1 20 Capital JournWSalem,' CI.ASS1FLED ADVXBTlSlNQi Par tin I5e Per Una 1 times 40o Per Line 6 time , 60o Per Line 1 montb . , 12.00 Outside of Salem 16o per line per day. tin. SOci I tlmej mm. BOe f time mlu 11.20- No Refund ftEADIRS In Local News CoL Onlyi Per tin -o To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES wY OWNER: Large nouse, 6 rms, down, I up. 4 lots, fruit St nut trees. Could be made Into apt. Price 14800. Mr. Sack ScbelL P- O. Box 325, Gervais. a; 59 FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home.F.HA. terms. $750 down. Phone ' 3-2880. a!60 LEAVING. FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors through out. Full plas tered garage. Lots of storage space Terraced back yard. Cost over $18,- . 0O to build. Will tell for 114,800. some terms. Also will consider cheaper house ' tn trade. For more Information Inquire t Stevens Used Cars, 678 S. 12th St AaNDALABIA, 3 bdrm. home. By owner. 220 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31241. alGl JY OWNER: Eng. style 6 rm. hse. 3 B.R.. brk. nk., F.C.B., auto oil, I860 So. Hiuli Phone 387B8. ; '62 WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Hear)? new home. Full basement. Fire. place in basement St living rm, Large lot. Plenty shrubs St flowers Over 1,400 ft. floor space. Besides garage. Immed. poss. Price low. For appointment rn 3-373. OWNED LEAVING. Sacrifice 3 bdrm. home. Busn. Basement, jireeiutc, vn n. nace. Corner lot. $6950. Ph. 3-9605. 1595 Saginaw at. al72 t.B.A. PRICED 3 bdrm. home. Convent ently located for .shopping center, hos pital andBcnooi1tn. Jiv AY OWNER: 3 bdrm. furn. home. Good location. Close to school St bus. 975 Pine. Ph. a-7B. sUNGWOOD UTS. 2 Ddrm. home, base ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two fire places. New carpeting. F.H.A. Call own er 3-8543. e ONLY ONE LEFT Of a group of three 2-bdrm. homes Just completed. This home has exceptional appointments and is oi finest construc tion. Firenlace. oil furnace, alt. gar. In fine location on Charles ave. off Liberty rd. F.H.A. loan of $8200. Shown by appointment. Call owner t ounaer, W. R. collett. rn. 3ivbi. a BY OWNER a inveiv 2 bdrm. house. New construc tion. Hnrdwood floors. Attached garaue. Insulated St weathor stripped. Lame lot with trees. Close to school ana dub. $7800. $1200 down, bill. O. I. loan, $48 per ino. which includes, Insurance, in terest and tax. Bee at 3320 Chester, off Lansing or Ph. a-7Ui. a $700 DOWN IM oar month. Clean 2 bdrm.. living i rm., kitchen St dinette. Bungalow with part basement. Shady corner lot with ' garage. Paved on both sides. Close to school St bus. immcd. poss. rnco oauu. Call Bon Clear. I Waer Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 3-510D. Eve. 3-9930 a 156' ENOLEWOOD DIET. NEAH HI SCHOOL Leaving town, must sen. a-yr. oia bdrm. home. F'place, V. blinds, screens, hdwd. firs. Flowers St shrubs. Kit you should see. Don't delnyl 130 N 18th. Owner. al50 BY OWNER. S5000. Practically new partly Jura. 2 bdrm. home. Utility rm., laun dry trays, auto, water heater. Attached garage. Garden As cherry trees. 2480 N. ath. Ph. 2-0955 eve, or wcen-cnas. . bipj SACRIFICING War 1 dava only. 11000 down on F.H.A loan, new 2 bdrm. home In Hollywood dlst., hardwood floors, fireplace, large rooms, a modern home throughout, lo oted 1800 block N. Winter. Drive by and see. If Interested call 2-0474 or 2-1743. Total price $B,795. ai" tjt ACRE, house started, you fin Lilt. Well water, ran price jwsa. iti. -i, o u i mi. east of Totem Pole, turn left, 6th house and in quire. Henry Steward. al57 FURN. OR UNFURN. 2 bdrm. homo. Will take a late model enr in on cur equity. 8, R. Miles, 1435 Baker St. Pit. 2-B463. al&4 FOR SALE BY OWNER: A two bedroom plastered house, one block from Main St. Lot is 82.5x165. A few nut and fruit trees. Call evenings. 201 West Main st. Monmouth, Oregon. "'53 NORTH tilt Street. Home, 4 II. It., full basement, hdwd. floors, amo, neat, dniifale olumbed. nice yard Only $1 1.150. ' Goodwin and McMillin 1 REALTORS I 4S4 Court , Ph. 3-4707 Eve. 2-4113, 3-7283 al53' l BEAUTIFUL new home, perfrct loca" tlon, well built, see to appreciate. Ph. 2-5438 or call 600 N. Cottage. al58 96400. M ACRE with S room late built home. Oarage, poultry house, fruit trees. Will take In trade of property, car or trailer house. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 163 . High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 2-5306 aI55 LARGE creek lot with a new 5 room bungalow. This little beauty Is Instil, and weathers tripped, auto, heat, oak floors. Will carry maximum lonn. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 4B4 Court Phont 1-410? Eve. 2-4713, 2-1283 alfi3 93000. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom home. Ketaer dlst., on bus line. Neat, clean bom. Bath, elrc. wtr. htr., laundry room. Drilled well, garage. Lot 75x200. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors US S. High St. Ph. 3-4121, Eves, 2-5'JOfl a 155 t BDRM, MODERN home 60xw0 lot. Fruit, shade trees, floor coverings, 13350. 427 Stark St., Woodburn. sl5fi SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY -BR home. U A. with beautiful yard. Oood terms. 4 F.H.A. Follow the sign at Center St Lancaster Dr. Hi ml. East. Ph. 3-0046. al5S flCTI DOWN, bal. $75 per mo. buys' 3 bdm. home on S. High St. Has base ment, sawdust heat, fireplace, garage. Call O. V. Hume with . State Finance Co., R'ltors 1 Ml High St. Ph. 3-4121. Errs. 2-5306 a 155 I B.R. NEW mod. home, lge! lot," dbi, ga rage, shrubs, dead end street, gd. loc. for children. Close to school and bus, Salt or trade for 2 B.K, hse. or Income property. Write Box 414, Cap. Journal. a153 BY OWNER; 2 BR Cadalarla View home. 345 Alice Ave. Ph. 3-4408. al53 tnu. LARGE home with 6 bedrooms lo cated In business gone at 1135 Mill St. Boom to build small business building. Terms, Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Kve. 2-3206 al55 ? ? ? Down Payment ? ? ? If you are of good character and can pay 170 mo. on nrln., int., taxes and Ins., you can name your own down pay ment on these two modern suburban homes with fireplace, ven. blinds, hdwd. firs., unf. upstairs and large lot. One sell for 18100 tthe other for $8500. Drive out to 310S Sunnyvlew ave, and we'll show them to you. al54 5950. Late built 6 room home!' NE. Un furnished upstairs. Attached garage. Fireplace, oil heat, terms. . Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors IM High St, Ph. 3-4121. Eves, 2-5206 Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 The Winners Response to the Capital Jour-nal-Eisiiiore theater want ad contest has been very gratify ing, according to the contest judges, who nave selected the entries of the following persons for guest tickets to the Elsinore theatre for the showing of its current attraction. "Champion." Contest runs daily. See yester day's Capital Journal for rules. June 23rd winners are: Miss Elinor Schobert, Route 1, Box 56, Jefferson; Mrs. Ruth Hill. 920 Leslie St.; and Mrs. Donna Cohn. 1062 Howard So. June 24th winners are Nora M. Hamlin, 845 Marion; Jeanette Pulmer, 105 E. Owens; and James R. Kuhn, 1375 No. Com mercial. Winners for Sa! urday, June 25th are Inez E. Moore, 360 Les lie; Mrs. Wayne Barham, 809 N. CottaKe; and Charles A. M': Evoy. 2242 N. 24th. " A pair of guest tickets to "Champion" have been mailed to each of the above winners. "Champion," starring Kirk Doug las, will continue its engage ment at the Elsinore theater through this Thursday. FOR SALE HOUSES $I'!M). CORNER lot with 3 bedroom home on N. Capitol St. No. 2 zone. Good bus iness site. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 al55 BY OWNER: Must be sold within 15 days. 2 bdrm., plus finished attic. Furn. or unf urn. l'j bath, automatic heat. F.H.A, loan, $7,2001 Open house anytime. 868 S, Liberty. al57' Down Keizer Way Large lot, near 8. River road, $750. 1 Acre & Home, North Near Brooks, 4 rm. cottage, $2,050. Will consider late model car or good trailer house in part trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3802. Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8838, al54 30750. NEW modern 2 bedroom home close in North. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Oil furnace. Attached garage. $2500 down. Cnlt Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 al55 nY OWNER: Excellent 2 BR homo only 8 yrs. old, has largo living room with fireplace, dining room, full bnsomont. Insulated and we nth on tripped. Compact oil furnace with forced air circulation. A first class home priced right. Now has good F.H.A. loan. 2605 Hulsey Ave. Ph. 3-3140. al54 FOR RALE: 3 Bed room house on creek, close in. Might take 49 car In trade. Price $0500. Phone 2B764. nl54 !l BDRM. old typo house. Clean, new paint, at 1607 N. Capitol. Vacant, Uest offer over $4000 takes It. Owner 2-3069. This week only. al54 .1 BDRM. home. Oas hent St range. Ben- tlix washer St other furniture. Cheap. 5 blocks from down town. $850 down. Bal. easy terms. Ph. 3-0463. al55 II Y OWNER: 2 bedroom home, lot 60x100, garage St floor oil furnace. Price $4800. 2330 Hyde St. Snlem. n!57 owneiTmust sell Practically new modern 2 BR home. Hardwood floors, attached gar. Large lot. well landscaped. Paved road, bus at door. This property has an approved loan of $0,800. $8,500 full price. A good buy. Call Mr. Noonchestcr. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway. Ph. 20552.Eves. 20103 or 33810 a 153 IlY OWNER: 2 ill) KM. house at Wood- burn. Lot 60x60. Wired for elec. range El pc. water heater. Price $3450. Call at 2330 Hyde St., Salem. ft 157 SPECIAL - $9750 - SPECIAL Have you been searching In vain trying to locate a home that will offer you safe, sound, security? If so litventlgate this New Run my 3 Bdrm. Home with LR, DR, Kltcll, Unth, Hdwd Firs. Lge Unsmt with oil furnace. Oarage. Lko lot. FHA terms and rniall down pay int. Compare litis home with any on the market and you will find true blue value here, ENOLEWOOD BEACH Here is one of the finer New Homes with many outstanding features. Corner lot, 2 large Bdrms, Lit, DR, Nook, Excellent kitchen, beautiful bath. Oak firs thru out. Birch interior. Uto basmt with oil furnace, nhnwer, extra fireplace for party room. Lite ntt garage. This home built for owner with nothing spared. Price $150011. FHA terms. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS (Open Eves, Till 8:30) 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 a)54 $750 DOWN - 110 MONTH 1 yr. old 2 bdrm home. Hdw floors, fire place, large garage, breer-cway, fish pool, large garden in. Big yard St shrubs. Insulated. Lit 13'fl"x23'. Auto, elect, heat. May bo aecn 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1145 Jiuties St., Keizer DIM. a 153 BY OWNER: Are you Interested in a modern 2 bdrm. home? Owner ready to leave and will consider any reasonable offer. Furnished or unfurnished. Ph. 2-1119. al53' A Home To Be Proud Of 10.150 Suburban. Modern, 2 years old. 3 bedrnom.1, living room, dining room, kltelien, bath, utility room, wall-to-wnll carpel, paneled fireplace wall. Largo lot. Fenced back yard. Bus by door. Paved sidewalks and drives. Coll or See Andy Halvorsen Office 3-8620 or 3-7163 McKillop Real Estate New Location Center and High al35 A REAL BUY 11,350 Kngtewood District. New 2 bed room home, unfinished upstairs with stairway In. Living room, dining roo.n. kitchen, room for a tnble, Hdwd. floors, fireplace, beautiful bath, auto, oil fur nace. Attached garage. Corner lot, close to Englewood school. Call or Sec Andy Halvorsen Office 3-8620 or 3-7163 McKillop Real Estate New LocationCenter and High Rl55 $5350.00 $1222.00 DOWN 3 Br., L.R., DR., kitchen, lge utility room. Hdwd. firs. Bendlx. 50x144 lot. Close to downtown. If you are handy with a paint brush this Is the place you are looking for. $5250.00 $1250.00 DOWN l acre Just off Landcaster Drive. House has L.H., D.K., Kitchen, 1 Bdrm. Oil heat, fruits, berries, nuts, barn, For appointment call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemekeln St. Ph. 3D271 Eves. 23983 al55 MtMW 2 B R. Dn. Unf. attic. L R B.N., r. onower am, mwo. Mrs. fireplace. Fir. Furn. H.W.H. Clas Range. Oarage, nice lot. Located Just No. of Salem. SUiltO 2 B.H. Hse, nearly new. Also 25x50 repair service nariue on North River Rd. Excellent set up for good mechanic. 1 A. ground. Owner would consider trade lor Income prop, in town. $9.rf0 2 11 H Home. unf. attic. L.R., B.N.. K. Full bain. Hwd. Firs. Basement, auto furn. Attach. Oar. Pavement. Located No. Comer lot. Would consider trade for acreaue No. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. Onas S. Olson . c. R. Rlckard 665 Chemnwa Hd., H Ml, W. Keller Bch. Phone 3-1380 or 2-4312 mlbi NEW A rm. beautiful home. Has LR. DR. d Dnrm., utility, att. gar., corner lot. 24" shakes painted green. Oreen roof. 3i blks. to ichool. $9000. IJSO0 down. $63 per rno. Take in lot. See at 953 Highland. Ph. 23P89 Owner. al5 Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS RESTAURANTS Do you know the restaurant business? We have several excellent buys located in Valley towns. Splendid Income, ideal locations- Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. 1750 N. COTTAGE 4 bdrm., Ilv. rm., din. rm., hall, bath, lie. kitchen, basmt, auto-oil heat, beautiful lot. 313,000. Call Roy Ferris. Beautiful residential view lot In restricted area. Set this lot before you buy. Will take new car In trade. Call O. H. Orabenhorst, Jr. GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Gelser 3-99BS Earl West 2-1232 OPEN 530 ILLINOIS ST. NEW, RAMBLING 3 BDRM. HOUSE, FIREPLACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. WELL ARRANGED KITCHEN. MONTAO ' Oil. HEAT. LOT 14x171. R.H.A. COMMITTMENT. PRICE $9800. FOR SALE HOUSES WANT TERMS? POSSIBLE 1750 DOWN and $50 month will buy 3 bdrm. home witn Lit. db, bath, lge lot. Could be 2 apartments easily. Price $4950. POSSIBLE 1500 DOWN and $50 month buys this suburban 3 bdrm home with full bath. lge. kltch. garage, small Darn. 3 acres good land, all cleared. ONLY 34650. POSSIBLE $500 DOWN buys nearly new 3 bdrm home with electric neat, Kitcn, bath, LR St DR comb. Large lot. Oarage. PRICE $1150. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS (Open Eves. Till 8:30) 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 al54 LOOK AT THESE CHEAPIES $35001 Bdrm Home North. Close to store and bus. $3500 2 Bdrm Home on McOlIcrist St. Very neat. $39002 Bdrm Home North. Att. garage and etc. WE ADVISE YOU TO LOOK OVER THESE BARGAINS FOR YOU WILL FIND YOUR MONEY S WORTH HEKU, COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS (Open Eves. Till 8:30) 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 al54 SUBURBAN We have an unfinished home on Pa cific Hway, north of Brooks. Pumice Block Construction, on lot 200x300 feet. The price Is 12350 and will take trailer house as part payment, Daiance on rea sonable terms. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 3-7451 or 25390 al53' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS YEAR OLD 5 room house. Close to bus. IjOI DUXlUil. fliKV uuuu. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5 room plast- ereo nome. ubiiw " 2 lots. Att. garage. Close to bus and school. Price lurnisned fou. sdjuu loan. 8 ROOM HOME with fireplace: breakfast noox. run cement uokiuchv, " nace. Lots of closet space. Close to Mc Klnley school. Price $11,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 tcvj. Hi.ll: 2-4007. 3-4510. or 2-810.1 B155 A COMFORTABLE, older type home near the Richmond school. Has 2 bedrooms, bath, living and dining rooms, kitchen, nook, wired for mage, electric water heater, basement, furnace. $7500. P. H. Bell, Realtor Ml Chcnuket. St. Ph. S-4896, J-1M5 Bvm. 2-6686, 3-756S. 1S5 T0ATRMOTINT HILL $12,000.00. F.H.A. terms. Drive by this nice s oarm. name nt i mumi Ave. Then call me for appointment, llnrvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 39271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 39441 Kingwood View One of Salem's loveliest home. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 lots, giant oak tree. You will want to see this. Price 117,500. Walter Musgrave Realtor lail Edgewater rn. j-piuh aian- Sale or Trade Very nice 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, automatic heat, attached garage, owner wants to buy some grazing land for cattle or sheep, property correctly priced at $7600. What have you? Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216 a!55 $5450.00 A cute 3 BR modern house on Vs Acre. New chick, house, garage and garden. Just cast of town. A HOUSE TO REPAIR $4250. It has 5 Rooms and bath on a corner lot in an excellent residential district. $1000 down, $50 per month. JOE HUTCHISON, Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 2-3629 Eve. 2-4769 or Mr. Craig 3-5053 al54 A NEW 2 bdrm. house. Hardwood floors St ven. blinds thruout. Fully modern kit chen. Very nice utility. Must be seen Inside to appreciate. Also 12x20 garage St concrete driveway. $1 100 down. Full price $1500. Ph. 2-8301 or 2-6832. alS7 FOUR BEDROOM DWELLING FOR SALE BY OWNER Owner of 855 Oak street will sell for caih or part cash and credit lot 67 feet wide and 164 feet deep to creek for $9500. Immediate possession. See Ron ald C. Oiover, attorney for owner, 205 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Oregon, for de tails. ADA L. CONDIT. al55 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT FOR SALE Lot 23, Pioneer Heights addition, 11350. 100' frontage 165' depth. Walnut trees. Water and power. On Pioneer dr. south of Ratcliffe. Ph. 3-6371 or call 2160 N. 4th street. aa!33 Sl.tOO. Choice 50x100 Knglewood district lot. pnone 3-5006. as 153 FOR SALE FARMS EQUIPPED BARGAINS GRADE A DAIRY 52 acres. All level valley. 37 head of stock including 15 milking cows. New equipped grade A barn, tractor A equip ment, pickup truck. Nice 3 bdrm. home, $32, W0 equipped, or farm alone $16,500. GENERAL FARM 30 acres all tillable. S acres new straw berries, 12 acres walnuts Si filberts, as sorted family fruit. Well furnished 8 room mod. home. Oood outbldgs. Trac tor St equipment, cow St calf, 2 hogs, 630 chickens, etc. Included at $14,000. STROUT REALTY 959 8. 13th Ph. J-532J. MM' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 2-2471 HOUSE off CENTER ST. FOR SALE FARMS PERFECT FOR COUNTRY LIVING. Here o.: this 16 A. Estate. Good rich loam, mostly bottom with yr. water. Close In on pavm't, Very attractive 3 BR. home. elec. heat, carpeted llv. room. lge. D. rm.. 2 fireplaces. 2 car Karaite. Dltrv hse. Concrete floor barn. (Could be profitable dairy set up). When you see charming lay-out of lawns, shrub. nowers. pa no, outside fireplace St fish pond you'll go for this at $18,500. Terms. Bl-Y NOW FINE CROPS included. 130 A. all cult. Rolling and level Valley ioam, norm. Main crops are corn. clover (15 A.) and grain. Very good 4 BR, home, all mod. cov., 8 stanch, bam, new mach, shed, pltry. hse., large granary, new 2 car garage. Well loc. for school St mkt. Only $15,900. Terms. complete new uneoi tractor equipment, all stock St pltry. Available at banzain. SUBURBAN 30 A. ON PAVM'T. Ideal nome sites. Roads on 2 sdies. Oood nrrwt loam In variety fruits and nuts. So ciose in so low priced. $8000. VERY Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8381 Eve.: 3-7440. bl55' foTsalT BY OWNER: Beautiful home site, all cult. 14 ac. oats, 0 ac. walnuts. For sale or trade, prewar price. Would take late model car as part payment. Ph. 21663. bbl55 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors DRIVE BUY AND SEE This cute 2-bedroom home located at 751 Piedmont St. $6300 is the new low price. LOOK OVER THE OUTSIDE of 108 Lansing Ave., then let us show you thru, It's a good home. 2 bed . rooms, oil heat, extra large lot. Own ers will consider good house trailer as down payment. FURNITURE AND ALL GOES For $10,500 with this modern 3 bedroom home on N. 23rd St. We say It's good buy. STATE STREET SPECIAL Tills very nice 2 bedroom home Is lo cated at 1572 State St. All the rooms are large; has basement, furnace and BO305 lot. LOOK!! ABOUT 2000 SQ. FT. Floor space In this attractive 3 -bedroom ranch style home. Large, large living room and dining room, huge bedrooms, nearly acre land with lots of fruit trees, fine view of the valley. OHMART & CALABA Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-4113 or 2-4116. Eve. Ph. 2-8053, 2-5966, 3-3632, 2-3488. C154" AT A SACRIFICE price to close an es tate: 15 good acres, good garden soil, loc. close to Woodburn, all In cult, except 2 A. Has good family orchard, 6 room home, tile mllkhouse, dble. garage, barn St chicken house. 1 mile from town. See thin bargain today. ACRE, 6 room mod. home. In Woodburn, close In. Has young family orchard, can be sub divided. Priced at $4500. I ACRES all In walnuts, filberts St cher ries, orchard Is about 18 years old, in very good state of production, 8 room mod. home, barn, fruit house, garage St chicken house. Equipment goes with Place. Priced at $13,000.00. A very good buy. Harris Nelson, Broker On Highway at Woodburn. Ph. Blue 63 cl55 BEST BUYS HOLLYWOOD Almost new, full basement, hardwood floors, attached garage. Owner must sell. Will accept trailer house or caT up to $1500 as part payment. Total price reduced to $7950. F.H.A. loan com mittment $6000. A real bargain. Ev. ph. 20473 or 33558. FOR LEASE We have a good 2 bdrm. home to lease for $70 per month. 12 month lease. Ev. Ph. 30473 or 3355S. DUPLEX Oldei type In good condition. Prlv. bath room. Walking distance from shopping center St school. Corner lot, bus at front door. $1000 down. Total price only $7500. Ev. ph. 20473 or 33558. FARMS 18 ACRES Very modern home. No waste land. Sev eral good out bldgs. Willamette silt soil. Only 5 miles from Salem. Total price $14,250. Ev. ph. 39403 or 33556, NO. HOWELL Extra special. 70 acre farm. Very mod ern home, only 8 yrs. old. Several cab Ins, several acres berries. Willamette silt soil. Selling because of 111 health. Total price $30,000. Terms. Ev. ph. 39403 or 33538. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7B20, 2-4596 Cl54 NELSON NEWS SOMEONE IS MISS INO There Is someone In Salem who would enjoy this nicely situated modern 2 bdrm. home, attractively finished, fire place, bsmt., etc., on an elevated acre In enchanted Crolsan Canyon. Can now be had for only $8000 with Just about H down. MAKE 115.000 IN ONE YEAR Sounds too good to be true, but the owner of this business has a large enough turnover and large enough mar gin to do that very thing. It can't be bought on a shoestring because the owner needs Immediate cash for other purposes, but It can be bought right. 100 ACRES EQUIPPED 93 A. In cultv., 8 A. In woodlot. Crops Include grain, hay and berries. 3 wells electrically equipped with pressure to hou.e and barn. Good mod. plastered 5-rm. home, fplace.. 6-stanchlon barn, garage, on cream rt., graveled rd., Just off pavmt.. 12 hi. N. Price $16,000 in cludes complete equipment tractor, plow, disk, mower, rake, packer, cul tivators, milking machines, etc. And of course crops not harvested. NELSON & NELSON Multlpl, Lutlni R.tltori Personal 8rv!c, by U.n Who 8pcI.11m m H. hub rn. nu' REAL ESTATE 99950. 1 ACRE with clean modern 2 bed room home. Close in. Barn, chicken house, good wen. va block to city bus, Sail Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 C1551 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem St vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 57 We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO- 153 S High WHY RENT? When you can own this comfortable 2 bedroom home; bus by door; McKlnley grade school; basement; located at 600 Falrvlew Ave., with Vi acre, $6,950. Please call us to it the Interior. CITY LOT AT A BARGAIN!!!! 60x90 ft. located across street from 730 Waldo Ave. City water. Just can't be beat at only $450. Title Insurance. See Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 231 N. High Even. Ph. 3-7534 - 2-7423 Cl54 Home and Business Restaurant, home, gas station, doing a good business, Moving out of state. A good spot, come look It over and get facts. $16,000. Call Mr. McQueen. Eve. 2-8470. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. cl55 NO. 1: BUSINESS OR STORAGE SPACE, 4,800 sq. feet of floor space on ground floor, north. Rent or lease. NO. 2: SMALL BUSINESS LOCATION NORTH, good for baber shop, small of fices, etc. Very reasonable rent. NO. 8: 4-BEDROOM HOME, garage, barn, poultry house, small pasture, fruit and nut trees, about 10 miles northeast of Salem on paved road, In the Howell Prairie district. Immediate possession. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. Cl55 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need oi good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale ne GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us We hay all kinds of cosh buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE station for tease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district. United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106, Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes. cd FOR LEASE separate rm, . 660 sq. ft. floor space. 12th St, Paint Shop, 1095 S. I2th. cdl54 GROCERYMEN LOOK INTO THIS Grocery store in an adjoining town. Doing a wonderful business, grossed approx. $116,000 last year. All clean stock. Inventories at about $8,000. Cor ner store. Good lease, 3 years to go with option. $55.00 a month. Stock and fix tures $10,500.00. Call or See Andy Halvorsen Office 3-8620 or 3-7163 McKillop Real Estate New Location Center and Hlsh cdl55 THE SALEM PER MA-STONE CO. 2040 N. 18th St., Salem, Oregon, desires responsible dealer for Mrrlon and Polk counties. The party selected will be granted an exclusive contract for a patented process used on both old and new buildings. Nationally adver tised. An Investment Is required, cdl55 Distributor Business Dad's Root Beer tn Marlon St Polk counties. Business well established. This will make you $6,000 to $8,000 per year. Priced at 33700 which includes one '48 Chev. 2 ton truck. Call Salem 3-7111 cdl57 ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for sale by owner. Home made ice cream and sandwich bar full equipped, good year- round business. Priced to sell. Write Box No. 426, Capital Journal. cdl55 PLUMBING SHOP Stock and fixtures for sale at less than cost Inventory. Good location and lease. Open for offer. JOE HUTCHISON, Realtor 455 Court St. - Phone 2-3629 Eve. 2-4789 or Mr. Craig 3-5053. cd!fS5' FURNITURE FOR SALE UNTAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. r 5 ROOMS ALMOST NEW FURN. Rugs, L.R. suite, swing rocker, fire place screen at irons, piano, a a.n. suites, new refrlg., new elec. range, washing machine, radio, D.R. suite. garden tools, shop tools St etc. May be seen 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1145 James St., Kelxer Dlst. dl55 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-0 FURNITURE WANTED. Ph. 38558 for ap praisal. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. AUCTIONS Furniture Auction Tonite 8 P.m. Held Inside. Spacious Olcnwood Ballroom. 500 yds. North of Chemawa 4 Corners. Hlway 99E, North of Salem. Consisting of: Square Maytag washer Apt. size elec. range 4-pc. walnut bed suite Springs Mattresses A 5 -pc. dinette set 0 Oak typewriter desk Swivel chair 0 Table radio A Linoleum Rattanla rug l Used daveno set 9 New daveno set 0 Chest of drawers Maple desk J) 5-PC. breakfast set Coolerator A Chrome dinette Air-tight heater Piano Deluxe washer Garden cultivator Dishes Small appliances Many more Items "Always A Big Sale" GLEN WOODRY, Auctioneer You Can Do Better at Auction Ph. 3-5110 Salem. ddl53 LIVESTOCK AND FURNITURE AUCTION Wednesday, June 29, at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. 7-ft. Coldspot electric refrigerator, 2 plece frleite davenport and chair, 6 plece walnut bedroom set, davenos, lamp and coffee tables, floor lamp, rockers, baby beds, coll springs, mattresses, rugs, chrome breakfast set. metal typewriter desk, washing machines, new wood and gas ranges, dressers and miscellaneous. 1941 8-ft. No, 7 John Deere combnle. Trailers, truck bed, mowers, chickens, rabbits, feeder and weaner pigs, calves and veals, milch cows and heifers. LANE SUDTELL, Auct. Sales Yard 1' Miles East of Salem on SUverton Road TO BUY OR SEUi CALL S-6098" ddI53 LIVESTOCK WANTED SMALL BLACK and white Shetland Stud service. woodOurn 1131. eal55 BONDED St LICENSED livestock buyer. s. u. Mcuanaiixn. nai s 35 Ph 3-8147 eal53 HIGH SPIRITED 5-yr. roan mare with 8 wg. oar colt. Pb. 3-1303. ai56 RABBITS WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits. top prices. 3983 state St, 109FI. bl77 PETS FOR SALE: Cocker puppies. Phone 2-1380. ecl53 LITTLE MEXICAN Chihuahua puppies. 4 wks, old. 420 Miller Ave. Dallas, Ore. ecl54 BOSTON BULL DOG. Puppies 9 Wks. Old. Ph. 22642. ecl54 ROLLER CANARY birds. $10.00. Pb. 25929. ecl57 HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt. 1, Box 163 DD. Stayton. Near auction house. ecl54 FOR SALE to a good home only: Red fe male cocker spaniel pup, 2 .mo. old, pure-bred without papers, very small and frisky. 3130 North River road af ter 5:30 p.m. week days; all day week ends. ecl53 REGISTERED male Springer. Ph. 2-5157. ecl54 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates, eel60 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. Ph. 68P22. ee TR1-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. We give S St H Green Stamps Oreen 16 In. mill wood. ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends it Block Wood, Ph. 36414 ee' FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Tburs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES 5c IB.. Losans 3c. U ricK. Bring containers. Plenty berries, fine quality.' C. M. Steveley, Rt. 9, Box 360, Salem. 8 ml. south on Rosedale Buena Vista road. Phone 49F11. H155 CHERRIES CHERRIES Royal Anns, Bing St Lamberts. Fine crop, good Picking, 2c lb. You pick. Bring your own containers. P. O. Muck- rldge, Rt. 2, box 12, Salem. 1 mile E. of Keizer school. rf 156 IMPROVED MONTMORENCY pie cher ries, you pick. Out 99E to Hayesville. Lunch, turn right, 4th house on right. jonn versteeg. it loa RASPBERRIES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2, Box jau, nortn unemawa. rn. a-uue. rues' KALE Ss late cabbage plants now ready. Any quantity, Puritan Cider Works. Ph. 3-5426. ffl57 STRAWBERRIES -U-Plck. 10c. Bring con tainers. Out SUverton Rd. 2 'a ml. to Middle Grove School. Turn right "4 ml Herr Ss Rlensche. ff ilG, LUSCIOUS Raspberries delivered any where In Salem, $1.90 a crate. Ph. 23935. ff 157 IMPROVED Willamette raspberries. Ph 2-4379. 3745 Brook street. ffl53 RASPBERRIES U PICK 10c. Rt. 2, BOX 442, mi. W. of 99E on Chemawa cutoff road. fI153' CHERRIES. Royal Anne Si pie cherries, 5c lb U pick. J. C. Savage at We conda. Ph. 3-1344. ffl53 YOU PICK CHERRIES 3c lb. Royal Anns and pie cherries. J. C. O'Reilly, Rt. 4, Box 692 Near Prlngle school south. ff!53- CHERRIES, you pick, 3c per lb. Bring containers. North on first road to Chemawa, Rt. 2, box 474, Ed Zahara, ffl54 PIE CHERRIES, U-Pick, 5c. P. E. Castle, Rt. 1, box 240. 1 mi. on Wallace road. f f 155 FOR SALE: choice R.I. red fryers, Jen nings Poultry Farm. Glenn Creek Rd. and Kingwood Dr., West Salem. f f 156 HELP WANTED WANTED Cherry pickers: 5 ml. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 20, Phone 17F12. James Best, Rt. 8, Box 622. gl56 CHERRY PICKERS. 200 more needed (or all of this week. Orchard Heights id. Ross W. Clarke Orchards. gl57 EXPERIENCED Silk Finisher at 198 8. Church St. K1B5' HELP WANTED MALE CANADA DRY has opening for Ad vance Route Salesman, 25 to 30, to sell, advertise and merchandise Beverages In Salem and surrounding territory. Must own late model car. Salary, commission, car allowances. Do not phone, apply by letter giv ing complete background to P.O. Box 5078, Rose City Station, Port land 13. gal56 HELP WANTED FEMALE LUZIERS COSMETICS: Disrtlbutors want ed. If Interested in earning over $50 per week Ph. 36327 8 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 3 p.m. gbl54 WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 605 N. Liberty. Call mornings. gbl57 CAR HOP wanted. Apply In person. Whites Drive-In. 1138 S. Com'l. gbl54' GOOD OPPORTUNITY for exp. beauty op erator. Ogden Beauty Salon. 251 N. Liber ty. gbl54 ONE LADY to solicit house to house. 6 days a week, 6 hrs. per day. Pleasant easy work. No selling. No car needed. No experience necessary, as we will train you. Apply in porson Wed., 9 a.m. to 11:30. Willamette Vnlley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave., Salem. gbl53 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St PH. 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN STERLING INSURANCE company wants representatives to write lifetime benefit accident and health, blanket doctor bill Insurance, and life. Good future for right men, or women. For appointment phone Salem: 2-4664 or 2-7293. gg!53 EXCELLENT opportunity In Polk county tor an exceptional kouib oaiesman wno wants to work In a business where sales on repeat calls avenge $25 or more. Permanent. full-time work. netting earnings well above the average for a man who can qualify. Reliable 60 year old company doing nation-wide business. Thorough training. Home nights. No transfers demanded. No stock or cre dit to carry. Must have dependable car. Age 25 to 50. Ph. Mr. McCullough, at Hotel Senator, between 5 & 9 p.m. today for condldcntial appointment. tig 153 WANTED POSITIONS CULTIVATING 8t tilling with M.E. Tiller. Ph. 3-6037. H158 CARPENTER. A-l. fast. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. hl77" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. hl75 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h!75 OMEMT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h CHILD CARE. 183 6. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h!71 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hl70 WILL CARE for children in my home. From 8 to 5 daily. Ph. 2-0515. h!78 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl78 PRACTICAL NURSE wishes full or part time work. Write box 418, Capital Jour nal. h!54 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonlxing. Ph. 3-7553. hl66 WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. riiSTOM hay balelng. rake with Job, also will mow. Ph. 37103. hl62 want hb. WORK. Ph. 3-767 after 5. hl74 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney DUlicung. rn. z-ty. rrca cabimmc hl61 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. hi6l lawn maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting in new ones. Ph. 3-2808, hl58 WE BUILD St repair houses. Call morn ing or eve. Ph. 2-0341. hl54 grader WORK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision. Ph. 29315 or 23897 eve. niaa POE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 665 N. 16th. Ph. 1-3843. B15&" FOR RENT ROOMS MODERN SLEEPING rooms for men. Prlv. ent. Ss telephone. Day or month, low . Capitol St. Ph. 33425. Jkl58 ROOMS FOR 1 or 2. 155S N. CaDltol. JK16B HOLLYWOOD rms. 2038 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. NICE FIRST FLR. sleeping rm. H&C water. 461 N. High. JKi&tr SLEEPING ROOM for men. 1057 Highland ave, Ph. S-7336. Jkl53 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 3-3161. Ik VERY NICE sleeping rm. 650 Marion. Jkl55 FOR RENT APARTMENTS SPACIOUS APT. in beautiful court. Un furnished excent for refrlg. and range. Automatic laundry. Call at 907 S. 13th aiter 10 a.m. JPiafl 3 RM. unfurn. apt. Shower, elec. heat. 1351 McCoy. 345. Inquire 1341 McCoy or write H. C. Edwards. Gates, ore. Jpl53 S RM, furn. apt., upstairs, with bath and outside entrance. To a middle aged coupk. No drinking, pets or children 455 South 18th. JP156 CABIN FOR RENT. For bachelor or work ing couple. $15 per month. 694 N. 12th. JP153 ALL MODERN apt. Nicely furn. Cool at tractive St close In, for I or 2. 468 N Winter. jp!53 FURNISHED APT. 3 rooms Sc bath. Apply Hollywood theatre. JP153 1(11 STATE ST. Vacancy July 1. Ph. 3-9670 JP153 MODERN FULLY equipped 3 rm. furn. apt. for single gentleman. Capital Jour nal Box 415. JP154 3 RM. UNFURN. apt. 388 Bellevue. jpl55 PULLMAN APT. furnished. Conveniently located. Phone 2-1887. Jpl55 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Utilities paid. 1480 Broadway. Pn. 20509. jpioo VERY NICE 3 rm. furn. apt. Close State House. Reas. 1434 Ferry St. Jpl65 ROOM Apt., prlv. bath, water St heat iurnisnea. is . (jnurcn. jpioo CLOSE IN, cozy, one-room apartment. Elec. range St refrlg. 535 N. Winter. Jpl56 FOR RENT HOUSES LOVELY 5 rm. unfurn, modern home. Close to Salem. Academy on Dallas Rd. Phone 3-1181. Jml53 1 B.R. hse., view. $55 per mo. Phone 2-0279. Jml53 1 BDRM. house. Handy to bus St stores. Immediate possession. Inquire 595 S. 22nd. Ph. 2-6600. jml58 WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES H.W. floors, furnace, Barase. large lot, paved at., city water, sewer, bus. LOW AS 1200 DOWN L. E. Klumnp, Real Estate 180 N. Church. Ph. 3-7943. Xve. 2-01M. ml94 FURN. COTTAGE. 3315 Portland Rd. iml71 UNFURN. 5 rm. house to employed couple. Oarage. Ph. 39040. jmlB4 1 BDRM. HOUSE. Hdwd. firs. No pets or children. Capital Journal. Box 410. JmlB4 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery St pickup of machine. $6.00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166 OFFICE spacei and desk spaces. Ph. 5692. J" GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable tor of. flee or stores. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 J" U DRIVE trucks cars Ph. 3-9103 POWER TOOL rentals lor home St In dustrlai use Howser Broa Ph 3-3646 TRAILERS. $2.00 pbt day. Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th, West Salem i BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J GOOD USED PIANOS. H L, Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery Ward. J' TO DO a good Job rent a good floor send er. We sell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS Ph 3-3646. 1 BABY SITTING. Ph. 20823. hl55 FURNISHED OFFICE, 2 desks, typewriter. flies St chairs. Mezzanine floor, ground floor show window If desired. 212 N. High St., Ph. 3-4016. : J155 SKIL-TOOL rental service, Vally Farm Store. 4345 SUverton Rd. J178" WANTED TO RENT YOUNG EMPLOYED couple would like to rent a 2 barm, nouse on or Dei ore juiy 5. Stove St refrlg. furn. Preferable in South Salem. Ph. 37829 after 6-p.m. Jal55 COUPLE transferred by firm needs 3 rm. unfurn. apt. or small house. Up to $50. Phone 2-3933. Jal53 WANTED BY governor's new executive secretary: two or tnree oearoom nouse to lease. Southside location preferred. Might consider Portland-Salem home swap. Tom Lawson McCall. 2304 S.W. Mitchell. Portland. Tel. BR 5714. Jal54 WANTED SMALL apartment near tele Phone office for working girl. Ph. 37028. 'Jal53a Local business man wishes to lease for one year or longer 5 rm. mod. unfurn. home. Must be south side of city. Adults. Might consider option to buy during lease If desirable. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. JalS5 BUSINESS COUPLE desire small furn. apt. Preferable court or apt. nouse. Ph. after 5 p.m. Jal54 MODERN 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. ur gently needed by representative national company, ten year daughter. Will lease. References. Write Capital Journal. Box 419. Jal58 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ROOM. 495 N. Cottage. JJ154 LOST AND FOUND LOST! In the vicinity of Clear Lake or Mission Bottom roads. 1 lady's gold Orant wrist watch. Finder Ph. 3-6644 or 2-2756. Reward. kl53' LOST: BLACK leather key container. Lost last Tues. eve. Ph. 17F3 or leave at Sa lem police station. k!55 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpn Bldg. State Si Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen ta' e. Ph 3-3313 for free pick up and delivery service on alt makes of ma chines. Pre- estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'L n MISCELLANEOUS iLES SPRINGES, men's hatter7 404 Court? We close aaiuraays id.au. mtoo- BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma" ALUMINUM ROOF1NO 2 ft. width In the following length. 6' 11.7 V 3.32 10 2.90 12 .48 Ask about Installation terrlce MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM, OREGON ma HARDWOOD flooring, all grades, from $05 thousand up. Keith Brown, Front St Court bts., Salem. ma SPECIAL: Cedar elding, VxB". Random length. C -grade, $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front Sc Court Bts., Salem. ma NEW WINDOWS and frames. Hundreds of sash. New first quality doors, $6.50; screen doors $6.50 up. W tn. flrtex 5c ft. Used window screens, your choice 25c. Oak flooring and all thicknesses of plywood. Used toilets and lavatories. O. O. Long. Ph. 2-5621, 1 ml. N. of Keizer. malSS CEMENT MIXER for rent. Ph.' 3-9409. mal69 CEDAR SHAKES $12.80 per sq. Combina tion screen stormdoor $10. New doors 3 St 6 panels $5.75. Mahogany front doors, bargain. Hard waterproof wall board 7Wc ft. C. O. Long, Rt. 2, box 31. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kei zer. ("Colorado Territory") mal56 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 2 $5 cedar wall shakes and undercourse, $12.80 painted. No. 1 un pa in ted $9.00. No. 3 96.50. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 ma Schwab Timber Co. Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-8611 (M Finish at WHOLESALE Price B&BTR C D 1x4 $165 $162 $125 1x6 $169 $166 $125 1XB $173 $158 $130 PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND mai56 ALU MA . LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call Dlst. 3-6401. mal56 NEW SHIPMENT plast board. V 6VU; A". 6a sq. ft. Rock lathe 45 sq. ft, $1.76 MONTGOMERY WARD SaLKM ma AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, one unit. Low installation cost. PUM nJTE, West Salem. mal53 REINFORCING STEEL! Blok-Mesh In 4", 6', 8" & 12" Widths. PM1L1TE, West Salem. mal53 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal53 ' SHEET ROCK, 4?ic ft. W 514c ft. " rock lath solid sheets, 31c yd. C. a. Long, Ph. 25821. 1 mile north of Keizer. mal58 NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them in bloom. 180 varie ties. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 4380 Cherry Ave. mb!77 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DOG HOUSE: Well built, solid, biff enougn lor sman Kiaaies to use as play house, no; Two 30-gal. galvanized wa ter tanks. Make excellent porch flower boxes. $1 each. 955 Garnet St. nl65 SHETLAND CART, rubber tire, very nice. wooaourn 1121. nioo GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel St drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND St GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-9249. USED WINDOW, frame, sash Se weights. ait. 10" x 4 it. 0". Also door Hardware & jams, 2 ft. 6" x 6 ft. 8". h. 3-4687. nl53 LARGE refrlg., ideal for store or res taurant, inquire after B p.m. Rose Cottage, 2 miles north of Brooks on 99E. nlBB USED washing machine. Excellent con- ditlon. Phone 2-5520. nl&3 SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer S Basement Equipment Rental 15 B H yds. 12.00 par hr. 10 B S yds. 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per hr. - D-8 Cat & Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-i Cat St Dozei 1.00 per hr. Phone Days 9-9408 Eves. 3-824A or 1-4400 Salem Oregon V USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nlffa FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles, iertuizer s uairocK. rmiiipj Bros., Rt. 6, BOX 118. Ph. 68F22-. n9 FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 38357. nlBfi STEEL clothesline posts, $11 up. Rail ings in stocx, copper lanterns St vanes. at reduced prices. 1145 N Liberty. nl53 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson mna aaoncag Appuance at uevurts. BEAUTIFUL NEW wood range with reser voir. Large oven and fire box. $169.50 regularly. For clearance $90.88. Slightly used washer, sold new for $149.50; spec all $69.88. Oreen Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO., 137 So. Com'l nl54" PILLOW ARM DAVENO. Rich Wine vel our. Reg. $119.50, special $09.88. Guaran teed construction. Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO., 137 8. Com'l. ni54 CORNER WHAT NOT shelf or pier cabinet 5 shelves 48" tall, $4.88. Durham card table. Double braced steel frame St legs. Very sturdy $4.95. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO., 137 N. Com'l. nl54 1948 PHILCO 8 ft. refrlg. Excellent condi tion. $210. Ph. 2-9865 after 6:30 p.m. nl54 14 CU. FT. CHEST freezer New 3330.00. Ph. 3-4284. o" NEED A cheap battery? Six months guar, rebuilts. Grp. 1 size, $5.95 exchange. M Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. ' M72 WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. -yd. shovel and drag line Ph. 3-9249. n JOHNSON J-80 outboard motor. A-l con dition. 364 S. 24th St. nl55 FOLDING LAWN Chairs. 364 S. 24th St. nl55 PEAT MOSS: Full bales, 33.95. H. W. Poultry, 1505 N. Front. nI70 45 POINT DIAMOND, $300. Part down, bal. by arranged payments. Write Cap ital Journal, box 417. nl55a ALMOST NEW super-deluxe Maytag, $149. Call 3-9895 after 5:30. nl55 ONE DIAMETRIC precision wheel bal lancer, nearly new, very reasonable. 1092 Broadway. nl55 HOYT ST. SURPLUS 46'x7 outside doors, new, with frames $12.50. i HP ball bearing new repul sion Induction AO motors $37.50. Wards Gas water heater $17.50. Toilets and toilet tanks, soil pipe, special on " Galv. Pipe 17c'. Elec. Water Heaters. Young DeLux Washers. Apt. size Elec. Refrlg, 4", new $160. Hay Tarps. Ice Boxes $10.00. Swivel Chairs. Folding Me tal Chairs 32.48. Oak Bedside Tables $4.00. Sinks, lavatories, laundry trays. 14T 1947 G.M.C.. 16' Bed. 1943 Int. K5 1ST $925.00. Elec. Bakery Oven. Spud Peeler. Large Dish Washer. 11 Cu. Ft, Steam Chests. Paint Locker. Laundry Dryer. 9 HP Wisconsin $100.00. Irriga tion Pump with Wisconsin gas motor. Hot Air Furnace w blower $50.00. Hot Water Furnace $80.00 Bus Seats. Oil Circulators. Everything priced for CLOSE OUT. Come south on 12th to large HOYT SIGN. Turn East one block. Tel. 37916. ni57 1929 MODEL A motor 925. 3'6"xe'S" door with large glass. Also glass counter par tltlons. Ph. 27356. nl55 (Continued on Page 2)l 0