t London Dock Strike Eased London, June 28 W Strik ing workers of London's docks voted to return to their jobs today with the proviso that they will refuse to work Canadian ships involved In a dispute with crew members. - Threats of a major tieup of shipping in the whole port of London eased when 2,000 work ers at the Royal docks voted unanimously to return to their jobs. A similar action was taken later by almost as many strikers at the Surrey docks where the sympathy move in support of the Canadian sailors started two days ago. Thirty ships loaded with vital cargoes of meats and fruits were left idle as the dockers and long shoremen walked out yesterday. Dock officials said they expected to return to normal tomorrow with the exception of the Cana dian vessels, four of which are now in English ports. Bany fa Command Canby Post Again , Aurora James Bany was 1 elected to a second term as com mander of Canby post No. 122, American Legion, at the regular meeting. Kenneth McNamee was elected first vice commander; Wallace Ramey, adjutant; Al fred Kraft, finance officer; John W. Beck, service officer; Frank Jayne, historian; and Charles Scott, chaplain. These officers will be formal ly installed on the night of June 30. A new set of officials of the auxiliary of the Canby Ameri can Legion auxiliary was form ally inducted at a meeting held In the clubroom in American Le gion hall. New officers are Mrs. Walter Meek, Jr., president; Mrs. Kenneth McNamee, first vice president; Mrs. John Bur gess, second vice president; Mrs, Wallace Ramey, secretary, and Mrs. Carl Poschwatta, treasurer. Mrs. Meek, Mrs. J. B. Bur gess and Mrs. James Bany were named delegates to the depart ment convention to be held in Salem August 4, 5 and 6. Alter nates are Mrs. Kenneth McNa mee, Mrs. Raymond Freece and Mrs. Wallace Ramey. The new executive committee consists of Mrs. James Bany Mrs. Verle Nielsen and Mrs John W. Beck. Appointive offi cers are Mrs. Richard Johnston chaplain, and Mrs. John Meek, sergeant-at-arms. Apartment Tenants Guest at Lebanon Lebanon Mrs. Doris Brooks entertained at her home in Ga zeley Court honoring new ten- nants in the apartments. Season al flower arrangements were used in room decoration. Re freshment trays were served at the close of the afternoon, which was spent in social chat and con tests. Prizes for high scores in games went to Mrs. W. . F. Spikes, Mrs. W. P. Dalrymple and Mrs. E. J. Gravelle. Other guests were: Mrs. Ora Sallander, Mrs. Thomas Gazeley, Mrs. D. W. Chaney, Mrs. N. R. Scott Mrs. H. G. Rulifson and Mrs. R. L. Callahan. Hottest Suspect Arrested as he slept in his car, Guy Smith (above), was termed by Los Angeles police as the "hottest suspect" in the Black Dahlia-type mutilation mur der of Mrs. Louise Springer.. The garroted body of Mrs. Springer was found in the back seat of her car near the spot where the "Black Dahlia" murder mystery presented it self two years ago. (Acme Telephoto) To Label Furs By Real Names Washington, June 28 (U.PJ The house interstate commerce com mittee today approved legisla tion to require furriers to label rabbits and skunks by their right names. The bill, sponored by Rep. Jo seph O'Hara, R., Minn., provides fines of as much as $5,000 and a year's imprisonment, or both, for using false advertising or deceptive, names. Testimony given the commit tee showed that rabbit fur is sold under some 50 names none of them rabbit. The bunny often shows up as Arctic seal, beaverette, muskrat- ine, or chapchilla. The well-known skunk is well known as everything but skunk, the federal trade commission told the committee. Some of Its fancy names are dipped marten, black marten, Alaska sable and Two Negro Boys Stoned by Whites Youngstown, O., June 28 W Two Negroes were stoned late yesterday after they entered a swimming pool used by whites. Police said a group of 25 white swimmers left South Side pool when the Negroes refused to leave and went to a hillside out side the 'pool. From there they began hurling rocks down on the Negroes. One of the two was struck be hind the ear by a rock, but was not injured seriously. He was not identified. City officials immediately closed the pool and there was no further trouble. The two Negroes left the pool shortly af ter a truck and three cars con taining 25 Negroes drove up. The Negroes did not leave the vehicles. Waterspout Kills Girl Manila, June 28 () Press re ports said today two water spouts had killed a 9-year-old girl and Injured nine persons on Bantayan island, north of Cebu in the central Philippines. Five houses were reported blown down and a fishing launch pick ed up from its mooring. even civet cat. Civet, the dic tionary says, is a substance tak en from the .organs of the Afri can civet and used in the manu facture of perfume. Muskrat fur frequently is sold as Hudson seal, brook mink, riv er sable, Hudsonia and many other fancy names. New Outbreak of r Budworm Reported Eugene, June 28 W) New outbreaks of the spruce bud worm were reported today in Lane county. Otto C. Krueger, disirict for ester for the bureau of land management, said they had been found in the Dorena dam area and as close to Eugene as Spencer's Butte. Surveys to discover the extent of the infestation will continue until August, when foresters and timbermen will meet to plan a spraying campaign to protect the forests next year. s reei tui Off by Speedboat Reno, June 28 (Pi A hit-run speedboat pilot amputated a 13-year-old girl swimmer's feet yesterday. Imogene Wittsche and Janet Lutz, each 13 and from Rose ville, Calif., were swimming in Lake Tahoe. Then, said Deputy Sheriff F. W. Branzel: The speedboat roared close to the beach and shot between the girls. Janet barely got out of the way. One of Imogene's feet was cut off presumably by the pro peller. The other foot was left dangling by a bit of flesh. It was amputated later at a hos-i pital. The pilot did not stop. Bren zel said an arrest would be made today. According to the Book of Knowledge, the word clock is a fairly new addition to the Eng lish language, coming from the French word, cloche, which re ferred to the bells which marked the hours of devotion and work in monasteries. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 13 Electric Sewing Machines FREE-WESTINGHOUSE Made by Free Electrified by Westinghouse Salem's Oldest Exclusive Appliance Store Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty St. Fh. 3-4311 Introducing the New Low Cost ALL FARM TRACTOR fc. t V.. . - Tt ' Simplicity of design, construction and operation, make AlKarm Tractor the answer to the rancher's prayer. Outstanding features include Simplified Automatic Clutch Control Cultivating, plowing, disking, etc. between trees and in hard to get places are a few of the many tasks easily performed by the Allfarm Tractor. SALESMEN - DEALERS WANTED WRITE FOR DETAILS Allfarm Tractor Co., 1315 W. 9th St., Los Angeles. (Advertisement) Stomach Felt Tied in Knots "Everytime I ate a meal I felt like my stomach was tied into knots," related one man recent ly. He also said: "I would fill up with gas and have awful gas pains. I got short of breath and thought my heart would stop from gas pains around it. I tried pills, salts and powders of all kinds, but without relief. Then I got KAL-O-DEX and my gas, bloat and stomach pains have disappeared. Don't get short of breath any more and feel better all over. This medi cine is the Best Ever." KAL-O-DEX is an herbal for mula containing medicinal juices irom a lireat nereis: these herbs cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish Intes tines and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don t go on suffering. Get KAL-O-DEX at all drug stores. r MEMhmRVBOARD CHAPCQ BOARD NATUMtS W000 IMPQ0VEO (00 WU 1 STRONG YET WORKABLE AND BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR Sheathing, concrete form linen, for firm build ings, garage doors, and for exterior uses when painted. INTERIOR Wall board, partitions, flooring and lubfloori, fixtures, furniture, cab inets, table tops, ihelves. COMPAM CHAPCO IOAH0 FOR USAIIIITY, QUALITY AND NICE (INSERT IOCAI MICK, J. w. Copeland West Salem Yard 520 Wallace Rd. Phone 3-6627 SEE CHAPCO BOARD TODAY! Dtannii.iu-4'x ' in ttirt iMckntii..-! ", 11 6", I 4" When you shop regularly at A few cents saved today several more tomorrow, may not seem like a lot of money. But multiply those amounts by the number of times you shop each year. The result: a substantial sum. That's the kind of savings Safeway offers. Our prices are low on every item every day. . . and you're bound to save more when everything you buy is priced low. Make a habit of shopping at Safeway. It pays . . . and pays . . . and pays. Airway Coffee - 40c Edwards Coffee " 51c f ff All Not'l m , Famous Coffees B nd,LB 53c Lipton's Tea BK s 59c TOMATO JUICE Sunny ,::::.hd IVc a . -i ' T 2 FRANCO-AMERICAN All Brand! Evt.sratrri Milk In Stock CANS TALL CAN- TALL CANS Del Monte Lard 1 2-25c Cane & Beet Sugar 87c Shortenings Swift'ning Wesson Salad Oil Nestle's Morsels CRISCO, SPRY, SNOWDRIFT 3-LB. CAN SWIFT'S SHORTENING 3-LB. CAN QT. 7-OZ. PKG. 83c 79c 59c 19c Tomatoes Gardenside A Real Flavorful N0.2H Tomato CANS 15 CORNED BEEF Libby'i 12-oz. Beit! CANS 39i Spaghetti Cherub Milk Canned Milk Cornflakes Post Toasties Raisin Bran Flakes Variety Pack F1031c IT Betty Crocker if Cereal Tray 0F ,0 31c fit IS) mm 10 87C fJ n( 25 2.19 Uu U inn o rn lb. bag 0.J7 KELLOGG'S 13-02. PKG. Cold Cereal 11 -OZ. PKG. PER PKG, 29c 10c 23c 18c 18c 16c 100 Rushed to you in all their natural goodness.vegetables and fruits from Safeway are sure to please the whole family. Top quality we buy only top U.S. grades of beef, top grades of lamb, pork, and veal. Top value we trim before weighing, Cantaloupes Fresh Lettuce Tomatoes Radishes Ripened on the Vinei! Garden Fresh Hot House or GREEN ONIONS lb. 8c lb. 5c lb. 29c bunch 5 c GROUND BEEF BACON FRANKFURTERS Made Frcih Daily Medium Weight By the Piece For That Weiner Roait lb. 35c u. 39c , 39c Lamb Roast Shoulder Cuti lb. . 69c Luncheon Meat iT:d 39c Prices Effective Wed. Thru Sat. June 29 ro July 2 FRYING CHICKENS Everybody likes Fried Chicken and its so easy to lb. fix using Our Pan-Ready Fryers 59c