16 Caplial Journal, Salem, CI .AS SI FIE D ADVERTISING! FT Liu 1B Per Une I time 40c Per Line fl time 60c Pr Lint 1 month 13.00 Outslda of Salem 16o per line per day. afln. lOc; I time min 80 times mln 11.20. No Refund BEADtBS In Local New CoL Only. PM Un JOe To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Ml OWNEB: Largs nouse, 8 rm. down, t UP. 4 lota, fruit St nut trees. Could b made Into apt. Price (4800. Mr Sack Schell, P. O. Box 225, Gervais. a. 5B FOB SALE BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm home.F.H.A. term. (750 down. Plionc 3-2880. 160 LEAvma FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down Hardwood floor through out. Full plas tered garage. Lota of storage space. Terraced back yard. Coat over 118, 000 to build. Will sell for 1 14 ,900, some terms. Also will consider cheaper house In trade. For more Information inquire at Steven Used Car. 678 S. 12th St. al64 CANDALAKIA, 3 bdrm. home. By owner 320 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31241. al61' BY OWNEB: En, atyle 6 nn. hse. 3 B.R., brk. nk., F.C.B.. ftulo oil. I860 Bo. High Phone 3B788. alC2' WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In basement & living rm. Lame lot. Plenty ehruba 6s flowers Over 1.400 It floor apace. Besides garage, lmmed. poss. Price low. For appointment Ph 1-5134. ' BX OWNEB! a bdrm. home. Fruit & nut lr.s. H500. 1196 B. 13th. al5a" OWNED LEAVING. SacrlMce 3 bdrm. home. Falnnount H1U close to Leslie. Bua to Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot. JS850. Ph. 3-960S. 1595 Saginaw at. FH.A. PRICED 3 bdrm. home. Conveni ently located for shopping center, hos pital and school. Ph. Eve. 2-13H. a!65' HI OWNER: 3 bdrm. turn. home. Good location. Close to achool Js bus. 01& Pine. Ph. 3-7894. "8 BY OWNER: J bdrm. home, centrally lo cated, 623 N. 17th Bt. al52 B.INGWOOD HTB. 1 bdrm. home, base ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two lire places. New carpeting. F.H.A. Call own er 3-8543. " 10500. CLEAN 3-BR home located 180 N. Mrd Bt. Immediate possession. (1,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 . High Bt. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-5681 8600. LARGE S-BR home close In on Oak St Basement. Furnace, oaraie. Large lot. 3700 down. Balance 350 per mo. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 15! I. High Bt. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-5S61 al53 Mf TO BEAT THIS 1941 house with 4 bdrms. lor 37.180. 11550 dn., bal. FHA. Ph 2-4703. 1335 Lee. (St. soon to be paved.) flEW t BR house by owner. In bnck ol Kelser variety store. 4040 Wolf St. 1-7530. "" Mj DOWN will buy a new 2 bdrm. home with fireplace, dinette, attached garage, Venetian blinds throughout, oil floor furnace. Lot 84'I50. new lawn You can't beat this buy so call 3-8581 or dilve by 2055 Coral. West of Lancaster and Bunnyvlew. 8152 ONLY ONE LEFT Of a group of three 3-bdrm. homon Juat completed. This home has exceptional appointment Bnd 1 of finest construc tion. Fireplace, oil furnace, ott. unr In fine location on Charles ave. off Liberty rl. F.H.A. loan of S8200. Shown by appointment. Call owner St builder. r d -ii.t nil al55 fcf OWNER: Modern 7 rm. house. Large lot with garden. Close to school and bus. Priced to sell, some terms. 10t.fi 3rd St.. West Salem. B152 1000 Good 2 bd. rm. home, close In. Full basement, auto, oil fur. Bpace for party rm. Call Harvey Huff Huff Keal Estate Co. Realtor Ph. 30271 341 Chcmeketa St. Eves. 311441 al52 ENGLEWOOD DIST. Very nice 8 B.R.. L.R., D.K., Kitchen. Hdwd. floors, ftrepli.ee. Full basement, furnace heat. V. blinds t"d built-in O.K. refrigerator. A good buy at $10. 00.00. For appointment, call Len Or ton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 39271 341 Chrmekcta Bt. Eves. 339H3 MAKE AN OFFER My equity. Bal. F.H.A. 3 bdrm. 18x18 living room. U-shaped kitchen, 9 clos ets, oil piped furnace. Lot 195x220. I'll. 25H07. tT 1 52 A GOOD INVESTMENT. $100 nio. Income for HJ750. In the Hollywood dist. A well preserved older type home. 1 bdrm. ant up, Se 3 bdrm. apt. down with bi,.sement cash. Bal. terms. licit er see this. A. N. Willich Real Estate 1131 Huge St., West Salem. Ph. 2-0631 Open Sunday V Eve. al52 BY OWNER A lovely 2 bdrm. house. New construc tion. Hardwood floors. Attached garnxe. Insulated Ac weather stripped. Large lot with trees. CI we to school nnd bus $7800. 11200 down. bnl. Q. I. loan. 148 per mo. which Includes, Insurance, In terest and tax. See at 3320 Chester, off Lansing or Ph. 2-7111. al55 By Owner Leaving State U acre, nearly new 2 bdrm., pecan firs., attached garage, cement drive, bus by door, close to school and stores. IHflOO Terms. Will take car, as pnrt. No reason able offer refused, on Onrdrn road, in 5, box 114. Phone 2-8225. al52 $700 DOWN 60 per month. Clean 2 bdrm.. living rm., kitchen St dinette. Bungalow with Fart basement. Shady corner lot with ikTUt, Paved on both sides. Close to ehool bus. Immed. posa. Price 15500 Call Bon Cleary. .Walter Musgrave Realtor 1911 Bdgewater Ph. 3-5101). Eve. 3-no 39 "l;i6 BMOLKWOOD DIST. NEAR HI SCHOOL Leading town, must sell. 2-yr. old 3 bdrm. home. F" place, V. blinds, screens, hdwd. firs. Flowers Ar shrubs. Kit you ahould sea. Don't delayl 730 N 18th. Owner. al&6 BT OWNER. 15900. Practically new P arlly furn. 2 bdrm. home. Utility rm.. laun dry trays, auto, water heater. Attached garage. Garden A cherry trees. 2480 N Ith. Ph. 2.6955 ew or week-ends, al53 SACRIFICING For I day only. 11000 down on F.H.A. loan, new 2 bdrm. home In Hollywood dist., hardwood floors, fireplace, large rooms, a modern home throughout, lo cated 1800 block N. Winter. Drive by nd see. If Interested rail 2-8474 or 2-7743. Tola! price 18.795. al53 FOR RALE: 5 Room modern cottaue, 13,350. 870 Hate 1 1 f fe Dr. a 1 52 m ACR:. house started, you finish. Well water. Full price 1985. Itt. 7, Box 230 K. ml. east of Totem Pole, turn lelt, 6th house and In quire. Henry Steward, a 157 TURN. ORNFi7rn73 MrmThomv. Will take a late model car In on our equity. S. R. Mile. 1435 Baker St. Ph. 2-B463. a!54 ifcjB BALE BV OWNER: A two bedroom plastered house, one block from Main t. Lot la 82.5x165. A few nut and fruit tree. Call cvenlnii. 261 West Main at Monmouth, Oregon. al53 Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Monday, June 27, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "COLORADO TERRITORY" AT WARNERS ELS1NORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Colorado Territory" coming soon to the ELsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final. FOR SALE HOUSES NORTH Slit Street. Home, 4 B.R., full basement, hdwd. floors, auto. heat. t double plumbed, nice yard. Only 111.750. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Ph. 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773, 3-7283 al33 BEAUTIFUL new home, perfect oca tlon, well built, are to appreciate. Ph. 2-543B or call 808 N. Cottage. al58 JfllOO. Vi ACHE with 6 room late built homo. Oarage, poultry house, fruit trees. Will take In trade of property, car or trailer house. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 S. High Bt. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3-5206 al55' LARGE creek lot with a new 5 room, bungalow. This little beauty Is Insul. and weathers tripped, auto, heat, oak floors. Will carry maximum loan. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone 1-4707 Eve. 2-4773, 3-7283 a!53 KEIZER DISTRICT FIVE-ROOM MODERN 2 acre. Peaches, filberts, walnuts, ber ries. Nice garden, lawn, flowers. Plen ty (rater for Irrigation. Double garage. Chicken house. Ph. 2-1230. Owner al52 M500. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom home, Keizer dint., on bus line. Neat, clean home. Bath, elec. wtr. htr., laundry room. Drilled well, Karaite. Lot 75x200. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5206 BDRM. MODERN home 60XWJ0 lot. Fruit, shade trees, floor coverings, 13350. 427 stark St., Woodburn. al50 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 2-BR home. '.4 A. with beautiful yard. Good terms. 4 F.H.A. Follow the sign at Center At Lancaster Dr. k ml. East Ph. 2-0045. al53 .$1075 DOWN, bal. $79 per mo. buy 3 bdrm. home on S. Hitch St. Has base ment, sawdust heal, fireplace, garage. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S, lllgn BL. PH. 3-4121. EVCS. 2-520(1 al!5 8 U.R. NEW mod. home, Ige. lot, dbl. ga rage. snniDs, dead end street, gd. loc for children, cto.se to school and bit. Bale or trade for 2 B.ll. hse. or income property. Write Box 414, Cap. Journal. al53 BV OWNER! 2 BR Cndnlarla View home 245 Alice .Ave. Ph. 3-4408. al53 ULTRA-MODERN 12000 down will hnndlfl this lurge, roomy suburban home on a large lot. N.E. Extra-Mzed bedrooms, big living room, fireplace, peenn floors through out, fine utility room, double garnge. Exceptionally good construction priced below builder's cost. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High SI. Olfice Ph. 2-3649 Eve.: 2-5390 or 3-7451 alf2 $(11150. LAROE home with fl bedroom lo cntcd in business zone at 11!5 Mill St. Room to build small business building. Terms. Call O. V. Hume will. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 3. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3-5206 ? ? ? Down Payment ? ? ? If you are of uood character and can pay 170 mo. on prln.. int.. taxes and Ins., you can name your own down pay ment on lhe.se two modern suburban homes with fireplace, von. blinds, hdwd firs., unf. upstairs nnd lame lot. Out sells for 1K100 ttlie other for 18500. Drive out to 3705 Sunuyvlew ave. and we'll show thrm to you. al54 NEW fl ROOM Beautiful home hns LR, DR, 2 Bit. utility, atl. gar., corner lot, 24 shakes. Painted green. 165 per mo. Take In Int. See at 955 Highland. Plume 2-3909. Owner. ni54 S'O.W. Late built 6 room home. NE. Un furnished upstairs. Attached garage. Fireplace, oil hent. terms. Call O. V. Hume w'lll. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-.VJ06 al55 M-.'tHl. (-OHNEIt lot with 3 bedroom home on N. Capllol St. No. 3 rone. Good bus iness site. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Kves. 2-5!Sfll BY OWNER: Must be sold within 15 day. 2 bdrm., plus finished atttc. Furn. or unf urn. IS bath, automatic heat. F.H.A. lonn. $7,200! Open house anytime. 868 S. Llbertv. Bi57. Down Keizer Way Larue lot. nenr 8. River road. 1750. 1 Acre & Home, North Near Brooks. 4 rm. collage, 13.950. Will consider lat model car or good trailer house In part trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Ott tee Ph. 3-SH82. Eves. 3-3147 or 3-8838. al54 If)? AO. NKW modern 2 bedroom home close in North. Hardwood tloon. Fireplace, Oil furnace. Attached garaie. 12500 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3-5561 a 155 BY OWNIR: Excellent 2 BR home only 3 yrs. old, hns larve living room with fireplace, dining room, full basement. Insulated and weatherstripped. Compact oil furnace with forced atr circulation, A first class home priced right. Now has good F.H.A. loan. 2605 Hulsey Ave. Ph 2-3140. ,154 FOR ISAt.K: 3 Bed room house on creek, close In. Might tnke 49 car in trade. Price 16500. Phone 28764. 154 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 2 ACRES EAST 3 bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, nicely landscaped, just remodeled and In excellent condition. Shade trees TO SEE THIS CALL Earl West. 1750 N. COTTAGE ST. 4 bdrm. home In beautiful condition, 12 yrs. old. Uv. rm., din. rm., hall, bath, large kitchen, basement, auto-oll heat, nice large yard, no extra expense on this home. BE SURE AND SEE IT. CALL ROY FERRIS. No. 3 BUSINESS ZONE 3 lots located S.E. on tracks. 117x124 ft. A bargain at 11,800. Fine ware house ilte. Beautiful residential view lot In restricted area. See this lot before you buy. Will take new car In trade. Call O H, ORABENHORST, JR. GROCERY STORE Grocery business showing excellent gross Income, good location. 40x6q ft. building 2 yrs. old, Includes fine 6 rm liv. quarters. Will consider trade for Income property or take home In trade. This 1 exceptionally good. CALL PETER GEISER. GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Sundays and Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Geiser 3-9908 Earl West 2-1232 OPEN HOUSE 530 ILLINOIS ST. NEW, RAMBLING 3 BDRM. HOUSE, FIREPLACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. WELL ARRANGED KITCHEN. MO NT AG OIL HEAT. LOT 74x171. R.H.A. COMMITTMENT. PRICE 39800. FOR SALE HOUSES 3 BDRM. old type house. Clean, new paint, at 1697 N. Capitol. Vacant. Best offer over 14000 take It. Owner 2-3969, This week only. FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT FOR BALE Lot 32. Pioneer Heights addition, 31250. 100' frontage 165' depth. Walnut tree. Water and power. On Pioneer dr. south of "Ratcliffe. Ph. 3-8377 or call 3160 N. 4th street, n3 $1,200. Choice 50x100 Englewood district lot. Phone 2-5006. anl53 FORSALE FARMS 86 ACRES NORTH Located near Qervala, Oreiton. All un der cultivation & fenced; 60 A. In flax, 30 A. In oats. Amity soil: no bulldlnas. Price Is $11,300 with excellent terms. Call Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3.S83B 231 North Huh Eve. Pll. 3-1534, 3-1124, 3-7423. Sullivan Realty Co. 51 ACRE DAIRY Good new 2 B.R. home with 1500 sq. ft living space, 15 acres of pasture, some crop. 6 good cows. Milking machine and al Harm equipment In good condition and Included In sale price. Barn, 2 chicken house, hog house Se tool ahed. 115,500. Terms. 13 ACRES NORTH All In cult. 3 acres berries, 3 A. oats. : A. seeded lo pasture. New 3 bedroom home with elect, water system. The price Is right at 10,000. Terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255, Eves. 37988 EQUIPPED BARGAINS GRADE A DAIRY 52 acres. All level valley. 27 head of stock including 15 milking cows. New equipped grnde A barn, tractor & equip ment, pickup truck. Nice 3 bdrm. home, 132, ".OO equipped, or form alone 116,500. GENERAL FARM 30 acres all tillable. 6 ncres new straw berries, 12 acres walnuts it filberts, as sorted family fruit. Well furnished 6 room mod. home. Good outbldgs. Trac tor A: equipment, cow & calf, 2 hogs, 630 chickens, etc. included at 114,000. STROUT REALTY 959 8. 12th Ph. 2-5323. b!53 10 ACRE SPECIAL $12,850. 10 A. Just at the edge of city. Nice 3 year old 3 bdrm. home, basement, 4 acres nuts & fruit, 2 A. strawberries, trout at renin, Irrigation, born, chicken house, rabbit equipment. 14000 down, bal, terms, 3 ml. out. Cull Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Phone 2-3849 Eve. 2-8858. b!52 A FINE VALUE In a 40 acre farm, fully stocked and equipped for dairying. Nine good cows, one heifer, surge milking machine, grade "A" milk house, barn with 11 stanchions and drinking fountains: crop Included. Three bedroom house, good outbldus. If you are Interested In a good farm It will pay you to investigate this one. Come In and talk it over must be sold. Sacrifice price of $18,000. Lock, stock and barrel. SALEM REALTY CO. RE ALTO R3 149 N High St. Phone 3-7680 Evi Ph. 3-0605 - 3-4591. blJ2 FOR SALE ACREAGE ;t"4 ACHKS with 500 feet hiwny frontage on So. 99. Older type home with out buildings, fruit 6s shade trees. 14950. Phone 2-8110. bbl52 1EAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors DRIVE BUY AND SEE This cute 2-bedroom home located at 751 Piedmont St. 16300 Is the new low price. LOOK OVER THE OUTSIDE of 108 Lansing Ave., then let us show you thru. It's a ood home. 2 bed rooms, oil heat, extra large lot. Own era wir consider good house trailer as down payment. FURNITURE AND ALL GOES For $10,500 with this modern 2 bedroom home on N. 33rd St. We say it' a good buy. STATE STREET SPECIAL This very nice 3 bedroom home is lo cated Rt 1572 State St. All the rooms are large: has basement, furnace and 50 305 lot. LOOK!! ABOUT 2000 SQ. FT. Floor apace In this attractive 3-bed-room ranch style, home. Large, large living room and dining room, huge bedrooms, nearly S arre land with lots of tiult trees, fine view of the valley. OHMART & CALABA Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-4115 or 2-4118. Eve. Ph. 3-8053, 3-5996. 3-3833. 3-3488 cl54 i A. FAST, with modern S room home, fully Insulated and weather-stripped, attached garaae. Close to bus line and tew grade school. Family fruit, plenty garden space. Price is $8500 or will trade for city property. 18 A. with new set of building consisting of modern 3 bedroom home with base mint, barn, chicken house, machine shed Price i 133.000. fully equipped. P. H. Bell, Realtor 381 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-1345, 3-4898 - Eve. 1-66S6. 3-751 1U IFOR SALE HOUSES BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 2-2471 Evening Call off CENTER ST. REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS HOLLYWOOD Almost new. full basement, hnrria-mv. floors, attached garage. Owner must sen. win accept trailer house or car up to 11600 as part payment. Total price reduced to $7950. F.H.A. loan com mittment 16000. A real bargain. FOR LEASE We have a good 2 bdrm. home to lease for $70 per month. 12 month lease. DUPLEX Older type in good condition. Prlv. bath room. Walking distance from shopping center Se school. Corner lot, bus at front door. $1000 down. Total price only $7500. FARMS Very modern home. No waste land. Sev- Only 5 miles from Salem. Total price NO. HOWELL Extra special. 70 acre farm. Very mod- ins, several acres berries. Willamette nv.i. ociiiuB uetause neaitn Total price 130.000. Terms. Al Isaak & Co.. "RpnU-nra 3030 Portland rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4598 ciai WHHH). 1 ACRE with clean modern 2 bed room home. Close in. Barn, chicken house, good well. & block to city bus. Sail Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hiah St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 3-5501 Small Down Pavment To Oregon State Veteran " nuiiae. unrge ttucnen, plen ty of bullt-ins and extra space for table. Well arranged L.R., detached sar aae Private well, electric pump. Close in off Sllwrton liny. Immediate pos session. Full price $5,750 00. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bid. h. 3-921'! Loans c!52 Real Estate - Ins. - Mtf. ONE ACRE - $3,935 Close in. Remodeled 3 bdrm. home Small poultry house. Family orchard. Fenced. School bus. Terms, $1500 down. $1500 DOWN 2 bdrm. bungalow style. Livlntt room Sz dining room combination trimmed In knotty pine. A truly lovely home. Picket fence and nice yard for only $8500. RAWLINS REALTY" "HOLLYWOOD DIST." Ph. 24664, Eve. 26013 or 37128 or 25757 C152 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS ATTRACTIVE BUY. Fine 60 acre tract that could be subdivided. Few miles out on paved highway. About 40 acres in fruit: balance In timber and pasture. Creek on corner. This year's crop will help pay for place. Price only $7500. Part terms. FURNISHED SUBURBAN HOME. Practi cally new 2 bedrm. house. Oil furnace. SUBURBAN HOME. Cl'os tin on paved n " h v. A warm, piastereo house. Cement basement: furnace. Gar- -r.. . u LiniP.it. nun St. rrice ouuu. 10 ACRES. 4 bedrm. house; furnace. Good in i ho tiuiscn nouse. ijois rruit and shrubs. Year around creek. Close in. Price $11,000. Terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: 2-4007, 3-4510 or 2-8103 C152' fOB YOl'B SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem Ai vicinity Examine security yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dou lars. net m-'eators !" We make all col lections tor you If desired PTA'IE FINANCE CO. 153 S High WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need ol gooo houses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to JIM your property for aale see GRABENHORST BROS.. BKALTOK5 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 2-3471 ca" NOTICE! If your property Is for tale, rent or exchange, list It with u We have all kinds of cash buyer ST AM FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High fit ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE LATE Mnnta CAR, 1 owner. 9000 miles, to .rune lor contract or mortgage. Ph. 2-5489. Cbl52" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MUST SACRIFICE My going bus. Furn. appl. store Sz service station. Cheap If taken at once. Can be seen 4i miles north of Salem on Port, hlway. first store this aide of drive in theatre. Open from I a.m. till 9 p.m. cdl52 IllUtW, over $350 mo. inc. plus Uv. rm.. f-Plc. din rm., kit., nook. pvt. bath for owner Apt are furn.. full basm., hot wtr. fit., hollow tile con's. Nice tree St hrubs. Lot 100x150. Ph. 26680. $13,00. HOLLYWOOD DIST. 1105 mo. inc. from 2 apt' plus Lt. itv. rm.. din. rm, f-plc, kit., nook. 2 br.. pvt. bath for owner, nice outside f-plc Tree A shrubs, full basm.. oil ht Walla St celling art insl. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINI1EAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th 8t Cdl52' CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY E. A. McGIauthn Loan Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 331 N. Com'l. Ph. 3.3211. Cdl52' to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE DRIVE BY BUT HURRY If It's val'itB your pocketbook want It' here In this attractive new I B.R. home, hwd. floor, auto, oil heat, bath with shower, your own elect, water system, large alt. garage, novel driftwood finish 6i the sellinr price only $6,400. The address 1 437 Hawthorn St. Drive by tonight it get the Jump on the other buyers. NEW HOME AND iy2 ACRES Close In North, well appointed modern 3 B.R. home with 1550 sq. ft. incld. garage, dandy deep well, new, small barn, family fruit St close to school St bu. We can well recommend this as a good buy at 19,500. THREE BEDROOM SUBURBAN Eight yeai old 2 B.R. home in a very nice North location, one acre of fine soil, lot of family fruit St berries, small barn Se chicken house Se lovely yard Se landscaping. Just the place for children. With or without furniture Se the price 1 right. SULLIVAN 3365 Portland Rd. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BAKERY, light lunches, fountain ice cream, soft drinks. Business excellent; test location in town. Only bakery pay roll town. Spend a little time, see the business this bakery does. Long lease rent very reasonable. Priced for quick sale $12,000 plus Inventory. Down payment, or will sell half Interest to re sponsible people. This 1 best buy in town. D. R, COLLIER, REALTOR Toledo, Oregon Ph. 243. cd!52 DOWNTOWN floor space for rent or lease. Ph. 2-5692. cd NEAT ATTRACTIVE cafe, new equipment. On 99E, N. Salem. Ph. 23326. cdl52 $27,500 CLEANINO AND PRESSING This Is a good one. Everything in top cond. Bussi. showing steady increase. Ph. 26680. TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP This tavern loc. at Junction of 2 good hl-ways had gross sales of 1100,000 last yr. Is listed at over $20,000, but reas onable offer will be con's. Ph. 2G680. ED LUKTNBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N, 14th St. Cdl52 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district. United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106, Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes. cd FOR LEASE separate rm, 660 sq. ft. f.oor space. 12th St. Paint Shop. 1095 S. 12th. cdl54 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED furniture, close out prices. WOODROWS. 450 Center St. d WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PBICESpald" Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-5110. da LIVESTOCK WANTED SMALL BLACK and white Shetland Stud Service. Woodburn 1121. eal55 BONDED St LICENSED livestock buyer E. O McCandllsh 1127 S 25 Ph 3-8147 ("Colorado Territory") eal53 HIGH SPIRITED 5-yr. roan mare with 8 wk. boy colt. Ph. 2-1303. eal56 RABBITS WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits. Top prices. 3985 !? L.. lu."F5. ebl77 PETS KITTENS to give away tree. 2115 Myrtle. CC152 FOR SALE: Cocker puppies. Phone 2-1380. ecl53 LITTLE MEXICAN Chihuahua PUPPle. 4 wks. old. 420 Miller Ave. Dallas, Ore. ecl54 BOSTON BULL DOG, Puppies 9 wks. old. Ph. 22642. ec!54 IIOLMAN'8 Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt. 1. Box 163 DD. Stayton Near auction house. ecl54 FOR SALE to a good home only: Red fe male cocker spaniel pup, 2Va mo. old, pure-bred without papers, very small and frisky. 3130 North River road af ter 5-30 p.m. week days; all day week ends. ecl53 iTegisterkD male Springer, Ph. 2-5157. ecl54 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St., West Salem ee' HtKSII CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates. ee!60 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. Ph. 68F22 YEW WOOD posts Sz anchor posts, any dla. or length. Rt. 2, Box 141, Dallas. eel 52 TRI-CITY PUEI Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery Ph 27442 We give 8 St H Green Stamps. Green IB In mill wood e CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR lllesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Se Block Wood. Ph. 36444 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE' "chicks-every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. t PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES 5c lb., Logan 3c, U Pick. Bring containers. Plenty berries, fine quality, C. M. Steveley, Rt. 9, Box 300, Salem. 8 ml. south on Rosedale Buena Vista road. Phone 49F11. If 155 PINK. LTRtil: RASPBERRIES, 10c lb, U pick. L. D. Egbert. Silverton road 2 la miles beyond Fairgrounds. Look for sign 1(156 CHERRIES CHERRIEf Royal Anns, Bins St Lamb ts. Fine crop, good Picking. 2c lb. You pick. Bring your own containers. F. O. Muck ridge, Rt. 2, box 2, Salem. 1 mile E. oi Kelzer school. ffl56- CIIKKRIKS. U-Plck, 3VBc to. mile south. Rt. 4. Box 124. Ph. 31404. 11152 BINfiS, Royal Ann Cherries, black caps, and currants. You pick. 3 ml. from Lib erty on Skyline rd. Rt. 3, box 781. Ph. 2-7146. If 153 PIES and Royal Ann cherries 5c U pick 1 mi. on Wallace rd. P. E. Castle, rt. 1. box 240. ff 152 IMPROVED MONTMORENCY pie Cher ries, you pick. Out 99E to Havesvllle. Lunch, turn right, 4th house on right. John Versteeg. 11153 RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard's Fruit Stand. V mi. n. Keizer scnooi. pn. 24262. ttl7l t ASPBERH1ES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2. Box 390. north Chemawa. Ph. 2-1386. ff 169 FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered for $2 Cherry. Ph. 21532. f f 153 KALE & late cabbage plants now ready. Any quantity. Puritan Cider Works. Ph. 3-5426. 11157 STRAWBERRIES -U-Plck ;00 Bring con tamers. Out Silverton Rd Hi ml. to Middle Grove School Turn right mi Herr St Rlensche ft RASPBERRIES, U-Pick. 10c lb. Bring containers. Rt. 4, Box 1010. 11153 UO. LVSCIOI'S Raspberries delivered an'vl where in Salem, 11.90 a crate. Ph. 23935. 11157 IMPROVE!! Willamette raspberries. Ph 2-4371. 3745 Brook street. 11153 RASPBERRIES V PICK 10c. Rt. 2. Box 442. 4 mi. W. of 99E on Chemawa cutoff road. ff 133 IIEKR1ES. Royal Anne St pie cherries. 5c lb U pivk. J. C. Savage at Wa conda. Ph. 3-1344. 11153 OV PICK CIIIRKIKS 3c lb. Royal Anns and pie cherries. J. c. O'Reilly, Rt. 4, Box 692 Near Pringle school aouth. 11153 HELP WANTED CHERRIES, you pick. 3c lb. Swart orchard. Bring containers. Oak Hilt ave. between 8, 12th St E. Start Mon. 1:30 a.m. 1U I REAL ESTATE REALTY CO. Ph. 33255; Eve. 31778 cl52 HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY harvest t not over. Pick ers needed. 5c lb. Stanley Sneed, Rt. 2, Box 450. '4 mile west of Portland high way on Chemawa cutofl road. On Keizer Chemawa bus line. k!52 WANTED Cherry pickers: 5 mi. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 20. Phone 17F12. James Best, Rt. 8, Box 622. gl56 HELP WANTED MALE CANADA DRY has opening for Ad vance Route Salesman, 25 to 30, to sell, advertise and merchandise Beverages In Salem and surrounding territory. Must own late model car. Salary, commission, ear allowances. Do not phone, apply by letter giv ing complete background to P.O. Box 5078, Rose City Station. Port land 13. gal56 WANTED, steady man at Pippin's Mill at Independence. gal52 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: WOMAN with nice personality the University Bowl. Salary and com mission. Apply In person. gbl52 LUZIERS COSMETICS: Dlsrtibutor want ed. If Interested In earning over 150 per week Ph. 36327 8 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. gbl54 WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N. Liberty. Call mornings. Kb 157 CAR HOP wanted. Apply in person. Whites Drive-in. 1138 S. Com'l. gbl54 GOOD OPPORTUNITY for exp. beauty op erator. OKden Beauty Salon. 251 N. Liber ty. . gbl54 BIG MONEY FOR YOU IN SELLING CHRISTMAS CARDS For extra cash show Christmas Cards, 50 for SI WITH NAME. Sell on sight! Up to 100 profit on 21-Card 11 "Lead er" Assortment, PLASTICS, others for Christmas, Everyday. Personal Floral Notes, Napkins. "Leader" on approval, FREE Imprint samples. STYLART, 1310 Santee, Dept. 25, Los Angeles 55, Calif. ebl52 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488. STERLING INSURANCE company wants representatives to write lifetime benefit accident and health, blanket doctor bill insurance, and life. Good future lor right men, or women. Foi appointment phone Salem: 3-4664 or 3-7293. ggl53 WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER. A-l. last. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 4 BOYS around age ol 4 cared for In our 2 yr. old home at end of dead-end street. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Will call for St deliver within reason. Ph. 20157 Eve. hl52 PRACTICAL NURSING or housekeeping in small family, References. Write Box 425. Capital Journal. hl52 LANDSCAPING Pruning. Rototilllng. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hI75 CHILD CARE or baby sitter, your home or mine. Any time. Ph. 2-1945. hl52 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h!75 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hl75 CKMENT WORK wantefi. Ph. 2-4850. h' CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hl71 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hl70 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonizing. Ph. 3-7552. hl66 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 hl6G CEMENT CONTRACTING. Best linish work in town, by Journeyman. All work guaranteed. Call Frank, 38110. hI52 IRONING, my home, 75c hr. Ph. 2-6897. hl52 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 atter 5. hl74 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 2-4389 Free estimates hl61 CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 2-2093 hl61 t.AWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting in new ones. Ph 2-2608. 1)158 WE BUILD St repair houses. Call morn ing or eve. Ph. 2-0341. hl54 GRADER WORK by the hr or Job Streets, roads, subdivision Ph 29315 or 23897 eve. hl58' POK'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lowei prices. 665 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hl55 TLLE PHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl52 FOR RENT ROOMS HOLLYWOOD rms, 2035 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. Fl'RN. SLEEPING rm. or light housekeep ing rm. on lirst floor. Prlv. ent. Ph. 3-3769. JkI52 NICE FIRST FLR. sleeping rm. H&C water. 461 N. High. Jkl56 SLEEPING ROOM lor men. 1057 Highland ave. Ph. 3-7336. jkl53 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fl'RN. 2 rm. apt. 1 rm. apt. Sleeping rm. 160 union, rn. 29B4&. jpisa' jPACIOTS APT. In beautiful court. Un furnished except for refng. and ranse Automatic laundry. Call at 907 S. 13th after 10 a.m. Jpl56 3 RM. unfurn. apt. Shower, elec. heat. 1351 McCoy. 145. Inquire 1341 McCoy or write II. C. Edwards, Gates, Ore. Jpl53 3 RM. furn. apt., upstairs, with bath and outside entrance. To a middle axed couple. No drinking, pets or children. 455 South 18th. JP15B CLOSE IN 3 rm. Private bath. Employed people. 658 Center. Jpl54 (VBIN FOR RE NTFor bachelor or worfc lng couple- $15 per month. 594 N. 12th. J PI 53 BV SINESS GIRL to share apt. 658 Center. JP154 RM. Fl'RN, APT. $6.50 per wk. Elderly gentleman preferred. Ph. 3-5376. Jpl54 ALL MODERN apt. Nicely turn. Cool at tractive Se close in, lor 1 or 3. 468 N. Winter. Jpl53 FI RNISHED APT. 3 rooms Sz bath. Apply Hollywood theatre. Jpl53 till STATE ST. Vacancy July 1. Ph. 3-9670 JP153 MODERN FI LLY equipped 3 rm. turn apt. for single gentleman. Capital Jour nal Box 411, JP1J4 FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. S bdrm. house. Modern. Rlckreall. Ore. Inquire e.t Standard Station. Jml62 LOVELY 6 rm. unfurn. modern home. Close to Salem. Academy on Dallas Rd. Phone 3-1181. Jml53 4 RM. partly furnished cottage. $35 per month. Pl.one 2-5557. Jml52 LARGfc. new unfurn. 2 B.D. duplex. Con venient location. Ph. 2-1725. Jml53 NEW 2 bdrm. nicely furn. duplex. 1 block from bus. Walking dist. to atata house. Phone 2-1725. Jml53" BR. hse., view. 155 per mo. Phone 2-0279. Jml53 3 RM. furn. house. All electric. 412 Ev ergreen ave. JmlB2 WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES H.W. floors, furnace, garage, large lot, paved St.. city water, sewer, bu. LOW AS 1200 DOWN L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate 480 N. Cnurctl. Ph. 3-7642. EVC, 2-0120. Jml54 FURN. COTTAGE. 3315 Portland Rd. Jml71 UNFURN, t rm. house to employed couple. Garage. Ph. 39046. Jml54 1 BDRM. HOUSE. Hdwd. fir. No peU or children. Capital Journal. Box 416. Jml54 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery A pickup of machine. 16.00 per mo. Ph. 33612. J108 OFFICE spaces and desk space. Ph. 25692. 1 GROUND FLOOB room, suitable for of fice or stores. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 J V DRIVE trucks car Ph 2-9103 POWER TOOL rental for borne Se In dust rial use Howser Bros Ph 8-3646 I TRAILERS. $2.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 8. 12th. West Salem J BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Etiff. GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff. FLOOR SANDEB for rent Montgomery Ward. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er. We xel) everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS. Ph. 8-3646. 1 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE transferred by firm needs 3 rm. unfurn. apt. or small house. Up to $50. Phone 2-3933. Jal53 ELDERLY LADY wants to rent 5 rm. furn. house for board and room and small rent. Ph. 3947G. jal52 WANTED BY governor's new executive secretary: Two or three bedroom house to lease. Southslde location preferred. Might consider Portland-Salem home swap. Tom Lawson McCall. 2304 S.W. Mitchell, Portland. Tel. BR 5714. Jal64 WANTED SMALL apartment near tele phone office for working girl. Ph. 37028. Jal53 Local business man wishes to lease lor one year or longer & rm. mod. unfurn. home. Must be side ol city. Adult. Might consider option to buy during lease II de sirable. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-6213. ROOM AND BOARD GOOD BOARD St Room In widow's home. 492 N. Summer. JJ152 BOARD St ROOM. 495 N. Cottage. JJ164' LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lady's Harvel wrist watch, down town shopping dist. Reward. Ph, 39842. kl52 LOST! In the vicinity ol Clear Lake or Mission Bottom roads, 1 lady's gold Grant wrist watch, Finder Ph. 3-6644 or 2-2756. Reward. kl53 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. ml56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State Si Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer re presen table. Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on ai' make of ma chines. Pre estimate given before wevk Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of color Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREGON ma FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform St Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace Se ma sonry materials. PUMILITE - West Sa lem. mal51 ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft width ld the following lengths: 6 $1.74 8' 2.32 10' 2.90 12- . 3.48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD St CO SALEM. OREGON HARDWOOD flooring, all grades, from $95 thousand up. Keith Brown, Front St Court bts.. Salem. ma SPECIAL: Cedar siding, i"x8". Random length. C-rade, $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front Se Court, Sn., Salem. ma NEW WINDOWS and frames, hundreds of sash. New first quality doors, $6.50: screen doors $6.50 up. i In. firtex 5c ft. Used window screens, your choice 25c. Oak flooring and all thicknesses of plywood. Used toilets and lavatories. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 ml. N. of Keizer. mal55 WILL GIVE LUMBER, large quantity cor rugated metal, etc.. Free to party clear ing premises complete. Location Is Capitol and Hood. Ph. 2-7745. W. P. Hlghley. mal53 CEDAR SHAKES $12.80 per sq. Combina tion screen stormdoors $10. New doors 3 & 5 panels $5.75. Mahogany front doors, oargaln. Hard waterproof wall board 7,tc It. C. G. Long. Rt. 2, box 31. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north ol Kei zer. mal56 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 2 $5 cedar wall shakes and undercourse, $12.80 painted No. 1 unpalnted 19.00. No 2 $6.50 Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 ma STEEL and Aluminum window frames. Casements, double hung Se commercial types. PUMILITE. West Salem. mal52 CHIMNEY BLOCKS St foundation blocks. "UMILTTE. West Salem. mal53 ROCKLATH, plaster and stucco material. Complete line. Quality material. PUMILITE. West Salem. ma 152 Schwab Timber Co. Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-8611 Finish at WHOLESALE Price BArBTR c d 1x4 $165 1162 1125 1x6 $169 1166 1125 1x8 $173 1158 1130 PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND mal56 LVMA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call Dist 3-6401 mal56 NEW SHIPMENT piast board S" 64c; V fle rq ft Rock lathe 45 iq. ft $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 9LEM To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them In bloom. 180 varle- tie.. Mrs, r. E. war.. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CONN TROMBONE. Elec. raaor. Reming ton 3. Tweea suit sue jo. bpwi Slacks. Ph. 36256. nl52 DOG HOUSE: Well built, solid, big- enough for email xiaaiea 10 ub iy house. $10. Two 30-gal. galvanized wa iant. Mnif () lent oorch flower ' boxes. 81 each. 955 Garnet St. n!5 SHETLAND CART, rubber tire, very nice. wooaourn "'" TROPICAL WEAVE man's summer suit, size 39 short. Phone 33751. nl52 RUBBER TIRES lawn mower, food buy. Phone 33751. GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel St drag-ims excavating, yiauw INO SAND St O RAVEL CO. Ph. 3-9249. USED WINDOW, frame, ash St weights. 2ft. 10" x 4 ft. 6". Also door narawara Se jams, 2 It. 6" X 6 ft. 8". h. 3-4687. nlS3" LARGE refrlg.. Ideal for tor or res taurant. Inquire after 6 p.m. Hose Cottage, 2 mile north of Brook on 99 E. nt66 GIRL'S bicycle for alt. 6ooi Condition. Call 2.6429 after 5. ni&2" A GOOD kitchen sink with new faucet from remodeling job. Reaaonabls. Ph. 3-3206. nl62 USED washing machine. Excellent con- dition. Phone 2-5520. nl53" SALEM 8 AND St O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Ss Basement Equipment Rental 15 B H yds. 12.00 ptt hr. 10 B yds. 9.60 per br. D-7 Oat St Dozer 10.50 per hr. D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per br, D-4 Oat St Dozei 7.00 per hr. Phone Days 3-9408 Eve. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon n USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nl68 FENCE POSTS, poles, all type. Shingle, fertilizer ss llatrocK. pniiups Bros., Rt. 8, Box 118. Ph. 68F22. n FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 88357. D15B STEEL clothesline posts, $11 Se up. Rail ing in stock, copper lantern St vane at reduced prices. 1145 N Liberty. 0153 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson ana uontag Appliance at uevurti. GAS DRIVEN 200 amp. welder Se large air compressor. 1365 N. 4th. nl52 BEAUTIFUL NEW wood range with reser voir. Large oven and fire box. $169.50 regularly. For clearance $99.88. Slightly used washer, sold new for $149.50; spec all $89.88. Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO., 137 So. Com'l nl54 PILLOW ARM DAVENO. Rich wine Vel- our. Reg. 1119.50, special 199.88. Guaran teed construction. Green Stamp. SALEM HOME FURN. CO., 137 S. Com'l. nl54 CORNER WHAT NOT shell or pier cabinet a sneives 4B" tail, $4.88. Durham card table. Double braced steel frame Se legs. Very aturdy $4.95. Green stamp. SALEM HOME FURN. CO., 137 N. Com'l. nl54 194K P1I1LCO 8 ft. relrig. Excellent condi tion. $210. Ph. 2-9865 after 6:30 p.m. nl54 '4 CU. FT. CHEST freezer. New $330.00. Ph 3-4284. o NEED A cheap battery? Six months guar. reDunu, urp. l size, 15.95 exchange. Retread Tire Service, 320 So, Lancaster. nl72 WALLING SAND St GRAVEL OO. CRUSnED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. 14 -yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-9249. n ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 80 Lana ave. nl52 SPANISH (pref. electric) Guitar. Oood mane. 695 a. 25th. Ph. 3-8200. nl54 JOHNSON J-80 outboard motor. A-l con dition. 364 S. 24th St. n!55 FOLDING LAWN Chairs. 364 8. 24th St. nl55 PEAT MOSS: Full bales, $3.95. ft. W. jrouury, iaua n. rronc. M10" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries. Market price In casn. i;ontacc jory racKing co. at Ter minal Ice, 249 D 6t. Phone 3-4590. na WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 90c. Retread Tire service, 320 So. Lancaster. nal72 WANTED furniture to glue St repair. Lc roa. rurn ttennisning co pb,. a-7001. USED FURNITUKK. Phone 3-9183. PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Product. 538 Cross St. m. 3-D446. plfl6 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 724. 1-5234. P185 AUTOMOBILES 37 PONTIAC edan. Original owner. Ex cellent cond. Mechanically nearly as good as new. Priced to sell. See it, drive it. 130 W. Owens. Ph. 34320. ql54 '41 HYDRAMATIC OLDS, 2 door, excel lent condition. Good paint. $900 cash. 441 8. High St. ql54 1947 PONTIAC 8 Streamliner 2 door sedan. excellent condition, low mileage. Must sell this week. Ph. 36849. ql52 '48 CHEV, 4 Dr. Fleetllner. Like new. Low ueage. Cheap. 1887 N. Winter. q!52 1947 CHEVROLET Convertible. Low mile age. Excellent condition. Original own er. $1595. 606 S. Church. Phone 3-7370 for appt. qi52 $200 or best older car takes equity in '47 razer, R&H. overdrive. Ph. 26186 after p.m. oi 2880 Peck Ave. ql5ft 35 DODGE. Body fair, motor excel., 1195. rn. 4Wiv. qi52 CONVERTARLE 1949 Ford. Radio and neater, with cooling equip., undercoat, spotlight, back-up lights, wheel shields and other equip. Immaculate cond. 1364 S. 12th. qlB5 '47 FORD 4-dr. super deluxe sedan. Radio, hfter, eat covers, spot light, wndshield washers. In perfect cond. 195 down. iio nne at., silverton. ql52 HVj:; PLY. Coupe or 1934 Chev. Sed. Both .I. iuuu uuuu. win eu cneap or trade. Phone 2-6367 seven days a wk. ql52 I EQUITY in '41 Pontine 8 Torpedo custom " wupc. t-ricea io sen. Kt. 2. Box 4BR. Chemawa Rd. ql55 37 CHEV. Good motor St paint. Call Dallas 2967 day Bnd Monmouth 2143 eves. 0i5a '85 FORD Panel. New tires, engine fair. $185. call at Browne's Fountain Lunch, niurt. wapuai. fn. 3-9344. ql53 MODEL A Touring. Oood shape. 2372 oi- anytime peiore 7 p.m. ql57 Eisner Motors to Buy BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2312 Completely Equipped Delivered at the Factory Save from S272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center '42 G.M.C. 6x6. Equipped with Baugh man lime spreader. Ph. 2-0594. ql61 Eisner Motors to Sell 1919 FORD CONVERTIBLE 8 complete!? equipped. 5500 miles COST 12600 Bet offer over 12000 takes. Call 20476. qiS7 '49 Futuramic Oldsmobile Rocket engine. All extras. Low mileage. Private owner. Priced for quick aale. gBrul J-QJJU or 3-6744. q 1 52 '37 FORD 85, fair condition, 1200. 575 E arowning Ave. .... FO,E.f.L?tR TRADK " ForI- RH. Pa7 3-4389. 1245. olMv (Continued on Page 17)