Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 24, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    East Salem Club Members
' Faithful During Summer
East Salem, June 24 One of the faithful 4-H clubs in East
Salem holding meeting each month for general discussions and
planning on the state fair is the Middle Grove Dairy Calf club
The June meeting was held in the home of Leonard Hammer.
In the absence of the leader Donald uasseu me vice presiaeni
Steve Patterson presided at thc-
business meeting. Members pres
ent were Lewis and Steve Pat
terson, Edwin Stahl, Robert
Schaffer, Gary Doty, Leonard
Hammer, Jr., with guests Mrs.
Leonard Hammer and Marie.
Donald Bassett, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Bassett of Middle
Grove is now on the two weeks'
cruise of the navy reserves which
was to take them from Seattle
to San Francisco.
Mrs. Henry Hanson of Auburn
community entertained members
of her sewing club Wednesday
afternoon. Sewing were Mrs
P.ay Alexander, Mrs, Warren
Shrake. Mrs. Wilfred Wilier,
Mrs. Burney Kenney and Mrs
Stuart Johns and the hostess.
Guests in the Hanson home
were Rev. and Mrs. Borgen, John
and Christine.
Enjoying a picnic supper on
the lawn of the Stuart Johns
home on Monroe avenue were
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lenninger,
Keith, Donna, and Ann, June
Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Wilier and Freddy, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Micholke, Bernice Mi-
cholke, Victor Johns and the
Friends of Mrs. Florence
Wright will be interested to
know she is recovering satis
factorily from her sudden heart
attack the past week and is now
at the home of her daughter.
J Featuring Crane
'; and Standard Fixture
I Call 3-8555
$ Salem Heating &
Sheet Metal Co.
f 1085 Broadway
Distillery Deal
Finally Closed
Portland, June 24 MP) The
state liquor commission wrote
finis to the wartime distillery
purchase, with a formal order
ending the trusteeship over the
Shawhan and Waterfill & Fra
zier distilleries. Those plants
were bought by Oregon and
Washington during the whiskey
shortage, to provide liquor for
the two states.
Wines sold through the com
mission will be priced at the
same level as in retail stores.
So ruled the commission yes
terday, in a measure to avoid
competition with private firms.
A liquor agency at Maupln
was ordered closed, because the
operation was "unsatisfactory."
The commission took under
consideration a proposed salary
increase, for the agents in 111
state liquor stores.
Mrs. John Cage on Silverton
Amity Firecracker
Shooting Limited
Amity Mayor Vandelaar has
issued a proclamation that fire
crackers may be used July 3 to
5 within the city limits and only
on those dates. Amity has an or
diuance forbidding the shooting
of firecrackers within the cltv
432 State Salem, Ore.
Audrey Hill Keeps
Lead in Queen Race
Albany, June 24 Audrey
Hill, 18, held her position at the
top of the list of ten 1949 Timber
Carnival Queen contestants as
late tabulation of votes was re
leased Thursday, by Larry Al
len, pin sales chairman.
Sponsored by the Wagener &
Williams Shell service station
on highway 99E, "Rusty" turner!
up with 15,450 votes as only sev
en days remained before the
queen race will be narrowed to
five girls June 30.
Elks' candidate June Ruark
was in second place with 13.000
votes, followed by Gloria Fin
tell, Main Street merchants, with
11,950. Fourth place was held by
Maxine Rae of Foster, sponsored
by the Willamette National
Lumber company, with Leon
ard Maynard, Donahue Motors
Albany, in fifth place.
The candidates receive ten
Otn fnr --M -"If.
r..:4ni T 1 fr 1 . .
-i""" QMieiii, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 19493
of the pins assist in financing
the Timber Carnival.
Nebraska is the third largest
cattle-producing state.
for the
price of
instead of
2 for $1.00
As Erroneously Appeared in
Thursday' Capital Journal
4954 N. River Rd. - "In the Keizer District"
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced in price I
$395 $215
Fini Blnrlr) Whiskiy. 10.5 proof. 60 grain niulni
spirits. Frankfort Dlitlllirs Corp., N.Y.C.
177 north liberty
we have to be hush-hush about the name
but we can shout that savings are big!
lingerie with a famous label
they sell every day
for 1 pair!
knit panties 39
Light as feather, smooth-fitting as your own skin, popu
lar little trunk-style panties of cool rayon and cotton.
Wonderful for summer sportswear, Tearose color. Sires
small, medium and large. All first quality.
Linaria, main floor
imooth and colorful
as flower petali
There's all the difference in the
world between reading about
these lovely colon and Meinf
them! Clear pastel blue, orchid,
tearose, maize, nile green in
the delicate summer-weight
nighties you love. Gossamer knit
that s a i-bar tricot meaning:
it's guaranteed run-proof! Sizes
. 32 to 42 but not every color in
every size. All first quality!
Look for the famous label 1
Lintcti, main floor
look a cool million in these
nationally known Pam Patterson
bemberg sheers
Yes, these are the famous dresses all America's been wearing
and loving for their lemonade coolness, their easy-going,
easy-to-care for practicality! Frosty Bemberg sheers, made
with all the smart little details of better dresses neatly
pinked seams, extra nice buttons, finished button holes, good
d-e-e-p hems! Three clever new styles, left to right
A. "Portland Polke " Snow flurry of white
dots on gray, rose or blue. Sizes 12 to 20.
1. "Big City Print," sophisticated design on
navy, gray, burnt sienna. Sizes 12 to 20,
C. "Garden Flowers" white floral design
on blue, aqua, navy, gray. Sizes 38 to
Faihiom, second floor
We Give and Redeem SSsH Green Stamps
L99 (L
frosted with 3 inches
of lace top and bottom!
white slips
If you're impressed by the give-away
price and who isn't? wait till you see
the famous label sewn in every piece of
this de-lovely lingerie! Beautifully-fitting
snow white slips, bordered top and
bottom with three inches of laae. 2-bar
tricot that cannot run. All in first qual
ity. Sizes 32 to 42.
Linieri, main floor
they top the list of
sportswear favorites . . .
casual playmates
Western Sports Shirt, 1 .49, ltyied
with a California flair. In gay window-pane plaids of
gray and red, chartreuse and navy, tan and brown. First
quality. Sizes 12 to 18. Reg. $2.95.
Navy Denim Jeans, $1.99, neatiy fitted
with smooth side zipper. Sizes 10 to 20.
special! white
anklets 29c
Sturdy 100 Dureen cotton ithat
wash snow-white. Deep cuff top,
neatlv sewn by hand. Sizes 8-101i.
' Sporttwaar, main floor