18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 27, 1949 Photo Shows Mountain Scene Displayed in the lobby of the Capital Journal is an aerial view of the Cascades taken from of Mt. Wilson are Mt. Bt. Helens and Mt. Hood. Seen faintly in the distance in the picture at the center top is Mt. Adams. Distance from Mt. Adams to the mountains in the foreground, as the "crow flies" is about 140 miles. Birds Can Oufspeed wood duck, 50; Canada geese, and brant, 45; greenwing teal, 79; red head, 42; bluewing teal, 89, and canvasback, 72. The state agency said authori ties had not been able to deter mine how much faster the birds can fly when frightened. Such speeds, a commission spokesman said, are "no doubtlmuch safer" than on the ground 01 Autos, Study Shows POLK COUNTY LIME Is Pleased to Announce We Will Welcome Orders for Jefferson City, Mo., (U.R) The Missouri conservation commis LIME sion has determined that the flight speed of game birds was as fast or faster than the pace Fairview Cemetery Association Elects Gates Mrs. Melbourne Ram bo was elected director of the Fairview cemetery association to complete the two-year term left vacant when Mrs. Ruby Horner left the district. Mrs. Velma Carey was re-elected di rector for a three-year term and Mrs. Glen Henness returned as scretary - treasurer. Mrs. Velma Carey presided at the meeting. $$ MONEY $$ I an altitude of about 13,000 feet just south of the Three Sisters. of modern automobiles. For agricultural use. We will deliver and spread or tell f.o.b. plant. For convenience RESIDENTS VICINITY OF DALLAS Ph; 2087 RESIDENTS VICINITY OF SALEM Ph. 2-6417 or 2-7003 The commission estimated the fO T 1 b. Photographing the picture was Pacific Pictures. In the foreground of the pho tograph are the middle and north Sisters and to the right of the center is Black Butte. On the left side of the picture at center top are Mt. Washing ton, Three Fingered Jack, Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Wilson. Above in the distance and to the right normal speed of doves at 40 FHA miles per hour; quail, prairie '1 chicken, ruffed grouse, mallard black duck, spoonbill, pintail a FO) h a YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS Free Estimates Phone 25643 Pumilite - West Salem 4 ',4 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. SSI 3-522! 16- BY b f ( 0 Si B Look What Happened! When Los Angeles Police Officer Kenneth Booth responded to a report that a couple of nudists were cavorting around a back yard he never thought the "case" would end like this. But with the temperature hit ting 97, who could blame him? The nudists are Terry Ann Goldman (left) and Dickie Watson. (AP Wirephoto) Bit of Good News Creeps Into Business Week Review New York W) A bit of good news, Including a 20-year peak in automobile production, popped up last week to take the sting out of generally declining business activity. Some of the brighter news was a result of seasonal factors Moreover, it was sparsely spread through the economy. Yet It was encouraging after a long periods of slow but constant declines, For Instance, engineering con duction contracts hit the sec ond highest figure of the year. Electric power production reached its best total since early April. Automobile production added tip to the staggering total of 150,948 units, a figure un matched since the rip-roaring days of '29. In the previous week, output was 146,056, and last year 95,027 units were pro duced in this country and Can ada. New England woolen and worsted mills reported a pickup in production. In several places idle employes were called back. The Bureau of Labor Statis tics reported the cost of living moved down a little during the month ended May 15. The decline in the BLS index was only three-tenths of one per cent. Not startling, but enough to give consumers a few more pennies to spend on non-essentials. The backdrop for the week's encouraging Items, however, was the same old decline in all major components of the nation al economy. Unemployment crept up a lit- tie. Steel production fell to Us lowest level since the week of April 19, 1948 the tenth con secutive week it has skidded. The labor situation became In creasingly tense. Steel negotiations failed to get anywhere. The coal miners began their annual 10-day va cations at midnight Friday, less than a full week after returning from a one-week stoppage de signed to "stabilize" the industry. Perilous Trip Ends Riggins, Idaho, June 27 (if) After an exciting run through the rapids-ripped Salmon river of no return, former U. S. Sen. Henry C. Dworshak and his party of eight docked their scow here Saturday afternoon. The 140-mile trip from Salmon City took a week. IS YOUR SKIN "BREAKING OUT?" with xlrnolly tauitd pimpUi, raihsiT TRY CUTICURA1 For mora than 70 year. Culicura has been highly iuccch nil in rdieviiiK many ex ternnlly cinsed irrita tions. Hospital tested. Scientifically medicated. Buy Cuticura Soap and Ointment at druffgiata. Journal Want Ads Pay - v ' r- SAVE . . build your own garage this summer One-Stop Service -Everything You Need Easy lo build ot great savings. Everything you need lumber, hardware, supplies, cement money-saving prices Convenient one-stop service saves time, saves shopping around. Prompt delivery service. Aik about COPELAND Finance Plan Mmkt ra-tuWnf, nptin of nm corurrucrion mt to htndl: Conrmitnt pmyrmnl plan. Ion ton. Aik ny Cofxfano ytrd minster. , A Burst of Penney's Big r i i 3 . : t i l n iOYS mm, PLAY Cotton Blouses 1.98 Smart little cotton blouses with clever peasant style shoulders. Stylish for summer wear. Sizes 7-14. SECOND FLOOR Cotton Skirts 1.98 Just like Mom's . . . cool printed cot ton skirts with elastic waists that are so easy to wear in warm summer weather. 7-14. SECOND FLOOR GIRLS' HALTERS 69c Elastic band halters In colorful cotton prints styled for the little girls ward robe. SECOND FLOOR SHORT SLACKS 1.49 Knee length short slacks of sturdy B-oz. blue denim. Copper plated rivets. Sanforized. Easy to launder. DENIM JEANS U9 Popular blue denim Jeans of sturdy B-oz. denim. Styled with Talon side zipper and cut for comfortable wear. Sanforized. 7-14. SECOND FLOOR Penney's Girls' Department on Second Floor FOR GIRLS ONLY PLAID SPORT JACKET . . . 3.00 SPORT ANKLETS 29c KNIT POLO SHIRTS .... 98c PLAID GINGHAM DRESSES . . 1.98 SECOND FLOOR ', POLO SHIRTS 98c Combed cotton polo shirts with popular crew neck and short sleeves. Large variety of stripes to choose from. MAIN FLOOR PLAID SHIRTS 1.79 Boys' highland plaid sport shirts. lj i.ust uic tiling iui tuuii auiiuiici y wear. Sanforized. Fast color too. MAIN FLOOR SUNTAN PANTS 2.59 Just like dads . . . easy to laund er Suntan pants. Reinforced at all strain points. Sanforized. 8 16. MAIN FLOOR DENIM JEANS 1.98 Foremost authentic western style jeans with all the famous features. Copper plated rivets, metal buttons, orange stitching and made of Sanforized 8-oz. blue denim. MAIN FLOOR PENNEY'S BOYS' DEPARTMENT ON MAIN FLOOR FOR BOYS ONLY NOVELTY SPORT SHIRTS . . 1.49 BLUE DENIM JACKETS . . . 1.79 SPORT SOCKS 25c CORDUROY PANTS .... 3.98 MAIN FLOOR LUMBER YARDS Your Friendly Neighborhood Yard