Sigma Kappa Mothers Meet Holmes of Dallas In charge. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Friday, June 24, 1919 7 Attending tne unursaay meei inff vm Mrs. R. J. Davev. Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, Mrs. C. Les ter Newman, Mrs. Asahel ish, Mrs. Delmer DeSart, Mrs. A. F. A dozen Sigma Kappa moth ers were present for the lunch eon given lor the group Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Verne McMullen. Mrs. Ro Marcus, Mrs. W. G. Burris, Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Holmes, and the two host esses. i: THE SPANISH club is meet bert Schroeder assisted at the luncheon. The group made plans for a ing this evening at 8 o'clock in no-host picnic on August 25 In the Dallas City park with Mrs. the Salem YWCA. Rex Dart to show slides of Trinidad and H. J. Eastman and Mrs. Forrest other places. .1 i.; U Recent Wedding Wed June 10 were Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ingdahl. The bride Is the former Doris Jeane Leek,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Leek of West Salem. Mr. Engdahl U the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Engdahl of Salem. (Don Engdahl picture) Miss Torvend Married In Silverton Ceremony Sllverton Miss Olga Theodoris Torvend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas B. Torvend of Silverton, and Charles R. Christian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christian, Denver, Colo., exchanged their marriage vows Saturday, June 18, it Trinity Lutheran church before a eandlelighted arrangement of salmon pink gladioluses V and white delphiniums as altar ' decorations, the Rev. M. J. K. . Fuhr reading the lines of the double ring ceremony. Miss Jan Ice Johnson and Miss Jean Christian, sister of the bride groom, wearing Identical pastel gowns and wrist corsages, light ing the tapers. Miss Glenna Nel son of Portland and Mrs. Roger Stenberg of Parkland, Wash., ang, both accompanied by Miss Dorothy Martenson of Milwau kie, Ore., who also played the wedding marches. The bride, accompanied to the altar and given In marriage by her father, wore white slipper satin dress with lace yoke and lace edged train. Her three cjuarter length, veil of French Il lusion was ruffle-edged with and lnter-trlmmcd with old lace from her mother' wedding gown. Her only ornament was a single strand ot pearls. &ne car ried an arm bouquet of white Esther Reed daisies and pale pink rosebuds In garland arrangement. For her honor attendant the bride chose her sister, Mrs. James Phillips of Silverton who wore blue dotted marquisette, carrying a garland of yellow Es ther Reed daisies with a match ing floral beret garland in her hair. Bridesmaids were Miss Joyce Ruffcorn of Parkland, Wash., and a cousin of the bride, Miss Evelyn Torvend of Silver- ton, in Identically modeled gowns of yellow dotted marqui sette,' their flowers, garlands of blue Esther Reed daisies and garland berets of blue delphin iums. The small cousin of the bride, Ruth Sharpe of Salem, was jun ior attendant In a short frock of pale blue dotted marquisette carrying an arm basket of pink rose petals. Erling Hjortsdahl of Spokane was best man. Ushers and at tendants were James Phillips of Silverton and Palmer Torvend, brother of the bride, of Hills boro. Mrs. Torvend, mother of the bride, wore a rose formal, and the mother of the bridegroom, a pink formal, with matching cor sages of gladioluses and roses. At the reception for the near 200 guests in the church social rooms, Mrs. Arne Sunset of Parkland cut the bride's cake. Mrs. Henry Torvend of Salem was in charge of dining room plans. Presiding at the coffee urns was Mrs. Samuel Torvend of Silverton and pouring punch was Miss Maryanne Sunset of Parkland. The serving table and reception rooms were bright with small and large bouquets of various colored summer blos soms and greenery and candle light. Assisting about the rooms were Miss Blanche Kilmer of Oregon City, Miss Marcia Etzel of Canby, Miss Katherine Her , man of Port Orford, Miss Elisif Skavang of Oslo, Norway, Miss Delores Langset, Portland, Miss Janice Jackson of Silverton. Vi olin music was furnished dur ing the reception by Miss Betty Lou Reike of Portland. For traveling the bride wore a dressmaker suit of blue glenn plaid, blue and white accesso ries and a yellow carnation corsage. Following a wedding trip to Oregon coast resorts, Mr. and Mrs. Christian plan to be in Sil verton until September 1 when they will go to Northfield, Minn., where he will resume his senior year course for the min istry at St. Olaf's college. Mrs. Christian attended Parkland Lu ther college. From out of town were the parents and members of the fa mily of the bridegroom from Denver, Mrs. Hattie Meger of Falrmount, Minn., Mrs. Christi ana Christian of Esterville, Io wa, and from Fargo, ND, Mrs. Sophia Lynch and Mrs. Lydia Bolstad, cousins of the bride. BLENDED WHISKEY K Brats ".Mitral lelrlts gr j" T lf GRACE LUTHERAN Ladies' Aid was entertained at the home of Mrs. Pete E. Lermon. The pro gram was presented by Mrs. Ruben Boehm and Mrs. Henry Touvend. Lunch was served to IS members and five visitors, Mrs. Philip Dahl will be hostess on Friday, July 1, with Mrs. Carl Fisketjon co-hostess. RECORDS Lore Releases 'Now, Now Is the Time" Russ Morgan and the Andrew Sisters "Four Winds and the Seven Seas" Sammy Kaye on Victor Mel Torme on Capitol Downstairs Oregon Bldg. State and High 3-8632 K ' UNDERARM I I DEODORANT J-. I ,FRED MEYER 148 N. Liberty Another METRO MARVEL Brack's NUT GOODIES Crunchy finely cooked Peanut toffee center Coated with maple flavored icing Specially Priced Saturday Only APPROXIMATELY 95 PIECES TO THE POUND 41 THI IIORII OJ BITTER VALUW 136 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon we sell shoes for the SEASHORE! AND THESE ARE A WHALE OF A BUY . : AT MINNOW PRICES! LA MONTE, exclusive Kickerinos double-strop, cushion-soled wedgie in chrome-unfinished outsole. Wonder ful wearing, N-M, four to nine, and it 6.95 VISTA, with single symetric strap, cushion soled wedgie. Exclusive at Raemar as featured in Mademoiselle. N-M, four to nine 6.95 EACH IS EXCLUSIVE at the Salem Shoe Store that goes RIGHT . . . along with you iL , , li IflB SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! BEGINNING SATURDAY - FIRECRACKERS! -ROCKETS! - ROMAN CANDLES: - PIN WHEELS! - SPARKLERS! - TORPEDOES! IN FACT, WE'LL HAVE EVERYTHING THAT IS LEGAL TO SELL IN OREGON IN THIS DEPARTMENT-BUY YOUR F I REWORKS FROM US! MAIN FLOOR Sale! NYLON HOSE 1000 yds. RAYON FABRICS pair yard 6 Pairs for $5.75 I Rea' $-5 and $2.00 yd WE'LL GLADLY CHARGE IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT Beautiful .1, for every ocro, ' ' " Ieni,'-heeri , . . service in this fa- 8's to 's , rrom 8's to 1 1'. ength ir .proportioned ,2e ta7ew leo fectly. Every new summf i V00 Per dnpping tanV.??,u ' ' "- efc- Select your sS ' V bLrowi nts, Popular nylons noWTnd f the" bY buying six pa?rs L)? ,Up f 35 regulars. w ' fcxtremely slight ir- MAIN FLOOR l7j"JiT'- A Vecia! Pa, . i topical sn itmve Pickinf o"' '."eies Swat nf .""'"etnmcr vow MAIN FLOOPx RAYON PANTIES! It's a good buy! Rayon panties with lastic waistband and leg bands. Narrow Val. lace trimmed. All sizes on sale In bargain table square on main floor. BLOUSES! Reg. to 8.95 $8.95 blouses for $1.B8! Exciting bargains on this table to morrow! Crepes, sheers, plain and novelty! Come choose two or three for your vacation wear. 2nd floor. Blouse Dept. DENIMS!... Sport denims ... for work, too! These playtime denims are In the smart style class but priced so low for this clear ance you may use them for field or cannery work. 2nd door. Sports Dept. 3 or $1 $198 $395