Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 23, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
i 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thwuday, June 23, 1949
(Winners in
Golf Listed
' Winners at the woraen'i golf
dav Wednesday were as follows
'class B. Mr. Reynolds Allen;
! class B. Mrs. Reonlds Allen
t class C, Mrs. Glen Stevenson;
i class D. Mrs. Charles Musser.
1 Mrs. Kenneth K. Bell of Port-
. land was a guest.
Plans were announced for the
two-ball foursome event Sun
, day afternoon. Reservations!
! ahpuld be telephoned to either
Mrs. Reynolds Allen or Mrs.
I Robert Drager by Friday.
; Open House on
25th Anniversary
i. An open house will be held
' Saturday at the home of Dr. and
, Mrs. P. D. Baker, the event ob
serving their silver wedding an
niversary. Friends are invited
to call between 2:30 and S
o'clock and again in the evening
between 7:30 and 10 o clock.
Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. Fred
Humphrey, Mrs. George Seek,
Mrs. Harold McMillin, Mrs.
'Ralph DaMetz, Mrs. O. V.
Hume, Mrs. Sam Patrick, Mrs.
A. J. Crose and the couple's
ons, Paul, Mac, and George,
are to assist. Among out-of-town
guests will be Mrs. Baker's fa
ther, L. McCandless of Lincoln
Neb., who is observing his 99th
birthday, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
McCandless and daughter, Ma
rian, of Redondo Beach, Calif.,
and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Pearce
of Pendleton.
Christening Event
Christening ceremonies for
Thomas Rankin Needham, son
'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Need
ham, will be conducted Sunday
at 12:30 o'clock in the chapel of
St. Paul's Episcopal church, the
Rev. George H. Swift officiating.
Dr. Winfield Needham, uncle
of the little boy, and Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Buck of Portland,
lormerly of Salem, will be god
parents. The grandparents of
the little boy arc Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Needham of Salem, and
Mrs. W. C. Rankin of Portland
Also in the family is a sister,
Following the ceremonies an
Informal reception for members
of the family will be held at the
Needham home.
; LEBANON Mrs. Hazel Howe
of Lebanon, district president of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliaries in District 18, com
prising, Albany, Brownsville,
Corvallis, Philomath, Sweet
Home and Lebanon, left Tues
day for the state convention of
post and auxiliaries In Coos
She was aceompanied by Mrs.
Clarence Hull of Philomath, dis
trict senior vice president, and
Mrs. Cheater Haven, district
Junior vice president. Mrs. Hav
en will act as page for Mrs.
Stanley Tripp of Corvallis, who
Is now department senior vice
president, and ia being sponsor
ed for the office of president for
the coming year.
On Thursday, Mrs. Lethel Hoe
and Mrs. Gladys Landers of the
local auxiliary, left lor Coos
Bay, accompanied by Mrs. Leo
Clendenen, president of the
Sweet Home auxiliary.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Williams
will also attend the convention.
Mrs. Roe, Mrs. Landers and Mrs.
Williams are delegates from the
Lebanon auxiliary, and Mr. Wil
liams and George Roe are dele
fates from the Lebanon post
No. 1(172.
walls, ceilings,
rcol OIL point-.
'i fait it lotHl
Goet on over
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1 2 pretty colors.
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tot. IJnilHTsU
Miss Weisshaar
Recent Bride
Dayton At a J o'clock can
dlelight ceremony on Sunday
afternoon, June 12, at the Am
erican Lutheran church, in New-
berg. Miss Ruthena Weisshaar,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Weisshaar, of Newberg, was
wed to Irwin Reu, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Reu, of Dayton.
Rev. W. F. Fritz of Newberg of
ficiated at a double ring cere
mony. Miss Amy Lee, music in
structor at Linfield college,
played the wedding music. Miss
Patricia Everest of Newberg
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was gowned in a
satin brocade dress made with a
train. She wore a fingertip veil
held with a beaded crown. She
carried a white Bible and a
white orchid.
Miss Florence Reu, sister of
the bridegroom, was maid of
honor, and wore a gown of pale
pink organdy dotted with gold,
and carried a spray of pink car
The best man was Irwin Lentz
of Newberg.
The church altar was decor
ated with candleabrums and
pink roses and delphiniums. The
aisle was decorated with candle
tapers and gladioluses. The aisle
was covered with a white cloth.
Little Sandra Borgen, niece of
the bridegroom, was flower girl
and dropped pink rose petals
preceding the bride. She wore a
long dress of light blue taffeta.
Alvin Reu, brother of the bride
groom, and Ronald Bouder, the
bride's nephew, lighted the tap
ers and acted as ushers.
The bride's mother wore
black rayon dress with pink
carnation print and black acces
sories. The bridegroom's mother
wore a pale blue silk with white
accessories. The bridegroom's
grandmother, Mrs. Hattie Wish
was dressed in dark blue, and
all three had baby orchid cor
The reception was held in the
church parlors. The table, cov
ered with a lace cloth and bou
quets of sweet peas, was center
ed with a three-tiered square,
decorated wedding cake. Mrs. R.
A. Kessler, of McMinnville, the
bridegroom's aunt, cut the cake,
assisted by the bride's sister,
Mrs. L. Gaibler. Mrs. R. Schaal
and Mrs. E. Rammilard, the
bride's sisters, served the ices.
Mrs. Manley Borgen, sister of
the bridegroom, served at the
coffee urn, assisted by the
bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. B
Weisshaar. Mrs. M. Schaal and
Mrs. E. Remmilard and Miss
At JD Group
Miss Jean Herrig was installed
as honored queen of Salem
bethel No. 35, Job's Daughters,
Monday evening.
Those assisting were Miss
Marilyn Reay, installing queen;
Miss Anne Thompson, musician;
Miss Delores Kletzing, guide;
Miss Anne Baker, marshal; Miss
Margaret Ames, recorder; Miss
Adeline Smithson, junior cus
todian; Miss Allie Lou Ohling,
senior custodian; Miss Carolyn
Eckersley, chaplain.
Members of Chemeketa chap
ter, Order of DeMolay, perform
ed an impressive crowning cere
mony. Master Counselor Louis
Lorenz, placing the crown on
the newly installed queen's
Miss Delores Kletzing sang,
accompanied by Miss Anne
Thompson. Both are of Bethel
No. 34, Independence.
Those escorted were: Miss
Dorothy Davy of Bethel No. 3
Portland; Mr. Peterson, vice as
sociate grand guardian of Ore
gon, Portland; Mrs. Gladys Hale,
past grand guardian, Portland
Mrs. Claude Last, worthy ma
tron of Salem chapter, Order of
Eastern Star; Miss Gladys
Boock, Worthy Adviser of Rain
bow; Don Palton, royal patron
of the Order of Amaranth; Louis
Lorenz, master counselor of De
Molay; Jim Darby, dad adviser
of DeMolay, and the past honor
ed queens of Independence and
Salem bethels.
Mrs. Kehne Wain, past guar
dian, presented Miss Marilyn
Reay her past honored queen's
jewel. Miss Anne Gibbons pre
sented Miss Reay with a tiny
doll dressed as an honored
Miss Jean Herrig presented
gifts to her installing officers.
She introduced her family,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Herrig, brother Richard and
her aunt, Mrs. Herbert Thomp
son of Versailles, Indiana.
Following the installation
there were dancing and refresh
AN EVENT for Saturday eve
ning will be a no-host picnic
supper gathering at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Mur
phy. There will be 20 in the
Harriet Lentz had charge of the
gifts. Miss Joan Zemke had
charge of the guest book.
For traveling the bride wore
a brown suit with green acces
sories. The bride is a graduaf.
from Newberg high school class
of 1948. The bridegroom is a
graduate of Dayton high school
class of 1941. After a short wed
ding trip they will make their
home in Dayton in the house
previously occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Everett McReynolds. Mr.
Reu is an aircraft mechanic at
the McMinnville airport.
fust lOVf,
,oh ru. twit
m i i1 1 in i J s:fc'. iianiii tiiaf ss Mifc. , - - - - ,1 in 1
Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson were mar
ried May 27, the bride being the former Jean Osborn. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Osborn of Buena
Vista, Mr. Anderson the son of Mrs. Detmer Haesloop. (Mc
Ewan studio picture)
Saturday Evening at Church
The marriage of Miss Barbara Dillon, daughter o' Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert S. Dillon, to Donald LaVern Thorn, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Thorn, was solemnized Saturday evening at an 8
o'clock ceremony in the Carrier room of the First Methodist
church, Dr. Daniel Schulze officiating.
Gladioluses and sweet peas
decorated the room for the serv
ice. Winton Zimmerman sang
and Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr., was
at the piano.
Candle lighters were Miss
Glenda Fox and Miss Barbara
Jo Garner.
The bride wore a gown of
white slipper satin designed
with lace yoke. The fingertip
veil was arranged from an or
ange blossom headpiece. For her
flowers the bride carried Ru
brum lilies and bouvardia.
Miss Beverly Fox was maid
of honor. She wore blue taffeta
and her flowers were a bouquet
of gladioluses and bouvaria.
The bridesmaids were Miss
Jacqueline St. Clair, wearing
yellow taffeta, and Miss Mary
McConnell, wearing pastel
Ladies Print and
Cotton Skirts
Sizes 12 to 20
Girls' Denim Jeans
Sizes 8 to 14 2.98
Sizes 8 to 14 . 2.49
Sizes 4 to 7 - 1.98
Navy, faded blue, red, turquoise.
Nationally Advertised Brands-
Wedding is
green taffeta. Both carried nose
gays of sweet peas.
Robert Thorn was best man
for his brother and the ushers
were Roy Hutchinson, Cecil
Cerr, Ammon Adams and Ger
ald Dillon.
A reception followed the serv
ice. Mrs. John St. Clair cut the
cake, assisted by Mrs. Vivian
Burton. Mrs. Olen Cannoy, aunt
of the bride, presided at the cof
fee urn and Miss Mildred Ging
rich was at the punch bowl
Passing the dream cakes was
young Miss Judy Alder. Assist
ing in serving were Miss Larea
Heinricks, Miss Donna Keth
cart, Mrs. Clifton Boehmer, Mrs.
Howard Blankley, Miss Jean
Hordone, Miss Loita Triplett.
For traveling the bride wore
Summer is bursting out at
Vacation Values!
Pedal Pushers
Sizes 10 to 20 '2.98
Sixes 7 to 14 $2.49
Size 3 to 6X $1.98
Faded blue, red, turquoise,
navy and black.
Shower on
Tuesday Eve
Mrs. Frank J. Healy was host
ess Tuesday evening at a party
and shower for Mrs. Richard
Miss Corinne Wade, who is to
be married July 15 to Richard
Kuhn of Portland, also was hon
ored, a surprise box being pre
sented her.
In the group for the party
were Mrs. Zahradnik, Miss
Wade, Mrs. Robert Persons, Miss
Charlene Webb, Miss Harriet
Huston, Mrs. Pauline Tidwell,
Mrs. Gladys Boyce, Miss Joyce
King, Mrs. Patricia McCloskey
Miss Maxine Werner, Miss Jo-
Ann Keeker, Mrs. Charles
Stewart, Miss Sharon Hoxie,
Mrs. Lenore Naughten, and Mrs.
Reception for
Anniversary Duo
On Sunday afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Strausbaugh are to be
honored on the occasion of their
silver wedding anniversary, an
informal reception to be given
at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cla
rence Paul Kuper. Friends are
invited to call between 2 and S
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Strausbaugh and brother, Don
ald Strausbaugh of Longview,
Wash., will assist.
The Strausbaughs lived in Sa
lem until December when they
moved to Longview.
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson
recently of 265 South 19th street,
Salem, will celebrate their gol
den wedding on Sunday, June
26, at their home in Corvallis,
333 North 38th street.
Open house will be between
2 and 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are
the parents of six children, all
of whom will be present.
a blue gabardine suit with white
accessories. Upon their return
the couple will be at home in
West Salem.
f f imMHsWOAt with
Summer is here again and Metropolitan is filled with eye-catching,
value-packed styles for vacation wearing. With beaches, lakes,
mountains and rivers all beckoning you to come don't fail to be
ready. Shop Metropolitan today for fashion-right vacation values
that mean extra vacation spending money for you.
GERVAI8 Mrs. Paul George
of Donald entertained the Junior
Woman'! club at her home Fri
day evening with 11 members
present. Plans were made for
a picnic the members will hold
at Settlemier park, Woodburn,
July 13. The club will continue
meetings during the summer
season and the next meeting will
be with Mrs. Carl Leonhart of
Star Adjourns
Until September
Chadwick chapter. No. 37,
Order of the Eastern Star, met
for the last session before the
summer recess, Tuesday eve
ning. The past worthy grand
matron, Mrs. Paul Hauser, and
Rex Davis, past worthy grand
patron, were introduced. Mrs.
Dean Omans, who acted as a
grand page at the grand chapter
in Portland last week, was also
introduced and honored.
Reports of the grand chapter,
were given by Mrs. W. L. Lewis,
Mrs. Earl Wiper, Mrs. Elsie
Kidwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Johnston, as well as by the
worthy matron, Mrs. D. M. Eby,
and worthy patron, Jason Friz
zell. All those whose birthdays oc
cur in June, July and August
were honored with a gift from
the worthy matron. Refresh
ments were served in the dining
room. The tables were arranged
with bouquets of blue hydran
geas flanked by white tapers
in crystal holders. Serving on
the dining room committee were
$$ MONEY $$
4H Real Estate Loans
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Girls' Whit
BrnnHrlorli Blrmcee WV
Colored end eyelet
Cotton Shorts
Sizes 12 to 20. 1.98
Sizes 7 to 14 - 1.69
Sizes 3 to 6X - - 98c
Faded blue, red, turquoise.
Shop Our Complete
Women's Ready-to-Wear Dept.
for Many More Remarkable Values
to moke your Vacation Perfect!
Salemites at
Regional Meet
Two Salem women are attend
ing the Northwest Regional con
ference of Delta Kappa Gamma,
national honor society for
women teachers, being held this
week at Glacier hotel at Glacier
Park, Mont.
Mrs. Carl V. Booth and Miss
Mathilda Gillcs are the two dele
gates from here, representing
Delta chapter of the society.
Mrs. Booth is the state treas
urer for the group and Miss
Gilles is evaluator for the con
The two are to return to
Salem, Friday.
MR. AND MRS. Joseph M.
Devers, Jr., are being congrat
ulated upon the birth of a in,
Joseph M. Devers, III, at Salem
General hospital, Wednesday
morning. Also welcoming the
new arrival is a sister, Paula
Jane Devers. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers, Sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weid
mer all of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Crawford, and
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Eades.
The chapter will not meet
again until September 6.
In Person
and His Wranglers
Northwest's Favorite
Western Dance Band
Stan of KWJJ and KVAN
One Night Only
Saturday, June 25
Dancing 9 to 1 A.M.
American Legion Post 33
Till ii imTin
171 S. Liberty
Just South of State
Jewelry Dept.
Main Floor