12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 III) in I mm-mr"" fU : ! s& If 4 Jw New Eyes Some time ago Virginia Warren (left), IB, Uni versity of California coed, was robbed of her "eyes" when her dog was poisoned. Fellow students raised a $1000 fund to donate to Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc., which offered Vir ginia a new set of eyes. Here Virginia learns how to step off a curb at the organization's course in San Rafael, Calif., as Trainer Stewart Wiest watches to see that the dog and student each do their part. Virginia and her German shepherd, Pilot, will graduate from the school after four weeks' training. (Acme Telephoto) Portland io Get Kaiser Plant Topeka, Kan., June 28 (U.R) A Kaiser-Frazer plan to dot the nation with a thousand small automobile assembly plants is under consideration. Edgar F. Kaiser disclosed the plan yesterday at Topeka. He announced that the decentral ization plan would hinge on the success of 20-car-a-day assem bly plants proposed for con struction at Portland, Ore., and Los Angeles. The president of the Willow Run automobile manufacturing concern said that small plants with about 200 workers each would result in improved labor relations, closer personal con tacts by management executives with worker and increased I worker interest, j (At Portland, officials of the Kaiser organization said they had received no word of the plan.) Old Age Peiifions Have 10,000 Names Portland, June 28 W) The sponsors of referendum peti tions against the old-age pension act of the 1949 legislature said today they have half the signa tures they want. Joe E. Dunne, Portland, one of the sponsors, said the peti tions have 10,000 signatures. About 16,000 are needed to keep the act from going into effect July 18. The measure then would go on the ballot in No vember, 1950. Dunne said they hoped to get 20,000 signatures. KAISER-FRAZER Invades New Price Field See the BIG BIG New Kaiser Drastic Low Prices 24 Months to Pay Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phono 2-4173 Playground Program 6is Puppet Show " Independence Girls and Joys attending the playground program at the grade school will lave an opportunity to take part in puppet "show business." i Miss Osburn, from OCE, plans to put on a puppet show at the ijclose of the seven weeks pro gram. Other handcrafts already started under her direction are making wishing-well flower pots and decorative protectors 'tor drinking glasses. J Bob McKeever, directing the sports program, plans to organ ize teams for competitive sports such as volley ball, baseball and .other games that interest young iters. This week they have been playing valley ball. The playground is open from 1 to 5 o clock daily except Sun day. All children in the speci fied age group are welcome. K. F. Farmer Killed Klamath Falls, June 28 (Pi- Robert Henry Anderson, 74, Klamath county farmer and bus inessman, was killed instantly last night in an automobile col lision three miles north of Mer rill. " (AdvertUement) Druggists' Prescription for Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated .with pimples, red blotches and pother skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with . pitching torture, try Sanitone .Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for Itching feet. Icracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. I For Sale at Wlllett's Capital Drug Store 'State at Liberty Phone 8-3118 Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fistula, Fissure Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitaliz ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Nftturo-Rcctal Specialist IH4 Center at., Salem, Ore. Ph. 39480 riUCE PARKING lew NEW VALUE IN OREGON! That sensational Eastern whiskey buy... CARSTAIRS White Seal 2 X. PINT Thfc Man who Cares says CARSTAIRS BLENDED WHISKEY CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO., INC., BALTIMORE, M0. BLENDED WHISKEY, 86.8 PROOF, 72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS WHY PAY MORE! When You Can Have 9 Completely Automatic 5 Year Warranty (on lealed-in-transmission) 6 Exclusive Water Saver No Bolting Down Cleans Itself Trade-in allowance for your old washer For Only Westinghouse Laundromat 299 95 SALEM'S EXCLUSIVE APPLIANCE STORE YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Street COMPLETE DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REPAIR You are thinking about having electrical work done. Whether it is a home modernization job or a major industrial installation be sure you hire a responsible person with technical and engi neering ability who will do a... SAFE, EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL JOB Don't Gamble.'... caff WtUtmm Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. r-xsj jrpn-, - irr jj W . .--it . yy ...yimsr, " v SUPER SUMMER VALUES tmftMsweJw mi ynxikuh ydlaaecC ffx zX m fi . u U ! X 0 '""y' r,"to1 ,ic"'c suppii-io to lit yMjf JLr 5 """Q yv, v. yfllPV VSfc 7-4 Brightly Colored lach Toyi 15 to $11 3wi Y). I JOJIAJfm ixViV. M J, ASMfcWf- Ml I Handiomo, tlghUug8aj.-$l.49 to $S.4 ll W TkmJmkCf ft Fff (Sis' CjWi JUL V 0nl..d l.oeh Towtll-$l.l9 VI XjJ I 9 If &&'SeS r f Us. J Colorful Plaillc ritnlc Wor.-lOf to S JB . vj. v I 2.1 Vi tw ffl hi asnmere bouquet -, X i,imonisiikH.odscor,..-$i.s9t.si.s iWf - Jf Kayve fXmmmS Jf Ne.ticf fl. Face Powder V 1 l "- V Home Permanent mt Colorin$e A fin., ught..ir powder f m& jm M3rssJs Ul Give yourself a home permanent with- Wl Contain! LURIUM for M I ?,llZ'tSh '"1 i i , a Mt out gu-owork with Dikl-a-wave. Com- W color-beau, highUghU, ( hZX- iSW R V fj s0 S .W W plef kit with 60 easy-wind curler.. W tt f .nc X 'Wf CUlMMJ EL Wk M 1 0,d25tu.te m IOa25p...to i LUterine g I Vf Or. JjlSrf 4tbxi m Vfil A refrashing antisep- Ar T S C l-.vi 11 GTf A - jGfcSWBk- ,. tBt-& a .i , . . . , , tie that leaves your flfesdl V eW-1" ' 1 '&aT--fls r, fj Cashmere Bouquet Lipstick H tSEStSSL Qf jj f$Gi$' Ct li3 If Hi in ' glowing colors to ha- I0b tofaij'ifaj i J T)1 ' ( d i iT 4 '"'i 'ii?ti Fiii ' VflE W, 1 1 m m H JI monize with your coatuma ra" Vp"Bia8BiL MVSta!: jf3Lt mb I 111 Oil and your coloring. Keeps 25t m ca" l Halo Shampoo Talcum . j jjj sSG5Sr To glorify your hair. Ita 10 Give you Double Protection. Keeps ii i s tf VaEj H I nefvA trafrrant, aoapless lather 25 . your loveliness doubly safe from ,v iMS&f Wl.' Jf LUStre- ZnylZZ perspiration and portion odor. 39 59 fl ja CreiTIC asv t0 manage. ' Safe, too, for normal skin and clothes. piu,tox i'jniiimiM w ftl CUi.aa C ' I ) y. A With that lingering fragrance .rf 1 dnarnpoo ? , ft mm love-80 80 Bmooth' io 25 li k For lustrous "dream- frCdC- fMat liftAV , . ltS$2 ' 39 p, f YS girl" hair, the shampoo f where. ' "f) with the magical secret- . k F I ,rL fotaft4 V g-a . t " M shining, free of loose f T iI Ml C f(irko if if" Tl' W dandruff and so soft, so V V k A VUlgdlC OlCATll lv I manageable. 73 Nii .VA AMMONIATED Mimm& ' Tflfl ySrW yp f Afl HTh .f ll I . . F 7 1 I f Jp-Tso. 1 I At last! The good-Uutvng way to help U I Cqmauc CMdwo-' 'Him' Vw l 11 1 prevent tooth decay- Refreshin8. 1 a if V I ID 7 1 J f ;i minty powder that helps neutralize M ",5 Modest because... A f ' p i ''swsa Wl I I cavityausing mouth acids. V II U. I3li trt I comfort... gives com- ftl I W I I j5t 43t rtl I .??.m"rm I 1 II I I 4- 1 Sofskin 5 Guardsagainttrough- jr' ' f ' -rt, jEilklf, .I Tli CJr' 10335998 V ( I lH?u? Sha$ta 'Xl' J . AW'W; rt "asTVSV 3 aq,h (( I Pacquin's Hand Cream B Hind't S I a curls comb out soft .. . IV 1 jr s. Honey and Almond I W Drene f WllWjn yourhomp.rmanenta p3 , J Sun-dried hands wiU b. soft, 0 25 I xl rrfl4m I P t I. V-l lErlf ''take" better. I QTSlD 1 lovely with daily Paequin care. V JA LreaiTI f 1 ifV"J",rrhl'r' eil Utt 'SC Jfl 7fl 1 1 I tL Two types for regular and 47 89C f JUW J I from dulling Sim, 1 JTII 254979? JTTR8 extra-dry skin. lr. 1 ig f Gently soothes, easy to eet without J-,J -5S5-4-' f S3 t softens and protect alii , ,fl.jr;-1i?t visit your nearest woolworth store-nowi IBhftrtf ., ,