f "vacancy on supreme court ff Speculation on New Justice Waits vjovernor s Keturn By WILLIAM WARREN (United Preu SUft Correspondent) Number one question among capital observers is: Who will be the next justice of the Oregon supreme court? Gov. Douglas McKay, in Washington, D. C, today to attend a congressional hearing on the mm WII1UB warreo proposed Columbia valley au thority, is expected, as soon as he returns to Oregon, to namcf a successor to Justice Percy R. Kelly, who died June 14. A lot of spe culation has been going on here as to thejt man Gov. Mc Kay will ap point to fill the high court vac ancy. Many, without naming names, have guessed that the appointment might come from eastern Oregon, which is not now represented on the supreme court bench. Three of the justices are from Portland Chief Justice Hall S. Lusk and Justices George Ross man and J. O. Bailey. Acting Chief Justice James T. Brand is from Coos county, on the coast. Justice Harry H. Belt, dean of the bench, is from Polk county, in the Willamette valley. And Justice Arthur D. Hay is from Lake county, in southern Oregon. So, say observers, McKay may name a man from eastern Ore gon to the bench to succeed Kel ly, who came from Linn coun ty, also in the Willamette valley, since eastern Oregon is missing in representation now. Belt has been on the supreme court bench since 1925, follow ing his first election. Rossman was appointed by Gov. I. L. Pat terson in September, 1927, af ter the death of Justice George ri. Burnett. Bailey was elected and took office in January, 1933. Lusk was appointed in July, 1937, by Gov. Charles H. Martin. Brand was named in May, 1941, by Gov. Charles A. Spra gue, after the death of Justice Henry J. Bean. Sprague also appointed Hay in December. 1942, after the death of Justice John L. Rand Kelly had served since Sep tember, 1930, when Gov. A. W. Norbland appointed him after the death of Justice Thomas A. McBride. Each justice is elected for a six-year term. The terms of Lusk, Bailey and nay expire in January. 1951 Rossman's term is up in Janu ary, 1953. The terms of Belt and Brand expire in Januarv. 1955 Kelly's term was also until 1955, but the man Gov. McKay names to succeed him will serve only until tne elections of 1951. The high court holds forth in its own building, into which it moved in February, 1914. The several justices have their of fices on the third floor, and sit in judgment in the supreme court room, also on the third floor, beneath a stained glass dome which bears the seal of state. On the second floor is the su preme court library, considered one of the best in the country. Guiding influence is E. N. Gil lingham, librarian since 1906, except for one three-year period. On the first floor are the at torney general's office and the office of supreme court clerk. Dean of the entire supreme court building is Arthur Benson, clerk of the court. He was nam ed deputy clerk in 1902 and has been with the high court ever since. He was appointed clerk in February, 1918, after the death of Judge H. C. Moreland. Ben son, from Klamath Falls, has served with 31 justices. His fa ther, Henry L. Benson, was Kla math county circuit judge, and supreme court justice from 1914 to 1921. Ably assisting Benson is Dor othy Cornelius, deputy clerk since February, 1946, and with the office for some 10 years be fore that. Origins of the court go back to provisional government days. In 1841 Dr. Ira L. Babcock was appointed supreme judge of Oregon, with probate powers. Under the territorial govern ment, the supreme court was created, with William P. Bryant as first chief justice. When Oregon became a state in 1859, the legislature created the supreme court, with circuit judges of the state making up the Body. There were only four circuit judges then. But the number increased as Oregon's population increased, and in 1878 the legislature created the high court as a body separate from the circuit judges. James K. Kelly was first chief justice. The court continued with three justices until 1909, when the legislature increased the number to five. In 1913, the legislature again &fiiitaiMifoiii 1 1 ii KAY Typewriter Co. Agents Royal Typewriters Victor Adding Machines 223 North High St. VI (Across from Sena- I tor Hotel) Fh. 3-8095 (Mom UIcikMnri BLENDED WHISKEY S $3.30 V IK ? in BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF 70 GRAIN NEUTRAl SPIRITS JOSEPH S. FINCH I, CO., ALADDIN, PA. Long Hair Reuben Lind strom (above), has his own "cure" for heart trouble, re moved from a freight train by railroad police in Buffalo, N. Y the 55-year-old itiner ant worker said whenever he cuts his hair he gets heart trouble. For the past 25 years he hasn't had a haircut. (Acme Telephoto) j Caterpillar Invasion Reported on Coast Tillamook, June 24 OT The caterpillars are apparently crawling south from Clatsop county. A heavy infestation was re ported in this area today, about a week after a similar plague was noticed in Clatsop county. Considerable damage to fruit orchards and to alder trees was reported. increased the court, to seven justices the number at which it still remains. One of the two extra justices appointed by Gov. Oswald West was Charles L. McNary, who went on to be one of Oregon's illustrious U.S. sen ators and one-time republican nominee for vice president. It is to this historical, highest court of Oregon that Gov. Mc Kay must name a justice. Indi- cations are that, as soon as he returns from the national . capi tal, he will make known his choice probably by Monday. Bank Opening Dinner Planned West Salem, June 24 Open ing of West Salem's first bank, a branch of the United States National of Portland, on Mon day, July 11, will be celebrated at a banquet on the evening of the opening day. The dinner, with leading men of the bank, the state and the community on the invitation list, will be at City hall, and will be under the sponsorship of the West Salem Lions club. It will start at 6:30. Governor Douglas McKay will be master of ceremonies. He will introduce Charles A. Sprague, former governor, who will introduce the main speaker, E. C. Sammons of Portland, president of the United States National. An entertainment fea ture will be arranged. Among others attending will be Senator Dean Walker of In dependence and Representative Lyle Thomas of West Salem and several Polk county officials. The Salem Chamber of Com merce will be represented by Manager Clay Cochran. Runaway Balloon Shot Down by Pilot Elkhart, Ind., June 24 (IP) A huge advertising balloon which snapped its cable in Chicago and soared 140 miles, was shot down over Elkhart yesterday by an Illinois national guard pilot. The 38-foot sausage-shaped balloon broke its quarter inch Brownsville Times Sold Brownsville, June 24 W The Brownsville Times, a weekly newspaper published here for the last 61 years, has been sold by Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Giles to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Roberts of Yakima, Wash. $$ MONEY $$ W 4j Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 1S3 S. High St. Lie. Sit 3-5222 I""-- ' Z 1 1 f ..noon 4. ,o''mo, steel mooring cable during 33-1 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949 9 mile an hour winds which raked j Chicago for a short time late heavy rainfall which accompa-1 nied Monday's typhoon. yesterday. It soared about 140 jaj miles across Lake Michigan to Elkhart in northern Indiana. Mine Cave-in Kills 13 Tokyo, June 24 VP) Cave-Ins at three mines in the typhoon area of southern Japan killed 13 miners, Japanese press re ports said today. The cave-ins were blamed on floods and OIL FLOOR FURNACE Yets, 1 5 off the prle. of any floor furnace bought and Installed during this sale! We're offering this, to make it worth your while to install new and help us ease our Fall rush of business. Do it now! save money and get: Automatic Heat. Clean Heat. tre-Cemfert Warm-Moan Heat. aiy Initallatlon Na lata ami, Na Darts, Na Taarlng Ua fear Heasa. NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 Months to Pay ACT.NOWl-Sav Real Money and Get Ready for Winter Ahead of the Rush! This Offer Coed Only Till July till WALLACE HARDWARE THE MARSHALL WELLS STORE 2056 North Capital Phone 3-6877 SIDING ON ALL SIDES 42-INCH fence pickets, ready cut; 1-way 1 point, 2-way point and Gothic point. Each l3C CEILING plywood, just the thing for those remodel jobs (not much of this left in M stock) sq. ft C KILN-dried, V and Center V TONGUE and GROOVED RUSTIC SIDING, $C C AA kfW.VV 1 x 8. CEDAR, kiln-dried rustic siding: 1x4, 1x6, 1x8 .M $75.00 PAINT BY THE BUCKETSFUL POWDERED Casein Paint (25 pounds will make 5 gallons or more). Goes a LONG way. You can do 4 big rooms with this amount. Q In 25 pound boxes, per pound 3rC EXTERIOR Texolite. Excellent for concrete, stucco, blocks. This is usually $5.28 a gallon but you can have all you want at this $ QP time for Gallon )i7V INTERIOR Texolite, Oil and Resin Imperial. This, too, is usually higher ($3.50 a gallon O"? in 5's) but now just Gallon JmwJ At That Convenient Location INSIDE TRIM For windows; standard patterns in 3-foot to 6-foot lengths 50 Discounts! in Kunu. l.UMBEP T'ffN 1 VARft. PHONE WM X Thousands of men have voted in favor of Rcommndd by physicians and sur geom for thr dcads, ttit tctWifle sup ports hav helped thousands of men. Widely used In Hie treatment of sprain. They ore o blessing In helping to take strain off musclei. Improve appearance, toot Availobla In all sixes, theta famous belli are comfortable, eaiy to put on and are moderately priced. Ask your doctor about them. We hove expertly trained Allen In attendance. Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On th Corner" WARNING! 000000009Q0G A leak in an old roof is usually the forerunner of other leaks soon to come. In the judgment of the National Bureau of Standards, when that time comes "it is no longer practical or economical to effect repairs .. . , re-roofing is the only solution." And that's where we can help you. As a Johns-Manville dealer in this vicinity, we will be glad to have you consult with us. We offer you complete service, quality Johns-Manville roofing or sid ing materials, the right price and with nothing down, as long as 3 years to pay, plus a 10-year guarantee. 000000000009 Mathis Bros. Roofing Co. 164 S. Com'l. Phone 3-4642 With YOUTZEMTH 10k Refrigerator n (Omit IXPIMt JULY Ind, 19491 -JrjV With BIG 7o U CU. FT. ZENITH America's Best Refrigerator Value of the Year... Bonus Offer This beautiful 35-pi.c. dlnnerwar. et plut 8-pl.c g.nuln Pyr.x refrigerator let 43 placet In all included with your pur chat, of Z.nith Da Lux. or Sup.r D. Lux. refrigerator , . , ol no increai. in price! Dainty M.lit.n pattern in oft patt.l colon on rich Ivory glaz.d domestic china from Crookivlll. pott.ri.t. All thii ii yours wh.n you t.l.ct your .xfra vafu. Z.nith Refrigerator If you act at onc.l See and compar. th. feature of both Z.nith Refrigerators with other nationally advertised mod.lt that toll from $20 to $40 higher! See th. "Seal-tlte" door latch, th. extra larg. critpers, th. extra flexible food arrang.rn.nl, and in th Sup.r D. Lux., th. extra capacity froi.n food storage spa. You'll b. glad you bought a Z.nlthl Zenith Super De Luxe Refrigerator Ther.'s a ZENITH REFRIGERATOR ctvallabt. for as HMU cm 1 89.95 7MP mum iooo sis! On Display at Your Zenith Dealer Today! Aamsville, Oregon W. L. ROBERTS Donald, Oregon DONALD MERCH. Independence, Oregon INDEPENDENCE HDWE. Marquam, Oregon J. E. DUFFY Mill City, Oregon HILLTOP MERCH. SALEM, OREGON CLEAR LAKE STORE KEITH BROWN LUMBER CO. MARSHALL-WELLS STORES BRAMBLE HDW., 362 State Street WALLACE HDW., 2056 No. Capitol THE LINCOLN STORE MARSHALL-WELLS STORES Sheridan, Oregon MARSHALL-WELLS STORES Sllverton, Oregon MARSHALL-WELLS STORES Stayton, Oregon MARSHALL-WELLS STORES West Salem Hardware MARSHALL-WELLS STORES Woodburn, Oregon