MONG autumn tirldes will b Hail Cherryland Queen Patricia, and Her Court!; Festival Time Here Miss Phyllis Schnell, who has announced Friday, September 2, o "I j... o as the date for her marriage to Robert Strebig, the ceremony to be an evening one in the First Congregational church. Miss Schnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schnell, returned last week from the University of Oregon. Mr. Strebig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Strebig, has been attending Willamette and the couple will both be at the Uni versity of Oregon next year to complete their senior year. Their engagement was announced this spring at the bride elect's sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, in Eugene. Mr. Strebig is a member of Phi Gamma Delta. By Marian Lowry Fischer MOSTESSES Monday evening will be Mrs. C. W. Parker and her daughter, Mrs. Gerald Robison, who are entertaining at a desert party complimenting Miss Janice Myers, bride elect of Lloyd V. Lewis of Eugene. The party will be at- the Parker residence and the guests will fete Miss Myers with a pottery shower. In the group will be Miss Myers, her mother, Mrs. Burton A. Myers, her sis ter, Miss Jeanne Myers, and her grand mother. Mrs. E. A. McElvain; Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Tom McNeill, Mrs. Arthur Bates, Mrs. William D. Carlson, Mrs. Walter Snyder, Mrs. Theodore Roake, Mrs. Manley Robison, Mrs. Fred H. Thompson, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. Ralph Gordon and the two hostesses. The Lewis- Myers wedding is to be July 17, Honoring Miss Leta Jean Evans, who Is to be married tomorrow to Thomas F. Faught, Jr., Miss Sarah Jane Back strand was hostess Thursday evening at her home for a party and linen shower. In the group were Miss Leta Jean Evans, Miss Cherie Knox of Gold Beach, Miss Marjorie Olin of Portland, Miss Marjorie Scott of Carlton, Miss Mary Ann Cushman of Condon, Miss Jahala Keys, Miss Donna Jane Macklin, Miss Marilyn Nichols, Miss Patricia Ullman, Miss Jeanne Hoffman, Miss Jacqueline Johnson, Miss Claralyn Lee, Miss Bev erly Becker, Mrs. W. H. Evans, Miss Marilyn Burris, Mrs. Thomas F. Faught and Miss Sarah Jane Backstrand. Mr. and Mrs. Dayl Burres will be hosts this evening at a buffet supper at their home, the occasion being their 20th wedding anniversary. Guests will include Mrs. Beth Newton of Oregon City, James Sullivan of Ore gon City, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gustafson, all of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Viesko, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerdon, Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnston. Announced for Saturday, July 2, Is the wedding date for Miss Helen Jean Gilbert and Donald Nyswaner. The ceremony will be at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in the Knight Memorial Congregational chu(ch, the Rev. Louis X. White officiating. The engagement of the couple was announced in the early spring. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Mar garet Gilbert and Mr. Nyswaner is the son of Mrs. Ollie F. Nyswaner, all of Salem. Adams-Nelson An attractive bride this evening will be Miss Elizabeth Winn Nelson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George William Nel son, who is to be wed to Irwin Scot Adams, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Scott Adams of Milwaukie, Ore. The ceremony will be solemnized at 8 o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Miss Edith Fairham is to be soloist to sing "I Love Thee" and "The Lord's Prayer." Miss Ruth Bedford will be at the organ. An eggshell satin gown will be worn by the bride. It is fashioned with a bertha collar with three rows of lace, and train, and down the back and on the cuffs are covered buttons. The veil is fingertip length. The bride will carry a prayer book given by Dr. Fred Clayton of Milwaukie and on it will be a spray of white orchids. Mr. Nelson is to give his daughter In marriage. Miss Janet Kirk of San Francisco as honor attendant will wear a pnle green taffeta gown fashioned with bustle and bertha collar. Miss Ann Adams, sister of Mr. Adams, and Miss Sara Bjorset of Cot tage Grove, both wealing peach taffeta gowns also designed with bustles and bertha collars, will be the bridesmaids. Warren Richcy of Portland is to be best man and the ushers will be Robert Stceves, Jack Nelson, Neil Sutherland and Jack Hinshaw, both of Milwaukie, For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Nel son will wear a delft blue gown with corsage of roses. The reception will be in the parish house of the church, decorations fea turing blue delft and pink rambler roses. Mrs. George Nelson Jr. of Klamath Falls and Miss Henrietta Cox of Seattle will out the cake. Pouring will be Mrs. E M. Cox of Seattle, great aunt of the bride, Mrs. Cora Hagedorn of Eugene, Mrs. E H. Kennedy and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg. Mrs C. Lester Newman will serve the ices. Assisting in serving will be Miss Beth Basler of Portland, Miss Joan Risley, Miss Carol Adams, sister of the bridegroom, Milwaukie, Miss Carol Bartel of Redmond, Miss Carroll Gragg, Miss Roberta Meyer, Miss Jean Fidler. Miss Margie Tate, Miss Margaret Jane Coolcy, Mrs. Douglas Armstrong. For traveling the bride is to wear a light green suit with navy accessories and corsage of orchids. Following a trip to San Francisco the couple will be at home in Portland, after July 9. Both young people were graduated this year from University of Oregon, where tha bride is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority and Mr. Adams is affiliated With Sigma Alpha Xpsllon fraternity. r "'l' .s A1 LUMNAE of Sigma Kappa soror ity are to entertain at an informal tea next Wednesday afternoon at the home Mrs. Fred Viesko in Mission Bottom, the event to honor Sigma Kappa mothers. Guests are invited to call between 2 and 4 o'clock. The tea will be on the patio. Mrs. Leon Everitt is chairman for the event and is being assisted by Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Stuart Compton and Mrs. B. W. Stacey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace Carson and son, Wally, arc in Bend this week-end. Mr. Carson, a member of the board of gov ernors for the state bar, is attending meetings of that group. In Centralia this week-end are four Salem girls to attend the wedding of Miss Betsy Lyons, former Willamette university student, and John McNiven. The wedding was this afternoon. Miss Sara Ann Ohling and Miss Phyl lis Freres were bridesmaids and they were accompanied north by Miss Addyse Lane and Miss Carolyn Carson who as sisted at the reception. THE WEnntXR of Mrs. Donald Prelss, the former Jane Acton. an event of June n in the First Methodist church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Arton. Salem, Mr. Preiss tha son of Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Prciss of Vancouver, Wuh. (McEwu audio ptctarO f'f'tsf' 6r A GAY WEEK IS BOOKED ahead for this group of girls who make up the court of royalty for Salem's annual Cherryland Festival which will begin next Thursday. Left to right the group includes Miss Katherine Specht, Jefferson, Miss Doro thy Neufeld of Dallas, both princesses; Miss Patricia O'Connor of Stayton, who is the festival queen; Mis. Grace Kirk of St. Paul and Miss Jeannine Bentley of Lyons, the other two princesses. The queen and her court will be honored tomorrow afternoon at an informal tea to be given by the Salem Zonta club at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. The coronation Is scheduled for Thursday evening and for the next three days the girls will whirl through a varied calendar of appearances in the Cherryland realm. (McEwan studio picture) Thursday Tea to Prominent on the new week's social calendar is the tea for which Mrs. James T. Brand and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague will be hostesses next Thursday after noon at the Brand residence. The event is to honor Miss Mary Lou McKay, who is to be wed July 23 to Lester D. Green of Eugene, and Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, who will be mar ried August 6 to John Philip Maulding of Tillamook, Some 150 guests have been bidden to call between 3 and 6 o'clock. Greeting guests at the door during the first period will be Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen and during the second period, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley. Receiving the guests will be the two hostesses, the honoree and Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, the mothers of the two brides-to-be. Assisting about the living room for the Honor Two first period will be Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard and Mrs. George Alexander. During the second hour those assisting in the living room will be Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. George Croisan and Mrs. E. M. Page. Miss Katherine Karnopp of Portland is to have charge of the dining room. Pouring during the first hour will be Mrs. Harry V. Collins and Mrs. E. J. Scellars, and during the second period, Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers and Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Kappa Delta alumnae and their hus bands are to gather for a no-host picinc on Sunday at the country place of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Lietz on Pudding river. Invitation is extended to all Kappa Delta alumnae to attend. Mrs. Lietz and Mrs. John Ficklin are arranging the event. Mrs. E. F. Wilkinson has returned from a two weeks' trip to Honolulu, making the trip by plane. While there she and her husband took in the King Kamehameha day festivities and tour ed the islands. Mr. Wilkinson, who is in the navy, has gone to Guam and Mrs. Wilkinson will be here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Brown, until his re turn. Schroeder-Nickens At an afUrnoon ceremony in St. Paul's Episconal church tomorrow Miss Patricia Jean Nielsens, drughtrr of Mr. an.', Mrs Robert E. Nickenf, will be wed to Robert Leonard Schrocder son ot Mi and Mrs. Leonard G. Schrocdc of Po-tlan !, the Rev. Geor-e H. Swift to rend the vow? at 4 o'clock. Baskets of white delphiniums and pink gladioluses, ferns and lighted tapers in candclabrums will decorate the church, and the pews will be marked with white gladioluses and ribbon bows. Acolytes for the service will be Bob Robbins and Tom Bartlctt. Miss Beverly Kenncy is to be solo ist to sing "Thine Alone" and "The Lord's Prayer," with Miss Ruth Bed ford at the organ. To be given in marriage by her father, the bride has chosen a handsome wed ding gown of white slipper satin design ed with sheer yoke and lace bertha, the bodice coming to a point with full gath ered skirt and train. The fingertip illusion veil cascades from a beaded pearl coronet. For her flowers the bride is to carry a cascade bouquet of pink roses and stephanotis tied with white streamers. Attendants in Pink Mrs. Ernest C. Hobbs as matron of honor will be gowned in pink net over pink taffeta, the dress designed with short ruffled net cape and a full gath ered skirt. Her flowers will be white roses with pink and orchid sweet peas and a touch of violet ribbon. Misses Barbara Lee and Gloria Ann McClintock will be bridesmaids. Their gowns are identical to that of the matron of honor, and their flowers are pink, white and orchid sweet peas with violet ribbon loops. Su Carolyn Shaw is the flower girl, and aha will wear pink taffeta frock li," 'SX .- s-M 7 .-J X. r ''"'"liniTMMIIIlllimiHIIHlM1 Ill in IlllUimil IHHIIIMIIIIIIM I State Representative and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick will leave next Friday for a month's vacation trip to Alaska. They will fly to Seattle and from there will sail on the Aleutian for Seward. They will take a train trip inland to Fair banks and Anchorage and a bus trip to White Horse. They also are booked for a nine-day river cruise on the Yu kon. The return plane trip will be from White Horse to Salem and they plan to be home by the first of August. Misses Jane Carson and Charlotte Al exander went to Portland for a wed ding this morning, the wedding being that of Miss Mary Hibbitt and Robert Hilbers. Miss Hibbitt was graduated this year from, University of Oregon and is a Gamma Phi Beta sorority sister of Miss Carson and Miss Alexander. Mrs. James G. Hellzel is leaving next Saturday for Denver to spend a month with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamby. Visitor arriving this week-end will be Col. Malcolm Young of Santa Bar bara who' is to be guest at the home of Col. and Mrs. Philip W. Allison. He is a cousin of Colonel Allison. The Allisons were at Neskowin two days this week as guests of Mr. and MrV John Landing. Rites Sunday with sheer net yoke and ruffled bertha. She will carry a basket filled with pastel " co'oreri sweet ras. Fred Pc!iroc.Jor is to be best man for his brother. Jlai-rice Lundberg. Ken neth Lenaburg and Donald E'hlcman are the I'shTs. For her I'l.u.-litfr's wedding, Mrs. Nickens is io wear a navy sheer with petal pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother has chosen a blue costume with white accessories and her corsage will be of white baby orchids. The reception following is to be in the church parish house. An .its Assist The bride's aunt, Mrs. C. L. Hcckcs of Sacramento, will cut the cake, assist ed by Mrs. C. R. Shaw. Pouring will be Mrs. J. G. Heckcs of Sacramento, also an aunt ot the bride, and at the punch bowl another aunt, Mrs. Hazel Heckes of Sacramento. The table will carry out the pink and white theme In charge of the guest book will be Miss Jane Carson. Serving will be Miss Margaret Newton, Miss Miriam Shellen bcrger. Miss Patricia Moore of Portland, Miss Carolyn Cramer of Hubbard, and Mrs Budd Coons. For going away the bride will wear an attractive light aqua suit with linen straw picture hat trimmed in light cocoa, and other accessories in light cocoa. With the costume she will wear a fur stole. The couple have planned a trip to Banff and Lake Louise and after July 10 will be at home at 1504 S.E. Ankeny, Portland. The bride, graduate of Sa lem high school, attended Oregon State college where she is a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Mr. Schroeder is an OSC graduate. A Air"'" "ISS Mary Lou McKay, one of the summers popular brides- elect, who will be wed July 23 to Lester D. Green of Eugene, will be honored guest at a dessert party and kitchen shower for which Mrs. John S. Beakey and her daughter, Mrs. Roger Schnell, will entertain on Monday eve ning at the Beakey residence. Guests have been bidden for 7 o'clock. The evening will be spent informally with bridge. In the group will be Miss McKay and her mother, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. Wayne Hadley and daughter, Eileen;1 Mrs. P. H. Schnell, Miss Phyllis Schnell, Mrs. Robert Elgin, Miss Betty Jean Man oles, Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen, Jr., Miss Shirlee Reimann, Miss Marianne Bone steele, Miss Jean Pickens, Miss Nancy Snyder, Miss Shirley Lukins, Miss Valda Wold of Corvallis, Mrs. Richard Green of Corvallis, Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, Miss Mariann Croisan, Mrs. George C. Alexander, Miss Charlotte Alexander, Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss June Young, Miss Suzanne Small, Mrs. John S. Beakey, Miss Beverly Beakey and Mrs, Roger Schnell. Miss.Vada Hill and Mrs. Elmore Hill are to entertain this evening at the home of the former at a farewell party for Mrs. O. L. Donnelly, wtio is going to Mill City., Bridge will be in play. In the group will be-Mrs. Donnelly, Mrs. ' . Marion Wooden, ' Miss Cecelia Woodruff, Mrs. Claude Jorgensen, Miss Marie Weber,' Mrs. Theima Waller, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer; Mrs. Leona Tay lor, Mrs. Al Laue, Mrs. J. L. Morgan and the two hostesses. . BRIDE AT A CEREMONY In St. Luke's Catholic church in St. Paul. June 18, was Mrs. Carl Eugene Smith, the former Patricia Ann Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam A. Brown of Aurora. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F "i ffi St. FauL (Jeatca-Miller stadia picture) - 3 i