Through the Years with Queen Patricia &esWir r-,- CtcO! 1? 1 rill v . .. .'"I AC-rS . Till ! f fesir . v.aaifrs Queen Patricia was little once too Here are pictures of the 1949 Cherryland festival queen from the time that she was six months old (upper left) to her graduation from high , school at Sacred Heart high academy this spring. (Below, at left) Patricia O'Connor on her first day at school. With her is her brother, Jim, who was. killed during World War II. (Center, right) Queen Patricia at her first Communion Day, July 3, 1938. (Center, right, at top) Patricia as a cheer leader for Sacred Heart Academy. With her is another cheer leader, Eleanor Staudinger. The picture was taken on the Mt. Angel grid- field in November, 1947. (Center, right, below) Patricia, then a junior at Sacred Heart Academy, relaxes at the beachi (Right) Queen Patricia in cap and gown at commencement this spring. ' Polk County Gets Polio Aid Polk county's hard-hit chap ter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis today re ceived an $11,150 advance in March of Dimes funds from foundation headquarters in New York City. . The chapter has spent a $2500 advance received last December 10, plus all of its share of Folk's $5159 income from the county s 1949 March of Dimes, according to Felix Montes of Portland, the foundation's Oregon representa tive. Four of the 28 adults and children stricken with polio in Polk's 1948 epidemic are still hospitalized and most of the others continue to require spe-. cial care, Montes explained. He added, however, that no new cases have been reported in the county this year. Polk county citizens, rajlying to the assistance of their polio King Leopold's Chances Vanish Brussels, Belgium, June 28 W) King Leopold's chances of returning to the Belgian throne were blasted by Sunday's elec tion. Final parliamentary election returns, issued yesterday, show ed that the Social Christian (Catholic) party, supporting Leopold, failed to get the abso lute majority they needed to force a referendum back the king. They strengthened their posi tion as Belgium's biggest party though, winning 104 of the 212 seats in the chamber of depu ties. This represented a gain of 12 over the 1946 elections The Socialists, who have ruled the country in a coalition cab inet with the social Christians, continued in second place. They won 66 seats, a loss of three seats. The Liberals a conservative group almost doubled their strength emerging with 30 seats They had 17. This swing to the right, which observers have noted in most recent European elections, was emphasized by the communist loss of 11 "seats. They now have 12. Beaver State Boys Active Corvalis, Ore., June 28 (Spe cial) A number of the more than a score of Salem boys who are taking part in the Beaver State program, sponsored by the American Legion, won offices ns the result of elections held Mon day afternoon. Bob Jones was elected mayor of "Cordon" in "Taft" county while Carl Brown, Tom Paulus and Bruce King were named councilmen; Lester Miller, Bill Jaquith, Dick John and Gary Messing, marshalls; David Riggs, municipal judge; Jack Cole, health officer; Richard Meyer. chief of police; King, county sommissioner; Paulus and Paul Rahe, assessors; Jones and Paul us, state police. Paulus is a candidate on tho Federalist ticket for governor, The group of more than 200 boys are living on the Oregon Stale college campus. They passed a number of city ordin ances Monday governing the ac tivities of those in attendance. sufferers, raised nearly twice as much money In the 1949 March of Dimes campaign as was col lected in the 1948 drive. The Polk advance was the second received by an Oregon county this year, Montes reveal ed. Earlier in 1949, Harney county accepted a $1000 check from national headquarters. Berry Harvest Continues Grand Island Twelve acres of Marshall strawberries have been harvested at the L. W, Scoggan farm here, and the pickers went, to work in five acres of red raspberries at the same farm. The berries are high quality and are being trucked to Portland market. STOOGE Schlesinger & Co.r z CLEARANCE SALE NOTHING RESERVED! SAVE ON YOUR 4th OF JULY NEEDS No 'Air Lifted Possible for Hawaii Washington, June 28 (U.PJ Gov. Ingram M. Stanback oi Hawaii says the Hawaiian ship ping strike is "destroying our industry entirely. Stanback, who arrived here Sunday, told United Press in an interview that the strike was more damaging to Hawaiians than the Berlin blockade was to citizens there. He pointed out that no "air lift" is possible for the islands because the 2,100 nautical mile distance from the mainland makes sizable cargo operations by air impossible. Rev. Fisher Leaves Dayton Rev. Wilfred Fish er, manager of radio station WMTC of Vancleve, Ky., has returned to his home after spending' 15 days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C Dickover of Dayton. While here Rev. Fisher delivered the bacca One-third of the hogs in the United States are raised in Iowa and Illinois. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 3 laureate sermon at Cascade col-ments at Unionvale, Silverton leee. besides sDeaking eneaee-land Eugene. Buy the Best WfM t Bellows & Co., New York 86.8 Ptof" 60Vo Grain Neutral Spirits COATS SUITS DRESSES COATS One group, 100 all wool, shorthand long. Values One group at a new low. One group, large variety. One group, 100 all wool. 1500 inoo 599 2400 Now ' Now V Now Now DRESSES COATS SUITS DRESSES One group, pastels, prints, ' ' ,, 9ne 9r0Up' FrQndS DeXt,er Bemberg sheers and failles. One group, 100 all wool One group, all wool, famous dresses, crepes, pastels, Values to 22.95. gabardine. Values to 59.00. brand- fj erg sheers. Values to 900 7900 1900 1300 Now . . Now Now Now DRESSES SUITS COATS DRESSES dSriSSS One group rnenVd by One group ,00 a wool f to. 19.95. Rosenblum. Regular 49.95. gabardine. Values to 79.50. to 29.95. lloo 3400 3900 1500 Now Now Now Now DRESSES SUITS BLOUSES HOSIERY One group two-piece silks. group 100 all wool 0ne group. Values to 6.95. Vanity Fair. Values to 1 .95. Values to 34.95. . gabardine. Values to 79.50. 1700 3900 399 99c Now Now Now S Now All Sales Final No Refunds or Exchanges Sen lesinger 409 COURT & Co, TRADE IN NOW FOR THAT NEW CAR-RIDE! snr if jjjjjjh Written guarantee I wE' " I I card with each tire. VK. ALLSTATE Cushion imm Reg. 65.84-1 WEEK ONLY 6:70x16 Blackwalls NOW 561? tax AND YOUR OLD TIRES Here's real opportunity for you! You get a mini mum of $8 for your 4 old tires! In that new-car ride, you get a changeover to the new-kind of tires, genuine first quality ALLSTATE Cushions, sold exclusively by Sears. Enjoy the new-car "float ing ride," new safety-sure stopability, new economy In repair bills. Changeover now during this week, Shop at Sears and Save! 6:70 x 16 Whitewalli 68.80 (Plus Tax and Your Old Tires) 4.755.00-19 - - - 9.10 5.255.50-18 - - - 9.20 5.255.50-17 - - - 9.30 6.00-16 .... 8.70 6.50-16 ---- 11.00 Exchange Price and Tax. Crusader Tires 12 Month! Guarantee 6:00x16 JMP II Extra tough sidewalls, long-wearing tread. Re- Pr Plus ta member these are factory-fresh, brand new . . Crusader tires, 12-months guaranteed. Similar Saving 'Satfyzc&fc aaaMM&ect ot pom money tact" $fftR$ fWL y N Plus rax and your old tire Similar Savings on lit Line and Premium Tiret PHONE 3-9191 484 STATE STREET