Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 25, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    ST. JOSEPH'S Catholic church was
the scene for a wedding this morn
ing when Miss Virginia Mary Hales,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hales,
was "led to James W. Moser, son of Mr.
tnd Mrs. August J. Moser of Cincinnati,
Ohio. The service took place at 10:30
o'clock, Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating.
Garden flowers in pastel colors were
used as decorations'. 'For the music, Mrs.
Vince A. Rodakowski sang and Mrs.
Mary Barton played the organ.
Given In marriage by her father, the
bride wore a floor-length white gown,
the dress being designed with round
neckline, yoke of net, a bertha trimmed
in lace and long sleeves pointed over
the wrists. The fingertip net veil was
edged in lace matching that on the dress
and it was arranged from a crown of or
ange blossoms. For her flowers the
bride carried a bouquet of roses and
pastel garden flowers.
Mrs. William Berg was matron of
honor. She wore a pink gown and a
crown of flowers in her hair. She car
ried a white prayer book with sweet
peas in the streamers.
Rodney Hales was best man.
The reception following was at the
Salem Woman's club house. Miss Agatha
Heltemes of Minneapolis, Minn., aunt of
the bride, cut the cake, Mrs. James Mc
Clure, Portland, cousin of the bride,
The couple left immediately for the
mid-west, planning to make their home
in Cincinnati. .
Miss Llla Lee Stevens, who Is to be
married July 2 to Curtis Bach, was com
plimented at two showers this week.
Mr Lawrence Bach, Mrs. Kenneth
Haag?nd Mrs. Joseph Schuetz enter
tained for one at the Bach home. At
tending were Miss Stevens, Mrs. Ernest
Smith, Mrs. Floyd Boyington, Mrs. Jos
eph Bach, Sr., Mrs. Norman Schnoe
belen, Mrs. Haag, Mrs. Schuetz, Mrs.
Joseph Bach, Jr., Miss Nita Fleming,
Miss Rosalia Bach, Miss Cheryl Schuetz,
Miss Margaret Bach, Miss Reva Stevens,
Mrs. Julia Bach and Mrs. Lawrence,
Miss Reva Stevens and Mrs. Jeannette
Innis were hostesses earlier in the week
at the home of Miss Stevens to honor
the bride-to-be. In the group were
Miss Lila Lee Stevens, Miss Nellie Cook,
Miss Cathy Bays, Mrs. Alice Gilchrist,
Mrs. Joseph Bach, Sr., Mrs. Lettie Mor
row, Mrs. Ernest Smith, and the two
Miss Esther Griffin will be initiated
Into Chadwick assembly, Order of Rain
bow for Girls, at the group's meeting
next Tuesday evening in the Masonic
temple. Miss Gladys Booek, worthy ad
viser, will preside. This will be the last
meeting for the assembly until Septem
ber. Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, plans a meeting for Monday at 8
p.m. in the VFW hall. The group will
elect delegates to the national conven
tion and will hear reports from the state
convention being held this week.
Spinsters Party
Spinsters club members are busily
planning a special event for the evening
of Friday, July 8, when they entertain
with a basket social and square dance
party at the Salem Golf club.
The event is for all club members and
their invited guests. Proceeds from the ;
auction of baskets will go to the club's
philanthropic fund. Charles A. Barclay
is to officiate as the auctioneer.
Miss Margaret Lovell is general chair
man for the event. On the telephone
committee are Miss June Young, Mrs.
William R. Shinn, Miss Mariann Croisan,
Miss Margaret Jane Cooley. In charge
of the baskets will be Mrs. Charles A.
Barclay, Miss Esther Baird, Mrs. Gale ,
Besse. Mrs. Maurice Fitzsimons is chair
man for refreshments and Miss Young
and Miss Cooley are arranging the music.
Miss Patricia Larson and Miss Shirley
Lukins have been named on the clean
up committee.
Final plans for the party will be made
at the next meeting of the club on July
S at the home of Miss Young.
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THE MARRIAGE of Mrs. Robert Glen
Krechter was solemnized Jbne 18 In St. Jo
seph's Catholic church. The bride is the
former Mary O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis J. O'Connor of SUyton. Mr.
Krechler Is the son of Mrs. Phillip M.
Krachij' of Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio
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A JOINT picnic for members erf the
Salem Lions club and auxiliary
members is planned for next
Thursday evening at the beautiful new
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Janz
out of Turner.
The no-host supper will be at 6:30
o'clock. Each family is to take a salad
or hot dish.
Installation of new officers for both
the club and auxiliary will be conduct
ed during the evening.
On the committee for the event are
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Janz, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burr
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Canfield, Mr.
and Mrs Richard PicKell, Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Cheek, Mr, and Mrs. Evert
Givens, Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Doughton.
Sunday Tea for Festival Court
Starling off a busy week preceding
Salem's annual Cherryland Festival, to
be staged June 30-July 2, will be the
annual informal tea given to honor
the Festival queen and her court.
The tea will be given Sunday after
noon (tomorrow) between 3 and S
o'clock at the home of Mayor and Mrs.
Robert L. Elfstrom with members of
the Salem Zonta club as hostesses for
this year's tea.
Invitation is extended by the club to
all officials of the Cherryland Festival
association board and their wives, all
Cherrians and their wives, and members
of other service and civic groups, as
well as city and state officials.
Miss Patricia O'Connor of Stayton,
queen for this year's events, and the
four princesses, Miss Jeannine Bentley
of Lyons, Miss Grace Kirk of St. Paul,
Miss Dorothy Neufeld of Dallas, and
Miss Katherine Spedht, Jefferson, the
honorees for the tea, will be receiving
guests, with their chaperon, Mrs.
Arthur Weddle, Mrs. Elfstrom and
Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Zonta club
Adding color to the event, members
of the Cherrians will wear their uni
forms. Greeting guests at the door will be
Mrs. Leland Sarff for the first hour
and Mrs. John R. Clearwater during the
second hour.
Assisting about the living room will
be Mrs Frank J. Burke, Miss Dorothy
Pearce, Mrs. R. W. Land, Mrs. William
L. Allen, Mrs. I. N. Bacon Mrs. Saul
Janz, Mrs. James Heltzel, Miss Mary
Larson, Mrs. Harry W. Scott, Mrs. Rob
ert McEwan, Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Mrs.
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AT A CEREMONY June 18 in St. John's T.uthfran church was snlcmni7Fd the marriace
of Mrs. Delton C. Trinklein, the firifr Norma L. Fischer. Sh(! is the tlaiizhter of Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Fischer of Salem, Mr. Trinklein the son of the Rev. and Sirs.
Herbert Trinklein of Portland. (McEwan studio picture)
At a simple service solemnized last
Tuesday morning in St. Joseph's Catho
lic church, Miss Elaine Schwartz,
. daughter of Mrs. Lucy E. Schwartz of
Salem, was married to John R. Jen
nings of Mt. Angel, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Jennings of Los Angeles.
The vows were read at 9 o'clock, the
Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating. For the
music, Wayne Meusey and Mrs. Vince
A. Rodakowski sang.
The bride wore a white net wedding
dress, fashioned with sweetheart neck
line, long sleeves and a slight sweep.
The fingertip veil was arranged from
a small crown of seed pearls. For her
bridal bouquet the bride carried white
Miss Marcella Schwartz was maid of
honor for her sister. She was dressed
in peach with a halo of organdy and
hei flowers were Talisman roses.
Young Misses Paula and Darlene
Rayer of Omaha, Neb., nieces of the
bride, were junior bridesmaids. Both
wore floor-length white frocks styled
similarly to the bride's dress and both
carried nosegays.
Michael Welton of Mt. Angel was best
tor hotel following the service, and la
A breakfast was served at the Sena
dTS OROPTTMIST club members are to
gather for a picnic supper next
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Cascade drive, at
8:30 o'clock. At this time the group will
bring articles for a shower for a dis
placed family arriving here from Eu
rope. Special guests at the picnic will be
Miss Patricia O'Connor, queen for the
Cherryland Festival, and her court; also,
Mrs. Arthur Weddle, chaperon for the
group, and Mrs. B. O. Schucking of the
festival association board.
Mrs. Floyd Hamman and daughters.
Misses Joan and Beverly Hamman, have
returned from a 10-day trip to Bend,
Salt Lake City, Reno, and San Francisco.
Margaret Roseerans. Miss Lena Belle
Tartar Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. Her
bert Winkler, Mrs. E. E. Woolten.
Invited to pour are Mrs. Dery F.
Myers, whose husband is King Bing of
the Cherrians; Mrs. Charles Forrctte,
president of the Salem Business and
Professional Women's club; Dr. Helen
Pearce, a past international president of
Zonta; and Mrs. I. N. Bacon, the imme
diate past president of the local club.
Assisting in the dining room will be
Mrs. Leland Sarff, Mrs. Harry L. Miller,
Miss Janet Bower, Mrs. Harold Larsen,
Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Miss Hazel
Roenicke, Miss Eleanor Trindle, Dr.
Lucille Fortner, Miss Kathryn Carthew,
Mrs. James Bunnell, Mrs. Paul Rock
enfeller. Decorations for the tea are being
arranged by Mrs. B. O. Schucking and
Mrs. Frank J. Burke is chairman for
tea arrangements.
Officers and drill team of the local
auxiliary to the Fraternal Order of
Eagles are in Pendleton this week-end
taking in the state convention. The
local team is competing in the drill team
work and the officers from here are tak
ing part in the ritualistic contest.
New officers of the local auxiliary
recently installed include: Mrs. L. T.
Wallace, past president; Mrs. Lewis
Ritzman, president; Mrs. Edwin Greg
son, vice president; Mrs. L. Martine
Lally, chaplain; Mrs. William Ogle,
treasurer; Mrs. C. D. Garver, secretary;
Mrs. A. C. Friesen, musician; Mrs. Clar
ence Caldwell and Mrs. B. H. Updegraff,
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tor hotel following the service, and la
ter an informal reception for relatives
was given at the Schwartz home.
The couple will live at Mt. Angel.
Announced for September 4 is the
wedding of Miss Marilyn Janet Hjort
and Raymond H. Crumme of Berkeley,
Calif., the ceremony to be in the First
Congregational church.
The engagement of the couple was
announced recently at the University of
Oregon where both have been students
the past year.
Miss Hjort is the daughter of Mrs. H.
J. Hjort of Salem and the late Mr. Hjort.
Mr. Crumme is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph H. Crumme of Berkeley. Miss
Hjort attended Willamette before going
to Oregon and is a member of Pi Beta
Phi. Mr. Crumme plans to be at Uni
versity of California next year. He
served with the army air force during
the recent war.
Mrs. Farley Mogan was honored on
the occasion of her birthday, Thursday
evening, at an outdoor barbecue supper
given by her sister, Mrs. Wesley G.
Lamer, at the latter'a Alameda home in
ANOTHER of the two-ball four
tome events at the Salem Golf
club is slated for tomorrow, play
to start at 1 p.m. with dinner following
in the evening.
Among those making reservations for
the event are the following: Mr and
Mrs. Edward Roth, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Wicklund, Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. MacLaughlin,
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Robison, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Adolph, Mr and Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank .Burlingham, Mr and
Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Bernardi, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Al Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Kitchen,
Dr. and Mrs, Charles Campbell, Dr. and
Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs,
John H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. John R,
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fouchek,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mr. and
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Herrall, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Potts. Mr. and Mrs. James Walton, Mr.
and Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Groff, Mr. and Mrs. William
Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Need
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulus, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons. Dr. and Mrs.
S D. Wiles. Dr. and Mrs. Morris Croth
ers. Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hoffman, Dr. and Mrs. James
Haworth. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitz
simons, Mr. and Mrs. William Schaefer,
Mr and Mrs. Robert Dragcr, Mr and
Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald McCargar.
The regular day for the Salem Wo
men's Golf association will be Wednes
day, play starting at 9 a.m.
Visitor here for the week-end is Miss
Hazel Cook of Portland, formerly of Sa
lem. She is guest of Miss Nellie Schwab.
Major and Mrs. Karl N. Retzer and
sons, Bill, Mike and Jere, are guests at
the homes of Mrs. Retzer's parents. Mr.
and Mrs, C, L. Crider and Major Ret
zer's mother, Mrs. Ruth Retzer, Dallas.
They will be here through the Fourth
of July. Major Retzer has just com
pleted his work at the air force school
at Stanford university, receiving his
master of arts degree in educational
psychology at Stanford this June. He is
being transferred to the air university
at Montgomery, Ala.
Mrs. Ruth Retzer entertained Thurs
day evening with a dinner and dancing
party at the American Legion club in
Salem for her son and daughter-in-law.
Attending the affair were Major and
Mrs. Retzer, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Crider,
Mr. and Mrs. William Dalton, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Bauman, Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Pemberton of Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs.
Leland LeFors, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
Starbuck, Dr. and Mrs. Donald White,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guy, Mr. and Mrs.
John Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Crider, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hunter,
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Burelbach, Mr. and
Mrs. William Cadle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lewis, Mrs. James Allgood, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Allgood, Mr. and Mrs. Len
thal Bollman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hood,
Mrs. Ruth Retzer, all of Dallas.
Wedding Sunday
A bride tomorrow afternoon will be
Miss Jacqueline Louise Torgerson, who
is to be married to Donald James Som
mer, the ceremony to be solemnized at
3:30 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic
church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards officiat
ing. Miss Torgerson is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert J. Torgerson and Mr.
Sommer is the son of Mrs. Clara Som
mer, all of Salem.
White gladioluses, light blue delphini
ums, ferns and candles will decorate the
church for the service. Robert Sommer,
brother of the bridegroom, and Robert
Rodakowski will light the tapers. For
the music. Miss Betty Lou Sommer of
Portland and Wayne Meusey will sing,
Mr. Meusey also to play the organ.
The wedding gown is of white nylon
organza, fashioned with a fitted bodice,
sweetheart neckline and a full skirt with
self-trimmed pleated ruffling. The fin
gertip French illusion veil will fall from
a Juliet cap trimmed in seed pearls. The
bride is to carry a cascade bouquet of
dark red roses centered with a white
orchid. Mr. Torgerson is to give his
daughter in marriage.
Miss Dcssa Lee Holmes as the honor
attendant will wear a gown of light blue
organza, designed with a fitted bodice,
a bortha neckline and trimmed in blue
lace medallions. She will wear a match
ing hat with streamers and she will car
ry a round bouquet of white roses with
the r bbons and backing repeating the
c -r ',1 tiie ro ol tlie bride's bouquets.
Jack Grieg ol Springfield is to be best
man and the ushers include James Lo
der, William Gash, Reno Yung and Don
ald Schcelar.
Following the church service a recep
tion is planned in the Salem Woman's
club house. Mrs. Carl D. Lewis of Long
mont, Colo., aunt of the bride, and Mrs.
Oscar Scdcrstrom will cut the cake. Mrs.
Everett Holmes and Mrs. J. A. Sholscth,
will be at the coffee urns and Mrs. Ed
ward Konantz, aunt of the bridegroom,
will be at the punch bowl. Mrs. M. A.
Getzendaner is to serve the ices.. Mrs,
Oscar Liudahl is in charge of the recep
tion, assisted by Mrs. George Fake. As
sisting in serving will be Miss Phyllis
Schncll, Miss Janet Rilca, Miss Eunice
Vittoria and Miss DeeLores Schulmcrich,
both of Portland, Mrs. James Kern ot
Albany. Mrs. Courtney Jones will be in
charge of the gifts table, assisted by
Miss Sh.'rlcy Lukins of Salem and Miss
Mary Ann Smith of Portland. Miss Pa
tricia Sommer, sister of the bridegroom,
will have charge of the guest book.
For going away the bride will wear a
navy and white suit with matching ac
cessories and the corsage of white or
chids from the bridal bouquet.
The couple will motor down the Ore
gon coast to southern California. They
will be at home in Salem after July 10.
The bride was graduated from Salem
high school and the St. Vincent college
of nursing. Mr. Sommer was graduated
from Sacred Heart academy and Oregon
Stat college.
INSTALLATION of officers will fea
ture the dinner meeting for the Sa
lem Business and Professional Wo
men's club, Tuesday evening, the dinner
to be at 6:30 o'clock in Nohlgren's res
taurant. Mrs. Marion Wooden, a past president
of the local club, is to be installing offi
cer. Mrs. John Vcrsteeg heads the new of
ficers to be installed, as president.
Special music also is arranged for the
This evening, the retiring board is
meeting for its last session at a no-host
picnic supper at the home of Mrs. Charles
Forrctte, who has been president the
past year.
ANNOUNCED RECENTLY was the emragement of Miss Jeanne Myers, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Burton A. Myers, to Ensign Henry B, Johnson, USN, son of Mrs. Dora Johnson
of Salem. The wedding i to be early in October. (Blshop-Moderne studio picture)
Several Salem women are home from
attending the state convention of the
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil
War which ended in Eugene, Friday.
Those serving as delegates from here
were Mrs. William Entress, Mrs. Jack
Nash, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. Julius
Ulrich, Mrs. Frank Conover, Mrs. Wal
ter Persons. Mrs. Harry Hiday from
Salem was on the department council
and Miss Harriet Hiday was a depart
ment color bearer.
Mrs. Martha Curran of Albany was
Installed as the new department presi
dent. A picnic for members of Chapter B.
Q., P.E.O. Sisterhood, and their families
will be an event of next Wednesday eve
ning in the Dallas city park at 6:30
o'clock. This will conclude the season
for the chapter, members to resume
their meetings in the fall.
Daughters of St. Elizabeth of St.
Paul's Episcopal church will gather for
their final event of the season, Tuesday,
a no-host picnic luncheon to be served
at 1 p.m. at t'i home of Mrs. W H.
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WED THE EVENING of June 18 in the First Conirremttonal church was Mrs. Carroll
Keasev, who was Charlotte Ann Reeves before her marriage. She Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reeves of Salem and Mr. Keasey is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. T. K.
Keuey of Vernonia. (McEwan studio picture)
ANNUAL Installation of offleers,
also initiation, will feature tht
meeting of American Legion
auxiliary, Unit No, 136, next Tuesday
The meeting Is planned for 8 o'clock
in the Salem Woman's club house. The
past presidents' degree team of Capital
Unit No. 9 is to conduct the installation.
Mrs. Bert A. Walker as president
heads the incoming officers.
Visitors the latter part of the week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sar
gent, Fair Oaks way, have been Mr. and
Mrs. E. V. Stahr and family of Port
land. An event for tomorrow will be the
reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Davies, the event to fete them on their
golden wedding anniversary. The re
ception will be at the home of their
son-in-aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Taylor in Portland, the couple's
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
L. M. Davies, Salem, to be co-hosts.
Paul E. Davies of La Grande, another
son, also will attend. Mr. and Mrs.
Davies have lived here 37 years. Mrs.
Davies is active in the Pythian Sisters,
the American War Mothers and the Wo
man's Relief corps. Mr. Davies is a
member of the Elks lodge and both ara
members of the Bethel Baptist church.
Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood ia
meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock
for a special session at the home of Mrs.
Wayne Gordon, 1075 Columbia.
Royal Neighbors of America Sewing
club's Juvenile meeting and picnic will
be next Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock at
the. home of Mrs. James Bycrs, 1270
North list. The luncheon will be a no
host esse.
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