10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 27, 1949 Ask Bids for Union Hi School -tFoy&TriH F da Fs ex i I c fo nc of El O' ry he le fo ev o'i O' ce G) ar th ni fo su A: or su th w Pi or er b 01 es rc ri BI cr gl tr Bt te w 01 a M ol ft H tc I. P- 81 ai w g cl o: o S & o Bids for the construction of i the North Marion county union high school building at Hubbard are being asked and will be opened at the Hubbard high "school July 12 at 8 o'clock in the evening. Plans and spec! ficationj will be available Tues 'day. i The new building will be lo "cated at the junction of Marion county roads Nos. 432 and 441 on a tract equally distant from Hubbard, Aurora and Donald The project calls for a building providing classrooms and gym .nasium and a separate Smith Hughes building. ' The main section will provide 'six classrooms, a homemaking room, library, principal's office ,secretray's office, work room teachers' room and health room It will have concrete floor hous ing radiant panels, of frame con struction with glass block win jdows and vision strips. A flat composition roof will be placed - Usual facilities will be provid ,ed by the regular gymnasium .which will have a stage on one side and a half-basement to , house a cafeteria and locker rooms. It will be of reinforced concrete construction with tim ,ber truss frame roof. The Smith Hughes building will have a 40x80-foot shop, classrooms, milk testing room .storage space and locker rooms, ii win De oi construction simi .lar to the gymnasium. Separate contracts for the general, mechanical and elec trical work will be invited with Annand and Kennedy, Portland the architect-engineers. Graduating Class Of One Man at OSC Corvallis, June 27 W) Robed Oregon State college officials solemnly stood about. President iA. L. Strand waited in the cen ter. . Then the graduating class otherwise known as Donald R Grufke, Portland marched up to receive his diploma. The Saturday ceremony was ,the first one-man commence 'ment in the college's history. It came about because a clerical i error left Grufke out of the reg , uiar commencement exercise three weeks ago. Wife Ordered fo ;Pay $1,650 Monthly i New York, June 27 W) Mrs. 'Marie Hoffman Reed Robertson, grocery chain heiress, has been ordered to pay $1,650 a month ifor life to her ex-husband, Louis i Reed, Jr. i Supreme Court Justice Ken jneth O'Brien ruled Saturday ithat the contract under which 'Mrs. Robertson originally ,agreed to make the payments, 'is a "valid one" and not a viola- lion of "public policy." i He also ordered her to make payments in arrears totalling $44,53U. t . Contractor Ends life With Bullet ", Portland, June 27 OT Don aid M. Drake. 54. Portland tractor, killed himself by firing w imc uuuei jniQ nis neau yes terday. i His family said he had been uncuraoiy m or cancer and had .been despondent. Drake's firm had rnntriinteri many Portland buildings. It also 'built military installations in the Aleutians in the war. i The widow and four children 'survive. Brooks Garden Club jGuests for Luncheon Brooks Mrs. Ora Gregg en tertained the Brooks Garden Iclub in her horn for limphsnn A short hllsinpcv mA(Ina held. Mrs. Olive Beardsley was , reported in in a hospital in Honolulu. T H. i Guests present were Mrs. Bet- jty Huffman and son, Raymond, ,Mrs. Hattie Vancleave, Mrs. Net ; tie Wright, Mrs. Hazel Bart lett, Mrs. Marguerite Lowery, .Mrs. Elva Aspinwall, Mrs. Emma 'Wadlev. Mm nrtrnri T1,A .Mr5. Annn Tllinlnw nn1 ul I hostess Mrs. Gregg. The next , meeting win be at the home 'Mrs. Emma Wadley. of TOWOINTER BUY YOUR CASE OF 0LYMPIA BEER WELL IN ADVANCE. AVOID ASTMINUTEJ jDJSAPP0IWTWENT BY SHOPPING EARLY JUNE 28, 29 AND 30th TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-ONLY! SPECIAL THREE DAY ONLY SLACKS Cool summer weight rayon sharkskins, wool and rayon and light shepherd checks in 100 wool. An outstanding value for only 8.95. Value 13.95 8.95 SPECIAL THREE DAYS ONLY JACKETS Wool and rayon zipper jackets for golf, fishing or just a lazy evening in the yard. Beautiful ly tailored by Block of Cali fornia. Value 20.00 12.95 PRE-FOURTH SPECIAL SLACKS Trim fit and built for long last ing, wrinkle-free wear. 100 wool by nationally famous manu facturers. Value 22.50 12.95 3 . PRE-FOURTH SPECIAL W . FLORSHEIM Smartly styled summer shoes in two-tone and ventilated, at a price that can't hurt your pocket book. Values to 18.95 1Q95 PRE-FOURTH SPECIAL I Nylon and Rayon 7 Leisure Coats The hottest thing in coolness for the hottest weather. All nylon and rayon, full belt. Styled by Block of California. 4 lac rj7J Value 1 W 25.00 Some Slightly Soiled ?RE-FOURTH SPECIAL FREEMAN SHOES Sport shoes for your summer comfort. A wide range of sizes and styles from which to choose. 7.95 Or less if the merchandise is sold sooner. and we do not mean fireworks! 100 Not Since the Days of Bishop's Sensational Prewar Sales Have we offered you these finely tailored NAME BRAND suits at such ridiculously low prices. Naturally we do not have all sizes in every pat tern, but we have your size in a wide selection of patterns. If you like to get your money's worth (and who doesn't?) you'll get a real thrill seeing a big and beautiful assortment of clothes and the truly wonderful values they offer you. port com loaf E California styled for summer casualness in rich colors and patterns. Tweeds, plains, plaids, herringbones. Come in and see for yourself that "Bishop's" are again giving you the utmost in style, quality and value at a tremendous saving! Truly Value Sensations at Virgin Vol. to Vol. to rs 1295 m Jra voi. to ju.uu yp " J Things will be popping Wool 50.00 65.00 when the doors open No Exchanges No Refunds All Sales Final i li v