, Buying Boosts Wheat Prices Chicago, June 24 VP) Buying which came mainly from the southwest lifted wheat more than 2 cents at times on the board of trade today. Despite the strength, the market was not very active. Other grains also moved higher. Scattered showers in many areas of the southwest, raising the possibility of further damage to wheat, was the main factor in the advance. At one time all con tracts except March sold over $2, but July subsequently fell back under that level. Soybeans moved up briskly in late dealings. A lake steamer carrying 119,000 bushels of soy beans cleared here for Toronto. Bye gained a couple of cents and trade reports said Norway had purchased around 200,000 bush els of Canadian rye so far this week. Wheat closed lVi-2 higher, July $1.99-, corn was 1 to 1 higher, July $1.33-, oats were Va-Vz higher, July 60A, rye was lti-1 higher, July $.'.41, soybeans were 1 to 3'A higher, July $2.34 V4, and lard was 8 to 18 cents a hundred y pounds higher, July $11.15. STOCKS American Can 90 Mi Am Pow ie Lt Am Tel St Tel 10 -138's . 20 . 29 . 241k . 19'a . 31V. .. in; Anaconda Bendlx Aviation . Beth Steel Boelni Airplane . Calif Pack Ins ... Canadian Pacific . cue J I Caterpillar Chrysler , Comwlth & Sou .., Con Vultee .... Continental Can , Crown Zellrbach 'fcrtiss Wright Lftiuflas Aircraft , Dupont de Nem . General Electric , General Pood .... General Motors ... Ooodyear Tire ... Int Harvester ... Int Paper ... 33'.i ... 22 Kennecott Libby McN St L 7 Loo Bell "A Montgomery Ward 40 Nash Kelvtntaor 12 Nat Dairy 30 VI NY Central 10 Northern Pacific ..... 13 '4 Pas Am Pish Pae Gas St Elee 30 Ti Pae Te) St Tel Penney J C 47 '.4 Radio Corp 10- Rayonler 2?.'l Rayonler Pfd 28 4 Reynolds Metal Richfield , 34 Safeway Stores 22 Ti Sears Roebuck 35'... Southern Pacific 35V Standard Oil Co 58V; Studebaker Corp lTk Sunshine Mining 8Va Transamerlca 11 Union Oil Cai 27H Union Pacific 78 i United Airlines 12 H It S Steel 31 Warner Bros Pis 114 Woolworth 47 W Salem Markets C pitted from reports l Salem deal ri for tlit guidance oi Capital Jowrnal Readers, tRcTlicd dally t. KelaU rd Prima Efi Moid (5.05. Babbit Pellets (4.25. Dairy Feed (3.85. Penltryi buyina one -Grade A olo d hens, 24c; trade A Leghorn hens, J ents; Grade A colored fryers, three pounds and up, 33e. Grade A old roosters II eenta. in Baying Price Extra large AA, 55c, large AA, 84c; large A, 52-65c, medium AA, Bio: medium A, 41) -51c; pullets 30-32c. Wholesale Price Eg wholesale price I to 1 oents above these prices above Grade A generally quoted at 00c; me diums 56e. Ballorfai Premium, Je, No. L. Slot No. 1, M (buying prices). Baiter Wholesale grade A, Mo; re till 71a. rartlani Oraba Portland, June 34 (JPh-Cuh wheat (bid) Soft white 3.10; soft white (excluding rex) J.10: whit club 2.20; western red 2.10. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.10; 11 per cent 2.28; 12 per cent 2.28. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.28; 10 per cent 2.39; 11 per cent 3.32; 13 per cent 3.1ft. Today's oar receipts: Wheat 41; barley S; flaur ; corn S; oats 1; mlllfeed 13. Frelfht Train Derailed Index, Wash., June 24 U.R Fast passenger trains were re routed today after 19 Great Northern freight cars were de railed ripping up hundreds of feet of track and scattering de bris over a wide area. . No one was injured in the wreck. Inches Of Gas Bloat Is Gone KAL-O-DEX worked to much ru and bloat from my stomach that my waistline has gone down 7 Inches," "I used to get so full of gas after meals that lt even pressed Into my chest and caused horrible misery around my heart and awful heart palpitation. This suffering kept up all night. I couldn't sleep because of lt. KAL-O-DEX cleared out this gas and now I eat my meals with a relish and don't suffer afterward, and sleep - soundly all night. I never saw anything to equal KAL-O-DEX. It is Marvel ous!" KAL-O-DEX la an Herbal for mula containing medicinal juices from 5 Great Herbs. Miserable people soon feel different all over when they take lt. So don't go on suffering. Get KAL-O-DEX at all Drue Stores. Why Suffer Any Longer When otners fail, ait out Chinese remedies Amazing success tor 00t rear in China No matter with what ailments yon aw afflicted disorder lnusltls bean, lung, lirer kidneys tag. (.o&stlpatlon dicers, diabetes rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever ktn fmalt- com plaints. CHARLIE CHAN IL 'Off tee Roar t t. II Tin and Sat. Only Phaao I1SM SALEM. ORI ait J MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Ltvrstscl Market i By Valley Kacklni CGmpunyi Sprint lambs $31.00 to 122.00 Feeder lamb 118.00 to 116.00 fawea 92.00 to S5.00 Cutter cows 18.00 to 111.00 Fat dairy cow $10.00 to $11.00 Bulla 115.00 to 119.00 Calves rood (300-450 lbs. I 117.00 to 119.00; Vcat (150-300 lbs.) good ..(20.00 to 122.00 'm price? oald within 35c ot Port tnd price. for each type Top. 170-225 ,bs Portland Enstslde Market Cabbake sold for f 1.70 an 8011b crate on the Portland Enstslde Farmers Whole sale produce markt today. Cuthbert raspberries were (2.00 to (2.25 a Hat. Blackcaps brouzht (2.25 a flat. Zucchini squash moved at (1.00 to (1.25 a Hat. Green onions sold for 40 to 50 cent a dozen bunches. Radishes were 50 to 00 cents a dozen lunches. Mayflower peaches were offered for 52.00 a six-basket flat. Currants were (1.75 a flat. Cucumbers brouzht $1.25-1.50 a flat. .ortland Prodoe Butler fat Tematlft. tusjeut v immi alar. change 'rrmlum quality maximum io ,j io i percent acmitf activated Portland 61 -64c lb first quality 59-82c b. second quality &7-0Oo Valley routes ma country points so lesF then first rtu Iter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesale:; era do AA, 9'i wore Gl-62c A 02 score 60-81 Vic; B. 00 score, 67c lb.; C. 89 score, 56c lb Above prices are strict ly nominal Cheese Selllna orlce to iurtlana whole ale Oregon singles. 38 Mi 480. Oregon 6 id ioai ei-oun- triplet vr lesr uiar ingles Eggs iTo Whuteaalerat a grade tare 56-56 Va: A medium, 53Vi-55H; grade B lame, 48',-5lc. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 06c; AA cartons 67c. A print 'iffc, A cartons, 67c; 8 prints, 62c. Eggs Prk to retailors- aa large 60c: certified A large, 58c; A large jBc; AA medium, 56-57c; certified A me dium 57c; A medium, 55-56c; cartons 3c ddttional Cheeie Price to retailers: Portlano jrtiBon singles 40'4-503C Oregon loaf, i .b 43 -52 ic; triplet ltto lesr than Ho glea Poultry- Live Chickens - No 1 auallt) POB plants. No i broilers under 3M lbs 37 -28c ID ; trycrs 2Vt-3 lbs. 31-33C, 3-4 lbs. 32-33c: roasters 4 lbs. and over 32-33c lb.; fowl, Lizhorns under 4 lbs. 31c: over 4 lbs. l!3c; colored fowl, all weights, 25c; roosters 'l weights, 18-loc. Rabbits Average to growers; live whites, 4-5 lbs.. 19-21c lb.: 5-6 lbs. 17-19c lb.; col ored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does. 8 14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 55-57c. Turkey .Price quoted rt ioi to th producer on a dressed weight oaelal -U 3 grade A young to mi M R2r lb : Mo young hens nominally 60c Dressed 'nrkeyt to retallern. U ade A .oung hens 10-7lc New fart it;U dres ri A erncie tiuns torn 48-ftBn ortlnnil Mlscellnneoua Ciscnra Bark Pry 12c io., green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades i.tc lb- Mohair 15c lb on 13-month growth. rtomlnnlly. Hides Calves, 30o lb. according to wnlttht. Klpa 20c lb., beef 9-10c lb., bulls 3-7c lb. Country buyers pay 3c less. ul Qnotittlnna U'alnuii Franquettea first quality Jum do. 14 7c, tari;e 32 7c medium. 27 2c; sec mfl quality lumbos J0. 3a targe 38.2c, medium 26 2c baby 33 2c, iwft ehel first quality large, 19 7c. medium 26. 3e; seo md quality targe 37 2e: medium 14 ti inb 22 2c Fl'bcris Jumbo, J0r ib , larga I go nedium 16c imall. 13c Quotation above supplied by North Chicago Livestock Chicago. June 34 0J.R)(USDA1 Live stock market: Hogs: Salable 5500. Market fairly active; generally steady; some opening sales but chers under 240 lbs. strong to 25 cents higher; top 21.00; bulk good and choice 170 to 240 lbs. 21.25 to 21.75: 50 to 28J lbs. 20.35 to 21.00; 300 to 330 lbs. 19.00 to 20.00; around 350 lb, average, 18.25 to 18.50: cood and choice sown under 350 lb3. 18.00 to 19.00; 375 to 400 lbs. 16.50- t0 17.50: 425 tO 475 lbs. 15.00 to 16.00; few heavier sows, down to 13.00; for around ouu average; eany clearance. Cattle: Salable 10OO. CAlve 900. fltfrm 1150 lbs. down and heifers, moderately active ana steaay except, common ana me dium grassers, dull; steers over 1150 lbs. slow and weak; cows and bulls steady to 35 cents lower: vealera steadv: stood to low choice 900 to 1150 lb. fed steers and yearlings, 25.75 to 27.50; actual top 27.); load medium 1125 lb. grass steers. 34.25: common light grass steers, eligible down to 18.00; medium and good heifers and mixed yearlings, 34.00 to 36.50; odd good beef cows 20.00 to 31.50; common and medium cows, 16.50 to 10.50: canners and cutters, 13.00 to 16.50; few medium and good sausaee bulls. 10.50 ta a Lam !. ers 35.50 down. Bneep: Salable 300. All classes ataadv: bulk Rood and choice natlv snrlno Umhi 36.50 to 28.00; slaughter ewes, 6.00 to 9.00. Portland MveMoek Portland, Ore,, June 24 Q Weekly livestock; Cattle: Friday salable 25: calves 15; good clearance of week's supply oattle; some competition for most classes. LEGAL ADMINISTftrfTOB'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that FOR REST U. OROFT, as administrator of the estate of WAYNE O. GROFP, de ceased, has filed his final account as such, and by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ts June 30 1049, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, and the courtroom of said court has been fixed as the place for the bear lng of objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. FORREST D. OROFF, Administrator of the Estate of Wayna O. Qroff, deceased. R HOT EN 8s RHOTEN, SAM F. SPEBRSTRA, Pioneer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. i May2June3,9,16.33 I Save Those Precious Hose! Hose Mending! Good nylons are expensive! Why not have your nylons menoed? Have them repaired '"'HUttet-'j DOWNSTAIRS f SAVING MONEY id. (fawenieHt AT SALEM FEDERAL 7fu map 44oe 14 C&QG&tf Hogs: Friday salable 50: odd head cood nd choice 160-200 lbs 22.00 to 32.25; one lot 47 lb feeder 24.50. Sheep: Prlday salable 25: holdover 200; mostly nominal: demand narrow on all classes. DEATHS Wlnfleld C. (Win) Clarke In this city June 21. Wlnfleld C. (Win) Clarke, late resident of 230 Richmond ave nue, at tne age oi 43 years, aurvivea oy mother, Mrs. Winifred Rlgdon Herrick of Salem; a sister, Mrs. Thomas A. (Elizabeth Anne) Brinkerhoff of Nappa, cam.: brother, Leon L. Clarke of Oakland, Calif.; and seven aunts and uncles. Miss Leila Risdon, Mrs. Harriet R. Mercer, Lloyd T. Rlgdon and Rascoe Clarke, all of Salem, Mrs. W. H. McCaU of Bozeman, Mont., Mrs. Maurice Bullock of Springfield, Mass, and Mrs. Mildred George ot Sllverton. Services will be held Saturday, June 25, at 10:30 a.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with concluding services in the City View cemetery. Rev. Brooks Moore will officiate at the rites and ritualistic services at the chapel will be under the direction of Sa lem lodge of BPOE No. 336. Oraveslde serv ices under the direction of Capital post No. 9, American Legion. Mrs. Velma V. Lacey Mrs. Velma V. Lacey, late resident of Portland, at a local hospital June 23. Sur vived by a daughter. Miss Lorraine Wil liams of Pasadena; a son, Donald Edgar with tne u. s. Army in Japan tnree sis ters, Mrs. Fernle Stewart of Stayton, Miss Myra Williams and Miss Mary Williams of Pasadena; three brothers, Francis Wil liams and Louis Williams of Oreenvllle, Calif., and Richard Williams of Salem; parents. Mrs. Hattle Adams of Salem and O. H. Williams of Ventura. Calif. step-father, R. E, Adams of Salem; and several nieces and nephews of Salem. Announcement of services later by dough Barrlck company. turrls Osborne Morris Osborne, at the residence, 60 A W llllnms avenue, June 22. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Osborne ot Salem; four sisters, Mrs. Marlon Buntin and Mrs Ines Lewis of Salem, and Mrs. .-larJorie Doidge and Mrs. Mildred Flynn of Portland; a brother. Max Osborne of Salem; and five nieces and nephews. Serv ices will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Saturday, June 25, at 1:30 p.m. In terment In the City View cemetery. Jose Garcia in this city June 32, Jose Garcia, late resident 935 Jefferson street. Survived "y wife, Fellsltas Garcia of Salem; daugh ter Mrs, Doming a Durrint of Salem; two ons, Edward Garcia of Portland and Lupe Garcia of Mexico. Recitation of the rosary at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Friday, June 24, at 8 p.m. Services will be held in 3t Vincent's de Paul Catholic church Saturday June 25. at 7 a.m. Interment in Mt. Calvary cemetery in Portland. Direc tion W. T, Rlgdon company. Joseph E. Neal Joseph E. Neal, at the residence at 915 Jefferson street, June 23, at the age of 88 years. Survived by one son, Carl Neal of Olympia, Wash. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Monday, June 37. at 3 P.m. OBITUARY Lhtzle Y. Weaver Albany Lizzie Y, Weaver, 83, Albany, died in the Albany Nursing home Thurs day after an Illness of a year and a half. Funeral services will be held at the Fisher funeral home at 1:30 p.m. Mon day. The body will be cremated at the NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE JASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 76 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINE OF GREAB STREET. Notice hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient ano hereby declares its purpose and Intention to Improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to a point which is ) feet north of the north line of Grear .Street In the City of Salem. Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and Pav- lna said portion oi said street witn a 2A Inch asphaltlo concrete pavement 34 feet wide In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adupted bv the common council June 13. 1949. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By Order of the Common Council June 13, 1949. ALFRED MTJNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la June 15. 1949. June 15,10.17,18.20.21,22,23.34, 25.27th, 1949 NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IMPROVE WESTERLY ALLEY, BLOCK 1, THE OAKS ADDITION, PROM BELMONT STREET TO MARKET 8TRF.ET. Notice hereby is given that tht common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares it purpose and Intention to Improve the westerly alley in Block 1, The Oaks Addition, from the north line of Belmont Street to the south line of Market Sreet, In the City of Salem, Mar lon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting ana adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Sa lem, by bringing said alley to the estab lished grade, and paving said alley with a fl-lnch Portland concrete cement pave ment 10 feet wide. In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by V common council June 13, 1949, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street improvement department. By order of the Common Council June 13, 1949. ALFRED MTJNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is June 15. 1949. June 15,16,17,18,20,31,33,23,34,29,27, 1949 Any Amount Any lime Save - By - Mail Save At Our Offices Earn our current 22 return on savings J 560 State Street Facing Court Hous SALEM, OREGON SAVINGS FEDERALLY INSURES Salem Crematorium. Born April 13, 1867 In Racine, WU., Mrs. Weaver came to Allsany In 1906, where she had since made her home. She was married in 1696 to William 3. Weaver in Rockford, HI. Mr. Deaver died In 1941. Survivors are one son. Set, Roy Weaver, who returned to Albany this week from his post at Port Whlttler, Alas. ka; and one daughter, Mrs. Elva At wood. Bremerton. Wash. Also surviving are. three sisters, Mrs. Mattle C. Coleman and Mrs. Harriet Williamson, Rockford, 111., and Mrs. Jesse Strong. Los Angeles, Cal. Two granddaughters and one grandson also survive. Mrs. Weaver was a member of the Methodist church and the Royal Neighbors of America lodge. Fred Kelehateln Pleasantdale Fred Relchsteln, 78, a res ident of the Pleasantdale district 61 years died at his home Wednesday. He was born November 16. 1873 at Clairmount. Fayette county, Iowa, and came with his parents the late Mr. and Mrs. William Relchsteln to the Pleasantdale district in 1888. He was married to Miss Anna Elizabeth Edwards March 14, 1906. Two sons were born. Surviving him are his dow nd two sons. Clair and Merle and two grandsons, all of the Pleasantdale district. Also two brothers. William at Salem: Charles of Medford; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Richards, Kelso, Wash.; Mrs. Louise Hanviue, canton; Mrs. Lena Wilson. Sheridan. Funeral services at Ma- cy's at McMinnville Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Rev. S. J. Osborne of McMinnville officiat ing. Burial at family lot at Dayton I.O.O.F. oemetery. FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS and b VOJR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason cash tor Real Estate Contract. and Second Mortgages. OAPlTOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bids Ph. 3-7163 r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FDRNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Oar loan, up to IS0O Coma Id or phono Hollywood Finance Co. lost Palrcrounds Road Across street (rom Bank No Parking problems Phone 37033 Lie. N M3W-S3P1 Plord Kenjon, Mar. r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem Sc Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State, Rm. 125. pn. a-2et. c. k. Auen Mar. Lie. 8-122-M-1JS. rl51- OENSRAL FTNANCS CORP. LOANS Llo 8-138 and U-J3I and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 13 S Commercta St Tel J-KU1 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8 Church Parkins a Plenty Ph 4-34S7 Lie No M-199 S-1M ' PRIVATE MONET Special rates and terms on larast loans lont and short tuna payments ROT R SIMMONS 136 Sorn Commercial St Phono I-91S1 8 EE US POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4tt INTEREST I to 40 Tears and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 3-3663 r AIRPLANES IDlfl ERCOUPE Only 360 hrs. Hour meter. Sensitive altimeter; 3-wav Bendlx ra dio; always hangared. Call James H. Maden Co. 3-4133 or 3-3953. slftl DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired Roen 488 Court Pbnn 3-8773 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking 6e alt. 380 State St. 0168 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on new appliance Vlnce's Electric Phone 8-0239 157 S. Liberty St. o AT-UR DOOR GRINDING 'itwomower sharpening and repairing. Dexter's Pn 38833 o Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in pricel $395 $25 45 QUART Fine Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., HEW MIRACLE LUSTRE WALL, WOODWORK FIHISH! Hrfkl Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Heodquorters DIRECTORY AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co 153 a. Liberty pn. s-caas. MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone t-M8fl. Nimt 3-1804. 333 Center. Mike Panek. 37S S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5181 Brake and Wheel aligning specialists. O150 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 3-4850. o Remodei. repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 3-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros Also houses raised New foun dations. Phone 35909. ol57' BULLDOZINO Dean Robinson. Ph.-36537 Bulldozing, leveling, road old., clear' lng. teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fair view Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. O-1601 Light crawler dozing. Ph. 2-3320. ol66 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 450 Court Ph 3-0773 o EMENT CONTRACTOR General cement cont. Honest work at honest prices. Ph. 3-1565 or 3-7487 0164 CEMENT WORK Let us do your cement work NOW. Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 2-4412. ol75 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ens ley 771 S. 31st. Ph. 3-7170. ol56 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc. Call 3-4850. o For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, wall, etc. Call 2-4850. O Building foundations, remodeling, paint ing. Klang Bros., Ph. 33302. ol50 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING VI nee Electrlo for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 157 S Liberty Ph 3-9239 o exterminator's Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Servicn Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. ol53 Breltbaupt's for flowers Dial 3-9179. c HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkins Co products. Free ie Jvery 1717 Center Ph. 3-5395. o' LANDSCAPF NURSERY P A. Doerfler Je Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1322. o LAWNMOWERR Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 So. Com'l St. ol55 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At yout door lawnmower sharper Ins Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 36833 MASONRY Fireplaces, Ph. 35D68. chimneys tb block laying. MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. 0162 NURSES REGISTRY Practical Nurses, day-night. Ph. 35072. 0173 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 458 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Ph. 3-6073. 31fstrom's are equipped to do ' youi painting. Phone 3-2493 o PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H, J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. 0175 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Call 22608 for your Painting tie Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ol7I Painting tie paperhanglng Don Lucero, Ph. 35522. ol67 Painting and paperhanglntr. Free esti mate, b. 3-B513. 857 Shipping. 0162 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store Phoue 3-6687 o PINT grain neutra, N.Y.C. 239V vrvW' s(i QUART Ik f XJ f LOOKS AND LIKE vinsms BAKED ENAMEL! 13 ? ' I DIRECTORY PLUMBINO Fisher. 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3010. ol54 PRUNING SPRAVINQ L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1208. RADIO REPAIR General Elec. home appt repairing, also radio repairing. Broadway AppL Co. 453 Court St. Salem. Ph. 2-1565. o!63 Complete serv., reas. rates. Free pickup A est. John's Radio Shop. 250 Court St Ph 30715 & 23416. OlSO RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. O, Balr St Sons. Ph. 21163. By Drive-In Theatre. Since 1917. ol75 Cleaned, repaired. J. O, Balr St Sons. Ph 31193 Br Drlve-ln Theatre. Since 1917. 0l43 SAND A GRAVM. Garden Soil crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co. Phone 3-9349 Valley Sand Si Oravel Co Silt, sand St Ml dirt Excavating 10B shove) A cats Tractor scoop St trucks for dirt moving Ph. officii 24003, res. 37146 o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1393 N. 5th ol51 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor J harp Steel- Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Reas Ph 8-5327 or 1-0468 SEPTIC TANKS K F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol71 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St- W. Salem Ph 8-9468 3-5327. 0156 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In stalling the new approved 500 gallon concrete septic tank. Wa lay drain lines also. Ph. 3-9468 o!49 TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Your power tool rental head quarters. New address 1410 8. 13th Ph. 3-3646. ("Champion") ol62 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables Al) makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court, o TRANSFER STORAGE 'oca! Ss Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Be kins House hold goods moved to anywhere In 0 8 Ot Canada Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made in Salem Free est. Phone 37338 Klmer the Blind man. o 3alem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnlahed. Relnboldt Lewis 3-3630 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 3. Box 317. Ph. 3-5135 o!58 J. A. Sneed St Sons, well drilling. 3505 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 3-6809. ol58 WEATIIERSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. 0166 WINDOW SHADHS Washable, Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt St Lewis Ph 23639 o DON'T SQUIIZI THIMI Instead brush on KI.KERRX anH hnw amazinelv fast tt hides ugly pimple aa it driei them often an first trial. Not a greasy salve that pim- nes tnnve on, out a looming mcaicaicu iquid that relieves itrh-drives redness out. A.k for KLIERIX " drugvista, AQf uouble your money bnck it It rails. of Used Have you seen the large assortment of certi fied, low priced re-built washers at Hogg Bros. All washers are guaranteed. 1 Sentinel . 37.50 1 Automatic 37.50 white tub . 49.50 (whir-?) . . 49.50 1 Westinghouse . . . . 49.50 1 Easy (wringer) . . . . 54.50 1 Easy (wringer) . . . 59.50 3 Easy Spinners . . . . 59.50 1 ABC Spinner . 59.50 1 Kenmore , 59.50 1 Tho, CQ CA Automatic purrp. . s 1 Automatic CO Cft White tub J7.JU 1 Montgomery Ward FQ Crt Late model, white JjisJU White tub . . 69.50 1 One-Minute JiQ CA White tub 07.4JU Friendly Credit Immediate Delivery WILLAMETTE 115 South Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949 15 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls Si woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337. 147 Court. Langdoo, Culbertson and Mather Because they're stunningly styled to bring out the best of ydYir features and enhance your looks Glasses Can Be Fun to Wear Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dr. E. E. Boring 383 Court Dignified Wish! could tell all mothers how mv children "go for" stabilized BEVERLY. They love its rich-roasted taste and it is such good food. "l O WICHITA. KANSAS Seema like vrybody who TRIES IT lovet BEVERLY! Beverly cornea In wide-mouth, re usable glass jars. This STABILIZED peanut butter tprmsds like a dream, tastes rVesn as fresh-roasted peanuts, AND NEVER GETS LOOSE OIL ON TOPI Spread Beverly often it's a food high in body-building protein and energy values. Appliances VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE 1 HOME SALEM OREGON CITY Commercial WOODSAWING Atkins ttt Cross. Ph. 3-8674 or 3-8178. 0161 WOOD A SAWDUST West Saler Fuel Co Ph 3-4031 Dr. Sam Hughes Credit Phone 3-6506 t ft 4 Wt STVtld 1 Norge f.Q Eft Late model, white vjJU , Thor 69.50 1 Voss, late .Q Efi model, white tub. . U7.JU 1 Norge . . 69.50 2 Kenmores iCQ Cfi Late model, white VJ7.sJS 1 AO en White tub 07.JW 2 Speedqueens, dou ble tub, white 70 porcelain I m W 1 Automatic (n e w), automatic pump TTQ Cfi (white) 1 Speedqueen, dou- OQ CO ble white tub OV.aW 2 Maytagi RQ aluminum tub (gas) 7 W 4 Maytags, heavy QQ Pfi aluminum tub . . .OTsJW 1 Easy (late model) r.k.r.. 169.95 Open 'til 9 P.M. Friday Night FUIHISHEBJ Dial 3-9149