Iff Cnplfnl Jnrjrnal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, June 28. 1 949 A 17 -0"' I Wm:0 r L 1 MlKlfll HnnnrPn Slan Musial, Cardinals outfielder, in presented with the Mont Valuable Player plaque by Commissioner A, B. (Happy) Chandler be fore a recent Cardinal-Braves game at St. Louis. The award is for 1948, and makes the third time Stan has won the honor. (AP Wirephoto) One Armed Baseballer Faces Uncertain Future Dallas. June 28 W Pete Gray, who played in the big leagues despite the fact that he had only one arm, was uncertain about n,s V, wa, not intoxicated his outright release by the Dal las club of the Texas league with which he has been a re serve outfielder this season. Owner Dick Burnett of the Dallas club said Gray had re fused to go to Gladewater of the East Texas league, a Dallas farm club. Burnett also attrib uted this to an incident in which Gray was arrested and taken to jail. In a statement last night, Bur nett explained the incident which brought dissension among the Dallas players. He said he called Gray on the telephone Saturday night to inform him that he was being sent to Glade water. Gray replied that he wouldn't go. Burnett said the ball player sounded as if he had been drinking. Burnett added that "I called the police and told them that if he was to put him in jail." Gray was arrested and taken to jail but was not charged or held, Jail Supervisor R. M. Wisseman stating that he found Aft erward several members of the Dallas ball club came to the jail to get Gray out. Gray said Burnett called him later and apologized. Gray, 32, has been playing the game since childhood. He was in professional ball first with Memphis In 1944, then went to St. Louis of the American league in 1945, to Toledo in 1946 and to Eimira of the East era league in 1948. He was out of baseball In 1947 jDusette Returns i For Rasslin' Go Lefty Pacer and George Du sette will provide the entertain ment in the first act of the weekly wrestling show at t he armory Tuesday night. Dusette is returning to the local mat arena after an absence of several months. The preliminaries, starting at 8:30 include: Yaqui Kid vs. Tony Faletti: Al Szasz vs. Al Williams. Written laws existed in Crete as early as the 6th century B.C. Mathias' Olympic Prestige Periled Tulare, Calif., June 28 IP) Youthful Bob Mathias puts his Olympic games prestige and his National A. A. U. decathlon erown on the block tonight and a score or more rivals begin at tempts to wrest it from him be fore the King s home town ad mirers. Mathias, at 17 years of age the youngest athlete ever to cap ture the Olympic title, scoring 7139 points in the games at Lon don last year, is the hero of a two-day celebration here as he goes again against the nation's best in the 10-event competition. The former Tulare high school star, now a student at Kiski Prep school in Pennsylvania, - '- hard pressed to retain his laurels when the 1949 na tionals get under way tonight. City C Teams to Open Wednesday Four "C" division City junior baseball league teams will square off for initial competition Wednesday evening: Bishop Electric, coached by Gilbert Jones, will face Master Bread, directed by Eugene Harp, on Leslie field; Midget Market with Jim Vittone at the helm, will play Coach Gordon Bacon's Schreder's Four Star Market at Olinger. Club Planning Picnic Gervais Mrs. Anthony Duda entertained nine members of the Garden club at the regular meeting. Mrs. Ernest Andres presided over the business meet ing and they decided to dis pense with the next two meet ings and have a picnic July 21 at the home of Mrs. Fred Man ning when a basket lunch will be served at noon. Strong Quits as Whitman Mentor Walla Walla, June 28 lP) David O. Strong announced last night he is resigning, effective today, as head football coach at Whitman college, a member of the Northwest conference. Strong said he will take an other coaching job, but did not say where. A native of Mount Vernon, Wash., Strong attended high school at Helena, Mont., and played football at the Univer sity of Illinois and Michigan. Thouaandi now chew Steele, laugh, talk ilmoit aaif they didn't have falic teeth I They une STAZB, amazing new cream ;..in a handy tube. 8TAZK aeala edgei TIOHTI Helps keep out food particlea. Get 35 STA.K. Money-hBr-k guarantee. TAZE HOUJI PUTES Tim TEH. LOHUI It's here! the Kaiser Traveler Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. Phone 2-4173 V M State St., Four Corners ivmi -susra THE BIG TENT p i:vz TrTy u'f ' b " 11 3360 . . W- I'LLf Jl M aaal ,. 1 VII 1 w V . J5v. ,,.., PORTLY" r?K V?JT?2ljC' -sr-sgr--, jjSl 9 merc Ai QjT Ml at THE BB B and 'Thanks to the Fred Smith Lumber Yard!' 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