f Fight On (or YR Chairman Salt Lake City, June 23 l Intra-party politics drew top in terest of delegates to the nation al young republican federation convention which opened today. Heavy campaigning was in prospect for the chairmanship and two double delegation fights for seating came before the cre dentials committee. The two-delegation issues were posed by Pennsylvania and Maryland. The credentials committee, which will decide which delegations will be seat ed, makes its first report tomor row. Some half a dozen candidates arc seeking the chairmanship and waging vigorous campaigns. Ralph E. Becker of Port Ches ter, N.Y., the incumbent chair man, presided today as tempor ary chairman. Election of per manent officers of the conven tion was slated in late afternoon In a pre-convention address last night to members of the western states regional council. Philip Willkie, Indiana state rep resentative and son of the late Wendell Willkie, urged his party to foster unity between business and labor groups. He said the conflict between y labor and business tended to " push American politics into the Karl Marx class warfare pattern and to advance the cause of those who seek to destroy the private enterprise system. Salem Educators to Attend Convention Two Salem delegates will be included in the 37 Oregon edu cators who will attend the rep resentative assembly of the Na tional Education association in ' Boston July 3-8. Named official delegates by the Oregon Education associa tion are Carl E. Aschenbrenner, principal of Parrish junior high school here, and Arthur V. My ers, principal of the suburban grade schools, Salem. More than 30,000,000 spot and projection resistance welds will be made this year by automobile manufacturers in the production of an estimated 500.000 cars. Cox and Sabath Make Up Representative E. E. Cox (D., Ga.), (left) shake hands with Representative Adolph J. Sabath (D., 111.), at a reconciliation in the rules committee room in Washington, after their fist fight on the House floor. Cox is reported by Rep. Walter (D., Pa.), to have slapped Sabath during an argument over speaking time on housing legislation. Sabath countered with two blows to Cox's face. (AP Wirephoto) Demos to Meet In Newport Selection of a successor to Robert Maclean, who left a Lin coln county court commissioner position to accept appointment as state tax commissioner, is calling democrats of Lincoln county to Newport Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. Since Maclean re signed neither County Judge Frank Gilkey, a democrat, or Leonard Grant, commissioner, a republican, have been able to agree upon a successor. Candidates for commissioner known to have support in the democratic county committee are Ray Barclay, Tidewater; Lin coln Kyle, ex-mayor of Ocean lake; Jack Patterson, Depoe Bay; Frank Jacobson, Newport: H. R. Glascock, Eddyville, and Albert Burke, Siletz. The com mittee will also be called upon to name a vice chairman to suc ceed Mrs. Cleone Nelson, who re cently moved to Douglas county. The meeting was called by Monroe Sweetland, Salem, dem ocratic national committeeman, who will be one of the princi pal speakers. Others to appear are Les Josslin, Portland, state chairman, and James Goodsell, Clatsop county, executive secretary Teacher at Turner Retires with Gifts Dayton At the graduation exercises of the Turner grade school recently, Mrs. Clotis Sloan, who has been teaching in the system there at different times for nearly 20 years, was honored and retired from teach ing. She was presented with a gold pin presented to her from the Oregon Teachers association, by the county school superinten dent. The faculty and school board members presented her with several pieces of bone chi na. Mrs. Sloan is a relative of Mrs. Herman Louis and Frank, Vernon and Clark Foster of Dayton. They will make their home on their farm in the Pleas antdale district. in Tennessee reached an all time high of 1165,259,000 in 1948. The compass needle points not to the North Pole but to the north magnetic pole of the earth, which is in northern Can ada, near the Arctic Circle. The federal-state crop report ing service estimates that the gross income from meat animals Polio Strikes Down Five More in Texas San Angelo, Tex., June 23 IU.R) The nation's worst polio epi demic of the year struck five more persons, bringing the total number of victims to 208 today. One patient was discharged as the new cases were admitted to Shannon Memorial hospital. The epidemic was showing no positive signs of subsiding. Sev enteen new patients have been admitted to Shannon since Sun day and the hospital planned to add more nurses to its staff. Scripps Buys Interest In The Dalles Chronicle The Dalles, Ore., June 23 M Scripps Newspapers, Inc., has purchased an interest in The Dalles Chronicle, it was an nounced today by Robert S Howard, Chornicle published. The Scripps organization, al so known as the Scripps League of Newspapers, with headquar ters in Seattle, has Joined with Howard in the forming of a new corporation known as West ern Publishing company, for the purpose of an expanding opera- NOTICE FIREWORKS DEALERS BUY WHOLESALE From Your Valley Representative for CLIPPER FIREWORKS CO. Pick your fireworks from the largest selection in the Northwest. Located North Portland Road next door north from Saving Center Market. NORTHWEST STANDS Ph. 35583 Locally Owned Ph. 34574 BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF SLAB BACON Dry sugar cure.' Any size piece. A popular brand. This bacon has a sweet, hickory smoke. FRYERS RHODE ISLAND REDS We Cut Them Up If You Wish Approx. 3 lbs. each 1 u b BEEF ROASTS 2 AGED CHEESE 49c STEAK Round Sirloin Boneless Remember, Absolutely Boneless PIC-NICS Boned and Rolled swift's 54c Sliced Bacon 45c I.. Armour's SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Lean 29c lb. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Tomatoes RAD ?hes and SWEET CORN GREEN UNIONS 5C bunch 2. 19c Field Ripened 6 ears 35c WANTED: Someone who can supply us with 8 or 10 more cases of fresh country eggs. Will give a good deal to some farmer! II fl lo 10 lb. baa . . 8C IUi uvy e 2.19 Dill Pickles 21c Quart Can JELLO All Flavors 3 - 19c PINEAPPLE JUICE 2c.n.25C Tall Tin MAYONNAISE 43c Pint Best Foods 15), BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS OPEN SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M. If You Sell Maraiine Subscriptions FmU r Prt Tin. II Will rr tmm tm Conltct M LEIGH M. RAILSBACK SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY Pasadena ft, California Pilot's Skill Saves 43 Lives Memphis, Tenn., June 23 W A pilot's skill and split-second judgment were credited today by the American Airlines with bringing 43 persons alive through a jolting crash landing followed by fire. Thirty-eight of those aboard the huge two-engine Convair were injured when the airliner crashed two minutes after tak ing off from municipal airport here yesterday. None of the in jured was considered critical. Spokesmen for American Air lines lauded Capt. Ed Hatch of Memphis for his skill and judg ment in crash-landing the craft in a field after skidding it across a highway and Into a large tree The craft, the Fort Worth-to-New York "City of San An lonio. nosed down three and a Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fistula Fissure Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitalis ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Natrjr-Rctal SMelalUt 1144 Ctnter St.. Saltn, On. Ph. M4M FftEl PARKING Capital Journal. Salem, OreRnn, Thursday, June 23, 19499 half miles from here. When Captain Hateh brought it to a stop, company spokesman said, a wing was smashed, an engine was ablaze and its gasoline was loose. Each year there are at least two eclipses of the sun, which occur when the shadow of tho moon falls on the earth. There may be as many as five in a single year. our 6 More of the popular cereal that goes snap, crackle, pop in milk! Ves. more In the new 8 oz. size! Easy way to have he enerfcy-food kids love on hand. Stock up on this economical size! Sold ilse hi popular 5VS u. ize New JlRRle movie cut outs for the kids on every box. THE MARKET GROCERY NORTH COMMERCIAL AT MARION ST. Open Every Friday and Saturday 'til 8 P.M. PRODUCE HOLLY SUGAR LETTUCE 4'2C 10 89C 25 " 219 carrots.., 15c OCCIDENT FLOUR JJ 25 Lb. Bag Makes a Towel POTATOES l 43c in flic 1 75 $1 79 No. 1 "A" Size V Lb. Bag Mm s Lb. bag I f TOMATOES SLIP T4 RedRip 2 lbs. 23C GARDEN NO. 2Vi TIN P. M,,TC PORK and BEANS JJC MbAIJ BUTTERNUT COFFEE BEef Imported and Roosted by Pox ton & Gallagher Company POT ROASTS - lb. 33c 1 u 56c 2 1.11 BACON lb. 45c . . . 3.83c off SWIFTNING ..... 3 lbs. 79c Frankfurters vel, duz, . tb 45e OXYDOL-Larae Size ... . 0 Grade "A" Butter Miraele Yftjp ,Solad D'essi"9 l.63c l. 29co 49c HUNT'S HOME STYLE fk CATSUP mo. bom. 2 or 25c Pickled Beets 303 L Llz LARGE WHITE BLUEBIRD FLORIDA I SWIFT'S BEANS 2,b. 25c GRAPEFRUIT peanut SnAwrne r JUICE BUTTER CKACKERS Lb 25C (Sweetened) Coaster Tops BISQUICKl 39c ; 27c ILT 29c TASTY PAK ' GOLDEN CORN g 2.25c TOMATOES ft 2 , 2 9 OATS"0"" 39c FTIVAL PEAS 303 2 23c IlTeTs L"f9"" KRISPY I KIPPERED FLAPJACK FLOUR B,',b 45c CRACKERS SNACKS f i c j Ar 2 Lbs 43c 3 . 25c Oval Sardines 2 49c p,,.,,. In Tomato Sauce DUilUlN. d KelloaaS , IMITATION i GRATED TUNA,, 25c 4VAN,UA15e Pard Dog Food n,. , 2 to, 25c 8oz. . . 25c 2 , or 33c Lucky Dog Food N.., 3, ,25c J?C PEP 2"29c Open Every Friday and Saturday 'til 8 P.M. Hot Master Bread at 4:30 P.M. Every Day