Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 24, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tacoma Extends Win String
Over Sagging Solons, 10-3
- V i
atan Otherwise known as
atUIUII Freddy LaMont, the
Hollywood atunt man is chief
of the crew of driven who
will entertain fans with exhi
bitions Friday night at Holly
wood Bowl.
Easter Goes to
East for Check
On Knee Injury
Ban Diego, Calif., June 24 CP)
Big Luke Easter, San Diego
Padre Negro first baseman' who
has been sidelined by an old
knee Injury, left today for
Cleveland, where he will under
go further examination.
The decision to send Easter,
leading Padre hitter with a .363
average, was reached last night
in a conference among Padre
Manager Bucky Harris, Padre
"president Bill Starr and Cleve
land Vice President Hank
"Cleveland has every inten
tion of buying Easter from us
at the end of this season and
the Indians are anxious to know
what is what on his knee," Starr
The filly Ruthless won the
first running of the Belmont
Stakes in 1867.
WIL Standings
(By th Associated Preu)
W. L.
Yakima 44
Vancouver 38
Spokane 33
Wenatchee 32
Salem 29
Tacoma 31
Bremerton 29
Victoria 25
esults Thursday
Yakima 3, Bremerton 0.
Tacoma 10. Salem 3.
Victoria 5, Spokane 1.
Vancouver 10, Wenatchee 9.
Tacoma, Wash., June 24 The awakened Tacoma Titers ran
their longest victory streak of the season to four with a 10-3 con
quest of the visiting Salem Senators Thursday night, pulling
within a half game of the fifth place Solons. It was the third
straight over the Senators and the 8th Tiger win in the last 10
Tacoma moves across th
mountains to open a four gam'
series with the league leadin;
Yakima Bears while the Senator
ferry over to Bremerton for a
many tilts with the Bluejackets
Playing errorless ball behin
lefty Bob Kerrigan, the Tiger
jolted Bill Osborn and Jim Fos
ter for 15 hits, including Dicl
Greco's mightly blast over th.
left center field wall with thi
bases empty. The Tigers stakec
Kerrigan to a six run lead ir
the first three frames and lit
had little difficulty in protectinf
the margin thereafter.
Eddie Barr and Al Spaetei
both acquired from the Senators
were the only members of the
Tacoma club that did not give
Osborn and Foster trouble. Both
were held hitless in their eight
official times up. But Al Cohen,
Glenn Stetter and Jack Warren
had little dificulty in solving the
offerings of the Solon chuckers
as each connected safely three
Ray Orteig's three for five con
stituted the tops in offense for
the visiting Solons.
The loss was the fourth in a
row for the Solons who are now
but a half game out of sixth
Official Box
Salem (8)
4 0 2 2 Cohen, M
5 0 1 0 8 tetter, W
I S 1 0 Warren,
SOTO Greco, rf
4 2 4 0 Barr, ef
4 0 2 0 Baiiara,
Krua-, 1
Beard, e
Foster, p
Osborn, p
2X2 Spaetr,2
0 3 2 Kaney.3
(10) Tacoma
S 2 2 0
2 2 0 0
2 0 4 0
4 2 10 0
2 0 5 5
4 12 0
10 12 Kerrigan, p 110 1
0 0 0 0
0 0
38 10 24 S Total 27 15 27 11
Doubled for Foster In 7th.
-Sinsled lor Osborn In 9th.
Salem o00 003 TOO 2
Tacom 231 010 03x 10
Losing pitcher Foster.
Pitcher: Ip B H R Br So Bb
Foster 8 28 12 7 7 0 2
Osborn 2 0 S 2 2 2 1
Kerrigan .9 3 10 2 2 4 4
Hit by pitcher: Greco by Osborn: Er
ror: B. Petersen. Passed balls: Beard.
Hurlers Cool Top PCL
Teams; Walks Nip Bevos
San Francisco, June 24 (U.R) Youthful Bryan Stephens of Los
Angeles and ancient Dick Barrett of San Diego were hot enough
last night to cool off the two top teams in the Pacific Coast
? Stephens got his first PCL win 'this season with a three-hit
shutout over the second place
Seattle Raimers while Barrett, a
longtime Suds hurler himself,
kept the Rainiers from losing
ground by stumping the flaming
Hollywood Stars on six blows.
Both hurlers got some help
from their teammates' home
runs. Wayne Terwillinger hit
one to help the Angels to 3-0 win
and San Diego clouted three as
they topped Hollywood 8-2.
The other league contests were
strictly non-professional with
San Francisco beating Portland
4-S in a game in which all runs
were scored as a result of walks.
Oakland toppled Sacramento 9-8
as nine pitchers filed to the
mound to take their lumps in a
free-hitting game.
Relief Pitcher Manny Perez
pitched excellent ball for the
Seals after taking over when
Steve Nagy developed a wild
streak in the second inning.
Nagy had made the Beavers a
gift of three runs in that frame
w:th four walks, a hit batter and
on.- single. Perez kept the plate
undented while the Seals scored
single runs in the fifth, sixth.
seventh and eighth innings, all
the tallies coming as the result
of batters passed by Relief Pitch
er Bill Fleming. Roy Partee
drove in the winning run for the
Official Box
Th box:
Marquez.lf 4
ehupe.l 4
Thomas, 3 4 4
Brovla.rf 1
Basinskl.S 2
Oladd, c 2
Austin, jm 2
fielser.p 0
Burher 0
FlemlnK.p 1
4 Rlkard.lf
2 Judnlch.rl
0 Rocco.l
0 LodlgnU
1 Shofner,3
0 Fartea,e
1 Nicely.u
0 Nairy, p
0 Perez, p
3 0 2
0 10
1 3
0 0
PCL Standings
(By United Press J
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywood 57 33 .633 Sacramnto 42 43 .434
Seattle 50 40 .556 Portland 30 46 .459
Oakland 44 44 .600 SnFrncsco 30 40 .443
San Diego 44 44 .500 Los An ids 36 52 .400
Thursday's Results
San Francisco 4, Portland S.
Oakland-9, Sacramento 8.
San Diego 8, Hollywood 2.
Los Angeles 3, Seattle 0.
Lazor" 10 0 0
Totals 28 S 24 0 Totals 28 S 27 12
Burgher ran for Helser In 2nd.
Lazor fouled out for Fleming In 9th.
Portland 030 000 0003
Hit 111 110 0005
San Francisco 000 Oil llx 4
Hits Oil 010 02x 5
Winning pitcher Perez. Losing Pitcher
Pitcher: lp B R H Br Bb Hb So
Helser 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1
Fleming 7 25 4 t 2 f 0 4
Nagy iVa 5 3 2 2 4 1 0
Perez 7 23 0 3 0 2 0 0
Runs: Baainaki, Oladd. Austin, Tobln,
Lodlglanl 2, Partee. Errors: Basilisk i 2,
Oladd, Flemrng. Hit by pitcher: Helser
(by Nagy). Left on bases: Portland 7;
San Francisco 7. Sacrifice hits: Fleming,
Perez, Rocco. Stolen bases: Shupe, Partee.
Runs batted in: Marquez 2, Helser, Nicely.
Double plays: Lodiglanl, Nicely, Rocco;
Nicely, Lodiglanl, Rocco: Basinski, Shupe,
Time 2:03. Umpires: Bents, Barbour and
Powell. Attendance 2,087.
Seattle 000 000 0000 3 0
Los Angeles 100 000 02x 2 7
Gatehouse and White; Stephens and
Oakland 101 040 0300 13
Sacramento 101 202 2008 14
Oassaway, Cecil (5). Seats (S), Nelson
(6), Buxton (8) and Kerr: Orove, John
son (5), Freltas (7), Conger (8) and
Hollywood 002 000 0002 I
San Diego 330 000 20x 9 '
Shallock, Oliver (3), Olsen (6), Paepke
iBf ami samuocie; Barrett ana Moore,
Correct for Newport
12:45 p.m. 8.3
1:32 p.m. 6.4
0:20 a.m. 8.7
2:14 p.m. 6.B
6:22 a.m. -0.6
5:50 p.m.
7:05 a.m. -1.0
6:43 p.m.
7:46 a.m.
7:24 p.m. 3.5
Place Orders Now to Fill
Your Bin with Sawdust
at Summer Prices
ieft on bases: Salem 10: Tacoma 7, Home
uns: Greco. Two bHse hits: Cohen, War
en 2, Stetter, Greco, Orteiu, O. Peter
on. RBI: Stetter 3. Warren 4, Greco,
Iherry, Hedlnnton, OrtelB, Cohen, Kaney.
Stolen bases: Ballard. Double plays: Hed-
is ton to Krug; Faster to Krug: Cohen
,o Spaeter to Ballard. Time 1:35. Umpires:
McCullough and Nenezlch.
The llnescores:
Spokane ' 000 001 000 1 8
Victoria 000 021 llx 5 11
Kimball and Rossi, Parks (8): Propst
and Day.
Wenatchee 000 300 010 6 6 2
Vancouver 100 031 23x 10 17 2
Orreli, Weaver (6), Greenlaw (7) and
Pesut; Anderson, R. Snyder (4). Gunnar-
son (8) and Sheely.
Yakima 200 ooo 100 3 12 o
Bremerton 200 000 1000 4 0
Lloyd Dickey and Tornay; Kohout and
Ronning. '
Modified Plans
Set for A Group
Of Junior Ball
A baseball program, somewhat
modified from the original plans,
has been worked out for some
30 boys who signed up for com
petition in the "A" division of
the city-school recreational proj
ect, according to Vernon Gil
more, director.
There will be no sponsors oth
er than the recreational system
for the two groups of 15 each
One group, directed by Ambrose
DeEagle, will call Olinger field
their home base. The other
group will represent Leslie and
will be in charge of Hank Juran
Designation of the "B" team,
heretofore known as the "Capi
tols" has been changed to that
of "Salem Laundry."
First games of the "B" divi
sion will be played June 28 on
the following schedule:
Keizer Merchants vs. Salem
Heights at Keizer; West Salem
Lumber vs. Mayflower Milk at
Olinger; Salem Laundry vs. Sa
lem Board of Realtors at Leslie.
Semi-Finals Are
Slated for State
Golf Tournament
Astoria, Ore., June 24 (U.R)
Semi-final rounds of the Oregon
Golf association s annual tourn
ament were scheduled today
with only one favorite a recent
Co-medalist Ted Westling was
upset by former Champion Har
old Salvador, 3 and 2. Defend
ing Champion Lou Jennings
carded a par-size score in defeat
ing Bill Langley, 6 and 5. Co
medalist Ron Clark edged Will
Haines, 2 and 1.
The remaining semi-finals'
berth was taken by Tom Den
hart Who ousted Ralph Dichter,
3 and 2.
La mi mi iMMliillHiii Al, 'rf Tii
FhnP.r hillPC An inundation system of 120 lights of
LMIIWI J V,J lsoo waUs eacn has been provtled Eber
park in Mt. Angel. The field is now available for a variety
of athletic and civic events. The lights make Ebner park
one of the best illuminated fields available to a community
of Mt. Angel's size.
Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1949
Predict Vulnerable Champ
To Stimulate Boxing Game
Chicago, June 24 (U.R) Abe J. Greene, commissioner of the Na
tional Boxing association, predicted today that the coronation
of Ezzard Charles as champion would stimulate activity not only
in the heavyweight division but in other boxing classes.
Before returning to his home in Paterson, N. J., the commis
sioner said, "Young heavies all over the world will have a target
to shoot at now a champion who does not appear as formidable
as did the great Joe Louis.
"Louis was an idol of the boxing world of fans and fighters;
but he seemed such a superman that most young heavies doubted
they could ever attain the prowess necessary to beat him. That
was the chief reason why so little heavy talent was developed
during his 12-year reign."
Salem Legion to
Host Woodburn
Juniors Friday
Coach Bill Hanauska and his
American Legion juniors, unde
feated in nine starts, will en
tertain Silverton at 6:30 Friday
evening on the Water park dia
mond. The locals will play host
to the Woodburn juniors Sunday
afternoon at 2 o clock.
The second round of district
competition is slated to be con
cluded not later than July 13
with the winners of the first and
second rounds booked to play a
best two out of three series for
Stunt Men Set for Friday
Show at Hollywood Arena
Ten Hollywood stunt men, each with a heavy throttle foot and
nerves of iron, will crash and careen about Hollywood bowl Fri
day night in a two-and-a-half hour show sponsored by the Salem
Police Aerial patrol.
Featured in the evening of ex
citement, which begins at 7:45
are the famed Satan's Hell
Drivers, a troupe of daredevils
who mercilessly punish automo
biles and motorcycles.
Rolling over in a speeding car,
crashing into a sheet of ice,
leaping a car through space to
land on top of another car, rid
ing a motorcycle through a
flaming hoop several feet off the
ground, crashing head first
through a blazing board wall,
these are but a few of the feats
to be staged by the Hell Drivers.
An added attraction will be a
stock car race between mem
bers of the Hell Drivers troupe.
Twenty-five members of tho
Salem Motorcycle club will be
on hand to give an exhibition,
and the 30-piece Salem high '
school band will provide a peppy
Proceeds from the show go
to the Salem Police Aerial Patrol
in their campaign to raise funds
for the purchase of an airplane
for emergency police and civi- :
lian use.
Schedule Lists
B and C League
Starts on Friday
The classes "B" and "C" jun
ior baseball schedule have been
The first game in the B lea
gue is set for Friday, the 24th
with the West Salem Lumber
company, coached by Bob
Schwartz, on the Olinger field,
Tuesday, the 28lh, the Keizer
Merchants, coached by Carl
Goldsby, will clash with Coach
Myron Butler s Salem Heights
Tigers, on the Keizer field. The
Salem Laundry company
coached by Pete Valdez, will
take on Coach Herb Booth's Sa
lem Board of Realtors at Les
lie. Class "C" ball clubs swing in
to action Monday, the 27th, with
Coach Ben Claggctt's Truax
Oilers facing Four Corners,
coached by Bob Merricl, at Four
Corners. The River Bend Sand
and Gravel company, coached
by Dick Vincent, will meet Elf
strom's, coached by Emory Al
derman, on Olinger field.
All games are scheduled to
start at 6 p.m.
the title. Salem won the first
half without losing a game.
The lowest won-lost percent- :
age ever compiled by a major
league pennant winning team
was the .578 of the 1926 St.:
Louis Cardinals.
Papermen Defeat
Wools; Marines
Top Randle Oil
Oregon Pulp & Paper defeat
ed Rock Wool, 6-4 Thursday
night to keep in the van of the
City Softball league The Marine
Reserves, after 'being kicked
around all season, checked in a
win as they downed Randle Oil,
2-1. Both games were well play
ed with the Marines playing er
rorless ball.
There were few extra base
hits in either contest, although
McMorris slugged out a triple
for the Papermakers in the
An extra curricular event oc
curred during the program
when Don Vandevort of the
OP&P club got the thumb dur
ing an argument with the um
pire. In the Industrial league Ma
ples Dairy edged Teamsters 5-4.
Friday niaht'a program:
Industrial leaaue: 6:30, Naval Reserve
vs Warner's: City Leaaue: S:00. 13th
Street vs Oolden Pheasant; 1:00, Knights
of Columbus vs Mootry's.
Rock Wool 012 300 08 1 3
O.P. A P 000 101 04 3 1
Roth and Singer; Knight and Wood-
Randle's 000 100 01 4 t
Marines 000 300 X 3 6 0
McLeod and Eschletnan; Crotoot and E.
Teamsters 300 000 34 1
Maple Dairy ..401 000 a 5 5 4
Keuscher, Michaels and O. Bock; Zel-
ler and Stiger.
Re-Armed, brother of Armed
champion money winning geld
ing, began his racing career with
a victory at Belmont Park.
Sam Snead, 37, became the
oldest player ever to win the
PGA links championship when
he copped the crown this year.
Phone 2-4031
pus. '. UK.'
Jary Girls Top
Washougal, 10-7
Jary Florist girls Softball team
continued their winning ways in
the Portland league Thursday
night by defeating the Washou
gal girls 10 to 7 on Buckman
field. It was the first start for
pitcher Jackie Gardner who al
lowed only five hits. Washou
gal runs were the result of
Gardner giving heavy hitting
Mikas the wrong ball on two
occasions who promptly slapped
it for as many home runs, run
ners being aboard both times.
The Salem girls came through
with some good stick work of
their own, Dorothy Richardson
getting four for four and Dar
lene Scharff a home run and
single out of three trips.
Shotwell hurled the final in
ning for Salem and set Wash
ougal down in one, two, three
Salem 10 11 2
Washougal 7 5 3
Gardner, Shotwell and Wads
worth; Reaksecker and Walling.
Woodburn to Host
Oregon City Team
Woodburn The Woodburn
.American Legion baseball squad
will meet Oregon City here
Friday at 6:30 o'clock at Legion
park in the second game of the
second half of the schedule.
Sunday afternoon the locals will
travel to Salem and Wednesday
evening will play at Silverton.
It's tough to be old . . it's tough to be poor . .
but it is really tough to be old and poor at the same time.
Social Security will not pay you enough for a decent re
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ditional $30 to $50 per month when you are unable to
See C. W. "TOBE" ROBBINS, Dist. Mgr.
Business Men's Assurance Company
229 North Commercial
Dial 2-1900
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced in price!
$395 $25
flni Blende-d Whiskey. 90.5 proof. t0 inin neutm
spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C.
That's right a down payment of only $4.44 puts
FOUR new, safer, longer mileage Goodyear 6.00-16
Marathon tires on your car! Stop in today for one, two,
three or a set of these quality-built tires. They're
harder to wear out, cut or bruise they give you
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ing now and set your own terms on the balance.
Pay weekly or as you are paid ... as little as $1.25
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We'll Buy Your Tires . . .
Pay You Big Money For Them!
Center and Commercial
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Warrick Shell Service
12th and MlMlon St.
Warner Motor Co.
4.14 N. Commercial t
Rohinson Shell Service
Center and Cottage fit.
Dauenhauer Shell Servir
3990 E. Oenter Rt.
Priem tc Canell Shell
IMh and State St.
Ehrork Motor Co.
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Salem Auto Co.
4.15 N. Commercial 8L
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Stan Raker Motor
625 ChemekeU St.
! Ml t tit, IM. M