li Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 27, 1949 !LET ME UNFOLD THAT THATS RIGHT MR. ROPER VOU SEETHE ODDS ARE NOW THAT IF AN UNEMDLOVFD EXPERT APPEARED IN RADIO PROGRAMS PROPOSITION AND LOOK IU OltH INTO IHt 4 THE MOB WILL STOP PUSHING THFSF THE LINCOLN CITY UNDERWORLD, HE MIS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN AT IT, MR.BAUGHMAN-- SHOES OF THE COUNTER "100 BILLS THEY'LL PHOTOrENGRAE Bt OI-FtHbD A JOB tSftUALLY IP Mt YOU'RE ASKING ME TO FEIT GANGS PHOTOGRAPHER A NEW SET Or PLATES- WAS FRESH OUT OF PRISON TAKE AuSPECIAL WHO WAS FOUND IN A PROBABI Y OF A (ASblGNMtlNr IN ROADSIDE DITCH LAST WEEK SMALLER LINCOLN CITY? FULL Or LEAD DENOMINATION- M SMALL-ER - S & DENOMINATION- Ife mD f-S.i kvi i mixrrwr i - , air, -m-iw . i i w : (Chanter 17) ' Jett took the badge from Jeb King's hands and pinned it over the pocket ol his shirt. It was Monday morning and they were in Jeb's office at the bank. Jeb said, "You know your duties preserve law and order in cou gar. You'll lind some unfinished business like the murder of bam Tolson and John Stover. Jeff Rot up. "I guess I don't have to tell you that I'm obliged to you for the job." "By the way, there's one chore that I didn't mention." Jeb went to the door, looked outside, then closed it and returned to his desk. "Every so often we have to ship, gom. some time next ween were due to ship and I might as well tell you somethin about it. "You'll have charge of the move ment. If anything happens between Here ana tne express omce at uris coe. it's your loss; once you turn the shipment over to the express (Went, it's up to wells rareo. ' "I see. Between here and Bris coe I'm responsible." , "Not you alone all of us. But there isn't much to be afraid of. Ve use a light freighter with a cancas cover. Two horses. The gold is in a specie box, and in tne wagon witn it are two armea guards, with another one on the seat with the driver. You range around on horseback, scoutin' before and behind, and eKaminin' any thing that looks like it might hold an ambush. With that kind of set up it would take an army to get it away Irom you. ill teu you more about it when were ready to ship. Jeff went to the general store and drew Hank Wolfanger to one aide. "Hank, have you any kind of pois on in stock ' "Poison?" "Yes. Arsenic, for instance. "Gosh, no." r Jeff went outside and stood there, thinking. A horseman swept into the street at tne lar end ol town. It was Chuck Gale. He sawJeff and rode to the edge of the side walk, and when he Jerked his head jell went down tne steps ana cross d to him. , "Just heard about your Here lords." said Gale. "Touch luck." ' "It's going to be tougher luck for the gent that poisoned them when I run him down." ' "Know what kind of poison It JrasV" . "Arsenic" ', "Try the drug store at Briscoe." Chuck nodded shortly and started away: then he reined about ana rode back to where Jeff was standing. "Here's a hunch, Tyler. Don't go lookin' so far in the dis tance that you miss what's right under yore nose." ( "Meaning what?" ( "Think it over." 1 ' Jeff gazed after him, frowning. The fellow couldn't possibly mean J Why, It was ridiculous; as ab surd to believe that Glenn would poison his cattle as that he would help Slug escape or shoot Sam Tolson. Jeff dismissed the thing with an impatient gesture and started for the alley behind Glenn's place. 1 He walked down the alley to the place when! John Stover had been Shot. There were the prints of many boots where men had milled about tlie body, but if those of the murderer were among them he had no way of distinguishing them. He walked to the buildings and cir cled them with his gaze on the ground. Finally he came to a cor ner where a hoofprlnt showed and, following, found several more. Jeff followed the tracks until he came to a soft patch of earth where they were quite distinct. There he squatted on his heels and examined them closely. At once he saw something which would Iden tify the horse without a doubt unless the animal had been re shod. On the left hind hoof was 4 shoe with an end calk broken dff. He noted the print carefully and got to his feet. Here was a real olue to the killer's identity; all he had to do was find the horse that wore the broken shoe. Crossing the street to Mike's place, he stood at the hitching rack in ap parent idleness; but his gaze was on the ground near the feet of Chuck Gale's horse. The animal finally hlfted Its position and he had a good look at the left hind print. It was perfect; it was' not Chuck's horse which had made those tracks. Unless, of course, Chuck had replaced the broken shoe. He walked to the Town Hall and was about to ascend the steps when he heard a cheery hall and turned to see Connie in the ranch buckboard. He went to meet her and took the hand she extended. congratulations. Mr. Marshal He grinned and rubbed the badge with his sleeve. She laughed: "I had to come to town for some groceries and was hoping I'd see you. Jeff, I think It's grand you getting this Job. I want to see you get ahead." "I reckon 111 lust plod along on my hundred - and - twenty a month. If I buy one cow every pay day I'll have a pretty good herd by the time I'm a hundred." She looked away for a moment ana ne saw ner lips tremo e: then sne looKea airectly into his eyes. jeu, nave you ever ever quar reled with Glenn?" Glenn? Good gosh. no. What ever made you ask that?" I don't know. I Just wondered. . Well. I must run alone. Come out to the Crown when you can; we'll all be anxious to know how you're making out. "Bye!" (To Be Continued) Aurora Plans Picnic Aurora A committee was chosen during last week to for mulate plans fo ra community picnic. The date will be an nounced later. Chester Smith is chairman of the committee, with Arthur Mills, A. J. Zimmerman, Elmer Jeskey and Lou Gienau assisting. 2975 II I h sizes C y 7 ' The Timeless Casual Smartest the new shirtwaist styles . . . with neat rever neckline and natty pockets, plus the cool comfort or cap sleeves. Easy to make with sad dle stitching accents No. 2075 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 18, I, 20. 36, 38. 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 18. 4 yds. 35-ln. Send 25o for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Cottons again strike a hlsrh fash ion note. Thev are inexpensive to make, easy to handle. Send now for the SUMMER FASHION BOOK which Includes in its 150 pattern suggestions for cotton fashions for every age and occasion. Price Just 20 cents. Address Capital Journal 552 Mission St.. San Francisco 5. Calif. m0i SO SWEET AND PRETTY Anv little girl will look prettier in this pun-sieeven, yoke dress and match ing bonnet. Embroider the pretty posies on an organdy dress for partv time and cool tubbable cotton for everyaay. Pattern Envelope No. R3834 con tains tissue pattern for dress and hnnnnt. 7J. 9 ? and A .. l eluded, material requirements and sewing Instructions; hot-iron trans fer lor embroidery, stitch illustra tions ani coior cnart. To obtain the pattern send 20c in i;oinh giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberta. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street, San Fran Cisco 3. Calif. I Hi hi 111 Til 1 I I I O-tTd I i ' . , .' " I r "t-.. " ' i ' Of m. t .. 1,,J,m. It. i.n 0 El"" ' l lslfwiMdL!S!lVslT" r YEAH? HOW? BY MAkVELLWT BjBtJTUOcloHESTHSY ffiV p TH PAPERS! MORE HEADLINES' Y BUT POBUOTY ME A CLAY PIGEON FOR ( PRICE ONE PAYS M STORIES-AND THE GEE! I B PICTURES-BK3 STORIES'- I tJBLPA REALLY EVERY SVWPSH30TER. N t FOR PROMINENCE B HXTORIAL-THEY ARE I HADN'T P DIONT nmr TO TELL ANYBODY GOOO THNq, TH COUNTRY WHO'D RATHER AND WEALTH- ffi ALL FO& YOtL ANNIEr I NCmCEO JF V ' js OL' BONES AIN'T "Sill f HMM.LEATRICE BAREFACTsYoiD VOUT YES, MISS LiEL- OTHER GLV ACHED TH1SAWAY SINCE Jlr SET. "LOSE YOURSELF IN CAUMBPILFACE,:U p. MAKES A a STARTED COUKTIN' cfllf YOUR WORK IF YOU WANT TO lfTATfi TTJT ' BLAST THAT DOG OF 1 ill S.O 4A rr DOMT ) BUTT HE MOST BE. MAKIN' 'Y'Z STOPYOO?2 MIME..'?' IF ONLY HE'D S Q BOTHER SOME. SILLY MISTAKE.. AH ' , -T TOOUf THATS STOP LOOKING UP AT , Syv HElL V MEr-rr'S IS A YOUNG, STRONG, . g 6(iftff NOT WATER.'.' L YOU -AND HOWLING.T ) VS. Zy,SCi-. I MERELY A . HEALTHY LAD-W A f A Q Vm' ' 1 - , ' ' i JS DS.ATH LOMG, BRIGHT FUTURE JiK "lb. -4,TMAT 5""" ONCE THERE WERE THREE LITTLE CATS ONE WAS NAMED 'FOOT THE OTHER WAS'FoOT-FOOT' ANB THE LAST ONE WAS " FOOT- FOOT-FOOT.' " CONEDAY FOOt'goT THE DOCTOR )l - SICK SO 'FOOT-FOOT 17 SAID 'FOOT " 1AND 'FOOT FOOT-FOOT 3 WAS GONNA J CALLED THE DOCTOR l PIE AND ( ''AND THEN W cn TUP 'FOOT- FOOT" V. Tine Tril T GOTSICKSO .F0OT-R3OTFOOT FOOT-FOOT FOOT THAT FOOT CALLED THE FOOT" WAS rw i " Js ' . 'FOOT "r : 1 i a SO FOOT-FOOT-FOOT SES, rnkJV f aw that tvi urC FnTfT IN TH d Mm X O) t FOOT-FOOT-FOOT, ) ' '. CT'Cf IF YA KNOW " L ' MONDAY P.M. KSLM SS KGW S, K0C0 Z K0!M o'.': cirmtn CTUer H. V. KaHeobora Sport rm Edward Mirt m -M Ted Dk MBileI 8lre CndleUht Kno Mnnl ffM Adr. of Ch.mpion of New. Cbel HuolUy J-M Corly Br.dJey riretlont Troplcana w'w 7: Gabriel He.ttcr T.lephont Ho.r P.t O'Brien ""'f :1ft Norlbwet Newi T.ltpbono Hor Bndilnd Bad Tboalro ;5t Mn.le Dr. 1. Q. Dn.oiit Dopo Bad o Th r. ifl Miiile Dr. L Q. Baaeball Kadlo Theatra 8:H American Foram Contented Hoar BuebaU My Friend Iraia ft American Foram Contented Hoar Baseball My Friend Iraaa M Clico Kid Badla City BaiebaU Bob Hawk Show :M CUco Kid Playhoan Baseball Bob Hawk Show idO Let Georce Do' It Sapper CUb Baseball Lowell Thomas :1ft Lei Georn Do It News f World Baseball '"k Smith Show :S0 Murder by Expert Cavalcade Baseball Talent SeoaU lift Mnrder by Expert CaTalcado Baseball Talent Scoata 1A:00 News News News FWo Star Final fyift Select Local New. Sport. Pago Final Track 1490 Sano turn lQn:30 News Orchestra Track HM Inr Sanctum Wits Moiie Orchestra Track 14W Lets Dance njOO Fulton Lewis, Jr. Rx Track H90 Serenade 16 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track MOO You and World :S0 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra :t Thla Day ' Wax Museum Track MHO News jgiOO Slrn Off lrn Off Sign Off " TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6100 News Hodio Podre News iu Dawn Patrol Hodgo Podaa KOIN Kloek SO NW Farm News New. KOCO Klock KOIN Klock ji6 March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tei Bitter KOIN Klock :1ft Dawn Patrol Farm Time New. Sports News iM Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top o Morning New. Uft News News News Fred Beck C:0O News Fred Waring Western Melodies Consumer News 1B Breakfast Gang Fred Waring Western Melodies Art Baker :ao Breakfast Gang Elders of Sag Starg Sing Bobert Lewis :4ft Top trades Sam Hayes Church in Wild Bobert Lewla 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cup Haven of Beit ; -lura Story :1ft Victor Undlahr Second Cap Haven of Beit Ne t :3fl Son. el Pioneers Jack Berch Alasle Witbonl Gra id Slam :45 Musle few. Words Rosemary AiOO Northa-eat News Tommy Doner Coffee Cup Wendy Warren 1 li :1ft Kalr S.vlth Tommy Doney N W- Rcort Aunt Jenny IP 1:80 Pastor's Call Tommy Doner Rhapsody Rhythm Helen Trent 1 t4ft Charlie Splvak Tommy Dorsey Rhapsody Rhythm Our Gal Honday BBjiOO News Lopes Orch. GUm w" Slater .16 Three Sons Lopes Orch. Glass Wax Ma Perkins f :H0 Wile. OrganaL Today's Children GU" wx Ur- Malone " :ft Walts Serenade Brighter Day Glass Wax Uuidlng Llght x :M Top Trade. Double or Nothing HoI'ywood Mu.lo Duncan MoLeod 1.1ft News Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Come A Get U 110 Queen far a Day New. Nm Norah Drake J :1ft Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Makes Sou Tick 1:00 Ladle. First Life Beautiful Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton ,1ft Ladles First Ma Perkins Mac's Melodic. Perry Mason :80 Northwest New Pepper l'oung Mac's Melodies Pat O'Brien Show Bob Ebcrly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo r, (00 Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mac'. Melodlea Newspaper of Air f tin Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air t80 Organ Reveries Loren.o Jones Mao'. Melodlea Winner Take All :4ft Blng Sing. Wldder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Youra a :00 Against the Storm A Girl Marries " Mac. Melodlea New. V!:lft ainst the Storm Portia Faces Life "e'1 Melodlea Meet the Mlssag J:80 Music Juit Plain BUI M Melodies Meet the Missaa :4ft Mualc Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Say It With Musle Road of Life Women's Pag Arthur Godfrey .Id Say It With Music Lora Lawtoa Philojopher Arthur Godfrey :30 Songs of Time Aunt Mary Spotlight Musle Arthur Godfrer I :40 New. We Love Learn Spotlight Musle Arthur Godfrey lCy Monday P.M. 5:00, Squirrel INt Caget 5:30, Johnny Lujacki 6:00, Keeping Up With Sports; 0:16, Home Edition 8:30, Challenge of Yukon 7:00, Edwin C. Hill j 7:1. Elmer Davisi 7:10, Mr. President' 8:00, Lone Ranger 1:30, Dream Girl; 6:45, Arthur Gaetbt 0:00, Railroad Houri 8:30, Ella Mae Morset 0:45, Henry J. Taylori 10:00, Richfield Report erf 10:15, Intermezxoi 10:30, Concert Hourt 11:30, Memo to Tomorrow! 12:00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. ICV Tuesday A.M to 4:45 P.M. 6:00, lt. Early Blrdt 7:00, McCall Newsi 7:10, Bob Johnsom 7:30, Bob Haien Showi 7:40, Time Tempos; 8:00, Myrt and Marge: 8:15, Martin Agromkyi 8:30, Zeke Manners! 8:45, Easy Acesi 0:00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, The News 10:15, Stars of Today i 10:80, Kay Kysen 11:00, Ted Malonei 11:15, Galen Drake i 11:30, My True Story 12:00, Betty Crocker 12:15, The New.t 12:30, Baukhage Talking 12:45, Club 1 ft A P Monday P.M. 0:00, On tha IX'Wr'W Upbeat l 6:50, 650 Sports Club) 6:00, Newst 0:1-5, Dinner Melodlea 0:80, Dinner Melodies 6:30, Musle of Checho slovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Houri 8:00. The Beaver Talei 8:15, Great Songst 8:45, The News; 9:00, Musle That Endnresi 9:45, Evenlnr Meditations) 10:00, High lights of the Week's New.t 10:16, Sere nade: 10:45, The News) 11:00, Sign Off. (Listed as Standard Time) lAAT Tueesa a m, M 4:45 P Jr io. Kew.i 10:15, For Worn ta ll :00, Concert Halli 12:00, Newst 12:15. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy; lift, Variety Timet 1:30, Melody Lanet 2:00, Cavalcade of Dramat 2:15, Memory Book of Musict 3:00, Tha News. Timet 1:00, North westerners; ItSO, Kay West) 2:00, Breakfast In Hollywood 1:80, Ladle. Be Seated) 3:00, Surprise Paokagei 8:30, Bride and Groom i 4:00, Weleoma Traveler.! 4:30, Art Link letter. Summer School Ends Grand Island Lavonna Finnl cum, Marcena Dale Fowler, Myrtle Smith, Harry Culp, Jim my Mandigo, Leroy Rockhill arid Eugene Tompkins have returned from 10 days 4-H summer school at Corvallis. THAT MAN MARW.E 6 ABOUT" PUE. I VVONPEf? WHY TEX WANTS ME TO STALL HIM OFF. I REALLY NEEI? THE MONEY ANP THIS IS My CHANG TO SELL. IP HATE TO LOSE IT. LT m0& iBjEEPERS 1 HOPE SO1 1 60LLV 1 PONT WM yTMAr ISN'T 60IN6 TO I fyanjt' I'' V "II llC-r A ktlVII ITP HlTTVT Thiviu 1 111-TV-, t-i wss I ruinLi T, If y 1 inw nvy-n-n J lir-i Ir-f-t S r-f rt A"iS I I lic1 Tuc ATI icrt ul s-er I 4 I 11 I fa -u nne r-r I to tuc 0AVI-1I At ' '''' ' .r TH Art WHAT I 5AI0. BEbI ! ITS MY HEA0. .ET M It , U yOUR5!PECIAl EXTRA PRIZE IN I 'Rouiao UKE a AK THE ART CONTEST! . . DRIVE ME PINE CONE CAUGHT IN 1 WW,"- M , J? THE 0ff ICE in ir.AHwMHl,ffi!o(BrI5i Hjf, hurryback.sweet!--and tj REMEMBER- -WE AGREED NOT TO I LET DAD KNOW ABOUT U5 Till 50ME 0AV WHEN WE CATCH HIM IN A MEllOWMOOO! 51 1 ? BON.' I WEEl TRY.' BUT FOR ME TO ) HOLD A SECRET LOCKED UP HERE EES A LIKE KEEPING A 8EEG STRONG BEAR J V EEN A CAGE MADE OF STRAW ! ACR08S L Weep conrul alvely 4. Hastened 8. Score at brldga 12. Fuss 13. Winglike 14. Prong 15. Learning 17 American Indian 18. Leave undone 19. Place of nether darknesa 11. Release on honor 23. Bone 24. Harbor 25. Caution 28. Church gov erning bod j 29. Exists 31. Cereal 82. Plant with aroma tig seed 83. Topnotcher 34. Pronoun 35. Musical Instru ments 88. Meat dish 37. Packs down 88. Portuguese measure of length 89. Economic agreement 41. Light helmet 45, Dismounted 46. City In Para guay 48. Transporta tion charge 49. Repetition 60. Restaurant 62. Noise 63. Equal 64. Watches closely 66. However TiAiBisnciivnsiLf w A A L fo N E I I AVE CARE eInWS M l 1. A I E 0 Al 5fjf TjA N E N T - k Elsye P G '' I p EggE R V E Tj trrafQ A IW bC!l WIA J V EC 333 - ALU VfsliRlEjv V 6 AAA ElAHllilp- 5 pERlTicQGUsEND Solution of Saturday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Period of re duced prices t. Smell 8. Caliber 4. Symbol for samarium ' I I3 HH4 s I4 K Ha I e Y 34 Hp5 B34 S3 1 1 Bri I t. Sign of addition 8. Devour 7. Genus of Hawaiian birds 8. Laid away 9. Bay at the north end of the Panama, Canal 10. tndlgo plant 11. Measure 16. Very black 20. American re public: abbr. 22. English river 24. Sacred songi 25. Twisted 26. Atllrmativa 27. Concerning 28. Church vest' ment 29. Solid water 30. Make needle work 32, Approach 33. By 36. Dealer In headgear 36. Being 37. Banal 38. Father 39. Pick flaws 40. Medicinal plant 41. Out of danger 42. Wife of a lord 43. Great lake 44. Encamp 47. Largest river In Scotland 61. Plural ending ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern II I CALLED ON A HUNNERX- fT A FUNNY THING lf i iM-MOi f TWCNNY MOUSES TUH J T-T W woiE I I SELL YR. GADGET FEB. & WASN'T BOUGHT ?) TO FIND CORING PINEAPPLES, FER USE IN CA p OOO t BUT I ONLY AAADE J? kfTCHEN --DA BUYER? WHO V ONE SALE. f l AAAN I SOLD rr TO CCE t-s I WAS VAEEDiN' MIS PINEAPPLES V LAWN, AN' SAID If DK3 UP I V HE'D USE IT FER DANDELIONS i