AUTOMOBILES MR. MOTORIST IS YOUR SPARE READY FOR USE? IF YOU ARE NOT SURE, STOP BY AND LET US CHECK IT FOR YOU. ) A COMPLETE ONE-STOP SERVICE STATION WALTER H. ZOSEL CO. CHEMEKETA AND HIGH SALEM, ORE. REAL ESTATE ONE ACRE - $3,935 Close In. Remodeled 3 bdrm. home. Small poultry house. Family orchard. Fenced. School bus. Terms, $1500 down. $1500 DOWN 2 bdrm. bungalow style. Living room it dining room combination trimmed In knotty pine. A truly lovely home. Picket fence and nice yard for only (S500. RAWLINS REALTY "HOLLYWOOD DIST." Ph. 24664, Eve. 26013 or 31128 or 25757 c!52' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS. ATTRACTIVE BUY. Fine 60 acre tract that could be subdivided. Few miles out on paved highway. About 40 acres in fruit; balance in timber and pasture. Creek on corner. This year's crop will help pay for place. Price only $7600. ' Part terms, FURNISHED SUBURBAN HOME. Practi cally new 2 bedrm. house. Oil furnace, fl'-i acres. Price $7850. SUBURBAN HOME. Clos e)n on paved road. 4.S acres. 2 bedrm. plastered house. Cement basement; furnace. Oar age; good chicken house. Price $8000, 10 ACRES, 4 bedrm. house; furnace. Good barn; large chicken house, Lots fruit and shrub. Year around creek. Close in. Price $11,000. Terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Kvenlngi cell: 2-4007, 3-4510 or 3-B103 cl52 BEST BUYS Extra special new house. Weather strip ped it Insulated. Elec. heat, attach ed garage. Private well. Corner lot, Re duced to $6650. Can be F.H.A. or Ore ' gon O.I. finance. Owner must sell. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558 $700 DOWN I acre minus. Very close in. N.E. Mod ern older type 4 bdrm. house. Immed. poss. Paved rd. Total price only $8500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $500 down. 20A. with modem 2 bdrm. house. Poss. In one week. Good well. Small barn. Total price $5400. Eve. Ph. 3-0403 or 3-3558. BARGAINS How would you like to have 1'4 A. with 3 bdrm. older type house? Deep well. Plenty water, piped to house. Close to school and trading center. Barn it chlck . en nouse. For $500 down. Bal. $30 per mo. Total price $2000. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4506 clSl BY OWNER: Small house, $6500. 1355 N. lBth. Ph 37622, C151 rOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem it Tlcinlty. Examine security yourself Amount $500 to several thousand dou lara, net investors 5 We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 4. High. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARB in need oi good houses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list jour property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca' NOTICE! If. your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us We have all kinds of cub buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St. oa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE LATE MODEL CAR, 1 owner, 9000 miles, to for contract or mortgage. Ph. 1-5489. Cbl52" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPECIAL! A 2 bdrm. home with LR, DR, K, bullt 1ns, cooking and water heating electric. Double garage. 2 lots each 50'xlOO'. This home Is priced for quick sale for only $5500. LOTS We rIso have good lots inside the city limits with city water. Priced at $350.' BUSINESS PROPERTY Here Is a duplex in a business zone, very good location. Only 2 biles from post office. Don't miss this good buy. Price only $9750. cdl51' George W. Hubbs Co. L J. Zeeb, Mgr. 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031. cdlSl' INCOME PROPERTY $100 MONTHLY 2 Apt. house. 1 upstairs, 3 rms. furn., private bath, electric equip. Down stairs 2 bdrm., kitchen, gas range it hot water heater, living room it bath. Full basement it laundry facilities. Price $8760. 1040 Hood St. edl51 TAVERN Club privileges , restaurant, draught beer, good building, long lease at $75 monthly rental; all good equipment; fine business and possibilities. Ask Mr. Bean to tell you about this Place. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph, 2-0805, 3.4601 cdlBl Rest. & Confectionary All new equipment, in live dist. You must see to appreciate the possibilities here. The price Is right, long lease. Have a look St make in offer. For further information, call G. A. Vicary, Real Estate 818 N. Com'l St. Ph. Day or Eve. 3-0421. cd!51 MUST SACRIFICE My going bus. Fum. appl. store & service station. Cheap if taken at once. Can be seen 44 miles north of Salem on Port, hiway, first store this side of drive in theatre. Open from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. cdl52 119,750, over $250 mo. inc. plus liv. rm f-plc, din rm kit., nook. pvt. bath for owner Apt's are furn., full baim.. hot wtr. ht., hollow tile con's. Nice trees St shrubs. Lot 100x150. Ph. 26680. $la.'W), HOLLYWOOD DIST. 1105 mo. Inc. from 2 apt's plus If. liv rm., din. rm., f-plc., kit., nook, 2 br pvt. bath for owner, nice outside f-plc. Tree it shrubs, full basm.. oil ht, Wa.ts Se ceiling are Ph. D80. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14tn St dl52' CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY E. A. McOlauflin Loans Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 938 N. Com'l. ph. 2-5211. cdlSJ IAUTOMOBILES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BAKERY, light lunches, fountain Ice cream, soft drinks. Business excellent; oest location In town. Only bakery pay roll town. Spend a little time, see the business this bakery does. Long lease rent very reasonable. Priced for quick sale $12,000 plus Inventory. Down payment, or will sell half Interest to re sponsible people. This is best buy -n town, D. R. COLLIER, REALTOR Toledo, Oregon Ph. 243. cdl52 LUNCH COUNTER Oood location. $375 dn. will handle. 1445 N. Commercial. B.. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capital St. Office Ph, 2-3862, Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836 cdlSl' 3 HOUSES at Nelscott to trade for Salem bust, property. Will sell on very easy terms. INCOME property, 6 rentals, $237 per mo. Will net 13 on price of $17,000. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING property . for sale or will accept good home or bus. , In trade. 5 UNIT apt. in W. Salem, this really is good, all elec, very low overhead. $31,000 APT. HOUSE on hte coast, shows very good income, auto heat, 126,500.- 3 STORY BRICK APT. HOUSE. 16 units mostly furnished, brick it tile garages, very best of location, let us show you the figures on this, $82,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 cdl51- DOWNTOWN floor space for rent or lease. Ph. 2-5692. cd HIGH NET RETURN Illness forces sale well furnished 15 room apartment house. 5 rentals plus large owner's apartment. Owner re ports 15 NET income on low price of $16,500. Strout Realty 969 8. 12th St. Ph. 25323 CdlSl- FURNISHED office space on mezzanine with ground floor display window If wanted. Call 3-4016. cdlSl RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN to service this territory with Nationally Advertised Product. We place vending machine. You Service. Full or part time. Steady week ly income. 725 investment. Fully se cured. Box 422 Capital Journal. cdl51 NEAT ATTRACTIVE cafe, new equipment. un Hoc,, . oaiem. rn. 23326. cdl52 $27,500 CLEANING AND PRESSING This is a good one. Everything in 'top cond. Bussi. showing steady Increase Ph. 26660. TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP This tavern loc' at Junction of 2 good hi -ways had gross sales of $100,000 Jast yr. Is listed at over $20,000, but reas onable offer will be con's. Ph. 20680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. Cdl52 SERVICE station for lease with inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAut 1106, Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes. cd FOR . LEASE separate rm. 660 sq. ft. furniturefor'Tle''''" UNPAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. d WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at WoodryAuction Market. Ph 8-5110. da' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK JERSEY COW, milking 3 gal. Very gen tle. Can milk from either side. Also 2 mo. old calf. Geo. L. Shelley, Rt. 7, box 20. On Olaxter rd. el61 LIVESTOCK WANTED SMALL BLACK and white Shetland Stud Service. Woodburn 1121. eal55 BONDED & LICENSED livestock buyer E. O. McCandllsh. 1127 S 25 Ph. $-8147. ea!53 HIGH SPIRITED 5-yr. roan mara with 8 wk. bay colt. Ph. 2-1303. eal66 PETS KITTENS to give away free. 2115 Myrtle. . ecl52 FOR SALE: Cocker puppies. Phone 2-1380. ecl53 LITTLE MEXICAN Chihuahua puppies. 4 wks. old. 420 Miller Ave. Dallas, Ore. eel 54 ROLLER CANARY birds. $10.00. Ph. 25039. ecl57 HOLMAtf'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt. 1, Box 163 DD. Stayton Near auction house. ecl54 FOR SALE to a good home only: Red fe male cocker spaniel pup, 3 'A mo. old, pure-bred without papers, very small and frisky. 3130 North River road af ter 5:30 p.m. week days; all day week- - CndS . f-c- 53 FUEL ' ",iJ,JJ JJJJJ JJ West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 18-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St., West Salem ee FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates. eeiso PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. Ph. 68F22. YEW WOOD posts it anchor posts, any dla. or length. Rt. 2, Box 141, Dallas. eel52 TRI-CITY FUEX Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Fh 37442. We give 8 it H Green Stamps Green 16 in. mill wood ee" CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood, Ph. 16444 t PRODUCE CHERRIES t'-FICK on halves. 3 Royal Annes. 1 black. 695 N, 16th. II152 PIE CHERRIES tf-plck 3c. Ed. Dunnlgan Rt. 7 Box J37. 1 ml. BO. Haiei oreen School. fflSl CURRANTS, U-Pick, 8c lb., bring con tainers. Mrs. M. Petiei. Rt. 3. Box 353. I ml. N. on Newberg highway, U151 PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES 5c lb.. Logans 3c, U Pick. Bring containers, Plenty berries, fine quality. C. M. Steveley, Rt. 9, Box 360, Salem. 8 ml. south on Rosedale Buena Vista road. Phone 49F11. ffl55 FINE, LARGE RASPBERRIES, 10c lb, U pick. L. D. Egbert, Silver ton road 2k miles beyond Fairgrounds. Look for sign ff 156 CHERRIES CHERRIES Royal Anns, Blng At Lamberts. Fine crop, good Picking, 2c lb. You pick. Bring your own containers. F. O. Muck ridge, Rt. 2. bo 42, Salem. 1 mile E. of Keizer school. 11156' Currants, U.Pick, 8c lb, 1 mile east it north of Keizer Archie Claggett Rt. 3, Box 43 If 151 CHERRIES, U-Plck, S'ic lb. mile south. Rt. 4, Box 124. Ph. 31404. If 153 BINGS, Royal Ann Cherries, black caps, and currants. You pick. 3 ml. from Lib erty on Skyline rd. Rt. 3, box 781. Ph. 2-7146. ffl52 PIES and Royal Ann cherries 5c U pick 1 ml. on Wallace rd. P. E. Castle, rt. 1, box 240, fflS2 IMPROVED MONTMORENCY pie Cher ries, you Pick, Out 99E to Hayesville. Jiffy Lunch, turn right, 4th house on right. John Verstcet. ff!53' U-PICK CHERRIES. l' mi. West of Keizer school. Rt, 2, box 154, Sigurdson. IM51 RASPBERRIES, U pick, 4 Mi miles east Totem Pole on N. Pac. highway. Rich ard Tuve. Phone 39F12. If 151 MOUNTAIN GROWN Strawberries. Sweet as honey. U-plck. 10 miles southeast of Silverton at Drakes crossing on Silver Falls highway. Star Rt. Silverton. Wil liam C. Bankston. f f 151 STRAWBERRIES, you pick, 8c lb. This week only Good berries. R. P. Barnwell. 4930 N. River Rd., Keizer. If 151 RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard's Fruit Stand, m i. N. Kelzer School. Ph. 24262. f f 171 RASPBERRIES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2, Box 390, north Chemawa. Ph, 2-1386. ffl69 FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered lor $2. Ph. Cherry 21532. ffl52 STRAWBERRIES -U-pict 10c Bring con tainers. Out Silverton Rd 2s ml. to Middle Grove School. Turn right Vi ml Herr St Rlensche. ' ff RASPBERRIES, U-PlcV. 10c lb. Bring containers. Rt. 4, Box 1010. I f 152 IMPROVED Willamette raspberries. Ph 2-4379. 3745 Brook street. ff 153 RASPBERRIES U PICK 10c. Rt. 2. Box 442,. V4 ml. W. of S9E on Chemawa cutoff road. ff 153- CHERRIES. Royal Anne & pie cherries, 5c lb U pick. J. C. Savage at Wa conda. Ph. 3-1344. ffl53 TOD PICK CHERRIES 3c lb. Royal Anns and pie cherries, j; C. O'Reilly, Rt. 4, Box 692 Near Prlngle school south. Ifl53 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every" Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. f HELP WANTED WANTED, CHERRY PICKERS, Will furn ish transportation. .Chris M, Bartruff, Rt. 2. Box 39PP. 1 mile from Chemawa on Chemawa-Qulnaby road Ph. 3-1432. Rl51 CHERRIES, you pick, 3c lb. Swart orchard. BrinK containers. Oak Hill ave. between S. 12th it 99E. Start Mon. 7:30 a.m. R152 STRAWBERRY harvest is not over. Pick ers needed. 5c lb. Stanley Sneed, Rt. 2, Box 450. V mile west of Portland high way on Chemawa cutoff road. On Keizer Ohemawa bus line. gl52 WANTED Cherry pickers: 5 mi. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 20. Phone 17F12. James Best, Rt. 8, Box 622. gl56 WANTED: A few more boysenberry pick ers. John Wlrth, 406 0 Monroe ave. Sa lem. gl51 HELP WANTED MALE CANADA DRY has opening for Ad vance Route Salesman, 25 to 30, to sell, advertise and merchandise Beverages in Salem and surrounding territory. Must own late model cur. Salary, commission, car allowances. Do not phone, apply by letter giv ing complete background to P.O. Box 5078, Rose City Station, Port land 13. ga!56" WANTED, steady man at Pippin's Mill at Independence. gal 52 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: WOMAN with nice personality to take full charge and operate bar at the University Bowl. Salary and com mission. Apply In person. gbl52 EXPERIENCED OFFICE girl for saw mill. Located Turrier, Ore, Ph. 20064 Salem or Turner 1125. b-15I LUZIERS COSMETICS: Disrtlbutors want ed. If Interested In earning over $50 per week Ph. 36327 8 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. gbl54 WOMAN OR girl for housework. 605 N. Liberty, Call mornlnga. gblSl EMPLOYMENT1 AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency IflO state St. Ph. 2-1488. ef WANTED SALESMEN STERLING INSURANCE company wants representatives to write lifetime benefit accident and health, blanket doctor bill insurance, and life. Good future for right men, or women. Foi appointment phone Salem: 2-4664 or 2-7293. gg!53 Help Wanted I need 8 men part-time who want $76 per month extra Income for 3 evenings Interesting work each week. We train you. Call Mr. Glrtman, 24517 between B:30 and 10 a.m. only. ex 151 SALESMAN Responsible man for local protected territory. Our men contact in dustries, institutions, railroads, etc., offering a scientific maintenance service. Unlimited earnings on commission basis. Constant repeat business assures you an opportunity of building a permanent income considerably above average. For details write United Laboratories, Inc., Cleveland 12, Ohio. gg!61 DRAW $75 WEEKLY against commissions and small token quota In selling roof leakprooflng di rect to Industrial, commercial and farm building owners. High prices new roof ing create live market for this econ omical compound. Exclusive territory. Minimum supervision. Home every night. Enjoy own business. Write: J-26, Box 1768. Cleveland. Ohio. g!51 BOOK MATCH SALESMEN! Sell matches for West Coast mfr. and save custom er plenty of money In transportation charges. Hundreds designs and color combinations. UNION LABEL. Dally comm Free Outfit. MONARCH MATCH Co., Dept. N.4, Monterey at Tully Rd.. San Jose, Calif. ggl51 WANT w6lrt7oHS CARPENTER. A-l, fast. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 PL' MICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8325. h!77 4 BOYS around age of 4 eared for In our 2 yr. old home at end of dead-end street. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Will call for it deliver within reason. Ph. 20167 Eve, h!52 PRACTICAL NURSING or housekeeping in small family. References. Write Box 425. Capital Journal. hi 52 LANDSCAPING Pruning. Rototllllnt. New lawns, tree work. Richard Bover. Ph. 2-8110. hl75 CHILD CARE or baby sitter, your home or mine. Any time. Ph. 2-1945. hi 52 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. w. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. hl75 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6790 hl75 WE BUILD St repair houses. Ph. 2-0341 MM CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. b WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE. 183 B. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hill' TYPING in my home, Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hlTO PAINTING & DEC. BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. 1U66 CEMENT CONTRACTING. Best finish work in town, by Journeyman. All work guaranteed. Call Frank, 38110. hl52 IRONING, my home, 75c hr. Ph. 3-61 MOWING A RAKING. New power mower. Ph. 3-7133 or 3-1404. h!51 CUSTOM HAY baleing, rake with Job also will mow. Ph. 37103 h!62 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 6. hl74 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 3-4369. Free estimates hl8l CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. hl61 LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting in new ones. Ph 2-2608. bl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision Ph. 20315 or 23897 eve. hl58 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower . prices. 665 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hl55 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl52 EDUCATION Clip this Ad WANTED Men 17 to 55 to learn REFRIGERATION Learn by Doing Come for Interview with W.C.T.I. rep resentative at Marion Hotel regarding starting dates, housing and part-time jobs. ' Interviews on Monday only. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. G. I, APPROVED hhl51 FOR RENT ROOMS HOLI.YWOODrms.203 5 McCoy. Phonr 3-6093. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. FURN. SLEEPING rm. or light housekeep ing rm. on llrst lloor. Prlv. ent. Ph. 2-3769. Jkl52 NICE FIRST FLR. sleeping rm. H&C water. 461 N. High. Jkl56 SLEEPING ROOM for men. 1050 Hlghlnnt avp. Ph. 3-7336. Jkl53 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. 2 rm. apt. 1 rm. apt. Sleeping rm. too union, rn. xwajft. jpia-i- 3 APARTMENTS, furnished. Inquire at . 515 N. Summer or Ph. 20714. Jpl51 SPACIOUS APT. In beautiful court. Un furnished except for refrlg. and range. Automatic laundry. Call at 907 S. 13th. after 10 a.m. Jpl36 1 RM. FURN. APT. Elec. stove. 1 block bus Se market. Employed only. 725 S. 13th. JPI51 3 RM. unfurn. apt. Shower, elec. heat. '1351 McCoy. $45. Inquire 1341 McCoy or write H. C. Edwards, Gates, Ore. JP153 3 RM. furn. apt., upstairs, with bath and outside entrance. To a middle aged couple. No drinking, pets or children 455 South 18th. Jpl5G 4 ROOM furnished apartment, Clean, el ectric range and heat. Refrigerator, bus. 1307 Hlnes. Jpl51 ALL MODERN apt. Nicely furn. Cool at tractive is close in, for t or 2. 468 N. Winter. Jpl53' RM. furn. apt, Adults. Close In. 314 Water street. Ph. 3446. jpioi WILL RENT to middleaged lady, lovely furnished apt. in exchange for light work. Phone 2-1050. , , Jp151 FURNISHED APT, 3 rooms it bath. Apply Hollywood theatre. Jp153 1411 STATE ST. Vacancy-July 1. Ph. 3-0670 JP1S3 FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. 3 bdrm. house. Modern. Rlckrenll, Ore. Inquire at Standard Station. Jml52 8 RM. noUSE, partly furn. Not mod. 62 Williams Ave. Jml51 LOVELY 5 rm. unfurn, modern home. Close to Salem. Academy on Dallas Rd. Phone 3-1181. Jml53 4 RM. partly furnished cottage. $35 per month. Phone 2-5557. jmisz LARGE new unfurn. 2 B.D, duplex, Con venient location. Ph. 2-1725. Jml63 NEW 2 bdrm, nicely furn, duplex, 1 block from bus. Walking dlst. to state house. Phone 3-1725. Jml53 1 B.R. hse., view. $55 per mo. Phone 2-0279. Jml53 8 RM. furn. house. All electric. 412 Ev ergreen ave. Jml52 COUPLE WITH 1 CHILD want 1 or 2 bdrm. house. Furn. or partly furn. In or out of Salem. Reasonable rent. Ph. 3-7764 Mrs. Crawford. JmlSl FURN. COTTAGE. 321S Portland Rd. Jml71 MALL MOD. house. Poss. Aug. 16th. Ph, 3709B. JmlSl FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Singer electric eewlnc machine by month In your home. No extra charge for delivery it pickup of machine. 16.00 per mo. Ph. 33512, J166 OFFICE spaces and deik apaeea. Fb. tftfl92. GROUND FLOOR rooms, aultable for of fice or stores. STATE PTNANC1 CO. Ph. 34131 J V DRIVE trucks cars Ph. 3-9103 POWER TOOL rentals lor home A In dustriaj use Bowser Bros Ph 1-3646 J' TRAILERS, $3.00 per day. Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th, West Salem J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery Ward. J TO DO a rood Job rent a good floor land er, We ell everything to complete tbe Job. BOWSER BROS Ph 1-3646 1 WANTED TO RENT SMALL MODERN 2 bdrm. home with stove. By telephone man, wife it 7 month old baby, Ph. 33707. Jal51 X BDRM, home partly furnished for young couple, Permanently employed in Btlem. Capital Journal Box 413. Jal5I COUPLE transferred by firm needs 3 rm. unfurn. apt. or small house. Up to $50. Phone 2-3933. ' Jal53 t BDRM. HSE. one fir. Ph. 3-6316. JalSl LOCAL business man desires to lease a 5 room modern suburban view home with some acreage. Might consider option to buy. Adult family. Will pay 6 months rent In advance If desirable. Call 3-4016 or Eve. 3-8313. Jal51 ELDERLY LADY wants to rent 6 rm. furn. house for board and room and small rent. Ph. 39478. Jal52 WANTED BY governor's new executive secretary: two or tnrea nearoom noune to lease. Southilde location preferred. Might consider Portland-Salem home swap. Tom Lawson McCall. 2304 8.W. Mitchell Portland. TeJ. BR 5714. Jal64 COUPLE AND 4 YR. OLD child urgently need partly furn. 1 or 3 bdrm. duplex or bouse. Ph. 3-8431. Jem WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT: Small farm on ehares. Write Capita Journal Box 412. Jalsl ROOM AND BOARD GOOD BOARD Ai Room in widow's home. 492 N. Summer. JJ1W BOARD & ROOM. 495 N. Cottaae. JJ154 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lady's Harvel wrist watch, down town shopping dlst. Reward. Ph. 39642. kl52 LOST! In the vicinity of Clear Lake or Mission Bottom roads, 1 lady's gold Grant wrist watch. Finder Ph. 3-6644 or 2-2756. Reward. kI53 LOST: LADY'S white gold wrist watch. Good reward. Ph. 26303. Klftl MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30 ml56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY S EM L.ER DENTIST Adolph BIdK. -State is Commercial Sts SALEMPhone 3-3311 m' HAVE YOI'R SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a quai-'fied Singer represen ta"' e. Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on a); makes of ma chines. Fre estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL SCHWAB LUMBER Co. Wallace Rd. Ph, 23611. Finish lumber at a reducea price, Old growth 2x4's No. 4 common at 25, Aluminum corrugated roofing. ma!54 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for frer estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM OREGON ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 (t width In the following lennths: 6 $1 74 8 3 32 10- 2.90 12' 3.48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD Si CO SALEM OREGON HARD WOOD floorinp. all grades, from 15 thousand up. Keith Brown, 'ront & Court tots.. Sale m. ma" SPECIAL: Cedar siding, V'x8". Random length. C-srade. $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front it Court Sts., Salein. ma" AETNA STEEL DOOR FRAMES As sembled, one unit. Low installation cost. PUMILITE WEST SALEM mnUl REINFORCING STEEL! Blok-Mcsh In 4", 6", 8" and 12" widths. PUMIMTE WEST SALEM PUMILITE WEST SALEM ma 151' NEW WINDOWS and frames. Hundredt of sash. New first quality doors, SO. 50; screen doors $6.50 up. '4 in. firtex 5c ft. Used window screens, your choice 25c. Oak flooring and all thicknesses ol plywood. U.sed toilets and lavatories. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mi. N. of Keizer. mal55 WILL GIVE MJMlJEft, large quantity cor rugated metal, etc., Free to party clear- Ins premises complete. Location is Capitol and Hood. Ph. 2-7746. W. P. HiRhley. ' "i153 CKDAK SHAKES J 12. 80 per sq. Coniblna- t Ion screen storindoors S 10. Now doors 3 & 5 pancr.s $5.75. MahOKBav front doors, Bargain. Hard waterproof wall board 7'ic ft. C. G. Long, Rt. 2, box 31. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kei zer. mal56 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles No. 2 $5 cedar wall shakes and undercourse, $12,80 painted No. 1 unpnlntcd $0 00. No 2 $6.50. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 I ALUM A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401 ma 156' NEW SHIPMENT plast board V 6c W 6o sq ft Rock lathe 45 sq rt $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD StLEM ma' NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them in bloom. 180 Varle- ties. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 4360 Cherry Ave. mb!77 GERANIUMS, Fuschias, bedding plants. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. mbl61 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CONN TROMBONE. Elec. razor. Reming ton 3, Tweed suit size 38. Sport coat, Slacks. Ph. 36256. nl52 DOG HOUSE: Well built, solid, big enough for small kiddles to use as play house. $10. Two 30-Ral. galvanized wa ter tanks. Make excellent porch flower boxes. $1 each. 955 Garnet St. nl56 SHETLAND CART, rubber tire, very nice Woodburn 1121. nl56 ADMIRAL RADIO and phonograph comb, with stand. Goon cond., $45. Ph. 34076 nl51 SLIGHTLY USED deluxe playpen and arait-proot pad. Excellent cond., $17.50. Ph. 34076. nlSl- r-ROriCAL WEAVE man's summer suit, size 39 short. Phone 33751, n)52 RUBBER TIRES lawn mower, good buy Phone 33751. nI63 REFRIGERATOR TYPE Ice Box $10,00. 2372 stale St. Anytime before 1 p. nl51 CRAFTSMAN JIG SAW, 7" bench saw, Va ti.f. uuniap motor. 90 new. Rt. 3, Box 875. nl51 200 AMP. A.O. welder. 4x4A welding table, Walker Turner drill press 'A with mo tor. Alrco welding outfit, 0803 handle it tips. 1 stage oxygen, 2 stage acetyline, 60 it. hose, combination cutting attach ment it tips. Acetyline welding table. Marco flexible shaft "A h.p. with W h.p. motor $300. 997 N. 1st, Woodburn, Ore. nlSl GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock Shovel & drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND & O RAVEL CO. Ph, 8-0249 USED WINDOW, frame, sash it weights, 3ft. 10" x 4 ft. 6". Also door hardwnre it Jams, 2 ft, 6" X 6 ft. 8". h. 3-4687. nl53 LARGE refrlg.. Ideal for store or res taurant. Inquire after 6 p.m. Rose cottage, 2 miles north of Brooks on 89E. nias STEEL typewriter desk, 0x13. Jute rug ijhu. ivjv warxei m, rn. 2-mou aner 5:30. nlSl GIRL'S Junior bicycle, like new. I3(T li ft. Phllco refrlg., used 3 mo. Advanced design with an inside door. $3,10. Gar den Road. Rt, 6, Box 116. Ph. 2-1110. n!51 GIRL'S bicycle for sale. Oood condition Call 2.6429 after 6. nl62" A GOOD kitchen sink with new faucet from remodeling Job. Reasonable. Ph 3-3306. nl52' USED washing machine. Excellent con ditkn. Phone 2-5520. nI53' SPOOL BEDS: Walnut it maple finish, luii or twin size, 115.9a. Blond drop eat extension table. 3 pedestal. 3 leaves, 86 In. ext., 189.50. 3 pedestal 1 leaf, 86 in. ext., 79.50. Chairs to match, $11.05. We give BitH Green Stamps, Salem Home Furn. Co., 137 8. Commercial. nlSl C A. DAVENPORT it CHAIR. Maple fin lsh arms, spring filled cushions. Home spun covers, Reg. $159-50, reduced to 180.88 Love seat and chair, reg. $139..-0, special $69.88. Oreen Stamps. Snlem Home Furn. Co., 137 8. Commercial, nl51- FOR SALE: Johnson 6 horse motor. Cur rent model - Just broken In. Priced for quick sale. 2-3907. nl51 SALEM 8ANO it ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer it Basement Equipment Rental 15 B 4 yds 13.00 per hr 10 B H yds. 0.M per hr D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per or D-fl Cat it Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat Si Dozei 7.00 per hr Phone Days 8-9408 Eves 3-820 or 3-4400 bam Oreaon n USED sewing machine. Ph. 33130. nl8( FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles. fertilizer it flat roe. Phillips Bros., Ht 8. Box 118. Ph. 6RF22. n FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 38357 nl56 STEEL clothesline posts, $1) it up Rail ings in stock, copper lanterns St vane; at reduced prices. 1145 N Liberty nl53 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurts 14 CU. IT. CHEST freezer New $330 0(1 Ph 3-4264 n NEED A cheap battery? Six months guar. rebullts. Grp. 1 size, ls.9o exchange. Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. n!72 WALLING SAND & GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for road and drivewan cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching V-yd. shovel and drag line Ph. 3-9249 n' PEAT MOSS: Full bales. $3.95. N. W. Poultry, 1505 N. Front. n!70 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries Market price In cash. Contact Jory Hacking Co at rer mlnal Ice. 249 D St Phone 3-4690. naj WE NEED Junk batteries Paying 90c. Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. nal72 WANTED furniture to glue A i-epalr Le Ph 3-7001 Bros Furn Re finishing Co PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Cross St. Ph. 2-6446. , p 1 66 ALCOUOL1CS Anonymous Box 724. 3-5234 P186 AUTOMOBILES Private Owned Ford Cpe. Very clean. Good paint. Spot lite. Seal beam lites. Radio & heater, Dual pipes, skirts & flippers. . 1460 N. Summer. qtSl Im'pONTTATrstreatnlincV'a door sedan. Excellent condition, low mileage. Must sell this week. Ph. 30340. ql63 4H CHEV. 4 Dr. Flcetlinor. Like new. Low mlleaRC. Cheap. 1887 N. Winter ql52 IU4H PONT1AC "8" Streamliner Deluxe. All accessories. 7000 miles. Will take late model 'a-ton panel truck in trade. Also new 1 wheel trailer for sale. Src owner at 948 Jeffevso.. St, Sat. afternoon. qlSl 1041 CHEVROLET Convertible. Low mile age. Excellent condition. Original own er. $1505. 006 S. 'Church. Phone 3-7370 for appt. nl5'J S'iOH or best older car takes equity in "4 Frazer, r&h. overdrive. Ph. aoiaa nitc ' p.m. 01 2880 Peck Ave. ql55' 35 DODGE. Body fair, motor excel., $195 Ph. J00I9. nl5'2- CON VERT ARM-: 1949 Ford. Radio and heater, with coollnsc equip., undercoat, spotlight back-up lights, wheel shield; and other .equip. Immaculate cond. 1364 S. 12th. ("Champion"! ql55- 47 PONT, fl Torpedo Sod. Cpe. Lots ol n -cessorles. Black, good rubber, low mileage, J1870. 1114 Cherry St., Dallas, Ore. Qlol 17 FORD 4-dr. super deluxe sedan. Radio., seat covers, spot light, wndshield washers. In perrrct cond. 195 down. 718 Pine St., Silverton. ql52- USED TRUCKS 1941 Int'l Pickup J 750 ,:M3 Federal WBody & hoist, .... 900 1943 Federal 900 1940 Wnite WLofi Fquip. 47 mlr.. 130P 193 G.M.C 3'i Ton 350 1941 Int'l Long Wheclbnse WBody 1100 1045 Int'l KS-5 Long Whcelbase .. 1250 1941 Int'l K-5 29 Pass. Bus 1250 1941 Diamond T H'a Ton 1430 JAMES H. MADEN CO. 3055 Sil'erton Rd. Phone 24123 Salem, Oregon q 151 UKri'LvT Coupe or 1934 Chev. SctT Both in tood ctnd. Will sell cheap or trnde. Phone 2-0167 seven dnys a wk. qlb2 EQUITY In '4i fin tine 8 Torpedo custom 5 pass, coupe. Priced to sell. Rt. 2. Box 48R, Chemawa Rd. ql5fl SPECIAL PRICES ON QUALITY MERCHANDISE WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM , ONLY $1595 1946 Bulck Super Sedan 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDAN (Three of These) .1946 BUICK SUPER SEDANET ONLY $1625 1946 PONTIAO CONVERTIBLE ONLY $1395 1947 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE ONLY $1315 1947 MERCURY SEDAN ONLY $1025 1942 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN ONLY $850 1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN (Just Painted) ONLY $790 1940 BUICK ROADM ASTER SEDAN 1941 FORD TUDOR OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center STATION WAGON 1046 Mercury, clean In and out. Just the car for this summer vacation. Can be seen at 3305 Portland Rd. Private party. ql51 '37 PONTIAC sedan. OrlRlnB owner. Ex cellent cond. Mechanically nearly as good as new. Priced to sell. See it, drive it. 130 W. Owen. Ph. 34.120. q 161 FOR SALE or trade my equity In '39 Ford club coupe with radio, heater, dual plpfs. Ph. 20219 after b. q 15 1 '3D ClfKV. 2-dr. exceptionally clean. 130 E. Madrona ave. qlSl 1o5bCHEV. 2 dr. edan. RHROodcon- dltion. Priced to cell. See at 745 N. Capitol. 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. only. qlSl' CHEVROLET 1048 Fleetmajfter 3 Door. Dark blue, One owner car. Radio it heater, Very clean 1295. WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 Center St, Ph. 33012 ql49 FOR SALE 1048 1-ton Dodge, stake body, dual tlrea, 15,000 miles. Norman Pfaf rinierj 5 ml. E. of Woodburn. q!51 57CHKv! Ooo'd m oto TiT pal nL Call Dallas 2987 days and Monmouth 2143 eves. ' qI56 35 FORI) Panel. New tires, engine fair. 1185, Call at Browne's Fountain Lunch. 1140 N. Capital. Ph. 2-0J44. ql53 MO I) K h AT oUTUiK. Oood hapei 2 3 72 Stale St. Anytime before 7 p.m. ql57 TrAI)KF Q iTlT y 49C h e a-7 convT "f or"" b est '40 or '41 offered. Prefer conv, See al "Canteen" tavern, on Moncoulh road, qlSl Eisner Motors to Buy 3! MOD. A ear. Brt ev. A Sun. Emit Krefi box 4S1. Rt. ft, In place PM McClay cemetery. q!61 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, AUTOMOBILES BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2312 Completely Equipped Delivered al the Factory Save from $272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial At Center q!54 '41 G.M.C. 6x6. Equipped with Baugh. Eisner Motors to Sell TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS NEW AND USED We Invite You to Use Our Free Expert Truck Techni cian Service. NEW FORD TRUCKS of All Sizes Are Again Available These Reconditioned Used Trucks Are Priced to Sell One Will Fit Your Needs 1946 FORD, L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle 1946 CHEV.. L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, F Speed Tran.siiil.sslon 1942 FORD, L.W.B. Stake Body. 1936 CHEV. 1 Ton Panel. 1940 CHEV. Dump Truck. 2 Speed Axle 1941 CHEV. Dump Truck. 2 speed Axle PICKUPS A! PANELS 1946 FORD to Tor. Panel 1M7 CHEV. !i Ton Pickup VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCK DEPARTMENT LIBERTY AT MARION PHONE 3-3147 nift2 ZEEB'S USED CARS BOY SELL TRADE TERMS 333 FalrB rounds Road Plion 3-H4M IV ANTED clean used cars Bob Marr 2ino S Coin! q' This Time It's HUDSONI Strvice Sales Paris Home ot Good CJsev Cur' SHROCK MOTOR CO cjhurch it Ch-mikrta Bt Ph 3-0101 Eisner Motors Finfe Cars IIU FOItl) CONVERTIBLE B completely equipped. S!i00 miles COST $2800. Best offer over 12000 takes. Call 20470. q!57 tl STllDE. Champion 2 dr. aedan. Oood condition. Ph. 2-7310. qlSl PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. cpe. 805 '47 Ford D.L. apt. cpe. 1345 '36 Chevrolet sdn 295 '40 Pontiac 2-dr 5B5 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. so N Liberty Pb Kill I03D STANDARD FORD ope. RAH. A-l condition. S49S. Ph. 20280 after 6:30 p.m. 0 IS3- What's In a Name? In New York it's Tif fany's for Diamonds In Salem It's ,TEAGUE'S for Fine Used Cars 35 Fine Used Cars Here Are a Few: 1041 DO DOE SEDAN 1S48 KAISER SEDAN 1847 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 1040 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON 1040 MERCURY TUDOR .047 FORD SEDAN 1848 PONTIAO 5 Paaa. Torpedo Body 1848 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1040 HUDSON 8 SEDAN 1047 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1841 OLDS 5 PASS COUPE 1041 OLDS 6 PASS COUPE 1841 NASH 5 PASS COUPE 1841 DESOTO SEDAN 10.18 CHEVROLET COUPE 1830 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 10JI FORD 4 DOOR TWO LOCATIONS 362 N. Commercial 2840 Portland Roaa TEAGUE MOTOR CO. PHONE 2-4173 FOR KALE OR TRADE '30 Ford. R&II. Ph 3-4369. 1245. ql58' 10t7 FORD 4 -door super deluxe. 948 Jef ferson, q 151 ' '49 P'uturamic Oldsmobile Rocket enaine. All extras. Low mileage. Private owner. Priced (or quick sale. Phone Salem 3-M30 or 3-B7H4. qm I 917ONtTac"8 Sedan Coupe, very clean, low mile ace, unciercoattnK, new Air Ride tire, many 171 Orant St' Woodburn, On. or phone Saturday, June 25, 1949 13 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer ' Shruck Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Ra Ph 2-1433 qi SEW & USEr Trlumplia, Velocettesi Jawas A; CZ125 CCS. Motorcyc.e.s. Dallaa Motorcycle Shop. qal56 FARM i-QUIPMENT USED MACHINERY W-C Allis Chalmers WMower ...11350 T-20 TracTractor 16S0 TD-6 VDozer 32S0 Farmall "H" WNew Rubber 1500 .Model "A" Tractor WPlow and Wood Saw 1200 No. 60 Oliver Tractor 900 TD-9 WD07r St Drum 6R50 Farmall "A" Tractor 850 10-20 Tractor on Steel 300 TD-35 W Isaac Oozcr it Drum ... 2500 letrac 150 3 H.i3 Garden Tractor WPlow, Cult. St Disc 200 a.' 18 John Deer Plow t"5 2 14 David Bradley Plow 11& 118 Plow 125 62-R Combine '5 W Pickup. Uaed one reason only 1300 1918 Hyater Log Bine Arch 100 8' Hamilton Lime Spreader 100 JAMES H. MADEN CO. Silverton Rd. Phone 24123 'Salem, Orenon ablSl I -WHEEL ridtnit benn St berry tractor, with equipment. First class condition. 1450. Call 3-6137. qbl5fl BOATS 14 FT. moulded plywood boat with 50 h.p. Evinrude motor & trailer $700 or will sell motor ncpanitc. Sec Mr. Akers, 1 ml. E. of Dallas. Salem-Dallas Htway. Qqlfil' 14 FT. Bl'RCHCKAFT boat, like new, and trailer. W. R, Phone 500 Jef ferson. qcil51 fRAILERS USED COMlMEMA House TrnUer, almost new. Sleeps 4; Deautyrest Mattress and Springs; Oil Heat: Gas Cooking; Both Elec. St Gas Lites; Water Umlcr Pres sure: Brakes: Price $1500. See at James H. Madon Co., 2055 Silverton Rd. Ph. 24123 or 38B24. t!51 1 012 24. ft. Alrfloat house trailer, dolly. 3 rooms. Philippine mahottany finish, outane ranie. oil heater. Priced for quick sale Very Rood condition. Rt. 1, Jeflvr.son, across from Talbot store. tl5t FINANCIAL FARM AND CITT LOANS 4',i and 5 VOJK OWN MS ol repayment within reason Cash for Roai Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 20i Pioneer Trust Bide Ph 3-7182 r CHATTKL MORTGAGE First class new equip. Well established firm, PurcJiftse price 120,000. Needs 50 m ort case, li?o Interest. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor rlS3" 303S Portland Pd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4506 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO WOO Cat lonns up to 1500 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1091 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone J70:t2--Lic N MJ69-3201 Floyd Kenyon, Mar. r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. PKRSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State. Rm. lih. Ph. 2-2464. C. R. Allen Mur. Lie. 8-123-M-165. r!51 . GENERAL F1NANCB CORP. LOANS Lie B-VJ8. and and - ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 13(1 S. Commcrcla St. Tel. 3-01fll f AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church Parking a Plcntj Ph. S-2467 Lie No M-1S0 6-lfi PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and term on laraei loans Ions and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 138 SoWh Commercial St Phone 3-Olftl SEE 03 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 'Aft INTEREST ft to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 844 State St Phone r AIRPLANES " Utfl'EItboiJPE-Only 250 hrs. Houl meter. Sensitive altimeter; 2-way Bendti ra dio; always hangared. Call James H. Mnden Co. 3-4123 or 3-3S152. 151 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 1MPROVK JASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 7fi FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINE OF GRKAR STREET. Notice hereby Riven that the common council ot the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares 1U purpose and Intention to Improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to a point whl-h la 75 feet north of the north line of Orear Street, In the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing sntd portion of laid street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and par ing snld portion of said street with a 2H Inch asphattlc concrete pavement 34 feet wide In accordance with the plans and specifications the re Tor which were adopted by the common council June 13, 1040. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by thU reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Iti purpose and Intention to make Hie above dpscrihed improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By Order of the Common Council June 13, 1940. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Dnte of first publication hereof la June 15. 1910. June 15. In. 17. IB. 30. 21, 22, 23. 24. 23. 27th. 1949 noticefTnt westerly alley, block i. the OAKS ADDITION. FRtlV BELMONT STREET TO MARKET STREET. Notice hereby Is Riven that the common council of the city of Snlem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declarrs Its purpose and Intention to Improve the westerly alley in Block L. The Oaks Addition, from the north line of Belmont Street to the south line of Market Sreet. In the City of Salem, Mar lon County, Oretfon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense of which will be med by the city of Sa lem, by bringing said alley to the estab lished grade, and paving said alley with a -Inrh Portland concrete cement pave ment 10 feet wide. In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common auncil June 13. 1949. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council herrbv declares IU purpose and Intention to mnke the above described Improvemrnt by and through the street improvement department. By order of the Common Council June 13. 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof La June 15. 1949. June 15,16.17,18.20,31.32,, 1949 (Continued on Page 11)