8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 ; Kingwood Zoning Question : Ssnt Back to Commission .. The question of zoning the Kingwood annexation in West Salem - was referred back to the planning and zoning commission by the ; city council Monday night, with the request that it give another - public hearing. It was before the council for hearing Monday night, and the : nrrtinance bill was introduced, - ! but it was shown tnat at me previous hearing before tne zon ing commission only a few of the people of the area appeared. Although the meeting was regu larly advertised some of those most interested failed to see the notices. Among those asking for some deviation from that part of the area proposed for Class I resi dential were Phil Peterson, E. J. Becker, and the Beckman Gardens, all having businesses In the area. Invoked in the question was a protest against the proposed widening of Glen Creek road from 40 to 80 feet. Immediate widening was not proposed, and existing buildings would not be distrubed, the protesters were told. Fire Chief W. P. Roble got permission from the council for waiver of fees for West Coast Shows, which will appear in Salem as a benefit to help fi nance the convention of the Oregon- State Fire Chiefs' associa tion here next year. Elmer M. Amundson charged that the Salem school board is unlawfully refusing to remove Its facilities from Alder street. It was referred back to the plan ning and zoning commission. A letter from Congressman Walter Norblad said he had sub mitted to the army engineers the matter of having Shelton ditch Improved by the government. This was at the request of City Manager J. L. Franzen, who told the council that the city engin eering department is rocking the ditch to serve until the army engineers can get to the Job. On recommendation of the city manager the council accept ed an offer from Willis B. Sul livan to deed the city property on Fairoakes way in West Sa lem for street purposes. The speed of Southern Paci flc trains through Salem will be regulated by the public utilities commission, not by the city council. The SP applied two weeks ago for removal of i strlctions. City Attorney Chris J. Kowltz reported to the coun cial that the PUC has jurisdic tion. An ordinance will be intro duced at the next meeting, con forming to a planning and zon ing commission recommenda tion, for cancellation of the name of Charles street in the Kingwood annexation for the reason that there is another street by that name in Salem. The ordinance also will provide for naming Alpine avenue and Forest Hill way. Public hearing was set for August 8 on the planning and zoning commissions favoraDle report on vacation of Wyatt View Court on petition oi ure gon Radio, Inc. Also a public hearing will be held on that date on petition of E. Bates ana others for vacation of portions of South Capitol and Oxford streets, approved by the plan ning and zoning commission. Referred to the city manager with power to act was the pe tition of Leon Fiscus, member of the Chin Up club to occupy a small temporary structure at Front and Pine with a fruit stand. Zone regulations would be waived. Since a petition of remon strance was shown to represent 53 per cent of the property the council denied a petition lor tne widening of Parrish street. Pe tion of remonstrance against the improvement of North 22nd from Breyman to the south end of 22nd had 50 per cent of the property represented and was indefinitely postponed. A resolution was adopted for the improvement of Hines street from 13th to 14th. - , Among ordinance bills Intro duced were one to repeal the requirement that consent of the chief of police must be obtained for purchase of revolvers and pistols. Ordinances passed included: Changing zone classification of property in Block 29, Yew Park annex to Class III business; mak ing the Kingwood annexation a part of Ward 3. Church Women Meet Woodburn The Women's Missionary Society of the Pres byterian church will meet Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the church with Mrs. Alice Hughes presiding. Mrs. Olive Smith will lead the devotianal service and Mrs. Harry VanArs dale and Mrs. E. Kay Fenton will have charge of the study hour. Efzel to Serve As Grand Knight Stayton In election of offi cers at Sublimity, Ted Etzel of route 1, Stayton, was elected grand knight by a unanimous vote. Etzel has been active in Knights of Columbus work for the past 15 years, having been general chairman of the blood donor's program for the past two years, one of the most outstand ing in the west. Elected to serve with the grand knight were Vincent Mertz, deputy grand knight; Peter J. Gries, chancellor; George Basl, recorder; Andy A. Kintz, treasurer; Roy S. Keir- sey, advocate; Andy Silbernagel, warden; Leo Basl, inside guard; Joseph Jackson, outside guard; Merrill Brassfield, trustee. An nouncement of the appointment of financial secretary by the su preme knight, and the chaplain by the newly-elected grand knight, will be made later. The council voted active par ticipation in the Santiam Bean Festival, Including an entry of a float in the grand parade and operation of a concession. Back ing will also be given the Catho lic Daughters of America in supporting its candidate for "Jack of the Beanstalk" con test. Headed by Sylvester J. Smith, state deputy, a delegation from St. Paul visited the meeting, stressing the importance of a public speaking program with one planned by the local coun cil beginning with the early fall meeting. Father Leander Schneider of Jordan, chaplain, was given a substantial purse, as he is leav ing on a month's visit In Wis consin, the headquarters of the Salvatorian Fathers. Visitors from Ohio Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wolfe and daughter, Carol, of Dayton, Ohio, and her father, George Antrim, 83, ot Salem, were evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler. They are on their annual vacation and have visited relatives at The Dalles and Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble of Unionvale, Mr. arid Mrs. Worth Wiley were eve ning callers at the same home. . rmm orrnor faSWPi BEF0RE 1 ' THERE'S I I (V; IN LEAKY 5 , I Leaky mufflers mean BIG Leaky mufflers mean BIG Repair Bills tomorrow! Save money now I Have State Motors 'know-how' mechanics give YOUR car a complete motor checkup today I ... at low, low cost too! Complete Lubrication Brake re-lining Expert motor overhauls The "know-how" I U State Motors 340 N. High HUGE FURNITURE AUCTDON TODAY 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Don't Miss It MAURER-BOGARDUS Furniture Company "South 12th St. Hiway Junction" 1- Floor Furnaces IN lis Hi Aotoaatki Bam. oil. No tire-tending, DO shoveling of ashes. p Irs Cleaas No fool-grime or dirt. If! Real Artomatk hiwM Hati Powerful hosts up to 4 or 6 rooms with "warm-floor comfort. Uta No BWMMnt N O.cti we can install without "tearing up" yoar house. WM. Rang, ot Slxu and MotWU to suit your partic ular needs : See Da lor the rfglit installation for your home. W.V. mUag tMa offer to induce you to buy in our Blow season instead of in . 1 -. vur fau rutin, oee us now mm K save monoy get this LOW UOWtl Payment Easy Terms I Offer Good Until July 31st Only HOWARD J. SMALLEY OIL CO. 1405 Broadway Ph. 3-5606 End-Of-Month Specials WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY HALF SOLES LEATHER OR COMPOSITION tl OO FOR ALL 4I.Z THE FAMILY Fast While You Wait or Shop Service SHOE REPAIR DOWNSTAIRS (faarawrik drinl MM far -md... Ml III If because it gives you OLDER WHISKIES Rare 0,0 and Q year old whiskies, skillfully blended with pre-war quality grain neutral spirits, make Schenley richer and finer always Compare Schenley'i Back label with any other leading brand! The label on the back of the bottle must tell the age of the whiskies in the blend. Comparison proves that Schenley gives you older whiskies ... yet you pay no more. from SCHENLEY the House of AGED WHISKIES $925 njlLVf. 4QT. DADC Dl CMncn lAfUICICV 86 PROOF. THE STRAIGHT WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT ARE 5 YEARS OR MORI WHISKEY S YEARS OLD. 21 STRAIGHT WHISKEY 6 YEARS OLD. 4 STRAIGHT WHISKEY 7 YEARS OLD. COPR. 1949. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC.; H. Y. C, JjlfflUl BRINGS YOU AUTOMATIC SHIFTING WITH HYDRA-MAW! Tht P9 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN SPORT SEDAN WhiU lidwall tiMt road lamp, and H YDKA-MATIC lran$miuta ptional at txtra toti No gears to shift! No clutch to press! Simple as 1-2-3! M2 3 START THE ENGINE just as you always have! But forget the clutch pedal now! For iere isn't any clutch pedal in a 1949 Lincoln or Lincoln Cosmopolitan with Hydra-MaticI SET THE "DRIVE"I There's a "Drive Selector" in place of the gearshift. Set it at the "Drive" position. Your Hydra-Matic transmission does all the (hitting for you automatically! Then . . . STEP ON THE ACCELERATOR and go with a smooth, sweeping surge of power! To slow down or stop, just step on the brake. That's how simple it is to drive any new 1949 Lincoln with Hydra-Matic I SPECIAL NEW "SALON STYLING". Lincoln now proudly present the most beautifully fashioned automobile Interiors in the world! All with superb new tailoring . . . completely new upholstery fabrics . . . smart new body colors . . . and exclusive new "Salon Styling" that makes the 1949 Llncolns more than ever America's mosl dufineh'w fine ears inside and out! Come see them today. WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 North Commercial Salem, Oregon 2