Wilma
Worthington, national water ski
champion and her troupe; 1
p.m., second day of logging con
tests at Waverly lake; 7 p.m.,
softball game, Hudson field, Al
bany All-Stars vs. Flsher'a Col
ored Ghosts; 7:30 p.m., talent
show, courthouse lawn: 8 p.m..
free prizes at Imperial Exposi
tion grounds; B:15 p.m., water
ski performances by Willa
Worthington and troupe at Wav
erly lake; 10 p.m., giant fire
works display at Waverly lake.
Elmer Conn Injured
Brooks Elmer Conn suffered
four broken ribs in an accident
when his ladder broke while he
was picking cherries on his farm
OlYMPIA BMW1NB CO., Olympls, Wish, ...
Turner Tabernacle Host
For Christian Churches
Ministerial, official workers and lay members of the Christian
churches of the state of Oregon are attending the 99th annual
gathering of all Oregon Churches of Christ at Turner June 27
through July 3. Hundreds are planned for at the various three-day
sessions during the conference, remembered by older members
of the organizations as "The-
Turner Camp Meeting". The
8:25 p.m. Address: "That We May All Be
One." Dr. Snodgrass; 8:10, Fireside serv-
Special Services
0:30 a.m. Sunday schnnl. I.-lffhtnn nh.
lell. superintendent. D. L. Penhollow,
teacher of men'a class. 11:00 a.m. Morn
ing worship, Gerald 81as. sermon address.
Communion aervlce, W. H. Lvman: 2:45
p.m. Address by Addleman; 3:00 p.m. Dr.
Snodgrass, final address: "The Tide Is
Coming Back:" 4:00 p.m. Final session adjournment.
huge tabernacle and the camp
and cabin grounds were donated
by members of the family in
memory ol tneir parents, ior
whom the town of Turner was
also named,
The guest speaker for the ses
sion is Dr. Ray E. Snodgrass of
Enid, Okla.
Missionaries present for the
week are Mr. and Mrs. David
Byerlee of African fields, and
Martin Clark of Japan. Serv
ing as general chairman of ar
rangements Is Holly Roy Jarvis
of the Medford First Christian
church with board secretary,
Charles H... Addleman of Pan
ama Building, Portland, Oregon.
Directing the music are Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Naff of the Sa
lem First Christian church
The first session Monday was
at 2 o'clock directed by the Wo-
man s Board Members. During
the evening an orchestra and
song service was directed by
Walter and Rosemary Naff. Mrs.
David Byerlee gave a 20-min-ute
talk on her missionary work.
Dr. Snodgrass gave the address
of the program on the topic
Our Number One Job." The
Naffs led congregational sing
ing and Dallas Meserve con
ducted Fireside service.
The conference rjroDer opened Tuesday
with 8:15 a.m. prayer service, Mrs. My
ron C. Cole: S:30 a.m. five class dlvl-
1. Women's work, Mrs. Ola Smith. Miss
Edith Eberle, Miss Jessie Trout, national
missionary secretary: 2. working together,
discussed by Dr. Ross Orlffeth: 3, local
cnurcn education, Kutn lowne; uny.
Kenneth Johnston, Ronald Osborne, Et
lery Parrlsh. F. B. Davidson. Dudley
Strain. Myron Cola; 5, Bible cornea alive.
Dr. E. R. Moon.
9:30 a.m. Address by Orville Mick. Al
bany. "Our Position." following song and
prayer service: 11:30, address. "Except Ye
szceea in Trainee, uaaersnip- oy ur.
Ross J. Orlffeth.
Tuesday Afternoon
3:00 p.m. Following song and praise
hour. "Historical Society of Disciples" by
Youngsters Honored
With Birthday Party
Macleay Myrlyn Martin, 7
years old, and her cousin, Donne
Messman, 3 years old, were hon
ored on their birthdays with a
weiner roast at the home of
Myrlyn's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Palmistry Readings
Will tell your past, present
and future. Will advise on
love, marriage
and business.
Answers all
estions. Are
u worried?
ly be in
lbt? Special
' a upen y a.m.
r,ow r to 10 p.m.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
Harry Martin Jr.
Present besides the honor
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Har.
old Halfman, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Martin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Perry, Mrs. Celia Perry, Mrs.
Andrew Messman, Masters Jo
seph Perry, Dennis Messman,
Jerry Halfman and Myrril Half-man.
.."sTarTiS JiS IR!rCap!alJourna!, Salem, Oregron, Tuesday, June 28, 1949-
Tueidaj Erenlnf
Talk by the Bverleea ions kind orches
tra by tha Nftffi. 8:25 p.m. Address: "Our!
Day of Grace," Dr. Snodgrass; 9:10 p.m..
Fireside Service.
1:15 to 8:36 a.m. Devotionals and class-1
s. Orville Mick giving assembly address: j
11:30 a.m. Address: "Except Ye Etceed In1
Stewardship," Kenneth Johnson: 2:15 p.m.
Missionary talk, the Byerleei, following
song and prayer; 7:30 p.m. Maude Skaggs
Wood yard, Northwest Christian college,
Eugene, directs muslcale; 8:25 p.m. Dr.
Snodgrass topic: "The Cliurch and the
Churches." 9:10, Fireside service.
11:30 a.m. Address: "Excent V Y.e
In Christian Unity and Cooperation" by
Huoer. siaa. following regular full fore
noon sessions; 1:45 to 4:00 p.m. Mrs Oln
Smith presiding, appearlng.Thelma Stan
ley, devotions; state missionary oflicers
elected; Mrs. C. L. Mossberger, treasurer's
report; Mrs. E. L. Burke, executive secre
tary report. 2:50 p.m. Memorial service.
2:55 p.m. Officers Installed. 3:15 n.m. Miss
Jessie Trout In an address: "The Japan
oi ioaay ana Tomorrow." 5:00 p.m. Ves
per at Turner Christian church. 7:30 p.m.
to 9:10 p.m. Missionary address by Martin
Clark. Address by Dr. Snodgrass. "On the
Ground of Love." Orchestra, sons and
fireside services,
Following regular sessions, beginning
8:15 a.m. 11:30 address topic: "Except Ye
Exceed in State Missions," Charles Addle
man: 3:30 afternoon address: "world Pic
ture" by Peter Solomon; beginning at 7:30
p.m.. youth program, speakers, the Byer
lees and Gerald Slas; 9:10 p.m. Youth
Jamboree session In the Dining hall.
11:30. main address: "Except Ye Exceed
In the Christian Home" by Mrs. E. J. Hal
seth, following regular scheduled sessions.
2:00 p.m. Address by Miss Jessie Trout,
"The Japan of Tomorrow" with other
speakers, P. E, Davison, Rea Klelnfeldt,
Dallas Meserve. Early evening banquet,
5:15, Blue Mountain district In charge.
7:30 p.m. Men'a choral group tinges; 8:00
p.m. Martin Clark In missionary address;
Yes we have some very good
buys in 2x4 to 2x12 S-4-S
Framing, priced at 15.00
and 20.00 per thousand.
Also boards and shlplap.
Can also furnish 2x2 and 2x3
tree props.
This lumber must be seen
to be appreciated.
Come over some time during
your 4th of July vacation and
see some of these bargains.
Electric Crane to Load With
Retail Yard
at Evans and B. P. & S. Mills
Rt. 2, Silverton, Oregon.
"Om a fust Irj to Carlsbad Cavern I
mrate425mtlaptrtalttm." O.D.Kent,
Rente 4, Box 231, Greeley, Celende,
Vy "ys Ottt AT CAItt tlHCt tOM
jy Nsaa Meters, OW W.i Wia.l Cars,
,Only one car In America Is streamlined even to
enclosed wheels. Only one has a curved 1-piece
windshield on all models and the Uniscope.
It't the Nash Airflytel
Only one car has seats that can turn into Twin
Beds only one offers mm head-room, leg-room,
roaa clearance yet is only ot lncnes Riga.
It't the Nash Airflyte!
Only one oar is Girder-built with Unitized Body
and-Frame has the true Weather Eye System.
And only one full-size car can take you over 25
miles on a gallon, at average highway speed.
It't th Nash "600" Airflyttl
Drive the Nash "600" or Nash Ambassador
then compart features compare siza compare
UV9I nJLrU r:! bl
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Again RICHFIELD IS FIRST with Tears Ahead" development In
Richfield Ethyl and Richfield Hi-Octane now contain Sinclair RD-119,
sensational new compound that stops rust and corrosion in your car's
gasoline tank, gasoline lines, fuel pump, carburetor and intake manifold.
WHAT CAUSES RUST Rust and corrosion result from moisture that
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WHAT DAMAGE DOES kUST DO? 1. Rust ruins gasoline tanks and
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clogs fuel lines, screens and carburetor jets, causing rough idling, poor
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HOW DOES RD-119 PREVENT RUST? The RD-119 in every drop of
Richfield gasoline coats the inside of your car's fuel system with an
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By keeping rust out of the fuel system,'RD-119 permits your car to take
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This steel rod is heavily coated
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Rod shows no sign of rust after an
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Tiny passages in your carburetor are
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333 Center St
Salem, Ore.