. 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949 Only the Brave . By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN Chanter 15 , For a 'long time while Jeff knelt i there on the ground beside his dead -cattle numb, dazed, heartsick. He road tasted bitterness wnen uie - Herefords were stolen but there had remained the bright hope that tney "might be recovered. Now they were 'gone beyond recall. He was licked. Work, hard work, was the anti . dote. He remembered it with a -bitter grimace, une oy one ne lev- ered the dead animals and drew them to a ravine farther up the 'lope. " Early the next morning he went "grimly about draining the polsloned . Jeff was in the middle of his task -when he looked up to see Glenn rid ding across the pasture. He drew rein near Jeff and cast a puzzled 'glance about him. "What in the 'world are you doing to the water "hole?" he asked. : "Draining it. It's been polsloned." i "Polsloned! wneres your caiuer : "Dead. Every one of them. Poi soned by the water." Glenn gave him a horrified glance. "No!" "Yes." Jeff sat down wearily on on the edge of the ditch. "Some body had it in for me and fixed me. Fixed me for good." Glenn shrugged despairingly. "Well, it's the toughest kind of break: but don't let it get you down. I'm beginning to see my way clear, thanks to you. I'll be making money from now on. Here." He took some bills from his pocket and thrust them into Jeff's hand. "Take this; I don't need it. Take It, Jeff." Jeff smiled slowly and pushed the money away. "Thanks, Glenn. I've enough to live on for a little While and I'm not too old to work." "But I tell you you've got to take ltl It's yours. .anyhow; and I'll have more coming in." "Hang on to it until later, I don't need It now." Glenn put the bills back into his pocket. "Well, I'll hang on to it, and It's yours for the asking. And for gosh sakes, when you need It, holler. When I think of all you've done tor mel" He shook his head. "I'm on my way to the Crown. Why not come along? It'll do you good, and there is nothing to hold you here." "There's plenty to ao. Ana ia Just be a wet blanket. No, 111 stay and finish up." "I still think It would do you good, but I guess I know how you feel. I'll tell Job about It; he may have some Ideas. So long, and Keep your cnin up!" Glenn told the Kings as soon as he reached the ranch. Jebb was in dignant, Mrs. King shocked, and Connie norrinea. "Why, dog my catsT'roared Jeb. "If that's the work of Chuck Gale 111 hunt him down myself and flay the hide off'n him! Poisonln' cattle! There ain't anything low er a man can do." "I know agreed Glenn. "But the trouble Is we have no proof that it was Chuck. Not a shred. It would seem that the fellow who poisoned them is the same one who ran them off in the first place; but Jeff checked on Gale and found that he Snd his whole crew spent all of lat Sunday In town." "If it wasn't Chuck, who was It?" asked Connie tightly, "That's the question. Slug Ben jamin's name occurred to me, but Mug doesn't even know Jeff." "The boy have any other uvt Bifces?" asked Jeb. "No. Not a soul. Jeff, as you know. kp pretty well to himself. I don't Miieve ne ever tangled witn an other man In the valley or out of It but Ohuck Gale." "Well," growled Jeb, "they're some things that need lookin' Into nd I'm going to see to It. I'll put John Stover on the Job No, I wont; John's dead. That's another mess that needs cleanln' up. I wonder " He didn't say what he wondered, but after dinner he went to the corrall and saddled his horse. "Just goln' to drop In on Jeff and a if I can be of any help." Connie ran to him and impul ftvsly threw her arms about him. You're absolutely the swellest Dad ki the world! The best I ever had! Jnt ha Glenn?" She turned suddenly and was sur prised to see a frown on Glenn's lace. When Jeb had gone. Con Die turned again to Glenn. She was Terr oulet and a little pu wiled. Tott want to see Jeff helped, don't you, Glenn?" For a moment he stood gaslng ter ths vanishing Jeb, then fac- ed her and spoke quietly. "Connie have you ever wondered why Jeff and his father went to such pains to give me everything I needed or wanted? Well, this Is why." Brief ly and discreetly he told her, for tne iirst time the story of his fa ther's death. Jeff's oath, and his adoption by the Tylers. "They woraeo me aogs ior me," ne con cluded. They did everything mor tal man OOUld do to make amendA But there was one thing all the generosity and affection and mnnpv in the world couldn't do; they couldn't make me forget that they murdered my father." He went on after a moment's pause. "You see what I've been struggling aganlst all these years? There's a desire for revenue, a wish to makA thp Tylers suffer, that I've got to fight every minute of my life. Then I ining 01 wnat tney ve done for me, remember that after all the evi dence they held seemed to them conclusive, and I know I've been an ungrateful cad. I don't hate Jeff; I admire and like him. And Just today I offered him my last cent and was really hurt when he re fused to accept It. I want to see your father help him; but whether or not he does, Jeff'll not want as lone as I have the brain unri thp hands to work with." She came closer to loving him at that moment than ever before or after and that is perhaps the rea son why she sent him home at the end of the day with laughter In his heart and a song on his Hps. He had struck a responsive chord in her. he told himself, and If he played the tune skillfully enough he would win her yet. iroBe uontinuefl) THATS HOW WE KNOW, J IN LINCOLN MR. BAU6HMAN--THE CITY. MR. ROPER? IXtlN 1 fcKI-tl I tK3 CUULD 1 ONLY HAVE BOUGHT THAT; KAXK BLADE IN" I KNOW THAT TOWN GO ON.MR.R0PEB VUVEKOJ 0W WflK IHEKtJ IHIB IS VfcKY -BACK IN THE DAYS WHEN I INTERESTING.' WAS 5IAFF HHUIUukAHHEk rOK A NEWS SERVICE IWU MUST BE READING) JUST A GUESS--WE VE 1 I THE ANSWERS IN THE SUSPECTED FOR SOME I I 1 I lw.rLr int ouui.'f UMt ihai LINCOLN 1 I I Piai j-JtT CITY WAS PLAYING H05T WAS STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER r M If I r IA- II I IU IHE DUaiCS KINO Uf 1 rUKANfcWIS bCKV Cf. s im rM fF rCXl lf T-' i m scOr carpet . . J I'. Vtffo si-itely , V V H SP " UZt'D j- c m ..,f, w. I., on-. I I I 1 Caoch?oh 3031 SIZES 10 . 20 , MAR.? WOW! HM I MUST Gtvfe I A MILLION TO FOUND THIS NEW SECT; WHATEVER THflT ISLAND "tHS CHARACTER NEEDS FIVE HUNDRED FOR. A TRIP TO V. TH' SOUTH FOR HIS HEAD , FTHSCOUptE HEEDOOUGH FOR A NEW I f ANNIE LOOK f VEAH--UICK- 1 r1 I MY WEALTH HM-MTrJffJEB COME TO A' J If PEOPLE- JL I GOTTA HIDE- II I IN I Ln-TLE UNDER SEVENTH CENTS FOR ff I COMIM HERE- f it Ml EACH PERSON IN THS COUNTRY- fi Ipk . J SCV I rH J H fa .CvS-N Tl I 111 7af J. f llll I ffliwl f 1 DO HOPE OKAY, ROSE GIRL-IPTMATSl T 60OtByE.ANDTMANIc YOUNI SUB KISSCD Mtl AN T 1 nil 1 VOU'LL FORGIVE ME TWE WA VCXJ WANT IT 1 J FOR EVEBYTUINS-l'LLNEvERj SHE'LL NEVER FCRCIT. I I II 1 T AMBROSE-1U ALWAYS HOPE YOU'LL BE VERY A FORSET YOU ME! HQT DISSETyiAMByM J M H 1 " cocE iiP ACCORDIN' T' TH' Vr A pLP') ( TAKEOFF " rT THE SAME Mt'-ANOTMIR PHOMV.T JaMIsX ' 11 11' ADDRESS ON TH' FISH I I' mWa AH IS A 'S3VOUR COM; J OLD 6TOBV.1'- - BUT VOUlRC THE WORST ASHAMED 'Mill' L THIS IS WHAR CARV ) iDp HAS- BIN.'T tT ( PLEASE THE. SHOULDERS tZ OF ALL. T-YOU'VE GOT V OF MAH-. Villi' GRANITE IS A-WAITIN' "1 HIS SHOULDERS )'- -rT .COME OFF" WITH fSBl 'V THE MOST OBVIOUSiy 11 II 1 1 I1 FO' AMERICA'S MOSTC" f. IS600PER-' ( THE COAT ffpiLKJ FAKE SHOULDERS CL , r' smart yoke treatment, the trim- R T 4r V M "J mlng bsnds that bring new Interest fB4 Sa$JJ I tAw lift Jl J 8fflriTrL lirOv 1 I! VfcWrdrt to the skirt. Add a swooping V-neck i SC&S :i II VfJSfl "hikT' TSu7Iiwf If jn m ITnl In the back to let the sunshine In cji tsll ' ilV I r"n S r r? J 'srx 11,1 II ill I No3"3031 iTout In sizes 10, 13, U, I im"'-! r I I W I I if Vs! 1 II ll I iW V hV t-til lismtrtfSSrss IIVV I 1 1. 18, and SO. Bice 16. IX yds. 35- ; mmi r-rrsMBll' ramMn in. w I DON T feel safe El OK..GENTSI7 ER- PJXTbT 41 a sk at I T aTl WALKIN' HOME J4 THIS IS A (CAN I Bfj I JUST XidJ O.K. WHAT S Ir MMW I ,JfPl 1 VI end Ke for PATTERN with ll w,th all thi; STicK-uP.' )SAV A IpSS 1 oh ICZJL , ,t? SSi'lUlMl fWw CaikCN. JjTl StaU Bias desired. T P0CKETJ) don't L-llKFOUE N huh? fSUrT PT 1 iMaWtP' gJI Hr'Irt&? ( Cottons acatn strike hlgh fash- T toqgj&M ORTOUGHR -ftw ' L I V-j' tftSftwi t iortheuimr & PfjTEer L I Wt gjy" u JSf I 11 P SIMS THINKS IT WAS SUPPOSEP TO SWV UP AT SAPPLE HORN f? QUICK LOOKS LIKE WE'VE (SOT TC IT JPFXit 1 ll A COUPLE OF KIPS WHO l7ANCM TO MKB AN FOfi; E CAWOU B V HE'S STAIfTINS I 1 FINP A PLACE jL 0 I NSSS - I. Ml I 1 li. ' ' 'to ee. -(phooib wuo ( honest sir ) JZ3i Wt - jqm-l LOnB EMBtESIls hand- J J ' ,1 3&( O Y " ITS lsal Kestlons; " crocheting Instruction PNt . T'v' I y I Va9 filet chart, stitch Illustrations, ma- f I tl 7F.rr ""f V. v" V ( B-TKV I I ff tOTlal reiulremcnts and finishing I ( U r r-" ' ,,Jt,siv ,.i,;..,7;w. 1 - . sj) -(TK 3eA ?r4SldVOrliW d":' vuCrn .end liS'' '.IS" HOST WOULDN'T SLUG I I KN0W 50M,6THING?lD2!?Mn I" J f'ifflrtf11" "Tl I WRAPRREFkSHTAIR SsT! kll wrf JiV: in COINS giving pattern numtwr MY TEMPER, SIR! -S.hut smuuidn i sluu ! WI5H ID HIT VOUR5ELF k U .VI ( ,7rT thebc EE4 Alwavs a PBI7F fa WCCT bei to Peggy Roberts CaplUl Jour- M QUITE HIMSELF! SO"RVKE-PRE5IOENT ( OWN GENERATiOnJ f III ( .fc" v , ' TSI ST na 828 Million Btreet San Pran- A - " BUT VOU DID RIGHT, ''""j 5:9 ralUa Lawb, Jr. Wn'fri Bkrlhai kneh Cori Kum .11 mak BiBlaivar Sianr ' Bhrlbn limb Tha LltlU Show M P.i.lil r.r.i. N.wi Bias Cr..b Club IS :U Crna CTlltr H. V. KIUaorB Spert Pat Edward Murfw 7m Al 0rlt Onk. CandU Lltht Knoi SlaoolDg tuZZl. . Al 0.h Oreh. Sll..r Bl.h :S0 i 5 A P.ltll. at Han. Newi Cht Htuller ,U Tan Mil '-"' rubca.ltr ' ! n.hri.l H..ll Wabttor Saa Sa Prandlr Ball Th.atra al lha Alt I sIHUm iai. Wakalar Sar. Sa Praadli Ball Tha.tr. .1 Ih. All 5?.hlT ' B.olT". r G.ad Wll. Ta. Band Zntn M Tlb".: .""in. "r " ' " Tha.tr. .1 th. Al. 8:0 Old Baraar Shap B ZZSlu lllll"JZ 18 ThU la Maala Dramel Baaaball Flajrhauia ?r." Kid Bill Slara Baaaball PaYorile BaabaaS U cill Kid Bhrlhai Tin. Baaaball Favorlla Bnaband M ar.ihl Arraw S.paar Cl.b Baaaball Lawall Thamaa : " : ! .1 1, ;:: ... . w.,is B...b.u j..k snitb :0 Mail. Jnmail. Bar.nl. Baaaball ack Canon Shaw ! Maala Jammla Daranla BaaabaU Jaoa Canon Shaw M Newi Niwi - BaaabaU P'a Slar Pinal :1S Salaal L.aal Haw. S.orta P.ia Pinal Naw. Sport. Spatll.bl : Newa Bit Tawa Track UM pai'a Danoa M Maala BH T.wn Tr.ck 1K Let'. D.nca n:00 Fall.a LwU, Jr. Sam Baraa traak 14M Sarmada :1 Bab Paal. Shaw Wax Haiaaaa Traak U90 Y.u lha Warlt :at Bab raala Sb.w Wax Mnaaaai Track 1490 Oronaatrn :48 Maala Wax Mnaaaai Track 14W Qrchcalra H:00" Sim Oil Sign Qlf 1:00 A.M., Sign iljanl SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newi Hodc Pe New .16 Yawn Fatrol Bdv Pn KOIN Kloek .30 NW Farm Newi Newi KOCO Klock KOIN Klock ;4 March Time fioin Podge KOCO Kleck KOIN Klock 7i00 Yawn Patrol Now Hear Thli Tei Hitter Koln Klock .15 Yawn Patrol Now Hear Thli Newi Newi ;S0 Yawn Patrol The Old Bonn Farm Mkt. Rep. Newi :U Newi Newi Entenilon Service Coniumer Newi 8:90 Newi Mind Manaen Selene Ezeurilon Mails for Yob :16 Breakfast Gang Mind Manners Popnlar Varletlei Mnile for Yob :80 Breakfait Ganf Jerry Marlowe Home Slnreri Green Lama .4ft Top rradei Bant Hayea Weilern Meleilieg Green Lama 9:00 Barraln Coaater Frank Merrlwell Haven of Beat Newi :11 Newi Frank Merrlwell Haven of Rest Let' Pretend :80 8om of Plooeeri Ed MeConnell Mune Wltboai Junior Mln :4l Muilo Ed MeConnell Word! Junior Mln ":00 Northweit Newi Newi Oi-el of Song Theatre af Todar :1ft MbsI Pnblle Affairs Orele af Song Theatre of Today :80 Paiter't Call Oreheitra Rhapiodr In Grand Central :4ft Muile Oroheilra BhTthm Station n:00 Newi Farm-Hem Hoar Saturday Serenade Stars Over :18 Garden Gild Farm-Hmi Hoar Saturday Serenade Hollywood :30 Proudly W Hall Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Tak Proudly W Hall Mary La Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take m An. :00 Top Trades Yaung Oregonlam At the Opera Newi I "Jilt. Newi Yeung Oregnlani At tha Opera Driver's Playhonsg I Xj80 Doe, Platter Jock Newi -v Suorti Meet lb Missus Poo. Platter Jock Report an Europe Ted Dal Present Meet the Minus 1:00 Dos, Flatter Jock TBA , Review In Mother Knows ;I9 Doe, Platter Jock TBA Rhythm Best :ttt Northweit Newi TBA Kiddles Matlnes Danes Orchestra :4ft Bob Eberly Show TBA Kiddles Matinee Dance Oreheitra 2:00 Smokey Mt. Your Health &t. Hatine Newspaper af Air ;1B Hayrld Bit f Hits Sat. Matinee Newspaper of Air :S0 New Contrasti Set, Matinee gat. K. Chase , 4B Bing Sing Contrail Sat. Matine sat. at Chase 3:00 Gaesr Star TBA Chln-Up Corner News " Jft Here's to Vets Wordwood Forest Chln-Up Corner Bandstand 'SO Bob Poole Show Orchestra Chln-Up Corner Way for Youth :4ft Bob Poole Show Orchestra Chin-Up Corner Way for Youth 4:00 Coast Guard News Little Bit of Jazz Griffin Bareroft .lft Coast Guard Guest Star Little Bit of Jan Lake Success m March Tim TBA Spotlit on Muslo Catbird Seat :48 New TBA Spotllte on Music Larry La Sueur RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM IIM I MBS fRIDAT P.M. KGW ClKOCO 1K0IN TO OBI DIAL LISTINGS: KEX 1190; KOAC, 550 PV Friday P.M. 5:00, Sulrrcl Cagsi lLn B:M Johnny Lujaeki 6:00, Keep lnr Up With flportst 6:18, Home Edtllsn; 0:80, Yukon Ch a lien sen :4S, Dirt Doe ton 1:00, Edwin C. Hill, 1:15, Elmer Da vlsi 7:30, Th Sheriff i i.H, Mule f Nar nan; 8:30, Sports Bin Book) S:45, Sports Show; 1:00, Fat Mam 0:M, 'Neath Wt em Sklest 10:00, Richfield Reporter. 10:15, Intermezzo, 10:80, Caneert Houri 11:10, Memos to Tomorrowi 11:00, Xlra Bonn 1:00, Sign Off. cy Saturday A.M. :00, Dawn Down TV LA beatt 7:00, Round-up Boys; 1:15, Tim Tempos i 7:45, Adventure la Re search t 8:00, Deep River Boysi 8:16, Mar tin Agronskyi 5:80, Hem Demonstration Agentt 8:4ft, Franklo Carl; 1:00, Johnny Olsen Get Together; 9:80, Toyland Tune; 10:00, star of Tomorrowi 11:00, Girls' Corps; 11:89, American Farmer; 15:00, Treasury Show J 15:80, Faselnatlng Rhythm. 1:14, Ballad Boi; 1:11, Bora Races ; 1 :80, Bant Box i f :0t. Tea and (KOAC Standard Time) lHAr Friday P.M. 5:00, 0 the Up l beat; 5:00, AftO Sport Clnb; :00, News; 8:15, Dinner Melodies; 8:50, Musis of Czechoslovakia; 1:16, Evsnlng Farm Hour; 5:00, Research Report; 8:15, Here's to Veterans; 8:80, Great Songs i 5:45, Ths News; 9:00, Musi That Endures. 8:45, Evenlnr Meditations; 10:00, Ad ventures In Research; 10:15, Serenade! 10:45, News; 11:00, Sign Off. (KOAC Standard Time) ICCiAr StT A.M. 10:00, Newsi VM 10:15, Especially for Women i 11:00, The Concert Hall; 13:00, News; 15:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:80, Vole of the Army; 1:45, Melody Lane; 2:00, Music of tha Masters i 5:80, Science News; 5:45, Spirit of the Vikings; 1:00, Driver's Playhouse; 4:15, Songi of the West; 4:45, Children's Theater. Crumpets; 8:00, 101 Ranch Boys; 8:80, j Meet th Band; 4:00, Junior Junction; 4:80,' V Jasay Concert. Berry Harvest Ends Unionvale Strawberry har vest with 150 laborers has clos ed at the U. S. Alderman farm 80-acre field. There will still be berries free for Individuals who wish to pick certain days of week by calling Dayton Red 24 for reservation, William Max well, office manager, announces. ffVjji mm.irmmA l 8ljsfTissTfl " ll II ACROSfl 84. Lively dance L Football IS. Paouageway position 87. Berrylik fruit 4. Ancient Troy 88. Wing 9. Goddess of 19. Make lac the harvest 40. The Emerald 18. Face value 1st 13. Telephone 41. Approaching salutation hostilely 14. Owing 45, Color 16. Seeds 47. Where th sua 17. Purpose rises 19. Design. of 51. Lake In New scattered York state objects El. Perl) 80. Be under 55. Long fish obligation 65. European great 28. Inquires lavender 23. Missions 68. Period 26. Uncle: Scotch 69. Unlntereitlng 29. Pronoun 60. Signified 30. European 61. Skip over country water Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Epic poem I. Body of a church ' ia i3 ipf5 ifc ir i wm r r H;t lLL-l---i- JL 111118 23 84 35 'wMSB, Wxj 3BHl 55 31 33 33 34 3S W3i P4 4i 43 43 44 4J gi? 47"4fl 4J So SI S3. B5354 ' ss II" ?7 4rBrl 1 1 1 If (.-24 ROOM AND BOARD 1. Large con talner 4. Article 6. Frequented place 6. Oil: sums 7. Foreign 8. Male child 9. Poems 10. Touchwood 11. Puts 16. Shelter 18. Artistic dis crimination 21. Existed 24. More mature 25. Sofa 26. Urge 27. Deface 28. Old musical note 31. Insect 32. Roman Koddeas 33. Still 36. Think A 36. He of tha won- derful lamp 38. Malt beverage 41. Obliterate 42. Snug room 43. Employed 44. Nobleman 45. Merely 45. Old 49. Medical rrofta 60. Snare 52. Eccentrtle ro tating piece 64. Part of a play 67. Dad Bv Gene Aherr rl WAVE A SWELL IDEA ON HOW Hig A . ' W AUTO MAKERS CAN SAVE LOTSA Fy SA-A-AVQ-m MONEY ON RIVETS DONt i 0? THE EARL " PUT 'EM ON r LEFT SIDE OF VV COULD GO FROM DA CAR. ROOF FDR THEM DRIVERS ll lkl Sr-TR.SS? I WHO LIKE TUH REACH OUT WITH ' ,H E NEISHBORHOOD THEIR LEFT ARM AN' HOLD DA CAR ; JO, SELL THOSE V ROOF WHILE DRMN' IN DAT KXKi? WAY DA DRIVER K ,Ac v5? 7, 7YL WOULD HOLD DOWN WE' ""YES L HIS SIDE OF DA y ' Q 't