22 Capital Journal, Salen, Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 19491 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pt Lint .15 Per Lin I time 44 Far Uot time . .60e Per Lin 1 month 12 M Outside af Salem 15e per tin per da. ma. Met S tlmu nln time Bin 1120 No Refund BRADtBS Im UciJ New CoL Clolrt Par tin -o T PIecb bo Ad Phon 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Newly rrkcorted ft rm. Modern houae. Price $4500. Pn. 1-7847. a 149 BY OWNEB;3 Bd7m. liw home. 24b Alice Ave. Pn. 344ua. a to SALE: 2 bedroom house completely furnished, elr u.c sto.e, rein. In cluded. Capilola add, I. on, bus service. 14500. Wilt accept late m-xle! cir U part equity. Ph. 20079 ev.nlm.-s a.!4 St" OWNER: Large nnuM, 8 rm. down, S up. 4 lots, fruit to nut un-a. Could be made Into pt. Price I4U00. Mr. Back Schell, P. O. Bm 235, Oervals. tOB BALE nV OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home.F H A- term. $7o down. Pmme 1-2880. r ROOM HOUSE on lot 7Kxl20. HI elec tric. W block from bus. fly owner. Pt. 93797. '" li:avici for oalij-ornta SAORinCE NEW 4 BfcURQOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down, Hardwood floors throuKh out. frull pla' tered garage. Lota ol sioraae j)a-e Terraced back yard. Cost .over no, 000 to build. Will tell for III. 900, come term. Also will consider chiVj-r house ta trade For more inlormatiurKjnqulre At Stevens Used Cars, 678 S. 12tn m al54J CANDALARIA, a rxlrm. home. Ur owner 220 Canoaiarl Blvd. Ph. 31241. 1C1- BY OWN tit: Em. style 8 rm. hse. a BR, brk. ok.. F.C.B., auto oil, 1860 So. HUh Phone 38788. alfl' WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Hearlr new home. Full basement. Fire ptaoe In basemt-nl Ar. living rm. Larue lot. P.enty shrub to flower Over 1.40") It floor apace. Besld-a garage. Immed. poss. Price low. For appointment Pn 3-3734. 6y OWNER. Hollywood dial. 3 BR, ranch type. 795 South St. 14!i fsl&O. 6m. Hse. 2 B R. 1 dn.. 1 up. kitchen. L.R., DR., excellent location on paved road. Drilled well. Jet pump. Keiaer uii. 250 Dn. f.Hto or best cash offer. Very nice 1 BR Mnmi unf. a l Lie. b&senunt. L H.. B N Pull bath, hwd. firs., auto lurn. a lots located Kelzw Dim. on paved ro. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. One 8. Olson C R Rickard 065 Chemawa Hd,. 4 Ml. w. Keiecr ecu Phone 1-1380 or 2-4312 a 149' lU.IWm Nice large home-4 bd. rm., den, full basement, dole. gar. Near III A Parrlsh schools. iia.lMW Lovely new 3 bd rm. home on Fairmount Hill, fireplace. Hdwd. lira., patio, la rue lot. Cull Harvey Huif. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor! 341 Chrmeketa St Ph. 3271 ivea. 39441 149 DRIVE BY 1220 So. 14th Mn-et. then call to look at l hts nice 2 B It. home ano itra lot for only ll'.onno. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors Ph. S4707 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS BOOM plastered hou. Lame llvinw rm Cement basement; and-.-l lurnare. Clne to bus. school and store. Emrlewoutt DL-;t. Price Jtuf.0 907.Y PHAf-rirAI.I.y NEW 2 tvlrm home. Hlw. Ilonris; elec. heal; iiiMilut d. La rue ganie. Good locution N.E Pavd street Price only llilllio, HlflHION BOTTOM 26 A. turin. 20 A aultlvated: about 3 A. timber. Bum II lake. 6 rm. plnMered hou.te. Htirn. chicken house. Tractor and al indi gent lnclucb'd In price of I IS. 000. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors 944 Slate 8t. Ph. )-3frt3 veninti; 2-4007, 3-4510, r 2-8in:i H. OF SALEM, 3 A., all under cultiva tion. Hi 2 bedroom culture, liHll), liv id I room, kltrlien, Vj mile to grade achool, htwh cliool bus. t.'i2."i0. BEDROOM home in N K Bulem, witli lVi bath, living room, dlnlnit room, kitchen, flrri'lnce. auioniHtiC otl hfiit, double Rarafie. Cloe to achools and bus. 112. hoo. UBUKBAN EAST PlaMrred 1 b-'droom iiome. bath. l;in room, dinina room, kitchen, flrrpl.m-, auioniHtlc otl fur nace, unliriuihul alHc. atiached aur as. Near schools and xt block t bus I79SO P. II. Boll, Realtor 3fil Clirnukeia St Jh. 1-1645, 3-4a!ifl, Eics. 3-fluSfi aH'.i f OWNFR: PiuhII hou.-ce tolie movni irmi to hnth. C -rnrr of Hold w ind Dr A Sunny Ue w Ave. Ht. a. B.- ur WFT KI KM Alt modern 3 ixiim. ImiiiuhUw built 3 t New 3(J4 ft. k h r. Iiauittl bill iml In lhed (":o.-e to scli. h is .V (cirr.- Own r aaiit. pl.iie in ri-antv, a cxd Ui ae for J:V.HD. Hot HP AND 2 lO'lS Very clinn 2 bdrm lioinr u 1 !i lxi,-e alt ' Jil.st b.en rehired (l.Hnt). t'nl Hoi Clei Walter Musp-ave lu'altor 1)11 Miri er l'!i J M0''. E 14.' CLOSE 111 m-w Vi.'-iw.: c in. c. M...:r 2 Ixlrm. l..(e-ti : i- H,i tU.- 1 , bajunirnt. Il.'aiK f i' v I'n'i ,! ... n u Ilium d. pi-. tin C.i'leriin Aw. I'.i a-.s;tin tds. a' ii- Inolfwooo 7i.':i vh "in" scmi-oi l-eavinir town, iii-i.--t ,-'. ; u ,.u 2 Ixlrm. home. F i'Luiv ' h tuts, mmti hdwd tin. Klowrs ,v .-'iiiiK- Kil ou sliculd see. li.H'.'t del.iv! T ( lfllh. tuner til.i1- St.w t t',tmh,.ii e ;;'n ,:: n M imviR o,-k N'nii. ii. n ru a : 1 l)T OWMK- J I .rue. li-i:: i,, irees. M.n0 I'. J.i t l.ts i, ' ; -r- Small Pown rayinent M"ir In A cnn'.elr. I'r.in hii A w i: teta rounhed in w.-s: l i!nn. An. t.n h A. ifKl s-t: Kill p: . e !. ',tl. ( W. Reeve, Realtor 45 S Cimni I. I'!v 3 . f t 3 i ?:()() Down ( W. Reeve. Realiur 19 C.niiiii !. I i ,14 -,(. Km'. : i ' ' ! Tetl:t v' U - t t phi, n n t t Win a Guest Ticket to See Champion AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE 1IKKE ARE Tlir. RULES: Rtad the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture comuiK soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad In which the picture tiile appear and ac company it with a simple state mrnt.. of 23 words or less on "Whv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing afldre,s.s, and deliver nr mull to the Capitol Theater boxofiice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and oriinalltv. The THRKE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of fciieM tickets to see "Champion" coming soon to the Ei.sinaie theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges Is final. FOR SALE HOUSES CELEBRATE THE 4TH IN A NEW HOME and we list a few food buys with low dewn payments, balance line rent. I4.S00 and 3 bdrois. Modern, lie. lot. Nice lawn. North 1 mlk. I&riOO. Just Off State. 1 BR. llv., nook, kit., fireplace, a cuie little bungalow partly furnished, tinrio down. t.3(rf. Hub. north. 2 BRs. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Plaster. Close store, school, a real buy. Ilfi'to dovn, 140 month. J4000. New 2 bdrm. modern rue. loc. In In dependence. Over 4000 sq. ft. floor space. 11000 down and move In. WE HAVE OTHERS E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'I. KIN(;WOOD HTS. 2 bdrm. home, bane ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two fire-, places New carpetlns. F.H.A. Call own er 3-8542. a.160 itV OWNFrT3 Rm. House, unfinished but livable, Va acre, 12250. 1200 Dn. Phone 2(50)0. a 150 NORWAY ST. Here Is a comfor table small home, Ideal for cuutl. Livina room, dim tte, bedroom, kltch-n ami room suitable for den or small bedroom. Lame bedroom finished in knotty pine in varAxe. AIao utility room with Bendix washer. Nice fenced yard. This Is an except tonally food bur at 6,S00. Severin Realty Company WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BKDHOOM HOMES H.W. floors, furnace. UT room. ar ave. larxe lot. paved St., city water, scwrr, hu. Low as 1250 down. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate miM. ALMOST new 5 rm. houAe. 2 bdrm. down Unfinished Uitalrs. Corner lot fenced In. Furn. or unfurn. Ph. 3-S3"3 al51 HI OWMR: 16700 F II. A. Modern 3 bdrm. Ven. bi. ml, auto, heat, att. ar., near bus and schools, fi nied back yard, price redmul hplnw K H A P!'!r. W .1 tske car fl down paimtit. Ph. S-ctAS. al51 si.'iito I'Asil or trade. 4 nn house. Full tiii.ienitiil. bath both floors, newly dec orated. Oil limine. Good locution. On bus line. Ltirne lot. UtriOD. Fiu-y terms It ml burn ill 11. M II Steiiner, mm N C'oltaKe. Tel. 3-4im al,M NEATrcUTlO'ND WELL BUILT Here la a 3 bdronm buiiKalnw located on N. lAth fit , strictly modern thru-out: elec. heat , Insulated . nice new lawn. K m Ir wood school district; lame lot FHA. term. Price 110.500. Call- Mattson & Rothlin HEAL ESTATE Ph n-hnn aai n. High Even. Ph. J-7M4 . 3-1724 3-7431 CHECK THESE TODAY :dOO-l BR, L R., Kn. to Bnth Ishoweri. Terms S2Mt--ioml small home Plastered. 4 rms. A- ti.U h .e tills one. MM) Older, yet suhslnntlal 4 bedrooms. 1 down. 3 uo. Plastered home. A Rood biiv. R7S0 l.iely new I RTI home Hreulace. Lit. I1H, Kn, Wall-to-wall car- let. Terms to anil '1940 - Mir. year old ranch I vpe home 3 It It on one floor Att. Oflrane. .M0(1 down, bul F H 4'. SALEM REALTY CO. SMW I1N S-HIt lionip l.naied 1W N J t rf Iniineiii.iiF ins.-'ssinn II tiOii do ii f.i'l Wlitiilev 111 ii w ii w :i h Slate Einanee Co., R'Hors r:t a. nu-h hi. imi. a-4Ui Kvt-s. a-s.si a I ;J .ViHt. I aH!t home closp In on Oak st II i, i ir.riit llM1.t' li.irn Lame hl ;mi .ton It il nice t.U mr mo State Kiiiiiiiee Co., R'Hors! -"J ft, Itl.'li S'. Ih. 3-H.'l. Fes. 3 ' I $1,000 DOWN 1 ,N w 3 lulrm h,.ue nn tiied sf Tllv j 'A .it, I 1 ,.t IUV.J. (1,i,., .-l.e looms 1 H ';" H,i! CiHits.ii't at 1', I ("has Minikins Son tl I M -s HlKCt S o n.-r to .. i: MiU at j im !...., . ,--r ti,si Oh, !llHN. DM I Ml UN : Ii.Imii .lomr Wil s ii v i"i ' nitV 'n T:m' j ! OPEN lUH'SE I'rtiin 7 to in Evenings ! N r W 2 liDli.M luniK iim n, dining loom, lut'.tkf.ivt tinnk. kitclifti. nt il r ,im! nt. trln,! t-iioc l..in .1 . ,.ts 2- ,1, l(Vtl I." Ih'.ll FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS DUPLEX Both un!ta front on paved street la cood location, t brms. each, llvini room, dinette, utilities, fine kitchen, brand new and ready for top rental. Call Roy Feiru. No. 3 BUSINESS ZONE 3 loU located I. on tracks. 117il24 ft. A barialn at 1,100. Fine warehouse site. Beautiful residential view lot tn iMtrlcWd area. See this lot before you bur. WiU take new ear In trade. Call O. H. Orabenhorst, Jr. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES An unusually fine home, spacious, sunken ltv, rm., large din. rm, I bedrms. and den, triple plbc, hot water oil heat, dble. laraie, Seat location In town. Call Peter OeUer. GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Sundaya and Iveninu Call Ror Per rU 3-8010 Peter H. Oeuer 3-iWM Earl West 3-1232 BEAUTIFUL NEW 8 BEDROOM RANCH TYPE HOME Weather stripped and fully Insulated with fiber flaas. Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, automatic elec. heat. Lara view windows, double iar ae, cement drive, automatic washer A dishwasher, lawn, shrubs, trees already in. Lane lot and large, deep well, pump. This house lot cost 112.000 to build. My job has been transferred, will sell this week for 19,600.00. Real tood terms. 437 ILLINOIS - OFF FOR SALE LOTS IHMHI. HtA! TIH I, Dish. view, building sites. N. end C rot an Canyon. Abundi spr. water. About I A. Ivan Martin 2-4419. aaljO1 LOTS Any sire In fine residential district New additions to citr above W. Salem on the hill or south In Salem Hts. district Priced to sell. Eisr terms. Call owner, Earl Helder. Dayi call 23484, evt. 33981 aal49 FOR SALE FARMS in A. STOCKED A tUl'IPPED. You can t find In the whole Valley any deal to equal this! Loc. a few miles from good town, mail, milk 4c school buses by i -door. Attractive 7 rm. hse., mod. conv.; food burn. 250 cap. poultry hse., sprinft & creek water. Cows, horse, tractor At poultry Incl. at Hft00. ACT NOW! HEAKT OF VALLEY'S BEAN A CORN LAND. Out of slate owner says "Bell my equity at once." This 84 A. Is rich dark loam, complete lrng. rights. Loc. 2't miles from school & mkt., not far from Salem. Lite, pia.st. hse., ired for eiec. rut., tuxnu Darn, ssxiau purr, diok Come In, we'll mak: a bargain of this SI HI RHAN M A ON PVMT. Ideal home sites. Koadi on 2 sides. Good prod, loam In variety fruit ArQ nuts. So close In so low priced. 13000. VEHY LriTLE DN Easy terms. HAHOAIN HI NTIN(ir Oo to SclO. Get 27 A. with Ike. r. stream. Good bottom loam and lots of pasture. Woven win fence. Good 2 BR home, bath, pltry. hse. 9 stanch, b.irn. Rum on highway. He dlleed to sell. H.MI0 PRIVATE WEEK-END RETREAT. i charming, restful 20 A. spot. Off the beaten path, but only a few miles from valley town. Rustic, roomy 3 rm. hse. extra "BueM" tise. Electricity. Spark, Idk yr, round stream by door. Woven wire fenced. Your deal for only 13500. Enny terms. (PH. Sure, we can take your Salem property on trade.) Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Lutings Personal Service 164 8. Com 1 St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 bl51' YOU NEED LOOK NO FURTHER ir ven want a r'fl! nice 48 A. farm. Tins place Is a dandy. All In crops, Modern 2 BR. home, all furnished. All machinery to crop ao with the farm too. This, farm should sell to the first one shown. The Wife will really like this. Shou n by appointment only. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone 3-Sfi4l 86 A. FARM. Will take trade. Inq. 607 N capuoi Apt. o. b!49 Suburban 21 A. 9 bdrm. home. Larue LR. fireplace, DR, 8 nook, Dble. plumbinK. B.-mt. Good trout stream. Family orchard. Herrles. C. W. Reeve, Realtor FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRE. 4 rm. unf In. hse. Small barn, strawberries Ac raspberries, 14250. 1420 Candlewood drive. bb!49 ACHES with S00 feet hlway frontage on So. 99. Older type homo with out bulUiinus, fruit and shade trees. 14960 Phone 2-8110. bbl51 S ACRES Attractive new uncompleted cottaae In pretty WOODED SETTING N E of Salem. fffOOO. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate - Ph. 3-B835 bi14 acheagesTcl7osein 0 A All. In cult and crop. No bides. Good bids. site. 13000. Small down pay ment A. NORTH Small modern house. Paved highway 4J:.o U IT. MtONTAOB close in on Silver- ton hw v. Small clean plastered house. Uleal hiLi property only l.vsuii. A CLOSE in suburban. Excellent FHA hoiLie Hasement, oil furn.. parly room l"i:v bus ai door 1mm. possession. ! 3 son li K. MEKEDITH. Rciiltor or B. M MASON REAL ESTATE :i ciioick "huys" Subdivision Property Id Ai res Portend rd front aae Ftcep 1 1'iis nice J hiti m. home to out -bidos. W.ll i mis di-r aood home in trade Suburban .VS .irs Oo.hI :! Hcaui ,f ule 3 b,irm ir ulei o liotni' Pontile ii.rae New p'H h.l.." Wi.l ciin.-uter tifliiinn lor income luoi'i-rv r.,n Mr. N.vnc'ie.vter. II. E. Corey. Real Estate !. N Ri.fft.n Th 3-OS13 Kir l"i 3 OliU or 3.18: c!4J P.EST BUYS Fx'ia s;oi!a' ti"w h.'.i.-e WeaMirr strir- 1 ii m ir )': . i at r well Corner lot Ke .! !,.-. !. 1-fiMi Cm be FHA or Ore am r.l !iirtn,r owner must jei;. F' e ' "".S700 DOWN 1 miir.is V-rv close in N F M.h1- ero ,.;,vr twr 4 b.hm lh.ii.-e :n'iie,t i'vr,i loin; im,- t.nlv F'-e P i I-fU 'l or J t" FARMS tuMt dour 30V with miVern ? bdtm i." P.vj.. in one Uo.m b-n T.ol puce "4P0 re. Ph "bargains M ,'.'il vou like to hae 1 ! A with ' ii o'.lcr tMe house trcv well ' ,!',. rmnd to house Close to i' l !inl:n center Hjmi A' ctuck- : F. r r-e-ii do n, Hal tn per i" rr i.-'Vc Ff Ph S-94i3 or l l-aak X Co. Realtors 1M B. High 1 IFOR SALE HOUSES BROS., REALTORS Office Phona 3-1471 CENTER STREET REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS HOME WITH EXTRA KITCHENETTE Near Leslie school, good prewar home, t bdrms. down, 1 bdrm. with kitchenette up. Hdwd. firs., V. blinds, wtr. Mr., at tached gar,, paved St., sm lot, Ideal spot for teacher to friend. Only 16300. EQUIPPED GARAGE, SERVICE STATION to TWO HOMES This U an ideal opportunity for service station operator it auto repair man. Buy jointly or buy sub lease. All new equipment, ideal location for expand ing business. Can be handled with only $4400. OUTSTANDING 110 AC. FARM All in cultv. No better looking crop anywhere. Wheat, oats, vetch, barley to Hummer fallow. Water under pressure to Louse to barn from good spring. Also creek to b ac. pasture. Good mod. B rm. home. 3 baths, Lice, good barn. New 40x20 chicken hse., new brooder hse. Le. hog hse. On paved rd. Priced only 120.000 with all crops. II you are Interested in a good farm don't fail to see these crops. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Persona) Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. Huh Ph. 3-4622. cl49 Homeseekers Agency Specials RENT HEATER 4 rooms to bath, electric ramie, electric water heater, oil circ ulator, S blocks from high school, full price. 12,200. HKHE'ti a dandr. about ' acre on creek, mod. ft rm. home, with basement, plast ered, automatic hot water etc., much better than you would expect for 34.750. CLEAN two bdrm. mod. home, wired for range, electric wter, heater, nice (rounds and trees, few blocks from high school. 14,300. A VEHY good 6 rm. to bath, full basement, plastered, etc.. fine large lot, well lo cated. This property la well worth the price of $8,000. i0 ACRES close in on paved road, nearly all cultivated. 1 rm. mod. home In A-l condition, newly decorated throughout, very good barn, several chicken houses, etc , reduced for a short time to 11.500. SOMEONE will get a bargain on this. 46 acres, close in. nearly all cultivated. 4 bdrm. home, equipped poultry aet-up, 7.000 capacity, will sell all farm equip ment with place, must be sold account Illness, look It over and make us an of fer. 70 ACRE valley farm, about H cultiv ated, 4 acres strawberries. Includes tractor, etc., B rm. modern home, good sifted barn, two chicken houses, etc., lols of fruit. Monitor area. 115,400. We have many other listings. Write for our sale list. Before you sell ret. or buy contact the Homeseekers Agency Silverton. Oregon cl49 George W. Hubbs Co. J. Zeeb, Mgr. 1853 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-3031 UNFINISHED house on 3't acre with good view. In good district, lust off 09E hiway Good 100' well. May exchange for 1 or 2 bdrm. house on acreage. 13 300. 1 ACRE with 2 bdrm. bung.. LR. K, b in. bath. Oaraue. Very good location, corner lot on Lancaster Drive. Will exchange for about 10 to 30 acres with good soli to good house. 16850. 00 ACRES all stocked A equipped 50 acres in cultv. With 4 bdrm house. Priced at l500 lncl. 10-20 McCormlck Deerlng tractor, new cover crop disc A; ate. 8 stanchion barn Incl. 5 cows to 3 calves. 3 horses Ar model A Pfc ton truck. Elec. water system. I ACRES on well travrled hiway. good lo cation, close in. Uttiiry for subdivision. 3 acres berries. Contact us for more In formation. AUTO COURT with cabins, 3 cottaaes. 3 sleeping rooms, living quarters. Bus de pot .t rr.-tnurant Very nice picnic groumiM w:th a 40x60' building all miHlern Lois of shade trees. Would con sider house or acreatce in trade. For more inlormalion see one of our sales men 2 HOMEN on lane lot. Use one as your own home, to othr. as Income fo 150 per nut One house has HW floors. plasterea nice K. ut lllty room. Other hou-e has 3 bdrm LR. UK. K, lot of bins, double garaae. A real buy at 0 000. Evening ph : BEST BUYS 4 BKOROOMS Older i vip home tn a select location Wxikiiu itbtiiiir from State House. l'i uai is very erun Will exclinti c foi uial value :n suo irhs Tola! prcie oni lMM E e Ph 2H4 73 or HaS". I7MKI BARGAIN New close :n N Elec. heat, attached garnie, prh ate well, corner lot. Wei: worth the money. Eve. Ph. 30471 er KINO WOOD Select view, about 8 enr old Good condition Owner leaving c;tv. Hrdu:ed to mo0 Reasonable Piter accepted. E'.e Ph. 2071 or 11 FARMS 30 ACRES SHect view, choice bu.ldng site tf u are .ooium for suburban acreage f'oe to Salem t:ils u it A bargain tor 180H0 Term l.'-O t rterr trees. 10 apple. n war and Jo prune tree. tte. Ph. 3940J or J)5ol. 5 ACHFS EAST Almost new 4 rm house Excellent soil, choice for berries Onlv 15 minutes from downtown. Well worth 16000 Would ex chanae for city home with 3 or 8 bed rooms Eve Ph. .111403 or 31 ". Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor ei HI Rt IT I New 8 room home on a looxioo ft vicx lot 1 nice bedrooms I had. floors tlirii-oiit. f trmtace. e;ec heat, only 110.000. Ha an 18 000 FHA at per mo ;NFAR I, V.st, IE JR. HIGH 1 bedrm fng stile home Willi full basmt. pew oil j furnace, larae llv. rm to d rm.. fireplace Geo. A. Walters. Realtor A R Commercial j Phone 2H48 Ite. 3 MOO , ciso , tlntM New 3 bed rm home with stairs to atltc sina'.e a a rage, terms air.ww Fx.ur bed rm home, double gar aae. baths, on 4 acre, only 8 yrs od Call Ian 8nt. Civo. A. Walters, Realtor Photie 3314 FOR SALE HOUSES MANBRIN Beautiful I Bed Room Home. Large Dinlnc Room and Roomy Kltehen. and Air Condition. Lane Oarage. Paved street, bus kr door. This will SEE A. W. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and Hub 8la. Ftenlnr REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WI ARB in need ol good houses to eel In or near Salem If you wlsb to list rour property for sale aeo GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 0 Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ea NOTICE! If your property ta tor tale, rent or eichanga, list It wttb us We bave all kinds of cash Outers tTATB FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Trading Corner NO. 1 0 ACRES HOP FARM. Good around. Owner retiring, want city home. NO. I 70 ACRES GOOD DIVERSIFIED farm. Owner wants city home. NO. a M ACRES OCT HOWELL Prairie way. Exceptionally good building to land. Owner wants city Income property. NO. 4 HOME. OIL STATION. GARACF Owner wants small suburban acreage. WE HAVE A COMPLETE farm to city loan service. 4 to 5 Interest. Your own terms within reason. Financing arrang ed or above deals. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N Cap.tol Ph. 3-8210. ebl49- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCH COUNTER Oood location. 1375 dn. will handle. 1445 N. Commercial. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2oQ7 N- Capita St. Office F'.. 2-3862. Eves. 3-3147 or 3-8836 cdl51 3 HOUSES at Nekcott to trade for Salem bust, property. Will sell on very easy terms. INCOME property, 6 rentals. 1237 per mo. Will net 13';- on Price of 117.000. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING property for sale or will pccepl good home or bus. in trade. 5 INIT apt. tn W. Salem, this really Is good, all elec . very low overhead. 131.000 APT. HOUSE on hte coast, shows very good Income, auto heat. 26.5O0. S BTORY BRICK APT. HOLME. 16 units mostly furnished, brick to tile garages, very best of location, let us show you the figures on this. $82,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Com 1 St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 cdl5l- WANT TO RETIRE? SEVEN APTS, SIX BATHS. VERY WELL FURNISHED. ABOUT 14300 00 INCOME PER YEAR. TRADE YOUR HOME IN AS DOWN PAYMENT. PRICED RIGHT OWNER PHONE 2-1744. cdl49 HIGH NET RETURN Illness forces sale well furnished 15 room apartment house. 5 rentals plus large owner's apartment. Owner re ports 15 i NET Income on low price of 116.500. Strout Realty tBI 8. 12th St. Ph. 35323 Fl'RNISHED office space on mesranlne with ground floor display window if wanted. Call 3-4010. cdl49 HAVE INCOME PROPIRTL in Corvallls 2 blocks from college, to trade for 2 or 3 bedroom home in Salem. Write Rich ard Hill, 2019 Van Buren, Corvallls. cdlSO FOR SALE OR TRADE by owner, 13 unit apt. court. New. electric heat, electric ranges, refrig. Income 1720 per mo. Will take approx. 125,000, apply at li'iS Mc Coy. Siiiem. rdl49 RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN to service this territory with Nationally Advertised Product. We place vending machine. You Service. Full or part time. Steady week ly Income. 1725 inft-stmeni. Fully se cured. Box 422 Capital Journal. rdl5l REST Al'R ANT Fountain, fullv eqpt Fstab. 10 yrs. Several million dollar pro tect .lust starting, living qtrs. Very rea sonable, t42.r0.00. Mill City Cafe, Mill City. Oregon. Cdl50 NEW SERVICE Station, repair shop and trailer park, for sale or trade for home in or near Salem. 70 Eaton St . Leb anon Ph. 1862. rd!50 COMPLETE sun equipment and stock for Tune-up Shop. Everything brand new Has other Interest. Phone 3-9H00, 8 em to 5 p m. or 2-7664 evemna. Ask lor Tom. edl49 A Stl ALL fountain lunch. First class equipment. Cash or terms. Not able to run. Must sell in b days. See owner at City Hall. West Salem. cdl49 Sli,7.n, over IJ.iO mo. inc. plus llv. rm.. f-plc . din rm . ktt.. nook. pvt. bath for oner Apts are furn.. full bam.. hot wtr. ht.. hollow tile con's N:ce trees & shrubs, Lot 100x150. Ph. 26680 112.S00, HOLLYWOOD DI8T. 1105 mo. inc. from 2 apl's plus 1. ltv rm . din. rm.. f-plc kit., nook 2 br.. pvt bath for owner, nice outside f-plc Trees to shrubs, full basm . oil ht Wa'.'s A ceiling are insl. Pn 3H680 EI). LUKINBFAL HEAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St Cd'52" IJT.500 CLEANING AND-PRESSING Tii.s L a good one Everything m iop cond Busl. show tne a:eady increase Ph 36680 TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP This tavern loc. at junction of 2 good hi-ways had gross sales of 1100 000 last yr is listed at over 130.000. but reas onable offer will be cons. Ph. 260. El) Ll'KINHEAL RF AL FPTATK 440 N. 14th St. edlS2" SERVICE station for lease with In ven- ! lor and equipment. Hoi W wood district United Petroleum Call EAnt 1106 Port- 1 land. Ask for Ur Moore or Ur Svkes FOB IT Fseparte tm. 660 q ft ' t:oor space. 12th St. Paint Sliop, lOflr- j FURNITURE FOR SALE UNP tINTI O furniture, cUveout prices WOOLiKOW'8. Center St d "AUCTION" FRIDAY-" .IUXK 24.8 P. M. TRADKR LOUIE 3055 Portland Road WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I JFRHETCOWrmilkin "3 "galVery gen il. Can m::k from either stde Also s' mo. old calf Geo L. S.iei'.ey. Rt. 1, box 1 19 On Clave rd etM LIVESTOCK WANTED n NTrr Good "you ne milk ioat2M0 Bummai Bt. Ph. UU. Mitt- IFOR SALE HOUSES GARDENS Llvinf Roon witb Fireplace. Oood Full Basement wiLh Auto OH Heat Lot has fin lawn and hruba. carry an FHA. loan of M. 500 00. McKILLOP Phon 38B30 Phone 31343 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. UcOandlUb.,1127 ft 35 Po 1-8147 al53 PETS ROLLER CANARV birds. 110.00. Ph. 25929 ecl&T HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt. 1, Box 103 DD. staytoQ. Near auction house. eel 54 FOR SALE ti-rood home only: Red fe male cocker spaniel pup, 3'i mo. old. pure-bred without papers, verv small and frisky. 3130 North River road af ter 8:30 p.m. week days; all day week ends. 153 Pl'RE BRED collie puppies 120 each. Ph. 3-5153. silverton rd. it McCain ave., rt. 7. box 404, ecl50 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. If IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, la-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 3353 Dallas collect. Summer rates. eel 60 PHILLIPS BROS. Old ftr. oak. Ph. 68F22. YEW WOOD posts to anchor potts, any dia. or length. Rt. 3. Box 141. Dallas. eel 53 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 27442 We give S A H Oreeo Stamps Green 16 in. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph. '6444 FOR SALE POULTRY SEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Tburs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE PIE CHERRIES U-plck 5c per lb. Last picking, Friday to Sat. only. Br inn your own containers. Go to Pen 4 Corners, turn right ml. to Maeleay Rd. Out 3 ml. on left. R. M. Livesley. Rt. 5 Box 476. Phone 22F5. ffl50 TA KING OR- D E R S for cultivated wild mountain black berries. O - W Gronke. 1055 Hunt St. block EtyyM Hollvwood theater. Ifl49- GOOD QUALITY MARSHALL BTRAW- BfcKHIfcS U-PICK AT 8c LB. GO N. ON 99E TO TOTEM POLE. EAST l'i MILES TO NEXT 4 CORNERS NORTH ON VAN CLEAVE RD. V, MILE. PH. 26165 OR 31907. ALVIN VAN CLEAVE. ffl4S MOUNTAIN GROWN Strawberries. Sweet as honey. U-plck. 10 miles southeast of Silverton at Drakes crossing on Silver rails men way, star Rt. Silverton. Wil liam C. Bankston. ffisi STRAWBERRIES, you pick. 8c lb. This week only. Oood berries. R. P. Barnwell. 4930 N. River Rd., Keizer. ffl&l ROYAL ANN cherries. TJ pick, Sc lb. i ml. S. 4 -Corners. First house on Haier St. fflSO Currants, U Pick, 8c lb. I mile east to north of Keizer Archie Claggett Rt. I, Box 43 ffl5l RASPBERRIES. Frigaard'a Fruit Stand. mi. n. n.eizer ecnooi. rn. II171 RASPBERRIES 82.00 crate. Rt. 2. Box 'rin cnemawa. Ph. 2-1388. rri69" FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered"!!--$2 Ph. Cherry 21532. ffl52 STRAWBERRIES -U-pteli 10c Br Inn conT tamers. Out Silverton Rd 3'i ml. to Middle Grove School. Turn right " ml Herr to Riensche ff U-Pick. 10c 4. Box 1010. lb. Rt. ROYAL ANN CHERRIES. U-Pick, 5c per lb. Ph. 36973 after 8 p.m. ff 149- IMPROVED Willamette raspberries. Ph. 2-4370 3745 Brook street. ffl53 RASPBERRIES' PICK 10c Rt. 3, Box442 't mi. W. of 99E on Chemawa cutoff road. ff 153 CHERRIES. Royal Anne pie cherries. 5c ib U pick. J. C. Savage at Wa conda. Ph. 3-1344. Ifl53 lOt' PICK CHERRIES 3c )b. Rovi and pie cherries. J. C. O Reillv. Box 892 Near Pr Ingle school south. M153' M RsHALL strawberries U pick 5c lb. Ex cel. picking Wed. As Thurs. Joe Henny box 216 One mile east of Brook mill north. fuso' CI'RHENTS U pick. 6 mi. north on 99E. Ph. Mil- fflftO HELP WANTED CIIKRRV. RIRRV. BEAN pickers. 13 yrs and over, la join platoon call Mrs. Wal ter Germain. Ph. 2-4544. a 149' ST K A RFRK Y "har es t U n ot" over. Pick" ers needed. 5c lb. Stanley Sneed. Rt. 2. Box 4S0. ' mile west of Portland high way on Chemawa cutoff road. On Keizer Chemawa bus line. gl52 WANTED Cherrv Pickern: 5 mi. of Salrrr Orchard Helvhts Rd Star! Phone 17F12. James Beit, Rt. I. Box 622 (149 " HFRRV PICKFRS, good crop, now pok ing. A.ptnwall Orchards at Brooks I'. SO WANTED CIItRRY pickers Tor yoana Roval Ann orchard 3c per lb 3'i miles south of Liberty on Sxyllne Rd. Carlton HELP WANTED MALE I XP. COiT accountant Must be qualified to f inure factory lob costs. Excellent opportunity for rieht person. Ores on Flax Textiles West F'tlem tall!) HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPFRICNf 'FD OFFICE girl for saw mill Located Turner. Ore. Ph. 30064 Salem or Turner 1125 gb-l5'. I.I 7IFRS COMFTICV Disrt:buTorj want" eel If interesied in earn:na over 150 per week Ph. 36337- 8 to am. and 5 I to a p m abi54 1 WOMAN ORglrPforhouaework695""N" 1 Liberty. Call morning. gblSl : MTFMiGRPHir acanciernfVw-ex:tln i several S:are Dent at lunlor and sen I :or levels Starling salary 1180 and 1195 per mo. respective!. 40 hrs week Ap I p; leant m-.ist have an examination 1 ahtch U now open Cen;ftcaiion to a I post'. on ran be anticipated ;n two or three weets. AdpIt Slate Civil rvice Commission. 444 Center Sr. ibllO' HOI HE KFFPKR Ta n t ed M us t "Ti kV ri I U I d;en At be efficient At reliable Board, I room to good wasei. Ph. 3-t31t after 10 tbl0 ; EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFI1CI AND C18RICAL POSITION! CON FACT Commercial Placement Agency 300 Stat ftt. ptl t-i4aa. rr WANTED SALESMAN N rXPlRIINCFD Real F.'t 'esasm7n IAn excellent onportuntt for tne mht party. Writ Boa ALL. Capital Journal gal- WANTED SALESMEN SERVICE SALESMAN To line up heating repair lobs for our servio dept. A good paying opportunity for a man who wants to prepart himself for advancement security. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. World's La r rest Purnaco Installer 320 Kearney St. agl43' STERLING INSURANCE company wants representatives to wr:t lifetime benefit accident and health, blanket doctor bill Insurance, and lift. Good future for right men. or women. For appointment phone Salem: 3-4BB4 or 3-7393. tilbl MEN OR WOMEN with car. Not house to house. Excellent pay. Full time. Ph. 38741 for a p'pt. car 1 49) Help Wanted X need 8 men part-time who want 175 per month extra Income for 3 evenings Interesting work each week. We train you. Call Ur. Glrtman. 34511 between 8 30 and 10 a m. only. galal' WANTED Pt5smONs'"' "J WE BUILD A; repair house. Ph. 3-0341. MSI CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. h CHILD CARE. 183 8. IBtb. Ph. 3-8876. hl71 9 Y PING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. M70 SERVICE STATION attendants, full or part time. Ph. 16803. hi 50 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. Ph. 8-7533. hl66 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-05 BO. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 hl66 PRE-DENTAL student needs steady job for the summer with part time work eiter school starts. Phone 1-2828 after 5:30 p m. hl4B CEMENT CONTRACTING. Best finish work in town, by Journeyman. All work guaranteed. Call Frank, 38110. M52 IRONING, my home, 75c hr. Ph. 2-6897. hl52 MOWING to RAKING. New nowar mowr Ph. 3-7133 or 3-1404. hl51 ORDERS TAKEN for needlepoint. Write Capital Journal Box 424. hl50 CHILD CARE, day time. 5 day a week Moderate rates. Ph. 2-5117. hl50' CUSTOM HAY bale Inf. rake with Job. also will mow. Ph. 27103 hl62 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after S. hl74 CHILDCAttE DAYS. Ph. 3-6611. hl50 aey building. Ph. 3-4389. Fret estimates hl61 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 hl61" LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting In new ones. Ph 2-2608. hlS8 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision Ph. 29315 or 33897 eve. hl58' POE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower prices, ooa n, mm. pn. 3-3643. hl55' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- jie. former pnone opr. fa. 3-3073, nioa- LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilling. New lawn, tree wqr. wicnaro noyer. pn. i-tno, IU49' AUTO PAINTING Just a ahada better by Ray Btter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-0101 FOR RENT ROOMS 3 BDRMS. Ground floor. Modern home. on ous jine. pn. J-7B90. 745 Hood before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Jkiso HOLLYWOOD rms. 3088 McCoy. Phone -uuj. 11171 sleeping Boom, ph. 2-4335. jkiiT- LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle- man. iu.w montn. Ph. -S02S. Jkl50 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 3-3161. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT, all modern, nicely furn ished, very attractive and close In for 1 or 2. 468 N. Winter. Ipl49 3 RM. APT. Priv. bath. gar. If desired. rn. jjij. JpiSl WILL RENT to middleaged lady. lovely furnished apt. tn exchange for light work. Phone 2-1050. JplSl MODERN 2 RM. furn. apt. Utility furn. Ph. 2-9138. Jpl49 FURNISHED APT. 3 rooms & bath. Apply Hollywood theatre. JP149 SMALL CLEAN furn. apt. 350 B. Cottage JP149 FURN. APT. to sleeping rms. with kitchen privileges. 1935 N. Capitol. JP149 ATTRACTIVE small apt. for 1 or 2 girls Reasonable. 435 N. Winter. Jpl49 RM. FURN APT. Elec. stove. I or 2 ad ults.. West Salem. Ph. 2-8626. Jpl49 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. cool, comfort- iDie. uio&e in. Adults. 1434 Ferry. Jpl49 S RM. APT. Partly furn. Ph. 3-3530. Jpl49" CLOSE IN. Cozy 1 rm. apt. with electric range, refrlg., daveno. 535 N. Winter. JP149- I RM. turn. apt. Bath to outside ent. ISO. 5B4 N. 12th. Close In. JplSO t RM. APT. close In. Private bath. Adwlta only. 160 8. Cottaae. jplSO FOR RENT HOUSES RM. MOD. furn. cottage. Ph. 36618 Jml49 CtX'PI.E WITH I CHILD wants 1 or 2 bdrm. house. Furn. or partly furn. In or out of Salem. Reasonable rent. Ph. 3-7764 Mn. Crawford. JmlSl HOUSE ON Fairmont HUI furnished. 1135 per month on least. 387 N. Huh. Jml49 FURN. COTTAGE. 3216 Portland Rd. Jml71 iMALL MOD. house. Poss. Aug. 16th. Ph 37098 JmlSl SPARKLING NEW 1 BR. unfurnished duplex, all electric, convenient location, 175 00. Phone J-3649 JmlSO EW I B.I, hse. Vacant June 23. Phone 41 Jml49 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month In rour home No extra charge for delivery to pickup of machine 16 00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166 EXCELLENT LOCATION for Used Car lot or dr:ve-in Only 150 month. Long lease available. Phone 2-7301. )HB OFFICE spaces and deik apaeea. Ph. t.HKr;. GROUND FLOOR rooms. u1 table for of Lee or stores STATE FINANCE CO Ph. 14121 J U DRIVE trucks cars Ph 3-9103 ' POWER TOOL rentaU Tor homa , dustnai use 9owser Bros Ph 8-3646 r BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. ) GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff. Montgomery TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er. We eli everything to complete the Job. HOWSFR BROS -Ph 9-S4 1" WANTED TO RENT WtNTtn BY governor'! new executive tec re: art. Two or three bedroom house to lea 1. Southilde location preferred. Micht conlcer Portland-Salem home twap Tom Lawion McCall. 3304 SW Mitchell. Portland. Tel. BR 8714. Ial54 COUPLE A N D Y R OLD ehild nrm'tn Or need partly furn 1 or 3 bdrm. duplex or house. Ph 1-1435. JalSl WNT TO BENT: Small farm 00 share Write Capital Journal Box 413 Jn 151 LOC 4L buslnes man desires to leas t S room modern suburban view bom with some acreage. Micht conatdtr option to bur. Adu'it family. Will pay f. month rent tn advance If desirable. Can 3-4016 or Ire. t-Uli. J149 8 BDRM f irn or partly tutu drea. m Simpson. . ehll )alM WANTED TO RENT 3-BDRM. HOl'SE. Will furn. damage bond if dcilred. Phone 3-3253 or 3-7932. Jal49 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A ROOM. 495 N Cottage. JJ154 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Olrl'a light blue one-piece bath ing suit. Between 4th e Ollngcr pool Monday. Ph. 2-3157. kl50 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' batter. 484 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. ml56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 RR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial Bta. SALEM Phone 3-3311 bb HAVE YOUB SINGER Sewing machine repaired by qualified Singer rcpreten ta' e. Ph 8-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on alt make of ma chine. Pre estimate given before work U started. Blngej Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'I m BUILDING MATERIAL AETNA STEEL Door Frames Assembled, one unit. Low installation eost. PUM ILITE - West Salem. ma 149 REINFORCING 8TE EL! Blok-Mesh In 4". 6 ". 8 - Ac 13" Widths. PUMLLTTE. West Sa lem. ma 149' CHIMNEY BLOCKS At Foundation Blocks. PUMILITE, West Salem. ma 149 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you com pie t fJ4 BTALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide rang of color. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 8-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM, OREGON ma DOORS. INTERIOR l panel doors, at the great apeclal purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16.60 each. Keith Brown, Fornt to Court Sts.. Salem. ma" ALUMINUM ROOFING 1 ft. width la the following length! 8- 11.74 r 2.32 10 2 .90 13" 8.48 Ask about Installation service UONTOOMERY WARD es CO. SALEM, OREGON ma NEW WINDOWS and frames. Hundred of sash. New first quality doors, 16.50; screen door 16.50 up. in. firteg 5c ft. Used window creeru, your choic 25c. Oak flooring and all thicknesses of Plywood. Used toilets and lava selrot.C. Plywood. Used toileu and lavatories. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 ml N. of Keizer. mal54a CEMENT MIXER for rmt. Ph. 3-9409! mal69 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 3 $3 cedar wall shake and undercourse, 112.80 painted. No. 1 un painted 19.00. No. 1 $8.50. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 3-1196 ma" SHEETROCK, new shipment. H" V, See ua for new low eaah nHm ar.itt. Brown, Front It Court, ma ALU MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE The modern permanent roof lng. Be your dealer or Call Dial 3-8401. mat 58 NEW SHIPMENT plast board. V 64ci to a. ft. Rock lathe, 44 aq. ft, MONTGOMXRT WARD. IALZM PJL!iLsltAN CRAFTSMAN JIG SAW, 7" bench aw, Vt ' --. ' "U"-UI' "w new. Kt. J, Box 875. nia; ., ' " wi- aitacnments, 812. 00. Mrs. J. p. Foley, Ph. 3-3674. nl5l XM AMP A r .LH. i.iu " - wemma taoie. woirr uui press with mo tor. Airco welding outfit, 9803 handle x tip. 1 stage oxygen. 2 stage acetyhne. 50 ft. hose. Combination cutting attach ment tips. Acetylln welding table Marco flexible shaft 4 hp. with Hhp motor 8300. 997 N. 1st, Woodburn, Ore D151 xpnnr, mm. n; 1 Z. . t. . . - , ,T ' "" mapie nnish. uii or twin siae, Blond drop leaf extension table. 2 pedestal, 3 leaves. 86 . . m ki i jcai, DO in. xt., 79 50. Chair to match. 811.95 We give BAH Oreen Stamp. Salem Homa Purn. Co.. 137 B. Commercial. nlil . w m i.nAin, saapie iin- imu iuts, spring iiuea cusnion. Home spun covers. Reg. 159. 50, reduced to 189.88. Love seat and chair, reg. $139.50, special 369.88. Green Stamp. Salem Home Purn. Co., 137 . Commercial. nisi" FOUR 14 ft. and two 12 ft. eherrr latter, ur iriiuDc. wuoo. oonoition, 8 15. Ph. 2-2066 eve. n 149 FOR SALE: Johnson t horse motor. Cur rent model Just broken la. priced for quick sale. Phone 2-3907. iai FOR SALE: Aster plants, 25c par doien, 943!!, r.nlr Dh at it SALEM SAND Aj GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Dltehln Bewer es Basement Equipment Rental i -u' 13 M P -. 10 8- yd. 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat to Doter 10.50 per nr. D-6 Cat A Doter I 40 per hr. D-4 Oat At Dose 1 7,00 pi hr. Phona Day 8-9408 Evea. 3-834 or 3-4408 balem Oregon n I'SED sewing machine. Ph. 3313B. niaa FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingle. 6, Box 118. Ph. 88F23. D FULLER brushes. 1745 Orant. Ph. 38357. ni56 STEEL clothesline posts. 111 & up. Rail- iu ioc. ropper lantern At vane at reduced prices. 1143 N Liberty. nl53 GAS RANGE. Ph. 2-66IL jTilo AUCTION FRIDAY JUNE 24, 8 P. M. Furniture, tool, miscellaneous of kinds. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Road GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson Appiiano at otvtirta 14 CL. FT. CHEST freeser New 1330 00. Ph. 8-4284. n. NEED A cheap battery? Six month guar. i-uii!. uip. 1 sue. lass exehance. Retread Tire Service, 220 So. Lancaster nl73 COMPLETE CAMPING and fishing out in. oiiapaiDie camp trailer, sleep 4. Boat to motor, must be seen to be ap preciated. 1139 Union. nl49 CHERRY GROWERS attention Two 14-ft. laaoer iu eacn. one extension ladder, 19 ft sections. $25. In good condition. If nil arejeken. $37.50. P.i. 2-0146. SIN(;FB Sew Machine, Frlgtdalre. Zenuh Radio. 2 Cameras 830. Ladics5-Men a WrUt Watch. 32 and SB Colt. 22 Rifle, Two-Wheel Trailer. 594 N. Liberty. n!49 LOOKING FOR A VACUUM CLEANER f ny ouy someone else's old headache. Stop in at your local Bear tor and see the BRAND NEW Kenmore line. Price start al 39 96. Phone 39191 for a demonstration In your own horn, day or evening. ("Champion " niso PBUNE DBYEB Equipment. Incladw 30 H P. electric motor, new Miller traylna machine. Sturdevant fan and other equipment Call or see J. J. Foster. 840 I St Telephone l-MM. a 14 CHEAP. CHOICE light weight topping lattera for theme. Oregon Fuel Co. mitt HO GAUGE model railroad equipment, Q new. Alio men a balloon tire bike, fair condition. Call 3-3244 between t m. and noon. Ask for BUI. nut WALLTNO BAND GRAVEL CO CRUSHED BOCK tor rood and driveways cement, ready mix eonertte, garden sand. Bnlldoainf. dramaae and elltching. w-rd. abeval and drag Una Ph. 2-9349. MUST SELL T ft. ), rtfrM. Best eajih (fer. Ph. rrots. ma GARDEN SAND, gravel crushed rock. Shovel drag-itne excavating, WALL INO SAND At GRAVFl CO Ph 8-0249. (Continued on Page 23) i