10 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 19491 Fashions Cover Up, and Uncover A rain coat guaranteed not to blow up in the wind and a night gown that would almost pass for an evening gown were shown at the California Ap parel Creators' fall fashion show in Los Angeles. Janet Steele models the rain coat, made of shiny Velon, with weighted hemline. Hat and bag match. Francis Leyden's strapless night gown is elasticized in back and around the top. The stole, with slits for the arms, can be converted into a bed jacket. (AP Wirephoto) East Salem People Greet Visitors From Nebraska East Salem, June 28 An East Salem family in Champoeg Sunday for Steamboat day and a picnic party with former Ne braska families were the Herman Rchms with daughters Janice and Marilyn of Lansing avenue. Other members of the party were Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Juedes and Harland, Edmund, Allard "and Loretta Juddcs of Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs. Hcrchel Grieber from Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Meyer and family from Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vick of Willsonvillc; and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bocksletter from Vancouver, Wash. It was at Sidney, Nebr., the families all lived. Mrs. Carl Stcttler was hostess for a social meeting of the Lan sing Neighbors Garden club at her Park avenue home. In at tendance were Mrs. E. L. Marsh, Mrs. H. W. Cole, Mrs. George Wilcox, Mrs. Milton Blackman, Mrs. Halbert Kcmpler, Mrs. Alice Ballard, Mrs. Marcia Ap let, Mrs. Ervin Sion, Mrs.. Ed Tobin, Mrs. Ben Ralhjen, Mrs. Bessie Zajic, Mrs. H. llahn and the hostess. A short business meeting was conducted by the president with the report ot fa vors sent to the stale federation meeting in Corvallis for a lunch eon, but no member could at tend. The July meeting will be the family picnic dinner, with Mrs. Cole. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillming in Auburn community this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gillming of North Platte, Nebr., and Mrs. Herbert Baer from Kernary, Nebr. They returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Gillming from at tending the funeral of their brother at Auburn, Calif. Mrs. Rex Peffer of Hollywood drive is entertaining her guests, Mrs. John Baldridgc of Payette, Ida., and her sister, Mrs. Andy Shanks of Oregon City at the coast for several days of this week. Miss Sara McMahon of Water loo, la., is a guest for several week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dnmery on Kruit land road. Miss McMahon is a teacher in the Waterloo schools. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood- burn and son, Johnny, were here from Seattle for a week's vacation, visiting with his moth er, Mrs. Sara Woodburn on Lan caster drive. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt are announcing the birth of a grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brandt at Omaha, Nebr. Denham lor T-H Labor Ad Los Angeles, June 28 U.R) General Counsel Robert N. Den ham of the National Labor Re lations Board said today that some changes in the Taft-Hartley labor act "are desirable," but generally he approved the measure. "Considering the attacks on the act, based on charges that it is destructive to the rights of labor, it is noteworthy that un der it, the Wagner act principles of employer liability not only have been reaffirmed, but have been expanded," he told the an nual conference of judges of the Ninth judiciary circuit. Employe pension and Insur ance and union security, "within the limitations placed upon it In 1947," have been subjects for collective bargaining under Taft-Hartley, he said. Denham told the judges from nine western states that he fa vors the injunctive process in labor disputes, claiming it "fills an important need in the en forcement machinery of the act by halting unfair labor practices at the threshold, pending final determination by the NLRB." He is opposed to secondary picketing, saying he hoped this section of the law would be re tained by congress. Airlift Anniversay, But No Celebration Berlin, June 27 W) The air lift had its first birthday yester day, but no party. The 235,314th flighU-a C-84 Flying Boxcar landed five tons of steel wool and textiles at Templchof airport at exactly noon. It was unloaded without cere mony and took off for its home base. The airlift lands an aver age 8200 tons in Berlin every day so efficiently that nobody pays much attention to it. Lt. Michael B. Secley, 30, of Bakersfield, Calif., and Lt. W. R. Blackburn, 29, of Myrtle Creek, Ore., flew the anniver sary flight and didn't even know lt until reporters told them. Sentenced Man, 21, Has Nine Children Seattle, June 28 U.R Superi or Judge Robert M. Jones was non-plussed when he learned that 21-year-old Richard H. Brill, ready to be sentenced, had nine children, the oldest age 17 Deputy Prosecutor F. A. Wal- terskirchen explained that Brill had married a 40-ycar-old wo man with seven children by a previous marrhige and had add ed two of his own to the family Brill received 15 years in the state reform school for burglary Parker Will Teach Course at Monmouth Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Parker and children have been visiting their parents, Mrs. Jennie Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mills. The Parkers will move to Monmouth this fall where he will be assistant pro fessor of English at the Oregon College of Education. He grad uated from Woodburn high school and hat been iuperln U. 5. Lumbermen May Bid on Lumber Washington. June 28 (UP.) Foreign Recovery Chief Paul G. Hoffman said today that Ameri can lumbermen are welcome to any foreign aid business they can get through competitive bidding. Hoffman, economic coopera tion administrator, wrote Rep. Walter Norblad (R-Ore.), how ever, that "producing business for exporters" is not an KCA function. Norblad forwarded to him complaints of some U.S. lumbermen that they are unable to get ECA business. Hoffman said procurement authorization for a $10,000,000 timber order from the United Kingdom were written so that U.S. and Canadian lumbermen could bid competitively. He said the contracts have not yet been awarded and he could not say how much of the business U.S. lumbermen got. "It is hoped that they will have been able to compete satis factorily ..." he said. tendent of schools at Sutherlin! for three years and at Myrtle Creek for the past two years and Is now attending summer school at the University of Ore gon. NOTICE OF 1949190t BUDGET MEETING Tn according with the provision of the "Local Budget Law" (Sections 110-1901 10 110-1215. O.C.L.A.), notice U hereby given that the budget committee of the City of Salem. Oregon, In compliance with said law. prepared and adopted on June 13. 1949, the budget estimates for tha City of Balera, Oregon for the ensuing fiscal year, July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950. a act fortn. All persons are hereby notified that on Monday, July 11, 1949, at 8:00 p.m. (D.S.T.) In the rooms of the Council Chamber. City Hall, Salem, Oregon, aald budiet eatlmatej may be discussed with the Common Council, the levying board for the City of Salem, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies will be heard In favor of or against aald propoaed tax levy or tax leviea or any part thereof. (filmed) R. L. ELP8TROM, Mayor , ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, JULY Actual for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-46 to 6-30-47 AIRJ-ORT Manager. Salary 3 3.479.09 I Maintenance Man, Salary ... 2,225.34 Lighting Runway, Beacon, Hangar 929.17 Equip., Malnl., Lighting 63 22 Gas Sz Oil, Oper. Equipment 694.62 Oper. EquL, Parti St Maint. . 488.34 Fire Insurance, Hangar 640.50 Flrr In., Hangar, form, army Public Liability Insurance . , 932.61 Office and Hangar Suppllea 167.34 Miscellaneous 508.57 Wpter Serv. for Army Hangar Telephone Reps, to Runway St Apron . State Ind. Acc Comm Pub. Em p. Retlrem't Syatem . 165.46 Car Insurance Office Total t CITY ATTORNEY Salary, City Attorney I Salary, Secy. 1190.00 .... Office Suppllea 128.79 Law Book 3.10 1, 1940, TO JUNE 30, 19S0 Actual for Budget for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-47 to 6-30 48 2.596.34 2.396.34 2.048.24 438.43 SB 1.03 536.92 2,331.10 210.85 39.93 1,651.02 94.42 2,933.21 72.48 170.40 37.20 urrent Yr. 7-1-48 to 6-30-49 4.000.00 : 2.300.00 700.00 300.00 400.00 400.00 1,400.00 250.00 100.00 400.00 455.00 93 00 2,210 00 69.00 171.00 54.00 Est. for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-49 to 6-30-50 1. 000.00 500.00 400.00 1,000.00 1,400.00 250.00 100.00 400.00 350.00 95.00 2,210.00 69.00 171.00 120.00 335.00 9,106.18 I 18,987.91 I 13,802 00 I 15,200.00 4.920.00 $ 6.100.00 3 5,280.00 f 213. .14 25.00 5.280.00 2,280.00 250.00 Total $ 8,051.89 f 5,338.54 9 5.560.00 9 7,810.00 AUDITING CITY BOOKS Auditing City Book I 800.00 I 900.00 9 800.00 I 1.500.00 Total t 80000 9 900.00 t 800.00 I 1.500.00 CIV IL SERVICE Suppllea, Printing, Ete S 124.97 S 172.04 t 350.00 t 200.00 Total I 124.97 S 172.04 1 350.00 9 200.00 EMERGENCY Emergency I 9,486.43 9 10,000.95 t 13.700.00 I 42,248.66 Total I ENGINEERING Engineer's Salary fll $415 ..,. 1 Draftsman 4 3275 1 Instrument Man 0 9275 ... 1 Rear Chalnman 1 Computor t 1250 1 Office Assistant & $215 ... 1 Fid. Ins p., Blda. Dpt. O 9275 1 Plan Checker As Insp. & 9276 Telrphone Expense Auto Expense . 1 New Car .. Pub. Emp. Retlrem't Syatem Slate Ind. Acc. Comm Total 9 ENOINEERINO STATE TAX STREET FUND 2 Ass't Engineer 49 9350 ....I 1 Bead Chainman 9255 .... 1 Draftsman a 9275 1 StenoKrnpher t 9175 Office Sum. lie Survey Instruments ......... Total ENGINEERING STATE TAX STREET FUND ' Hitch St. Widening, Chemrkcta to Ferry 9 S. 12lh St. Widening, Bellevue to Mission Right-of-way-North Com'l .. Right-of-Way-North Broadway Center St. Resurface Resurface Various street ., Alley Block 35 Alley Block 5 Hunt St. Widening No. 14th St. Resurface Equipment Various Bts. (minor patch.) Gravel Unimproved St Bridge Const, Si M ft int. ...... Total 9 ENGINEERING STATE TAX STREET FUND Labor , I Material, Gravel, etc Repair 6c Berv. of Equlpm't .. Gas Used by Department .... Kerosene Oil and Grease Asphalt Insurance on Equipment Slate Ind. Acc. Insurance .... Pub Emp. Hetlrem't System Cur Insurance 1 Cominilor fl 92fi0 1 Office Assistant 43 1215 .... 3.780.00 2,700.00 10,000.95 9 - 13,700.00 t 42.248.eC 2,160.00 2,760.00 150.00 1,250.00 3.300.00 3,400.00 4,800.00 I 4,960.00 9 4.980.00 2.430.11 3.300.00 3.300.00 3,120.00 3.300.00 3,300.00 2.700.00 3.000.00 2. 4O0.00 2.580.00 3.120.00 3.300.00 3.300.00 2.557.40 , 3.300.00 . 3.300.00 247.53 277.00 100.00 339.61 750.00 800.00 1.473.59 1,039.38 1,341.00 1,350.00 148.00 150.00 24,227.62 t 26,276.00 9 20.580.00 8.400.00 3,060.00 3.200 00 2,100.00 1,500.00 1.000.00 7,140 00 9 12,944.43 9 14,220.00 9 19,360.00 6.315.55 t 2,872.00 1.920.00 1,836.88 1,560.00 3,060.00 2,100.00 1,500.00 19.465.18 t 15,255.18 675.00 694.00 2 028.36 6.250.53 6,321.18 2.000.00 2.0(10.00 6.300.00 8.450.00 4,458.00 3.500.00 10,000.00 8.000.00 9,000,00 lo.ooo on 1,500.00 65,476.43 9 68,696.93 9 53,708.00 9 61.900.00 Total 9 37.614.34 ENGINEERING STREET CLEANING DEPARTMENT STATE TAX STREET FUND Salaries 1 Flusher Man ... .1 9 2.455.91 1 sweeper Man 2.432.80 1 Truck Driver 2,302.30 1 Helper (Pickup Truck) .... 2.056.77 I Flusher Sweeper Man .... 1.349.00 Extra Help 2.810.94 1 Part Time Foreman 1,578.36 1 Down Town Sweeper Man . . 2.074.37 New Flusher 6.745.38 Acc. Ins. St Liability 336.87 Supplies 8B3.93 Pub Emp. Retlrem't System . 513.24 792 87 Car Insurance 24.29 Repair St Serv. of Equlpm't .. 2,288.65 9 12.335.S6 9 11,500.00 9 5,920.00 1.093.50 2,162.11 2,500.00 2,500.00 12.48 111.00 1,00.00 100.00 106.20 101.08 1,000.00 1,000.00 2.25 500.00 500.00 215.61 173.00 175.00 334.43 844.00 845.00 250.00 250.00 3.000.00 2,580.00 S 16,534.22 9 16.867.00 9 16,870.00 2.500.00 2,500.00 2.500.00 2.280.00 2,400.00 4.560.00 1.425.00 2.2B0.O0 289.00 250.00 (159.00 165.00 2,778.00 2640.00 2.610.00 2,580.(10 2.460.00 2,640.00 2.400.00 S, 000.00 2,460.00 300.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 350.00 2,800.00 Total 9 22,475.01 9 27,132.44 9 24,886.00 9 26,870.00 ENOINEERINO STREET REPAIR TAX FUND !.,. t(,n pickup 9 9 1.443.12 9 I 2 Truck 9.569.07 1 Loader 6.065.00 1 Motor Grader 8.852 70 Labor 8,000.00 6.04P.OO Pub. Emp. Retirem t System , 813.24 668.43 749.00 740.00 Car Insurance 478.45 Total ENGINEERING WAREHOUSE STREET REPAIR TAX FUND New Equlpm't ft Upkeep Shop Warehouse Improvements . . State Ind. Acc. Comm Mt'chnnlc'a Labor, Misc. Reps. 24x60 Storage Rldg. at Bellevue Yd Telephone Storatte BUlg. 22nd Street Water (Warehouse) 9 513.24 t 26.976.77 9 152.16 9 1.674.10 1,966.89 15 99 144.29 1 275.24 2.403.37 92.30 211.73 36.03 8,749.00 9 6,789.00 276.0(1 2.500.00 Total 9 MINOR LIEN Cutting Or ass Private Lots .9 Construction of Sidewalks . , State Ind. Acc. Comm 296.34 9 7,675.62 9 6.776.00 9 1,004.87 170.60 16.39 1.902.69 9 2,347.45 30.00 1.500.00 9 1.500.00 3,500.00 3,500 11(1 23.00 23.00 Total .-..9 1.192.06 ENGINEERING TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREET REPAIR TAX FUND Pickup Trurk Expense 9 Traffic Sign and Materials .. Trattlc Paint ... 1 filcn Pninter Accident Insurance 1 Helper Tralfto Stun Man tt 1230 1- Helper Traffic Sign Man 1215 Pub. Emp, Retlrem't Syatem . Total CITY SHOPS 1 Hoad Mechanic O 9276 1 Asst. Mechanic 1 Mechanic Helper J Assist. Mechanics O 9340 1 Laborer 49 9315 Oas, OH, Material and Misc. Suppllea State Ind. Arc. Comm Pub. Emp. Retlrem't Syatem 4.2B0.14 8 5,023.00 9 5,023.00 166.11 333.76 1,359 79 2.343.23 B 37.66 256.67 168.58 1,146.67 790.43 2,735.58 81.39 2 329.19 200 00 1. 200 00 750.00 2,820 00 73.00 2,400.00 200.00 2,400 00 1.200 00 3.00(1 .'10 100.00 2.640.00 ..9 256,67 Total GRASS CUTTING Labor Cutting Grass on City Property 1 Power Mower Mower Expense Slate Ind. Acc. Comm. .. Total 9 SEWAGE TREATMENT FUND Interceptor Sewer (Plant site to Columbia St.) I Interceptor Sewer (Columbia to Union SU.) Lateral Extension storm Drains .... Interest on 1315.000.00 Band at 2i .1 256.67 9 9 108.04 I 165.79 238.00 400.00 7,317.83 9 7.681.00 9 12,520.00 3 116.34 9 3. 300. 00 9 3.300.00 3.149.43 2,880.00 2.570.00 6.7B0.O0 3.075.89 2.310.00 2.580.00 1,693.76 7.427.00 7.400.00 144.00 147.(10 258.00 357.00 400.00 16.293.42 9 18,883.00 9 19,587.00 579. M 1,274 88 89.49 300 00 11.00 ano on 11.00 106.04 9 1.943 U 1 480.73 9 156.500.00 9 60,000.00 215,000 Oft 2t5, 000 00 65,842 88 BO, 0(10. 00 48.500 00 24,895.04 15,000.00 40.000.00 Total t 40.363 35 I Sl.llt.tl 463,500.00 9 370.000 00 STRKKT IMPROVEMENT FUND Paving Construction Streets S Alleys , 9 9 Machinery, tools and Overhead (10) Total I 9 FIRK DEPARTMENT Chief t' 1380.00 9 3 Bat. Chiela f 9315.00 12 Captains ft 9390.00 3 First Aid Ol fleers 9290.00 II Men 9225.00 Vacation Repairs, Equip. M Tires Laundry Hoar, 1000 3 Kire Alarm Circuit Equipment tor 19 new man Lulu, Power aud Fuel Garbage Tools and Equipment Equipment Allow arte Drill Tower Office Suppllea Stenographer , 3.316.36 9 4,076.34 9 4. 20 00 9 6.953. U 1.33000 38.548.14 33.60000 1,930.00 9.332.61 0,730.00 4.966 04 9.500 00 3.4.1 14 3.06. 37 3.40OO0 339.11 416.C9 500.00 3.5T7.M 3,000 00 1,194.92 44.31 1.3 34.09 50.70 1.461.43 3.56.31 66 48 311.50 9 18.000.00 9 193.000 00 4.560.00 11.340 00 41.760 00 f. 960 00 56.700.00 8.665 00 3,330 00 800 00 1.750 00 300.00 1.4J5M 3.500 00 100.00 1.350 00 3.450 M 3.000.00 irtO 00 160.00 1.500 00 3,300.00 300 00 300.00 Car Insurance Hydrants Hydrant Repair and last. Service Retirement Death after Retirement ... Death before Retirement ,. Disability Retirement Administration Cost Deficit 1945 Actual for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-46 to 6-30-47 9.038.95 53S.lt 11.341.11 1,248.60 557 16 316.92 316 93 Aetual for Fiscal Yr. 1-1-47 to 6-30 529.95 1.970.93 4,353.73 18.611.00 3.494.00 775.00 560.00 500.00 6.500.00 Budget for Current Yr. 7-1-48 to 3-30-49 540.00 3.500.00 3.500.00 18.61 1.00 3,494.00 775.00 560.06 500.00 - Kit. for Fiscal Yr. 1-1-49 ta 6-30-50 700.00 3,500.00 1,500. 30 33,153.00 1.144,00 1,997.00 1,846.00 600.00 Total 9 MILLAGE TAX FIRE DEPARTMENT 40 Men 4? 9250.00 8 Gas and Oil Slate Ind. Acc. In Supplies and MIsc , . Telephone and Telegraph .... Radio 2 Set Maint. St Reps. Station ... Total 9 GARBAGE DUMP Salary 3 Slate Ind. Acc. Comm Pub, Emp. Retlrem't System . Total 8 GENERAL EXPENSES OF CITY Pas lane and Printing 3 Supplies Office Telephone Service Miscellaneous Lea cue Dues Notice of Budget Election Supplies ' Total t 4H CLUB City Contribution t Total 3 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Health Officer (Part Sal.) .9 Nurse Clinic (Full Sal.) .. Milk Inspector (Full Sal.) ... City Sanitarian (Full Sal.) . City Nuisance Off. (Full Sal.) Rat Control Off. (Full Sal.) . Receptlonlst-Bkpr. (Part Sal.) Clone Supervisor (Part Sal) Clerk-Stenog. (Full Sal.) ... Salaries i...'3 Rent (Part) 9 Printing, Post., Sups. (Part) Laboratory (Part) Transportation (Part) Medical Service (Part) Medical Supplies (Part) .... State Ind. Acc. Comm. (Part) Pub. Emp. R't'rmt Syx. (Part) Mlscellanoeus Cai Insurance Medical Assistant Police Emergency Surgeon ... Rodent Control Supplies Car Maint. Nuisance Offlctr Cat Ins. Nuisance Officer .. Total 9 LIBRARY Books 9 Periodical Bindings .. Salaries Head Librarian 4J 3330.00 13,960.00 Asst. Librarian 9235.00 12,820.00 Children's Librarian O 9331.00 92.820.00 Clrrulatlon Librarian O 9335.00 12,820.00 Chief Desk A&s't. 0 9170.50 92.046.00 8 Desk A-ss'ts 9159.50 95,742.00 1 Book Mender K Time 977.00 9924.00 Pages 300 Hra. .66 par nr. 1429.00 1 Janitor 49 1110.0031,330.00 Water Heat Light ... Building , Supplies Postage and Telephone Ins. Insl. State Ind. Ao. Com, Vacation Miscellaneous Oil Burner (Est, Cost Compl.) Pub. Emp. Retlrem't System . Building Renovation Replacement of Lost Books Total $ LIGHTING City Shops Comfort Station Marlon Park City Hall V Cost of Will. Bridge Signal Lights Walt Memorial Fountain .... St. Lighting Incl. New Lights 41.290.it 105.359. Tt 3 tt.690.00 9 183,300.00 11,713.31 921.70 1,810.61 1,964.37 091.93 1.57) 96 104,146.95 1,016.96 1,171.63 1.069.87 1.262.64 3.653.29 3.439.37 130,000.00 800.00 1,433.00 1,018.00 1,033.00 3.060.00 3,500.00 120.000.00 1.000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 600.00 1,500.00 2.500.00 88,734.67 t 116,359.11 t 129,143.00 3 139,000.00 1,946 fil 27.81 113.91 630.96 608.29 373.34 431.13 927 24 76.88 3.426.36 7,759.92 500.04 350.34 999.96 676.00 3 1,646.16 t 1,660.00 9 1,650.00 14.20 36.00 36.00 90.42 8 1,752.71 3 1,686.00 9 1,686.00 I 369.91 9 500.00 I 175.00 078.45 475.00 . 600.00 261.96 300.00 150.00 1 189.64 150.00 250.00 1,236.32 1,337.00 1,237.00 368.36 175.00 175.00, 2,344.04 1.500.00 1,150.00 1 I 5,348.70 I 4.337.00 3 4,337.00 9 8 3 3,200.00 1 3 3 2,300.00 9 2,000.00 3,055.00 3 2,055.00 2,397.00 2,461.60 3.461.60 2,805.00 3.B81.30 2,887.60 3,688.13 2,687.50 3,887.50 3.600.00 3,330.00 3,330.00 3.092.56 630.25 635.50 1.500.00 522.60 3,344.00 I 100.00 9 610.00 9 650.00 363.60 425.00 1,000.08 1,448.50 1,450.00 750.00 ' 880.00 900.00 861.00 900.00 351.00 375.00 400.00 56.10 100.00 323.34 9S9.30 1,300.00 121.66 36.60 641.62 499.33 800.00 300.00 60.00 10,743.13 3 lt.H4.lt 3 9,887.21 569.67 -639 It 18,634.30 3,695.78 146.96 350.93 18.876.51 33,730.66 9 1,600.00 I 700.00 700.00 33,143.00 33.446.50 3,600.00 700.00 700.00 33,861.00 27.15 4.92 301.76 S(2.87 480.00 338.87 297.06 250.00 416.71 1,712.61 400.00 568.00 630.66 500.00 157.21 213.40 170.00 351.08 167.37 260.00 150.00 155.lt 350.00 52.80 55.08 90.00 1,343.00 632.66 177.11 747.00 800.00 400.00 ,009.35 3 31,930.14 3 31,410.00 9 560.00 325.00 400.00 600.00 170.00 350.00 350.00 50.00 147.00 400.00 400.00 33.44 157.56 171.53 78.40 70.80 25,898.40 358 68 27.48 161.33 88.lt 60.44 31,655.65 176.00 75.00 800.00 100.00 100.00 44,300.00 300.00 60.00 1,300.00 90.00 15.00 45,240.00 Total Lighting ., CITY MANAGER City Manager' Salary $ Secy. 6c Stenog. Work for Fire Department. Pub. Emp. Retlrem't Syatem Car and Misc. Expense State Ind. Acc. Comm Total 3 MUNICIPAL JUDGE Salary, Municipal Judge $ Salary, Stenographer Salary, Judge pro tern (30 days vacat'n per. is emergency . Miscellaneous Equipment .... Stationery and Supplies Witness Fees Total 3 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS PARK MILLAGE Superintendent 8 Labor 5 men Labor 5 men Maintenance Se Repair Slate Ind. Acc. Ins Fertilizer Plants and Flowers Maint. Rest Room Mar, flqure Cnr Mnlnt. and Equipment' .. Gen. Imp. on all City Park Power Mower Pub. Emp. Retlrem't System , Cnr Insurance Grass Seed Total 9 PARKS BAND CONCERTS Concerts Fountain Operation Repairs to Fountain 3 37,036.13 9 ) 9 3.718.60) ) 100.80 33,049.65 7,500.00 3,820.00 433.67 697.93 45,430.00 7,300.00 3,000.00 269.00 500.00 33.00 46.955.00 7,500.00 3,000.00 300.00 3,826 40 9 11.361.59 3 11,312.00 3 10,820.00 2,996.89 6.06593 6,054.93 9,051.82 1,500.00 t 3,580.00 3 3,760.00 3 3,160.00 666.97 210.00 310.00 63.44 551.27 300.00 300.00 1,000.00 3 4,071.68 9 3,170.00 9 4,060.00 8 3,196.34 $ 3,600.00 $ 3,600.00 9,663.00 10,400.00 14,028.00 9,562.00 10.400.00 14,028.00 885.60 600.00 100.00 311.94 196.00 115.00 36.39 100.00 100.00 113.69 100.00 100.00 131.15 50.00 50.00 72.54 800.00 800.00 3.061.70 4,500.00 4,791.00 872.41 S94.32 314.00 350.00 38.60 40.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 3 18,898.34 3 31,500.00 I - 35,600.00 1,800.00 50.00 87.23 1,800.00 61.00 300.00 61.00 300.00 Total 9 1,500.00 9 1,937.23 I 3,051.00 3 361.00 PLAYGROUNDS City's Shar 3 5,370.96 9 13,916.78 $ 13,313.00 13,933.00 Total 3 6,370.88 9 -12,976.75 9 13,313.00 9 13.933.00 PLANNING AND ZONINO COMMISSION Printing codes St Miac 9 133.18 8 46.59 I 100.00 9 100.00 Survey and Vicinity Map ... 2.40 200.00 200.00 Miscellaneous 30.06 19.43 100.00 100.00 Total ' 8 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 Chief fit 1400.00 3 1 Asst. Chief & 1360.00 3 Captains 3335.00 1 Matron 9270.00 S Serjeants 4? 9310.00 2" Patrolmen iff! 3270.00 10 Patrolmen i 1245.00 1 Stenog. -Clerk S 9190.00 . 5 Detectives i' 9300.00 I Juvenile Officer 6 9300.00 . GENERAL EXPENSE Pa-tnKC 9 Printing Oaf and Oil Auto Equipment and Repair State Ind. Acc. Comm Ol ice Equipment Supplies and Miscellaneous ., Telephone and Telegraph ... Telephone and Radio Instal. , Car Insurance Pub Emp. Retlrem't System . 5 New Cars 91600.00 JAIL EXPENSE Meals 3 Laundry Repairs Sanitation . DOG POUND Poundmaater 4 9250.00 ,,..3 Gas OH Maint. on Car .... Accident St Liability Ins Dog Food Water Telephone Pub Emp, Retlrem't System . 3,476.36 9 4.076.34 $ 4,260.00 3 V 80 0.00 3,056.35 3,476.34 3,660.00 .,320.00 2.746.98 6,960.00 13,060.00 2,276.63 2,816.45 3,000.00 3.340.00 11,265.71 11,373.53 10,060.00 11,160.00 55,609.88 67,810.39 76,000.00 14,520.00 30,400.00 1,897.35 450.00 1,990.00 3,280.00 15,188.07 17,536.45 16,800.00 18.000.00 2,552 69 3,176.34 3,860.00 3,600.00 7116 364.37 4,506 95 7.879 53 3,708.69 753.41 298.04 5,619.37 3.129.45 13.05 281.11 3,584.35 t 71.10 33.13 164 S3 33.88 27.53 1.549.73 6,208.32 5.429.87 2,409.08 2,286.72 14.384.57 590.46 7,624.93 6,918.80 t 1.19 133.05 14.21 3,920.03 I 185.67 36.44 353.11 56.11 90.00 200.00 4,300.00 6.000.00 3,117.00 730.00 3,000.09 600.09 3,034.09 1.000 .99 9 100.00 500.00 100 09 1.000.99 9 350.00 33.00 300.00 126.00 MOO 90.00 250.00 6.000.00 2.360.00 3,232.00 1,000.00 1,600.00 200.90 1,975.00 9,000.00 8,000.00 8.000.00 300.00 300.90 10040 3,060.00 350.00 33.00 126.00 96.00 Total COMMUNICATIONS 1 Chief Operator 9 4 Operators (Inc. Relief) .. . 1 Maintenance Operator GENERAL EXPENSE TELEPHONE: 3-3144 At 3-4191 (10 Trunks) 3 2 Radio Circuit Radio Sets (Car 3 Radio Supplies Purklng Meters (Supplies) . Traffic Signals (Newt Traffte Sttnala 1 Supplies) Signal Generator 3 108.832.00 3 162.995.90 3 139.7M.tt 3 304,953.90 1.820.90 139.19 3.476.34 9 11,663.91 9,341.71 161.99 9.660.09 19,090.00 1.39049 12.000 .09 1,000.99 3,900.00 14.400.00 3, 900.00 1,800,00 510.00 1,900.00 1.500.00 1.000.00 10,560.00 509.00 Total 9 14.919.99 9 34,663.33 8 30.100 00 3 40.970.00; PUBLIC BUILDINGS 3 Janitors -SaJ plu Vacation 8 1 309 30 9 3,389 94 3 3.493.00 I 1.000.99 Suppllea 495.42 1.292 79 1.300.00 U99.99 Repaira and Panning 3,141 41 3.410 59 3.500 .00 Pael 1,937.44 1,746.59 1,500.00 1,509.99 State Ind. Acc In 11.34 16 91 16.00 lt.90 Repair to Heating Plant 475.50 3.300.00 1,000.90 Improvements , 1.195.14 4,478 U 3.300.00 Pub Era P. ReUremt System . 191 59 183.69 130 00 1M.90 Insurance 1.409.61 1.300.99 1, 909.00 Elevator 10. 000.99 Total 1 6.610.09 8 14.39XU 1 3 1,938 .00 ll,4-0 RECORDER'! OFFICE Recorder Salary Asst. Recorder St Secretary Bookkeeper' Salary , 1 Stenographer 1 Clerk typist St extra help Premium Officer's Bond Postage and Printing Supplies Telephone Service Bookkeeping Machine, repair nu uppii ............ Pub Emp. Retlrem't System State Ind. Acc. Comm. .;. Calculator Typewriter , 2 Steel Piling Cabinet .... Desk Total 9 TREASURER'S OFFICE Salary Treasurer Salary Clerk Office Supplies Premium on Officer' Bond Telephone Pub. Emp. Retlrem't System State Ind. Ace. Comm. .... Total 3 9,964.91 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON BONDS Installments on Oenaral Obll Ilgatlon Bonds, Refunding Bridge. Sewer and Drain age, Airport S Park Bond. Principal on General Oblige- tlon Bond t Int. on Oen. Obligation Bond Bonded Street Intersection . Interest Street Intersection . Actual for Actual for Budget for Est. for Plaeal Yr. PUcal Yr. Current Yr. Fiscal Yr. 7-1-49 to 7-1-47 to 7-1-48 to 7-1-49 to 6-M-47 9-30 49 t-30-49 fl-30.60 . 1 3,790.09 f 4,080.00 t 4.360.00 t 4,800.00 3 609.26 3,000.00 3,180.00 3,300.00 sisil.lt 3,700.00 3,880.00 3,000.00 1 750.09 3.934.41 4,590.00 4,560.00 2,260.00 143.00 15.00 45.00 45.00 454.00 500.00 600.00 482.88 600.00 900.00 137.99 166.00 165.00 ' 90.33 153.49 100.00 . 100.00 . 466 34 573.91 739.00 800.00 ' 35.00 36.00 J 117.59 ,. 210 07 15-00 393 30 131.00 136.50 1.0Q , 9 14.469 00 9 15.539.74 9 16.964.00 9 31,733.00 .1 3,490.00 I 3.T20.00 9 1,900.00 I , 4,200.00 ,, 2 328.00 2,640.00 3,820.00 3,000.00 ,, 216.42 120.00 150.00 100.00 120.00 . . 120.00 , 76.26 75.00 60.00 . 166.61 322.66 280.00 '340.00 ,. 20.00 ao.oo 3 9,976.34 9 7,335.00 8 1,180.00 Total Cash Balance Amount to be Levied STREET IMPROVEMENT Bond ................... Interest Tota. 73,000.00 11,330.66 976.73 334.42 ,..8 84,441.80 ..8 ..9 9 73,000.00 3 55,500.00 t 35,500.00 8,837.60 6,631.35 5,153.63 1,192.66 1,200.00 6,061.37 312.38 300.00 3,109.11 8 83,342.64 8 63,631.35 8 49.826.13 3 9 20.000.00 3 10,000.00 3 3 43,631.35 3 39.826.13 17,000.00 9 11.656.17 9 1,337.53 3,434.92 8 18,237.53 3 15,091.09 9 3 995,710.08 91.369,710 00 31.626.335.20 ..I ESTIMATED REVENUES Recorder' Estimated Rer. Treasurer' Estimated Rev. Airport Estimated Revenue . Engineering State Tax St. Est. Revenue Delinquent Taxes Oeneral Fund Cash Balance Sewage Treatment Balance Post War Projects Balance Oeneral Tax 1949-1950 Street Repair Tax 3 Mill ... Fire Tax 2 Mill Fire Tax (Hour Tax Levy) . Park Tax 1 Mill Principal & Int. on Bond .. Sewer Service Charge Improvement Fund Intercep. Sewer (Sale of Bond Minor Lien Revenue Fund ... Total 0. 3 76,606.79 18,046.16 13,687.62 15.312.43 61,989.55 35,357.55 53,000.00 196,481.67 94,634 18 348,409.99 32.924.41 33,369.99 68.613.44 1 10,025.78 14,094.95 19,459.06 132,165.26 33,201.51 35,000.00 153.002.23 64,634.18 272,338.59 38,435.79 38,435.79 19,240.08 75.893.99 90,640.00 126,574.00 , 13,830.00 15,255.00 110,000.00 25,000.00 45,000.00 158,500.00 307,636.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 21,500.00 42,131.35 90,000.00 18,000.00 215,000.00 5,023.00 IVX.Q IV.Wl ,f 15,200.00 3U,42D.U0 115,000.00 18,500.00 15,000.00 60,000.00 326,094. ie 51,600.00 51,600.00 17,400.00 25,800.00 39,826.13 95,000.00 198,000.00 215,000.00 324.31 4,005.07 983,967.93 91,100,651.62 31,370,059.36 91,626,365.39 WARRANTS OUTSTANDLNO None BONDS General Obligation Bond 3 345,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds 234,449.24 Water Bond 1,803,000.00 Total Bonds ...92.382,449.24 WATER DEPARTMENT ESTIMATED REVENUES Estimated Balance Operating Cash and Investment ...9 Operating Revenue Rent Interest on Investment Profit on Disposal of Aseeti . Losses Recovered 119,329 59 793.00 9,286.87 332,761.43 1,831.25 1.916.39 445,000.00 320,000.00 2.000.00 6,500.00 300.000.00 350,000.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 Total 329,412.28 8 332,509.07 3 773.500.00 3 656,500.00 1,300.00 9 1,500.00 1 764.40 6 069.90 6,318.00 6,225.00 3,416.40 3,794 90 4,318.00 4,125.00 3,064.40 3,369.90 3,618.00 3,825.00 3,064.40 3,369.90 3.618.00 3,525.00 3,924.40 3,129.90 3,378.00 3,285.00 8,320.60 9,359.80 5,916.00 5,485.00 3,391.70 4,000.09 6,556.00 5,125.00 1,064.40 3,525.00 1,914.90 1,549.36 1,225.00 1.944.40 2,949.90 3,198.00 3,105.00 3,158.00 6,848.81 8.934.00 8,765.00 4,806.89 5,419.60 5,916.00 5.725.00 3.524.40 3,009.90 3,258.00 3,165.00 3,944.40 3,949.90 3,198.00 3,045.00 2,764.40 3,069.90 3,318.00 3,225.00 3,624.40 2,829.90 ' 3,076.00 2,985.00 1,964 49 3,189.90 3,438.00 3,105.00 340.00 3,923.00 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES City Manager t Manager Base 3425 plug Cost of Living Item. Assistant Manager 9260, ..do. Accounting 226 do. Service Manager 1300, ..do. Billing Clerk 9190 do. 1 Junior Accountants 9143. do 3 Ledger Olerki 9136 do. Op. Maint. Foreman 3200, do. Jr. Maint. Foreman 9173, do. Sr. Maint. Helper 9163, ..do. 1 Maint. Helpers 9150 do. 3 Night Watchmen 9145, ..do. Senior Service Man 9170, ..do. Junior Service Man 3105, do. Shop Foreman 9175 do. Junior Repairman 9155, ..do. Meter Reader 9165 do 920 Car Expense Jr. Meter Reader 9150. ..do. Source of Supply Attendant ., Jr. Source of Sup. Attendant ' cnemiat Janitor Laborers St Mlsc 1 92.00 Hr. for 900 Hrs , 1 O 92.00 Hr. for 900 Hra. .. 1 O 91.75 Hr. for 100 Hra. .. 10 49 31.25 Hr. for 1300 Hr, . 11.15 Hr 16 43 91.13 Hr. for 1333 Hrs, .. fi 91.08 Hr $1.06 Hr.' , 91.05 Hr 91.03 Hr 3 it 91.00 Hr. for 2233 Hrs. ., 3 .98 Hr 9 .96 Hr , 4 & 9 .90 Hr. for 1333 Hrs. . 43 9 .73 Hr. , Total Source of Supply: Pumping Expense 9 Truck Expense - Island Repairs and Expense ' Pumping Expense: Cone Valve House Expense ,,, Wells Expense Maint. ot Pump BMt. Equip. Purification : OhemleaU and Material Maintenance of Chlorlnator Houie U Equip. - . Transmission St Dlst. Expense: Removing end Setting Meters Shop Expense St Watchman Reservoir Control Hse. Exp. Power High Level Tank ... Maint. to Dlst. Main Maint. to Serv. Line 61 Con, Maint, to Meters St Mtr Boxes Maint. to Mic Equipment Oeneral Expenses: Automobile Expense Insurance Meter Reading Office Exp. and Supplies .... Maint. to Office Equipment Postage Telephone and Telegraph -.. Janitor and Supplies Auditing Maint. of Office Building .... Light and Heat Printing Ind Acc. Insurance Pub. Emp. Retlrem't System , Maintenance ol Orounds ... Miscellaneous Capital Improvements: Property Stayton bland Pumping Plant Distribution Mains (Const.) . Service Lines and Connections (construction) Storage ... , Meters A Meter Boxes Machinery and Equipment Small Toots Maps and Records Office Fixtures St Equipment Autos and Trucks Non-Operating Expenses Bond Interest , Bond Retirements , Work In Progress Total 3 364,192.18 8 463,03641 9 173,500.00 9 658,500.00 We, the undersigned Chairman and Secretary of the Budget Committee of the City of Salem. State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the said Budget Committee prepared the above estimate for the oodget of said City of Salem for the period beginning July L 1949, and ending June 10 1950, In accordance with the provisions of Title 110, Chapter 13, O. O. L. U as amended, and that said estimates and the whole thereof are true and correct and do not exceed the limitation imposed by the Charter of the atd City of Salem, nor the Constitution or Laws of the State of Oregon. 1 Dated at Salem, Oregon, thu- 13th day of June, 1949. DAVID O'HARA, Chairman J. W. tflaltJUK Secretary MEMBERS OF THE BUDOET COMMITTEE: R. L. Elfstrom, James Nicholson. Albert H Gllle, Claude Jorgenaen, Daniel J. Pry, David O'Hara, Tom Armstrong, Howard Maple, Sephu Starr, Charles 8. McElblnney, George Hull, Rex Klmmell, J. W Slmeral, Paul Hendricks, Fred Paulus and Dr. B. E. Boring 1.324.49 1,407.65 3,464.40 112.80 390.00 390.00 390.00 390.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 600.00 . 19,498.49 127.00 1,200.00 127.00 1,200.00 , 91.25 175.00 503.15 3,790.00 15,000.00 346.13 39,997.44 938.52 116.07 , 1,260.53 2,343.60 1,851.34 55,800.00 4,464.00 36,863.53 7,588.80 760.48 8,035.00 1,316.39 .9 14.34349 9 98,367.11 3 137.872.40 9 146,491.44 .9 910.07 I 1,299.50 9 1,900.00 8 1,900.00 149 48 604.12 500.00 800.00 , . 3,149.68 147.62 1,500.00 7,500.00 99 19 118.04 150.00 150.00 482.71 380.03 600.00 600.00 386 63 100.29 300.00 300.00 , l,79i 83 1,272.36 2,000.00 2,500.00 , 154.49 329.45 200.00 200.00 l 904.57 400.93 800.00 800.00 , 196.55 881.12 800.00 600.00 , 995.73 399.89 400.00 400.00 734.90 669.13 800.00 1,000.00 , 1,327 40 373.16 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,968.38 1,438.74 2,400.00 3.000.00 I 1,416.07 1,164.49 1,800.00 3,600.00 996.14 500.00 600.00 , 1,079.91 928.37 1,400.00 1,500.00 , 116.61 254.31 300.00 300.00 , 78.34 106.54 80.00 150.00 873 98 1,368.87 900.00 1,200.00 , 349.99 385.64 250.00 250.00 , 1.349.39 1,524.13 1,500.00 1,500.00 , 171.63 281.83 250.00 300.00 , 32.33 39.67 30.00 50.00 695.58 1,000.00 1,000.00 , 294.14 300.00 596 37 106.49 1,000.00 1,000.00 , 189 10 484.18 500.00 800.00 966.20 187.71 800.00 800.00 , 3,581.50 4,898.00 4,500.00 6,000.00 , 17 74 47.42 50.00 50.00 107.91 103.13 , 900.00 800.00 109.69 14 1 69 99 7,500.00 7,300.00 9,466.92 1,000.00 31,948.73 131,573.21 398,500.00 250,000.00 4,199.35 10.273.89 10,000.00 10.000.00 1,216.68 20,000.00 , - 9,143.13 11,193.85 7,300.00 8,000.00 , 15,515.31 7,500.00 10,000.00 1 175.00 427.24 750.00 750.00 3,526.05 34.34 1,500.00 1,500.00 t 331.50 358.63 3,000.00 6,500.00 , 3,924.50 4,956.81 7.500.00 5,000.00 , 980.07 461.27 1,000.00 1,000.00 69,203.00 99,660.23 64,900.00 63,270.00 49,000 90 42.000.00 44.000.00 47,000.00 . 90.93143 39.051.57 45,967.90 38,738.59 In Dad's time a person that saved money was a "MISER" ...In our time, he is a "WONDER" Social Security will not pay you enough for a decent retire ment A lew dollar saved now will pay you an additional $30 to $50 per month when you axe unable to produce. Sea C. W. TOBaT" BOBBINS, Dlst. Mgr. Business Men's Assurance Company 229 North Commercial Dial 2-1900