12 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949 Yankee Pitcher Needs Tip on Tiger Slugger (By the Associated Ftm.ii Tommy Bryne would like a tip on how to pitch to Johnny Lipon. Lipon, .250 hitting Detroit shortstop, twice this season has blasted Byrnes' hopes ol pitching a no-run, no-hit game. Johnny first played the villain's role last May 8. Byrne had a no-hitter going through six ln-i 9 Major Standings 9 nings, but Lipon greeted the New York Yankee lefthander with a single to start the seventh. He collected the second of De troit's three hits in the ninth as Byrne came through with a 12-0 victory. Lippon was all that stood be iween Byrne and a no-hitter last night at the Yankee stadium as Tommy hurled another 12-0 shutout against the Tigers, A crowd of 55,591 had visions of the first hitless game by Yankee pitcher since Monte Pearson shut out Cleveland 11 years ago, as Byrne mowed down the Tigers without a safe ty for seven innings. Then came the eighth and up strode Lipon. Byrne threw high inside curve. Lipon swung and the ball sailed on a line to ward the left field corner. It landed just inside the foul line fair by a foot. The partisan crowd groaned as Lipon crossed first with a single the only hit of the game by the Tigers. Eddie Lake, Tiger third base man, walked on each of his four trips to the plate. "I wouldn't have minded it o much if he had gotten his first hit off a strike pitch," Byrne said later. Rookie southpaw Maurice Mc Dermott pitched the Boston Red Sox to a three-hit 7-0 victory over the St. Louis Browns. Re cently recalled from Louisville, McDermott faced only 28 bat ters in chalking up his second victory. Alex Kellner another rookie southpaw registered his 10th triumph pitching the Philadel phia Athletics to an 1 1-4 victory over the Chicago While Sox. Kellner gave up five hits in be coming the first lefthander in the majors to win 10 games. A lefthander Joe Hatten kept the Brooklyn Dodgers in first place in the National league, pitching the Brooks to a 7-2 triumph over the Reds in Cincinnati. Lefty Howie Pollet enabled the St. Louis Cardinals to stay within a half-game of the Dodg- (By thn AftAnr.latfd PrPM) AMERICAN LKAOUE W L Pet. W L Pet. New York 3S 22 .639 Boston 32 28 .533 Phllndlphla 3ft 27 Mh WuhlnKtn 29 31 .4B3 Detroit 34 37 .557 ChicflKO 25 3B .397 Cleveland 31 27 534 St. Louis 18 43 .259 Results Thursday New York 12. Detroit 0. (Nlaht) Cleveland 4, Washington 3. (Nlahtl Philadelphia 11. ChlcaRo 4. (Night) Boston 7, St, LouL) 0. (Night) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pel Brooklyn 37 24 .607 New York 30 30 .500 St. Louis 36 24 600 Cincinnati 25 35 .417 PhlladlphJa 36 26 .563 Pittsburgh 24 37 ,393 Boston 35 28 .556 Chicago 22 39 .361 Kesulls Thursday St. Louis 10, New York 6. Brooklyn 7, Cincinnati 2. Boston 12. Chicago 5. Philadelphia 9. Pittsburgh 3. ers, pitching the Redbirds to a 10-6 triumph over the New York Giants. Southpaw Warren Spahn, aid ed by a 15-hit attack against five Chicago pitchers, chalked up his ninth victory, pitching the Bos ton Braves to a 12-5 victory over the Cubs. Lefty Curt Simmons went all the way for Philadelphia as the Phils swamped the Pittsburgh Pirates, 9-3. Early Wynn was the only righthander to notch a victory but even he needed help from a lefthander, getting it from Frank Papish in the ninth to receive credit for Cleveland's 4-3 triumph over the Washing ton Senators. Stayton Tennis To Be Relocated Slayton The tennis court on the grounds near the Women's clubhouse have been dismantled this week. Wire fencing and iron framework have been salvaged for use on the new court which will be located in the park near the swimming pool. It is planned to use the old location as an off-street parking lot. Pea Crop Shrinks Canby, June 24 (IP) The pea crop from the Canby area this season was estimated today at little more than half of last year's crop. TMPC rlK I PfK Eddie Waitkus, first baseman for the 1 1 lb J I II J LUyj Philadelphia Phillies, takes first steps since he was shot by 19-year-old Ruth Stcinhagen in a Chi cago north side hotel. Assisting Waitkus In Illinois Masonic hospital are Inis Ericson (left), a private nurse, and Mildred Buehler, night supervisor. Waitkus may soon be able to leave the hospital, his physician reported. (AP Wirephotn) Frisco Fans Find New Hero in Pirate Slugger New York, June 23 (U.R) The Legion of Italian fans along San Francisco's Fisherman's wharf who have been sad all season because they can't cheer for Joe DiMaggio found a new slugging star to cheer for today in Dyna-t mile Dino Restelli, the Pirates' latest home run smasher. Like DiMaggio Restelli is an Italian who came up from his native San Francisco, and like the injured Joltin' Joe, he has made a tremendous start in ma jor league competition. The youngster has five homers for his first nine major league games and if he continues at anything like that pace, may ap proximate DiMaggio's first year pace with the Yankees of 1936 when he hit 20 homers. DiMag gio played a full season and Res telli will be around little more than half, so if he can bang out a total of 15 homers his Italian supporters will be calling him the "new DiMaggio" and he will take away the sadness at not being able to cheer for their "Guiseppe." Restelli hit two homers yes terday as the Pirates finally stopped the high-speed Phils, de feating them, 12 to 3. Fire in 'Met' New York, June 23 W) A fire broke out in the third balcony of the Metropolitan opera house last night and caused damage estimated at $10,000. Cllm),i.HII.lll II, H m HW,..M, MllU...iqjl. aJUMalUJIJ irnrnr-ii iiim r n rilvl o ooo I 9 i H D , ft e SO HERE'S WHERE YOU SAVE! D 3II33SESA Top Quality Appliances JgJ$ o Y EVERYTHING MUST GO! 0 - UlC t0S!lY "II WZv-- f iNu i a am I I o Fishing Rodeo To Be Sponsored In Salem Area Full scale participation in the second "Better Fishing Rodeo," a nation wide project involving some 2,000,000 boys and girls 13 years old and under, is plan ned for the Salem area. Howard Wicklund of Maple's has been named director in charge of the program locally by Mayor Rob ert L. Elfstrom. The avowed purpose of the "rodeo" is to introduce the younger generation to the rec reational values of fishing. Par ticipants are asked to register at Maple's for the tournament that will extend through August 27 when the youngster who has caught the largest fish of the trout species will be awarded with a grand prize of a complete casting outfit. In addition to the grand prize, Maple's will award weekly prizes. The fish must be brought to the store for weighing and measuring. After that they are at the disposal of the owner. Either lake or stream caught trout will be acceptable. Texas Abolishes Rent Controls Austin, Texas, June 23 VP) A bill abolishing rent controls in Texas was signed into law today by Governor Beauford H. Jester. P e o o o o o o SO IT'S V0IIP PROFIT! 3 OUR LOSS! SO GET YOUR SHARE NOW! BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! HELP US CLOSE OUR DOORS! Capital Furniture and Hardware 241 N. Commercial BUILDING FOR RENT FIXTURES FOR SALE! OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. 100 '1000 Auto or Personal COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN INCORPORATE Dm 460 N. Church St woo "1:1 Ph. 3-4168 Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in price! $95 $2j 45 QUART PINT Fine Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 grain neutrai spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. 6 Oregonian Officers At Salt Lake Meet Six members of the Oregon delegation to the national con vention of the Young Republi can Federation have offices at the Salt Lake Cityconvention. They are: James Thayer and Vivian Mc Murtry, platform and resolu tions; Robert A. Elliott, rules; Al Salmonetti, constitution and by-laws; Harold Holmes, cre dentials; and Howard Hamlin, sergeant-at-arms. The delegation spent Tuesday night at Boise going over con vention plans with delegates from Washington and Idaho. More corn was canned in this country last year than any other vegetable. Office Visits Vs. Home Calls By ' J. B WILLETT f tht Ciplul Dm Store Treatment at a doctor's office is always more convenient for both patient and doctor. Here the doctor has everything he needs at his fingertips . . . medi cal aids he could never carry in his black bag. Then too, he can examine you more completely and more quickly than at home. Don't wait until you are so 111 you can't get out of bed. Serious illness is costly in both time and money. Play safe. Visit your' doctor .frequently, keep up treatments he recom mends, take medicine as pre scribed. Purchase his prescrip tions from a druggist where pro- ' fessional work receives the first consideration, C.prrltbt Thli ii the S3lit of itri.i of Editorial Rdvertiiementr. appearing In thli paper each Frldar. Capital Drug Store State ft Liberty Phone 3-31 IS ii J 1 J , , -J I, V -nW M 1 1 tll ''I FRIDAY, JUNE 24, thru SATURDAY, JULY 2 WE NEED SPACE-WE NEED MONEY! 2 w i muss SALS OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF DRESSES NO SPECIAL GROUPS ALL NEW AND CLEAN MERCHANDISE Buy one dress Select another and get them both for the price of one! PRING A FRIEND -SHARE YOUR SAVINGS Sizes 10-50, 1414-24 Jr. 7-15 LINGERIE SLIPS Jersey, satin, crepe; white, tailored and lace trim. Sizes 32-40. $1 rtrt Values to $3.98 I.UW Nylon, 4-gore, tailored. Nile, maize, white. Regular - SO Art $4.98 5.UU GOWNS Knit, shadow stripe, runproof. Ice blue, tearose. Sizes 32-50. $1 rtrt Values to $3.98 I.UU HALF SLIPS $1.00 for $1.00 Knit. White, net ruffle. PANTIES A White brief style t PAJAMAS Knit; two-color combinations. Blue and pink. $e) rtrt $4.98 values XiUU BRAS Two-bar. tricot. Knit bandeau, deep cup, elastic back, very SI rtrt comfy. Sizes 32-36. for lWU ANKLETS Our regular 4-ply cotton anklets, sizes 4 lor1.00 7 to 11 Regularly 49c SPORTSWEAR JEANS 8 oz. denims. Sizes 12-20 . , $1.79 T-SHIRTS Clever styles, colors. rt Reg. $1.98-$2.25- for 1.00 SLAX, PEDAL PUSHERS You need a friend O for the 1 for this, too price of SHORTS Twill, Sanforized. Regularly $2.29 . . $1.00 BATHING SUITS All new in Nan Dorsey, nationally ad vertised Lastex. Sizes 32.40. Regu larly $5.95 $0 rtrt to $7.95 JiWW Accessories, Furnishings HOSE 88c Reg. 1.79. 51-15 Lovely colors . . ALL SPRING DRESS HATS TO CLEAR $1.00 SKIRTS Peasant, cottons, strutter, spuns, gabs. sizes ii-ii. Values to $5.95 BLOUSES Values to $3.98. BLOUSES Values to $8.95 GARTER BELTS White satin, adjustable. Reg. $1.98 $1.00 $1.00 $3.00 79c GARDEN HATS 25c BEACON BABY BLANKETS, 36x50, wide satin binding. $3.45 value....... Only 2.00 RECEIVING BLANKETS 30x40. Regular 89c 26x34. Rcgul SUMMER BONNETS AND CAPS Pique with eyelet trim. Reg. $1.98. . . TRAINING PANTS Regular 49c LITTLE MISS RAYON PANTIES Knit, lace trim. Reg. 79c 50c or 49c 25e .. $1.00 4for1.00 2 for fl.OO PLASTIC BABY PANTS Regularly 39c v TODDLERS' SNAP CROTCH OVERALL Sanforized twill. Regular $2.29 TODDLERS' SNAP CROTCH CORDS Fine whale. Regular $3.98 DENIM ZIPPERALLS Sanforized, sizes 3-8. Regular $1.98 RUBBER SQUEEZE TOYS Regular 59c and 79c ,. . 10c $1.00 2.00 $1.00 . 25c GLDDHS DRESS SH01P ooooooooooo 4954 N. River Road In the KEIZER DISTRICT' Open til 9 P. M. Fri.-Sat.