Capital Women 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 Farewell Party to be Wednesday Miss Helen Fletcher, who Is leaving July 8 on an interest ing trip to the east coast, will be honored at an informal bridge party for which Misses Ruth and Phebe McAdams will be hostess es' at their home Wednesday evening. Miss Fletcher is going east to Pittsburgh, Pa., then will go on to Washington, D.C. and plans a trip to the Smoky Mountains national park. Upon her return to the west coast she will visit with relatives in Los Angeles. Attending the Wednesday par ty will be Miss Fletcher, Miss Ruth Moore, Miss Constance Weinman, Miss Juana Holmes Miss Mildred Yetter, Mrs. Fay Lindley, Mrs. Mona Yoder, Mrs. William Newmyer, and the two hostesses, Tea on Wednesday To Honor Visitor Among teas for the mid-week will be the one for which Mrs. John Minto and her mother, Mrs. Percy A. Cupper, are to enter tain Wednesday at the Minto home to honor Mrs. Clark Stone (Billie Cupper), visitor from Santa Ana, Calif., and guest of her mother and sister. Mr. Stone is to come to Salem next week to accompany Mrs. Stone home. Friends of the honoree have been asked to call between 3 and S o'clock, Wednesday. Miss Nel lie Schwab will pour and assist ing at the tea will be Mrs. Ken neth Carl, Mrs. Irving Brown, Mrs. George Fell and Mrs. Ward Davis. Mrs. Merriott Is Feted by Group Mrs. William Merriott, newly appointed grand chaplain for the Order of Eastern Star in the grand chapter of Oregon, was escorted to the east and honored at the meeting of Salem chapter, O.E.S., Saturday evening. Mrs. Merriott is a member of the chapter. Degrees were conferred upon Mr. and Mrs. Giles Smith, Miss Mary Margaret Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peterson. Miss Edith Fanning was received by affiliation. Out-of-town guests at the meeting were Mrs. Ira Goddnrd, Mrs. Gene Britt and Mrs. Har old Smedley, all of Phillipsburg, Kan., and William R. Wilder of Sunnyvale, Calif. Decorations were in charge of Mrs. Claude H. Post and Mrs. Russell Beutlcr. The refresh ments were served by a com mittee of men, Ronald Rossner, Claude H. Post, Harry Lucas, Carl Snyder, Vern Hasbrook, Kenneth Dodge and Jack Cut ler. The meeting was the final one of the season for the chapter which will resume activities in the fall. A picnic for the group Is slated for July 24 in Dallas City park.- ATTENDING the picnic for Kappa Detla members and fam ilies, Sunday, at the country place of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Lietz, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carlon, Mr. and Mrs. George Bagnall, Miss Gertrude Koke, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sipprell, Mr. and Mrs. John Ficklin and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sheridan and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colburn and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lietz and son. Shower Given For Miss Coats Honoring Miss Thelma Coats who is to be married July 23 to Edward L. Herman, a shower was given Friday evening in Mayflower hall by Miss Dorothy Hutmacher and Mrs. Fred Gru- ver. About thirty-five friends of the honoree attended, the show er being a miscellaneous one The evening was spent infor mally and late refreshments were served. Miss Asher Recent Bride Bride in early June was Miss Leota Mae Asher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter Asher, Salem, who was married to Kenneth Dwight Slover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slover, route 1, Woodburn. The cere mony was solemnized at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, June 5, in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Herbert Hawley, Jr. officiating at the service. Pink and white peonies and pink roses decorated the church Miss Shirley Wclton in blue and Miss Shirley Slover in, pink. lighted the tapers. Miss Shirley Herr was soloist with Miss Jean ette Sullivan as accompanist. The bride wore a white satin wedding gown, designed with sweetheart neckline, long sleeves tapering to points over the wrist, a full gathered skirt and long train. The double veil was fingertip in length and edg ed in wide lace. The bride car ried a fan-shaped bouquet of white carnations and pink rose buds with a lavender orchid in the center. Mr. Asher gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Herbert Hawley was honor attendant. She wore a blue gown and carried a nosegay of pink sweet peas. Mrs. Lloyd Slover and Mrs. George Weigart were bridesmaids, wearing pink, the former carrying a nosegay of blue sweet peas, Mrs. Wel gart's nosegay being of white sweet peas. Ilene Weigart was flower girl and Helen Streeter and Larry Weigart the ring bearers. Delman Asher was best man. George Weigart, Lloyd Slover and Eldon Slover were ushers. For the wedding both mothers wore light gray costumes and corsages of gardenias. The reception following was in Mayflower hall. Mrs. Ferd Hammel cut the cake. Mrs. Har ley Bcal poured and Mrs. Wal ter Bcchtel served the ices. For traveling the bride wore a white suit, powder blue hat and navy accessories and a cor sage of orchids. Following a trip to the coast the couple are at home at 2810 Beach avenue, VISITORS in Salem through Wednesday are Mr. and Mrs. El liott Munger and children of Coeur d Alcne, Idaho, former Salem residents. Miss Houtz Bride at Garden Event The marriage of Miss Joyce Emily Houtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Houtz, to Edward Charles Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Willis of Bar- stow, Calif., was solemnized Thursday evening, June 23, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Houtz, Baxter road. The wedding was a garden one, Rev. Dudley L. Strain of the First Christian church officiat ing. For the music, Miss Carolyn Willis and Miss Ruth Van Ors- del gave numbers. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a floor- length white sheer Bemberg dress with sheer brocade and lace trim, and with it a short veil. Mrs. Darrell M. Simmons of Portland, sister of the bride. was honor attendant, and wore a floor-length gown in pink and carried pink rosebuds. Steve Manners of Portland was best man. Ushering were James E. Houtz and Arthur B Houtz. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Houtz wore a lavender gown with roses and sweet peas. About 50 attended the wed ding and reception following. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Arth ur B. Houtz. Miss Mary Ann Willis poured. Assisting were Mrs. Harold Houtz, Mrs. C. B. Willis, Mrs. D. S. Houtz, Mrs. E. W. Boldt, Mrs. L. L. Goode, Mrs. John Houtz. For going away the bride wore a toast linen suit dress with cocoa brown accessories and corsage of yellow rosebuds. following a trip down the coast the couple will be at home at 317 Wilshire street, Barstow, Calif. The bride is a kindergar ten teacher at Barstow. Mr. Wil lis is in the service station busi ness at Barstow. Bithday Party For Mrs. Farley iwr. ana Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches were hosts last evening at a dessert supper and birthdav oartv at their Ben Lnmanrt nnrk home to honor Mrs. Riches' mo ther, Mrs. J. H. Farley, on the occasion of the latter's 82nd birthday anniversary. In the ffrouD honoring Mrs Farley were Mrs. Frank Mogan, Mrs. L. M. Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Farley Mogan and daugh ter, Martha, Eugene Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck. Thomas, Robert and David Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hein lein and son, Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Estes L. Morton. Miss Betlv Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Riches. WOODBURN ChaDter J nf the P.E.O. Sisterhood hilri n n- cial meetine at the hntnn nf Mn Charles Comwell to hear the re ports of the recent state conven tion at Redmond. Deleeatea who Cave reDOrts wprp tllj. ni-neirlcnf Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, and Mrs. Paul Mills. Seventeen members were present. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Cornwell assisted bv her daughters, Nancy, Judy and Pat sy. The annual P.E.O nir-nic fnr members and fntnilifM: will h held July 14 at Settlemeier park which will be the closing event of the summer season. $$ MONEY $$ 'FHA W Ws Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High HU Lie. SZ1 3-5222 li- v.l L, 2 I To Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Shane (Elfreda Davis) married June 8 at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Lena Davis. They are making their home in Woodburn. (Alyce stu dio, Woodburn) Westberg-Jeskey Wedding Recent Event at Canby Aurora In a candlelight ceremony performed in Canby Meth odist church June 17, Miss Bernita Jeannene Jeskey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeskey of Aurora, was wed to Gene W. West berg of Newberg. Rev. Eugene McDowell, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene officiated, in the presence of 200 guests. The bride was attractive in a4s gown of slipper white satin fash ioned on Drincess lines, with floor length veil held in place by a seed pearl crown. Two huge purple orchids adorned the bridal bouquet. The bride was given in marriage by her father. The maid of honor Miss Lucuie Colvin, wore a pink chilfon eown with inset lace bodice. She carried a nosegay of sweet peas and regal lilies. Bridesmaids were Miss Bonnie Culley, Miss Mildred Thornton, Miss Phyllis Ekman. Their gowns were green, blue and yellow, respectively, and each wore a headdress matching her gown and all car ried bouquets of sweet peas. Candlelighters were Misses Doris Colvin and Marjorie Jes key, with gowns of blue crepe and matching headdress. Caro line Westberg was flower girl and Betty Jeskey and Johnny Ekman served as ring bearers for the double ring ceremony. Maurice Westberg was best man for his brother. Attendants were Jerry Jeskey, Ward Col vin and Lawrence Gooding. Arthur Kraft and Glenn Cur tis ushered. Joan Safarik sang preceding the ceremony. After the vows were spoken Miss Safarik sang. At the reception afterwards. Mrs. W. E. Dreher served the wedding cake. Assisting were Miss Lois Thornton and Miss Mary Zillig. Bill and Ben Jeskey served the ices. During the re ception Miss Gloria Hostetler and Miss Glorene Hostetler sang with Miss Marilyn Hostetler as accompanist. The young couple ohose east cm Oregon by way of Crater lake for their honeymoon trip, Upon their return they will live at Newberg. The bride was grad uated from Aurora grade and from Canby union high schools, where she was an accomplished baton twirler. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Westberg of Newberg, received his early education at Warren, Minn. Lat er he attended Sherwood high school, where he was prominent in Hi-Y work, You're Like Some People We Know . . . YOU WON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AT HOME. until days ofter you have returned from your vocation that is, if you've forgotten to have your Capital Journal delivered to you WHILE ON VACATION! Yes . . . you can still "BE IN THE KNOW" about your home town Salem ond still be miles away! If your vacation is stil! around the corner ... be sure you know what your Salem friends know . . . fill in the convenient form below and mail today! r. i CIRCULATION DEPT., CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon. ....Send me the Capital Journal while I'm on vacation, from (date) to (date) At (vacation address) Name Home Address City State ATTENTION! White Sewing Machine Users ATTACHMENT CLINIC" To Be Held Each THURSDAY Beginning June 30 Bring in your attachments. Have them checked and adjusted without charge. FREE INSTRUCTIONS DOWNSTAIRS Goldenweds Are Honored Sunday A surprise party was given for Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams, Sunday, on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. The group sponsoring the event gathered for a no - hosti picnic dinner at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague on the little North Fork of the Santiam. Twenty seven were present. Dr. and Mrs. Williams return ed at the week-end from a month's trip to Nebraska. THE WOMEN'S association of the First Presbyterian church is meeting for a no-host luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Glen Adams, route 8, at 12:30 o'clock. Members wishing trans portation are to meet at the church at 12 o'clock. Each mem ber is to take her own table service for the luncheon. IN SEATTLE for two weeks to visit relatives is Mrs. Paul W. Harvey, Jr. Two of her sons, John and Warren, are spending the time with relatives at Ta coma. Mr. Harvey and son Paul, drove them north over the week-end and will return for them later. LADIES of the G.A.R. are meeting Wednesday for a no host luncheon at 12 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Florence Shipp, 1880 Nebraska. Miss LyncK Is Engaged Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Ruth Lynch to La Vern Hardy, both of Salem. Miss Lynch is the daughter of Mrs. Hilda Lynch of Salem and J. A. Lynch of Dalals, Mr. Hardy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hardy. Both attended Sa lem schools and Mr. Hardy is with the Sound Construction company. No date is announced for the wedding. Miss Stenger Is Honored Miss Anne Stenger, bride- elect of Carter Hitt, was honor ed at a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening. Mrs. Ella Voves and Mrs. Zoe McCormick were the hostesses at the Cottage street home of Mrs. Voves. Pastel flowers and a decorated umbrella were used in the decoration. The wedding will be an event of August 14 at Sacred Heart church at Gervais, Oregon. Bidden to honor Miss Sten ger were her mother, Mrs. Jo seph Stenger, and Mrs. Frank Krupicka, Miss Betty Steele, Mrs. Doris Hardenburger, Miss Loretta Muhs, Miss Dortha Bur- ley, Mrs. W. G. Stuntz, Jr., Mrs. Mary De Vail, Mrs. Otis Binegar, Mrs. Donald Henery. Mrs. Rose Smith, Miss Louise Rohsem, Miss Monica Berning, Miss Lois Eggers, Miss Betty Wyffels, Mrs, Pauline Hastings, Mrs. Eva Dorks, Miss Bertha Muhs, Mrs. Robert Hitt, Mrs. LaVern Eg gers, Miss Joan Voves and Mrs. P. H. Seely. Ready-Logan Wedding is CLii vsr-m evawrri lima TO At a garden ceremony solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Marilynn Beldeene Logan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Noble H. Logan of By wood drive, Oakland, Calif., was married to William Loren Ready, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin W. Ready of Salem, June 12. The ceremony was at 4 o'clock and took place in a rose arbor in the gar-f To Convention Miss Janet Miller, president of Alpha Xi Delta at Oregon State college, left Tuesday to re present her chapter at the na tional biennial convention. The group will meet at the French Lick Springs hotel in French Lick, Indiana, July 1-5. Alter the convention Miss Mil ler will be in Chicago and Madi son, Wis. Early in August she will drive to California with Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Allen from the University of Wisconsin Miss Miller will visit friends in California and southern Ore gon before returning home. HOME from a month's stay at Neskowin are Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton J. McLeod and children, Franca and Scott. den, trees of gardenias standing at either side. Dr. George Hed- ley of Mills college was the of ficiating pastor. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a white satin gown designed with fitted bodice; a yoke outlined in cnan tilly lace, long sleeves, and a full hooped skirt the hemline of which was caught up in several places to show Chantilly lace. The veil of French illusion fell from a crown of the Chantilly lace. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of stephano tis, white butterfly orchids anH lilies of the valley. Miss Beverly Adela Logan was maid of honor for her sis ter. She wore a yellow taf feta gown and her flowers were a shower of pale apricot begonias. Young Miss Beverly Jo Ready, Salem, sister of the bridegroom, was junior bridesmaid, Miss Barbara Haviland of Oakland the bridesmaid. Miss Ready was in an apricot frock and her flowers were pale yellow bego nias. Miss Haviland wore tur- quois taffeta and she also car ried a bouquet of the pale apri cot begonias and wore some of the flowers -in her hair. The bride's mother wore floor length gown of powder blue with gold shoes and a cor sage of pink cymbidium orchids, The bridegroom's mother was attired in a floor length gown of rose with gold shoes and corsage of the pink cymbidium orchids. Donald Dye of Watsonville, Calif., was best man and usher ing were Darrell Edwards, Jr., of Oakland and William Wilson of Salem. Following a trip to Santa Bar bara and Santa Monica the cou ple will be at home at 514 Pierce Road, Saratoga, Calif., after July 12. Mr. Ready, a former Willam ette university student is to continue his work at San Jose State. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. The bride was graduated this year from Mills college. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin W. Ready and family went south for the wedding. HUBBARD Miss Marianne Campbell, and LaVerne Verd enburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Verdenburg, were mar ried June 11, in Stevenson, Wash. They returned Sunday. Wednesday evening a charivari and party was held for them at their home on the Broadacres road. Friends and relatives from Hubbard, Portland, West Linn and Los Angeles were present, LEAVING the latter part of the week on a vacation will be Miss Lillian McDonald, who is motoring to Nelson, B. C, her former home. She plans to be gone a month. FINAL WEEK! RCA VICTOR RECORDS 50 OFF Downstairs Oregon Bid;. 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Dr. Simltr urges you to cam In and have your work started WITHOUT DELAY . . . arrange to pay in Small Weekly or Monthly Amounts AFTER it is completed. It's easy because Dr. Semler's terms arc friendly and flexible to fit your budg et. There is no third party or finance company to deal with, and you will have no difficulty arranging conve nient payments you can easily afford. LIBERAL BEOTDSTBY (four Ow Teutt kittU TUomh WEAR YOUR DENTAL PLATES WHILE PAYING 1 TO 3-DAY SERVICE Thar Tt no wattlne, or dtlay at Dr. Samlar't. and your Dantal Work Is com plattd In I fo 1 days (difficult earn xciptad). Tiki ad van tea of thft tlmatavmg tarvleo for ALL typaa ot Dantal Chtm. Yoi don't hava to pay cosh for Now Dental Plotosl Obtain thorn at Dr. Semler's and, on approval of year credit, spread your payments ever the next 5. 10 or 15 months. This liberal offer applies to all types of plates Including the beautiful now Trans parent Palate Dentures . .- precision fitted for Vigorous Ch twine. Power and Individually Styled for Yoothfoi Appearance. Ask Year Dentist how they help yea Look and Pool letter. V ati.w, NO APPOINT MENT REQUIRED Coma In any timo at your cenvant net for laamlna tlon or Coniutta tion about any dan tal eroblami yoe may hava. Prompt, courtaoui atttntien , , . offkai opaa to l:M a. m. daily. WATMS-aOOlPH I IDS. STATE t COMMERCIAL Sal.m, UK.-IOK 3-3311 NOVM: mumW.-.K-i I'M tMHIPHOr "