Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 23, 1949, Page 21, Image 21

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Passenger Ship Hits Mine, Sinks Survivors of the Belgian
passenger ship Princess Astrid, which sank after hitting a mine
in the English channel off Dunkerque, France, crowd rescue
vessel as it comes alongside the stricken steamer. Five per
sons were killed and 10 injured among the 283 passengers
and crewmen aboard the cross-channel ship. (Acme Radio-Telephoto)
Second School
Election Set
Dallas A second special
school election, calling for a
bond issue of $15,000 has been
set by the Buell school district
board for an addition to the
school. The date of the election
will be July 12 at the school
house. First election, held last Tues
day, June 14, resulted in a 14
to 14 tie. In the case of a tie it
is necessary to call a second
According to the directors, a
basement room has been con
demned and the school faces loss
of basic support funds unless the
condition is remedied.
While only 28 voters cast bal
lots at the special election to im
prove the school, the district
voted three to one agiffhst con
solidation with Sheridan recent
ly. Should the special issue be
defeated, it may become neces
sary to transport students to an
other district. Kenneth Stewart
is chairman of the district.
Catholic Daughters
Install Officers
Stayton The annual install
ation of officers was held by
state Grand Regent. Mrs Rose
Bell Abbey assisted by Clarice
Lindeman at the Forester hall.
Those seated were: Grand Re
gent, Mrs. Hattie Samek; Vice
Grand Regent, Miss Hilda Kra
m; Prophetess, Peggy Manley;
Historian, Jane Cook; Financial
Secretary, M a r j o r i e Kerber;
Treasurer. Bertha Gehlen: Lec
turer, Alice Fehlain; Monitor.
Jesse Juel; Sentinel. Dorothy
Minten; Trustees, Mary High
berger, Justin Goreman.
A pin was presented to Maud
een Roble for one year service
as councelor of the Junior Cath
olic Daughters, by Hilda Kranz,
who, In turn received a Past
Grand Regent pin.
It was decided to sponsor a
boy between the ages of six
and eight for a "Jack-and-the-Beanstalk"
candidate, the fea
ture attraction of the coming
bean festival.
It was also decided to enter
a float again in this year's pa
rade during the festival.
The Catholic Daughters will
also participate in a "Joy for
Toys" drive, repairing toys and
dills for the needy children in
Europe in affiliation with the
Knights of Columbus.
A luncheon was served and
prizes awarded to Emma Crease
and Peggy Manley.
The next meeting will be the
annual picnic in the pork July
Donald Low Receives
University Degree
Woodburn Donald E. Low,
son' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Low of Woodburn, received his
bachelor of science degree dur
ing graduation ceremonies at
the University of Oregon June
He was a member of the 1940
graduating class from the Dallas
high school. He entered the
University of Washington, after
spending five years in the serv
ice, in March 1948 as a fresh
man in business administration,
and entered University of Ore
gon in the fall of 1947 where he
majored in personnel manage
ment, completing his bachelor
requirements in December 1948.
He is a member of Pi Kappa Phi
social fraternity and Beta Gam
ma Sigma, national business ad
ministration honorary. He is
now associated with the Weyer
hauser Timber Co., In Spring
field, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Low of
Woodburn and Mr. and Mrs. E.
G. Rutledge of McCoy and Mrs.
Donald Low were in Eugene for
the graduation. Mr. and Mrs.
Rutledge are the parents of Mrs.
Donald Low.
ny last month, where they had
been stored for drying at the
L. E. Snell company. McGuire
pointed out . that rolling logs
must be dry and light as possi
ble to provide a faster rolling
Contests will be held at the
east end of Waverly lake, begin
ning at 1 p.m. July 3 and 4. Con
testants from all over the coun
try will compete for more than
$2000 in prizes and awards.
Average meat consumption bv
Americans in 1920 was 135
pounds, about 10 pounds less
than in 1948.
Climbing Poles
Are Received
Albany Arrival of two 110
i foot Douglas fir poles for use
I in speed climbing and topping
I contests for the 1949 Timber
Carnival was scheduled for
i Wednesday at the Waverly lake
'site, according to Keith Mc
jGuire. in charge of securing
The tall forest giants were se
cured from the Upper Soda re
gion of Linn county by John
Freeman of Lebanon.
Measuring 30 inches at the
base and 16 inches at the top,
trees that meet requirement for
the world championship events
are hard to find, Freeman re
ports. Four logs averaging 12 feet
in length and about 16 inches in
diameter have been donated for
the log rolling contests by the
Springfield PI y w o o d corpora
tion and were brought to Alba-
To relieve rinfuWalln-, burn
ing or lwidwaM oo bottom of ft
mnd renvivfj ptlious rt thw
mm. ooininf. eiMi.ionu, Da.rU
Notlc Hereby ilven that th common
council of the city of Stlem, Oregon
deem It necMaarjr and txpedtent tnc
hereby declare lu purpose nd In tent lop
to Improve Juoo Street from tht north
lino of Center Street to a point which If
73 feet north of the north line of Great
Street tn the City of 81 em, Marlon Coun
ty, Oreton, at Ui expense of the abut'
tins and adjacent property, except the
street and alley Intersections the expense
of which will be assumed by the city of
Salem, by brlntlnc satd portion of saM
street to the established trade, eon
struct lm cement concrete curbs, and Pac
ini aald portion of said street with i
24 Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement I
feet wide in accordance with the plan
and specifications therefor which were
adopted bT the common council June IS
19. which are now on file In the office
of the city recorder and which by this
reference thereto are made a part hereof
The common council hereby declares Itt
purpose and intention to make the above
described improvement by and through
the street Improvement department.
By Order of the Common Council June
II, 1949.
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof Is June
19, 1949.
June 15,16. 17. lfl, 20. 21. 33, 23.. 35.97th,
Notice hereby Is siren that the com
council of the city of Salem, Oregon.
deems It necessary and expedient and
hereby declares its purpose and Intention
to improve the wruterly alley in Block 1.
The Oaks Addition, from the north line
of Belmont Street to the south line o
Market Sreet. m the City of Salem. Mar
.on County, Oreiton. at the expense of the
abuttlna and adjacent property, except
i trie alley intersection the expense o
.which will be assumed by the city of Sa
I lem. by brlrwlm said alley to the estab-
t .IfhrQ trade, and ravine mid alley w)tt
a 8-tnch Portland concrete cement pave
! ment 10 fort wide, in accordance w!tt
the plans a::d specifications therefor
which were adopt rd by the common
.-ouncil June 13, 1D4B. which are now on
file in the office of the clt recorder
and which bv this reference thereto are
made a pnrt hereof.
Th common council hereby declares IU
purpose and Intention to rrit.k the anc
descrlbrd Improvement bv and through
the street Improvement department.
By order of the Common Council June
is, m
ALFRED MI'NDT. City Recorder
Date of fJr.u publication hereof is June
IS, 1919.
June I5.18.t7 IB. 70 31 ,32 2V 34. IS 37th, 1040
Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 194921
Rayon Satin Gown
This beautiful gown looks so much
more expensive than this sale price. V
neck gown of luxurious rayon satin
with rich cotton lace trimming. Sur
plice V-back, full gathered bust and
easy-fitting bias cut skirt that falls in
graceful folds.
White, Blue and Tearose in All Sizes
Reg. 4.98
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Vhen 0lier tan
remedies Arr.arine Mirc?. fot tout
years in C!vn No rratw w;-h
aL.xentj jou are arfitcted- disorder
ln;tu r.esri .ing. .uer tidnen
cas. Lon.'tlpat:on u.cera. dlnhe tea
meumatif ai. and bladder, fever
k'.n. 1-ma.e con.pia.u.
Offtre Hnari !
Toes and Sat Only
i4 N Commercial
Phone tlRM
Cotton Batiste Gown
Reg. 2.98, now
Pink or blue flowered gowns in cotton
batiste. Square neckline and cap
sleeves. Bias cut skirt ties in back.
Large sizes.
Now 77
f "'
7, a-
Belle Passi Chapter
Holds Park Picnic
Butteville The Daughters of
the American Revolution of
"Belle Passi chapter held their
annual picnic of the year at hi
toric Champoeg park with a pot
luck dinner served at noon. The
first meeting of the fall will be
with Mrs. Florence Butterfield
at Woodburn. Members and
guests at the picnic were Mrs
Tom Hunt, Mrs. Don O'Leary
and son, Donald, Mrs. Drexel
White. Mrs. Berna Pomeroy.
Mrs. A. G. Douglas, Mrs. Karl
Engelman, Mrs. Ann Jack, Mrs.
Claude Brown, Mrs. Florence
Butterfield. Mrs. Amy Harding,
and Mrs. Hattie White.
Total meat consumption In the
United States in 1948 was about
21 3 billion pounds.
tUD THIS! When ftrtirt tirad indKbmcl
II. Ba.h. with Concur. Snap. 2. Mi Mar -with
Caticur. Ototmr.L S. Durt Culicura I
Ttdoim betn to, and into ahora. T r
mcuticura i
Bearings finally do wear out
Though they're made of the hardest steel.
Better drive in and tell us about
Any knock or a wobbly wheel.
Perhaps you would like to have us take over the problems
of repairing your present car, and take delivery of a new
Buick ot the factory. You will save from $272 to $293,
and we con deliver o gorgeous new Buick for as low os
$2312, fully equipped.
388 North Commurcial St.
Phone 2-3621
Bright Print
Scarf Favorites
Reg. 98c
Generous in size ... in
teresting patterns ot
this one low price.
Made of spun rayon.
Gay floral challis prints
in ossorted colors. All
ready to moke the
most of you. See them
today ot Sears.
Re. SHc long whit
acarfs now 49c
V ,
Rayon Crepe Gown
Reg. 4.59, now 77
Beautifully foshioned of soft draping
rc,.'jn crepe that lounders so easily.
In dainty fl-.rol prints anrl plain colors.
V neck l:nr arvl bia-, cut sk irt. Pink and
L , in c,'. .i ted s; cs.
Reg. 3.98 Rayon Knit Gownt now 1.77.
White, blue or pink, lace trim. Large
Shop until
9:00 P.M.
Gtod and ccm y i If i-it'T , . . n t;i y.
t;rvicrci(;lp cotton KmioJ' 1 ;t
mQTMrj. Blur ! r . j , ,, ,, ... : j
Large iit'l rjnly. W, rt- J '-, r.'.-f
COTTON U.'.'iO;; SUiiS
I 'r 'j v-'vripq rih V n t - t
t',n suits, I - j 1 1 ; y l:rc , , ). ,
warmth, stlc'l far I f . r n (it.
Wiiite, large s ;',,
1,9 : " j c
now a,
&fopaatataJ(n, pout mottey tact'
484 State Street Phone 3-9191
V i -
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