Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 27, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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Aj i Capital Jnurnal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 27, 1949 17 '
1949 Hudson 6 Super
" Maroon finish. Ridlo, heater
w. vuheu, backup licht, driv
en only 5000 mile. A new car.
Only 13350.
1948 Olds Sta. Wagon
Hydra ma tic drive, radio, heater,
fot lights, backup Hint. W.6.
washers. A 13900 vacation wafon
at only 12350.
1948 Olds 78 Club
Hydramatic drive, "radio, heater,
2 tone upholstery, spotlight, air
foam cushions, tan finish, driven
only 11.000 miles. 12415.
1948 Olds 98 Futuramic
Hydramatlo drive, 3 Hone uphol
stery, radio, heater, u, washers,
air foam cushion, very, very,
low mileage. You'll like It, only
1941 Olds 98 Convert.
Hydramatic drive, radio, heater,
new top, new motor, new rubber,
perfect car. A real buy now
at only 11345.
1941 Pontiac Sedan
Motor perfect, Rood rubber, new
seat covers, clean as a button,
none better. Only J995.
1941 Olds 66 Club
New blue finish, new seat covers,
perfect rubber, good motor, you
can't find 'em better at 1985.
1940 Olds 66 Sedan
New paint, new rubber, new seat
coverj, all reconditioned through
out. A buy at 1765,
Loder Bros.
Your old Dealer
3410 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2HflO
We Invite You to Use Our
Tree Expert Truck Techni
cian lervice.
of All Sizei Are Again ,
Theae Keconditioned Used
Trucks Are Priced to Sell
One Will Fit Your Needs
MM TOKS, LYJ. 1 Speed All
iiui nnfv t. w b l an4 axl.. I
'jj Speed Transmission.
lpts foud. lwj. stake soar,
lilt OiaV. 1(4 Ton Panel.
1940 CHaTV. Dump Truck. S Speed Axle.
1141 OKBV. Dump Truck. 2 epeed Axle.
1IM PORD Too Panel
1947 CHSV. V Ton Pickup
Precision Rebuilt Motors
With New Motor
.Alao new motora. 25 savings on all car
repairs. See us about our monthly pay
ment plan.
Amundson Garage
SOB Edaewater - West Salem
Phone 3-7133. qlS3-
'47 Sdn. cpe $1445
'41 Spt. cpe 895
'47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1345
'36 Chevrolet sdn 295
'40 Pontiac 2-dr 1 595
Herrall-Owens Co.
MO . UMrtf rk Mill
QP1VPTAT PT?TPT?Q Authorized Warranty Repair Station
brUOlAL. rKliliC) ,or aU mill(M 0I Aut0 RfKllu Morrow
Radio Co.. 153 S. Liberty Ph 3-6965. o
Towing service day phone 3-B3B6. Nlrnt
2-1804. 33? Center. o"
ONLY $1595 Mike Panrk. 275 8. Com'! Ph. 3-5161
Brake and Wheel aligning specialist
1916 Btiick Super Sedan 0156
(Three of These, Remodel, repair that home now. Term
No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o
AU Bras Also houses raised New foun-
ONLY '$1625 . datlon-i. Phone 35909 o!57'
1948 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Dean Ph. 26537 olBl
Bulldozing leveling, road bldg., clear-
nTT V (CIQQ lnR- tfelh (ot bnuh vlrf:U Hiwkey. 1010
JViXjL pOVO Pairview Ave Ph 2-3148. Salem. o-160
1047 CHEVROLET SPORT COUP Light crawler dozing. Ph. 2-3"220. ol66
HMT V 41 Ins tarn delivery of new RCA cash
wa-ed Rnen 456 Court Ph 3-8773 o
A,TT ,, m-iris- General cement ront. Honest work at
UiN L X JtlUZO honrat prices. Ph. 2-1563 or 3-7487
Let us do your cement work NOW.
QJLY jj)S50 Driveways, sidewalk, pntto. etc. Ph.
Qin ntirrK- spirrui aim an For "pert guaranteed satisfaction nw
1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN or of foundltloni sidew8lks,
uusi ramiem driveways, patios, curbs, wrII. etc. Call
2-4850. 0
Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned
1940 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Ensiey 771 S. 21st Ph 3-7176. 0156
rrnrrr T 1JTJT OAXT rf Vlnce Electric for electrical wiring
0110 J. WILSON CO. contracting repairing 157 S Liberty
Ph 3-9239 0
Commercial at Center FXTFRMINATORS
ql52 '-
Cockroach, Moth. Exterminator Service
ZEEB'S USED CARS , 3'3056- Lee crosa- 1555 Pearl- 156'
TERMS Brelthaupt'r for flowers Dial 3-9179 r
232 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-6454
WANTED clean used cars. Bob Marr. J. R Watklns Co products Pre d-
2160 S. Com'l. 0 .ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5396. o
This Time It's HUDSONl rtvwiPr NiiBsrnv
Service Sale. - Part LANDSCAPr NURSERY
Home of Good Use Cars P A. Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals. 150
SHROCK MOTOR CO. N. Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o
Church it Ohnmeketa Sta Ph. J-9101
r,. . . ' TT. Sharpened, guaranteed service. New
ElSner MOtOrS Fine LarS Power and hand mowers, Call Harry
q. W. Scott, 147 So. Com'l St. Q155'
condition. 1495. Ph. 20260 after 5:30 p.m. At you: door lawnmower sharpening
Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 86833
Indian CUShman Fireplace, chlmneya & block laylna.
Ph. 35968. o
Mustang Whizzer Stresses
Shrock Motorcycle Sales -
3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-H33 qa Capital Beddlog Phone 3-4068 o
NEW c USED Trlumpha, Velocettea, MUSIC LESSONS
Jawaa ic CZ125 C.C.S. Motorcycles. spanlih and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando-
Dallas Motorcycle Shop. qa!56 Ulli BanJo. etc. 1633 Court St Ph. 3-7569
- .-.will... 0l62,
,T"h?qu,.rr.t&ciUdmo0r: "- 350,33
1460. Call 3-6137. qb56 . .
BOATS Ocsk chairs, tilts and tlllni aupplles.
rrrrT- aafea, duplicators and aupplles. desk
FOR SALE: Boat, trailer & motor. 1100.00 mM typewriter stands, brief eases
Ph. 33311. Ml" Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 45 Court
FOR SALE OR TRADE. Boat. Johnson 10 0
reversible motor As trailer. Ph. a-4737.
K .. Hlfstrom's are equipped to do youi
TRAILERS painting Phone 3-3493 o
Knox- Monmouth. Ph. 3123 or Salem Expert Paperhamlni and painting. H.
jswstttmttsMtamslfittttrtt J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. 0175
Call 22608 lor your Painting & Paper-
FARM AND cm LOANS hanging. Attractive rates. ol71
4'A7. and 6 n . ;
VOUK OWN TERMS ol repayment within ? ta"" Paperhanglng Don Lucero
reason. Cash (or Real Batata Contracts Ph. 30522. ol67"
and Second Mortgages. Painting and paperhanglng. Free estl-
CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. mate. h. 3-9513. 867 Shipping. 0162
801 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7163 f p,CTrJRE FRAMING
.. .... CHL GJ -"V" Picture (ramlu Butehaon Faint Store
First class new equip, wen established
firm. Purchase price 130.000. Needs 60 pn L
mortgage, 6 Interest. PLUMBING
Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Fisher, in a. com-i. n. i-ion. ow
303S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 3-4596 PR1)NIN0.!IPBATrN0
J , ott" ff Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1308. 0177
$ IjAbH $ L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. ol71'
$25 tO $500 RADIO REPAIR
FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK General Elec. home appl. repairing, also
EQUIPMENT LOANS UP radio repairing. Broadway Appl. Co. 453
TO $300 Court St. Salem. Ph. 2-1565. 0163
Cc'om.Tno"rhon,.M1 RADIATOR REPAIR
Hollywood Finance Co. fScdByreDri'velJT0he.B,V,,.M?,:
1991 Fairgrounds Road 0175
Across street from bank .
No Parking problems SAND s, GRAVEL
Phone 37033 Lie. N M369-S291 Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and
Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. r dragline excavating Walling Sand li
Buy Real Estats Mortgages Qr.vei co. phon. 8-9249
for Your Valley Sand it Oravel Co Silt, aand A
fill dirt Excavating 10B shovel & cats.
Savings Investment "Xh?Lt. "rt m""
5. net savvs
Properties Salem & Vicinity. s.i.m s.w wrks. ph. i-760s. 1393 N;5th.
Rfnfo 'PlnnnPP P.n Electrlo Roto-Rooter Excluslye Patent
state rinance jO. R,I(II 3h,rp 8t, 0ultlnt BI(Jtil
153 S. High St. Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tanks
r Cleaned Reaj. Ph 8-6327 or 3-S468
Lie. S-136. and M-831 K. F. Hamel. Septic tanka cleaned.
and Electric machine service on sewer and
ROT R. BIMMONS drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1143-8th
INSURANCE AND LOANS St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. olll-
13 8. Commercla St. Tel. 3-9161 f Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned.
AUTO LOANS Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079
WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Elm St W. Salem. Ph. 6-9468 8-5327.
183 a Church 0156
Parking a Plenty TOOLS FOR RENT
Ph. 1-2457 Lie. No M-159 8-154
Howser Bros. Your power tool rental
PRIVATE MONEY nea quarters. New address 1410 S. 12th
Special rates and terms Pn 3.3646. 0i62'
00 larger loans
long and short time TYPEWRITERS
payments Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Under-
... - .J2 . r?.ONii. ... "x Portables All makes used machines
136 Sov'h Commercial St Phone 3-9161 Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o-
ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS '"c Distance Transfer, storage
ONLY 4 OR 4' INTEREST Burner oils, coal At briquets Trucks to
I to 40 Years and No Commission Portland dally Agent tor Beklns House-
T nA T rit.,ai JH T h0,1 goods moved to anywhere In US
i-ieO IN. LJlUUS, inC. o. Canada Larmer Transter St Storage
REALTORS n 3-3131
344 State St Phona 3-3663 f VENETIAN BLINDS
VACATION LOANS Md h.Sa'M F'f ,",t", ,732".
rimer the Blind man o
XOUr Way and FaSt Salem Venetian Blind., made to order u
Get a vacation loan from Personal Mfinlrted Reinholdt A Lewi 1-3639
Finance Co. where it' "jtm" to 4
out of S. Cash on alary, furniture, nril ,,....
or car. No cosigner nece.ary. well
Phone or vWt the YES MAN TODAY. Fred Wymore Rt 2. Box 317 Ph. 2-5135
You'll appreciate the consideration ol58
he u show J. A. Sneed k SorA we:: drilling 2M5
XlllKoUNAlj Brooks St.. 8alem. Ph. 3-68011. ol58-
Finance Company "
518 State St.. Rm. 125. 1 P.VlM4 PULLMAN. Ph l.M
Lie. S-192-M-165 01
rmmiffffrrrfr.ff..ff Washable. Roller Made to order 1 Day
' Del Reinholdt it Lewis Ph 23639 o'
DIRECTORY vTin.iow cleanup
ADDING MACHINES Acne V.'lndow cleaners Wlndowa. walls
All tnakea used meehlnea aold, rented & woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned
repaired Roen 456 Court Phon. 3-C773 wax.Mj and polished Ph 3-3337 347
o Coult Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather
Dresimaking & alt. 360 State St. Q168 WOODS 4.WINO
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service -..,. , ...-.,.-.
Free estimates Ttade-lns accepted on SAWDUST
new appliances Vlnce'a Eiectrle. Pbone West Salei Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. o
1-9239 137 8 Liberty 81. o'
at-cb door gsindino To Place Classified Ads
'oSSnriSS " "nml Phone 2-2406
9 i. v
Willamette Shoals at Salem Six powerful tow boats
churned the river a few hundred fect upstream from Salem
in a four-hour effort Saturday to pull a log raft from shoals
off Minto's island. Completion of the Willamette Basin project
promises a six foot channel from Oregon City to the mouth
of the Santiam river. The boat at the extreme right is making
waves while the other boats haul at the log raft.
Here's What Truman Plans
On Reorganizing the Gov't
(Editor's note: This is the first of several stories on Presi
dent Truman's plans for reorganizing the government.)
Washington, June 22 W President Truman now has sent seven
plans to congress for overhauling, or reorganizing, the government.
He did that Monday. And they're important, although they're
only the first in a series of plans'
he'll offer, some this year, some
next year.
Since the story of reorganiz
ing the government is compli
cated, here is an ABC on what
happened and what lies ahead.
There are three main points:
The study and recommenda
tions made by the Hoover
commission; the reorganization
act passed by congress; the plans
to be offered by Mr. Truman.
This government, with Z.iou,-
000 employes, is the biggest bus
iness in the world but is less
efficient than many, maybe
most, businesses.
It has grown as the popula
tion grew and the needs of the
people increased. Bureaus, agen
cies, and commissions shoot off
in all directions.
Since President Taft first tried
it in 1912, a number of attempts
have been made to put tne gov
ernment's house in order. None
was thorough.
Two years ago congress de
cided to do a real job of it. It
created a 12-man commission,
headed by former President
This was non-political. The
commission was composed of
democrats and republicans. A
republican congress created it.
Mr. Truman blessed it.
Its purpose: To study the
whole government and offer
recommendations to make it run
better and cheaper.
About 300 experts helped the
commission look for sick spots.
Early this year the recommenda-
Notice hereby given that, the common
council of the city of Salem. Oregon,
deems It necessary and expedient and
hereby declarea Its purpose and Intention
to Improve Jason 8treet from the north
line of Center Street to a point which Is
75 feet north of the north line of Orear
.street In the City of Salem, Marlon coun
ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abut
tlnx and adjacent property, except the
street end alley Intersections the expense
of which will be assumed by the city of
Salem, by bringing said portion of ssld
street to the established grade, con
structing cement concrete curbs, and pav
ing said portion of said street with a
2'4 Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 34
reel wide in accordance with the plans
and specifications therefor which were
ad.-pted bv the common council June 13
1949 which are now on file In the office
of the city recorder and which by this
reference thereto are made a part hereof
The common council hereby declares Its
purpose and Intention to make the above
described 'mprovement by and through
the st'ert Improvement department.
By Order of the Common council June
13, 1949.
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
Date of first publication hereor is June
15. 1949.
June 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27th, 1949
Nolice hereby Is elven that the common
council 'of the city of 8alem. Oregon,
deems It necejsary and exprdlent and
hereby declares Its purpose and Intention
to Improve the westerly alley In Block 1,
The Oaks Addition, from the north line
of Belmont Street to the south line of
Market Sreet. In the City of Sa'.em, Mar
ion County. Oregon, at the expense of the
abutting and adlacent property, except
the alley intersection the expense of
which will be assumed by the city of Sa
lem, by bringing said alley to the estab.
ished grade, and paving said alley with
a 6-Inch Portland concrete cement pave
ment 10 feet wide. In accordance with
the plans and specifications therefor
which were adopted by the common
ouncll June 13. 1949. which are now on
file In the office of the city recorder
and which by this reference thereto are
made a part hereof.
The common council hereby declares Its
purpose and Intention to make the above
described Improvement by and through
the street Improvement department.
By order of the Common Council June
13. 1949.
ALFRED MttNDT. city Recorder
Dale of first publication hereof Is June
15. 1949.
June IS. 16, 17.18. 20,21, 22, 23, 24. 25. 27th. 1949
LO.O.F meets every Wed'
nesday (light. Visitors tt'ei
A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.F.
A.M. Tuesday, June 28th
MM. degree 7:30 pjtv. 153'
A -j r
rallied a point or so.
lions began coming out in the
form of reports.
The commission produced 18
reports and 287 recommenda
tions, some major, some minor.
The next move was up to con
Unless it gave the president
power to put the recommenda
tions into effect, or some of
them, they'd die on the vine.
So last week congress passed
an act giving the president pow
er to reorganize the executive
branch of the government.
It didn't give him power to
tamper with the other two
branches: The legislative (con
gress) or the judiciary (the
courts). The Hoover commis
sion examined only the execu
tive branch.
And Monday Mr. Truman
signed the act into law.
It's not a blank check, leav
ing him free to do anything he
wishes about the executive
branch. There's a rein on Mr.
Truman. For example:
First he must offer his reor
ganization plans to congress.
(He offered the seven plans
after signing the act into law.)
Then he must wait 60 days to
see what congress thinks. If con
gress doesn't act within 60 days
to kill the plan, Mr. "ruman can
go ahead with it.
A plan can get killed In one
of two ways:
1. A full majority vote of
either house could do it. In the
senate, with 96 members, 49
would have to vote against the
plan. In the house a majority
of the 435 members would be
2. If congress quits for the
year within the 60 days after
Mr. Truman has offered a plan,
that kills it for the year. He'll
have to wait till the next year
before offering another.
Under the reorganization act
Mr. Truman can abolish or shift
agencies created by congress.
But he can t interfere with or
take away any of the powers
that belong to congress. For ex
Congress decides what taxes
shall be. The internal revenue
bureau collects the taxes. Mr.
Truman can't suddenly tell the
bureau that from now on it will
decide tax rates, not congress.
Mr. Truman was able to offer
the seven plans as soon as he
signed the reorganization act be
cause he had them ready. They
had been prepared by his own
staff, not the Hoover commis
sion. But they closely followed
the Hoover commission recom
mendations, although not all the
Hoover recommendations were
Later plans to be offered by
Mr. Truman this year and in
1950 will cover more of the
Hoover recommendations. It's
a long-range job.
Salem Markets
Complvlrtl trnni report nt flair m dial
er! for lli cu Ida nr 01 Capital
Journal Reader a. (ReTMctj dallyt.
Retail Teed Prim
Kit Mfih J5.05,
Rabbit Prllfls H.2S.
Dairr Feed 13.85.
Poulirv; b-ivinn mewi Orade A r,oio
ed hen, He; trade A Leghorn bent,
22 ceniA; Grade A colored fryer, three
pound and up, 32c. Grade A old rooaler
15 cenU,
Burftir Prlcn Extra larie AA, A5c,
aire AA. 54c: lane A, 52-55c, medium AA,
Sir: medium A, 49-Slc; pullet .10-3 2c.
IT hole lr Prlcr-a Est wholesale price;
5 to 7 crntji above thr-e price above
Grade A generally quoted at 60c; me
dium Me.
Premium, 63c. No. 1. 6 let No. 1. SB
(e (buTlnf prices).
Butler Whoiaiala ir&do A, 6e;
.aU 11.
t U
. th.
, , - j i x t 1
Wheal Weaken
Corn Holds We!!
Chicago, June 27 Wheat
fell off in the latter part of the
session on the board of trade to
day. The bread cereal showed
some strength during the first
hour, but heavy arrivals of cash
grain at south-western markets
and easiness in cash prices halt
ed the advance.
In contrast to wheat, corn act
ed well all the day. Outlook or
the new crop was considered ex
eellent, but some buying enter
ed the grain on the feeling fu
tures were far under potential
loan value and much corn will
be fed to hogs at present attrac-
tice corn-hog ratios.
Cash prices for wheat were
lowered a few cents here and at
south-western markets. Local
handlers were bidding 4 cents
under the July future for wheat
shipped here by July 20, down
1 cent. All major south-western
terminals received more cash
wheat than a year ago, Kansas
City getting 1,527 cars.
Wheat closed k lower to V
higher. July $1.96 V-1.96, corn
was higher, July $1.33-
in, oats were Va lower to 'a
higher, July 59, rye was Vz
higher, July $1.39 Vi, soybeans
were V lower to V2 higher,
July $2.33-Vfe, and lard was
unchanged to 10 cents a hun
dred pounds lower, July $11.05.
Santiam Rebekahs
Honor Noble Grands
Mill City Santiam Rebckah
lodge No. 166 observed Past
Noble Grand night during the
regular meeting with Wilma
Stewart, noble grand, and Dean
Jackson, vice grand, presiding.
Past noble grands, who were
honored and presented a cor
sage were: Susie Hayncs, Elsie
Poller, Ida Fleetwood, Belle
Hawkins, Nellie Ward, Mel Rob
inson, Jessie Keath, Maude Da
vis, Blanche Syverson, Martha
Bowes, Blanche Dean, Crissie
Henderson, Ruby Brisbin, Lcola
Hurt, Vera Hathaway, Rachel
Olmstead, Frances Merrill, Al
lura Chance, Goldie Rabo, Mary
Garrison and Hattie Cole. Sev
eral letters were read from ab
sent Rebekahs. Mrs. Belle Haw
kins, a charter member and a
Rebckah for 42 years, was pre
sented a 40-year jewel.
Members voted to attend
church services in a body with
the Odd Fellows Sunday morn
ing, June 26, at the Mill City
Presbyterian church, as a me
morial to mothers, fathers, serv
ice men and deceased Rebekahs
and Odd Fellows.
Following lodge session re
freshments were served, with
Frances Merrill, Jessie Bodckur,
Ada Plymals and Laurel Brown
charge. The next meeting
night will include installation of
Berry Street Sewer
Contract Is Awarded
Lebanon Construction of a
sanitary sewer on Berry street
has been awarded H. Den Herd
er, Lebanon by the city council,
on their low bid of .$1515. The
project includes excavation of
a trench approximately three
blocks long, and the installa
tion of pipe.
Only other bid on the work
was submitted by Lee Scott
Plumbing company for $1,676.
Berry street was recently
opened by the city, running cast
ward from Main, and lying be
tween Milton and Jennings.
Contractor A Suicide
Portland, Ore., June 27 U.R)
Donald M. Drake, 54, prominent
Portland building contractor,
was found dead In his bedroom
from a self-inflicted gun wound
yesterday. Drake had been de
pressed since undergoing an
operation last month.
Amity Census Starts
Amity Mrs. DutVley Lee,
Mrs. H. N. Wilcox and Mrs.
Ernest Talmadge arc taking the
city and state censui in Amity.
Stocks Advance
Only to Retreat
New York, June 27 W) A
slowly rising stock market ran
out of buying iuel late today.
Fractional gains remained in
a majority but a good many
early advances were either trim
med or lost entirely. Numer
ous stocks coasted along at
t slightly lower prices.
Business was limned Irom the
opening bell onward although
volume was helped along by
several substantial blocks of
stock, including one of 15,000
shares and another 20,000 of
Commonwealth & Southern
each at the unchanged price of
3 '4.
Turnover was at the rate of
around 700,000 shares for the
full session.
Philco took a sudden turn for
the worse late in the session
when sales were made at a new
low for the year and a loss of
more than a point, Magnavox,
however, which was hammered
rinwn tn a npw 1D40 Inw lnet
Stories that both companies
are weighted down with burden
some inventories have circulat
ed in the financial district.
Higher most of the day were
General Motors, Chrysler, Sears
Roebuck, Caterpillar Tractor,
Boeing, Schcnley, American Tel
ephone, and Twentieth Century
Tending lower were Youngs
town Sheet, Kennccott Copper,
Eastman Kodak, and American
Salem l.tvaalnd Mark!
(By Valley Hock In Company!
Sprint! lambx 111.00 to 123.00
Furrier lamb I1S.00 to 118.00
Ei we a . .12.00 to 15.00
Cilltfr cow 18.00 to tll.OO
Fat dairy cown 110.00 to 112.00
Bulls 115.00 to 119.00
Calve.i. good (300-440 Ibi. I 117.00 to 110.00
Veal (150-300 Ib.O good ..120.00 to 133.00
lot prirtv paid within 15c ol Port
end price. (or each tvpt Top. 110-235 ibi
Portland Fantilde Market
Btnx fherrif.i Hold for 9 to 10 ctntJt
pound and Lambrru for 10 rent a pound
on the Portland Eiat-sldi Farmeri Whole
sale Produce market today.
Red rajipbcrrlfj were 12.00 to 13.35 i
Blackcap bronaht 12.25 to 13.50 A flat,
atrawbrrrlcs were 12.25 to 12.50 a flat.
YouncberrlM aold under a 12.00 top for
a 12-cvtp Hat.
Currants wrre offered at 11.75 a flat.
Yellow transparent apple brought 13.00
a inn.
Green and yellow beans were to 10
cents a pound.
Green onion were quoted at 40 to 45
centfl a doz.en buncltex.
Radi.she.i were (15 cent a dozen hunches.
Zucchini squash was 11.25 to 11.50 a 25-
lb. Km.
Northwest to ma toe lold nt 13.60 to 12.15
a 10-lb box.
Portland Pro nun
niillerfat TenuiUe, ni'dieot ,o immi
diale change ?rrm1um quality maximum
to .35 to 1 percent aoldltj delivered In
Portland Bl -64r tb ftr.M quality 59-tMc
lb second quality SS-SBc. Valley route
mo country point 3c lesi thaii firat
Butter Wholesale POB quia aubaa io
vholeaie; grade AA 93 nort fil-6Jc
A 92 score S0-81'4c; B, 90 score. 87c lb.;
C. 89 score. S8c lb Above price are strict
it nominal
Clieeiie fielllng price to Cortland whole
tale Oregon tingles 38 'i 4fl'4c Oregon I
lb loaf 4I4 60'4- triplet Ifce Iter than
Eiii IT fVhnieaalari) a trad lara
58-66'; A medium, 53Vj-55'i trade B
arse. 48'.4-51Uc.
Portland Dairy Market
Huiier Price to retailers' Orade aa
prints 5e; AA cartons 87c: A orlnL
Iflr, A cartons, 87r; B prints, 82c.
tin pritr to retallera' as targe
iR-e0c: certified A large. 5Be: A larae
.me; aa medium. ftB-37c: certified A me.
dlum 57c; A medium, 56-6flc; cartons 2c
Lhceie Price to retailers. Port la on
orcnon ftlnfflea O'aMJ'aC Oregon loal
triplet l'ia iej than nn
Mve Chicken - No 1 onalltt POh
plants. No i broilers under 2'4 lbs 37 -28c
lb fryer 2'.b-3 lb. 31-.13c; 3-4 lbs, .13c
ronflter 4 lb nnd over 33c lb; fowl,
tinhorn under 4 lb. 21r; over 4 lb.
23c; colored fowl, all weights, 25c; roosters
'' weight. 18-lflc.
Kahlii fa Aver arc to growers; live white,
-!. lb . 19-21c lb.; 5-fl lb. 17-19c lb.; col
ored 2 ernt lower: old or heavy doe, 8
Mr: dreKed fryer to butchers, 55-57C.
Turkeys (Price quoted an lot to the
producer on a (1 rented weight qaslsi -U
S grade A young torn U Me lb : No
young nens nominally 80r
D retard ttirkeya In retailer: tit Brie A
voting hens 70-7lr New Vorf n.yh dreaa
en A grade w unv toms W-ftJ
Portland Mlsrellaneoua
t 4rara Bark Pry !2Sc io.. green 4c lb
Wool Valley coarse and medium trades
ISc tb
Mohair 35c lb on 12-month growth.
Hides Calve. JOr lb according to
wejuht. kip 20c lb., beef f-IOc lb., bulls
6-7c lb. Country buyer pay 3c leu.
ill Wliotallnn
Vt'alnufs :ranqtiettea flral quailt Jum
i. 34 7c, large 32 7e. medium 17 ae.; aac
ond quality Jumbos. 30 3c large 38 3c
medium. 28 2c baby 33 2c toft thet ftnl
quality large. 39 7c. medlun, 28. 9e- sen.
find quality large 37 3c mart I um 34
ahv 22 2C
rtlhrrlt . jumbo. 30e ib . large 1 8c
n'-dnim 18r. mall 13c
Quotation above tup pi lea t North
.fra o Livestock
ClilcsRO, June 27 WV- Salable hog
11.000: slow, around 50 cent lower both
butcher and sow; some ales over 500
lb off more: top 31.80 parlng)y; most good
ii nd cliolc" 170-230 Ib 21.00-21.30; 240
270 lb 20.00-20.75; 280-330 lb
trw its havy a 475 lb down to 15.00; sows
under 350 lb 17.00-18.50: few 18.75; 375
400 lb 16.00-17.00; 425-475 lb 14.50-15.30:
few heavier sow low as 12.00 for
around 600 Ib we'nhls: good clearance.
Billable cattle 17.000; salable calves 800:
slow; sla'-inhler teers and heifers 50
cent lo 1.00 lower; mot decline on me
dium Wight and heavy teers; cow wesk
to 50 cents lower: bulls and vealers about
steady: top 28.75 for losd high-choice
'.219 lb steer; most esrly sales good and
choice steer 25.00-27.26; medium to low
otd kind 22.00-24.75; bulk good to low heifer 25.00-28.50: load 875 lb
Aelithi 28.75; few good cows 20.00-21.00:
common and medium cows 16.25-19.25:
runners and cutter 13,00-16.00: medium
and aoodsausixe bulM 10. 50-21.00: common
to choice vealer 20.0025.00; few 25.30:
iiftht cull down to 18.00; not enough done
-srlv on s toe iters and feeder to establish
Salable sheep 500; all classes steady; top
.-prlng lamb 2B.00: old-crop lambs and
yearling 23.00; slaughter ewes 8.00-9.00.
Portland Grain
Portland, Ore., June 37 (U.w fcash grain:
Soft white, soft white no rex, white
club, wetern red. hard red winter ordinary
305 bid. Hard white baart ordinary 338
Coirse grains: Oats: No. 2, 38 lbs white
no bid. Barley: No. 3, 45 lb, west no bid.
PortlaMl Livestock
Portland. Ore., .June 37 (U.B--Livestock:
Cattle salable 1500; calve 333: market
active, generally 1 .00 higher than aver.
aKe last week' uneven market: Instances
1.M1 to 2.00 higher than Isst week's low
time: load good 1100 lb fed steers 36.00;
several loads low medium grass steers
32.00 t 32.501 some held higher common
steers 17.00 to 21.00: common and medium 1
hellers 16.00 to ai.00; canner and cutter '
cows 11.00 to 12.50; common and medium
beef cows 14.50 to 17.00; few good cows '
18.00; sausage bulls 17.00 to 20.00; good 1
beet bulls 21.00 to 21,50; good and choice '
vealers 25.00 to 26.00. '
Hogs salable 800; market 50 to 76 cents '
higher; good and choice 180-230 lbs 32.73 J
to 23.00; good sows 15.50 to 16.30; good an4 '
choice feeders 23.50, 1
Sheep salable 1500; market rather alow; 1
early sales steady; good and choice '
'pring lambs 24.00; medium and good 1
22.00 to 23.00: feeders 18.00 down; good -
and choice No. 1 pelt old crop lambs 1
,,2.50; good light ewes 6.30 to 7.00; com- -
mon and medium grades 3.00 to (.00.
London Suffers
Long Heat Wave
London, June 27 W Britain
is having drought and a heat
wave too. The temperature in
London hit 91 degrees today and
there's been no rain since June
Stenographers sun-bathed on
the roofs of buildings during
their lunch hours. In the house .
of lords, Britain's highest court,
lawyers were allowed to re-,
move their traditional wigs.
'B' th Asocimsd Praia
American Can 90'4
Am Pow U 10
Am Tel & Tel lSfl
Anaconda 20'i,
Rend lx Aviation 28'
Beth Steel 34'i
Boeing Airplane 19'a r
Calif Packing 31
Canadian Pacific 11'
Case J I 31.
Caterpillar 20'i
Ohrysler 4RN
Com with A Sou 31
Cons Vultec 9H
Continental Can 33 H -
Crown Zellerbach 22
Curtis Wrltcht 84
Douglai Alrrrsft
Dupont de Nem 4ATfc
General Electric 34'4
General Food 42 i
General Motors 55 S
Qoodyear Tire 37 '4
Int Harvester 244
Int Paper 444
Kennecott 421
Llbby McN & L 8!i
Lon Bell "A"
Montgomery Ward 49
Mash Kelvlntaor Ui t
Nut Dairy 10 4
KY Central 10 '4
Northern Paclflo 13
Pao Am Flh -
Pac Gas St Elee 314
Pac Tel fe Tel 89 a
Penney J C 474
Radio Corp 10 i
Rayonler 21
Rayonler Pfd
Reynold Metal
Safeway Store
Var Roebuck
southern Pacific
Standard OH Co
Studebaker Corp
Sunxhtne Mining
Union Oil Cal
Union Pacific
United Airlines
O 8 ateel
, 33 H
35 '4
58 H
. 17H -
, a '
. 37t
, 784
. 13'4 !
, 21 '4
Warner Bros Pic 11 "4
Woolworlh 48U
Cleveland Martin
Cleveland Martin, at the residence at
route 3, box 401, Salem, June 25. Sur
vived by wife, Mrs. Nettle M. Martin ol
Salem; a son, Delbert O. Martin of Sa
lem; two slAters, Mr. Belle Carter and
Mr. El Me Hayworth, both of Wallowa,
Wash.; six grandchildren, Norman Mar
tin of Hollywood, Calif., Mrs. W. E. Nar
brrg of Winchester, Idaho, Mrs. John
Lartz of Lakeside, Wash., Helen Martin,
.leraldlne Martin and Ray Martin; and!
two great grandchildren. Services will be
held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Tuea-
day, June 28, at 1:30 p.m. Interment '
will be at Lacrosse, Wash.
Mrs. Mildred Rartcllffe
Mrs. Mildred Radcllffe, lale resident of ,
Salem, at a local hospital June 24. Sur- ,
vived by a daughter, Patricia Radcllffe,
LaOuardta field. N.Y.; a son. Eric Rad
cllffe of Los Angeles: a sister, Mrs. Mar
garet Chase of Tacoma, Wash.; and a
brother, Harold Wood of Lo Angeles.
Service will be held at the Clough-Bar
rlck chapel Tuesday. June 28. at 3 p.m.
with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.
Mrs. Estella Muggins
Mrs. Estella Hug gins, late resident or
1044 South Commercial street, at the Me-
Mlnnvllle hospital June 25, at the age of
Survived by her husband James Hun
s' Ins of Snlem. Announcement of service!
later by W. T. Rlgdon company.
Hans Peter (Pete) Hansen
Hans Peter (Petet Hansen, late resident
f 395 Elms ave at a local hospital, June
25, Survived by a widow, Sarah J. Hansen
of Snlem; stpp:dmn liters., Mrs. Dorothy
Peterson and Mrs. Asnes Knbesli. both of
Detroll, Mr. Br mice Peterson of Hinck
ley, Minn.; stepson, Roy and Ben Cher
rler, both nf Detroit: alio four stcp-arand-chlldren.
Service will be held Tuesday,
June 28 at 1:30 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlck
chapel, I
Mrs. Delia II of teller
In this city June 28. Mrs. Delia Hof
stetter. late resident of 840 Hood street.
Survived by her husband Hans (Curley)
Hofttlrr of Salem; a daughter, Bever- '
ly Hofstcller of Salem; three son. Rod
ney W. Hortetter, Gordon H. Hofstetter
and Grover Lee Hofstetter, all of Salem;
thr"e sitters. Mr. Ida Ftmler of Si I vert on
and Mrs. Gladys Osterman and Mr.
Mina Cole, both of Salem; six brothers,
Julius Hllflker. Ruben R. HlUlker, Ber
nard Hllftker and Albert Hllflker. all of
Silem. Orion H. Hllflker of Springfield
and AlViii A. Hllflker of Oreenacres,
Wash.: and one grandchild. Service will
be held Wednesday, June 29, at 1:30 p.m.
st the W. 7. Rlgdon chapel.
.Stdle fi. S lever
SHvertoi) Mrs. Sadie O. Slevers, 68,
died S inday forenoon at the Silverton hos
pital. She was born March 31. 1883 In Kan
sas. Surviving are three children, Chariea
of Silverton, Clarence of Salem and Myr
tle Wilson of Monroe, ten grandchildren,
two sister and one brother, Mrs. Ineg
Herron of San Diego, Mr. Lena Me
Cabe of Snlem and Charles Myers or Mo
lulls. Services from the Memorial chapel
of the Ekman funeral home at 3 o'clock
Henry Bushman
Aurora Funeral services for Henry
Bushman, 69. who died In Portland Sat- ,
urday, ere held from the Miller funerat
home Monday afternoon with burial In
ihe Biilteville cemetery. He was born at
Stockton, Kan., Dec. 10. 1879 and earn
i o Oregon In 1933. making Irs home in
tl Is district. He married Ida B. Miller la
1918 who died in 1947. He 1 survived by .
a son, Karl Bushmen, Newport: sister. Lu
lu Lawpa-ah, Portland; four brothers,
John, of nervals: Will, of Woodburn; Luke,
of Aurora, and Norman Bushman, Port- ,
land: two grandchildren and one great
Edward J, Bsrtrnff
Portland Funeral .service for Edward
J. Bartruff, 49, resident of the Middle
Grove- district near Salem for ten years,
were held here Sunday. He was found dead
from natural cause in hi automobile
near Eugene. Surviving are his widow,
Mrs. Lois Bartruir; three children, Shirley, ,
Buddy and Merrill: three brother and two
sisters, George and Louis Bartruff, both
of Everett, Wash.; Erie Bartruff, CottAg ,
Grove; Mr. It. P. Rankin, Tulare, Calif,
and Mrs. R. L. Brown, Portland.
Kock, Slide- or Slip?
PASTE ETH. an Improveo powdei t
oe sprinkled on upper or lower plates,
holda falie teeth mora firmly lr
Dr- not slide, slip or rock. No gummy,
gooev, pasty taste or feeling. PAS
TEETH Is alkaline 'non-acldl. Dots not
tour Cheek i "plate odor" .denture
breathl. Qet FASTEKTH at any dnu