Capital Women I Edited by MARIAN LOWRV FISCHtB asSSaSSSJ 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949 Zontas Plan Sunday Tea Zonta club met ior dessert and a business session last eve ning at the South River road home of Mrs. O. A. Melgaard with Miss Hazel Roenicke and Miss Kathryn Carthew as co hostesses. Further plans were discussed for the tea to be given by the group next Sunday afternoon to honor the Uherryiana uesuvai queen and her court, the event to be at the home of Mayor ana Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom between 3 and B o'clock. The event is in formal with invitation extended to members of other civic and service clubs, as well as mem bers of the Cherryland Festival association board and the Chor rians and their wives, also friends of the five girls who make Up the court this year Misses Patricia O'Connor, queen; Grace Kirk, Dorothy Neufeld, Katherine Specht and Jeannine Bentley. Personnel of committees for the new year's work was an nounced, this being the first meeting for the new officers in stalled in June. Next meeting will be a picnic on July 14 at the home of Miss Maxlne Buren. Corvallis Group Visits Oak Knoll Twenty - four women from Corvallis were guests of the Oak Knoll Ladies Golf club at their meeting, Wednesday. Win ners In the Corvallis group were Mrs. Charles Thorp, first and Mrs. Cecil Price, second. Oak Knoll winners were Mrs. H, A. Peterson, first, and Mrs. Loren Chase, second. Sixty-four wo men in all participated in the day's play. Luncheon was serv ed. The Oak Knoll group will play a return engagement at Corvallis, July 14. This coming Sunday will fea ture a two-ball fourssome at Oak Knoll, play starting at 5 p.m., with a no-host dinner later, Visitors Here Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Loucks until Sun day are Commander and Mrs. J. E. Edwards and son, Johnny, recently of Coronado, Calif. Mrs. Edwards is a sister of Mrs. Loucks. Comdr. Edwards Is en route to Seattle where he Is to be sta tioned the next two years. Home from South Judge and Mrs. E. M. Page returned late Wednesday night from a trip to California. They went south to attend graduation of their son, Richard Page, at Stanford university, and In addition to visiting in Palo Alto, also were at other places in the Santa Clara and Santa Cruz valleys and at Car-mel. Richard Page is to be home for the summer and will return to Stanford in the fall, having been accepted In the graduate business school for two years graduate work. CONGRATULATIONS are be ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiFilippI upon the birth of a son, Joseph Leon on Wed nesday, June 22 at Salem Gen eral hospital. The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. V. Di FilippI of New York City and of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hansen of Salem. There is a sister, Dclores. ..SALEM chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is meeting Sat urday at 8 o'clock in the Ma sonic temple for the final event of the summer. There will be initiation. Miss Huntley is Bride at Dallas Dallas A wedding by candle light in the Trinity Lutheran church united in marriage, Miss Kathleen Huntley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Huntley, and Donald Jesse Yeager, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yeager, on Saturday, June 11. Rev. Karl Ufer, pastor of the church, read the double ring ceremony. Before an altar banked with baskets of white gladioluses, the bride was given in marriage by her father. She was dressed in a white brocade satin gown with long train and fingertip veil and wore a crown of red rosettes and stcphanotis. Miss Muriel McKnlght was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Evelyn Jackson and Miss Kareen VanDenBosch. Candlelighters were Miss Janet Barnhart and Miss Nancy Cur ry. Sharon Long, dressed in a yellow taffeta gown fashioned after the dress of the bride, was flower girl. Rickey Tallon was ring bearer. The brother of the bride groom, Edwin Yeager, was best man and ushers were Gene West and Bud McFetridge. Mrs. Melvin Gllson played the wedding marches. She accom panied Miss Eva Jean Miller of Rickreall who sang preceding the ceremony. Mrs. Huntley, mother of the bride, wore a pastel blue dress with navy blue accessories and a corsage of white gladioluses. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held at the Dallas Chamber of Commerce rooms. The serving table was centered with a decorated three-tiered wedding cake with candles at each end of the table. Mrs. Gordon Albee, the former Joan Hendrickson, now of Eureka, Calif., poured, and Mrs. Otto Adolf and Mrs. Clyde Gibbs served punch. Mrs. R. R. Livesay cut the cake after the couple had cut the traditional first slice. As sisting were Mrs. V. L. Alexan der of Klamath Falls and Miss Marjorie Hendrickson. Miss Beverly Trent opened and dis played the gifts, and Leon Hunt ley, brother of the bride, had charge of the guest book. Following the reception the bridal party went to the home of the bridegroom's parents to see his mother who was unable to attend the wedding. They then lelt on a week a trip to Ore gon beaches. On their return they will make their home at 854 Jeffer son street in Corvallis where he will attend summer school and Mrs. Yeager is employed in civil service in the botany department of Oregon State college. LEBANON Miss Betty Syl vester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sylvester of Lebanon, and Harold Force of Seaside, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Force, were married on June 16 at the Powellhurst Baptist church in Portland with Rev. T. L. Fost officiating. The bride were a rose suit with navy accessories and car ried a white Bible on which lay an orchid. Her attendant was Miss Jewell Stratton. Best man was Gerald Force of Nebraska, a twin brother of the bridegroom. A reception for the weddine party and friends was held at the home of the bridegroom's parents. After their wedding trip, the couple will be at home in Seaside. Mrs. Force is a graduate of the Lebanon schools. ROBERT ELFSTROM JR. loft Wednesday niiiht fnllmvino 10-day visit with his parents, mayor and Mrs. Rnhprt T. wif strom. He is stationed at Perrin airforce base at Sherman, Tex. 1 5pHlfiS I Be safe! Store your furs now. Guard them against moth and warm wea ther damage. Store them in the air tight vaults at 35 North Liberty Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mathews of Woodburn were married May 28 at St. Luke's church. Mrs. Mathews is the former Rosemary Halter. The couple are at home in Woodburn. (Alyce Studio, Woodburn) LYONS Mrs. Roy Philippi and Mrs. Orville Hcrrold were hostesses for a shower honoring Mrs. Charles McCall (Donna Grier) a recent bride, at the Mehama club house. After open ing of the gifts refreshments were served to Mrs. McCall, the honored guests; Mesdames Lloyd Sletto, Marvin Fender, Alex Bo deker, Vernon Smith, Jack Lin Blass, Rex Kimsey, Orville Grier, Harry Monroe, Orville Landers, Ira Kirsch, Robert Mc Call, Elton Brown, Arch Kim sey, Keith Phillips, Ercille Wil son, Ken Golliet, Barney Kirsch, J. K. McCarl, Dewey McCall, Orville Bilyeu, Jack Tetters, Laurence Teagen, Larry Kim sey, Chet Blum, Chris McDonald, aimer Taylor, Kenneth Kelly, Luther Stout, Clyde Bressler, Giles Wagner, Jack Alloway, Art Andersen, Tex Kimsey, Earl Wolfkell, Joyce Longfellow, Violet Smith, Dorothy Mason, Darlene Kruse, Hilma Cole, Jean Kimsey, Deloris Mason, Carroll Sletto, Bonnie Mason, Carroll Schiewe, Syblll McCall, Margaret McCall, Faye Foh sholtz, Martha Etzel, May Pat ton, Genevieve White, Lois Blum, Pru Saddler, Mrs. Mont gomery and the hostesses, Mrs. Philippi and Mrs. Herrold. Plan Trip East Mr. and Mrs. William w Fischer and son, Hillman, leave Sunday for an extensive trip east, driving. They will stop at Pierce. Neb.. Kansas Kan St. Louis, Mo., and New York uny. en route home they will stoD at Cleveland. Mn Pi to be the only Oregon delegate 10 auena tne Lutheran Wom en's Missionary league meeting at the Cleveland hotel, July 27 28. They plan to return to Salem me miciale of August. During their absence. Iholr son-in-law and HnnirMpr Mr and Mrs. Delton C. Trinklein (JNorma L. Fischer) will occunv their home. GUESTS for a few days of Mrs. Sidney D. Jones at her beach home in Nelscott are Mrs. Harry N. Crain and Mrs. C. K. Logan. Two Hostesses At Bridge Party Mrs. Thelma Walter and Miss Marie Weber were hostesses last evening for an informal bridge party, entertaining at the home of Mrs. Walter. In the group were Miss Vada Hill, Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Claude Jorgensen, Mrs. Carl Benson, Mrs. O. L. Donnelly, Mrs. Marion Wooden, Miss Ce celia Woodruff, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, Mrs. Elmore Hill Mrs. Larry Morgan, and the two hostesses. Sojourners Party Event of Thursday Mexican decorations and a ta male luncheon featured the par ty for the Sojourners club Thursday afternoon at the Wo man's club house. Mrs. Walter Toy prepared the tamales and Mrs. Loren Lewis was in charge of the decorations which fea tured Mexican figures. Guests for the meeting were Mrs. Wendell C, Munson, Mrs Frank Guerln, Mrs. Frank Mohl man, Mrs. Lynn E. Hammerstad, Mrs. Kenneth McNiece, Mrs, Barber. Mrs. Robert May was welcom ed as a new member. Honors at bridge went to Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. Earl Parsons, Mrs. Ham merstad, Mrs. Jack Kennedy, and at pinochle to Mrs. O. A. Olsen. Mrs. Thomas Bagan will be chairman for the next meeting ol the group. LEBANON The home of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Watters was the scene of a bridal shower given for Miss Lois Pickens and William McTimmonds. Arrangements of roses and pink and white streamers dec orated the rooms. Thirtv-iw guests enjoyed the games pro vided ior the evenings enter tainment, followed by refreshments. After their marriage the lat ter part of June, the young cou- nl will mnkft thpii hnma In Over-the-Top district. - Miss Reeves Takes Trip Miss Joyce Reeves left yes terday on an interesting vacation trip. She is joining Miss Vir ginia Atkinson in Portland to go on north. The two were graduated this year from Wil lamette university, both being Chi Omega members on the campus. They will go first to Seattle to visit Miss Nancy Montgomery, also a Chi Omega sorority sister, and then will visit in Mt. Vernon and Bellingham with other sor ority sisters. The two will then go to Milk River, Alberta, Canada, to visit at the home of Miss Atkinson's father, Donald Atkinson, and also plan to take in Banff, Lake Louise, Victoria and Vancouver before returning home in about a month. SILVERTON Miss Georgi na Potts, formerly of Salem, niece of Mrs. George Christen son of Silverton, was compli mented at the E. T. Carlin home in Portland on the eve of her leaving to continue her em ployment in civil service with the U.S. army, m Athens, Greece, at a reception for her many friends and relatives. Miss Potts is recently from three years spent in the Orient, most of the time In Japan and will leave Portland enroute for Europe Sunday. A graduate from Pacific university, her work in Salem was with the Oregon State unemployment bu reau. Accompanying Mr. and Mrs, George Christenson to Portland was their daughter, Mrs. Elmo Lindholm of Salem, WOODBURN Mrs. William Merrlott of Woodburn, a mem ber of Salem Chapter No. 162, Order of the Eastern Star, and a past matron of Chadwick chapter, was Installed as grand chaplain of the Grand Chapter of Oregon at the meeting held last week In Portland. i j oolovox UDI ,Hi 0 IHI HAMMOND OIGftl WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 State Salem, Ore. ll'Hllll'lliii UHMMW CfflOGQl 29-75 The famoni Harvel eraltraan. bip and Hyling it incorpo rated in there very fine imm.71 watches for Man's waterproof watch, $m a,7 non-corroiive caae . . . . ir Daintily ttyled ladiea' watch " MM tn hMt Stevens & Son Jewelers - Silversmiths Livesley Bldg., 390 Stat Convenient Budget Terms Easily Arranged imiimnniumi I '.pumamjo'iai. mmmMmemmmmtmmmmmm " "V" 176 n. I Y lylViS KwNifi 176 N- LIBERTY - I f VfVy " yrlt LIBERTY AT Pennets Salem, Oregon SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY Shop Penney's - Shop and Save with Confidence WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE ALL HOSE NO. 1 DU PONT NYLON SHEER 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER SMARTEST OF SUMMER SHADES MAIN FLOOR 88c MEN'S T SHIRTS STURDY, LONG-WEARING COMBED COTTON SIZES 36 TO 44 WHITE AN OUTSTANDING PENNEY VALUE MAIN FLOOR 2 for 1. 00 WOMEN'S SHORT COATS BEAUTIFUL STYLES 31" LENGTH COATS 100 ALL WOOL COVERT FABRIC IN SUMMER'S HIGHEST SHADES SECOND FLOOR 9 9S oo Children's Canvas Footwear DOUBLE THICK CREPE SOLES HEALTHFUL SANITIZED LINING ALL CHILDREN'S SIZES DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2. 00 MEN'S TROPICAL SLACKS 20 WOOL AND 80 RAYON NEAT AND COOL FOR SUMMER WEAR STRIPES, HERRINGBONES, PLAIDS MAIN FLOOR 7. 90 VACATION LUGGAGE 18" WEEKEND CASES, VANITY CASES TRAIN CASES AND STURDY HAT BOXES STRONG BRASS LOCKS MAIN FLOOR 1.98 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS TOPFLIGHT DRESS SHIRTS SOLID COLORS AND FANCY STRIPES TRULY A PENNEY VALUE MAIN FLOOR I 98 WOMEN'S WHITE SANDALS SOFT ELK LEATHER UPPERS LIGHTWEIGHT PLATFORM STYLES EASY TO CLEAN, SIZES 4-9 DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2. 98 WOMEN'S SHORTS POPULAR FADED BLUE DENIM ZIPPER IN BACK SANFORIZED COTTON SPORT HALTERS '. SECOND FLOOR 79e 1.79 UNIFORMS SANFORIZED BLUE BROADCLOTH DETACHABLE BUTTONS WHITE TRIM SIZES 12-44 DOWNSTAIRS STORE 3, 49 STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday