Board Rejects berry uiter The Oregon cane fruits con trol board meeting in Hubbard Monday night rejected offers of processors of 6 cents a pound for loganberries, youngberries and boysenberries and decided to adhere to a demand for 8 cents a pound fixed at a meet ing of the board in Salem in mid-June. Logans are beginning to ar rive in the plants and the other berries about under way so a auick decision is required one way or another on the stand of the board which represents most of the kinds of berries named. It was indicated by the board that grower-members would be unable to pay picking and de livery costs and come out at 6 cents a pound. An Oregon State college survey has placed a 12 cent cost on raising and harvest ing logans and 11.2 cents on boy tens. Light crops are predicted. California is reported to have established an 8-cent price on boysenberries. Board members are K, D Coomler, Brooks, president Charles Byers. Alfred Aicher and A. L. Larson, Woodburn; George Linquist and Harold Horner, Estacada, and Alvin yVan Cleave, Salem. Layman Will Retire Woodburn Henry Layman who has conducted a confection ery store on Front street for the past 21 years, has sold his J Syria's Strong Man Cel. Husni Zayim (above) is the only candidate for president in Syria's national election. Zayim seized control in a bloodless coup d'etat last March 30 and made himself military premier. Then he called for elections, but no other candidates filed. Ballot ting proceeded quietly after a night of boisterous public cel ebrations in Damascus, Syria's capital. (AP Wirephoto) building and fixtures to Clifford Larson of Oregon City and re tires from business July 1. Lar son has purchased the building for his son who will operate an auto supply store. Final Rites Held For Dr. Wilbur Palo Alto. Calif., June 28 (U.R) Funeral services will be held today for Dr. Ray Lyman Wil bur, Stanford university chan cellor and former secretary of the interior, at Stanford Me morial chapel. Wilbur, distinguished as a physician, educator and human itarian, died of a stroke Sunday. He was 74. Services will be conducted by the Rev. D. Elton Trueblood of Richmond, Ind. While he was chaplain at Stanford five years ago, Trueblood promised Wil bur to preside at his funeral. Stanford president Dr. Wal lace Sterling will deliver a brief tribute and read a message from former President Herbert Hoo ver, a friend of Wilbur's since college days. BUSINESS WOMEN LOANS T o Stenograph era, Secretaries, Cashiers, Boole keepers, etc., to women - ateadllj employed. Per sonal offers Special Service Loans made od .salary no out siders Involved. 110.08 per mo repay $150 in 20 months. Special lunch hour service for folka In hurry Phone first for faster service Ask for Mrs. Boyd Business Womens Oept. Personal Finance Co. Lic-S-m-M-165 Ph. 2-2464 Famous Tommy Tucker Tuckered Grand Canyon, Ariz., June 28 (U.B Tomy Tucker, the squir rel who helped sell millions of dollars worth of bonds during the war, was dead today, the apparent victim of old age. The squirrel's owners, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Bullis, Washing ton, D.C. were vacationing here on a trailer trip when Tommy died. Mrs. Bullis rescued the net after he fell out of a Washing ton, D.C, tree in 1941 and train ed him to wear costumes. Mrs. Bullis, Tommy, and his ward robe of more than 100 suits appeared in bond rallies in most of the principal cities through out the country. He always seemed to give his best perfor mances before school children. Independence Mrs. C. A. Fratzke will leave Friday morn ing for Sequim, Wash. She will be accompanied by her daugh ter, Fay, who will attend Camp Tapawingo for about a month. Mrs. Fratzke will return some time Saturday. RUPTURED? . . For Security and Comfort Wear a DOBBS TRUSS BUL6LESS - BELTLESS - STRAPLESS SCIENTIFICALLY PITTED NO OBLIGATIONS A DOBBS TRUSS holds like the hand. SANITARY, can be worn whllt bathlnE. Does not strut the rupture. It holds with a concave pad. Reason should teach you not to place a bulb or ball In opening of rupture, thus keeping the tissue spread apart. Men, Women, Children No matter what truss you now wear, you owe It to yourself to come see the DOBBS TRUSS Mr, Richard Dobbs, Factory Representative Will Hold a FREE DEMONSTRATION Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday and Friday June 28-29-30 and July 1st CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty Sts. The High Cost of Travel is one thing that's easy to lick! Instead of saying, "I can't afford the trip," just take the Greyhound bus. It costs less than any other kind of travel... only 13 as much as driving your car. And Greyhound is "plus" travel... economy plus the convenience of frequent schedules everywhere... the comfort of air-conditioned "Silversides" Super Coaches...' dependability and the highest standards of safety. Yes, you can beat the HCT and also enjoy all the benefits and pleasures of first-class travel... by Greyhound! fa? (si Dft D GffiDJV fickft?! . Sample Low Fares from SALEM See More! Enjoy More! For close-up scenery and real fun, travel by Greyhound. Go one scenic route, return by another without extra cost . . . stop over any where, any time you wish. Greyhound air-conditioned Super-Coaches serve thousands of cities, towns, resorts. the mountains, on lakes, streams, beachei...o service to nun vacation areas than any other travel system. Expense-Paid Tours! Made-to-order travel vacations to fit your time and budget! Transportation, hotels, resorts, side trips, sightseeing all reserved and included at one low Western Wonderlands, National Parks, the East, Canada, Mexico, Alaska! Get FREE folder from local Agent orTravel Agent.. .or write Greyhound Travel Bureau, 509 s.w. laylor Street, Portland 4, Oregon. 4r borti$' exfra Tillamook $1.90 Taft 1.55 Coot Bay 3.60 Medford 4.55 Eureka 6.70 10 SAVING ON ROUND TRIPS Reno $ 9.35 San Francisco 9.75 Fresno 10.90 Los Angeles 1 3.90 San Diego 15.55 V. H. Switzer, agent 450 N. Church St Phone 22428 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1949 11 . NVfP14!?1 59c mmr W5 1 1 1 "tr. ii"1- i wttn II Jill picklu j " E SAVING PRICES STEINFELD PICKLES WHOLE SWEET WHOLE DILLS EVERYDAY LOW PRICES jar 33c 23c 24 Vi ox. jar. . . 57 e 24Vi ox. jar 35 e You'll want to buy a supply of these delicious piuklcs for your picnics. They're tops in quality and flavor. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES SWANSON'S Chicken and Turkey With the Good Housekeepings Stamp of Approval Swanson's WHOLE Chicken Here's the ideal way and thrifty too ... to enjoy real chicken goodness. Thoroughly cooked. Just heat and treat the family to prepared chicken at its tender best. IN BUTTER GRAVY. 3 !4 lb. Whole Chicken 229 SWANSON'S BONED CHICKEN Here's chicken at it's best. Large meaty pieces of both white and dark meat. Perfectly cooked, flavor sealed and ready to eat. No bones, no waste. For a quick treat, it can't be beat! SWANSON'S BONED TURKEY 6 6 oz. can 57c 53c oz. can Large luscious pieces of turkey meat perfectly cooked, ready to heat and serve in any way you like best. Perfect for salads, sandwiches, or serve with cream sauc and toast. SWANSON'S CHICKEN FRICASSEE Select pieces of tender chicken ready cooked in real BUTTER GRAVY. De licious served with rice, over mashed potatoes with dumplings, noodles or toast. A real treat you'll repeat. Lb. eon55c WITH NEW FOOD VALUE CONVERTED LONG GRAIN Uncle Ben's Always eookt white and fluffy. Each grain separate. Vitamin LB. permiated. New delicious flavor. PKG. 27 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 2 lb. pkg. 53c WAXTEX WAX PAPER New . . . and Better than Ever . . . "Pressure-Waxed" Waxtex keeps food fresh days longer! Has the Good Housekeeping stamp of ap proval. Has the metal edge cutter. 125 Foot Roll 25c a EVERYDAY LOW PRICES SAVE YOU MORE MONEY AT THE FOLLOWING IGA STORES Pearson's Food Mkt. 294 No. Commercial Model Food Market 275 North High St. Orcutt's Market 4200 North River Road Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Highland Market 800 Highland Ave. Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Brdwy. & Mkt, -Open Sunday Krueger Kash & Karry E. Center at 4tn Open Sun, Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodburn. Oregon Lemmon's Market 598 N. Commercial St Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Center Carter's Market 17th and Market St. State Street Market 1230 State St.