? 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, June 25, 1949 C1J18SIFVD ADTXiniUQl Per JUd 16 Per Una I time , ..40e Par Lin times) oc Per Uu 1 month 13-00 Outside of Salem 15e per Une per day. kiln. ioei I time uln. 86a 0 tlmej mln $1.30. Ho Refund BEAB1RS In Local News CoL Only. Per une 100 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES : ST OWNER: Larg o noose, 0 rma, down, 1 up. 4 lota, irult St nut trees. Could , bo mads into apU. Prico $4800. Mr. Zacs flchell, P. O. Boi 335. OtrvaU. 1 ai59 ' FOB BALK BT OWNER, How 3 bdrm. ' home.P-H.A. terms. 1M dowi. Phone - 3-2880. w LEAVimJ . FOR CALIFORNIA -SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME TUo kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors through out. Full Plas tered garage. Lota ol storage space. Terraced back yard. Coat over $18. 000 to build. Will tell (or 114.900, tome termi, Also will consider cheaper house In trade. For more Information Inquire at Steven Deed Cara, 671 8. 12th St. al54 ' riMnir.iRii. l twlrm. home. Br owner im nnrilrl Blvd. Ph. 31341. a 161 BT OWNER: En, style t nn. hse. 3 B.R. brk. nk., F.O.B.. auto oil. 1880 Bo. High Phone 38788. 182' , WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire- . a- k-. U.tnar rm l.mmst lot Plenty shrubs St flowera. Over 1,400 ft. floor ipace. flesiues saraae. nui posa. Price low. For appointment Ph. - 3-3734. ' mew e hrirm. home. Small down pay ment. Bal. on termi. Call 3-8301 or 38833. . BT OWNER: Good 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 383B6 aior BT OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Fruit nut tree. $4500. 179 o. lain. Falrmount Hill close to Lealle. Bus to Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur , nace. Corner lot. 18850. Ph. 1-9605. 1595 Saginaw t. a- F.H.A. PRICED 3 bdrm. home. Convent nti innfttad for shoDDlne center, hos pital and ichool. Ph. Eve. 3-1316. a!55 ' BT OWNER: 3 bdrm. furn. home. Good location. Close to ichool Ac bui. 976 Pino. Ph. 3-7894. aioo- BT OWNER: 3 bdrm. home, centrally lo cated. 033 N. 17th St. al53 RING WOOD HTS. 3 bdrm. home, base ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two fl re places. New earpetlnf. F.H.A. Call own er 3-8543. SUM WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES H.W. floors, furnace, garage, larse lot, paved St., city water, sewer, bus, LOW AS 8300 DOWN L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate 480 N. Church Ph. 1-7841. Bra. 3-0126 alBl 6950. ALMOST new I rm. house, a bdrm. down. Unfinished upstairs. Corner lot fenced In. Furn. or unfurn. Ph. 1-8353. al5l BT OWNER: 16700 F.H.A. Modern 3 bdrm, Ven. blinds, auto, heat, att. far., near bus and schools, fenced back yard, price reduced below F.H.A. appr. Will take car as down payment. Ph. 1-6189. a!51 ClftOO CASH or trade. 4 BR house. Full basement, bath both floors, newly dee orated. Oil furnace. Good location. On bus line. Larse lot. $9500. Easy terms. Real bargain. M. B. Sterner, 1887 N. Cottage. Tel. 3-4093. a!51 SfiffOO. CLEAN 1-BR home located 180 N. 33rd. St. Immediate possession. $1,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 5. Hlsh St. Ph. 1-4111. . 3-8661 alS2 95500. LAROE 3-BR homo close In on Oak st. Basement. Furnace. Oarage. Large lot. 1700 down. Balance $50 per mo. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 158 S. High St. Fh. 1-4111. Evea. 1-5561 152 $1,000 DOWN New 1 bdrm. house on paved st. City water. Lot 64x126. Oood size rooms. $8,000. Bal. oontraot at 5. Chas Hudkins & Son C.er 27 Years In Salem 250 N. High Ph.2-4129 a!51 ILLNESS FORCES owner to sell. Make an offer. WelJ Improved acre. Good clean modern house. Ph. 23090. al61 FURN. OR UNFURN. 2 bdrm. home. Will take a late model car In on our equity. S. R. Ml Ida. Ph. 2-8403. al51 TRY TO BEAT THIS 1941 house with 4 bdrm. for $7,150. $1550 dn., bal. FHA. Ph. 3-4701. 1336 Lee. (St. soon to be paved.) al52- OPEN HOUSE ARE YOU TIRED OF . . . 1. Paying Rent Getting only Receipts? 2. Playing Host for Prospective Buyers? 3. No Pets or Children Allowed? 4. Insecurity? YOU CAN OWN ONE OF THESE HOMES FOR AS LITTLE AS $200.00 to $600.00 DOWN Balance $64 to $67 per month INCLUDING principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Down payment includes PRE-PAID fire insurance ... NO FINANCING CHARGES Remember, all interest paid can be claimed as an income tax credit. (We don't advise trying to use your rent receipts for that purpose.) DRIVE OUT NORTH FRONT STREET TO 2700 BLOCK . . . WATCH FOR "MAPLETON ADDITION" SIGNS OVEN HOUSE SUNDAY - 2 to 6 VM. SEE OHMART 8 CALABA, Realtors, 477 Court, Phone 2-41 15... or Your Favorite Agent Win a Guest Ticket to See "Champion" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Champion" coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final. FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER Capa Cod, 3 R. IM. LR, AO oil htlt, ltt bath, dole, gar., lovely treea. Ph. 2-6070. alsltt .151- NEW BR houae by own.r. In back of Kelser Variety .tore. MO Wolt at. Pti 2-7520. a!52- 25 DOWN will buy a new 2 bdrm. horn, with fireplace, dinette, attached sarase, Venetian blind, throughout, oil floor furnace. Lot ,4'xUO, new lawn. You can't beat thla buy ao call 3-85.1 or dilva by 2095 Coral, Weat of Lancaater and Sunnyvlew. a!52 Efficient 3 Bdrm. House on Acre Really a small ranch within the city .'.mlts. King wood Heights. English style house. LR, DR. bdrm., bath. K, brk fat. rm. dn., 2 rms. up. Basement. Dble. garage. Chicken house. Fruit, berries. Phone 2-7241. al51 ONLY ONE LEFT Of a group of three 2-bdrra. homes Just completed. This home has exceptional appointments and Is of finest construc tion. Fireplace, oil furnace, att. car. In fine location on Charles ave. off Liberty rd. F.H.A. loan of $8200. Shown by appointment. Call owner St builder. W. R. Collett. Ph. 31761. a!55 BT BUILDER: Modern 3 BR house. Large lot. Will consider good building lot as part of down payment. Bal. like rent. Call at 207 saiem Heights aye. east. al51 E.T OWNER: Modern 7 rm. house. Large lot with garden. Close to school and bue. Priced to sell, some terms. 1050 3rd St., West Salem. al53 tROOO Oood 3 bd. rm. home, close In. Full basement, auto, oil fur. Space for party rm. call Harvey huh. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora Ph. 30271 141 Chemeketa St. Evea. 30441 .151- ENGLEWOOD DIST. Very nice 3 B.R., L.R., D.R., Kitchen, Hdwd. floors, fireplace. Full basement, furnace heat. V. blinds and built-in O.E. refrigerator. A good buy at $10, 500.00. For appointment, call Len Or ton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora 341 Chemeketa fit. Ph. 30271 Evea. 33093 al32- MODERN NEW HOME. In Keller Dlat. Large lot. Poaseaalon at once. Price 10,600. W. G. KRUEGER 14T N. Oom'l Ph. 3-4720 al51 MAKE AN OFFER My equity, Bal. F.H.A. 3 bdrm, 18x18 living room, U-shaped kitchen, 9 clos ets, oil piped furnace. Lot 195x320, Ph. 25807. al53 C1IEAPIE9 BDRM. HOME on Columbia St. with L.R., Kltch., bath, att. garage, garden at lawn, electric range it oil clrc. go In sale Price 13500. BDRM. HOME on McOllcrlst St. with L.R., Kltch., full bath, large garage, garden fe 'awn, fruit trees, very neat. ONL $3500. l BDRM. HOME north In city with L.R., kltch., bath, wired for range, att. gar age, close to store St bus. PRICE 13000. OOLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS (Open Eves. Till 8:30) 18B3 Center St. Phone 34552 ol51 1 FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 1495 NORWAY A new, finely constructed, three and electrle beat throughout. Large utility room. Two car garage. Will Terms. i OPEN HOUSE BY OWNER NEW FHA built home in Englewood district. Living room, dining room, nice kitchen, 2 bedrooms, powder room, full bath and shower, laundry room with auto matic washer, oak floors thruout, fireplace with tile man tle and recessed mirror, Venetian blinds, automatic oil floor furnace, attached garage with cement floor and drive, insulated and weatherstripped. All large rooms. FHA terms. $2075 down. Balance approximately $60 per month. Full price $9975. Open daily for inspec tion at 1895 Garfield, end of North 19th St. WILLIAM J. T. FOSTER, Builder Phone 2-9853 FOR SALE HOUSES A dOOD INVESTMENT. 1100 mo. Income for 16750. In the Hollywood dlat. A well preaerved older type home, i oarm. apt. up, & 2 bdrm. apt. down with baaement. V caah. Bal. term.. Better aee thla. A. N. Willich Real Estate 1131 Ruge St., West Salem. Ph. 3-8631. Open Sundays St Eve. aisi' BY OWNER A lovely 3 bdrm. house. New construc tion. Hardwood floors. Attached garage, Insulated fe weather stripped. Large lot with trees. Close to school and bus. $7800. $1200 down, bal. O. I. loan. HB nr .nn which Includes. Insurance, terest and tax. See at 3330 Chester, off Lansing or Ph. a-nii. ai ENGLEWOOD : bdrm. St den, Llr. rm., din, rm., kit., lots of built ins. com. tub St shwr. Oar age. Over 12000 worth of landscaping. Price $16,750. Shown by appointment only. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Tears In Salem 250 N. High St. Ph. 2-412B. a!51' FOR QUICK SALE: By Owner leaving. 2 bdrm. house, run casement, auto, pipea furnace, fireplace, lge. cor. lot. 1005 Maple Ave. $8350. al51 By Owner Leaving State 4 acre, nearly new 2 oarm., pecan nrs., attached garage, cement drive, bus by door, close to school and stores. $8500. Terms. Will take car, as part. No reason able offer refused, on Oarden road, Rt. 5, box 114. Phone 3-8233. al52 NORWAT ST. Here Is a comfor table small home, Ideal for couple. Living room, dinette, bedroom, kitchen and room suitable for den or small bedroom. Large bedroom finished In knotty pine In garage. Also utility room with Bendlx washer. Nice fenced yard. This Is an exceptionally good buy at $6,500. . Severin Realty Company 212 n. Mign St., uiei i-toig, kvo. j-aau $700 DOWN $50 per month. Clean 3 bdrm.. living rm., kitchen St dinette. Bungalow with part basement. Shady corner lot with garage. Paved on both sides. Close to school St bus. Immed. posa. Price $5500 Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-3109. Eve. 3-0039 IFOR SALE HOUSES bedroom home with hardwood floors living room, dining room, kitchen and sell with or without furniture. $13,750, 1150 Baker Street al51 FOR SALE HOUSES ENOLEWOOD DIST. NEAR HI SCHOOL Leaving town, must sell. 2-yr. old 2' bdrm. home. F'place, V. blinds, screens, nowo. lira. Flowers s snruos. Kit you should see. Don't delayl 730 N 16th Owner. al56 BT OWNER. $5000. Practically new partly furn. 2 bdrm. home. Utility rm.. laun dry trays, auto, water heater. Attached garage. Garden St cherry trees. 2480 N, 5th. Ph. 2-6955 eve. or week-ends, al53 BT OWNER t Are you interested In modern 2 bdrm. home? Owner ready to leave and will consider any reasonable offer. Furnished or unfurnished. Ph, 3-1119. al51 SACRIFICING For 3 days only. $1000 down on F.H.A. loan, new 2 bdrm. home In Hollywood dlst., hardwood floors, fireplace, large rooms, a modern home throughout, lo cated 1800 block N. Winter. Drive by and see. If Interested call 3-6474 or 2-7743. Total price $8,795. a!53 FOR SALE: 4 A. Or will sell part with 3 bdrm. modern home, chick, house, barn, nuts, berries, apples. i mile W. of Kelzer school. Rt. 2, Box 156. al51 FURNISHED HOME We can sell you a 2 B.R. home, fur nished. In Dallas, Oregon, on a large lot, paved street In the 900 block. Price $2250, and $250 will handle, bal ance $25 per month, Interest Included. This Is a bargain. By appointment only. BURT PICHA Realtors 378 North High St. Office: 3-3840 Eves: 3-5390 or 3-7451 a!51 $1,000 DOWN! 2-bedroom home with full basement, lo cated on corner lot close to bus and school. Hardwood floors, auto. heat. Immediate possession. No. 220 SPECIAL BUY! 2, bedroom home with unfinished up stairs on l acre In No. 2 zone, inside city limits. Has 123 feet frontage on good hlway. Close to bus and schools. Lot of opportunity here for $7500. No. 354 SMALL DALLAS HOME 1 bedroom, 3-year old home on 50x300 lot in Dallas. Concrete foundation, full bath. Only $5000. Good terms. No. 10 FHA LOANS MULTIPLE LISTINGS Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High St. Phone 3-9203 Eves. St Sun., 3-3738, 3-9713. 2-8241, 3-5905 al51 RENTERS WE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS SEE THIS HOME! 3 bdrm., liv. rm., din. rm., hall, bath, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full ceiled bsmt., with Inside ft outside entrances, lge. dbl. garage, beautiful landscaped yard, located high overlooking: Salem. Call Roy Ferris. APARTMENT HOUSE SPECIAL 16 units, completely furnished, exceptionally flnt location. Excellent condition Inside and out, decorated last year. Income 17,590 an nually. Call Coburn L, Qrabenhorst. GOOD HOME SOUTH 2 lge. bdrms., lir. rm., 13ix35 ft., with fireplace, din. rm., hdwd. firs., full bsmt., kitchen with nook. Le. lot, 50x141 ft. Back yard fenced. On bus line and very close to Jr. High and grade schools. Call Richard X. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phona 3-2471 Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Feter H. OeUig 3-9981 Earl West 2-12S2 all FOR SALE HOUSES NORTH Slit Street. Home, 4 B.R., full basement, hdwd. floors, auto, neat, double plumbed, nice yard. Only $11,750. Goodwin and McMiUin REALTORS 484 Court Ph. 3-4707 Eve. 2-4773, 3-7388 al53 LARGE creek lot with a new 5 room bunvalow. This little beauty is Insul. and weatherstripped, auto, heat, oak floors. Will carry maximum loan. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773, 2-7388 al53' KEIZER DISTRICT FIVE-ROOM MODERN 2 acres. Peaches, filberts, walnuts, ber rles. Nice garden, lawn, flowers. Plen- ty water for irrigation. Double garage, Chicken house. Ph. 2-1230. Owner, al52 OPEN HOUSE BY OWNKR Sun. afternoon, June 19, 4 to T. New 3 bdrm. hme. Lge. kit. St util. rm., din. rm. Se llv. rm. Spacious closets. Built- Ins everywhere. Oak floors St oil furn. Ven. blinds. Rugs St drapes If desired. Latest style deep color decorating. In sul. and weatherstripped. 14X30 att. gar. 1 blk. from city limits In very nice dlst. Even the neighbors are nice. City sch. bus by door. Nice yard. This home invites your inspection. Termj can be arranged. We can even make arrangements on a price. While you're driving by, stop In. Out Market to Parle, N. on far to ounnyview ana turn right to 2nd house on right. 3130 Sunnyvlew. Be seeing you. 151 BDRM. MODERN home 50x200 lot. Fruit, shade trees, floor coverings, $3350. 427 Stark St.. Woodburn. a!56 OPEN HOUSE 530 Illinois Street off Center Street New Rambling 3 bdrm. house. Fireplace, hard wood floors, liv. room, din. room, well arrang ed kitchen. Montag oil heat. Lot 74x171. FHA committment, $9800. HAVE LARGE 2 and 3 BEDROOM With 60 x 131 Lots Paved Streets Bus, Sewer and City Water Plenty of "Play Room" Close to. Schools IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 2-BR home, 'm A. with beautiful yard. Good terms. 4 F.H.A. Follow the sign at center Jc Lancaster Dr. 4 ml. East, Ph. 2-0046. al53 3 B.R. NEW mod. home, lge. lot, dbl. ga rage, shrubs, dead end street, gd. loc. for children. Close to school and bus. Sale or trade for 2 B.R. hse. or Income property. Write Box 414, Cap. Journal. al53 BT OWNER: 3 BR Cadalarla View home. 3a Alice Ave. Ph. 3-4408. a!53 FOR SALE BT OWNER: A two bedroom plastered house, one block from Main st. Lot Is 82.5x165. A few nut and fruit trees. Call evenings. 361 West Main st. Monmouth, Oregon. al53 BEAUTIFUL new home, perfect loca tion, well built, see to appreciate. Ph. 3-5438 or call 800 N. Cottage. al58' FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT FOR SALE Lot 32. Pioneer Heights addition, $1350. 100' frontage 165' depth. Walnut trees. Water and power. On Pioneer dr. south of Ratcllffe. Ph. 3-8377 or call 2160 N. 4th street. aalSS 4 FT. OR DUPLEX SITE: Od. location, 5 blks. State bldgs. $3000. Walt Socolof sky. Real Estate. Ph. 3-8835. aal51 $1,300. Choice 50x100 Englewood district lot. Phone 3-5006. aal53 FOR SALE FARMS CROP GOES! 31 acres In Howell Prairie. Tou get the crop It purchased In time to harvest. Substantial 3-bedroom home with base ment. Double garage. Barn. All for only $13,000. No. 846 PART CROP GOES! 17 acres of highly producing ground. Strawberries and boysenberries. You get boysenberry crop if purchased In time. Very nice 1 bedroom farm home. Located In the heart of Lablsh. Price $20,000, and will trade for house in town up to $0000. No. 875 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Phone 3-9303 Sun. St Eve. 2-2532, 3-9812, 2-8241, 2-3738 bl51 86 ACRES NORTH Located naar Gervalj. Oreton. All un der cultivation & fenced: 50 A. In llax, 30 A. In oata. Amltr aoll: no bulldln.a. Price la 111,900 with excellent term. Call Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone J-S93I 331 North Huh Eve. Ph. J-75K. 1-1134, 3-1423. Sullivan Realty Co. 51 ACRE DAIRY. Good new 2 B.R. home with 1500 sq. ft living space, 15 acres of pasture, some crop, 5 good cows. Milking machine and al lfarm equipment In good condition and Included In sale price. Barn, 2 chicken houses, hoc house St tool shed $15,500. Terms. 13 ACRES NORTH All In cult. 3 acres berries, 3 A. oats, ' A. seeded to pasture. New 2 bedroom home with elect, water system. The price Is right at $6,000. Terms. Sullivan Realty Co. REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE 1160 EVERGREEN AVENUE, OFF "D" STREET SUNDAY 26th 10:00 A.M. TO 0 P.M. PRICE $11,500 $2700.00 Down. Bal. F.H.A. $55.76 Per Mo. New rambling 3 B.R. house - Double Fireplace - one on patio. Air Condi tioned and Piped Heat, Hardwood Floors, Large L.R. with nice size D.R. Joining well arranged Kitchen. Insulated and Weatherstripped, attached garage and utilities. Street Paved, concrete drive and walks. Immediate possession ABRAMS & 411 Maaonlc Bid, Real EstaU DRIVE BY BUT HURRY If It's vslue your pocketbook wants it's here In this attractive new 3 B.R. home, hwd, floors, auto, oil heat, bath with shower, your own elect, water system, large att. garage, novel driftwood finish St the selling price only $6,400. The address Is 437 Hawthorn St. Drive by tonight tie get the Jump on the other buyers. NEW HOME AND li2 ACRES Close In North, well appointed modern 2 B.R. home with 1550 sq. ft. lncld. garage, dandy deep well, new, small barn, family fruit St close t schools St bus. We can well recommend this as a good buy at $9,500. THREE BEDROOM SUBURBAN Eight yeai old 3 B.R. home In a very nice North location, one acre of fine soil, lots of family fruit fc berries, small barn St chicken house St lovely yard St landscaping. Just the place tor children. With or without furniture St the price Is right. SULLIVAN 3345 Portland Ifcl. FOR RENT FARMS 10 ACRE SPECIAL $12,850. 10 A. Just at the edge of city, Nice 3 year old 3 bdrm. home, basement, 4 acres nuts St fruit. 2 A. strawberries, trout stream. Irrigation, barn, chicken house, rabbit equipment. $4000 down, bal. terms. 3 ml. out. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Phone 2-3849 Eve, 2-8658. M52' A FINE VALUE In a 40 acre farm, fully stocked and equipped for dairying. Nine goon cows, one heifer, surge milking machine, grade "A" milk house, barn with 11 stanchions and dr nkinc fountains: crop lnciuoeo, Three bedroom house, good outbldgs. It you are interested in a good farm It will pay you to investigate this one. Corns In and talk It over must be sold. Sacrifice price of 118,000. Lock, stock and barrel. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N High St. Phone 1-7660 Eve. Ph. 2-6605 - 3-4591. bl52 112 A. STOCKED EQUIPPED. Tou can't find in the whole Valley any deal to squal this! Loc. a tew miles from good town mall, milk St school buses by door. Attractive 7 rm. hse.. mod. conv. good barn, 250 cap. poultry hse., spring St creek water. Cows, horses, tractor St ooultry incl. at $8500. ACT NOW I HEART OF VALLET'S BEAN CORN LAND. Out of state owner says "sell my equity at once." This 84 A. Is rich dark loam, complete irrlg. rights. Loc. Vi miles from school St mkt., not far from Salem. Lge. plast. hse., wired for elee. me.. 40x60 barn. 35X150 Pltry. oiog, Come In, we'll make a bargain of this one. SUBURBAN SO A. ON PVMT. Ideal home sites. Roads on 2 sides. Good prod, loam In variety fruit 4sQ nuts. So close In so low priced. $8000. VERY LITTLE DN Easy terms. BARGAIN HUNTING! Go to Sclo. Get 27 A. with lge. yr. stream. Good bottom loam and lots of pasture. Woven wire fence. Good 2 BR home, bath, pltry. hse., 9 stancn. oarn. Kignt on nignway. tte duced to sell. $4500. PRIVATE WEEK-END RETREAT. J charming, restful 20 A. spot. Off the beaten path, but only a few miles from valley town. Rustic, roomy 3 rm. hse. extra "guest" hse. Electricity. Sparkl ing yr. round stream by door. Woven wire fenced. Your deal for only $3500. Easy terms. (P.S. Sure, we can take your Salem property on trade.) Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Cora'l St. Ph. 3-8380. Eve. 3-7440. bl51 FOR SALE ACREAGE 1800 ACRE stock and wheat ranch to trade for tourist cabins or other Income, con tact C. A. Miller, Real Estate. Enter prise, Oreg. bbl51 .V,& ACRES with 500 feet hlway frontage on So. .99. Older type home with out buildings, fruit St shade trees. $4950. Phone 2-8110. bbl52 2 A. OWNER MUST SELL Near good school. Large family home. Good well. Chicken house. Berries St . fruit of all kinds. Price $6,350. General Real Estate 255 Center St. Ph. 3-3389. bblSl I REAL ESTATE SKINNER, INC. Ph. 3-H1T lneurance - Mortiage Loan, REALTY CO. Ph. 332SS; Brag. 31T7I lll FOR SALE FARMS CLOSE-IN 13 ACRES: Northeast, near city bus on pavement. Gd. soil. Would di vide nicely. Only 16000. WALTER SOCOLOFSKT REAL ESTATE Phnn l.tail bbll' ACREAGE Good 3 bdrm. home St 6 acres. Close In. Nice family orchard. Barn St hen house. Will consider trade for smaller home In Salem. Call G. A. Vicary, Real Estate 818 N. Oom'l St. Ph. Day or Era. 3-6431 bbl5l 3li ACRES with 600 feet hlway frontage on So. 99. Older type home with out buildings, fruit and shade trees. 14956. Phone 2-8110. bbisi REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors DRIVE BUY AND SEE This cute 2-bedroom home located at 751 Piedmont St. $6300 Is the new low price. LOOK OVER THE OUTSIDE of 108 Lansing Ave., then let us show you thru. It's a good home. 3 bed rooms, oil heat, extra large lot. Own ers will consider good house trailer as down payment. FURNITURE AND ALL GOES For $10,500 with this modern 3 bedroom home on N. 33rd St. We say It's good buy. STATE STREET SPECIAL This very nice 2 bedroom home Is lo cated at 1572 State St. All the rooms are large; has basement, furnace and 50305 lot. LOOK!! ABOUT 2000 SQ. FT. Floor space In this attractive 3-bed-room ranch style home. Large, large living room and dining room, huge bedrooms, nearly A acre land with lots of irult tre?s, fine view of the valley. OHMART & CALABA Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-411$ or 2-4116. Eve. Ph. 3-8053, 3-5906, 3-3633, 3-3488. el54 Vi A. EAST, with modern 5 room home. ruuy msuiaieo nno weatner-stripped, attached garage. Close to bus line and iew grade school, Family fruit, plenty garden space. Price is $8500 or will trade for city property. 18 A. with new set of buildings consisting of modern 3 bedroom home with base ment, barn, chicken house, machine shed Price Is $33,000, fully equipped. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1545, 3-4896 - Eves. 2-6686, 3-756S cl53 Small Down Payment To Oregon State Veterari New 3 B.R. House. Large Kitchen, plen ty of bullt-ins and extra space for table. Well arranged L.R., detached gar age Private well, electric pump. Close in off Sllverton Hwy. Immediate pos session. Full price $5,750.00. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonle Bldg. Ph. 3-9317 Real Estate - Ins. Mtg. Loans el53 OPEN HOUSE HOMES