10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, June 25, 19491 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (Chapter 1C) Jeff had just finished his work when Jeu KliiK arriveu. mum of Jeb his eyes warmed ana he in vited the Crown owner to aught and come into the house, Glenn told us about the poi sonin' of vour Herelords," Jeb said. "It's the dirtiest kind of trick, unu I can't believe any catleman. even Chuck Oale, could do such a thins. "That's right, Mr. King. It does not look like the work of a cat tleman, vet Chuck's the only man I can think of that owes me a grudge." Jeff made a tired gesture. "That's all right as a theory; wluu I've got to have before I can make a move is proof. The best thinn to do Is to try and trace that poison." "Find out what It was?" "ArseiHe." . "Meanwhile, what are you aimin to do for a living?" "I've got to get me a iob. Fact Is Mr. King. I Intended asking you if you could use another hand on the Crown." "T nri could! but not vou. Jeff. You're cut out for bigger things than lust ridin' range. Why not let me stock you up? Business proposition entirely: la noiu i mortgage on the stock and the home' Kt.pnrl " "No, sir. I appreciate the offer more than I can say. but I'm go ing to stand on my own feet or not at all. , , "Hm-m-m." Jeb observed him frnm hpneath shaL'ev brows. "Well. here's somethln' else, then. You're worth more than a cowhand Job would pay. John stover s aeaa nna the marshal's job is open. If you take It. vou'U have every chance to run down the no-good son who poisoned your cattle. I can land the job for you, and Cougar'll thank mo for gettin' such a good man for 'em. It pays a hundred and twenty a month. How does that strike you?" Jeff straightened in his chair his eyes brightening. What Jeb had said was true; Cougar needed a marshal and he knew he could fill the job. But what appealed tr him was the chance to track down the man who had poisoned the cattle. "Wel-1 " "You'll take it?" Jeb got, up "Fine I See me in the bank to morrow mornin' and get your badge." Glenn Glenson sat In his law of fice at Briscoe studying some pa pers on the desk before him. The door opened and a man silently stepped into the room. Glenn look ed up. "Good evenin,' Mister Gleaton," aid Slug Benjamin. Oleason got slowly to his feet. "What are you doing here?" Slug came forward to the edge of the light, his hand resting lightly on the butt of the gun on his hip "Just a friendly little call. Mister Gleason, to collect, my share of thr dust you pinched from Sam Tolson'f cabin." Glenn rounded his desk and sal down on a corner. "1 don't get the Joke. I didn't steal Bain's gold." "My hunch still says you got II." Insisted Slug coldy. "I don't know how much you got, but I'll settle tor five hundred dollars' worth." "You'll settle for five hundred! STou certainly have gall, Slug. In the first place. I didn't take Sam's ukl; in the second, it's you who awes me live hundred. And you Even owe nie for about ten dol lars' worth of grub you took, to say nothing of tho horse and rig rou used." Don't be funny," advised Slug. "You can write that extry five hundred off aualust exnericaice. Just like you'll write this Jive hun dred you're goin' to fork out right now." His hand had tightened on tho gun butt and there was grim purpose in his eyes. Glenn slowly turned away. "AT. right You win, Slug." He half turned and his right hand Itreaked to the Derringer which he ivore In a holster under his lelt irm. He Jerked tho weapon out and leveled it across his chest at Slug Midline the unsuspecting gunman flat-footed. "Put up your hands. Slug! Quick! Drop the glove. That's right . . . Now draw that six-shooter slow' nd with the fingers of your le.' hand. , . . Easy! Keep the muzzle down. Now drop It." . The gun thudded to the floor tnd Glenn relaxed. goltv n"vmc the desk and seating himself. The I Derringer did not waver. He sat aiere lor a moment thinking. "I guess I ought to hand you over to tne law. aiug. you a hans.i you know. But that wouldn't get me tne live hundred vou owe me. would it? Or do you happen to I nave it wnn you. siug? He got up. came around the desK, ins gun still menacing the man. Turn around. Keep your hands up. Slug reluctantlv turned, and Glenn, nudging him in the back with the Derringer, proceeded to search him. He found a wallet with a few notes In it, but no money belt, no other cache where money could be hidden , He stepped .jacK. "Rustle up that five hundred. Slug, and leave it where I can get it. im letting you go mis time. If you haven't paid up by next time we meet, you won't find me sol sott-heartcd. Now get out. and get out fast. And don't come back! unless vou Dring tne live Hun dred with you. His face contorted with anger I and humiliation. Slug backed out ot the room. Glenn closed and locked the door I after him. He nicked up the gun I and glove Slug had dropped, stood for a moment turning them over I in his hands, then went to the desk! and put them In the bottom drawer. iTo Be Continued! R2237 I Forest Favorites Here is an ex Qllisltety designed needle painting that will brighten any room in the house. Simple stitches and gloiiou.' colors make pleasant ivlaxlnr needlework and the finished pane! Is something you'll be prutid to own. Pattern Envelope No. K2:':i7 con tains hot-tronJransfer for panel ROOM AND BOARD I'M AWARE, JUNIOR, OF "rOUR. v TITLE OF EARL BUT WOULD YOU CONSIDER AN EASY POOR-TO-DOOR .IDB OF SELLIN3 A VERY CLEVER. KITCHEN GADGET V. FOR. CORING PINt-AHHLti YOU SELL IT KJR JUC AND AW.E A NICklLON EACH SALE.' II ONLY SAID THAT I KNEW MV THAT'S WHAT I 1 lTll&e5(!ITT51T3 TMR.RDPERA-HOW WOULD YOU UKE K. . WAY ABOUND LINCOLN CITY, THOUGHT T I 7 I TO DO YOUR COUNTRY A GREAT SERVICE MR. BAUGHMAN-I SPENT TWO NERVOUSf YOU SAID, rl f fl I I li BOOING BACK TO LINCOLN CTTYPj gfl T WEEKS PROWLING AROUND ITS rod.MR. ROPER ' I - I t M I 1T V '' - UNDERWORLD JUNGLE ONCE- IT lFEZPBs& L J 1 f ? 1 fc T V &! - H COVER1 NG A GANG WAR WITHjI I n?EiU liffla-A I KV " E 41 1 iifC B i III 5$55T rf K. in you foyer, henry. lrad I YiiPa I 1 ' 0$x ?w - ' 3 IS ? C TTM1 Hi.Sr X Ml Hi S( y wku? ma 11111 rm m tm w 1 vm -TKX VKA nM M i i r i s x . O 1"". 1 W HUHDPGOa I WHY DONT I TALK TO GONG? BUT I YES- I WHERE rifiBQCtf t He MJST 1 f ALL KM nSK) IS THREE I OP THSM- THEYW9BK I-eSPtEU- I .THEY WSHTWHHW ) CAN FIND ME TILL jCZo JU " I SEE M6 1 I HUNO(7EO DOLLARS ID OCT I ALL ASktNQ 1 FEB fT SflME I 'EM I'VE I TOSEE, (ARE YOU K THIS BLOWS CWER- f l"T IYI. ilLuJVV ( SO YOU SOTM 1 1 SHOULD VJOBftYJ WAS W THEN VJWV DID YOU I Fl CERSOT ABOUT " f.bli X.. !W r "e sate: H onlv perposin' cause rudy IL tell mrs.tujillv to tmat.i better sit lit I ViO.'tf.N .f l t ROSeTTASTOMES NEBB TALKED ME INTO IT-- It RENT YOUR ROOM? THERE B' FORE SHE FWDS) (! Drll rrr 'vV ' HAJ-VOOR TA,U5 MUST'VE I I'D LIKE TO BUY THAT GREAT SfOTT.T TsOAMS. !. W',W LOST HIS HEAD7- THOSE. J COAT TO WEAR TO A W.' I YCXJB tWOULDERi THASS , "XT "P-SuSrH Si V . i ? V V ARE. THE. PHONIEST P- COSTUME PABTY. JvLJl ARE BCAL.C-YOU'ReJwHY AH T Y & ZJClfV PW- Aril. 1 V t I SHOULDERS I'VE THAT BU11.T-IN-PHVSIQOCO AMERICAS MOST COM N PTUBB tr'VvT Si-eiiiR Dnulilc- Oood Uilngs come g 3 e 'rT l mother and dauuhterl Pinafore No. . f I I 1 I Cfyfrl LMJ JL V :':;() has big pockets belittling waist. c k lrm fnslX'wJa TTTtI l A V. "J - youiiBer version No. 3040 is a per- R VV I I J t-KK. V2 I ' Ar-V-,''t Ha IO icct tin plicate. (Two separate pat- Jw-v P 7 JnV?5"3 a S1V y " r- 3aar. No. 'MM Is cut In sizes 10, :2, 14, ryl r,fi UfflS t.K YtrSKxSi Lfo - J W? Y?r' "" Hi, IB. 211. 38. 38 and 40. Size 16, If 1 I I T '1 I 1111 ' :!7No''3Sil.w'lsncut In Si7.es 2, 4, 6, and . jK1NG CENSUS IS AH V MY NAMEIS VjJ NAME:- I I OH.BOT WE V RLS? r- AS OLD AS Mil II 8 Size 4, 2 yds. 36-111. M EASY JOB! I'LL ASK R CLARA BUPJS CLARA MUST KNOw .T. SSpip" T rSi THE MILLS LL IrVfZ .. I THF OUE3TIONS AND IC?il 'Vi VrrlBLlK' YOUR AGE r-, .aw" M WSSKI ' UliTl t ' c Iff tra irwiVfl I I nMHaSJT w v W i I l!elkl I btm . SSiJsaAJi I III Hi l l ft. L l II II ll.Xfl . II D MM UI A r IB aeuit'-ft- . -V J? II . 1 1 JLT-utJ r; m 1 1 II J9 In im m mklkBSBm nl J-"'ffi? L'rr" "A-rwA"rl"g JEEPERSLOOK fjfST KSSS" HM-MI6UESS THERE'S NOBOPY IN THE . I 5aV vMyifc- I JUST60TTA FINPACMCK IT'S THE COVEREP KS3 1 CAVCl'D BETTER GET STARTEP POR i ! ''NSf3K P r I CAN HEAR HIM RUSTy.' I IN THE ROCKS OR SOME WASON-THE Je'Jt iTB A PLACE SAPPLE HORN RANCH ANPMAKE J (V4 , . I M HE'S NOT FAR BEHW US V PLACE TO HIPE. 6H0ST fVfS' TO HIPE.'CLIMB M AT OFFER FOR THE lf7 rr tkli o srTTooHfej 1).., w..rer. ijmmz iza n sj Bria x lpl Bv Gene Anern K -v " .TcW'Or I'SUM MN6 SCORES KAYO finw.nju.iui I BACK WHERE I LEEVt.WHEN A l 1 I I I , J AT BEAUX ARTS BRAWL! VtRV 'AW WHEN MA" FI6HT FOR A6IRL IT ytAVAaE"imuLD--. I'W SORRY TO X 'SSiSrS WwN.. . HMTsl TyTHWATEBNAW tW&"N MM""10 m SD!'"vvHATAMsXJUNI0R! "o.' E4 7 wraT7o,";w woofpr.j3c:.M n .a w mi' mrs.worth- w vr rj - r,?sjfcwM vstfr.ajMTisas 'b rr ivd yv ww vt RADIO PROGRAMS 'KSLM .SS KGW SATURDAY CM. ikoco :r 'koin 70 CBS 5iM Driven PIsyfasBH TBA Roand Up Tim Crou Section, ill Frank Henlacwtr TBA Reind Up Time V, 8. A. 8noke Blnn Binde ef Land CurUIn ' Calls Dancer Ahead t lU Bmok. Blnra gandi et Land CarUIn Calla Orchestra 6tM Hawaii CaUi Banda mi Land Canmeligbt and Gene Autr? 1 Hawaii Call Bandt f Land Silver r" otti :M MqiU HeraV la Vela Newe Orchestra tjU Mailt Elmer feteraca Troplcana Wcwe 7?M Mule Htl Parade Driver's Playhouse Philip Marlowe It raaernacl Eeh Hll Parade Bandstand Philip Marlowe :M Com. Plarhease Jadr Canon Bandstand Musle Mfm..nM : Com. Playhoaso Jady CanOTa Dusout Dope Heartbreak 8' Tako a Nnmker " Dennis Day Show Baseball Sing It Asaln Tako Nambcr Dennis Day Show Baseball Sins It Aialn Vele of Tralh Orand Ola Opry Baseball Slni It Aialn 5 Vole of Tmlk Orand Ole Qprr Baseball Slnr It Aialn 9: Life Bellas at M Vie Damene Show Baseball Vaurto Monro !,B Life Beilns at W Vie Damone Show Baseball Vaughn Monr lM Meet the Prasa Tralh r Baseball Gam Busters f Meet the Preas Cnsaeneea Baseball Gan Bustcra Sl " Eddie Cantor Baseball Five Mar Final l:,fl It's the Tea Eddie Cantor lews Round Up Spike Jones 'l:fl NW1 Star Theatr Danclni Parly Spike Jones Masle Star Tbealro Dancing Patty Jantscn Beach nt Open Boaa Was Mnseam Dnelng Parly Janlsen Beach ill Oaen Hons Was Moieum Dancing Party Rerrnade 'SO Open Hons Was Mnseam Dancing Parly Orchestra i Open Hons Was Museum Danclns- Parly Orchestra 11 lM alga QH Sign Oil Sign Off Slga-O!? SUNDAY 7" :M News " " News :1 Story I Order Biggs, Oranlst :1P Oameea f Musle Biggs, Oranist U 145 Cameos f Musle Trinity Choir 8iM Musi Biblt Highlights Deep River Boys Church of the Air II Mualc Bibl Highlights News Church of the Air M Masle Charon Id Hem Fellowship Voice Church of the Air US Cent. Lutheran Chnrch In Horn Fellowship Voice Church of the Air :H let Baptist Ch. Nswa Chapel of Air News ;l0 1st Baptist Oh. Horn. Serenade Clark Dennis Howard Smith :30 Vole f Propbeey John Doe' Ave Maria Hour Gallery tioulp :4a Voleof Prophecy Mule Ave Maria Hour News m k :M Badlo Bible Class Living IMP Chnrch In Wild. Invitation 7 I II :1ft Kadi Bible Class Living 104S Ernest White to Learning -4 llHtSO Lutheran Hoar Eternal Llghl Wayne King People's Platfornt ' i4d Lulfaeran Hoar Eternal Llghl Wayn King People's Platform r:(W News niton Sktlley First Baptist Ch Salt Lake Taber. J:1S Orchestra Glenn Shelley First Baptist Ch Salt Lake Taber. 11:30 Newa Ohleago Boand First Baptist Oh Syncopation Piece i45 Milt Herth Trio Table I'lrti inlM fh. Syncopation Plec m :00 Time Tapestries News Serenade for Symphonetta I"! 15 Tune Tapestries David Rost Oreh. Strings Symphonette :S0 Sunday Favorites TBA News Magio In Mailt I -fc.:48 Canary Pel Show TBA Guy Lombard News m :M Ne TBA Words Musle CBS Symphony :1S Vole of Army TBA Words A Musle CBS Symphony , i Juvenile Jury Man's Family Words A Musio CBS Symphony U ;4B Juvenile Jury Man's Family Words A Music CBS Symphony 7:M House of Mystery TBA Sammy Kaya CBS Symphony ill Hone of Mystery Quia Klda Sammy Kay CBS Symphony :80 Trno Detective News Sunday Musle Orchestra l4s True Detective Jane Flcfcen Sunday Mnsie Orchestra 3:K Under Arrest Surprise Serenade Warwick Theatre Chora! ter :1ft Under Arrest Surprise Serenade Warwick Theatre Chorallera :8fl Mr. Fls-lt James Melton Sunday Serenade News J4S Musle James Melton Sunday Serenade My Serenade 4:00 Roy Rogers Musle of Masters Donald Stewart Family Hour .80 Roy Roger Musle of Mailers Donald Stewart Family Ilour :1fi Nick Carter TBA Donald Stewart Oiilo A Harriet ;45 Nick Carter T B A Donald Stewart Onlc A narrlel 5:00 Musle for Sunday Dick Powell Dallas Ministerial nit Parade :I5 Musi for Sunday Dick Powell Land f Fre Hit Parade rSO For Christ Harris A Fay Musio for America Call the Folic ! For Christ Harris A Fay Music for America Call the Police :00 Wings f Keating Fred Allen News Rocky Jordan :1A Wings of Healing Fred Allen Sacred Heart Rocky Jordan :5a VD Radio ProJ. NBC Symphony Candle Light News :4S News NBC Symphony Silver Georg Fisher : Secret Mission NBC Symphony Bandstand Earn Vacation (5 Secret Mission NBC Symphony Bandstand Earn Vacation 180 Gregory Hood Album Familiar Dugout Dop Our Miss Brooks t45 Gregory Hood Musle Baseball Our Miss Brooks :00 Mayor el Town Tali r Leav It Baseball Lum V Abner :15 Mayer of Town Take r Leav II Baseball Lum n' Abner ;S(t Medical Hll.'tes Hera Held! Baseball Hit Parade :4 Northwest News Horac Heldt Baseball Hit Parade :06 Twenty Questions Burns Allen News Life with Lulgi :16 Twenty Questions Burns Allen Musle Life with Lulgl ;S0 Walter WInchell Symphom Hour Baseball The Whistler :4ft Louella Parsons Symphony Hour Baseball The Whistler :00 Newa Symphony Hour Baseball Five Star Final lvVlS Musi Sympboni Hour Baseball Sam Spade 1 Muslo Cat hells Hour Baseball Sam Spade T;4B Newa Cathell Hour Baseball Hr. of St. Francis 00 NWB Serenade 1 :1B Mary Ann Mercer Columbia Feature, :80 Was Museum Orchestra i - :4ft Was Museum Orchestra 1 tliOO Sign Off Sign Off ' " Sign-Off Send 25c for PATTERN with Name. Address find Style Number. .-jtiUi: Size desired. Cottons airntn strike a high fash ion note. They lire Inexpensive to make, easy to hnndle. Send now fur the SUMMER FASHION BOOK which includes in Its 150 pattern .It-s in n.s. a bitf selection of alluriiiR sucKfstions for cotton fashions for every ae and occasion. Price Just :o cents. Address Capital Journal "52 Mission St.. San Francisco 6.1 nllf. lCV Saturday P.M. 5:00, It'i la the rVCA Famllyi 5:15, Let Freedom Rlngi 5:80, Teen Tunes t :0t, Here's I Vets; 8:15, Hem Edition NiWii 0:10, Dllle landi 7:00. Musical Etefalngsi 7:80, Johnny Thompson! 1:48, Bert Anderwst ft:00, Lon Ranger) 8:10, This Is Tour FBI; 0:00, Break the Banki 8:80. Pat No vak for Hiret 10:00, Newst 10:15, Danee Orehcstrat 10:45, Some Like It Hoti 11:80, Beverly Hills Orch.i 12:00, Xtra Hoar: 1:00, Bin Off. lCV Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morning Mel rE. die,; e;oo, Music Timet 9:00, Fin Art Quartet: 0:80, Hour of Faitht 10:00, Constant Invader i 10:80, Message f Israeli 1 1 :00, James Roosevelt t 11 :10, Romance of the Hlghwayai 11:80, Na tional Vespers: 11:00, Parade of Hltat 18:80, Piano Playhouse t 1:00, Editor at Homei 1:15, Society Newsi 1:80, Breathoff Orcb.t t:00, U. S. Navy Bandt 8:80, Op era Album i 8:00, This Changing World; (Listed as Paclflo Daylight Time) lAAr Saturday P.M. 8:00 On NvMV Upbeat i 6:50. 550 Sports el IB) Upbeat i 6:50. 550 Sports elubi 0:00. Newst 0:10 Look at Australia! :S0, London Letter) 8:45, Holland To day and Tomorrow) 7:00, Grand Opera Tonight! 10:80, Dance Parade) 10:45, Th Newsf 11:00, Sign Off. . (Listed aa Standard Time) 8:16, Honeydreamerst 8:80, Sunday With Tout 4:00, Muslo Moodst 4:80, Greatest Story Ever Toldt 5:00, Stop the Music t 0:00, Little Herman; 0:80, Think Fast) 7:00, Walter Wlnebelli 7:15, Louella Par sons) 7:80, Theatre Guild i 8:80, Jim ml Fldlert 8:45, Roadside Chapel) 0:00, Drew Pearson i 0:15, Monday Morning Headline) 9:80, Waller Wlnehellt 0:45, Intermessot 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, Drew Pearson) 10:30, Jantsen Beach Oreh.i 11:00, Nocturne 11:80, Claremont Oroh.i 18:00, Xtra Hourt 1:00, Sign Off. Adah Chapter Will Take Summer Rest Independence The final meeting until fall of Adah chap ter No. 34, O. E. S will be held Tuesday evening, June 28, with initiation scheduled on the program. Mri. Katharine Dodda, Mrs. Violet Swope, Mrs. Laura John son and Mrs. Ralph Kletzing, delegates to the recent grand chapter session in Portland will give reports on the meetings. Refreshments will be served following chapter. Woodburn Problems Presented Rotarians Woodburn Dr. Gerald B. Smith was in charge of the pro gram at the Woodburn Rotary club and led a discussion on vi tal problems of the city. Ha called on a number of members for expressions of opinions on the school situation, the recrea tion program and the speed of trains through the city. t Next Thursday the new offi cers of the club will be installed when Dr. John M. Hanrahan takes over as president. inensurlnc 11 by 15 Inches; color Miw.slion.s; mntortnlft requirement: .stitch lllustnittons unci finishing di rections. I'u oolHin tha pAMerr. send ioc in COINS giving uHltern nutnoei .'mi' nnme adrtre.-v ana rone num H'l to Peiiuy Roberta CnpltAl Jour in. 88 Mission street 8an Fran Msn 3 Cnlll ACROSS 1 Flap, t. 1J I. Behind tlm II Ruialan ta II. Unit 14. Bath, II. Artltlclal lingual 14. Spider's trap 15. Cant II. Parlod or tin II. Rowfns Implement! a. ti 41. Relinquish P1T R O A SjlO P 3 P A RJ H" E L LOUPUIE 0 V UlE SB I NjTTe NIT CS3uiri Ai!i'""irTrM ii meHTt sQTtiailiy g A L O P SHA V 1N U E R A P EPaIU AflT A T 17. Strike! 19. Diminished 20 Concerning 21 Ptecee out 23. Cutting part ot a knife 24. Pronoun 26 Coolnesi under strain 21 Meshed fabrlo 31. Conjunction 12. Regret voluntarily 41. Scarcer 4S. Bowling arenas el). Bring back Ints currency 51 Prophet 12. Literary fragment 14. Mental picture St. Saucy IB. Tooth IT. Transmit I Rl E L A NjD TiasTi u p o nBred AS T 8 E N EJcIaQd AIN 6 E R E t LHAMMi" CHt R A p rIymmibIainItUpIaIp Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla DOWN L Part of the skirt of to armor: variant SURE;. I'LL DO IT. SO ANY DEAVONSTRATIN U 1 iur.ii,wb i;u penw urn kf. TUH HOUSE. AN' THEY D SOUETIWES GET AVE TUH POLISHIM' A WHOLE PIANO BtrORE r. Rl IVIW A BOTTLE rS. iizilt w I mfwm "I 1 1 Wr 1 W I 1. street u renin 2. Hair dresver i. Smooth and glossy 9. Study t. About 7. AfflrmatlTt S Hurl I. Kind of taU 10. Klin 11. Toward til setting sub 16 Paradis IB. Constructed 22. Ancient Chines 23. Occurrence 24. In what way J5. Before J7. Extend . 29. Age 30. Dally 35 Steam generator 36. Victim SI. Ancient time .18. Ridicule 40. Prevent 42. Song thruib 43. Insect 44. Opposite of aweather 46. Smooth 47. Peruse 49. Pouch 1 J 50. Kind ol mote I t2. Not any