f 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 1949 JMiss Betty Emma Burbank 'And Paul Ronco are Wed Pedee The Evangelical United Brethren church at Mon- mouth wa the scene of a candle light wedding on Friday eve j ning, June 17 at 8 o'clock when Mis Betty Emma Burbank, i daughter of Mr. and Mr. C. L. Burbank ot Pedee was married to Paul A. Ronco, ion of Mr. and Mr. Albert Ronco of New- j berg. Rev. E. A. Fogg, district ! auperlntendent of the Washing i ton and Oregon conference, read j the double ring ceremony before I a large crowd of relativei and I friendi. The altar was banked ! with madonna and calla lilies I and white delphiniums in tall ! reed baskets. I The bride, given in marriage iby her father, wore a white satin gown with a train and a fingertip veil with an open erown and a tiara of pearls. For ! ... ,j t- : - j I sometning Ola sne carnea a buiw ! handkerchief belonging to an j aunt. Her cascade bouquet was j of red rosebuds, with lace tulle I and white satin streamers. She wore a string of pearls, which ' was a gift of the bridegroom. I Maid of honor was Miss Alice ! Humphrey of Salem and brides I maids were Mrs. Ken Baney, j West Salem, and Miss Vivian I Burbank, Salem. Miss Humph ! rey wore a pink net gown. The ! bridesmaids wore identical blue marquisette nylon gowns. All i three carried colonial bolquets ' of pink carnations. ', The candlelighters were Miss Joy Humphrey, Salem, and Miss Janice Bevens, West Salem, r wearing yellow marquisette ny lon gowns with carnation cor , sages. Ken Baney, brother-in-law of i the bridegroom, was best man. ' Debney Arnold, Alsea, Aaron ! Burbank, Portland, and Joe j O'Neil, Pedee, were ushers, j Miss Nola Womer, Pedee, I played the wedding marches, J and accompanied Mrs. Joe ! O'Neil who sang. Mrs. Burbank, mother of the ' bride, wore a two-piece navy I blue dress, witfi blue acces- aories. Mrs. Ronco, mother of ' the bridegroom, wore a navy blue dress, with blue accessories. J Both wore identical corsages of l deep pink carnations. i The reception was held in the j church parlors following the i ceremony. The rooms were dec- orated with baskets of roses. I The serving table was centered with a decorated four-tiered , wedding cake banked with pink J rosebuds and a lighted candle i at each end of the table. ' Mrs. John Yost, Portland, and i Mrs. Herbert Pankratz, Port J land, aunts of the bride, poured I the coffee. Mrs. Letha Bevens, j West Salem, served the punch, i Mrs. Winnie Fletcher, Salem j and Mrs. W. T. Turner, Pedee, , aunts of the bride, cut the cake, after the couple cut the tradi i tional first slice. They were as- aisted by Mrs. Elmer Fry, Che I maws, and Mrs. Glen Turner, Vancouver, Wn. Mrs. Carl Priem and Mrs. Ralph Brach, Salem. Miss Alberta Ronco, Newberg, sister of the groom. displayed the gifts. Mrs. Jim Daugherty, Salem, had charge of the guest book. Others assist ing were Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Mrs F. C. Kerber, Mrs. Jerry Hil-j burn, Mrs. S. Singler, Mrs. Frank Sheytlie, Miss Helen Bur bank. Pedee: Mrs. Howard Per ry, Miss Maxine Perry, Vadar. Wn.; Mrs. Ida Dueltgen, Port land. Mrs. E. A. Fogg, Milwaukee. sang, accompanied by Miss Nola Womer and Warren Yost, Port land, sang, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Ernest Kublick, Portland. Both young people are grad uates of Pedee union high school. The bride attended Cap ital Business college and has been employed the past year as deputy assessor at Dallas. The bridegroom is a World War veteran. They left on a honeymoon to the Oregon beaches. For going away Mrs. Ronco wore a beige suit with brown accessories. Her corsage was red rosebuds. Miss Alice Humphreys caught the bride's bouquet On their return they will make their home on a farm at Pedee. Among out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Brenlin, Ta coma, Wn., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Turner, two sons, Vancouver, Wn., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson, two children, Eugene. WOODBURN The regular meeting of Home Rebekah lodge No. 58 was held Tuesday eve ning at the IOOF hall with Mrs Sidney Cummings, noble grand presiding. Routine business was transacted. Announcement of the fall festival for the IOOF Home in Portland was made, to be held October 4. A "hobo" lunch was enjoyed after the meeting. Refreshments for the next meet ing July 3, will be a "Dutch treat," at the Woodburn Cof fee shop, VISITORS here this week are Peggy Jo and Donna Jean Buck of Klamath Falls who are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Drager. They are nieces of Mrs. Drager. Their mother, Mrs. Paul Buck, is attending the na tional convention of the Ameri can Association of University Women in Seattle and will be in Salem, Saturday. WELCOMED home this week from two weeks trip to Detroit, Mich, were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley. While in Detroit they visited Dr. and Mrs. John Fol som Hayes (Irene Paulson) for merly of Salem and on the way west stopped at Glacier National park and Yellowstone. Over the Fourth of July holi- Look Men! Prices Are Lower AGAIN! At Joe's Upstairs Clothes Shop New 1949 Spring and Summer PREWAR QUALITY SUITS AT PREWAR LOW PRICES! Joe just received a new shipment of high quality suits and thai new lower prices will amaze you. What you would normally pay for a one-pants suit, you can now buy that suit you really nead with two pants ot a price you can wall afford to pay. SAVE $15 ON THESE SUPERB FINE QUALITY SUITS Formerly $45, $55, $65 and $75 NEW LOW PRICES NOW $30-$40-$50-$60 Many groups with two pairs of trousers. 100 wool hard-finished worsteds, popular colors, fabrics and sites they art oil at Joe's. Nowhere In Salem, regardless of prict, will you find better fabrics or excellence of tailoring than at Joe's, and the selection is large. Sites to fit all regulars, shorts, stout, and tall. JOE'S SUPER SPECIAL! $25 Sport Coats with $14.95 Contrasting Slacks NOW ONLY $24.50 For Both Slacks and Sport Coat Upstairs Clothes Shop JOE'S 442 State St. Above Morris Optical Co. Look for the Flashing "Save $10" Sign Over the Entrance. -2 - .fa- i Silverton The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brewer, (the former Betty Libner) was solemnized May 21 in the Sil verton Trinity Lutheran church. day week-end the Hadleys and children, Eileen and Allen, will be at the summer home of her parents, Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay, at Neskowin. . THE PICNIC planned by the Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club for next Sunday has been postponed until further notice. Standing Committees in BPW Club are Appointed Woodburn Officers and committee chairmen of the Busi ness and Professional - Women's club of Woodburn held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Stange this week to se lect the standing committees for the year. Committees named are as follows: Public affairs, Mrs. Henry Stange, chairman, Mrs Clark C. McCall, Mrs. Elmer Mattson, Mrs. Walter -Miller, Mrs. Kenneth Fry. Finance, Mrs. Don Bell, chair man, Mrs. George Pardey, Mrs. Leland Plank, Mrs. John Dick son, Mrs. Sidney Cummings. Program, Mrs. O. J. Atkinson, chairman, Mrs. Thomas Guthrie, Mrs. Alice Rose Jones, Mrs. Thomas Baldwin, Mrs. Harold Steele. Membership, Mrs. Frank Bentley, chairman, Mrs. Nellie Muir, Mrs. M. D. Perd, Mrs. Gail Lansden, Mrs. Eugene Stoller. Legislation, Mrs. W. S. Scar borough, chairman, Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Miss Mabel Livesay. Mrs. Jessie Wageman, Mrs. Os car Larson. Education, Mrs. R. C. Equall, chairman, Mrs. E. F. Johnson, Miss Esther Johnson, Mrs. Ar chie Axtell, Mrs. Cyril McNary Hospitality, Mrs. Molly Hunt, chairman. Mrs. Henry Miller. Miss Hildegarde Dierkhising, Mrs. B. N. Miller, Mrs. Ray Glatt. Health and safety, Mrs. Ellen Swofford, chairman, Miss Gla dys Adams, Mrs. John Sheley, Mrs. George Timm, Mrs. George Barth. International relations, Mrs. Lafe Peterson, chairman. Mrs J. W. Richards, Mrs. Eleanor Vickers, Mrs. Kenneth Thomp son, Mrs. Oscar Blanchard, Mrs Frank Weise. Bulletin editor, Mrs. Sidney Cummings; scrapbook, Mrs. Nel lie Muir -.historian, Miss Mabel Livesay; publicity and music, Mrs. J. W. Richards. LEAVING today for their home in Madison, Wis. were Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Guild (Pau- lie Wallace) who have been vis iting the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. The couple plan to after completing summer ses. return to Salem in late Augustlsion at University ot Wisconsin J : i (mm m ...MAKES EVERY MEAl A PICNIC! 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 Men! Fine Speed Shorts 11MML) 34c Speci'ofy priced this week ony First Quality combed cotton speed shorts In a springy, comfortable Swiss rib knit. Taped front seams, all-around elastic waistband. All men's sires. Hurry Iht quantity is limittdl 2.98 Leather Playshoes OHE) 233 An extra special bargain . , . on that's almost unbe lievable! These are leather playshoes, a "find" even at regular price. Now they're sharply reducedl for this extraordinary sale. Ses our wide varietyl Sizes 4-9. Boys' Denim Sliorts.Knit Shirts l 97c Rg. 1.49 knit shirts or strip. d combed cotton. Reg: 1.39 boxer styl shortsi lastic woist, trim cuffs, bright red stitching. Durable, Sanforized faded blue cotton d.nim maximum shrinkag 1. 7 to 14. Curtain Materials Sale IJMML) 25- Sovlngi of Ue o yard rolly "odd up" whn you're making curtainsl lovely lac-lik n.ul Dainty checked voiles, som with colorl Fin rayon marquli.ii.il 39 to 48 In. widths. All fresh, n.w, real SUPER VA1UESI Bulk Vitalized Motor Gil Why pay 30c to 40c ttwhr for motor oil! Gt Words ViloliMd PREMIUM GRADE motor e l ot this tew pricl K.ps your motor clanr lasts longerl Stock up during this sal.. In your container. Tax Included. Ward Spark Plugs Reduced EHIEM) 29 NOW gt Wordt fomoui Riverside spork plugs ot this omaiing low price) GuaronrW to giv you prformonc quol to any plug r.oordl.is of price. You gt extra gas savings quicker starting. Sav 96e en a s.l of 4. SHOP WARDS TIL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT! P