Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 25, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wheat Prices
Sink Saturday
Chicago, June 25 W) An ag
riculture department statement
that damage to wheat in the
southwest has not been large
sent the bread cereal lower on
the board of trade today. Wheat
sank about a cent from the pre
vious close after opening up
strong on a burst of buying.
Other grains also tended low
er. Rains in the mid-west were
expected to be beneficial to corn
In addition, cash dealers said
they had purchased more than
10,000 bushels of the grain on
a to-arrive basis. In all pits,
There was a good deal of week
end selling on the parts of longs.
Wheat closed lV4-3',i lower,
July $1.98y4-1.95, Corn was
1Mi-1 lower, July $1.32V4-,
Oats were lower, July
59'3, rye was 2 to 2V4 lower,
July $1.39, soybeans were Vi to
1 cent lower, July $2.34-2.33,
and lard was 3 to 8 cents a hun
dred pounds lower, July $11.12
Salem LlTtitnck Market
(By Valley Packing Company!
Spring lambs (21.00 to 133.00
Feeder lambs J 16.00 to 118.00
t,wes 12.00 to 15.00
-Cutter cow .8.00 to $11.00
Fat dairy cow 110.00 to 111.00
BullA 115.00 to 119.00
Calves, good 300-450 lbs. 1 17.00 to 110.00
Veal 1150-300 Ib.v) good ..130.00 to 13300
toga price paid within lit of Port
nd prices tor each type. Top. 170-225 iba
Portland PrAan
BatUrf at Tentative, luoject to Smme
dlatB change Premium quality maximum
to M to 1 percent acidity dallvarad 1b
Portland 61 -64c lb. first quality a9-2e
lb. econd quality 67-80c Valley route
nrj couotry points to lea Ihao first.
Batter Wholeaal FOB bulk oubaa
wholesalers grade AA, S3 acora. 61 -63c:
A 02 score HO-61 'Ac; B. 00 acore, B7e lb.:
C SO acore, S6c lb. Above prlcea are strict
Ij nominal
Cbeeae Selling price to Portland whole
sale Oregon smglea. 3PMi-48l. Oregon I
lb loai. AiVfbovto; triplet vo lesi tau
Egge IT Wholeaaterat A grade large
8-56; A medium, WV4-MV4: grade B.
lane. 4BH-51WC.
Portland Dairy Harfcet
Batter Price to ret a Here: drade AA
prlnta flflc; AA cartons 7e; A prints
66c. A cartons, 07c; B prints, 62c.
Egge Prli. to retailers: AA large
60c: certified A large, 58c: A large
66c; AA medium. 66-57c; certified A me
dium 87c; A medium, 65-66c; cartons 2c
Cbeeae Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon ilnglea lOta-BOV&c, Oregon loaf, t
lb 43tt-52ttei trlpleu ltta last than aln
1 Pool try-
Live Chlekena No. I quality FOB
plants. No. I broiler tinder iv Ibi. 27-38
lb ; iryers a Hi -a ids. n-aci a- ids. h-33c:
roasters 4 lbs. and over 22-33c lb.; fowl.
Leghorns under 4 lbs. 21c; over 4 lbs.
23c; colored fowl, all weights, 25c; roosters
all weights. 18-lBc.
Rabbits Average to growers; live whites,
4-5 lbs., 19-21c lb.; 5-fl lbs. 17-lSo lb.; col
ored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does, 8
14c; dressed fryers to butchers, B5-57c.
Turkeys (Prices quoted are lot to the
producer on a dreased weight baits)
D 8 grade A young torn a, 31-62 lb.; No
1 young bens, nominally 60.
Dressed turkeys to retallerst Oiad A
young hens, 70-71e New York atyl. dreaa
d A grade young tome 08-Bgo
Portland - Hlseellantona
Caaears Bark Dry 12Mie lb., green 4e lb.
Wool Valley soars and medium grades.
480 lb.
Mohair 25c lb. en 12-month growth,
nominally. ,. .. .
Hides Calves, 0o lb., according to
weight, kips 200 lb., beef 9-10c lb., bulls
6-7o lb. Country buyers pay 2o less.
Not Quotations
Walnuts Praaquettes first qualtt) Jum
bo. 34.7o ; large, 32-.7o: medium, 27.3c; see
end quality Jumbos, 30.2c; jarga, 2t.2o,
medium, 26.3o: baby 23.2c; soft ihel. first
quality large, 29. 7c; medium 26.2e; seo
end quality large. 17.2e: medium 14-7o:
aby 22.2c,
rilberla Jumbo, 20e lb; Urge, lis.
medium, 16c; small, 13o.
- Quotations abovt supplied by North
Portland Grain
Portland, Ore., June 36 OJ.B Cash grain
Soft white (hd. wh. app), soft white
(hd. wh. no rex), white club, western red,
hard red winter ordinary, 2 .OS bid.
Hard whlte-baart ordinary, 2.28 bid.
Coarse grains Coast delivery:
Oata No. 2 38 lbs. white 5S.00 bid.
Barley No. 2 45 lbs west. 48.00 bid.
Paroled Convict
Captured at Baker
Baker, June 25 W) State po
lice here today apprehended and
hospitalized Lewis James Yohn,
33, La Grande, wanted on a
charge of parole violation from
the Oregon state penitentiary.
Yohn, stopped in Vale early
today by city police who believ
ed he was driving a stolen auto
mobile, fired four shots at the
Vale officers and escaped on
foot. In Baker he was driving
another stolen car, which he had
hidden in the brush on the Dool
ey mountain highway. When
.the car was spied about 7 a.m.,
by state police officers, Yohn
came out fighting. In a tussle
he received a broken jaw and
has been hosptalized in Baker.
Yohn, whose most recent ad
dress is given as LaGrande, was
sentenced to eight years in the
state penitentiary in 1944. He
failed to report to parole offi
cers last April.
13th and Ferry
Rev. Walter S.
Frederick, Pastor
Sunday Services
June 26
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
AU age groups study God's
11:00 a.m. Sermon bv Pastor
"The Value of Obstacles"
7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Hallv
Sermon: "The Young Widow
Who Made Good and Why"
Saturday. 7:15 pan. Program
, over KSLM.
. -V . -vB
'7T&iin.'l..tfi.. :
Outstanding Company of ONG Salems' company B, 162nd
infantry regiment, 41st division, Oregon National Guard .
(above) this week was chosen the outstanding company of the
Oregon National Guard and Saturday was given a "welcome
home" sy townspeople when their military train pulled in at
the depot. Below, Capt. Burl Cox, commander of Company
B, (center, right) is presented the 41st Division post, Ameri
can Legion, Efficiency trophy by Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea,
(center, left) Oregon's adjutant general. At extreme left is
the commander of the 162nd infantry regiment. Col. Harold
Taylor of McMinnville and at extreme right is the assistant
division commander of the 41st Division, Brig. Gen. H. G.
(Fod) Maison of Salem. Both pictures were taken at summer
training of the division at Fort Lewis. (National Guard photo)
Four Corners Cub Scouts
Plan Silver Falls Picnic
Four Corners, June 25 Den
Scouts will join with the other
and pack meeting at Silver Creek Falls on Sunday, June 26
Dinner will be served at one
o'clock, after which badges will
be awarded. The afternoon will
be spent in recreational games.
There are nine boys in Den 3
and several of them will soon
be Boy Scouts.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pier-
point will take their sons, Gary
and Randy, to the pack meeting
and picnic, going on to the YMCA
camp where Gary will spend the
following week.
To Mr. and Mrs. John Em
mons, 147 North Elma avenue,
a son, Michael Thomas, was born
June 18 at Salem General hos
pital. He has an older brother,
Klaus Janssen, and the grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Em
mons of Portland and Heinrich
Becker of Grissen, Germany.
Staff Sgt. and Mrs. David R.
Carriger are the parents of a
son, Michael David, born June
15 at Salem Memorial hospital.
The baby weighted eight pounds
and twelve ounces, and the
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
William Schiach. The mother
and baby are staying with the
Schiachs at 690 South Elma ave
nue. Sgt. Carriger is stationed
with the army air corps at Riv
erside, Calif.
To Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Aus
tin, 4070 Beck avenue, go con
gratulations on the birth of a
daughter, Patricia Eleanor, born
June 22 at Salem Memorial hos
pital. The little girl weighed
eight pounds and three ounces.
She has an older brother, Peter,
and the grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Austin of Ed
monds, Wash., Mrs. Lura Tandy
of Salem and a great grand
mother, Mrs. Clara McDerby,
also of Salem.
Property transfers and new
people coming to Four Corners
include the following: Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Maxson, formerly of
Roseburg, who have purchased
the Dale Grimm residence at
SUNDAY, JUNE 26 - 8:00 P. M.
HO 0 " 9
First Evangelical United Brethren Church
Where Marion Crosses Summer
11 o'clock Worship Service
Holy Communion and Installation of Church Officers
Wllmer N. Brown, Minister
Ernest Friesen, Director of Music
3 of the Four Corners Cub
scouts of Pack 101 in a picnic
4095 East State street. They
took possession this week. The
Grimm family has moved to the
country. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patter
son and small daughter, Leslce,
moved this month from Salem
into their new residence just
completed at 165 North Elma
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pfeifer and
children, Allen, Janice and Law
rence, moved from Salem to the
Thies residence, 130 South El
ma avenue.
House guests in the C. O.
Gilming home last week were
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gilming of
North Platte, Neb., and Mrs.
Herbert Baer of Kearney, Neb.
Visitors in the Martin Hensel
home, 342 South Elma avenue,
for several days were Conrad
Hensel and daughters, Let a,
Rosalind and Connie, of Lodi,
Mr. and Mrs. William Hes
keth, 4219 Durbin avenue, have
sold their residence to Wasson
H. McClain of Salem. The Hes
keths are going to Grand View,
Wash., where they will farm.
The benefit carnival dances
sponsored by the Community
Center association, have been
moved up to July 15, 16, 17.
Salem Markets
Completed frees reports f taleei dee
rs for the guidance 01 Capital
Journal Readers, (Revised dally).
Retail Feed Prices
Ess Mesh 15.05.
Rabbit Pellets 14.33.
Dairy Feed 13.85.
Poultry! b'mng or ices Orade A eolot
ed hens, 24c; grade A Leghorn hens,
22 cents; Grade A colored fryers, three
pounds and up, 32c. Grade A old roosters
15 cents.
Buying Prices Extra large AA, B5c,
ante AA, 54c; large A, 52-55C, medium AA,
51c; medium A. 4B-51c; pullets 30-32C.
Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale price
5 to 7 cents above these prices above
Grade A generally quoted at eOo; me
diums S0C,
Premium, 63c, No. 1, 61et No. 3, 61
Bc (baying prices).
Batter Wholesale grade A, He; re
.all lie.
Company B Returns From
Training at Fort Lewis
ComDanv B. 162nd infantry
National Guard, Salem's National
light, at Fort Lewis this Wednesday, when announcement was
made of the award to that company of the 41st division post,
American Legion, efficiency trophy.
Saturday the company, whose
history dates back to June 27!Marpr I nflfPrC
1888, when it was organized asJ 'IHJICI LUIIVCIJ
company B, second regiment,
Oregon National Guard was in
the limelight again.
The six officers and 92 enlist
ed men arrived home by train
in mid-afternoon and there to
greet them was a delegation of
townspeople and dignitaries.
As the men of the unit, picked
as the best in the division left
the train they were greeted by
representatives of the city and
several organizations, and radio
men who recorded the "Welcome
Home" rally for rebroadcast over
station KSLM this Saturday
night from 7 to 7:15 p. m., alovig
with interviews with some of the
Company B men and some of the
Representing the city of Sa
lem was the mayor, Robert L.
Elfstrom, and City Manager, J.
L. Franzen. Also there to greet
the guardsmen returning from
two-weeks of summer training
was Queen-Elect Patricia O'Con
nor of the 1949 Cherryland Fes
tival and her princesses along
with the president of the Cherry-
land Festival Association, Sid
ney L. Stevens.
Claire Brown, vice president
of the Salem Chamber of Com
merce, represented that group in
greeting the Company B men
and King Bing Deryl Myers of
the Cherrians and a group from
that organization were present.
Also there was a group from Sa
lem Post No. 136, American Le
gion, headed by the newly elect
ed commander Kenneth Potts,
and there to represent the Sa
lem Military Manpower commit
tee was Lt. Col. Mark Hillary,
USA, retired.
Company B, commanded by a
veteran of service with the 41st
division in Pacific in World War
II, Capt. Burl Cox, is the first
unit to win the American Legion
trophy, presented to the state at
the 1948 encampment at Camp
Clatsop. Each year it is to be
awarded to the unit demonstrat
ing top efficiency in armory
drill attendance, field training
attendance, federal inspection
and field training.
A committee of three officers
composed of Brig. Gen. H. G,
(Fod) Maison, Salem, assistant
division commander, Brig. Gen.
William D. Jackson, division
artillery commander of Portland;
and Maj. Samuel Lee, Portland,
commander of the 162nd engin
eer battalion made the selection
at the 1949 summer encampment
of the 41st Infantry division,
which terminated Saturday at
Fort Lewis.
Besides the commander of the
company, who when the National
Guard was called for federal ser
vice in 1940 entered as a pri
vate, Company B has five other
officers and 92 enlisted men. The
five officers are First Lt. Byron
Hazelton, First Lt. Joseph P
Meier, Second Lt. Waldo Gilbert,
r. : q
regiment, 4ist division, uregon
Guard company had the spot
On Permit Basis
Portland, Ore., June 25 (UP'
The Oregon state liquor control
commission yesterday adopted a
regulation giving private clubs
master locker privileges on
permit basis.
Under the new rule, a club
may sell bottles to members,
but the liquor cannot be taken
from the club.
The regulation calls for a fee
of $25 annually for clubs under
500 members and $50 for those
with more than 500.
Although no advertising will
be permitted, available brands
of liquor and their prices must
be posted for club members
Prices must be set at the state
store level.
Mrs. Velma V. Laeer
Mrs. Velma V. Lacey, late resident of
Portland, at a local hospital June 21. Sur
vived by a daughter. Miss Lorraine Wil
liams of Pasadena; a son. Donald Edgar
with the D. 8. Army In Japan; three sla
ters, Mrs. Fernls Stewart of Stayton, Miss
Myra Williams and Miss Mary Williams
of Pasadena; three brothers, Francis Wil
liam and Louis Williams or Oreenvllie,
Calif., and Richard Williams of Salem;
parents. Mrs. Hattie Adams of Salem
and G. H. Williams of Vrntura. Calif.;
.step-frifher, R. E. Adnms of 8e'm: nd
several nieces and nephews of Salem.
Services will be held at the Clongh-Barrlck
chapel Saturday, June 25. at 3 p.m. with
Rev. Louis o. Kiroy oiiiciating. inter
ment In tn- Lee Mission cemetery.
Joseph K. Neal
Joseph E. Neal, at the residence at 915
Jefferson street, June 23, at the age of
68 years. Survived by ona son, Carl Neal of
Olympia, Wash.; two granddaughters,
Mrs. Patricia Arnold of Marelra, Calif.,
and Mrs. Shirley Phlpps of Portland; al
so two great grandchildren, services
be held Monday, June 27, at 2 p.m. at the
ciougn-Barricg cnapei wiin trie Rev. Jxmi
C. Klrby officiating.
Cleveland Martin
Cleveland Martin, at the residence a
route 2, box 401, Salem, June 25. Sur
vived by wife, Mrs. Nettle M. Martin or
Salem; a son, Delbert O. Martin of Sa
lem; two sisters, Mrs. Belle Carter and
Mrs. Xftle Hayworth, both of Wallowa,
Wash.; six grandchildren, Norman Mar
tin of Hollywood, Calif., Mrs. W. E. Nar
berg of Winchester. Idaho. Mrs. John
Larlx of Lakeside, Wash., Helen Martin.
Geraldlne Martin and Ray Martin: and
two great grandchildren. Announcement
of services) later by Clough-Barrlck com
pany. Mrs. Mildred Radcllffe
Mrs. Mildred Radcllffe, late resident of
Salem, at a local hospital June 24. Sur
vived by a daughter, Patricia Radcllffe,
LaGuardla field, N.Y.: and a son, Eric
Radcllffe of Los Angeles. Announcement
of services later by the Clough-Barrlck
Fred H, Relchateln
Dayton Fred H. Relchateln, long-time
resident of the Pleasantdale district died
at his home June 22 at the age of 76 years.
4e was born In Fayette county, Iowa. He
came to Oregon with his parents In 1888
and lived his entire life on the home
place. He was married to Annie Elisabeth
Edwards on March 14. 1906. and to this
Second Lt. Louis L. Osborn, Jr.,
Second Lt. Roger B. Todd.
First Presbyterian
Chemeketa at Winter
9:45 A.M. Church School
10:55 A.M Morning Worship
Sermon by
Dr. Chester W. Hamblin
The dignity and honor of funeral
service are dependent upon loy
alty to the ideals of Public Service.
We fulfill the needs of humanity
by serving each individual family
to the best of our ability.
205 So. Church St.
Ph 3-9139 Established 1878
The Pioneer Funeral Home
union two sons were born, Merle and Clair
of Pleasantdble. Surviving are his wife.
Wo sons, two grandson, two brothers.
Charles of Medford. Will of Salrm, three
sisters, Mrs, Mary Richards of Krlso,
Wash., Mrs. Louisa Hanvllle of Carl
ton and Mrs. Lena Wilson of Sheridan.
Funeral services were held at User's Mem
orial chapel Saturday at 1:30. Interment at
the I.O.O.P. cemetery at Dayton.
Gldle Edltb Whit more
Lebanon Funeral services for Mrs.
OoWi Kditb Whim tore. 58. who died
Tuesday at her home, 116 North Orove
street, wera held Thursday at the Howe-
Huston chapel, with Rev. Ed IfcClaln of
ficiating. Special rites were conducted by
the V.P.W. aualllary. Mrs. Whllmore was
born Nov. 11, 1890 at Strang. Nebraska,
coming to Oregon 15 years ago and llv-
at Toledo nine years before com
ing to Lebanon. She was an active member
the local Rebekab lodge, the Royal
Neighbors and V.P.W. auilliary. Siu.vlvorf
are her widower, Ray A.; sons. R.Pmond
and Ronald of Lebanon: brother. Jeff Mun
yon. Lebanon: sisters, VenHa Albre. Leb
anon and Helen Lien of San Francisco.
Pour grandchildren also survive.
Pfe. Elmer LRr Gallra
MIU City Oraveslde services for Pic.
Elmer LeRoy Oallra were held at the
Palrvlrw cemetery in Mill City Juna 35.
The Mill City V.P.W. had charge of the
military burial. Elmer Gallea died as a
result of Injuries In action In the Po val
ley, Italy, April SO, 1045. Born October
33 IM1 In Mill City and enlisted In the
U. S. army in 1941, training at Camp White
and Camp Adair. Sent overseas with the
3Ctst Infantry of the txt division In
143. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. st.
ta Mae Gallea. of Lebanon: two broth
ers. Gilbert.- of Lebanon and Everett, of
Sweet Home: four sisters: Mrs. Ger-
rude Williams. Sweet Home, Mrs. Sarah
Hemes, and Mrs. Dora Mae M or ford, of
Lebanon and Mrs. Violet Beemer of Al
bany. jMeph E. Harris
StAyton Funeral services for Joseph
E. Harris, 49. who drowned In Suttle Lake
May 26, will be held from the Weddle
'uneral home Monday at 2 o'clock, D.
George Cole officiating and burial In Lone
Oak cemetery. He was born at Sublimity
June 31, 1904. Brsldes hl.i widow he is sur
vived by five children: Betty Jo Kos ten
border, James, Lela Mae, John and Allrn
HarrLi, all of Stayton; also five brothers
and six sisters, Fred, of Portland; Ben
jamin, of Drain; Mllo and Albert, both of
Idanha and Daniel Harris, nddreu un
known; Mrs. Ida Nettling. Stayton: Mrs.
Pearl Stevenson, Tonaket, Wash.: Mrs.
Mabel Barney. Idanha: Mrs. Lillian Watts.
Oregon City: Mrs, Rose Parry. Battle
ground, Wash., and Mrs. Geneva Cos-
tello, LaCenter, Wash.
All niftkta med machine, solil, ranted
rcp.lrtd Itua 4M Court Phnn. 1173
Dressmaking & alt. 360 State fit. 0IS8
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service
Free estimates Ttade-lns accepted on
new appliances Vlnce's Electric- -Phone
3-9339 157 8 Liberty SV
Twnmower sharpening and repairing
Dexter'. Ph 16833 o'
Authorized Warranty Repair Station
for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow
Radio Va.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6955. o'
Towing service day phone 1-9:86 Night
a-iso 337 center.
Mike Panek. 279 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161
Brake and Wheel aligning specialists
Remodel, repair that home now. Terms.
No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o'
Alt Bros Also houses raised- New foun
dations. Phone 23000. ol57
Dean Robinson. Ph. 26537
Bulldoslng. leveling, road bldg.. clear
ing, teeth for brush. Virxl) Huskey, 1010
Fairvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o-lOO'
Light crawler dazing. Ph. 2-3220. olOO
Instanr delivery of new RCA cash
register A) makes aold. rented, re
paired Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o
General cement cont. Honest work at
honest prices. Ph. 2-1565 or 3-74R7
Let us do your cement work NOW.
Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph.
For expert guaranteed satisfaction new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks,
driveways, patio, curbs, walls, etc. Call
2-4850. 0
Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned
Ensiey 771 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7116. ol56
Vines' Electric for electrical wiring
contracting repairing 157 8 Liberty
Pb 3-9239 o
Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Service
Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. ol56
Brelthaupt'r for flowers Dial 3-9179 p
Capital Journal, Sajem, Oregon,
J. R. Watklns Co products Pre de
ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5105. 0
P A. Doerfler St Sons, Ornamental!. ISO
N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1333. o
Sharpened, guaranteed service. New
power and band mowers. Call Harry
W. Scott, 141 So. Com'l 8t. 0155
At you: door lawnmower sharpening
Deiter the lawnmower man Ph 16833
Fireplaces, chimneys Ja block laying.
Ph. 35968. e
Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4049.
Spanish and Hawaiian Outtar. Mando
lin, Banjo, etc 1533 Court St. Ph. S-1569
Practical Nurses, dar-nlght. Ph. 35073.
Desk chairs, files and filing supplies,
safes, duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases
Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Court
Call Cy Younger, Ph. 3-6073.
Clfstrom'a are equipped to do youi
painting. Phone 3-2493
Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H,
J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o!75
Call 22608 for your Painting A Paper
hanging. Attractive rates. 0171'
Painting St paperhanglng Don Lucero,
Ph. 35522. 0167"
Painting and paperhanglng. Free eMl
male. h. 3-9513. 657 Shipping. 0163'
Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store
Phove 1-6687
Fisher, 644 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-2019. o!64'
L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900.
Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1201.
General Elec. home appl. repairing, also
radio repairing. Broadway AppL Co. 453
court st. saiem. en. 2-1565. ol63
Complete serv., reas. rat's. Free pickup
St est. John's Radio Shop, 350 Court St
Ph 20715 A 33416. 150
Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr A Sons. Ph.
21193. By Drlve-ln Theatre. Since 1917.
Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavating, walling Sand
Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249
Valley Sand St Gravel Co Silt, sand tt
i ll dirt Excavating 10B above) cat
Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving
Ph office 24002, res 37146
Calvary Baptist Church
1230 South Liberty Street
Invites you to hear
Dr. Charles Durden Sun., June 26
11:00 a.m.
"Who la Jesus? Behold the Man! Behold Your God!"
7:30 p.m. "At Dawning"
Bible School at 9:45 - Promotion Exercises
Youth Fellowship Group at 6:30
Two Full Weeks 9:00 11:30 a.m.
Window Scream
Rcquire'no fitting . come
ready to install are of
permanent all-steel con
struction . need no paint
ing or upkeep will not
' rot nor separate at the
corners . . made to fit any
standard window they
are the finest flat screen
that money can buy yet
Cost No More Than
Wood Frame Screen!
Lumber Company
25 Lana Ave. Phone 3-4939
2 blocks north, 1 block
cut appointment a
MilItotijeA cenltttctot ot
The only wall tile of its kind-genuine porce
lain fused to a base of steel-by the makers of
Armstrong's Linoleum. Lasts a lifetime. Won't
crack, craze, or fade. Many beautiful colors.
Custom designs. Quick installation. Stop by
and see this unusual porcclain-on-stee! tile.
Estimates furnished free, without obligation.
F. O. Repine Co.
2S8S Portland Rd., Salem
Saturday, June 25, 1949 11
Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-1603 1293 N. 5th.
Elec trio Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent
Raaor harp Steel Cutting Blades.
Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tn nks
Cleaned Reas Ph 3-5337 or 3-9468
K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned.
Electric machine service on sewer and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th
St.. Weit Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol71
Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned.
Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079
Elm 81- W. Salem. Ph. 8-9468. 3-5327.
stalling the new approved 500 gallon
concrete septic tank. We lay drain lines
also. Ph. 3-9468. ol4B
Howser Bros. Your power tool rental
head quarters. New address 1410 8. 13th.
Ph. 3-3646. o!62
Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under
wood portables. All makes used machines
Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court, o
T-ocal St Distance Transfer, storage.
Burnet oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to
Portland dally. Agent for Be kins House
hold goods moved to anywhere tn U.8.
o. Canada. Larmer Transfer St Storage.
Ph. 3-3131. o"
Made In Salem. Free est Phone 37338.
Elmer the Blind man. o
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or
reflnlshed, Relnholdt A Lewi. 1-3639.
Fred Wymore. Rt. 3. Box 311. Ph. 2-5135.
J. A. Sneed St Sons, well drilling. 3505
Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 3-6809. o!58
Free estimates. T, PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5065.
Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day
Del Relnholdt St Lewis. Ph 23639. o
Acme Window Cleaners. Windows, walls
A woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned,
waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347
Court. Langdoc, Culbertaon and Mather,
Atkins St Cross. Ph. 3-8674 or 3-8178.
West Saler. Fuel Co. Ph. 3-4031.
After eleven rears of absence, your
whereabouts unknown to me and regis
tered mall returned I consider we art
divorced by statute.
Floyd J. Anderson
June 25. July 2. 9, 16
Tin I.O.OJ1. meeta every Wed
nesday night Visitors wel-
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Mlilieti mm Till i i tw I