,12 Capital Journal, Salem, - if" le S gu a -l fo i 3 ty O I (-.-,' - .;-,,. ,-. ' i'vM'rk I Bi fc, r,.inTiMi-.. ..ni'i.xa .I V iiiT.ii-iimarnmii.iirii fur f ,ni f. TSli r ihii Ti ilfllifrt n tl- I In anrl OvPr ,ohn Montgomery of up aim UTCI AthIetic Clubi easiy clc Inches on his first try in the AAU championships at Fresno, iHouse Committee Approves Boost jln Duck Stamps Washington, June 27 (IP) A Isenate-passed bill boosting the price of the annual duck stamp from $1 to $2 was approved yes Jterday by a house fisheries and twildlife subcommittee. The bill also would permit (limited public hunting on fed Jeral waterfowl refuges. It spe cified that not more than 25 per cent of any refuge acquired from now on by the fish and wildlife service may be open at any one time to shooting. I The subcommitte also, okayed a bill providing that revenues from the 10 percent federal tax Jon fishing rods, creels, reels, artificial lures, baits and flies be given to states to aid in fish 'restoration and management projects. Riggs Takes Pro New Crown With Kramer Absent Forest Hills, N.Y., June 27 (IP) Robby Riggs is national pro fessional tennis champion again because he Is champion of a big, red-haired guy named Don ald Budge. The bandy-legged little re triever from Altadena, Calif., won the pro title yesterday, his third in the last four years, by turning back Budge, from Oak land, Calif., 9-7, 3-6, 6-3, 7-5. There was just one taint on Riggs' conquest. It was achiev ed with the fellow who is re garded as the king pin of pro fessional tennis Jack Kramer not around. State GolTtitle Goes to Webfoot Astoria, Ore., June 27 U.R Ron Clark, 20-year-old Univer sity of Oregon student from The Dalles, upset Defending Cham pion Lou Jennings of Portland 4 and 3 here Saturday to win the 1949 Oregon Golf associa tion championship. Mrs. Carol (Babe) Bowman, Riverside Golf club, Portland, captured the women's crown with a 3 and 1 victory over Mrs. Floyd Burgess, Astoria. Clark, however, lost the tour ney's medalist honors to Ted Wcstling, Portland, in an 18 hole playoff yesterday. Wes tling and Clark had tied for the honors at the start of the tour nament. Westling shot a 35-40 75 in the playoff to Clark's 37-3976. Hillsboro Tops Tigard Legions Hillsboro Hillsboro emerged winner, 1 to 0, over Tigard Sun day in a district American Le gion junior baseball contest that extended for 13 Innings. A walk, two stolen bases and a hit won for Hillsboro. Jim Peterson, al though charged with the loss, whiffed 20 batters. Tigard o 7 0 Hillsboro i 7 j Peterson and Stephenson; Nierman and Mclnnis. Garlnger on Board Brush College Elected to the three-year term at Brush Col lege school board at the annual election was R. F. Garlnger. with H. D. Bradrich as chairman and Mrs. Leo Nelson the other member. Garlnger succeeded Frank Rlvett on the board. KAY Typewriter Co. Agents Royal Typewriters Victor Adding macnines NEW LOHATInN 22.1 North Hlch H t f trrnu fivwn flpna. I tor Hotel) Ph. J-S095 Oregon, Monday, June 27, 1949 the Los Angeles clears 13 feet and 6 pole vault event of the senior Calif. (AP Wirepholo) Softie Program Slated Monday Randle Oil and OP & P clubs will open the week's City league Softball program at Leslie field Monday night at 8 o'clock. The second contest, at 9, brings to gether Rock Wool and Golden Pheasant. The Industrial loop game will pit Interstate against Post Of fice. Duck Track Star Wins Trip Abroad Fresno, Calif., June 27 P) George Rasmussen, Univesity of Oregon pole vaulter, will com pete in Euorpe next month wilh other United Slates stars in track meets with Europeans. Rasmussen was among the 54 men named for the trip Gen erally, they were those who fin ished first, second or third in various events at the Amateur Athletic Union's track and field meet here Saturday. Rasmussen tied for first place with Robert Richards of the Illinois Athletic club with a mark of 14 feet 4 Inches. Gonzales Ousted From London Net London, June 27 (IP) Geoff Brown of Australia upset Rich ard (Pancho) Gonzales of Los Angeles, the U. S. singles title holder, 2-6, 6-3,. 8-2, 6-1, in the Wimbledon tennis champion ships today. The victory moved Brown Into the quarter finals. As Gonzales stumbled, de fending champion Bob Falken burg of Beverly Hills, Calif., and Frankie Parker of Los An geles, former U. S. titleholder, moved into the quarter-finals with straight-set triumphs. Falkenburg turned bnck Hans Van Swol of The Netherlands, 7-5, 6-0, 6-4, while Parker oust ed George Worthington of Aus tralia, 8-2, 8-3, 6-1. Now! Toni Home Permanent TWICE as EASY TWICE as FAST NEW TONI REFILL KIT Ciiiaranlrrri to give you the most natural-looking wave rx New Photo Method Directions slictw how Tom wave?, many tyitti o( hair in s liltlt as 30 minute . Included In thi offer Totu I'reinr- limse. U make your Tom wavi even lovelier 1 Capital Drug Store State and Liberty Loar Retiring To Valley Farm Silverton Dr. P. A. Loar is announcing his retirement from 39 years of active practice as local physician and surgeon with Dr. W. E. Grodrian to be his successor. Aside from his vacation re fresher post graduate courses Dr. Loar has availed himself of numerous other interests, par ticularly "better roads" for Marion county and Silverton, special. He is much of a "gen tlcman farmer," managing 820 acres of woodland and cleared fields. His interest in Izaak Walton sports suggested the hobby of raising pure-bred Beagles for hunting, and the preservation of natural park areas for fishing and game production. He owns and operates several colonies of bees. Dr. and Mrs. Loard are both found of traveling and plan this pleasure along with other educative hopes. Dr. Loar practiced seven years in Pikeville, Ky , follow ing his graduation previous to coming to Silverton. He likes peonle and does not intend to curtail his active association with friends and their activities, locally. Husni Zayim Heads Syria Damascus, Syria, June 27 0P Col. Husni Zayim, who already has toughened Syria's attitude toward both Israel and Arab Trans-Jordan, is the new presi dent of his country. Syria's strong man was un opposed in Saturday's elections for the presidency. He was in augurated yesterday. He received 726,116 of the 730,116 votes cast by an elec torate of 816,321 in this Arab country of 3,400,000. Women do not have the vote. The soldier-president is field marshal of the army and commander-in-chief as well as pre sident. He came to power by overthrowing the government of President Al Saycd Shurkri AI Kuwatly in a coup last March 30. He accused the government of corruption, made himself in terim military rule and called tor the election. Jap War Prisoners Released by Reds Maizuru, Japan, June 27 (IP) Two thousand cheering Japan ese returned today after nearly four years as Russian war pris oners. They were the first to arrive since the Soviet suspend ed repatriation last winter. General MacArthur has been pressing Russia to resume the return of the Japanese. He said 408,000 were held. The Russians reported they had 95,000. Plane Crash Kills Fairbanks. Alaska. June 27 (U.R) Two men en route here from Washington, D.C.. were killed late yesterday when their Cub-type plane crashed near Big nnll.n mo miles southeast of Fairbanks, the civil aeronautics administration reported today. The dead were laeniuien as Willard Lester Floyd and Earl Frances Seeley. COMPLETE SE1 NEW TONI SPIN CURLERS No morr rubber hands-all plastic nll-m-one ! tlnpn . . . spm . . . lock witli n tlu'k of the ftngrr. Makes every wave trom now on twice as easy t $29 ((2 whin btught itpatsUly) "On tht Corner" ' Alejandro Lerroux Lerroux of Spain Dead Madrid, Spain, June 27 VP) Alejandro Lerroux, 85, five til .es premier of republican Spain, died early this morning. The family announced that Lerroux, who had .iroclaimed his agnosticism throughout his life, returned to the Catholic church and received the sacrament on his deathbed. He will be buried in Madrid's Catholic cemetery. Lerroux was reported ill in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1945. He had been in exile there since the civil war. In 1947 Generalissimo Franco gave him permission to return to Spain. A life-long republican he had been exiled several times by King Alfonso XIII. Each time he returned, his power as chief of the radical republican party grew greater. Lerroux was as strongly op posed to socialism and commun ism as he was to the monarchy, and for this reason left-wing groups prevented his election as president of the republic after the throne was overturned in 1931. Five times, however, he was named premier to try to run Spain on a middle-of-the-road basis. Mary Strayer Made Senior Vice President Mrs. Mary Strayer, 589 Locust street, was elected senior vice president of the state Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary at the state convention held at Coos Bay. Mrs. Myrtle Tripp of Cor vallis was elected president. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Gertrude Ashworth, Port land, junior vice president; Mrs. Lillian Dakin, Canby, treasurer; Mrs. Lorraine Kell, Gold Beach, conductress; , Mrs. Cecil Hafer, Portland, chaplain; Mrs. Alma Haller, Oregon City, guard. May. DURUM PLAIT" 15 Months to Pay IMMEDIATE RESTORATION... enables you to wear your plates IMMEDIATELY after teeth are extracted. NOW you don't have to go toothless while waiting for Dental Plates! Modern, convenient "Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" prevents loss of valuable time fiom your job. Ask Your Dentist NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Come to the office when convenient for on ex amination. Credit terms apply to all types of dental work ... Plates, Extractions, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed dental work NOW...oie your CREDIT. DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene and Portland also in all principal Pacific Coast cities Governor Takes His Bride Home Los Angeles, June 27 (U.R) Gov. Fuller Warren of Florida flies home today with his third bride, a pretty honey-blonde na tive of Los Angeles, to honey moon in his own state. The silver-haired chief execu tive climaxed a "love at first sight" romance yesterday when he married 23-year-old Barbara Jean Manning at Westwood Community Methodist church. The single - ring ceremony performed by Lutheran Pastor Dr. A. J. Soldan, was delayed 20 minutes because some of the 200 guests were late. The blue-eyed bride blinked away traces of tears as she strode down the aisle on the arm of her uncle, Harold Pierce. But her responses were given in a calm voice and Dr. Soldan con gratulated her later for "doing fine. Warren, 43, was grim throughout the service. He spoke in a strong southern drawl. After he put an ornate platinum ring on his wife s fin ger, he kissed her with a loud smack. Red Cross Opens Annual Convention Atlantic City, N. J., June 27 IIP) The American National Red Cross opens at annual four dav convention here today. Some 5,000 delegates, includ ing many from the Junior Red Cross, are expected to attend and hear a list of speakers that may be topped by President Truman. The president is honorary chairman of the Red Cross. If he should come here, he would be the first president to visit the resort for a public function since Ulysses S. Grant took part in ceremonies opening the Unit ed States hotel. Other speakers will be Sec retary of Defense Louis John son, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, As sistant Secretary of State George V. Allen and Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce. Rolf Charlston, 17-year-old Portland, Ore., high school stu dent, will address the opening session today on behalf of 19, 000,000 Junior Red Cross mem bers. Jackie Rue Candidate Woodburn Miss Jackie Rue. daughter of Mrs. Hazel Rue of Woodburn, is sponsored by the Woodburn business men as one of the candidates for queen of the eleventh annual Mt. Angel Flax festival. Miss Rue, who is 17 years of age, graduated, this June from Woodburn high school. DR. PAINLESS DR. PAINLESS PARKER Hi & Endangered? The Vatican and other sources have indi cated they believe that Arch bishop Josef Matocha (above) of Olomouc, and Archbishop Joseph Beran of Prague, may be arrested at any moment. Archbishop Matocha is second in command and among pre lates of the Roman Catholic church in Czechoslovakia, to Archbishop Beran. The latter is leading the religious forces of the country in a developing conflict with the communist government. (AP Wirephoto) Hammer Sees Friends Lincoln Popular, though invalided, is R. W. Hammer of Lincoln, who has received more than 500 visitors and callers since a heart attack early in May put him to bed at his home. At last reports his condition was slightly improved. At required, Camp Sup port are recommended and prescribed by physi cians and surgeons before end after operations. The famous Camp ad justment feature Is one of the important scientific ele ments which contribute to your individual needs and our expert fitter soon and see for yourself how these moderately priced support) can bene fit you. CAPITAL DRUG STORE Stata and Llberlr on thr corner EMfiln PARKER Dentist DR. L. B. WARNICKER Manager Now associated with Dr. Painless Parker, Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon $30,000 Bridge On Ash Creek Independence, June 27 Dead line for bids for the construc tion of a new bridge across Ash creek between Independence and Monmouth is late Monday and will be received by the state highway commission at a meet ing in Portland. The new structure is esti mated to cost $30,000 and will be 30 feet In width and 80 feet long. It will be of reinforced concrete construction resting on treated timber piling. In addi tion to two lanes and parallel parking provision will be made for pedestrian lanes on both sides. While construction Is under way the old span will be moved twelve feet south and used while the north half of the bridge is completed, after which it will be dismantled and the north half of the bridge used while the south portion is under construc tion. It is estimated that the work will take three months after contracts are awarded. PLUMBING CONTRACTING J Featuring Crane V :: and tandara rixrures Call 3-8555 I Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway jj $ FREE ESTIMATES H after your you'll be glad Gibson's n selectecMU J If Reduced now O 45 Quart m mm . r. quality whiskies one of Amen Try this smooth, rich whiskey: You'll enjoy the clean, mild taste, the robust flavor, the hearty goodness of famous GIBSON'S SELECTED 8. Buy it today end you'll be glad it was Gibson's, GIBSON'S SELECTED I BLENDED WHISKEY 86.8 PROOF S jl GRAIN NEUTRAL SPOUTS. Concession Profit Helps Scout Project Mill City Mill City Boy Scouts who had a concession at the Santiam Rider's- rodeo last week end, reportedly cleared about $100. The Cub Scouts sold popcorn and cleared about $15. Boy Scouts are working hard to raise money for their scout building, which is to be built in the city park in the near future. Masons Give Degree Amity Amity Lodge No. 20, A.F. & A.M., held a special meeting at the Masonic hall, Thomas Hewitt, worshipful mas ter, presided. The Master Mason degree team of McMinnville conferred the third degree upon Forest Rice of McMinnville. There were guests from Dayton, Newberg and McMinnville. Re- ' freshments were served. Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless $5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere In Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After 5PM Phone 24397 first sip it was on every pint on every fifth on every case GIBSON DISTILLING COMPANY, N.YNTD i