Nevitt Smith is Ordained Rev. Nevitt Brenton Smith is the youngest man to be ordain ed and become a member of the Oregon conference of the Meth odist church. X He is 23 years of age, a grad uate of Salem high school, Wil lamette university and Boston University School of Theology. He with four other young men -was ordained last Sunday by Bishop Kennedy at Ashland. Smith is the son of Rev. and Mrs. S. Raynor Smith, formerly of Salem. His father is now district superintendent of the southern district of the Oregon Methodist conference with resi dence at Eugene. Their older son, S. Raynor Smith, Jr., is also a minister, being a member of the Southern California-Arizona conference. Nevitt Smith was left without appointment in Oregon by Bis hop Kennedy in order that he might return to Boston univer itv to continue his studies for his doctorate degree in theology. While studying in Boston ne will be pastor of the Wesley Methodist church of that city y Dallas Churches Mennonlte Brethren O. H. Jantzen, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morniiw wor ship 10:45. Christian Fellowship 7. Young people' union program 7:45. FirBt Presbyterian Earl William Ben bow, D.D., minister. Sunday school 9:45 Worxhip service 11. Apostolic Faith Loyce C. Carver, pas tor. Sunday school 9:30, Devotional serv lc 11- Evangelistic service 8. Evangelical United Brethren R. Wil liam Elmer, minister. Sunday school 9:30. Promotion Sunday. Morning worship 11. Holy communion. Youth fellowship 7. Eve fin worship 7:45. Closing of church year, : formal service of sons. Slt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Moraine wor ship 11. Rev. J. R. Turnbull of the Bible Book House, Salem, will apeak. Evening service J. First Chrlitlan Kenneth Johnston, pastor. Bible school 9:45. Morning wor ship 11. Sermon, "Thanks Be to God. Fellowship hour, 8:30. Christian Endeavor 7. Evening service 8. Evuncellcal Mennonlte Brethren A. P. Toews, pastor. Sunday school 9:30. Morn ing worship 11. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, missionaries to Africa, will Jipeak. Chris tian Endeavor 7. Christian and Mlislonary Alliance Ar thur Hoenlsch, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon. "The Auth ority of the Believer." Pre-prayer 1, Eve ning revival meeting 1:45. First Methodiit Clark B. Bns. pastor. Church school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon. "The One Foundation." No eve ning services. First Baptist Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Training union 7. Evening worship S. Christian Science Sunday school 9:45. Service 11. Subject of the lesson sermon Is "Christian Science." Falls City Seventh Day Adventlat Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school 9:30. Preaching 11. Auemblr e 0 1. Otis Trlplett, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Vesper service, Christ Ambas sadors, junior etaurch 8:45. Evangelistic meeting T:. Trinity Latheraa Karl Vfer, pastor. Sunday school 10. Divine service 11. Perrydal Christian C. A. Bias, minis ter. Bible school 10. Ho church services June 26. Seventh Day Adventlat Ralph Glad den, pastor. Sabbath school 9:45. Sermon Grace Mennonlte Opening service 9:45. Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11, Evening service 7:30. Rlckreall inn day School J. N. Thlea sen, supt. Sunday school 9:30. Church ef Christ Bible study 10. Com munion 11. Sunday evening study, 8:30. Eola Sunday School Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship 11. Falls City Methodist James Royer, Pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning wor ship 11. Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Paul, pas tor Morning service 9:45. Sunday school follows. Youth fellowship 6:30. tt. Philips Catholie Mass 8:15. Vnion Missionary Baptist W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday school 10. Sermon 11. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning wor ship 11. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday school 10. Sacrament meeting 11:45. Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt, Bteupi. aunaay scnooi 10. Free Methodist R. W. McCormick, pastor. &unaay scnooi preaching 11. Evening service 7:46. Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney, vicar. Church school 10. Morning prayer 11. Holy Baptism 12:30. Church of God Henry Loggan, pas tor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning wor ship 11. Younft people's meeting 6:30. Evangelistic, 7:30. talis City Free Methodist Gilbert Johnson, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morn ing service 11. Young people's meeting 7:30. Evangelistic service 8. MM s;MWwyp-'!'li?!tgy''"': -'By vm r Rev. Nevitt B. Smith To Dedicate Church Sunday School Unit The congregation of Central Lutheran church, North Capitol and Gains street, will dedicate the Sunday school unit of their new church Sunday. Rev. Ar thur Hanson of Rochester, Minn., president of the board of home missions of the denomination, will speak during the 11 a. m. service and officiate at the dedi cation service at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A number of ministers will take part in the dedicatory ceremony. The 7:30 evening service will be in charge of the Luther lea gue when a former pastor, Rev. R. A. Kruger, and Rev. A. Rees ness from Astoria will speak. The public has been extended an invitation to participate in all of the services. Brotherhood Offered Talk on Delinquency Unionvale "Juvenile Delin quency" was the subject of Kenneth Hunt for the monthly meeting of the Brothedhood at the Unionvale Evangelical Unit ed Brethren church. Sixteen The Unionvale Ladies aid served refreshments. The next meeting will be at Lafayette. Four congregations: Dayton, Hopewell, Lafayette and Unionvale are members of the United Brotherhood office board. Woodburn Churches Christian E. Lincoln and Doud Its.. Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school 10, services 11, C. E. 7. Evening services 8. Asaembiv of God Becond and Lincoln Sts., Lester Gibson, pastor. S. 8. 9:45, preaching A and 7:45, Y. P. 6:45. Free Methodist Young and Gatch Sts., Mrs. Rozella 2. Douglas, pastor. S. 6. 9:45, preaching il and 7:45. Foursquare 1197 E. Lincoln St., Arthur Goble, pastor. S. S. 9:45, worship 11 and 7:45, Y. P. 6:45. First Presbyterian Garfield and Third Sts., Earl K. Fenton, pastor. S. 8. 9:45, Divine worship 11 and 7:30, Y. P. 6:30. Church ef Jesus Christ of L. D. 8. I.O.O.F. hall. Sunday school 10, Sacra ment meeting 11:30. The Renrnnised Church of Jesus Christ or Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Garfield, George Omans, pastor. Church school 10, preaching 11, Zion's League 7, lecture study 8. Bethel Presbvterlan 3 miles east on Union school road. Earl K. Fenton, pastor. Worship 10, 6. B. 10:45. Church ef God Third and Grant Sts., Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school 10, worship 11 and 8, Y. P. 7. St. Mary's Mission (Episcopal) E. Lin coln St. at Cupid's Court, William Van Meter, Vicar Church school 10. worship 11. Bible Baptist Grange hall. Bettlemler ana Harrison, can itaaer, pastor, a. o. 9:45, worship service 11 and 7:45, Y, P. 6:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Chris- tensen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts. sunaay scnooi id, worsnip service n Luther League at 7:30. Gervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor. 6. 8. 10, worship 11, C. E. 7:30. Methodist High school auditorium, Harry F, Femberton, pastor. Church school 9:45. worship 11. St. Luke's Catholie V. L. Moffenbeler, pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services 6:00, 8:30 and 10:: Benediction after 10:30 mass Sundays, Nldaros Lutheran (Monitor) Services 8:30. 8. 8. 10:45. Woodburn Will Welcome Trick Woodburn Rev. Ormal Trick, pastor of the Methodist church at Sherwood for the past eight years, was assigned to the Woodburn church at the close of the annual conference in Ash land. He will preach has first sermon at the local church July 3. Dr. H. F. Pemberton will preach this coming Sunday morning. Rev. Trick will reside in Salem with his mother, driv ing to Woodburn until he can obtain a residence here. Rev. and Mrs. D. Lester Fields moved to Woodburn Thursday to a home purchased on Young street. Rev. Fields is a former pastaor of the local Methodist church. Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Priest of the Woodburn Christian church will be honored at a party to night at 8 p.m. at the church in honor of their 22nd wedding an niversary. All members and friends of the church are invit ed. Rev and Mrs. W. S. VanMeter of St. Mary's Episcopal mission, returned to Woodburn recently after a week at the Episcopal college camp at Gearhart where Rev. VanMeter was camp chap lain. Sacred Concert Sunday Night The choir of the First Evan gelical United Brethren church, Marion and Summer streets, will present a sacred concert Sunday night, June 26 at 8. The choir is under the direction of Ernest Friesen, with William Fawk as organist. This will be the last appearance of the choir this choir season. Holy communion will be serv ed at the 11 o'clock worship service. A Half-H e a r t e d Church" will be the message brought by the minister, Rev. Wilmer N. Brown. Officers of the church and auxiliary organ izations will be installed in this service. , Children in the Sunday school will be promoted at the unified closing service at 10:30 a.m. Attend Convention Aurora Rev. H. Maio, pas tor of Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora and John Driever, lay delegates of the congregation, returned home from Parkland, Wash., near Tacoma, after hav ing attended the annual conven tion of the Northwestern dis trict, American Lutheran church held at Pacific Lutheran college. Stay ton Churches Saptlit Rev. Wlllard Buekner, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Training hour, 7:15. Evening service, 8. Ohnreh ef Christ Clyde Freeman, pas te. Bible school, 10. Worship service, IX. Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship. Charch of Christ L. U. Seid. Minister. Bible stud?, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship. 5. Methodist John Morange. Pastor. Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel lowship, 6:30. Evening worship, S. Auemblr of Got) Rev. Melvln Stock-w-'ll, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, 11. Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evening evangelistic service, 7:45. V-nth. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses o, i:so ana v:su a.m. St. Partlek'e Catholie (Lyons) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass 10.30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays mass at fl:30 a.m. Oar Lady of Leardes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 2nd and 6th Sundays, mass 8:90 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun day Bctiooi io, morning worsnip n, xoucn Feuowsmp 7. evenuig service s. Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10, morning worship 11, Junior meeting 7, Young People's meet ing 7, evening services 8. Methodist church Rev. Fremont Faul, pastor. Sunday school 10, morning wor ship 11, Junior Fellowship 8, Youth Fel lowship 7. Assembly of God William N. Beachy, pastor. Sunday school 9:45, morning wor ship II, children's service 7:30, evening service 8. Salem & Cliurdte rhrlat Lutheran State Street at 18th. C. R. Srhuls. pastor. Divine worship at 8:45 and 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 0:50. First Chrlitlan Center and High Sts. Dudley Strain, minister. Walter Nail, as sociate minister. Church school. 9:45. Morning worship and communion. 10:50. Sermon, "One Year of Grace." Rev. Strain. Anthem, "Recessional" bv DcKo vcn. Solo: "But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own" by Mendelssohn, Robert Owlnn. baritone. Youth meetings, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:45. Rev. G. Gerald Bias of In dianapolis and Miss Edith Ebi-rle. guest speakers. Installation of Women's Coun cil officers. St. Mark Evaneelleal Latheran 343 North Church street. M. A. Qetzendaner, D.D. and John L. Bagllen, pastors. Sun day school, 9:45. Morning worship service, it. sermon topic: "two Hons." first Bantlit Mr'on and Liberty Sts. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, assistant pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Guest speaker. Dr. Earl S. Kalland. president Western Baptist Seminary. Youth meet ings, 8:45. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. Speaker, Dr. Earl S. Kalland. Halbert Memorial Baptist Located one It. nnrth nf nnriernasB on HiahwaV 90E. D.v n v. RHckwpdel. castor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Pastor preaching. "Jesus Is Coming." Young People's league, 6:30. Evening evangelis tic service, "The Gospel of Love," 7:30. rirat Prtahvterlan Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor. John L. Goodenberger, assistant pastor. Church school. 9:45. Morning worship, 10:55. "In His Steps," sermon by the pastor. Vtrmt rhiirrh af Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school at 11 a.m. Morning service at 11. Sermon subject, "Christian Science." Nursery for children up to 3 years of age provided during the morning service. Evening serv ice at B. sermon auoject; nrisiimi oti- meKCia awceva. mo mi. ... ........ B.D., rector. Holy communion (in the Cn.peU. I;.1W. wuraciy .mum in ...... noufie, 11. rr.j.i Beiyii;. on oc....v.., ... nnlT.rv R.ntlst South Liberty and East Miller fits. nev. i;narics uuiaen. u.u., pan tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Promotion day exercises. Morning service, 11. Sermon subject: "Who Is Jesus? Behold the Manl Behold Your God!" Evening service. 7:30. Sermon subject, "At Dawning." Youth choir rehearsal, 5:30 p.m. Youth Fellow ship groups, 6:30. Truth Center 262 N. Cottage. 'Sunday school, 9:45, Sunday, June 26. Evening service, B. Tuesday, June an. oudjcci, 'Prosperity." Library, 12 noon to s. Leslie Methodist Church South Com mercial at Meyers. Rev. G. Wesley Tur ner, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. sermon BUDject, "Have f aun in God." Evening service, 8. sermon sub ject: "The Touch of His Hand." Youth Fellowship, 7. Jason Lee Memorial Methodist North Winter at Jefferson Sts. Louis C. Klr by, D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:46. Morning service, 11, Sermon subject. xne Master's uounse on graver, hoio: 'Spirit of God" by Betty Brinkley. Eve ning service, 7:30. sermon suojert, "Keep ing Spiritually Strong." Solo by W. S. Big gerstaff. Faith Tabernacle 1305 North 5th. (5th & Gaines). Sunday school, 10. Morning worsnip, il. sermon topic, "uotrs fat ter for His Church." "Who Art Thou Who Troubleth Israel?" Frlnsle Friends West of 99E on Baxter road. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Young people, 6:30. The Reorranlzed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Corner North 17th and Chemeketa sts. Elder Chas. H. Asher. pastor. Church school. 10. Preachlntr ser vices, ii. zions league, o:30. Bible study, f :ju. Jesus Name Pentecostal 117fi Lewis St. Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school, iu. rreacning at ii. evening evangelistic, 7:46. Salem Heights Community Liberty ruaa hi Maarona avenue. ttev. l. c. Brown, pastor. Non-denominational. Sun day school, 10. Preaching, 11. Bethel Bantlit North Cottatte at D Rt. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11. Dr. C. M. Knapp, speaker. Youth meet ings at s:jo p.m. Evening service at 7:30. Dr. J. R, Turnbull brings the message. Vailed Pentecostal 44B Ferrv t.rfc Rev, Nathaniel Wilson, nastor. Biinriiv school, 9:46. Morning service, 11, Sermon subject, "Let Theae Be Light." Evening service, 7:30. Sermon subject, "And He Did 4iii win co. was fivii. Knight Memorial Congregational Louis c wnite. Minister, nineteenth and Fer ry Sts. Bundav school. b:4K. Mom In 17 nr. ship, 11. sermon, "Religion in a Changing Middle Grove Community Sunday school Foursquare Church 490-19th Bt. be- O r f ISJmm I "L 9 " All Musical Strviet f I rf?WfLl Saturday Night i iMl'V MONITOR, ORE. f I X Odd Fellows Hall 1 a Hart Evangelistic Party I Of Dallas, Texas - Me having a -famous cfiefH your fatten! ...tot tangy Duchess Salad Dressing it made the way famous chefs make their dressing from costly ingredients expertly seasoned and skillfully blended. That's why it tastes so good. And only I0!4 minutes after each batch is started it's on its way to your store ...guaranteed fresh. Enjoy Duchess today I Youth Rally Af Monmouth Interest is reported growing in the special evangelistic serv ices being conducted in the Monitor Community Full Gos pel church by the Hart Evan gelistic party of Dallas. Texas. People are driving from Wood- burn. Silverton and Salem, as well as from the surrounding community. One of the highlight services of the week will be the youth rally in the Odd Fellow hall in Monitor on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. This rally will fea ture all music talent from the surrounding visiting groups. Leaders and followers of the Youth for Christ Fellowship of Woodburn will be attending in a body, as well as members of several of the Woodburn chur ches. Several of the Silverton pastors are also planning to send representatives. Anyone with talents dedicated to the Lord are invited to take part in the program, Preceding this service there will be a service of the children who have been attending the daily afternoon children's meet ngs conducted by members of the party. They will display the work they have been doing, and give a short program beginning at 7:45. tween Chemeketa. and Center, Rev. L. E, Munson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45, morning service 11, sermon subject "Holy Spirit." evening service 7:46, "Who Cruc: fled Christ?" Missionaries to Mexico hare Friday. First Methodist Church Church and State, Brooks H. Moore, minister. Church school 9:45. Promotion day in the Church school. Morning worship 11, sermon by tne pastor, "ine Ministry 01 encourage ment." Central Lutheran Gaines and N. Capi tol, O. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Sunday school 9:45, morning worship 11, dedica tion of our church 3. Senior League, Rev. Keesenes, speaker, 7:30 p. m. Bethany Evangelical and Reformed Marlon and Capitol Sts., Rev. Russell Mayer, pastor. Sunday scnooi 10. morn ing worship 11, evening worship 8. First SoirltMHit 248 N. Commercial. Rev. Harry Raymond, speaker. Services at 7:30, circle at c:3o. Oraee Lutheran Luther 8. Bomen. pas tor. Worshipping in Englewood school, N. 10th and Nebraska Sts. Divine worship at 11 a. m. Court Street Christian Church 17th and Court Sts., W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school assembly 9:45, morning worship and communion iu:&u, sermon oy Ed r'arren, associate minister, "To Live Is Christ." Christian Endeavor hour 1. evcnlna ser vice h. Kiery rarrisn wm speak about tne ijioerty wor. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 5th and Madison, John E. Sails bury, bishop. Sunday school 10. morning service ai;ju, evening service b:jq. Institute of Religious Science Salem woman s club. 460 N. Cottane St.. Rev William Byron Charles In charge. June 26, 11 a. m., "How Jesus Healed All Man ner of Sickness"; 8 p. m., "Man In Search 01 a noay. West Salem Methodist Church Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister tiiiuui 9. to, mi a. ijcu cmey, super ior Ood."' Youth Fellowship 6:30. young nuuib i-cuuwfillip O, p. Ill, Four Corner Baptist Church Julius E. Herr, pastor. Church Bible school at 9:45. classes for all age groups. Morning wor ship service at 11 o'clock, Rev. Carl Black ler of Gladstone, Oregon, will bring the message. Sunday evening service at 8 Inspiring song service and message by the vuuuB n. nvti, entitled, ' f riend ship." SUNDAY SERVICES Monitor Community Church Pastor E. C. Schilling ; 1 &mtm u Silverton Churches CalTirv Lutheran James A. Tofte. pas tor. Sunday school 10, Miss Olga John son, supt., worship hour 11, sermon by Rev. R. G. Hovland of Salem. Special singing. Luther League fellowship hour 7. First Christian Church Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school 9:45. M. B. Ford, supt.. assisted by Lynn Neal. Com munion and sermon 11, topic "Christian Fellowship." .tcnlor an.- senior Christian Endeavor 7. Evening service 8, Illustrated sermon, theme "Let's' compare Them." Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold, minister. On Saturday nignt, June 25, silverton Youtn Jinny is at the Christian and Missionary Taber nacle instead of at the KP hall, with Bolivia, S. Am., missionary, Rev. Emll Craft, speaker. Sunday school 10. Oscar Satrum, supt. Classes for all age groups. Young people meet at 7. Evening service, pastor in charge, 8. Methodist Ben F. Browning, minister. Sunday school promotion program 9:45, Norman Naeiteli. supt.. exercises and pro motion In main auditorium. Worship service 11, Rev. Browning, speaker. Youth Fellowship 7:30. Blair Finlav. president. Mrs. Harrison Fisher, director. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. Dastor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a. m. Divine worship 11. sermon subject "Follow Me." Special music. Luther League meet at church 6:30 and go together to the voiding farm lor a picnic and swim, Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. Pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10. Divine worship 11. sermon "The Feast of Salvation," special music. At 8 o'clock in the evening the Luther Leauue will sponsor "Family Night," program to In- cuiae iriks, renaings a;ia music, reiresn ments served. Marauam Methodist Andrew Lanften dorf, minister. Sunday school 10, worship 11, xoung people meet 1:45. Church of Jrxus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) K. P. hall. Oak na Mill. Sunday school 10. evening service 7. Christian Science Sunday school 9:45. service 11. St. Paul's Catholic Father John J. waisn, pastor. Sunday masses. 8 and 10. week day 8. Assembly of Clod Berrei H. Scott, mis- tor, Sunday school, 9:45. Divine worship 11, xoung pcopie s society 0:10. uvangei istlc 8. Church of God Rev. E. E. Nix. uastor. Sunday school 10, worship hour 11, eve ning service 8. Pilgrim Holiness carl Mansfield, nas- tor. Sunday school 10. worship hour 11. evening services 8. Seventh Day Adventist Elder A. D Chilson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local emer in cnarge. Sabbath school Saturday .jv. morning worsnip 11, Saturday. Bun day evening evangelistic services. Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J, Ferguson, minister. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morn ing services 11 o'clock. Sermon subject win De in recognition 01 visiting Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, "Friendship, Love ana irum." Church of Christ Thomas Courtnev. Jr.. minister. Bible school, 0:45 a. m. Morn ing services 11 a clock. Chr st an En deavor hour 6:30 p. m. Evening worship I. tO U ClOCK, Community Rev. Wavne Walkins. min or. Sunday school, 10 a. in. Morning AT afurday Feature Yes, ladies . . . they're our regular Sorority quality rayons, too! And you know that means they're really attractive prints ... on fine quality, close-woven fabric. Yet . . . and the styles are every bit as good as the fabric ... new and fresh. Hand wathable. Clear printt on pastel grounds. DOWNSTAIRS STORE ONE GROUP ONLY SUMMER COTTON PRINTS DOWNSTAIRS STORE Capital Journal, saim, uregon, rwnay, June Z4, isw xo worship,. 11 o'clock. 7:45 o'clock. Evening aervlees Free Methodist Donald Hlnkle. minister. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship n ociock. Evening services 7:30 o clock. Catholie Rev. Mai. pastor. services 9 o'clock. Methodist. Baptist Churches Combine Calvary Baptist and Leslie Methodist churches are combin ing their efforts to present a Daily Vacation Bible school. This school will be held at Cal vary Baptist church on the cor ner of South Liberty street at Miller and will start Monday. June 27 and end on July 8. It will be in session from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. each weekday morn ing of these dates. Those taking charge of the school will be a deputation team from Linfield college with Bob Emerson as director and one staff member for each 10 students. All children between the ages of 4 and 12 are invited to attend this school and become more ac quainted with "The Bible." Thirty-seven per cent of the meat animals are raised east of the Mississippi river. "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-Up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 (AoMot: MADf KV--' THi MAKERS Of IHI HAMMOND ORGAH WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 State Salem, Ore. Penney's It's the First Time Since Before the War We've Had Rayon Crepes at only Camp Meeting Scheduled Brooks The 13th annual camp meet ing of the Assemblies of God, Oregon district, will be held this year at Brooks, Ore., June 27 through July 10. Participants include Rev. Ar thur Arnold, Jewish evangelist, well known camp and conven tion speaker. His presentation ol Pentecost is said to be unique. Rev. Harold Horton, of Eng. land, is to be speaking at the ministers' institute as well as in the regular services. Paul Miller and his wife, Springfield, Mo., will be work ing in conjunction with the jun ior camp. This year's attendance is ex pected to exceed last year's 6000 registrants. Iowa is the second largest cattle-producing state. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:45 a.m. 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:50 a m. C. R. Schuli Pastor Salem, Oregon Sizes 12 to 20 2.98 98