8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949 1 MnWit'' m , vx WHiApL fed - 4 I ILL,...' . , W Mr. and Mrs Silverton Cramer are cutting Everett K the bridal cake served weir near 2uu guests ai iheir golden wedding observance Sunday, June 12, at the Silverton armory fireside social rooms. (Drake picture) Hake-Shaver Rites At Lebanon Church Lebanon Miss Verna M Shaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin W. Shaver of Leb anon, and Richard W. Hake, son of Stanley Hake of Medford. were wed Sunday, June 10, at an afternoon ceremony at the First Christian church. Rev. Lynnton Elwell officiated. Baskets of white gladioluses, red roses and candelabrums were massed at the altar. Miss Taye Parks played the wedding marches, and Mrs. Ed Drapela was soloist. Candles were lighted by Miss Donna Lewis and Miss Bonita Johnson. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin and carried a white Bible, topped with red rosebuds and a white orchid. Maid of honor, Miss Norma Woods, wore a light green gown, and Miss .Peggy Conner, bridesmaid, was gowned In yellow. The bride's matron, Mrs. Doris Shimanek, was dressed in blue. All at tendants carried colonial nose Kays. Best man was the bride groom's brother, Donald Hake of Toledo, and ushers were Ted Sidwell of Kelso, Wash., and Harry and Leon Drapela of Leb anon. At the reception at the church parlors, Mrs. Ralph York served the wedding cake. Pouring was Mrs. Juanita Gundcrsen. Out of town guests included the bridegroom's father, Stan Icy Hake of Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hake and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hake of Toledo; Miss Patsy Peoples and Miss Frances Wilcox of Yclm, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sidweli, Sr., Miss Darlene Walker and Ted Sidwell, Jr., of Kelso, Wash.; Mrs. Lyle Chance and Miss Wil ma Chance of Halsey, and Mrs. Bessie Moore of Corvallis. The bride is a graduate of Leb anon high school, and the bride groom, a Medford high school graduate, is a student at North West Christian college In Eu gene, where he is preparing for If Ton Sell Magazine Subscriptions Fall or Pari Time. II Will Far Toa ta Cantaol Ma LEIGH M. RAILSBACK SIlBSCRirTION AGENCY. Faaadeaa S, California the ministry. Mr. and Mrs. Hake will live in Lebanon this summer, return ing to Eugene in the fall. Clan Reunion The Humphreys clan will gather for its annual reunion Sunday in the Dallas City park, the dinner to be scrvn. . i p.m. Following the dinner will be a business session. W. Ernest Savage is president of the group this year. WOODBURN, Evergreen chapter, No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold the final meeting of the summer season Monday evening, June 27 at the Masonic temple. Degrees will be conferred and reports given of the recent grand chapter. Serving refreshments will be Mr. and Mrs. P. L. LaBarr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shaner, Mrs. Ada Settlemier, Frank W. Settlemier, Mrs. Thomas Engle and Miss Hazel Engle. The next chapter meeting will be September 12. Miss Larson June Bride The marriage of Miss Doris Jean Larson, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Larson of Salem, was married June 17 to Gary Lee Kuebler, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kuebler, at a beautiful home ceremony at the Kuebler residence on Beach avenue. The service 'took place at 12 o'clock noon, Elder A. J. Gordon offi ciating. Large baskets of del phiniums and red roses, together with palms and candelabrums holding lighted tapers, decorated the home for the service. Lighting the tapers were Miss Vera Redberg of Oretown, Ore., and Miss Gloria Gordon. The bride wore a two-piece cream ensemble trimmed with silver beads and dark blue ac cessories. Her .flowers were a corsage of purple orchids. Ken neth Loretz of Eugene gave his sister-in-law in marriage. Miss Beverly Loretz of Eugene was attendant for the bride. She wore a tailored suit of toast brown. For the music, Mrs. A. J. Gordon sang, accompanied by Miss Coral Gordon. Donald Dempsey of Portland was best man. Attending the wedding were immediate relatives of the couple. An informal reception followed the service. The bride's table was decorated in pale pink and white. Mrs. Janette Kuebler, grandmother of the bridegroom, presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Ralph Harris served the bride's cake and Mrs. A. J. Gordon the bridegroom's cake. Mrs. Roy Redberg served the ices. Following a trip to the Oregon beach the couple left for two weeks to Missouri. This fall they plan to resume their edu cation at Walla Walla college. HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colgan celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary informally Saturday, June 18, at their home. Members of the wedding parly and a few of the (ftolofox original guests were presented. The buffet table was set with a three tiered cake flanked by tall pink and white candles and small vases of sweet peas. Guests present included Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stinger of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Colgan of Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siegmund of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Herman DeLangh of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Colgan and Mrs. Carmen Jen nison of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Max Cook of Hubbard. LEBANON The marriage of Mrs. Fern Edwards of Lebanon to Robert H. Neumeyer of Salem was solemnized on June 9 at Vancouver, Wash. After July 10, Mr. and Mrs. Neumeyer will be at home at 795 north Church street, Salem. AUMSVILLE The Aumsville American Legion auxiliary met at the Robert Mickey home and made new drapes for the fire department hall. A gift was presented to Mrs. Vernon Rob erts during the evening. Did you know you con buy an Indian for at little ai $9.39 weekly? ymmaumium, stum fea-Mxi Ask TED STARCK Officers Named For Auxiliary The Woman's auxiliary to the National Federation of Post Of fice Clerks local 604, met Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Leonard Odum for their regular business meeting. .Plans were discussed for the state conven tion to be held in Eugene this week-end, June 24-26. Delegates to represent the Salem auxili ary at the convention will be Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaugh and Mrs Charles Warren. A picnic was planned for July at which the auxiliary members will entertain for their husbands. Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaugh, Mrs. Lawton Girod, and Mrs. James Burkhart are on the commit tee. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. LeRoy Krueger; vice president, Mrs. Norman Rue; secretary, Mrs. S. B. Leslie; treasurer, Mrs. Dayle Jory. The new officers were installed by the Oregon state president, Mrs. James Lucas. MILL CITY Quietly mar ried in Mill City Saturday night were Miss LaNay Goble, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble, of Mill City, and William A. Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Swan of Mill City. The 9 o'clock ceremony was in charge of Rev. Thomas Courtney and was held in 'the Mill City Church of Christ. Witnessing the wed ding were the parents of the couples. The bride wore a tailored beige colored suit with brown and pink accessories. Her corsage was of pink sweet peas and rosebuds. The young couple will reside in Mill City in the Colburn apartments. Miss Goble came to Mill City two years ago with her parents from Los Ang eles. She is a graduate from the Stayton high school this spring. Mr. Swan attended the local schools and served several years in the last war. At present he is an employe of Manthe Lumber company. AUMSVILLE The Aumsville Woman's club will meet at the Ernest Towle home on June 24. Election of officers will be held. This will be the last meeting of the year. BEAUTY INSULATION PERMANENCE STRENGTH To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 PERMA-STONE your home The permanence and classic beauty of stone- is within the means of all who desire to remodel or build. Perma-Stone is not a tacked-on siding, it is in fact a stone-likt veneer, cast and applied on the iremises. The cost is substantially ess than for real stone. Before you decide, investigate Perma-Stone. FULL DITAILS ON REQUEST WITHOUT OBLIGATION IT Salem Perma-Stone Co. 455 Court Street Salem Office In with Joe Hi'trWns Real Estate THE MAKERS 01 THE HAMMOND 0GAJ WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 State Salem, Ore. NOTICE FIREWORKS DEALERS BUY WHOLESALE From Your Valley Representative for CLIPPER FIREWORKS CO. Pick your fireworks from the largest selection in the Northwest. Located North Portland Road next door north from Saving Center Market. NORTHWEST STANDS Ph. 35583 Locally Owned Ph. 34574 Make friends with Guild Wine Hounded by high prices? Be amort . . entertain thriftily, luxuri ously with Guild California Sherry. Your friends will welcome its mel low, nut-like flavor . . . you'll wel come its non-inflation pricel OH YOU raOTICTION-IOTTllO IN CALIFORNIA IV WINI IIOWIII 011110. 10DI ft MafthaMtfiai iTliikl .....JiL. w nt - CsjraJ , export- 5 ci" s m. .' . .:.-:-... UUDatm It MttAMuVM tUar-tCNS. IMC aVOMttc Half Price for the First Time! Dorothy Gray Daintiness Cream Deodorant Tests prove this deodorant promises you greater protection. Checks perspiration and perspiration odor instantly and effectively. Antiseptic, non-irritating to skin; harmless to fabrics. Stays creamy , . . does not dry out in jar. So order a large supply and save. 50 r M'jjL xl'fV'Tl Regular ! SiseM I Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" IX I I ai 'Ltro m.rr. r I mix s ium m i CTrrrwp ir?.i fflTi , r A I H WATER No Milk Sygar - Eggs or Shortening needed! because fjnrt a AVE U vr-wwvw wwam,a aval contains all the fine, high tuauiy ingreaiem yvu need to make a delicious cake very time. ADR ONLY WATER Mokes two deep 8 -inch layers f -X - - . infyvl JlA mm LYLE ERTSGAARD LYLE ERTSGAARD Announces The GRAND OPENING Of 'His , NEW SHELL SERVICE STATION JUNE 24TH AND 25TH CORNER CAPITOL AND MARKET STREETS This is your invitation to drive in and look over our new station; It's brand new from top to bottom. We have the latest equipment, a complete line of Shell products and, most important today Service You'll Remember. Extra Free Merchandise at 4 P.M. DURING OPENING DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, EVERY YOUNGSTER WILL RECEIVE FREE BALLOONS, SO BRING THEM ALONG, TOO. CAPITOL STREET SHELL STATION ACROSS FROM PIGGLY WIGGLY CAPITOL AND MARKET STREETS TELEPHONE 2-9376 "Service is my business"