18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 19491 fiviF?. p,n to i Vwrni m V i faf mn mc "! Ill 'A4Mn,A - J cam t aft f fin mm nrtn 1 1 RADIO PROGRAMS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN TUESDAY P.M. IKSLM .Jio'KGW TolKOCO 'K0IN CITY POSING AS AN EX-CON ?MR. ROPER THE Uncoln City OFF EARLVVlAK' DAT BALDY " LOOK, MR. BAUGHMAN,THE ONLY QUESTION IS, . WSt Kestauremt-TCXW- MYy FELL ABO" KAY" T NEAREST THING TO A WILL YOU OO? If. ?' -f HONEY BUN Y HE COT NO JOB, BUT I c PRISON RECORD I CAN AND I'M NOT C0VERIN6 J V JV ZITWANTS METO MEET HE ALWAYS GOT . SHOW IS A TICKET enfJP THE FACT THAT THE A isXJ 7 ZZM AT THE TRAINM MONEY" V FOR OVERTIME1 ASSIGNMENT WIU BE Jt CST V , 72Tm'Ti I 1 jJk (ChaDter 18) Oonnip drove away rather hur riedly, leaving him looking after her much in the same manner he had looked after Chuck Gale. Was Connie, too, hinting that Glenn might in some manner oe resounsi ble lor the loss ol his stock! Con nip. of all neoDlel He went up to the office and looked through John stover's files until he found a folder labeled Slug Benjamin. Here he found an account ol aiugs arrest in iu var'fi handwriting. Aug. 12. Shot Amos Grubb, who nau accouseu mi" ui skcnmiK kuiu. Grubb went after him on Main Street without a gun. Slug fired three shots. First two missed, Third killed Grubb. Claimed self' rififpnsp. Arrested him for murder. Searching him. Six dollars and forty cents In notes and silver Knife, gun, watch papers, tobac co, matches. Silver mounted rab bit's foot. Held for grand 1ury. There followed notations show ins the hours of Glenn's visits, and a brief account of Slug's es cape after killing the nignt guard. That was all except for a single line at the foot of the page. Shot Sam Tolson last night. Me next? Jeff went over to Glenn's place and let himself in. He was a bit angrv with himself. "Person'd think T was trvinz to pin some thine on the bov.'' he grumbled. "I ought to be kicked. But Glenn said Slug gave him five hundred dollars, and I can't help wonoer Ing where Slug got it." Jeff rode to Briscoe the nexl day and sought out Sheriff Mort Shane. He talked with Shane and promised his cooperation in ex change for any help he might need from the sheriff. Jeff said good-bye and started for Glenn's otnee. ine reo ana green globes of an apothecary shop halted him in his tracks. He turned and entered tne place ana an eiuer lv man f.fimp im to wait on him. "I'm Marshal Tyler from Cou gar," announced Jeff, and showed his badge. "You sold any arsenic lately?" Aj-spnir? Vet. T think I have. Borne time last week, I believe. Let me see: it was a stranger who bought it. Of uoursel It was that new lawyer that Just openea an office in town. What's his name? Gricver, or " "That's itl Gleoson, "NnhnHv nLse?" "Nobody else. Not recently, that is. Not for several months." "Thnnks " Jeff walked blindly from the hop. Glenn had bought arsenic, rUpnn I He headed for Glenn's office, stunned, unbelieving, for the mo ment incapable of coherent thought. Glenn had purchased arsenic. Why? In another moment he would know and would hate nimseu lor aouci,. Inf fchp hnv. Glenn was at his desk and was surprised to see him. "Well! What brings you to Bris coe? Don't tell me they've pro moted vou to snenir aireaayr Jeff forced a grin, assumed an air of casualness which he was far from feeling. "oi just yet. Came over to get acquainted with Shane and the county attorney. I'm supposed to work with them, you know. And while I'm here I thought I'd drop around at the drug store and find out if any body bought arsenic recently. You haven't been buying the stuff, have you?" Glenn sat down on the corner of the desk. "Yep," he said cheer fully. "Got quite a lot of it; didn't know it was so cheap. Come and take a look." He motioned Jeff to follow him into the back room which he had fitted out as a kitchen, and pointed out bits of cheese and bacon and bread in the corners, on the cupboard and behind the stove. "They're plas tered with arsenic. This place was alive with rats when I moved In. I've got four of 'em already nice big fat fellows. I may go in for bigger game later on, but so far I haven't tried it out on cows." The relief was so great that Jeff laughed aloud. "The arrest is off. Bud; there's absolutely no law ogalnst killing rats." "By the way, this is the first chance I've had to congratulate you on the new Job. Jeff, it's swelll Between us we should be able to stock up the old Ji in no time, eh?" "Thanks, Glenn. I'm not rich In worldly goods, but I have some- think a, heap more satisfying friends. Yes. we'll restock it In time. Meanwhile, this lob Is going to keen me pretty busy. I've got to rouna up Slug Benjamin, find out who's stealing the Crown stock. and catch the Jigger who poisoned my Herefords. Also, I've been told that I'm expected to ride herd on the bank's gold shipments." "I don't envy you the least with fellows like Slug on the loose." "One man wouldn't stand a ghost oi a cnance. The gold Is moved in a light wagon with two guards in side, another one on the seat, and me roaming around front and back." wow rar do you have to cart it?" I "Prom Cougar to the express of-1 nee nere in Briscoe." That's a long trip for a wagon. Take a full day. won't it?" "yes. I suppose we start early in the morning and camp along the way for dinner. That noon stop iooks nxe tne aanger spot to me. but of course we'll camp In the open where nobody can Jump us witnout warning." He got up. "well. I'll have to be moving along. Shane said he saw Slug abound Briscoe ana ne s having the town combed for him. I want to drop in and seel if he's had anv luck, then start! back for Cougar. Somebody might steal Main street while I'm away. So long, Counselor: when you're I arouna my way stop into my of fice and we'll have a spot of tea." do Be uontinued) M Fulton Lewli Jr. Prank Reminawar Pa.ilnr Parade New. B-Bar Brand B-Bar Brand Adv. of Champ. Curly Bradley Gabriel Heatter Northwest New. Mulle Huiie Medlelno Drama Mulle Riders In the Sky Rider. In the Sky Monte trnbio Monte Criito Favorite Stery Favorite Story SIZES 10 40 11 lllill Scalloned Sun - Ensemble The cool-neckline dress combines with a cover-up bolero to create a Sum mer costume that is right around the clock I Note the long skirt pleat in back It's a smart way ol pro viding fullness without Bulk. No. 3063 Is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, in in 20. 38 38 and 40. Size 16 dress, 4 yds. 35-ln.; bolero, 1 yds. 35-ln. Send 25o for PATTERN With Name. Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Cottons again strike a high fash- Ion note. They are inexpensive to make, easy to handle. Send now for the SUMMER. r'AHHIUM UUU& which includes in Its 160 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions for every age and occasion. Price Just 20 cents. Address capital journal 552 Mission St.. San Francisco 5, Calif. ;'?--?-' I R2644 4 Handsome Peacock Combine em rimwiprv anfl rnohpt. nnrt von Rime up with the handsomest of chair sets. Pineapple-motif crochet forms the regal peacock s fan and the aim pie embroidery stitches and beau tiful colorings make pleasant work oi tne booy, neaa ana background design. Pattern Envelope No. R2644 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions, tltch illustrations and ma terial requirements; hot-iron trans fer for embroidery, stitch illustra tions, color chart and finishing di rections. To obtain the pattern send 20c ijn vuins giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capitol Jour nal. 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3, uaw. trie"'" Newi News Select Local Newi Miiile Fulton Lewli, Jr. Dob Poole Show Bob Foole Show Mutlo Sim Oft Newt Dawn Patrol N. W. Newi March Time I) awn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol News Newi Breakfast Can Breakfait Gang Top Trades Barcaln Counter Vletor Ltndlahr Som of Pioneer Muile News Kate Smith Pastor's Call Wiles Walts Time News Gospel Singers Mornlnc Special Walti Serenade Top Trades News Queen for a Day Queen for a Daj Ladles First Ladles First News Bob Eberly Show Tell Nelihbor Johnson Family Orran Reveries Bint Sinn Against the Storm Arainat the Storm Music On Parade Say It with Muslo Say It with Muslo Songs of Times News mi mumL MsmmTm - 1 ' 1 1 i , , v Uft IlKBQr&dttfl Jth y.cLil m ol, irr R .ftTHESE STORIES r I WARMW TO rW8 FOLKS gfisT I I I tX)ULRScrtSHr.HA! H(M SORT tfCONFUSINM Fo t ANO EDITORIALS ORE tJEE-x HOW COULD f NIC6 THINGS 'BOUT VUH- I I I AT THAT'EASY COM6EASy QO-WELL.:- I p TH6V ALL SEEM TO THINK ANNONE THINK B I 'ORPHAN TAKES CARE OF HER I II IT IS EASY WHEN IT'LL REALLY DO.EO 1 A 00 I'M DOIN'TH-RKSHTTHIMQ'-I ANYTHING ELSE? J OWNANO HOW !" I I 1. "MUCH FOR SO MANV jk Q;JJ cT?,2rTS n I HEULO.AMBY- HgH I VOU KISJ PAV ME THE A lBOr.I hAVEM-T) VOU HADAIVEr) nfA I IS OM THE Hi kWATVAW 1 MOMEV TUAT'.S DDF rJ I I TUP kAkiPvr?v-vKyiirij) is i i M izMm ysgjgj astes -si rrjiAriFirrT!!Tri TTrr'TTmTTTTtsnrm TTrrrzn " : i "hn i mu 11w.iuK,-, HUN I anuui w i.twWSWi JrUf TH S S ( IM GLAD TO MEET 1 USirr'i. 4 WITHOUT THEM.? GLASSES. I OUST A THAT'S ME., NURSE ."T-1 Jfjv?. CARV 4 VOU, SIR.1'' I VE CMtROCNCY AFTER ALL- WEAR EM TO LOOK X A CAN FIND MY V ..nf. t GRANITE, I SE.EN YOU MANY U CALL FROM GARY IT'S JUST J LIKE A SPtCIALriT-T BROOM WAY:" J lASP A DOCTOR J TIMES INeT-- . GRANITE'S STUDIQ ONE STOP S MY.r,r- WHAT A .CLOSW JTXW 1 "5 Xf CT ELEVATOR J 1 UPSTAIRS.r-E.OT UPON THE. CROWDED ELEVATOR J- .""A) CEai , J rr 7 I . L I CAN'T FIND "TNELEVATOR. I T, 7J)j -i V Tj-H H U jTsl I YOUR BITOCALVr)-.,, JX &MSJr St) & I 'IAs AfljT JJ f tmr fc &mh&M I r. jVa .iha rrri i or--r-r- "vSTr " 3". 1 , V, ..- !.,! ,,- .r " WjlAV ,",,u--"? f SWELL IDEA! FltL" BUTTHERE5 N0P90FIT ICOFREE W SO XM GONNA m COFFEE M CHA THREE CENTS 3 COFFEE AT Y-aijiS- IN SELLING COFFEE J 3 1 HANDLE THE fc U COIN; .CLF,,IB THREE CENTS AWyT fSPRlNCTTSSA MkSA REAL ARTICLE H COFFEE T JEFF? I "MvPpEG COP WILL GET &JREd S5 dIhWR fjTT A O & t -nr-V D fvW TRADE ESl'l. aaT"! V WELL, WE'VE FOUND THE 1 f SAY THAT'S RlfiMT IF IT'S SUREAND THERE I YmmLS ATWS KMW .. -. N rSTSiK SSilS'JSSSS JiESS. (..?. W aim way TveTell nto R NEXT, RUST", ij ABOUT THE WS mSST tSv&tSJSSSY H SS J gf5M ' W? I K 1 W? I? " " 1 -rtS ' ' ' rrt ffiVTAAfSy '(7wi ' , viiovjr jittj i 1 1 wza 1 1 1 bh 1 1 I .n I TV! J 3 VJ' lrr-AJ flaaja i . . II t a II a I , v 1 Ila V CI E9 k. ArSi.iV ' - v rMMHfJVU? b W-1S r-war7.i" Illy- ' , W , r.- ,4j y. d?tw r tMi ji or Ar yu n , uy 'rfTumnw p seIlatBd'- ray SLBrr1 L- DISSINS Q"1" P! if 1 I J 1 I .liwmwn n Juu rflnjtn wmhim. II I I X. tWt MA Mlt mmlVI 1 I 1 . i AAtnil SH-v ras; gp.Ji Srl SSgg Woman'i Secret Sunny Side Newt Blchartl Harkneis Musical Cocktail Musical Cocktail Alan Young Show Alan Young Show Martin A Lewis Martin Jb Lewli Klng'a Men Klng'i Men Hollywood Theatre Hollywood Theatre In Your Handi In Your Hands ' Suppei Club Newi of World Hogan'g Daurhter Hogan'i Daughter New SPorte Page Final Bands of Land Band Wagon Sam flayei Wax Museum Wax Museum Wax Museum Sign Off Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Raneb Bins Crosby Sport Page Candlelight and Silver News Iiaak Walton Pat O'Brien Bandstand Bandstand Dugout Dope Baseball Baseball Baieball Baseball Baseball Baseball Oaseball Baseball Baseball Baseball News Track 1490 Traom 1490 Track 1400 Track 1400 Track 1400 Sign Off Curt Mass Little Show Club IS Edward Murnw Knox Manning Beulah Chet Hulhf News Lynn Cola Bob Young Show Strlko It Rick Strike It ftleh Hit th. Jackpot , Hit th Jackpot Past th Bek Pass th Back Lowell Thomas Jack Smith Sbww Mr. 4 Mr. North Mr. A Mrs. Nerth Five Star Final Mystery Theatr utt's Dane Serenade You A th Wort Orchestra Orchestra News Silent WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Hodge Podge Hodge Podge News Hodge Podge Farm Time Farm Time The Old Songs News Fred Waring Fred Waring Riders of Sag Sam Hayes Socond Cup Second Cup Jack Bereh News Tommy Doney Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Lopes Orch. Lopes Orch. Today's Children Brighter Day Double or Nothing Double or Nothing News Light of World Life Beautiful Ma Perkins Pepper Young Happiness Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Loremo Jones Widder Brown A Girl Marries Portia Faces Life Just Plain Bill Front Page Farrell Road of LUe Lora Lawtoo Aunt Mary We Love A Learn KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tex Bitter News A Sports Top O' Momlo News Western Melodies Western Melodies Western Melodies Church In Wild Melody Time Melody Time Music Music Coffee Cup N.W. Report Rhapsody In Rhytbm Olass Wax Glass Wax Glais Wax Glass Wax Hollywood Music Hollywood Muslo tfews Ted Dale Presents Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mao's Melodies Women's Page Friendly Spotllte Must Spotlight on News KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock New New Fred Beck Consumer New Art Baker Robert Lewis Robert Lewie Vical Varieties News Grand Slam Rosemary Wendy Warm Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Big Sister Ma Perkins Young Dr. Malta Guiding Llrhl News Come A Get It Norah Drake Makes You Tick 2nd Mrs. Burtoa Perry Mason Pat O'Brien Alr-flo Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air Winner Tak AM Tunefully Yours News Meet the Mlisa : Meet the MlsM Arthur Godfrey- Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfr Arthur Godfrey KOAC DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1100; KOAC, 550 lCV Tuesday P. M. 6:00, Squirrel lCA Caret B:80, Sky King, 6:00, Keep ing ap With Sportsi 6:18, Home Edition; 0:80, Green Hornet, 7iO0, Edwin 0. Bill. 7 :1B, Elmer Davis I 1 :80, Music by Boner oi 8:00, Counterspy, 8,80, Town Meet ing) 9:80, Monitor News: 9:45, Book Adv.: 10:00, Richfield Reporter: 10:15, Intermex ot IQ'.ao, concert Hour) US80, Memo to Tomorrow, 18:00, Xtra Hoar: 1:00. Sign Off. ICY Wednesday, 6 A.M. to 4:48 P.M. rtA 6, Early Bird, 0:45, Dirt Doctor; 7, McCall News, 7:15, Bob Johnson Show: 7:80, Bob Haien Show: 7:40, Farm News, 8:00, Myrt and Mar ret 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners) 8:45, Easy Aces, 0:00, Breakfast Club! 10:00, News: 10:10, Stars of Today: 10:80, Kay Kyser's Kollegei 11, Ted Malonei 11:15, Galen Drake: 11:80, True Story i 12, Betty Crock er) 18:15, News; 12:30, Baukharo 12:45, Nancy Craig: 1:00, Northwesternersi (Listed a Pacific Standard Time) Tuea. P.M. 0 100 On th tlf beat: 5:50. Sports Clabt The News) 6:15, Dinner Melodies) 8:8, Round the Cam pf Ire, 7:15, Farm Heir 8:00, Artistry in Classics: 8:80, Great Songsi 8:45, The News: 9:00, Musle That Endures: 0:45, Evening Meditations) 10:00, Excursions in Science; 10:15, Serenade! 10:45, News J 11:00, Sign Off. (Listed as Paclfle Standard Tims) lrr Wed. A.M. 10, News; 10:18, IWMV Especially for Women) 111. Concert Hall) 12:00, .News: 12:15, Fara Hourt 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, Va riety Time: 1:30, This Day: 1:40, Melody Lanei 2:00, Cavalcade of Drama) 2:15, Memory Book ofMucjWew 1:30, Kay West) 2:00, Breakfast 1b Hollyywoodi 2:80, Talk Your Way Oat ! Iti 8:00, Surprise Package; 8:80, Bride aad Groom) 4:00, Welcome Travelers) 4:80, Art Linkletter. Independence Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodd and Danny spent Sunday in Corvallis visiting Mrs. Dodd's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiller and family and T. J. Dannen. ACROSS 1. Asiatic wild sheep 4. Fine Cuban tobacco 8. Small cube 12. Embrace 13. River in England 14. Metal 15. Palm leaves 17. Knack 18. Rinse: Scotch 10. French capita) 21. Weeds 23. Pellet 25. Exclamation 26. Exist IS. Chinese pagoda 81. Negative 82. Custom . 84. Look for 86. Minded 87. By Itself IS. Character In "The Faeria Queene" 19. American humorist 40. Myself 41. Metric land measure 42. Vassal 44. The whit poplar 46. Interweave 60. Jewish month 62. Salamander 64, Assistant 66. Smooth 66. East Indian palm 68, Number 69. Adjusts 60. Rebuff. 61. Utter Solution of Yesterday's Puuttt DOWN Store Hawaiian dance Culture medium ROOM AND BOARD 1. Symbol for calcium , 6. Topaz hum mlngblrd 6. Stout 7. Architectural pier 8. Malady 9. Rainbow 10. Memorlz 11. Terminal 16. Small swallo 20. Genuine 22. Pieplant 24. Buddhist pillar 26. Old 27. One of an ancient race 28. Group of players 29. Spindle on which a wheel turns 80. Philippine mountain 88. Hindu title 35. Makes possible 36. Smallest 1 Integer 88, Serviceable 43. Brother 44. Sister of on'M parent 45. Not so much 47. River island! 48. Notion 49. Refuse 60. Fairy 51. Garland 63, Malayan coin 67. News agency! abbr. Bv Gene Ahern THE EARL IS TRYING TO SELL THAT BLASTED GADGET FOR, CORING PINEAPPLES "HE SAID ME TRIED 1-20 HOMES AND ONLY SOLD ONE, BUT IT WASNY FOR KITCHEN USE-' "A AAAN BOUGHT IT FOR. DIGGING OUT DANDELIONS FROM HIS LAWN MDU HAVE 999 X OF 'EM. SO TH'ONIY J THING I CAN SUGGEST 15 FOR, tOU TO BUY OTHER KITCHEN GADGETS TO SELL FROM DOOR TO DOOR. AND THROW IN A PINEAPPLE CORER. FREE WTTH EACH SALE i